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LOVELORN YOUTH SEEKS TO END LIFE Aijns .it His Heart, but Misse* Its Location by One Inch Margin. j IN DANGEROUS CONDITION Woundcii Man. Who Now De? sires to Live. Has Fair t liancc for Recovery. William Merklt. twenty-two r-car? ol.l of U1S Ashland Street. disap? pointed in love; trletl to end his life, yesterday aftcrnoou ^i"1 ?< call-, tire Smith .v- Wesson pistol. That be I 1? In the t ity Hospital with a lighting riiann for recoven is diie solely to | a miscalculation of one Inch In aim? ing at his heart. Merklc's brother. together with oth? er members of the family, wire star- j tied yestcrda} afternoon al : o'clock hv the sound "f a pistol shot. Hush- I lrig into the sitting-room, thoj found young M-rkle with a smoking pistol j In Iii? hand, propnring t>> send another bullet into bis tod.v. Mis brother ?as <io;r.k enough to prevent the carrying out of the design, and succeeded In knorklnu' ibe pistol aside. The bullet bit tue ceilnik; and fell harmlessly t?| the floor. I The wounded man staggered to hl*| knees wltl blood flowing from a , wound in the breast, and a call was Kent In at on..- for the ambulance. l>r. Ii B. Watts responded and made h hurried examination. He found that !!.<? billet entered just above rue: heart. Instead of hitting it. through ! no fault of the would-be.suicide. , wriose lieart is about one Inch lower, than t'.e normal position. ? ??W.U. you almost bit II. bul not | quite.*' said Or. Watts lo the wound? ed ma u. "Yes. I tried my best to hit it.*' he 1 c plied. in Itnngerona Condltloo. At the City Hospital, where he was tak'n at once, the examination re- I vested a dangerous wound In tho breast, from which, under the most fa. vorablo circumstances, recovery will be difficult. Unless pneumonia should develop it was stated, the patient has a fair chalice 10 live. From despondency which pre? ceded his act, Merkle has rallied con? siderably and manifests a strong de? sire to live. Ho has remained con? scious from the beginning and de? clines to discuss the reason which prompted him to end Ids life. From members or the family, however, it was learned thai the young matt has i. en despondent over a love affair. Nothing; bul a pardonable Ignorance I of his own anatomy, assert the phy- j siclans, prevented him from carrying] out his Intention, lie aimed directly at the place where his heart niisrht to! have been, I lit where, by a trenk of | nature. It wan not. The pistol was so1 close that his clothing cannot tire, and! was burning when his brother rushed] in upon him and put It out. ? SEEKS BOY'S PARENTS I.oat t i.Ii.I Unable to TfH Police Where He Live*. The police of the First District last night exhausted every effort to lo t-att t!:>' parents of a boy win. said his liaine was Walter Hawkins, ten yearn old. He was -found early In the even? ing In College Alley by "Bicycle Pa? trolman Kidd. Ho had a huge quan? tity of mate1:.-*, was striking them and throwing the llaming bits. In all direc? tions. Vsked by the officer where he lived, the bey was unable to tell. I! > said that his father was engaged In the Insurance busln/ss, and that he had been In Rtehnioud only three days. Tt was gathered fx<>m him after much questioning that he came io Richmond from Alexandria, Va. No report of a ln?t boy^wwj nut do t--. the police. Ilaeh A renne* the other. Charlotte Harris ami Lucy Jefferson, colored, were arrested yesterday on] cross-warrants, each iiecuslns; the other of assault und battery. 1 STATE HAS RIGHT ] TDSHOOT WOMAN] Jndecci, She Invites It. but Then,! of Couise, She Is Perfectly Safe. In reply to a query from the State military authorities as to what she I roposes to do about the fact Ih?'t the militia has the right to shoot up her home, as it is in the line of lire at t'ae now State rifle range, the wo? man in question says she won't do anything about it. She owns her home and lives in it. mid. admitting the rieht of the nttlltn ry, by deed, to shoot over It. idle says she win take the ebniie?? Now these rights were seotirod1 af? ter niuch trouble and great difficulty. A land company had developed a nar? row piece of property between