Newspaper Page Text
SIDNA Oll CLAUDE FIRED FIRST SHOT Attorney-General Sends Trans . crip-t of Record Which Makes That Fact Clear. \_ Outlaws Beg Food From Mountaineer ! Sldnn Allen xntl \Vc?lcj- I'.divnidn Vial, Cabin ul She Smith. I'oaae Taken lTp Ihr Trail. Illllnvillc, Vii? April 5.?ArcorilliiK '; (o Sug Smith, Mho lived over .Mount j Airy tvity toward (he i'nrollnn Hue, Sldna .Mien nuii Wesley l-ldwardn, thr two court houne nnnannln". come i j In bin enbln litnl iriuhl and begged Ifor fund. Allen eUliip lo bin door, | he .?Hill, nmi Kdviardn stood coord. ; Mim declared neither hitd inlten j food Hint day. The. got rood front Smith ond look to the mountains. I 'I'llf mountllltieer reared t)l Irll the detectives until midnight, and It 1 "?.as morning itIicii n v. look no thr (roll. Sberirr lliijnr?, nt Mount Airy, took the bloodhounds, but ! they refnnrd <i> Keen! the IrMtl, nnd | the imune ?nii on* on Smllh'n dl- ] rcrtlonn. The pnnnrn nrr ponflnc ooplen of I Oovernor Mnnu'n prorlnmallon enll Ing upon all cltisenn to withhold I aid from the fugitive miilnn?. ' Allen nttrl Edwntrds nrr the only free , men of the irnnu of elaht it ho. on 1 Marek 14, rnldcvl tiirroll county I courthouse nnd murdered "ie Inder j nnd nrn n III corn of the eourt, n Juror and ? bystander. Attorney-r'ene.ral fiamuel \v. Wil? liams lias forwarded to Joseph C. Wy sor, of rula.ikl, senior counsel for the prosecution In tho.'eases against the Aliens, the transcript of the ^tat^ inenta mado by witnesses at lllllsvllle. When tho Circuit i'o.hl began its new term on Wednesday of last Week me lawyers for tho pro?:cuti?ii secured the evidence of tho-.- who had" been witnesses before the grand Jury, in the oillei. or Acting Commonwealth's Attorney s. Floyd Land re th. Their statoments were taken do am steno graphically by T. Gray lladdon, sec? retary to the At tortiey-< ;< irM a i. who transcribed theni after his return to Hlchmond. Those statementr. supposed to be identical with the material produced b3fore the grand Jury, are significant In many particular"!- Tney un- the ?"ilt of careful questionings by Waller (Staples Pongc, ot equnne] for do Com? monwealth, and tend to show how tho crime tv.-is carried out. Without going into tho evidence tis lo dlspUtsd point*. It may bo said thai ? very scYap of testimony showed be? yond a shadow of a doubt that either Sldna Allen or Claude Swanson Allen nreii the rtr't shot in the courtroom. 'rhrri> cannot b* the fllghl'Tt doubt on thli point. Vet with that curious ?ii t of twist to the lyitnan mind which would trsek apologies or excuses every? where, tlto Impression has arisen in Konn quarters that some of the louit nflbisls ilrcit first This Is certainly n mistake, although Sheriff Webb, it would, appear, had the righ; under the clrcurn&laucek to offer th* iitst shot. With the Rapid prompt dcclslou munt ?uccccil Indifferent activity an to your Kastor huy Ihli, anil nun trho mm nbout what tbcy vrcnr and ulmt they puy 1,111 i'11,1 these .locks of Hurk-mnilc Clothe*, sold nt ".Mnker-to-WcareT" price*, of Inrntliimble value In mnKlDc ihclr chulec. At $27.50 and $30 you'll roallzc the fallacy of tho tailor habit?graphically". You'll lind liner fabrics, nevvor models, handsome patterns and mor; pleas? ing colors than you aver thought possible to secure. Tho very best "f forden and domestic cloths tall orcd by the beat talent possible, to procure. An absolutely perfect fit gun ranted. At $18 and $20 Von can let your chousing run riot. You nron't hampered by bav? in;: your choice narrowed down to a handful of garments. Theri aro fully a /thousand suits In'otir $1S and $lffl ranges; not Otic of them whs put there until wo were satis lied that it would satisfy you. sizes to fit all. At $25 and $22.50 you'll no: u display of suits that Is a Utting demonstration of this score's success. You'll llnd hlg'u cTa*a garments that satisfy every requirement of the man who Isn't usually satisfied unless ho pays far more. And with our customary thoroughness you'll 1lnd every else .'rom 05 to 51, stouts, regulars and slims. At $12.50 and $15 ?the prlc'.i the average store slights, w-i've put in some of our very best "licks," Th'2 man wlio buys a %i:.