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Genuine Shapke Cap The Auto Traveling Cap For (PO or All Ladies, Colors. Social and Persona T'r.e most Important social ovcnl of to-.Ju;. will i?. ttifi celebration ot Ihq marriage of .Miss Mubej U. O'Ferrall und j. Btandford Jlutchesou. "f this ?ilty. The cremony will take place iii!? afternoon at I o'clock "n the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Taylor Thompson, In Farmvllle. Owing lb the riceht lllees of Miss O'Fcrrull the wedding win tuko place very quietly with only ib.- Immediate families and a few Iniltrfnto friends present at the ceromony. Mr. 11utchcsoii and his bride wllj leave at once tor .1 South cm wedding trip. The bilde is a daughter of the late Governor Charles 'i'. O'Ferrall, of Vir? ginia., nid made bei home In Kick* niond for a number of years. She be? long*, to one of the most prominent families in tlie "Stale and her wedding, though celebrated very quietly. Is one of the most Important society affair* of the late winter season. Mr. Hutchison Is a son of Mr. arid Mrs. J. A. Hutchct,oi!, of C<13 Floyd Avenue, and is well-known In club circles of Richmond. M rw. HrorI*r?hroiiKb'? Tee. Mr:'. Thomas ISrockchbrough. of ::*?:> Duniqp Flour The Flour That Gives Universal Satisfaction. All Winter Underwear tot men tremendously re? duced. 50c fleece lined and ribbed. .i9c. $1.00 grade, in white, gray or red, /9c. *? ? N. \V. Cor. Third and Broad. Big Winter Sale is INow on in Full Force. Cuff Pins Ml Uold. $1.30 l*nlr. The-e are not merely gold top. Plain and engraved. All finishes a?d de- j elgns Smith & Webster, Jeiveler?, Oil! Eaet Mnln Mrect. i 20%, 30%, 40%, DISCOUNT SALE AT JONES BROS. & Co., Inc., 1420 E. Main | J?rgens New and exclusive designs in Furniture- Covering in daily. J. B. Mosby & Co. Want Experienced Salespeople in all departments. Apply by letter only, stating salary expected and giving reference. SAME QUALITY EVERY DAY Monroe l'hll. Furniture, Carpets and Stoves Rothert & Co. 4th and Broad Purk Avenue, gave a very pretty too yesterday afternoon at -t o'clock tri honor of her guest, Mrs. It. 1>. Mc ?Mouth, of OH City, pa. Mrs. Droclccn hrough receive,) In a go\vn .,r white uutlii trimmed fn lace, und Airs. Clouth was gowned In pale blu< Charmeuse embroidered in silver. Mr* J. J. Sutton was at the punch howl and Mrs. Stuart Howe poured t.... alstlng Mrs. Brockenbrugh In receiving were .Mrs. Robert Pcgrarn. Mrs Thomas McAdame, Miss Cora Younger and .Mrs. Wei I ford Brockonbrough. Decorations were. In red flowcrl vuilot* Kntertnlncd. Mrs. George lildgo?d entertained at a small bridge party last night at her home, s;o Wecit Grace. Street, in honor of Miss Vandcrgrlft and Miss Florence McCarthy, c.r Philadelphia, who are '.icr guests. Decorations were in red hearts and vases u fred llowurs and supper was served at the curd tables. Mrs. Bid good Is also giving another little bridge party this morning for her guests. Misses Vnlidergrtfl and Mc< Jurthy. V. D. f.'. MeetloK. The Richmond Chapter, LnlteiJ (laughters of the Confederacy, met yesterday morning in Leo Camp Hall \vitb Mrs. Norman V. RauRblph pre? siding. At this meeting It was de? cided to create the office ?<( hlr-tot-lun for tho chapter and Mrs. J. tenders Robinson was elected till the new position. Tho duties of tho historian will he to arrange for Bevern I histori? cal overlings to bo held during tho' year. A "Who's-Who'- book, compiled un? der ihr. direction of Colonel Hilary llcrbprt, of Washington, tho profits of which are to go to the Arlington mon? ument Iund. received the undorsatl?n of the chapter. Mrs. K. W. William:, announced that a moonlight excursion will be given June 0, under her chairmanship, the proceeds to go to tht Shlloh monu? ment fund. To raise money for the r'llcf rund for Confederate women, an old-fashioned ball which will be a. j faithful copy of the ballB trom '41 to '85, was suggested by Mrs. W. R, Vaw? ter, who was inado chairman of a committee