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MAY BE EFFEGTE? (Continued from first pniro.) fnrrcd beoause of the abaenoe of Sena tor Holt. Ita patron. It will probably come to a vote to-day. There la nothing In sight to-day for the House save long; monotonous roll calls on uncontested bonate and Houae bills on their third reading. The military establishment of the Stato won a victory yesterday In tho Commttteo on Financo of tho Houses when by a voto of 7 to 3, the Spossarrt bill cutting the military appropriation !n half was passed by Indefinitely. This ends the matter so far as tho committee Is concerned, although It Is possible Mr. Spessnrd may ondeavor to discharge the committee. Such an effort failed yesterday when Mr. Monr.uro tried to get tho full train crew bill out of committee, without success. Mr. Throckmorton's pension bond proposition having been declared un? constitutional, he r.nB now a proposal that whatever amount la received from West Virginia on the State, debt lltlgn- | tlon shall bo epont for pensions, thoi Ptato borrowing money on tho auppo- | sltlon that It will recover. 1 HOUSE_I Pleasant ceremonies connected with tha celebration of tho birthday of Reading Clerk Harry n Owen were hsd in rc-.e House of Delegates at the J opening of yesterdays session. WU- j Ham Bullltt Fltshutrh. on behalf of th? memhora of tho House, presented him with a sllvor-hoadod umbrella. wfMch, he said, would shelter him from . fhs storms of life. He also riferred ! to :he shep<v.?rd'a crook in which the handle Is shaped. Mr. Fitzhugh w.js authority for the statement that Mr. Owen is forty.two years old, which the. Ho:t6e f=esnied to doubt. For fche pag?-s of the H"Uta, K. \T. Mllstead presented Mr. Owen with a valentine in tho form of a banjo tied with tC.o sweetest of blue rlb-bons. Mr. Owen extended thanks os well as his voios would permit. ?rr3kcr Byrd. noting that the "read Ins clerk had been given a crook end x lyro." ordered the business to pro- I eeed. Get Cp Geuernl Hills. Mr. Montague offorsd a resolution that when tho calendar should be reached. House bills on their second rsndinars should be called and en? grossed, Rnd that ten objections should j p?.ss s bill by. Mr. Throckmorton of? fered s Substituts t/.-.ot second reading Hills should be taken tip in thetr regil :?r order. Both wero desirous of srlv- 1 ing- grnersi bills a chance, as well as those local moneurcs which have re? cently r-een advanced, but wanted to ret at It in a different way. Dr. Step'nenaon srdd that general matters should have a e.h.s.nco Supporting the Montague resolution, Mr. Oliver said that most of t'ae papers of the State are criticizing the I^eKls lattira '.n that, while It has worked hard. It ha* accomplished very little. Mr. Jordan thought it unfair that ten members should be permitted to pass a rdll by. The Throckmorton substitute was lost and the Montague resolution car ?l-d Wonlrt Cut expenditures. Mr. Bedford's rosolutlon to request the State Board of Education to ro duce the nunvbor of school divisions to twenty-five, exclusive of title cities which form separata divisions, wns referred to ths Committee on Schools and Colleges. Mr. Madford offered a new retrench? ment proposition?to reduce tho an? nuities to .ill hierher Institution? of learning and to primary school, 10 per cent., excepting only the annuities to 'Jhc two schools for -the den' and the blind. On motion of Mr. Oliver, this went to the Committee op Schools arid College?, but not without some dissenting votes. Mr. Banks called up th? amendment to the Constitution pertnlttinnr i-ov. ernment by commission In cities at the will of thn legislature, which had .al? ready passed the Senate. Speakln? No Trouble to Rid Tub Skin of Hairs (Style's Dictum.) I Science is greatly interested in a pow- | ricr known to druggists as dclatone, the discovery of which is due to Professor von j K,ih!dcn. When a little is mixed with water to form a paste and applied tu the hairy surface for two or three minutes, then rubbed off, you will find the hairs arc gone. This way of ridding the skin's surface of superfluous growths is fast gaining popularity because of the absence of pain. Dclatone is especially valuable because of its antiseptic qualities and for the rea? son that rarely is the second application necessary... While dclatone costs u dollar an ounce, it is worth ve al times its i ost lo rid the skin of objectionable hairs. richmondWa, V uv The Roanoke Times Carrie^ more Real Estate Adver? tising than any other paper pub? lished in Virginia. Its advertisers get results. Write for rates. The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Va. ,ost Terrible Plight of a Pennsylvania Man Reported by a Prominent Citizen: j ' About two years ago my hair, beard and mustache started to como out in spots. These spots were entirely bare of hair. Seeing PARISIAN SAGE advertised, I purchased four bottles, and after using , two of the bottles, the hair came in until ; now I have as good a head of hair as I had before this trouble started. 