~iO or $15 suit hero gets n garment that will satlsfv from the first day ho judges it for tin style to the last day ho Judges k for wear. Our blue s-srge Milts at those prices nr: value marvels. Norfolk .Inclcel Solln?Mure .New .Models Juni In?firry*. 11 rtiw an mid Tun? ??18, s-jo, s3s.50, sit.. THE DAYLIGHT STORE Main and Eighth Streets. News of South Richmond t-tf'jth Richmond Butcnu, The Tlmes-Oltpatch. i l .0 Hull .street, phono Madison its. Ven*rdny. ti:i lecond anutyef?iry ??! the ?in;- on which the p?op!c of Mancheiter voted favorably on Uta (juerilot of c?n??lt datlon with the city of ttlchmond. provr-i to the banner 4*> lo realty Circles; when property valued at nearly YASr.") changed laand*. The Inraeat m!< of the day was mado by Hlantou ft Oompany, ?'ho offered f<;r rctlitratlon In the office; of 'J'erk Wal? ler IS. D'uVsl n d'ed of bartaln and wlc, whereby tha "Leader llulidini on tV.* corner of and Bull Street! pafe-d l-.erdr. The |ot ha.? a frontas- of flfty-jlr. feet en Hull street and a d':pth of "ft feet. In tt is homed the Washington Ward municipal offices, the Manchester National Bank and t'at quarters of the Hoiithilde uo>>>' Branch of Hie, Yeans* Men's ? lirlttlar. Aaseclstloh. Ph? ;.:!<?? ????? mentioned si Ii? and other " he price, according te, the tax paid, waa in th* nettrhhorhood of IM.eOO. The lllclmiend '"edar Work* purchaind thrto ra*cel? of property, together with u"; shrds, fixture" s.ij machinery thereon, from the Manchee.rer furniture Company; The property 1% looted near the Atlantic roa.?t T.tne Railroad between Ralnbrldce Street and Hull Street. The rirn nnd iarsen lot lia? a fronttatte ef fifty-three feet t>:> Bain M1 Let Your Poor, Tired, Chafed, Tender Feet "Spread Out" Gloriously in a Bath oi TIZ1 Send for FREE Trial Package of TIZ To-Day "O. ?, clofv! what .1 fetiin"! Wonderful what TlZ will do for your feet!'' Just take your slwri off, and then put those weary, slyoe-rrinkled, achy, corn,;. pestered, bunion-tortured feet of yours in .1 TIZ bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy. They'll look uii at >u:i and almost talk, and (Men they II take another fiive in that TIZ hath! Ye?, TIZ is life to feet! The man or wottiaii who say* there's anything like, <?>? %ocd aoi TIZ never had a foot iii -t TIZ hath. When your fcci ai;hc, ue: tireiT S\yollch, tender or sore, jitst trj TIZ. Your feet will jiisl feel fine; also j our < orris; hiiiiioris and callouses will disappear. You'll he able lo wear -mallet shoes, loo; your feet will keep cozy: they'll never (>c frost? bitten, never chilblni'tied. 'VI/. operate.', under a new principle; drawing out all the poisonous exudations that make fret sore. corny and tirrd. Thrre'~ nothing elite like TIZ; so refuse any imitation. T1Z, 25 cents .< box, sold everywhere, .tnti rccoiiimciitlcfl by ;ill druy, stores, dc part men t and general -tore*. Write te? il. >? to Walter Luthe;- l>mlr,c it Co.. 1223 >iiut!i W.ib.t.-h Ave;, Chicago, III., for a Free trial package of TIZ bvrctiirn mail, .ind enjoy the real foot relief you never felt before. bridge Street ami runs along I tu railroad feat. The accent fronts flxty.-a?van ><-?. on Hie railroad, while ill- llilid ha* u trout a?* %>! thirty-three laet uu 'Twentieth Streut. Alf three tot? torm .one piece of property. Tne iirlva paid wsa about J&.W). For the sum ?>! W. J- Carter put | chased from p.. C. Droadus a let. with " j brich itore, knoirn si 1101 ltu'l stioet. Tho j lot front? twenty-one (e?-r or, Hull Hireet. I Mr. i-jitrv alao btcitna ttio owner of sixt} ?tg! ? .'???. nf prbperli on Ifu':', Street bc twetn Sixth und 'Seventh, which he pur chater Horn a. Held Vcnallc for ii.V)\ Ueor'ge Mi Walker sois to Milton II. B*s toh thirty feet of property on Perry .