to perfect plans for such an entertainment. The following new members were re? ceived: Mrs. Ann? Leu Hurt, Mt?. Char? lotte B. Mllstead, Mrs. Lucy Harrison R?cker. Mrs. Clara Tdlldf erro Ed wards. Mrs. lella Sklpwith Harrison H?ge. Mrs. Avis Walker Carrlngton. Mrs. Jane Fisher Jones. Mrs. May Walton Kent. Mrs. Gertrude V, Bar num, Mrs. Nora Alice Phillips, Miss Salll* Grccnhow, MIhs Mary T. Oreeh how, Mrs. Mattle Llvcaay Redd, Miss Mary Cecelia Black. At Baltimore Dnncr. Miss Virginia Wbltely, of this city, and Miss Ashton Wilson, of Charleston. W. Vs., were among the out-of-town guests present at the ia?t of a series ot ; srermans given by the Junior Cotlli'on Club; in Baltimore. The dance took place Tuesday nia'at in Lehmann'? KB!'. 1 and a Pirgo contingent of the youngerj set attended. Mis. Whltely spends part of every year In Baltimore, and has been the recent guest of relatives here. Miss Wilson frequently visits in Richmond. Hnd spent most of the month of January at thu guest of her sitter, Mrs. C. Barksdale Latbrop. on West Affctiue. Prominent Engagement. Invitations have been received !r. Richmond from Mrs. John Cor.h?. Mau pln, Of Portsmouth, for the rr.UT'Uz- pi her daughter, Mary St. John McAlpine, and James lewis Hatton Nash, tho ceremony to take place on Wednesday evening. February 2?, at 6 o'clock, |n Trinity Church, Portsmouth. Miss Mauplli is a great-niece of Tames Madison Maeolt, of this city, ami is widely related'throughout the stato Her wedding Will b? a very Interesting soclnl event, an.] a number of Licli tnond people will to Pbrtsmoutli to attend the ceremony. Mrrilmn of Importance. The Southern Industrial and Educa- , tlonal Association will hold its regular monthl} meeting this morning at II 1 o'clock In the parlors of the Woman's Club. All members an urged to be, present at this meeting. The regular monthly meetins: of th? Commonwealth Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be held to-day at noon at the residence of Mrs. M. Alien Chambers, i\i Park Avohui. ' A full atlendanci I? desired. Interesting Lectures. Several very Interesting iicturog will be given this week. 'Blue Ridge j Breezes" will be the subject of a len- | tur* at Laurel street Methodist Epis? copal Church this evening at S o'cTocTt. The Rev. J. M. Rowland will lecture, nnd all interested are invited to at- j teltd. Another plc-asing affair wlfl take j place to-morrow at the assembly hall | Of Highland Park School when Mre. j W. R. Vawter wili lecture on "A Trip, to Yellowstone Park." Mrs. Vawter I has recently returned from an extend- | od stay in the West, and her lecture | Friday will bo 8 very delightful one. At the Japanese tea n.vec in the I parish house of Christ Church Friday t evening. Interesting features wilt be a reading be professor Cosby, vocal st - i lections, by Mrs. H. C. DUesberry, Sirs, j Grlrlln. Columbus Cane pa, Taylor Goe-de and others. Weekly Mcctlns. At t!;e regular weekly meeting of the Equll Suffrage league of Virginia to be hekl Saturday afternoon at I o'clock :r. league headquarters, SOO J East Broad Street. John W. Chalkley, of tilg Stone Gap. will give members! the pleasure of hearing him in a short | talk. Mr. Chillkley Is one of the ablest ni< moors Of this year's House of Delegates. The speech be made In be? half e.f equal suffrage at the hearing before the Senate committee last wec'.e delighted a very largo number of poo pie who heard it. The league, as a body, desires ail those wishing to near Mr. Chalkley again to have the prlvi- : lege of being present, so thai. noxt I Saturday's meeting will be open to the public, who Will receive a cordial wcl- ( come. V. W. C. A. Reception. The board of directors'of the Toung Women's Christian Association will lender h farewell reception to Miss Constance Mut-Corklt this afternoon! from ? to 7 o'clock at the Fern Leaf, corner of Fifth and Grace Streets. No j cards have been issued, hut a most j cordial invitation i3 extended to all , of Miss