the tract Which Is r.oiv the State rifle range ar,.l camp site, near Virginia IJoac'n, and had sold lots. It is .pro? posed to i)r- toward ilie ocean. Most of the hull. t3 will go into a fand dune, but some will fly over the. lots and over the water. The State ha? a perfect rl*ht ?? shoot this householder. She Invites men action. Bul public sentiment ir.ay be encountered, and nobody wants to kill lie.r, anyway. It |a now a question whether or not the. fear 01 shooting her w'll break up the use c>" the venge. SAVING BANK RICHMOND my E.MAIN ST. Frequent t xamitiallon?. close ?pervi<l<-,n and prudent m > Oia* nv?de our bank aiife sa i * And If One, You Are Seen Without You'll Get Rather Bad Rating. TO HELP WORTHY CHARITY Stations. With Women in Charge. Will Me Located on All A\ c nucs of Travel. Foi the Instiii live Visiting Nurses* Association, this Is tho most important day oi the year. Hundreds '>f earnest women have i>eoti planning for It for weeks, and will be occupied today in piloting it t" n successful end. it Iis the annual Tag Day, dedicated t" the revenue of trie association by of t.. iai proclamation of the .Mayer. a number of the most prominent | women in tb. city will begin -it '?' o'clock Oils morning t>> solicit contri? butions from ili" general public in the aid of the Instructive Visiting Nurses' Association, an organisation devoted to the training of nurses ami to min? istering to in. nceuj ill. Aside front a small aimuii appropriation by the city, and tecs paid to it by a promi? nent life Insurance company, lib uticlallon Is dependcnl wholly upon Ihe public for Its support. The revenues required for the main? tenance of the institution, in addition to those a 1 read) mentioned, are de? rived from individual donations. Ithd f i om dues paid by a limited mem? bership. Olllj upon Tai; Day does U?0 association mako publlu appeal for help. The receipts on this day gu a long way in paying Hie ncccssnrj ex? penses of operation, but for tho pnsi year or two have not beep largo enough to prevent a deficit from show ins at the end of the year. .loin the Tup Arm?. Stations where one may secure * tug and deposit his offering in 'I"' mite-box are located to-day at every point where the masses gather for business or recreation. At Hie large department stores, nt corner drug stores, at railroad stations, cluts, the? atres ahd factories, deputies will Stand ready to receive contributions and to append the red tag to ones coal lapel as a siun that toll has lie. n paid. Strict orders have been Is? sued that no one wearing a tug shall be solicited again one will hardly be aide to dodge I being tanned. 1'ow will wish to dodge il. No one is so poor in the poods of this world who will not go out of his: way to give the price of a mat inc. ticket to an organization chartered to r.-lleve human suffering. The SlSo of the contribution Is limited onl) by the; generosity and the purse of ihr giver. ' The mlte bnx will receive dollar and I dime with the same mute thanks, and , the tau will mark ail givers with tho I same degree of credit. J COLORED MINSTRELS jHekson Ward SoiiblonnoniH hi < It, ludltorlum To-Nlg-ht. The amateur dramatic bacillus bar crossed I)road Street and invaded life I colored colony The result of Ihr in- I feet Ion wilt he the Hunfy Hoy So-! clety .Minstrels, which will be present- I ed at the City Auditorium to-night by an aggregation of fifty young colored men. The performance '".'II be for the bo n eft I of the Colored orphan Asylum. The best talent of the colored poptl latlon has been recruited for Ihe en? tertainment, which will le the year's biggest evint amnnc the colored cit? izens. The show Is planned on real \ minstrel lines, with a performance di? vided Into two parts, and with a grand street parade at 12:30 o'clock. Prank Mayo is guiding tho production h? manager, ami "Oippy" Smith has charge of the music. Among th? individual stars tho press agent mentions .1. Wllmer Turn, i r and Joe Hayes, the honey boys: Klgglestou and ISdwardS, star comed? ians, and White and Dyson, Jackson Ward tnnblor.soms. Seats will be re? served for white people ACTORS HELD OT ROBBERY CHARGE Two Who Recently Appeared at Bijou Arrested on Norfolk Warrants. .t. H Wright and Jack Mclntyre, ac? tors, wore arrested yesterday shortly ] b fore icon at the Byrd Streit Station by De|rctiv.