-'trtvt between Ninth and Tenth for H'J). V.lks install Officers. At the r?gu!at irieetlns ol tie Manches l-i 1-odse. No. ?U*. D. 1?. O. E-. held Thurs? day night -it the Hiks' Home, Eleventh' and Halnbpidgi et.-eets, the following officers Were Installed by Hast Exalted Itulcr W. E. HIjVs) to r.ervc for the ensuing- >car: Lin* ?rood Lloyd, exalted ruler; U. C. Ballard, esteemed leading '.might: .lohn L. Morris. ? esteemed loyal knight: John S. Kelly, et~ I teemed lecturing knight; H. C. Flttgcrald. secretary; W. n. Washington, treasure:; J. M. liiav. ? and John L. Morris, trust.;?.:, lt. E Eattman, inside guard; pougias Beat tie, esiulrr. and W. E. DuVal. chaplain, were appointed by the exalted ruler to SttrVe | for the year. Work oh Water Maina, ): leu* ting tor the new water mains for Sou Hi Richmond wo.? begu? yesterday lit'tho rornirr ?'! Cowardlh Avenue and MCPonbughj .-ir^ei. by workmen under |he supervision of Assistant Fuperinleiident i'lrurlcs A. J"rurk ert. of the Water Department. At this point I tPe main wit; bo twenty Inches In diameter, j a fed vdll extend down McDonoiiga to Ntnt '.i Slrect. and out. Ninth to the river, win-to n ' connection wltl be made with a pipe lead I Iris a-ross the river from the o!d purr.p houre, A slxteen-lnch main will run out Eleventh Street to Stockton, where It will connect with an eight-Inch main rut.nlnc from Sec? ond .-"t!e?t to Twenty.first. Tiie pli>?^ hive been distributed; and as soon R.? tlic evacuations srn made will b. j put In the, ground; Ituslness Men Meet. With a bare quorum piesent the South Richmond and Cliesterile'd HuMnes* Men's Afjoctatlon m?t last night at ilie Lafayette Houeet'-Routine %malnc.-,i was transacted. A meeting, it :* thought, will be called pre vlotis to the municipal primary. An effort, will be made to have all candidates aspiring to represent Msdlsor. Ward preecnt to slvc ehort talks on their qualifications, Cbanrery Bolt to He Heard. In the Halting! '~ourt, Part :. Judge E. n Wells ?rill hear argument In the chancery suit, of W. T. Dabney and others agamM Lc.s Sirrend'r S-'nellliigs this morning. The ca?? Involve* a large plec? of property on Hull Street, from which the plaintiffs ar enrdavortng to have a ,:!oud on the title re? moved. NOharlei T. Morris Is :epre?entins the defendant*. < nt by Lampshade. WT.lie ;oT?nng an ate light near Eleventh! snd McDorioiigb streets yesterday, at Cal?! ithan, a lamp trimmer, employed by th*i city of Richmond, wan dangerously cut. about tha liead when the thndc over the 'amp became dislodged and fell. His vound was drecsed by Dr. 32. ?!. Hill. Callshan wSt able to resell his homo on South Fifth Street without. ??rletHnoe. In Police Courts Wavsrly Ru'shmore, nn Eng!i?hman <harg-| ? 4 -clth belnfr drunk andI-unable to care fori himself, "as yesterday dismissed by Jus-j Uee If. A. Maurice, of the Police Court, | Part on the man's promi.-e to leave tho! tonn - William Jone*, colored, chnrge.l with a j like offense, drew a tin- of $?.r,o and coit.?. I Play nnll To-Day. Two games o: ball are schedulad for to? day. This morning at 10 o'clock the Elks, i formerly known as the Tigers, will meet Hie S'lmmes -"tree'. Sltiggeis on the Spring Hill! diamond. The White Sox, of Hurl; & Company, of; tho Richmond Amateur League, will meet the Outlaws In n practice game on the: ??Fl.ite" at the head of Thirteenth Street, j Tills trill be the ln?i gerne played hy tin: j White Sex before the opening o; the leaguo fccason. Interest la baseball has taken a sudden' Jump since the announcement was made | ?.hat tlic <"lty Council bad made an appro-1 pi In lion of 150 lo meet the ?Pentes o? hav- j lux a ball it. it laid out. Meiul Mrlp? mi I'oat-OOice, Scpervltsjig Architect H. K. Taylor, of i the Post-Office Department, has euthorixed Superintendent Thomas IL smith, of the Manchester .station of ilie Richmond post office, tu receive bids for pi.ielng mem he wcathrr strips on the building. Rids