MacCorkle's friends in the city, i rnrd Tournament To-Nlgbt. The February card tournament will' be played this evening In the parlors of the Woman's Club, with bridge, whist n? the game. Tho usual rules concerning partners and tho register? ing of tables will be In force, and] members at. i <k?l ro register thc-lr | tables by 10 o'clock this morning. AT rule?White. Miss Mary McDonald White. daugh-| ter of Mrs. James B. Hill, of King WU- J Ham county, and Mark S. Neale, of I King William, were married yesterday I at 13 o'clock in tlie home of the Rev. ! JT. w. IIall,;2022 Taylor Street. The! bride was gowned In a blue traveling suit with hot to match. Those witnessing the ceremony -wore: j Mrs. W. T. Neale and Mlaa Lovelenc Neale, of King William, mother and j sister of the bridegroom; Mr. nnei Mrs. | .lames K Hill an,| Miss Lhtzle While and Carroll T. Neale;' of King Wil- ? Ham. and Mr. and Mrs William M. Adams, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Nealo .'eft at once to Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Roya! G rape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE pend their honeymoon in Newport Kews, :iu<l will later make their home in l?ancsvtllc. Dunce Tuesday, .. delightful dance iva.- given at the Masonic Hull Tuesday evening. Some of those dancing Included Missen Kuth Bears, N*o volte Lipscombe, Dorothy Mason, Annie and Arncdii Christian, Annie lludgths, Mamie Jewel, India Morris; and Messrs, Herbert and Theo dori Francis, John Kay, Joe Atkinson, IM ward ftiegory, Billy Macknamara, ltlchnrd Hudglns, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, ami Mrs. Peroe. Reception to Cant or. Tho hoard of Bio wards and Indien Of Union .Station Methodist Church ten? dered their new pastor and wife, Itev. and Mrs. \V. II Edwards, D. D? an Informal reception Tuesday evening. February 13, from t' to 11 o'clock, In "rd<-r that they iniiiht meet the mem? bers of their congregation. Tho church and reception rooms wire beautifully decor tiled in palms and cut flowers; earrylng out the color scheme, pink and green. Each organ iz.:t.on of the church was represented by tri- following, wh<> made short ad dresses of welcome to their pastor and Wife, and Dr. Edwards responded In hi" Jovial and attractive mn.nnef. if A. Mare, cluiirmnn board of stew? ards: Clarence Hughes, Young Mens Brotherhood; Walter .!. Heckler, Sun? day' school; Waverly Smlthers, <:hoir; O. E. Parrlsh, Bates's Bible clans. John Stewart, Monday night clasp; .lohn Flournoy, Voung Men's prayer-meetlng, and Mrs. Archer Creeltmore, from the ladles. A short, Im', enjoyable, musical pro HER HAPPINESS CHEAPLY BOUGHT Only a Few Dollars Was the Price This Georgia Lady Paid For Relief From Sickness, Trouble and Worry. Macori, Ga.?"I never knew what hap? piness was," writes Mrs. C. l:. Asper, of thi? place, "for I wai always sick and complaining, and made myself unhappy and others as well. .Ml ir different now. And when I think j abe-ui it, this chance to happiness wasn't so hard to accomplish, after all, and only cost mc the price of a few bottles of Car-1 dui, the woman's tonic. For eight years I suffered with female | ?.roubles of the most awful kind. At time; I thought I would go crazy, and I was very weak. Hut since I have been taking Cardni I in I ;it well as I ever did in my life. Cardiii surely cured me. and I shall never tire pi singing its praise. 1 ahl to thankful for what it has done lor tue." All women suffer at timer Iron pain and weakness, and, us a result, arc unhappy. If you arc a woman you need at such tirni what all women ncc-d, a tonic?