-a Wiltshire and Atkinson. ';oi the request of Die Norfolk authori? ties. They utc said so be wanted In 1 I that city on charges of grand larceny and houscbreaklhg. Th*j looked upon tht Ir arrest at first as a Joke, but when placed In a cell at the First Police Station they regarded 'he. matter more seriously. Wright and M?lntyra were members 0 1 ? Billy B. Van Company, which Closed the season or "The Ducky lloo-| doo" last werk in Norfolk. The pre? vious week they appeared In Rlch ; nmnd at the BIJou <r'nes,?re. With other of the company Hiey I'ft Norfolk ycsl-rday morning en I t out" f'.r New Vork Thoy arrived I er? by v - of the Norfolk and West? ern Railway, j Rarely hilf ^ hour before tho] ' train's arrival a message was rpceiwd j ? by Chief of Polle? Werne, from Nor- \ .'folk aMilrg that they be arrested and ! held. Captain of Detectives Ford, of Nor 1 folk, arrived !n Rl-timond last nigh!. \.<;,ft will return with the prisoners to ry- _ ? ??iiddrnlr III with Appendicitis. A R Bills, of Philadelphia, who Is the guest of Mrs. Harry Kills. Jr. J??11 West Grace Street, was taken suddenly 111 Saturday and Tcmowd t.. the Virginia Hospital for *n operation for appendicitis The operation wax performed arid Hie patient I? reported as getting along nicely. Negro Woman Pound Head. Signora Carter, colored, twenty.alx years old. was found dead In bed yes? terday mnrn'ng at her home. In the rear oi lrjio (Cast Main Street. The ? body wes viewed by Cor.ini r Taylor I who pronounced death due to heart disease. HOLD NEGRO FOR ASSAULT ON NOBLE George Davis Formally Charged ?fli Warrant With Faster Sunday Crime. ENTERS EMPHATIC DENIAL Prisoner Picked Up for Fighting Pater Identified bv Vic? tim. In the arrest of Cloorgc Pavis, <-ol ored, thirty-five >> old. the police are certain that they have enptureel the man who beat and robbed r-.os. W. Noble, of G19 Noble Avenue. Glitter Park, on Baster Sunday in the office "i the It. J, Reynolds Tobacco f'oni. pany, 330 South Tenth Street. Davis was arrested Saturday night for street lighting b> Ofltcor A M. Smith. lie tallied with the description of Noble's assailant, an<l Smith yesterday after ii.i called upon him to Identify the prisoner. At First Police Station Noble picked Davis from a cro\\t| of several negroes, and was positive In bis Iden? tification. A reword of $2:. was offered by the father of the young man who was robbed, and manager of the tobai. uompuny. When Keen in his coll by a reporter Davis firmly denied ail knowledge of the crime. He said that be never frequented South Tenth Street; that he was employed in a Jobbing house In the Bast Bind, and his homo was In Brook Avenue. Foun(| IMin In Factory. According to the story of Mr. Noble, lir bad occasion to visit the oflloo of the factory on Beater Sunday after? noon. He was alono, and passin? through the office lie went to th.- rear Of the building, where he was de? tained for some time. Returning to ihe ofllce he found the man ho identified going through a wardrobe, and had upon his arm sev-1 ernl overcoats. With a cry the negro dropped the coats and turned upon | Noble, a touch and tumble light, which j continued for nearly half an hour, the latter said, ensued, tie was final? ly overcome by Davis, pinned to the. | floor and robbed of $> In dish, Davis 1 then fled. Investlgat'on the (allowing das showed that tho negro had gained an entrance to tho building through s rear window, and he was evidently In the factory when Noble entered. Following the Identification of Davis a warrant charging him with felon? iously assaulting and robbing Noble was sworn out. and he will probably be given a preliminary hearing this morning in police (."0110. CAUGHT IN ACT - ?\ecro Woman Found t.olna 1 brunch I ?nebet'? of Clothes. Bertha Thompson, colored, was ar? rested yesterday morning on a charge of entering the home of Mrs. A. .1.1 Sprat ley. iff'.' Bast Clay Street, and1 attempting to rob a boarder. O. Q. Klrkland. Kirkland was awakened after mid-; night, according to information riven '. the polio.