will be rccciMd until May s. Confirm* Large I Inn?. Tlic lit Rev. a. M. Randolph, Bishop et i!i^ liloceie or Southern Virginia, ?dmtu. i lutered the of confirmation on ,i clnss of nine ?t the Meade STemorlal Episcopal i iiuri Ii last night, A (arse congregiillon greeted the bishop, Scott-Craven. On March M in the Dutch Reformed l.'hnrcii. i'liurchvi?e, IM.. Mlrs .Mabel Scott was niiltc.i in uiarrlaac to Frederick Flr iiiMn Craven, of Cornell, Pa, The bilde Is a ?isier ?f Walter I,. Scott and of .Mrs. Alex. T. PaNtoii. formerly of South Richmond, sad has many frlen'di in Somh Rleliinoml and Clieslertleld county, lii'vt'ig resided to. several yenm near ?rahclra Church, Uro^M Itork Road, .Mr, und .Mrs. Craven will bi? nt home .ifie;- April in at Cornel!, Reck? : loue'ty. Pa. .Meede Mrmorlnl Service?; A fine muslcnl program for Eaiiler has' !"?< u prepared i>y the rholr of tlie Meade Memonlal HplSCopal Cbiireh. Tiie tervlces will be conducted as fu'lowi t.y tlto rotrtor, the, Ree !?'. Ernest IViirrea: 7:10 A. M . Iiojy coinmitnlou; it a. M.. morning ii'rnyer ?Itii holy communion; evening i-.trvlc-^ ni s P.M.' . I lea lb of Mrs. Sarah If. ?low. Mrs. Ssrah II. O'row, w-lfc of F.. I". prow, of Slop No. Petersburg Turnpike, died yesterday at the Memorial Hospital. Toe | remains n:e?,ii ibe parlors of Die Richmond I HllrinI Company, Funeral arrangements I win be announced biter, rcraonnl Monllen. Mrs. T. E. Hiirton and i?<, sons win tdave Monday for a two ?.>eks' ' i-lt I? relatives in Waililnaton nnd Haltlnioic, Wade Owena Is spending Ute Faster boli dR)s< I? New Vork. Street Committee Defers Action on Opening of Monument -?Avenue Until Then. GETTING PLANS IN SHAPE 'Claim Made That Railroads Are Holding Up City on Stone Paving. ; The otters not being In writing, the Committee on fitrceta last night de? terred uctiou on lite plana for opening Monument Avelino tor three and on' half miles beyond tho corporate lim? its, until tho proper t?gai papers can be drafted, with 'the necessary re? leases, but a number of members in dlcHtcd their apj?ro%'al of the proposi? tion ua verbally presented, and there seerris, no doubt, but that in duo time it will be recommended to tho Coun ' cdl ftor adoption. T, Francis Green presented e. map Showing a proposed ! extension of Monument Avenue from 1 Its prcaont end at the Itosoneath Road, for a uniform width of 110 foct Into I lleni'Ico county, to tho Three Chopt Koad a distance of approximately throe atid one-half miles. All of tho prop? erty owners beyond the city limits agree to donato the property for the public Improvement:', and this agrco 1 merit Mr. Green undertook to securo In writing. Forbes Avant? SlfS.UOO. . i A subcommittee )ia,i been In ntgotia i lion with W. Forbes, owner of tho : tract on tho Rosoncatli Road at the i liead of the present, avenue, and recom | mended acceptunco of his offer to dedi [ cute the strip through his tract, 140 tebt wide,, for the opening of Monu? ment Avenue, and also to dedicate bind for certain other streets, for tho sum I of $1S,000. Tho committee wanted to know Just wTial. other streets we're in? cluded, and Chairman Adams wlth drew from the committee room and belli a conference with Mr. Forbes on the telephone 'as to tho extent of his offer. It wars then stated that Mr. Forbes would agreo for that price also to dcd. Icatc (ami for extending Grace .Street, Franklin Street and Park Avenue, un,i for the cross street west of the Rone hoath Road, known an Glimour .Street, lie requested, however, that Glimour Street bo not opened through between Franklin JJtrect a:,d Monument Ave? nue, as ho proposes to erect a home there and park the surrounding g rounds. All of the papers were referred to the City Attorney to b?. put In proper form, Mr. Green offering to securo the signatures of property owners on the proposed, strip to be dedicated as a public highway, and the City F.n irinerr wus instructed to make a plat of the Forbes property showing what rtreet? are to be, dedicated. While the only present cost to the city for land is the f 1S,006 charged by Mr. Korbes, ail other property being donated, no provision has been made for grading or improving the roadoed of the new thoroughfare. Tho matter Is to come back to the street Committee when ptropor releases and signatures are . btainod. 