1 can truthfully recommend this prcp , station to any one for what it is recom? mended for. Sam Galder, Jamison City, Col. Co., Pa. Oct. 11, 1911." Please bear in mind that PARISIAN SAGE is not guaranteed to grow hair on bald heads. In Mr. Galdrr's case the hair root was not dead, and there is no good reason why PARISIAN SAGE should not do just what he writes it did. "The next time Mr Galder came into my store after purchasing the PARISIAN SAGE," writes the druggist who sold him, "his appearance was so changed I did not know him." PARISIAN' SAGE is without doubt the most efficient hair grower, bcautifler and dandruff cure in the world, and peo? ple who arc wasting time with ordinary commercial tonics should wake up. PARISIAN SAGE will banish dan? druff, stop I dling hair und itching scalp; will put lifcj lustre and beauty into failed hair, or money back. It is a most de? lightful and refreshing tonic for men, women and children. Large bottle 50 cents at Tragic Drug Co.'s and druggists the country over. briefly. Mr. Bunks urged Its passage at once. In view of the fact that a bill must be offered to Bubmit the propo? sition to the people. On a roll call, the amendment was egreed to by a unanimous vote. Full* to Discharge Committee. Mr. Monoure moved to discharge the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation from further consideration of Mm bill to require a full train crow, with additional brakomon on longer j trains. .Mr. Spo&sard thought this a ? matter for th0 cointnlttoe. Mr. Ohulk ley said the committee had passed the bMl by Indefinitely. The motion was j lost. The House agreed to the Senat* | Joint resolution requesting the Gov errior to appoint three delegates to at? tend Ute meeting to be 'held in liar- j rlsburg, Pa., February HO and 21. to devise means for fighting tihe chest? nut blight. On a question of personal privilege, Captain .lohn a. Curtis said he wished his constituents and the House to know that he was not a party to any agreement fixing a time for discussion of the Jordan prohibition enabling act. : The Attorney-General reported that the proposition to Issue ehort term I bonds t" double pensions was uncon? stitutional, the State having no rltfit , to Issue boi-.da savo for certain speci? fied purposes. On motion of Mr. Bell, his Mil lo require the State Board of Education to exitend ?tho j>rerj?nl ndn.nt.inn of school hooks was recommitted to the Comni'lttro on Bchools and Colleges. The calendar was then called, ae gianlng with the first of the House Mils on fhslr second rondlnr. M?sl of those about which tthere !s likely to be considerable debate received the ten objections, and wore passed by j until some future occasion. Hill? Arc Advanced. The following weve read the scond time and engrcssci: Extending the provisions of the drunkards' probation law to cities of Inhabitants or more. Raising the age of consent in crimi? nal assault coses to sixteen Pairs, P.egulstlng the payment of fse.u fti Juet Ices' trials Allowing counties which have e I county police board to appoint a chief ! of police Allowing written summons to Jurors In criminal^ eases to be left at resi? dences. ' Allowing written summons to lurore In civil enses to be lolt at residences. Providing for safety appliances In factories. Requiring that employes of rail? road shops shall be paid twice a month. Giving local option 1n the preven? tion uf trespassing by ch'ckens. Requiring longer office hours In Capitol offices. Tjjts was amended by Mr. Templeloh) the pa.tron, so as to allow offices to bo closed on Saturdays at 3 o'clock. Giving more latitude In the amount of damages which may be assessed against abutting property owners tor PUbild Improvements. Providing for recognition of certi? fied copies of desds recorded In the general courts at Richmond and Frankfort: Amending section l!17t of the Code. Regulating and defining the liability of common cnrrlers t'or Injuries to employes from negligence. Requiring the directors of the State \ penitentiary to report to the State Board of Charities names of paroled ! prisoners, and requiring the latter board to visit and report upon such ! prisoners, Amending section ISt of the Code. Limiting the quantity, lime and I manner of taking certain game Amending trie, general game law, j I Amending the act lo regulate hotels,' i so as to include places of more than I seven rooms Instead of more than len. I Mr. Bpessard offered ah amendment, I I'which was lost, as to tho size of ! I sheets, saying lhat he understood cloth! ! of the required length was not easily ' procurable. Relieving ptilbllo. read.? of certain ild ! grants. Allowing <ities and towns to tem? porarily employ persons to purfortn duties of oillceH created by charters:. Oh m?tloh of Mr. dpessard bis sub? stitute bill, continuing the examiners of record, hut requiring that they be not paid for properly returned do lihquent, v. as tniien up and put In; the place of the other and engrossed,' Inereuses Fees, f'n reaching the bill to provld-s thai the fees of sheriffs and constables for summoning witnesses shall he the same as those for serving a process. Mr. Jen? nings asked as to the Increased cost to; the treasury. Mr. White, of Rock-' bridge, the perron, did not know. lit j sold ihnt ihe sheriff should receive as I much for summoning