-, hv a light jti his room. Ho, glanced up and saw the woman sitting on a chair going through '.-.Is trousers pockets. .lumping from bed. ho crabbed h'r. The First Police .Sta? tion was notified and nn officer was sent for tho woman, who was held a prisoner until his arrival. The- woman whs formerly employed h? a domestic In the home of Mrs. Spratloy, and, being familiar with r"ie surroundings, -found little difficulty in effecting an entrance. WOULDN'T PAY FARE Conductor Itcfnscn Transfer and Hna Man Irrested. Joe Wuld, thirty-four years old, a blacksmith, was arrested yesterday af? ternoon by Traffic Officer Hill for ro fusing to pay hi? fare on n car of the Highland Park division of the Vir? ginia Railway and Power Cnmpnny. Wuld was given a transfer from a Main Street ear at Seventh and walked from that point te> Seventh and Broad Streets. ..lien be presented the trans? fer It was refused by the conelnetor. The latter demanded an extra nickel, and Wuld is said to have refused and inOst.-ei upon continuing h's trip. Rccomlng persistent, the conductor turned lilm over to Hill. Ho wa? le.,-heel uii at the Second Pol'ce Sta? tion. NEGRO SURRENDERS Men Wanted for Shooting George Mor? ton Given Itiinieir Up. I.e-rov Williams, colored, wanted for ahootlng George Morion, also colored, last Thursday "night, yesterday aft-r noon surrendered himself to Bicycle <>llh-er Cllfke. He was locked up e,t the Flrsl Police Station. Morion Is at the City Hospital with an ugly nul? let wound In his t.hl<rh, and his condi? tion Is believed to be critical. In Reeking to capture DerOy Wil? liams nt Ms he.rno In CaRlOUn St-eot shortly after th--. abootlnfr. Detectives Kellam and Krengel mistook hla brorher. Tom Williams, for hl.n. The latter Is said to have draiwn a revolver end it'empteel te. shoot t.ha officers. Drawing his ciin. Krfngol fired one Fhe.t. wounding tho ne;rro In th? leg He is also at the City Hospital. BUSINESS PEOPLE BEHIND NEW PLAN Convention Idea Opposed, No! Indorsed, by Politicians Who Seek Power. WILL CALL MASS-MEETING I Xced of Electing Good Men on Administrative Board W ill Be Shown. I Business men who have given the I question much attention declared yes ! t er day thai tad apparent opposition tu I ma convention piun oi iiomtnatlns members of the Auuvnlstratlvc Board was uuc, to an erroneous conception to the men behind urn movement, i .ivy explained that I he movement was being pat forward business men, not l>y politicians; that no slate hud been made up or even suggest od; that, I the real value of the primary system, j was broken down b; tiu muilitudu of j Icandidates, ami tua? Iho whole systemI I of city government, under Iii? now | plan, will be ruined unless men of wise i business judgment, acknowledged abll-1 Illy and wisdom arc e^cted. in order to couvln ? iho public that lit is not a political scheine; it was an I noun cod last night lliat a mass-meat ling will be called within tho next week and that prominent cltlsons would d - I dver addresses, in which they will un? dertake to show iho Importance of do ' vising some plan for the good of the ? i ntlre community. .Need Rood Members. ! ?The tiling is tin.-.' taid a clUaeu rt-ho has advocated the OOllVontlOn. "We are soon to elect live men who are to co,id net a business amounting lo S3.00v.000 annually. They at e clothed j with tremendous power. They elect! ull city except t ie City At? torney; award contracts, authorize thej expenditure of monvy, and carry on] all the work now performed b| the Council committees. M this Adminis? trative Board Idea 10 i.o a success, ii\e must have Strong men in ollicn. I The public- has a right t.