1'nvlnc Monuinrnl Avenue, I Kill Montague nn'd others appeared In behalf of the uhpavttl portion of Monument Avenue lying between Addi? son Street and the Boulevard, assert? ing that tho enormous traffle In auto? mobiles, with their dust-raising and churning motion, made It most unpleas? ant to live on this street, unless paved. The committee recommended to the Sloan's Liniment is an antiseptic remedy for inflammatory diseases of the throat and chest. Tor ?orc throat, croup and asthma it gives quick relief. is also good tor cough or cold. A. CU>T5, "f Waldo, Ohio, writes: ? ?' I had a ?e?efe *or? throat and for fourdayi conld not avr?llow, as my throat had iwellod very much. 1 ?s"ii fourdropaol Liniment on lamps of sucar and Pt it dlMolro on tar tongue, and iu eight hours I rj? completely enred." at ail dttiin. rrt-.?2ac, sue. * $i.oo. Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass. Wood's Seeds Fop 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every fanner and gardener should have a oopy-of this cata? log, which has long been recog? nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor? mation which it gives. We arc headquarters for Grcvss and Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans a,nd all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it. T. W. WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. \VF. 1I.IKII A SPECIALTY of packing horn ehold goods and cblna fur shipment. Rountree-Sulherland Cherry Corporation 1 11 - l III-115 Vtcst IIrood Street. A I-'nmi'its New York Cbef Said: "I could ?easily do without Hour, In ba.kitig. a-, without Saucr's Ex? tracts." / UneqUaled for cakes, Ices, custards, puddings, sauces, etc. SAUUlVs VA.MI.I.A. Who have best teeth? We Americans. Why? If you say it is due to Wrigley's ?ma$^- we will admit we have helped some. We want to help more. We'd like to help you. This mint leaf confection brightens, cleanses and preserves teeth ? partly by friction ? partly by the mint leaf juice. Yes, it purifies breath ? sharpens appetite ? aids digestion. But we're talking of teeth. It helps millions of teeth every minute. Help yourself ? your teeth? and enjoy the refreshing juice of fresh mint leaves. Buy it by the Box of any dealer. It coif* less. Look for the spear The flavor lasts Council a i-prclai appropriation to pdvo both sid.-s out to Robinson Streut, at a probable cost of $16,000. Mr. Kul llvon sought to amend the resolution] adding $16,000 for smooth paving on Rast Broad street beside Ctilfnborazo Park. Mr. Pollock Fahl that If that vvcro merely an election resolution, it mi^ht be adopted to go no further than the Council, but it was out of all question to> smooth pave East Broad Street when citizens in many sections can hardly gpt to their homes for tho mud. Tho Sullivan amendment Wae rejected. The committee recommended adop? tion of an ordinance transferring the rights recently granted to tho Rich? mond, Urbannn and i'entnsula Rail? road to the newly formed Richmond and Rappahannock Railway Company; a resolution authorizing construction of a sewer In Thirty-sixth Street, to cost 51,400j and a resolution to ae qulrc land to open Bombardy Stran't from Broad Street across the right of way nf the Richmond, Frcdcrloksburg ami Potomac Railroad. Railroads Holding Up City. 7>!r. Boiling brought to tho atten? tion "i the committee 1 ho'-fact that all atone paving anj curbing is cost Ing tho city about 10 or 12 per cent, more this year than heretofore. So far as he had been able to ascertain, this was due Id the fact that all quar? ries furnishing this atone are under one control, and make a uniform price, ami because excessive charges are be? ing mad6 by the railroads.for deliver? ing stone from the quarries. Mr. Holling .