witnertes as tor, j serving processes, a;el that this but talr. Thi bill was recommitted to tho Commit toe on Finance. Mr. Bell tried to get consideration of the Joint resolution approving the in? come tax amendment to the Constitu? tion of the United States, and spoke on tht subjeot. but It went down under the rule ? The optorr.etry bill camp, up and woe. { objected to, Dr. H U. Stephensjon "aylng I jit was "s Mil to legalise a profession l|t!i?t does not exltt " Mr. Montague. II one of Its patrons, who had lust con? sideration of his bill regulating irust j companies, said In -arne.; Hi i' It ' seemed tint everything he wanted was ! be!n:^ passed by. The State had many other boards, and he did nol sec wh} J there examiners should iht be appoint? ed tio. U went d?wr. under tin rules. I liniiie Protection, On No 17,1 Mr. White offered nr. I amendment, saying thai It seemed pto. lection to squirrels was omitted by mistake. He thought thai n rtreiil deal I of trespassing 1? o.-iiised by itqulrre) I hunting. Mr. Eviint patron, said squirrels were left OUt of purpose. Speaker ?yrd (Mr. Cox In the chair) thought rabbits ought not to be pro? tected. Inasmuch ns they aro Injurious to young fruit trcos and aro multiply? ing rapidly In the northern part of the State. With the consent of Mr. Evans, the bill was passed by. Mr. Byrd tried to gel consideration of his bill to protect child labor, in? cluding newsboys, but there w ?re enough objections to pass it by, Tho bill designed to prevent such transfer of electric lines as that re? cently accomplished with reference to tho Seven Pints lino was alsu objected to. Mr. Banks moved that the chuir be vacated for five minutes to recede; for? mer Governor Gillette, of California.. The latter was introduced and spoke but a moment, laying that at night he would address the General Assttnbly on the subject of the Pahuma-Paclllc Exposition. The Mouse adjourned at 2:05. SENA TE The Senate passed live bills yester? day and rested from Us labors; All ul Ihim woro Sena to bills on their second reading, and In overy case the consti? tutional third reading wi|s dispensed with. Uev. J. J, wicker opened the session, with pray or, and Lieutenant-Governor J. Taylor ISUyson prcsidad. The Molt roiling stock bill was on tho calendar as a speolai and oOntlnUlhg order for 12:80, but was passed by upon Senator Hart's motion that at the eonolusioil of tho morning hour tho Sonata reunite :ho consideration of local, uncontested bills whera It loft oft* tho day before. A motion by Serator Oravatt that tho Finance Committee bo discharger, from further consideration of Senate bill No. 17. providing a fixed and defi? nite appropriation for each department of tho State govornmont. was put to a vote and lost. Senator Oravatt, who la patron of the tneasuro, stated that the bill was introduced upon the second day of the present session and thai the committee has so far failed to render a report either for or against It. Chairman Bchola, of the fthanea Com? mittee, assured the Senator from Car? oline that the committee did hot In tori r tlohully delay action on thi bill, nnrt itint he would see that a report on it be entered ot the next meeting, Statues of War Governors, Senator Hnrmun Introduced a JolrA resolution awarding certain spaci on the south parapot of the Capitol grounds to the several Southern State* that were members of the Confederacy, for tho purpose 0f .^rcctint; thereon statues of their war governors. It calls for the appointment of n joint committee to perfect nil arrangements und to extend Invitations to the States. I'pon motion of Senator Walker, th": resolution was tabloid until to-day. when It will be put to a vote. At 3:45 the Senate suspended business for ten minutes to hear former Gover? nor Oliletta. of California, who ad? dressed the body briefly on the subject of th* coming exposition in San Fran? cisco. Senate HUM fussed. Thi- following Senate bills were passed and went dv>r lo the House: Amending the act of March 16, 1010. defining and regulating the sale, -i<:i trlbutlon, manufacture and distilling of Intoxicating llquorn and malt bev? erages, and Imposing license taxes thereon. To amend and rn-snact section 1169 of tho Code of Virginin. To amend an act approved March 12. IsftS. providing the mode of ascertain? ment of damages In favor of abutting owners where any city or town shall cause Injury to property by reason of the grading of any stroat, and ?b give any assessment so made against the city or town the effect of n Judgment. To amend section "S!>7 of the Code In relation to special commissioners of rale. To amend an act approved Marek lt'oo. providing n road law for Campbell county. Thi- Senate adjourned ,-,t 2 o'clock. HOUSE BILLS I'hc following f ere presented spti referred ur..!<-r Rule s;: To Committee for i ?iuris of Justice. By Mr. Walton: A hill to permit recorda lion o' deeds with the Register of the Oerie? in addition to tin local rccordnllou when desired, nnd te fix fees t"r ?iitrH ?