> know some ; thing about tho candidates now in th race. Do you suppose c corporation Would pick out a man .anting less; 'than $1011 a month iind pay him $5,000 j unless lie mid ability not previously . recognised? The fa. t that a man ihas I a big political following JL-. nJI the i j reason why we should have business1 men who aro not In politics on the [ Administrative Board, do to th? Oi^y I Mall ami ask city employes what they think of the convention idea. (Jo to! the ward politician*; and nsk their opinion. You will lind them howling llgalUSt it. and thoy are sincere in their howls. I ItiwIncNa People V roused, , "This movement is put forth in an' effort to g t the Administrative Board I out of politlct> The business people are nroused to the importance of ac? tion. Tliry aro not in favor of nojnt- j ' tuning ahybbdy except men of exjTerl I once. You have got to elect men who ; arc making a sacrifice In serving the city rather than men who will Increase! ihelr Income 100, 500 or 1,000 per cent, by going on the board. 11 Is common street talk that tiie city employes are against tile business movement. It ought not to :,f a difficult matter to ascertain that .'act We have made a chang.. of tremendous !m;>ortance in' the management of city affairs, but It j will hc a sorry day for Richmond, un? less men of experience and success and j brains are nominated ar city man-j agers." Many of those who have be<n work- I ing for the convention plan realize' that great opposition -has developed, but they attribute this to the fart that the public ha. been badly informed. ' So a mass-meeting will be tcld, at | which the facts will bo ably set forth : j for the Information and guidance of! i th* voters. INQUEST TO-DAY j (iirourr "\\" 111 Inquire Into Oenth of, "Woman Who \Vn? Mnrdrred. Coroner Taylor will conduct an In-1 quest into the d-ath of Ducinda Miller, | colored, who was found murdered Sat-1 urday afternoon at her honf In Con- | cord Street, this morning; at 10 o'clock! In tho City Hall. The woman was found dead In her.! bed with her skull crushed from a Mow from an axe. She hail evidently | [been killed r.t, Thursday night, lieri room ??< leriied from the outside. Her alleged slayer, William Brown. Is nr>w being sought by the police. DET/TCOATKS n'KXIA limnim IIETWEFoN HARMON AM? mi,?n\ I \ [Special to eke Tlmes-Dls-patch.] j faifton Forge, Va., April 21.?A 1 j Democratic mass-meeting was held Ihere last nlirht lo elect delegates to the State Democratic convention, which meets In Norfolk, Va, on .May 23. The, attendance was large, and cor-slder a'.iie enthuslai i wag manlfested, Tho meeting olected the 'following dele? gate* and alternates: Delegates Judge Oeortre K. .\7ider-. son, A. IvJ. "Ml.ban. F. "W. King. A. F. Bt*wnrt, Ii B. Meek.s. R. B. Fnxton, O. B. Harvey and E. O. Payne. .Vltftrnate? V.'. p>. Tlnsley, George O. Greene, Ocorgt M. Fnrrar, P.. V. Van Morn. W. a Bonavlta, P. C. or?, Eu? gene "Mathews and A. b. Davits ciifton Forgo is rntltWI to four delegates, lo.' f was decided to elect eight delegates, with a half vot* each. The resolution adopted ore not par? ticularly binding, and the debates are abotii evenly divided between Harmon and Wilson. I It Was Mr. Micawber Who said that the difference between misery and happiness was two shillings per annum. The man who spent A SHILLING MORE than he earned was miserable; the man who spent A SHILLING LESS was happy. The difference in amount between comfort and dependence may be a small one; bur there is all the difference in the world In the experience. A business alliance with the ' American National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, will assist you in caring for what you accumulate ; from day to day, making It easy for von to be among those who spend A SHILLING LESS. jj TEN NEW MEN SEEK SEATS IN COUNCIL Fifteen Members Voluntarily Re? tire From Public Life. THE HOLDOVER ALDERMEN Seven Members of City Council Now Aspire to Administra? tive Board. Fort) candidates have entered the ! ruce lor tho twenty-one scuts In the City Council to bo tilled at the Demo? cratic primary a week from lo-inor- I row. Fitteeii men now members oi Uie City Council have voluntarily reUrod from public life by not ottering tor re-oioctlon. Plve inembora of the] present City Council are staying out ? ?t lHe Council race with a view ol of? fering lor the Administrative ituaru, while two hold-over Aldormon not af fected by tnla primary will also enter the contest. Ten men not now mem? bers til.