-aid the city wart giving I lie railroads large concessions In the use of streets without charge, allowing Hidings in many directions, and should 'be given sinne consideration in return, lie had been informed that one road would not take the cars of another, and thai contractors hud been unable to get Cars delivered on hidings con? venient to the work to be done, unless the order lor the ?tone were placed through soino private merchant for whose use the Sidings hail been built. The committee agreed that the con? duct of the railroads, in view of the many concessions made by tho Com? mittee on Streets, was very higll-hahd ed. and the City Engineer was lti H true ted id write an emphatic lettir of protest on behalf of \h" committee, the suggestion being made that further switching and siding concessions be held up in the committee until some more reasonable attitude is adopted by the railroads toward the city and its contractors engaged on public, work. o th Eh "b?seb al'iTn e WS IRniits Ulli Again. Baltimore. Md., April ft.?Tho New York Nationals again hit the ball hard and defeated the Ral,tlmore Interna? tionals by a scare or 13 to n. ?7?? I lei roll is Defeated, Louisville, Ky.j April ."..--?Timely hit? ting help iho local team of the Anie'r I im Association t" idle up twelve runs ilgnltist Iho seven scored by tho.Ue trolt American Leh'g?'e team here to? day. The locals got sixteen hits olf Rem 'tieas ami I hi I) tie. Hi,Idle W ins Agnln. .Mobile. Ala., April ."..?Tin Mobile Siiuthern League team to-day again,1 the - Philadelphia Athletic.-' second team, with Bender and Thuuias as their battery. S'cure. ft to 1. Victory for I he Reds. Columbus', Ohio, April ft.?The Cin? cinnati National League t am to-day defeated ColurrShus, of the American Association, ft to Errors Cause Loss of (ininc. lad in nu polls, Jmi., A^rll ft.?Errors bv the Indianapolis American Associa. tion team Grave to-day's iTamo to the fliirnRo Nationals by the score of B to 10. Ulc LeuKuera Tnkr liunr, ?"?prlngllold. Ohio. April 5.?The New Vork Americana' first team defeated the local Central fjcuguo learn tu l to-do>-. Wolter, of the Highlanders* knocked the hall but of the park for a home run In ih ? fifth. other Onniea. Washing-ton, April 5.?The v.ile bnse h.ill team defeated Cornell | to I Ir. a game here to-day. ,AI Columbia: Columbia, South At lanttc, i: Spavlunburg;, Carolina Asso? ciation, 15. At Nashville. Tonn.: Nashville, l~-| Vandcrbllt Unlvorslty, 3. At. Spnrtanlnirp;: AYofforrt Collen;?, 3j Pr^by tcrian C'olloso of south Carollnai At Atlanta: Mercer, S; Georgia Techs, * . Rome, <:?". Apt il 5,?The Atlantni Southern tjcnprne ir^m defeated tiej Koine L?am of tit" Southern Leagu-i liorri to-day. ? to I. At* At liens. Ga.: University uf C.eoiw sia, Bi Auburn, Alabama, :!. At Asbevllle: Kll>--;?.; College, -'. Ashen ville lliwli school, l At Greenville, S." C : F?r man l'niver-, ?slty. t*>: College of Charleston, Colonial Hose Go Farthest of Any Hose Made for Men That's the way they arc guaranteed?WITHOUT COU? PONS and WITHOUT TIME LIMIT?just your satisfaction ?and I make good any fault?no matter what. Colonial Bantam-Weight Lisles Arc thin hs gaiu-e, but sightly and comfortable. Reinforced at heel OGJ? and toe with pure Irish Linen. *4C/C Colonial Pure Silk Hose Are made of THRKAD Silk and with extra high splicing. Kein- CAJ forced ;tt heels ami toes. ?JUC Muscoe H. Garnett 803 E. Main St. R. L. Barnes Safe & LockCo., Inc. ? - ? . - . . i BaBBBSB Manufacturers and Dealers In everything In Safes. Vaults and Bank Vault Fittings, ftpeclr.i line of Safes, standard fireproof, from |I0 up. Old safes taken In pirt pay? ment of new purchase. Sketches, catalogues ami prices chearfully fur? nished on the smallest to largest Items. R. T. LIPSCOMBE, Sales Manager, 9-11-13 Sonlb r.Urhtb Street. - - - Richmond, Vsu