| Cardui. the woman's tonic. Cardui acts on llie cause of the trouble. By so doing it helps to make \uu well. Take Cardui fur health and happiness. You will never iegret it. X. 11.?Write to Ladies' Advisory Dept., ] Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, I Tcnn., lor Special Instritdiom and M-page ! book, 'Home Treatment for Women,' sent in plain wrapper on request. RECEPTION Velvet Satins, S3.50 and $4 QEYMOURWCLE 201 E. Broad! Magnificent sbowlngB of Fine Furs. | Coats, Suits and Hate. G'.vs surprising relief in Uric Acid Ailment* Very efficient for Indifevtlon and as a Lax? ative. At 1'ruBrlatB?10c 25c, 50o. HAVE TUU SEEN New Method Gas Ranges AT Pettit & Co.'s? Ask Grocers, Druggists Dai\sr51 k POMPEIAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Genuine?Pure?Healthful Special 0{{ciu\-* ...., GiwOf ~yoin Jloiwslt RYAjSloSNIirHS . KIG STORE ' T?? A-XEfttCAM AKt>?jOTKBWM AT?!? Kram was rendered while daihtv re? freshments were served Those takinc? pari wem Misses Viola Deacont. M Sue llogan and M?ble Hull Krc-d ti Mi,.^ Jr., Aubrey Cosby. V averly RmtthcrH and Sncdker, with Miss Mma C?sby as accompanist. Mr. Hughes, in behalf of the ladles presented Mrs. l?dward with o beautl rui blooming asalea. Dr. Edwards was assigned to Union Station in November by the nnutial conference, coming from the presiding, eldership of the Eastern Shore District, rhey have already won the hearts of enoli and .very mcmbci <?'. their . gregatlon. Those on the receiving commute ? were Mcsdames O. i;. Pnrriah. Adam Diacont. Isaac Davenport, T. P. Mur? doch, Henry Hare and [?'Itzhugh Brauer. >Hm?i Kramer Weds. A pretty wedding took place at ;.3rt this evening in Ho- parlors of Rev. .1 .1. Howler, of St. Peter's Catholic Church, With Rev. Father Mngrl officiating. In the presence of a few relatives arid friends Miss Mullle Kramer was united In marriage to Louis J. Gleilmo. Miss Ivey .Volte. nlcc< o! Mi?s Krit mer, acted as bridesmaid, and Raphael I Gle.llrno. brother ol thi groom, as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Gleilmo left on tho *:20 train for Washington, Baltimore And other cities. They will be at home to their many friends after February is. In and Out of Town. Miss Rosalie Mllr.:? has gone to Charlotte. N. C. whcr.j she will be the guest of Mre. Brevard Miller for two weeks Miss Mary Satutders and he- brother, Richard Snunders, will leave Friday week for a stay In Bermuda. MfSs Kitty Lancaster has returned to Richmond, after visiting friends in Halifax. Mrs. Alexander Brown, of New York, is spending some time here at tho Jef? ferson Hotel. Mrs. Bertram Chesterman, who ha* been u'. St. Luke's Hospital for some ?Imo. is now visiting h?r parents on Park Avenue, where she is slowly im? proving. Mies Kuthcrlno Barton, who has bun visiting In Richmond, bus returned to Plkesvitlc, Md. Miss Chloe Tyler f'ook*. of Balti? more, who has been the guest of Mlas Elizabeth Cock a, is now visiting Mira Isdibolle Curtcr. M ss Rebecca Gordon has recently visited friends in Danville for several days. 11ai.;..-.?Olcasun. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. ] Charlotteavllla, Vs., February it? Clarence Livingston Hawkins And Miss Lizzie Stuart Gleason were married at 1 6:80 o'clock this gvenlng at the. rest-, dance ot the bride's father, Henry M. I Gleason. on Ridge Street, the ceremony being performed by Rev. GUby C. I Kelly, D. D.. of the First Methodist Church. Hope Gleason. of Ashcvllle, ! N. C, brother of Lhe bride, was best man. and the bridesmaids were Miss Llllle Glesson, slstor of the bride, and Miss Emms Jones, of Berryyllle. Ths bride was given away by her father. Mr. and Mr- Hawkins lett on the 7:10 train over tho S?utb?rh for New Yni!:, where they will spend two weeks. I They wlli be at home ir. this city aftsr [March 1. A delightful reception was tendered the bri'ial party lent night af I the homo of the bride. Among the out-of-town rrueMs were Miss Besst) Chappell, of Richmond, and M-.-rtlu Hawkins, of Alexandria. Va Vla?Lovegrove. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. J j Chs'rlottesvllle. Va.. February 14.? i Herbert J. Via, of Washing ton, D. C.,1 private .secretary to the general pas-| denser agsnt of the Southern Railway., and Mica Halll^ Lovegrove, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs J. W. Lovegrove, or this city, were married at S o'clock thV* evening at the bride's home on Ridge Street, thi Rev. George L. Petrle. D. j L?., of the Presbytcrtan Church, olh-; elating. Miss Madeline Lovegrove, sis? ter of the bride, was maid of honor,, and the best mar. was Dr. Hugh D. Via, I of this rity. brother Of the groom A reception followed the cirenwny, after' which Mr. and Mrs. Via took the Southern train for a trip of two weeks to Florida and Cuba. They will be at, home In Washington after March 1. CIRCUIT COURT REVERSED Federal fourt of ApPeal? ReuiumU C'o?r for New Trial. Vha decision ol the Circuit Court ji ftlob-1 mond *v?? reversed yesterday in an opinion hnn led down l>y Judge smith In ihr United Stai-s Circuit I'e.urt of Appeals In the ci-e of tl-.e Bprlng Ofcr.len Life Insurance Coir. pany, plaiiitlrf In error, Rga'.n*'. T. eitlbert Wood, defendant I" error, and w:n reman.1 ed for n new trial. Other opinions handsel down were as iol lows: No. 1W3?Oeorx? II. Brown, coil* tor ??>: internal reveriut and the United State? fi? delity and Guaranty Company, appallenta, vs. D. C. Font, r and N- ?len Williams, np pelleej; appeal from the Circuit Court it Ore.tnsboro. N. C. opinion hy Judge Smith. Hcverseo. Judse Prltchard diMented. No. I05s?Aetna life Iniciranr? Company, plaintlfT !n error, vs. Benjamin Lucas Out? law, defendant In e-.-or; In error to the Cir? cuit Cour: at Floiene?, s. O. Opinion by Judge Smith \fr:rme.ft, with coats. JudgS MrDonoit dUaented. Court convened yesterday morning n-lth Circuit Judged Ootf and Prltchard and Dis? trust Judges Daylou and Rose In attend? ance. George Wayne .?i.derson. o:' Richmond, w?i admitted to practice. The foliowlnj rase, w?? nrsruod: No. lOSi^-Amarleah Steol and Iron Manu? facturing Company, appellant, es. seaboard Air Line Railway nna receivers, appaltoeai appeal from the Clroult Court ?t Richmond. Cause jrjrur,d by fleorr? W?ym Anderson, of this city, for tho appellant and by Judge, L. L. I.enls. of thir city, for th? appellee*, an.l submitted. Court adjourned until this morning at ".0:50 o'clock. Case, in cal) to-day: No. lOrK? Eure. Har? ris .t: Company, plaintiff in error, va. E W. ?abi?l6n, defendant In error: in error to the Circuit Court at Newborn. N. '". To be argued by Moor? * Dunn, or Newborn, N. C, for the plaintiffs in error, or.d by Thomas l>- Warrisn, of Newborn, N. C.: Aycock A Winston, of RolrlKi,, x. c... and Duft'y /t Koonco, of Jaokaonvlrlo, N. O., for the de.fendanr In error. PREVV.NT IHSTRESS AFTER MEALS. T-.vo o: thr.'e "Dlgestlt" tablets after eat? ing will prevent or quickly rolieve fast fuli uncomfortable fooling?try it. If it fails, yemr rhoriey srlH be refunded. "nti?-.-?tit" I? .i certain Quick ro'ttet and permanent rem? edy for ?II stomrioh upsets -relieves In.Ilper tlon Instantly. A little labtoi onsy lo swal? low and absolutely hariw'csr? 50--. Atl< at any dr.ig ?tor? DUCHESS HAS TITLE IN HER OWN RIGHT Created a Princess by Edward VII. on His Birthday, No? vember 9, 1905. ? MV i.a maiioum: i>k KO.VTBXbV.] ENGLAND has now, through the' death of thO DuUt! of Fife, a ! duchess In h?r own ?Iglu, for ttic tlrst time In forty years. Uiat |y to soy. since the death of Queen Victoria'.-, left-hand aunt, the' 'luchess of Inverness. \viior>as tho latter, despite her union to ,t member of the reigning family, did not enjoy I any princely rank, and Indeed never! reully figured at court, the n>w (tuchesMj of Fife was created a prince?;: by her: I grandfather, bid ward Vll., his idnhday, November 1003 lie be. j stowed a similar title upon lid voung 1 er sister, until then known as" Lady Maud Duff (the patronymic 01 tht late' iiuk.