- City Council have paid their entrance foe in an effort to win lb. Ir way into public life. Only twenty-live of the thirty-nine members <it th.? present common Coun? cil an- offering for ro-olectlon, with four of the ousted Aldormon. These, wltn tin- nine new moil, make thirty eight candidates tor the twenty seats in tile new Common Council. Councilman Blake is offering for the vacant seat in the Board of Alder? men from Clay Ward, to succeed Pres Ideni Whlttot. who retires to run for the Administrative Board. Mr. Blake j win it- opposed by Ordway Puller. .New Men Offering. New men seeking to cuter the Com? mon Council arc: In .le-fferson Ward, B. Gallagher, Joseph B. Welsh and 13. C. Davidson. All of the ten candidates lu miv Madison Ward ar.. now mem? bers of the City Council?seven now In the Council and three In the Board of Aldermen. The follow'ng men voluntarily retire from public life at this time, not hav? ing announced themselves for re-elec? tion or us candidates for any other office: Aldermen c. P. Cowardln, Joseph M. Kam. James A. Moneure and It. 0, Reynolds; Counollmon W. EL Bosohen, Barney Bowman, W. B. Bradley, 1. It. Brown, E. H. Fergusson, R. A. Olli. Clifton M. Miller, H. R. Pollard, Jr.. W. Fred Richardson. James H. Pinner, W. W. Workman. Some ol these have been for many years active and useful membera of tho Council, anil their loss will be felt. Especially Is this true of Chairman II. 11. Pollard, Jr.. of the l lnanco. Com? mittee, and of Mr. Fergusson, who has seen long service "n the Street Com? mittee. The four Aldermen who retire are regarded as among the conserva? tive and reliable members of the up pi r branch, which has always served as a balance wheel against enthusias? tic and Ill-digested action. Aldermen Bennett, Hobson and Whlttet and Councllmon Hirschberg and Richards are not Booking re-election, as all nre. prospective candidates lur the Admin? istrative Board. Messrs. Qunst and Don Deary, also candidates tor the Administrative Board, are hold-over members. Hold-Over Aldermen. With the one vacancy in Clay Ward t.- b<- tilled by the selection between 'Mr. Blake and Mr. Puller, the new Hoard of Aldormen, made up othcr wlse of hold-over members, will be composed of tho following: W. II. Adams, John II. Bllley, 1'. M. lior.a hoe, John F. Don J.eavy, W. J. Oilman. I John R. Grimes, Rarion II. Grundy. Marx (iunst, II. W. Mcltun. John .1. Mitchell, A. C Nelsen. J. R. Perdue and Joseph I-:. Powers, making a Board of fourteen members. By tho accident j of rodlstrlctlng, Jefferson and ij>>o. Wards each will have one extra Al-; until I he end of the terms for which they wire elected. In the election to be held a week from to-morrow five men arc to bo - selected for the Common Council In each of the. four wards, making a Common Council of twenty members, to take office September 1 next. Clay, ward has ? iKht candidates?six old members and two new ones. Jbee War<j has nine candidates?five old members and four new ones. Madison Ward lias ten candidates?all old hands. :'cven of th.-m living north of the tiver and three In South Richmond. Jefferson Ward has eleven candidates ? eight present membera and three new on'". No PoIIIok Places Yet Named. With tho confusion In ward and pre- | clnot lines consequent on redistrictlng. It seems hard to approximate the. vote, j and even the most confident candidates ? admit that It Is Impossible to figure with certainty on the result until the last ballots have been tabulated and the returns submitted. No list has! as yet been announced of the polling places In each of the now preo.lnc.ts, | und because of possible confusion In transferring the City Committee has ruled that a Democratic, voter may! cast his ballot at whatever precinct he j finds his name registered. IV DURHAM COUNTY JAJl,, Young, White Man Charged With Dr? ing Implicated In Bonk Robbery. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Durham, N. C April ^t.?A young white, man, Bveretl Crouch by name, who hau been living in Washington. D. d with ?ils father end sister, is now In the Durham county Jail, under the charge of being implicated In the, robbery of the Bank of Orange, <U Hlllt'boro. N. C., on the night of April 12. His bond has been fixed at ooo. He was given a preliminary hearing yesterdny, at which time Sie asked for a continuance of his case until Friday next. He talka freely, and gives a lengthy account of hlH travels und tramps. He had a chum named Ilammon, who left Crouch bo fore the latter waa arrested. Crouch says Ilammon la a native of Balti? more, and was a chauffeur, and that Mammon's father was prominently connected with pome Insurance com? pany. Detectives nre now hunting for Hammen. Crouch laughs at the i idea that ho la guilty of breaking the vaults of the. M?lsborn bank. Jiist how strong tho case la against him cannot now bo determined, as tho State has given out no Intimation of (ho evidence It has gathered. Tho Republicans held their county eonvontion yesterday afternoon. It Was almost unanimously a Roosevelt affair. There was bat ono Taft advo? cate, und his resolution to indorse tho administration whs greeted with dis? dain. He could not even get n second to his motion. All of ihe delegates to fhc State convention were instruct? ed for Colonel Roosevelt. , Riding Trousers We carry a full line of all wantable kinds, and in addition have Leggings, Stocks, Gloves, Caps and other requisites. Gans-Rady Company MAY WAIT UNTIL AFTER PRIMARY Question of Increasing Fire De? partment Likely to Go Over for Some Time. Having spent practically Us -nllr.' session last Tuesday nlsht In hearing long speeches from outsiders, Iho Coun? cil Committee on Finance, will meet to-night behind eloped doors lor the transaction of business. The resolu? tion increasing the pay of teachers "thor than In ihn elementary grades in pending. Action will alio be taken on! tho plans for Bcllevuc School, and on a number of other matters which have already been fully argued, Sevoral members ot the committee have sug? gested the advisibility < r postponing until arter tho election, action on the renucat of the Mudlsou Ward delega? tion for a motor hook and ladder truck. While innocent looking ot. Its lace, Iho resolution really carrit-b with it an1 Increase of ten uien In the Fire De? partment, and the installation of a hook and ladder company, with one of the old horse trucks iti South Rich? mond, ft lias been suggested that u more calm and judicial determination cun be made of the advisibility of in? creasing the. lire lighting force after the election?not before. The Committee on Ordinance, ' li? ter and itctorm lias given all ol two extended hearings 10 t'.c Oilman ord? inance, providing a ii'SA plan ot arbi? tration in regard to decisions of the Building Inspector, which was i ? pol l? ed adversely by u vote ci 7 tu i. The committee will meet to-night at o'clock to take up Us regular ,l<. k. t, which Is a lurgu one, embracing many matters of special Interest. A nit> commltteo of the Committee on Water, ! has been called for li o'clock, and a; subcommittee of the Committee on Street Cleuulng for & o'clock. Tho special committee on public li? brary will hold' Hb lirsl mooting to? morrow night at t:30 o'clock, to hear from Thomas J, Todd in regard to his offer to donate to the city {l?.uoo to? ward the acjulsitlon of .1 site for such I an Institution. Delegations from a ' number ot associations favoring es? tablishment of an adequate free pub I Ha llbrury desire to be heard. The investigation of the public ischools will be continued Wednesday night, and the subcommittee of the Struct Committee which hua under consideration tho petition of the I Richmond and Henrteo Hallway for n light and power franchise, trill fur? ther consider that matter Thursday night. , Mr. straua If nine Again, Charles B. Straus, Jr., who has been spending- sonic tlmu In Atlantic City, 1 1 ecuperatlng after a recent Illness, has returned to the city. JefTer?un Hotel Arrival*. N. G. Cralg, Dyjchburg. Va., Mr. and Mm. Frank If. Davis, Elisabeth, X. .1 : Mra. Flrrpont Davis, Elisabeth, X. J.; S. J. Kldder, Xcw Vork; Charles Woodruff. Xowark, X J.. S. F.. Wrlght Ington, Lexington. Mass . A !