< r Vlee. By Mr. Stebblnri: \ hi;i to protect liwid lords anr: employers by making It larceny for tenants, share hands arid laborers to into the crowd of weak, weary, depressed; or arc you filled with vitality and energy? Health is the founda? tion of success. Nerves, Brain, and Rorly should be staunch ? ? dependable, the best of 'food-tonics, is M the firm footing for health. 8 ALL OWUeJGISTS LEGISLATIVE COMMEN T By LEWIS H. MACHEN THE PANAMA EXHIBITION. I The conciso and forolblo addroos or ; ex-Govornor GlUotto to tho two houses i of the Loglulaturo ln:it evening may bear fruit In an np;iroprlntlon for a Virginia exhibit ut the Panama Ex? position in San Francisco in 19 16. Vet.' among the Qnunolera in the General Assembly tho matter Is hot buing taken very seriously. The demands now j being mado upon the Slate Treasury, and its somewhat depleted condition, make it unlikely that any considerable appropriation will bu made for the . exposition at this session. A bill Is pending in toe House, of I Delegates which proposes an appro? priation of $76,000 for that object. It is not believed that over u third of that amount will bo oonsldored neces? sary, and a part of thut may bo ap? propriated at this session and tho re? mainder at tho sosslMt of 1914. It is barely posslblo that this Legislature may leave tho whole matter to be J dealt with by tho next. i It would be bettor, no doubt, if tho State is to have an exhibit at the exposition at nil, that tills Legislature Should glvo Its sanction to thy protect and supply a sutllclent fund to make all necessary preliminary arrange? ments, it is due to California that all of the States Ir.tcndiiu; to exhibit at San Francisco should lei it be known at once. Virginia's example would be a potent stimulus to othsr States, and it would gratify the pride of most of our citizens to know that our Btato would be worthily represented ot tho exposition. When Virginia was holding- Its expo? sition at Jamestown, California sent an exhibit tit an expense which Is said to have amounted to $25,000. In ml fairness, it would seem that Virginia could do no less for tho California ex? position. The exhibit that Virginia had at Jamestown was a most valuable and attractive one. It has been kept prac? tically intact and been added to, until it is estimated to be worth morrj 'ban J100.000. Virginia, therefore. Is hotter prepared to make a finer shoving at San Francisco at a amallor expense thsn nearly any other State. Of ..ourso. tho transportation, care and manaijo nient of tho exhibit will cost unite a neat penny, but there can be no doubt thnt It would bo worth the expendi? ture In advertising vnluo alone. For BOmo years therms has been a i noticeable "back East" movement among Western people seeking Invest- . menl In agricultural lands. There is R sentimental attachment In tho Wist tp Virginia, and a tlrst-class exhibit at the Panama Exposition would have; a good effect In directing the atten? tion of prospective farm buyers lo nur. great and only partially developed re? sources. THE APPROPRIATION BILL. I vanr people not members ot the I Finance Committee <>t one ot. ths ? j branches ot tue Legislature have any I cleat1 idea ot the. amount of difficulty j Involved in distributing approximately I {13,000.000 of the State's revenue | 1 which accrues during the two years | ; that elapse from one aieutln^ of tho I Legislature to another. A mere list! of tho items of appropriation will cover I nearly fifty printed folio pages. A list j , of the Items demanded Would prob I ably extend over twlco thai amount of space, and would ?g?r:'s;:l4 an alto? gether Impossible sum. The whole problem Is to cut the gor ment but of the available cioth, and It Is a diniculi. und not always a j thankful, one for those whose busl- 1 . tiees it Is to do |t, For many nights I ! past ((subcommittee of ten from tho membership of the Senate end tho! House have 'been wrestling with this i problem. The full committees of . twenty-seven member* will revise tho tentative bille, and tho Senate und j I House will then endeavor to amend tho \ work. The Ideas of the two houses ' arc sure to differ, and these differ? ences must be udjustcd by a conference committee, whose work will not bo completed until the closing days of the session. When the appropriation bill is passed the real work of the Legis- i ifcture la practically at an end. The Finance Commit tee- endeavor I to glva n full hearing to all the m I :orests affected, and a pretty ledloua I tlino they hnvo of It. The financial i needs of all of the State's Institutions I are set forth with great vigor by I their representatives, and In some ! cases a much larger amount is asked for than there Is any hopo of getting. > Tho trimming and paring process must bo done by the committees In a way ' which seems rather cruel to the parties Interested. Ttiesc operations often j cause loud cries of anguish, which are echoed on tho floors of the two houses i v. hon the bills aro reported Number? less assaults arc made upon the con- i elusions of the committees while the bills aro under discussion. The mem? bers of the committees must defend .heir action, and. In the main, their' views prevail, though a few conces? sions lire occasionally found to be necessary, which the committees may even make allowances for in advance. \ Tho appropriate bills come Into tho two houses at their busiest tlino. when many pet measures arc about t<> he reached on the calendars. These, c,f course, must wait, and for two or three previous days the battle rages over the multitudinous provisions of these king bills. It is not likely that they will be reported this session until about the first of March, and then the pot will boll furiously until at '.east some pro? vision is made for the hungriest. ?Main advances ana fslj to trpay the same ittidcr certain Conditions. i Bj Mr. Creamer: A bill to amend and re enact, section 8-X1! or the ''ode. By Mr. frrainer: A bill to provide to: the allowance to .i judgment debtor! after gar? nishment, of exemption .