- of Elf el. and provided ? t.u both! of the new-Hedged princesses should enjoy th" predicate or ??Highness." and' should rank Immediately iftor and! next to those members of tlie reigning family bearing the. rftyle -.f Royal lllgh . Hess, ' That is 10 say. the new Dncrcss of Hfe enjoys tho "pas'- of all the I'rinces and I't-incessiS of Battenberg, and also, I of the two daughter- of princess Chris-I Itlun of Schleswig-Holstein, tamely, the Princesses Ia>uIso lind Victoria of mat Ilk. This Is onlv fair, since thel new Duohess of Fife; or, rather I should' say It-r mother, thi new widowed Prln-I ecsa Itoyal come Immediately aftei the children ot King George, in :he line of succession to the throne. Should the Duchess of Pit ? wed a commoner, ho Would In no wns.' of the' word ?hure h?-r honors. Uui her Duke? dom or Fife,- along with her Earldom oi Macduft, though not her 11 tt-- of I Prince, nor yet her 'tualtflcauon oft [Highness, would go at h.-r death to herl ; son. or falling h- r fon. to her daugh ted. while should the. die without is? sue, the dukedom und earldom would . descend to her sister. Princess Maud, and to the lattcr's children. In b.'."towing these honors upon his 1 two granddaughters, King Edward neg 1 s< ted one thing. He f-tlloJ to des<g I nate. of what they were princesses I Presumably he meant them to tigun a.u Princesses of Great nrltaln and Irc : md. nut he neglected to arrange f?r j ;his. and as they could not very well be described as the Princesses Duff (which was their father's faintly name) they ended by bo'hg described, both at home and abroad, us the Princesses of Pile. In rone ot the obltuartis of the Dnk.i of Fife have I seen it mentioned that fourteen years ago the ofllca of Gov ernor-Oenorol ot Canada waa pressed upon him by Joseph Chambjrlaln, at that time Secretary of State for the Colonies. The duk<-- was obliged to de cllnc, on account of the health of hi* wife, the Princess Royal, and 1 have hi fore me 0 copy of a letter of the lat< iluke. explaining this reason Mr his refusal of the post. In th?_- letter the duke irave expret ston to the hope, apparently shared by his royal relatives, that at some future time Kinir Geurgo's son* might be rep? resenting their father as Governors General of the four great colonial de? pend .-ncies', namely, the Dominion of Canada, Australia, India, and BrltlsS .South Africa, on the ground that loy? ally to the crown, and affection for the royal family constitute the most pow? erful bond that links the colonies to tho mother country, and that with a royal prince as Governor-General this bond will bs emphasised and strength? ened, as Is now the case In Canada, through the presence of the Duke of Connaught, at Rldeau Hall. Ottawa. Duchesses in their own right havi be in few and far between In England I at any rate, In modern MmcF. Tho on i ly Instance beside that of the nc^ '? young Duchess of Elfe, within the las . hundred years, has been that of th' Duchess of Inverness, to whom lefer encc has been made above. Tlia Duke | of Sussex, her husband, was the one of Queen Victoria's uncles with whom, l.e war- on thi most affectionate t?rms,. who had repeatedly befriended her tno-I iher and herself against William IV. during the kilter's reign, and who bad declined to b? a party to all those difficulties, oil the score Of precedence land rank, which wet" made at tho tinio of her marriage, and during several years aft?.' wards, by her other uncles nnd royal relatives, about her consort, Prince Albert. it was In recognition of the old j duke's invariable kindness that Queen Victoria bestowed, shortly before his death, the tltls of Duchess of Inver [ r.rss upon Lady Cecilia Buggln. widow I of Sir Gr-orffi Buggln. daughter of the I se.cond Earl of Arran, .ind who liad contracted In t$:il an ecclesiastical mar-, riage abrc-ad with th' Duke of Sussex. ! a union which, though valid abroad, wan illegal In England, owing to its 1 having been contracted without ths previous permission of the sovereign In council, as prescribed by the laws deal-' Injf with member? of the reigning fam-| lly. ? The Duchess of fnverirsss survived the Duke of Sussex for thirty-one years, dying without Issue, and though she was frequently visited by juecn Vic? toria, and hy the other members of th3 reigning family, who treated her with the utmost consideration ami kindness, yet she never appeared at court, or at any public function, living. In the strictest retirement. In the apar: nients at Kensington Pulnce, which J hnd be m placed at her disposal by Queen Victoria. | For other duchesses in their own riirht. 