> Robin ! son, Xew York; J, O. Manahan. Kan? sas City; George C. Wiltshire, Xew Tork; XI. T. Morgan, New York; M Shevdl, Durham, N. C.; A. Roslngton, Raleigh. X. C; B. X Anderson. Chi? cago; H. Donnelly. Cincinnati, o.: R W. Price. Charleston, W. Va Edgar MoCoihb, Denver, Coi ; .t. m S-noien. Now York: C. C. Gullet, Jr.. Boston: e. C Thomas. Chicago; F. T. U nion. Pittsburgh. Pa; Mrs. Sinrner Sullett. Chlcaco; Mrs. G. W. Shannon, Chi ent-n; W, Iff. Mffilert. Chester. Pa John J. Gartiand, Jr., Philadelphia; . J. Rar retto. Xew York: John J. Bareto, Xew Tork. C. W. Flynt. Xew York: How? ard Simmons. Now York; Guy T? Hills, Albany; M. C, Trlcher. Baltlmoro; TT TV. Frost. Detroit: George O. Cooper. T>etrolt; R. Applebnum. New York: W. Jr. Sleet, Atlanta; R. B. Relnach. Xew York; M. WeiiniaTi, Cincinnati; K. n. Dottlnger, "Wilson. X*. C. Anhevllle Ctrl F.nil? life. Asnrvllle, X. C. April 21.?After writing a note to her father that she preferred death to disgrace. '"be Duther, fourteen-year-old daughter of J. B. iAither, a grocer of this city, drank the contents of an ounce vial of carbolic neld at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon and died aalf nn hour later. At ? o'clock to-night Claude Good lake, twenty-five years old. and unmarried, son of a local contractor, was ar? rested. Ifo was Teleosed lstcr under a .$l.oOn bond. rtegiment ASaoelatinn Mretlnc. The First Regiment Association will hold Its regular monthly meet? ing" at tho Grays' Armory to-night. An error In tho Southern Btock Yards advertisement of yesterday made It appoar that tholr sales of fine cata? logued horses begins Thursday, instead of Tueartav. The public will take no? tice that this sale begins Tuesdav Morning at 9:8o. Sco our advertise? ment on another page to-day.?A lv. HYSON TO HAVE HO OPPOSITION -! State Chairman Will Be Re Elected by Democratic Con? vention in Norfolk. Thor? in no Indication thus far thai anybody will oppose State Chulrman J. Taylor Bllyaon for re-eleotlon at the State Democratic Convention which will be held in Norfolk nevt month. On 'he other hand, a num? ber of counties have already Instruct? ed f?ir him, and im will attain control the oiiieo which carries with it yuito a lot ol patty honor The term is for four years. It might be interesting to not? In this connection that Ctfalrman Elli? son ha.h held this offlco lor the past twenty-two years. He succeeded .lohn S. Bar hour, and In the bid days it re? turned a great deal of nghtlng to make ovorythlng safely Democratic Nowadays it is easy sailing The chairman sees no trouble ahead j next fall, for he has figured that the Republicans haven't go I a look-in, while encouraging reports eome daily from the Ninth District. During tbo twenty.two \i-ara he. has sorved the party Chairman Ellyson has seen many chances anil upsets. although the Democratic majority hat not been threatened, and there |? less danger Of lost this year than ever before. With the apparent certainty that tho Virginia delegSt'on to the national convention will be .UnltlBtruOtcd, friends of tb? various candidates tiro makin? no desporatc efforts to aclilevo the Impossible The best party sen? timent seems to aj prove the Idea "f send'ns the delegates to Ralllmoro w'th s fi hand. The contest la so hitter, with the belief that factional line* will be so sharply drawn that neue of the candidates now In the ra^o will receive a majority vote, led a distinguished Pommriit to remark: yesterday thai It would not he at all surprising to see William Jen? nings Bryan suddenly confronted with the nomination ? ...-s-_-=a Steamship Accommodation We have, oub|ect to Immediate ac< ceptence, two goo.-t double robins on the Kronprinz Wilhelm, from New York, June lv. and one doubl, room on the Amerika, WCSt, September 5. Richmond Transfer Co. Mill Main Street. ?t?:-?-a A Guaranteed Roofing ? G. M. Co.'s "Pearl" Roofing Tin Gordon Metal Co. Richmond, V t r-?_??-.-1 6c a Pound FOR FAMILY WASH i K'.ttph Dry*. The work itself is a better advertise? ment than anything we can say about it. Try us this week. Monroe 1958 or 1959. The Royal Laundry M. B. Florsheim, Proprietor, 311 N. Seventh Street. ? i... i. ... ? i Richmond Corrugated Paper Company Manufacturers CORRUGATED BOXES, WRAPPERS, PARTITIONS, Etc.} 817-819 N. Seventeenth St. Works, Office, Phone Monroe 3271. Madison 72;. Big Meeting; Richmond to Washington Highway Corporation, Jefferson Hotel Auditorium. Fri? day. April 26th9 at 8:30 P. M. You are invited. Richmond Advertisers' Club