-.d'.-r section X'i of the Code, and to reg.i late the procedure In ?iic!i By Mr. Willeroy; A bill in amend and re enuc: section ."fie! of t! '"ode of Virginia of 1SS7, entitled "Proceeding by Interrogate, rlea to ascertain estate o- debtor on wh ch fieri facias I? a I'en and .ny real eitate to ivhich he. Is entitled! how answers to liiter roi'itorlr? compelled." s$jj H Tu Committee no Itoa'dH und Internal Navi? gation. , 13y Mr. Tiffany: A Mil for the purchase I or le?s? of quarrie? und for the equipment of came tviili pr.ipcr machinery for the quarrlnE ?nd crushing of ?tone ?Ith convict labor jor tue on public highways of the State. Uy Mr. Xorris: a !;:i to amend un ietj to provide the establishment, proper con-I Structloii and permanent Improvement of the pubic roads und landings, for building and keplng In good ropalr of all public ? road.?. bridge!, causeways and wharves In, the several counties of this State IVijH I" Committee on In I, Private and I.oenl Legislation. By Mr. Bur.lis. a 1 to amend an act to annex addition*; territory to the city of; Norfolk, and to provide for the government I ? ?: said annexed territory. By Mr. Creamer: a bill to pcrmtt the opening by the city ',f Richmond through I the iriounils of R, IC. !.??? Cnmp, No. 1, Cnn federate Veteran*, of ftunrt Avenue. By Mr. Weaver: a bill to prescribe a fence law for Fork Magisterial District of Warn n county. By Mr. Stratton: A bill to prohibit the so . of elder and other drinks containing over oiie-haif of 1 pc -? cent, alcohol within! one mile of I"!.>n Baptist Church. In the! own of Pamplln city, Appornattox county. By Mr. Cox: A bilj :.. prov'.de for the ap- I polnimcni of a ro:nn.!.-?Ion to be known a? .' the Virginia Waterwayi Commlilon. rtv Mr. Bank.?: A bl : to amend the char- I It -if the city of Norfork. By Mr. Cox: A bill ;o appropriate JE-O.i'V) for the ere-iloa of n building upon the j grounds of the Virginia State Fair Astoria- I tlon. In the county '?' llnnrlco. for the pur- . poiie of exhibiting the agricultural and m!n- . erai products of the several' counties of the state o* Virginia during the nnnnr-1 exhibits ' of the Virginia S( ite Fair Association, and at nich other Urne? ?.? -he commission here- I lnafter nrnvM-d may determine. By 'Mr. Cox: A my. to appropriate the! sun, of tv.'ft annually m the support of Vir- i alula room of the Confederate Memorial \ Literary Society, 1 By Sir. l.ov*: A i>:"1 to provide a new charter 'or the tow n of Kenbrldge, In the county of Luhenhtitg, and to repeal im ?et approved March it. i?aj. Incorporating the tovyri ot KenbHdge. rn i onuiilll. Instirntirr nnd Banking. Bj Mr. Moi ta-.a- A bill to provide a re? serve which banks !>! lij maintain. By Mr. Mosely: \ i,> | to punish officers. agent< and cmplo;.f banks for the mu4 :i.r the money nr ?seits of stich banks. I', Cultilidtlee on School* and Colleges. By Mr. IIa;"..i \ oil; to authorize the rector and hoard of vial tors of the Univer? sity of Virginia n merge Into the medical department ,.t Hi.I.-orally the property anil school of tin M'-dlcnl Collrpc of Vir-, glnia, and of an? medical college tu Vir-j y.lul-i under prlvati control, J By Messrs. \\and Oliver: a hill to repeal an art for i compulsory j of children he ? ? ? 1 .. rigei of elirhl .mdi tWftvt years upon |he nliblic schools of Vir-I glnla, and providing penalty for failure, and I designating Ilse manner of collecting such' penalty. By Mr. Rridfo'rd; A mint resolution pro? viding for the ''eduction of the number of school rilsvislnni a the Plate. Mr. RildfoM A resolution reduelnc the anniittlf?"' of bltjhrr institutions of lcarn Tb Coinmlltei "i ' lirMipcnke ?nd Us Trlbu tnric-. . By Mr. Morris: .', bill io amend an act In illation to the lime for taking oyster., land io prohibit th. use, oi patent tongs. To f.'niiimitlee on Piddle i'roPcrly. By Mr. William? ii||; to amend an acl ?.. ..... en offices ' several depsrimetiti , i,i oii: ? ? government in thi rcr.-ii puMn lall lag? owm-il ny 'he Stale To i ?? in full i ee -Ii Vsvliitwi anil Prisons. By Ml Kemper \ n il lo permit the di nc I on "' Western stato Hdapllsl tt (1) anil .1 >]???-? ,i tight of 'vay over a irnet o| land :? onirlng 10 said hospital. In (ominillee on tieiirrnl Lews. . By Mr. Neri.'; \ iillj io provide for the ut ion and maintenance of re I ings on the catiaowuys of ..;> ivharvca In I'm Common wealth at which ptmsi ngera embark or dls enibaik from stcamboau. By Mr. c,.