11 Is necessary to go hack to! the reign of Charles II.. who bestowed I dukedoms upon several of lii^ fair fa-1 vorltes, Including the tltl^ or Duchess of Portsmouth, upon the Brotonne Countess Louise de Quorouallles, j through him, the ancestress of ihe.i DnUes of Richmond, and Hint of Ditch-! ess of Cleveland, upon Barbara VHIIer*-,' who bus th - bucestross, through him.j of the Dukes of Crnfton. To a more reputable category be longed Anne, Countess of Buccleucli, Whom Charles 11. created Duchess of Bucclcuch, In her own rlglii. on the ', occa.-lon of her man lag. to the Duke or Jtonmouth, hi; illegitimate ?on, by l.uoy Waiter;. Win11 the Duke of Monmotith was convicted of treason and t-ent 10 the scaffold, by his uncle. King James II.. his own honors were i attainted and forfeited. But those which his wif> enjoyed in her own right, namely, the Dukedom ol liuc clech, with the Earldom of Dal keltl;. remained unaffected, and de? scended at her death to her grand? son. Francis, who became Second Duk i ; of Bucclcuch. J There is some doubt as to whether I the Dukedom of Marlborough is not j heritable In the female line, owing to the fact of Its having hem created ; with remainder to tlit fit s', duke's I daughters, a special act of i'arlla j ment having been passed, with royal ; assent, providing that, since hr had no 1 surviving male issue, his honors I should go to his "posterity." TherJ (has never been any dnnger. ilhee the 1 succession of the great dukb's grand I son. Charles Spencer, as third Duke of I Marlborough. of any failure of heirs ! In tlvj male line direct, tin. honors; I descending from fathor to son. I Hut wen- anything untoward to hap ! pen to the two Hub- boys of Hu press? ant Duke of Marlborough; and 6| his American wife (daughter of W. K. | I Vanderbllt). it Is a great question, 'whether the dukedom would go to bis! : eldest sister. Lady Francis, married to. Sir Robert Gresley, or to his cousin, Winston Churchill, tlr*t Lord of thel Admiralty, as eldest 3?n of Lho late; Loid Randolph Churchill, only brother of the eighth Duke of Marlborough- | These riuch?sse? in their own tight have no seats In the House of Lords. 1 and not until the suffrngettos have] their way will Ihey bo jntltb>d to a, vote. In the I'npsr House of the National Legislature ,i< Westminster In fnc.t.l iholr chief prerogatives are trjose of| official precedence, nnd the right to wed; whom thev please, even a coal heaver If lh?y ;*e fit. without forfeiting their| : ink, or affecting In any war tho de? scent of their hcrsdltary honors and peerage- to children born of tho union. (Copyright, 1012, by the llrentwood Company.) OPPOSE DISPENSARY | FOR FREDERICKSBURG [Special to riie rime.i-t>nir,atch.l idi rlcksburs, v.l.. February lt.?A j tlon, rsonsUtlnv ol Rov, John It. Jacobs, i pastor or tho Methodist Church; Rev. r. a. , tVllllsms, pastor <?' ih? Ilaptist Church, and | !? V, l> Coavvay, Henry Warden end W. i .?? Cneetcy, left unr'- to-da; for Richmond | ?, appear before the legislative committee - > oppose tlio legislation .inked tor In re? spect to :ho b!:i for n dispensary in Krtd 'lirtiur*. The d-->gat:on will ptosteil a petition iarger.j- signed by citizens a?k!n=t :h..; the legislation be not granted. A movement was started here n ?>? 80 J* usro among a number o: youths and younrt men for th? establishment of <i Voun?- Uet<'.i Christian Association, rhe mlolators 61 the ally nre co-operating In tha effort, md It Is expected that P will meet with audeeas. The uames 311 young m*-n have *?