\: A |dil to Meciare the daisy the' state dower tor Virginia. By Mi. Thrbckmo! on .", bill tti make the unauthorized ,i>. , automohllcii or motor vehicles larceny. j itv Mr. Thri a iiiii to amen? I ?o ctioti lit oi tin- i 'ode of Vligliilu. [ [To Coniilllileo mi Privileges and J'.lectlons, j By Mr. ChailC.ey: A bill to amend section $4 of iff Code of Vtrginit To Committee on Counties, f Itles nod By Mr. Borden: A bill to amend an ?Jt to orgnr.lre county and elty boardi of poor comn.lii'.oneri, ana requiring report. !rom said board*. By Mr. Wltierey: A bill to amsr.d i?.-:'.on 2114 of an act to define and re^ul?:? tho ?hie. distribution, rectifying, manufacture, and distilling of intoxicating liquor and malt beverages, and to Impose license. ta:.o? thereon, and to prohibit the drinking of ardent spirits on railroad train*. By Mr. Wise: a bill to provide for tha calling arid holding of on e'.ectlon upon the OUittloii of prohibiting the manufacture, ard sale of Intoxicating liquor, licensing In ib>' State for ?the vale of llcjuur In staled (POrdcnegj, or for the continuation of the present liwa governing local option elec? tions, und to. declare the effect of the result o; Mich elections. By Mr. Chalkier: a bill authorising Boards of, .Supervisors to 1-jnn money In? tended for slnkliiK fund tr. liquidate prin? cipal on bonds Issued by said boards, to ?listriet stSiool boards for the purpose -of building scbooihouees. ily Mr Weaver; A bill to amend an sot to en,power Boaids of supervisors to enact ipnclul and lo. a! to protect the public roads and bridges from ob?true!ion, encroachment and Iniuo" to make viola? tion* ol such enactments it misdemeanor, net to provide ? penalties. By Mr. Peyton: A bli; to amend -ection f?>t3 of the Code of Virginia, "Damages for trespass by an'mais. forfeiture, elc.V To Commit Ire en Flnnnrc. By Mr. Hols, ion: A bill to authoiise the Secretary of the Commonwealth to furnitb to esel, of the Justices of the peace In the several eitles and Counties of the Common* wealth n copy of Pollard's ''ode of If-M ana th> supplement thereto. By Mr. Cox: a bill to amend lection m In reference to license to keep a bo v'.lng'on. By Mr. Chalkley: A h'.:: to create a per? manent hinh school :und. By Mr. Chalkley: A bl!i ilsing the sal ?ri? of tha Judges of the circuit courts whose terms of office commence on or ai'ior th- 1st day of February-. lf>13. By Mr. Stophenson, of Hath: A biil to amend vetlon o; the Code of Vlrrrlnta to authorize commissioners of U-.e revenue to reduce the assessment of buildings ?eben Injured or destroyed, and to reduce Hie as? sessment of Umber lands when the same Is decreased in v,,!ue by the removal of :hc Umber i lierefroin. By Messrs, Bowman, Oliver. Chalkley, Weaver, I.uns ford and Byrd: a bill concern? ing railroad companies In which, or in the stoele or xertirltles of which, trie Common? wealth owns, or Is entitled to, any property rieht?, nv Interest. By Messrs. Bowman. Oliver, Chalkley, Weaver. Lull*ford and P.yiil: A bill ro pro? vide for ri compromise Beiiieinont of certain contention* nnd differences between [|,,. Cmimonwtnlth and Its political sutidivin'oni upo- 1*0 op. port arid the Itichinnjiil. Fred orlckstiirg and Potomac Railroad company op tb- e ir.e. pnrt. By Mr. Throckmorton: A bill to ?et aside tor pensions all sums to be received from the Slate of West Virginia under the elc clalon of the Supreme f'ourt of tbe Cnitfd Hta'es; rn nppotnt trustees to ee,ll-iet and expend the same; to authorise ionim to be negotiated in the faith o' said money, nnd to provide for the manner of expending the same. By Mr. t.'ts: a bill to amend the sener^: tu\ law. ' By Mr. Malbon: A bill to amend section KftH. entitled mode: In ? hieb clerks of courti shall keep a record of n" taxes and other Ask Your Doctor All run down, easily tired, thin, pale, nervous? And do not know what to take? Then go direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. No alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, a nerve tonic, a strong altera? tive, an aid to digestion. Let your doctor decide. k?ef?^&: W. Fred. Richardson, FUMCHAI, DIRECTOR AND EMBALMBII, Mnii. und tlelvliierc .Streets. Phones. Madison ?43. day; Monroe ?12. rfjbt. Copyright, Folcy, 1909. The Hardman Piano IS SOLD ONLY BY Walter D. Moses & Co., 103 E. Broad St. ^P^jj,? Oldest Music House 1 i public money* collected by them, and pay I i the same to th* Treasury. 1 By Mr. Karman: A Ml] to amend and re- | enact subsection of section l'l of the Code I of Virginia. By Mr. u'nj: A Mil to amend the general tax law. SENATE BILLS By Meura, llarman, Fletcher, t.esicr and Kohplai a till; concernlns railroad corhpa- i nlea, In Which, or In the stock or ..ecurltles I of which, the Commonwealth owns or la I entitled to a proprietary right or Interest. Referred to the Committee on Roads und i Internal Navigation. | By Metsr* Marmatt. Fletcher. Lcsner and ] Bo no) a: A bill to provide for a rnmpromls" arid settlement of certain contention.' and difference* between the Commonwealth and Its political subdivisions upon toe one pari. , und the, Itlchmonri. Freaericksburg and Pa tomac F.allroad Company on the othei pari Referred to the Committee en Road* and ! Internal Navigation. By Mi. Sowaer: A bi'.t to amend the Cod* | of Virginia In relation to the payment of , tees to officers out of th? Treasury' In erlmP j nai case,. Referred to the Committee tot Courts of Justice, By Mr. Powder: A bl!: to punish as for * j misdemeanor anv person e.'.,o lb?C| SP' ek ; or publish any false communication ..' or i concerning the profesalo.-i. t,-r,dc or business Of any person, firm or'en which tends to Injure or destroy the profession, trade or business of inch person, rtrm or corporation, Referred to the Committee for Courts of Justice. Ry Mr. Powder: 'A bill to atn?nd an act entitled an act to amend and r'-snci '-hap. rer 10 of th' <~ode of Virginia !n reference te general and special ele.*" I '.nr.*; wher. and where to he h''.it: regulation for their con doc*, and . evernmcnt: compensation for ser? vices in election!. Referred to the Commit tec on Privileges ?nd Ele-tlons By Mr. Crockett: A bill to provide for keeping In the rl.-rk't. office of each county a llrt of Confederate soldiers and katl?r? hnrl'd Ir. such county uhderr the supervision tif Ilia county Bonn! of (supervisor!. Refer? red to the Committee on County, City sr.* Town Organization. By Mr. Fetcher: A bill to amend an act. approved February X, If-es. entitled an net to provide for the issuing of county bonds for permanent r..a.1 or bridge Improvement in the magisterial districts of the counties (of the .State. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation B> Mr. Tavennor: A bill te amend and re-enact sect lot, il&i o. the i'ode of Virginia [Referred to the Committee foi Courts of Justice. i By Mr. Weat: A b!.i to am?:-.d and re-ea ac: s.jctlon Ti of the I'ode of Virginia Re? ferred to the Committee for courts of Ju? ttce By Mr. D'.anks: A bill to protect land? lords against the fraud and negleot ef ten? ants. Referred to the Committee for Court? of Justice-. By Mr. Blanks: A bill making It a mie? de meunor to obtain money, provlstona, goods, wares or merchandise from any person or corporation upon any promise or agreement V> perform apeclflo work, and thereafter fall to perform such work without lawful excuse. Referred to tha Committee for Courts of Justice. By Mr. L* A bril to amend the char? ter of tha city of Norfolk Referred to ttie Joint Committee on Special, Private and Local Legislation. By Mr. Wcndenburg: A bill to make the unauthorised use of automobiles or tnoto. vehlclca laiceny. Bcferrcd to the Commltt tee toi Court! o. Justice. By Mr. Wendenburg: A bill riving the Hght o; appeal from ordera of pi'.lce Jua ?aces or Justice! of the peace requiring buildings, io he torn down or repaired, it-, ferred to the Committee for Court! of Jus? tice. By Mr Drewryi A bill to cure defecMve certificate! of acknov. ledg'nicnis of cleans which Shall havu been recorded for more than three years Referred to the Commit t*o for Court! of Justice. By Mr. Drewry: A bill to make valid ? dee,i or writing purporting to b* a deed, though without !eal, after such t deed or writing shall have been recorded for moi*. than three years Referred to the Commit-i tec for Courti of Justice. By Mr. Dretvry: A bill :o make valid a' deed or writing, purporting to be a deed. 1 "herein surli dfreii or writing the seal or icrolj of grantlor waa duly affixed, Is recog- I ?Hied in the body of the deed or writing. : It-..:erred to the Committee for Courts o: i Justice. I By Mr Broelt: A bill to provide n new! charter for the town of Kenbrldge, In the : county of Lunenburg. Rof erred to the i Joint Committee on Special, Private and Local Legislation. By Mr. M?neure: A bill to amend and re enact aa act entitled an ac: to organize ? ounty and city boards of poor commission ?!'. nod requiring reports from said boards, approved March II, lfslO. Referred te. the, Committee on County, City and Town Or? ganisation. Bj Mr. Wendenburg: A bill declnrlnf I what shall be prlma facie e-lelenee of the value :he roadbed and other real estate. | rolling stock and nil other personil property Whatsoever trxcepi its franchise and tha nontaxable shares of stock Issued by other . corporations > In Ibis .State, of each railway) corporation, whatever its motive power, fori the purposes of taxation upon such prop tar;:. Referred to the Committee on Fi? nance. I By Mr, Walker: A bill providing for the | enactment of concurrent legislation regard- j Ine the fish and aliellfifh Industry In the ' Potomac River in consequence of ihe com- j pact entered Into between the States of Maryland and Virginia on the 3th day of1 March. In the year I7SS. and to repeal all i acts inconsistent with tbo provisions of this 1 net. Referred to the Committee on Flab ' Here and There in the Legislature Over the protest ol the member from the county where the liquor dlspensury at Mehcrrtn 1? sir.iated?Prince ICd ward ? the- Mouse Committee on Coun? ties, Cities und Towns on yesterday reported favorably a bill offered by >ir. Adams, of Charlotte, and Mr. Love, of Lunenburg. to repeal the act al? lowing; the people to voto on the ques? tion, tliua abolishing the institution. Citizens of the neighborhood told how Hie dispensary' Is situated within two miles of Charlotte county and within forty t'cel of