-'un sis cured t-j tar paper pledging thtratoltfdt. to become mcntbers, and agreeing to pny an n i l. dues for the support of the organlxa tton. A number of conferences have been held, and i^ committee bos been appoint)* to report -o a msns-rneetlnj to be, hold n?xt Tuesday night; recommending a plait, avope of work und lot atlon. Much Interest la felt In tie- ^ood ronds rally tri be held in this city en Thursday, February ?. In tho Interest or the pertn.i nent highway from Richmond to Washing? ton by t'ae -vay of Frederlcks'ourg. A :ar;e Httendance Is expected. An interesting- pr>. j.raui Is being arranged. In whloh promi? nent speakers win take part, and a bis dinner will be served. W. 6. Krabrcy, j. Grave-, and w. D. I'eyton will attend a itood roa.l* smoker to be held In Richmond Thursday night In tho ln'-ereft In the permanent highway between Richmond and Washington by the way of Predcrlckabui Messrs. Graves and feyton VYc invite inspection to the new styles of fancy lace mountings set with diamond and other precious stone*. Th!s is an interesting exhibit. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Broud Sts. Will deliver lddresees belore the meetinK.' The big hay barn on "Oaken 7l.-r>w" farm. !:? K'.nfc Oeorm mi-.',:', brlomjlnx to Dr. J. II. Low. was burned yesterday, tosether wlth content! onslttlng of pea und alfa.lf'1 bay. n;rl-ultnra! :iiip!cmcnl.<. etc. Tliu origin ot the :ir? it unknown. The loss ws*. about !o.'.<?>. anil It m? partln'.ly insuro'i. Thi lealdence of L. ?.'. Smith. In Caro? line '.aunty, destroyed by are tfun lai night. Nothai? w\r. saved, not oven do cle.tblng <?: t!i? Cainlly, excep*. what they Wete wearing at the time. The flin or tf'? tinted In a barrel In tvhleh hot ashes hod. i><-n thrown. The meal-house Urst ea'txhs rtr?. and th>- dames then wore ?ominunlCJ."M? the residence. There -ca- r.c- Insurance. GASOLEKR STOVE 13YPLOsION CAUSES riltt: IT F.MPOUIA tapoiial to The Times-Dispatch. 1 Ehnporia, Vre. February 11.?North Bmporla was visited by a small flro atj uii eiarly hour yesterday. Tho blaze originated In a pressing club, aprentl inf; to adjoining buildings. The loa* to the pressing club Is $2.'0; Dyson Rawllngu Furniture Company; ?:iOO: Hotel Virginia Annex, $100. The Ural, named etlel not carry Insurance. Both the furniture and hotel people wore'In? sured. The building was owned by .1. il: [jvorette, and the damage amounted to about $500, which is fully covered bv Insurance. The (Ire was caused by it gasolene stove exploding. Harvey?ClnrU. Apporuatt'jx, Va,, February It.?-Si Matt Harvey, son of K. G. Harvey, and Miss Mattle 'Mark, daughter or J. D. 'Hark, of this county, were married to? day by Rev. I'. T. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will reside in this couno. % Alimatt $c Ctto. CATALOGUE No. 105a, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER IS NOW READY AND WILL BE MAILED ON REQUEST. ORDERS FOR WOMEN'S AND MISSES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND GOWNS GIVEN ESPECIAL. ATTENTION. PLEASE MENTION CATALOGUE No. 105A. JFiftrt Atrrmrr. 34tlj attn 35tlt Btrtsts. *Uw fork. Have You Ever Observed How Young People Flock Around a PIANO? A Rood Piano is rhe greatest mah? net you could put in your house. It fairly radiates a spirit of happiness, sonft and laughter. Irresistibly It draws the family circle closer, keep." the young folks at. home, and exercises a refining influence. The greatest, need to-day i? happiness. Anything that will ' create more pleasure is a ne? cessity?not a luxury. The ?mal- amount you invest in a Stielt Piano bear rich interest in the tiling that make this life worth while Why not step in to-morrow. See how easy it it to own a Piano?paying for i , as you go alonu PIANOS E. G. RIK.E, Manager 205 E. Broad 800 General Admission Seats Tetrazzini Concert TO-NIGHT On Sale at Box Office, City Auditorium, at 7:30 at $1.00. ssm Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!?St. Valentin^ Is there a nicer way tu remind her of it than with PRETTY FLOWERS?. "We Grow the Flower? We Soil" Oder by |>hcme, Madison 6081, or at the store, 25 West Hroad Street. I RATCLIFFE & TANNER, Florists Wmmkmr. : , ?