Lunenburtf, these coun? ties petting many of the drunks and none of the revenue. But, the dispensary having been established by a vote of I ho people of l^elvrh district. It is not believed the House will abolish It by legislative action over the opposition ot W. it. lOwlng. the. local representative. Mr. Ewlha; said the dlspenairy conditions were better than the saloons, and llic blind tigern of dryer days. .Judge Martin Williams put u pUZ r.lor In the way of a bill into the legis? lative grind yesterday. It says that the distribution of offices at the, Capi? tol ?shall be as follows:'' The rest of the bill is three sheets of papor, as blank as Modred's shield. Tt in sup? posed the committee will do the root, possibly going no farther than ratify? ing the reoont exchange of olflces be? tween Clerk .lohn W. Williams and the Department of Public Instruction, Edwin 1'. Cox would make the daisy the official State flower of Virginia. He put a bill with this requirement, In the House of ,';elegates on yester? day. By a bill offered yesterday In ths House by John W. Chalkle/, of Wise, the salary of the Judge of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond la placed at $3.t>00. A bill proposed by Hill Montagus would require that a bank shall keep 1 per cent, of Its total demand de? posits, and 5 per cent- o. Its total time deposit?, on hand. Joy risers. In the form of Chauffeure who take out automobiles without the cona?:it of the owners, are dealt with severely in a bill offered by Senator Wendcnburg and Delegate Throckmor ton. The measiirc would make bucCj ah offense larceny. If. n. Moselsy. of Brunsw-lek, Intro*, dured a bill In the House yesterday providing that If a bank cashier, aa slstAnl cashier, teller, director or em ploye shall use any money of a hank except loaned on notes with spprov-d - mrity, ratified by a majority of the directors !n writing, and shall fall to repay when required to do so by the hank or Its receiver, he shall be guilty of larceny., This Is supposed to be designed to fit recent cases. The p-jrehase or rental of quarrl?a by the State Highway Commlsjloti, to be worked by convicts. Is aimed at by W. N\ Tiffany, of r.iuquier. In a bill which he proposed In the ITouf? yes; iTfliy. Tho men user] would be Uv>?? unfit to be worked on th? ro?.ds, ar.d they would be maintained from the lncom* of ffae quarry. Ths. .s;im of 150,000 I? appropriated to start the proposition. As told 'Ti The Ttmes-nispatfh yes? terday, Keith B. Wise, of Doudolin. Introduced yesterdav his substitute for tr:o .Ionian prohibition enabling providing that l".:e people shall have nn opportunity to vote for makll t the Stato all dry or all wet. In a Ml! protv>?cd ye.?t?rday by .?. VT. Chalkier, mem,i?r< of electoral hoards and ludttes of election are to >>e appointed from list* furnished by county committee., of the two prlr. ?! pal parties. The org.mlration of r Virginia Wnterwavs Commission Is contem? plated !-i a bill Introduced by Mr. Cox. It would be nan-red by the Governor and serve without compensation. Its ?Stisinetc -? o';l i sf to examine Into ar.d report nr?on the navigable water-ways of tho Plata and the possibilities t>l water power development. Many more new bills are eTpeeted 1?t the t>ri?latHTe to-oay. This 1.? the last opportunltv. save for local meas? ure. r,r those affecttne- finances, with? out unanimous consent. The Montapue bill, making it tinlaw* ful and provtdlne a penalty when ona f.erron knowingly furnishes the money for the payment of the capitation tax of another, war reported yesterday by the House Committee on Privileges and Elections, with a recommendation that It <io r. pass. A similar fate befell the Bain bill, to allow -mileage to members of elec? toral boards. Mr. Bain's measure toi require treasurers to add delinquent pol; taxes to tax tickets, and to for? ward information ns to delinquent!! (Continued on seventh page.\" ..._I_1-3B Ground Limestone Facts for Legislators Do you know that the State's great power and Influence has already h-arn used io force the railroads to give such rate? on ground llmrstono that It will destroy- it-; competitor, burnod agricultural lime? Do you believe the railroads should bo allowed to make discriminatory freight rates in favor of a commodity the, Smte proposes :o manufacture against parallel commodities its own chartered corporations arc manufac? turing! Do you know the powerful State Influence that force,] ni,. railroads to make, a low rat- on ground limestone refuse:; positively to use Its Influence for lowering frelgh! raten on burned agricultural lime or other fertilizers? Is this discrimination right? Can Cancer Be Cured? IT CAN The record of the Kcllam Hospital is without parallel in history, having cured to stay cured permanently, with? out the use of tho knlfo or X-ray, over 90 per cent, of the many hundrodG of sufferers from cancer which ft has treated during the past fifteen years. We have been endorsed by the, Senat?? and Legislature of Virginia. We guar? antee, our cures. Physicians treated free. KELLAM HOSPITAL 1R17 West Main Street, mr'HMONP. - - - - vrnr.iis.A. RHEUMATIC PEOPLE Whv pay money and still suffer? Tr? -| ou: rii