Newspaper Page Text
Greater Itlrhiuond'a (.murr Nev??|>npi-r | ?he?imf# *^&> fi^imlrh GREATEST XV A NT AND HB Ali ES TATI'; MEIIIl M IS VIRGINIA, AMI ON Vi OF THIS 1IEVA' IN AMERHA. Want Ad Rates In effect Juno 11. 1311. null}, ?ine i'rni in r nurd wheu pnld In advance. No A?. tukeu lor Icnm IUbjO ten (.?emu. ??lie uiiil one-half er?!? n vioril nil rln.iMltlentloua except Situation \\ iintt'il lor Simony. Munition Wanted. o?? rent n nurd. No All. -iuhIm: tnKen (ur I?1?*' Ibmi llftreli centn, ?>? Ada. lukra lue lean tUun Dvcnt?; Bve Centn when ?Jiunrtl In or ebarlted a t the counter. Phone orders m>< Riinrniilrrd. ? InMnllli-niloii nut uiinriiiilerd nfier Pt.m P. M. for bualneiui contracts, amd tor Hie Want Ad. >I|HI. iih.m,- Monroe 1. %o?t aiiD jFouno X.<>$-V,~ '\:\vv\i-'-ii? .\tk 'i. <\ 'L'iT. common stock tin h Im res), IseueOT to .Mildred ii. i . binary b. 1010. Transfer mopped; new oortlll cat,; applied lot. Howard $0 il n turn.d to DR. B. J. BAKER. 1302 i Balnbridgo sn,. i tjelp CLtu.... iWUlf \ n TI?: I >t <: A l a N l /. I. I. 1 i'tON VV OluC era with ptiy fr,oiu 83,00 lo i-'.Ji per ; diem. For further Inrorinaiioii up. 'ply t-> tin RuaEd of labor ISM 1 pl?ymknt, Navy Vard Station. Portsmouth, v.,. v. AN'J'Kl?, Ii V i .1: \T.< 111 v to IKI: t11E pictures of the Tltatile dlBuatei' this week :>t Hi.- Lubiii, Head tiio c?m i-i-.i'a awful stoi y. \\ ant EU, RELIABLE N. iTH good team lo oultlvato lat'gu farm near Itlohtnond at once. Apply Room No. !.:. North .'? [Ith Street. s?jknts, n3 mat i what you are sell I it if, whether to stores, fuc tor.ii s or house to house, you eun add our proposition nod double youi present Income. SOUTHERN COR? PORATION, 103 North Eighth Street. Richmond. \\ anted, for. c .- ahm v.' able bodlcd, unmarried men, betweonuKca of is and :ti. citizens oi United blutcs, of good character and loinporato hab? its, who can speak; read aiul wrlic the" English language, For 'oforms lion a:pi> to ItecruliinK Officer, j-. Broad Hi reel, Itlchmotid, _va. l'rehh FEEDER WANTED. Al'l'I.V Off_Hank Sinei_ YOU All ? wanted KOR . GOVERN inint Job. IV) irionlh. Send postal for list .,r positions open. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Uep t too O. Itochcsler, NY. _ WANTED, REGISTERED PHARMA eist, cive all particuiam l>v letter. BA Ll^ston pi i ARM AC Y, Bnllatoii. Va,_ WANTED. a'l <..\''e. nEUIHTEKEO oi imnlalered assistant druKBlst loss rou can furnish Al crodohtlal? doh'i apply. Stale salary expected, iib". married or single and when ?0? r-an re,,..rt. WHITE DRUO CO., fftrnivllle, va \VANTi:ii. t\vb COitNlCR \vo~rTcerb. I.ite Insurance building. Tenth nu<i Cripitol Birects. Apply to C. il. GUNTHER._ Wanted," locomotive maohin isla by l!ic t'. A- 0 ItallaaV r"i rilt ? N a ? ? ? ? . ._ sniidtioii'j v.U(inrr!3. iwaic v. \5cti:i?. PbTfiVjON AS MAKKUP foreman on some fix or eight-page daily paper; or as assistant makoup: mar: i'd; best references. Address KOREMAN, p. 0. ?ox if'T, StiiTolk, ?.Va,_ CiH HR MASTER AND BASS 's- ?1/ ?1ST position desired: 15 years' export ? iic>- in choir and choral work, good refcreueesj Canadian Apply K Ii??. ? are Tlnies-1 dspati ii kicThstTHTeTJ " rii?ii.MAf isT de fiT. i relief ?ork. references. Aa tlr< ? n h i-.-ir. Tli i ? ; ntch. i;>rlp UUantf?, "j-fiiidlc hi) GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. WillT LOCK BRANCH, TWENTY-THIRD AND MAIN STREETS. WANTED. YOUNG LADY* VOCALIST to ?'i'ii; Illustrated songs at moving picture show! nlBhts only. State ? iinry expected. Address f oin, eare Times-Dispatch._ La i -! i :s. NO M ATTEII W11A T YOU nur soiling, whether ?<> ?ih>es or lious.- to house, >"U can add uur proposition and double your pre^ ? .-it income SOUTHERN CORPOR? ATION, 102 North Eighth .Street. Richmond. COOK; GOOD (VAGES! ROOM ON LOT Apply 509 f.ast Craee. _ WANTED.' ''NE WHITE feio'K. ONE white maid, one white waitress, on i white porter, W. II WILLSON, Box V . H i. 'K v . V.-_ ? Buuinrc? Oppottunittrs W~VV!'l.l'. MAN WORTH JI".. PER mouth In the soda water and IcO cream business: best business s'to in the Stato. Ji'.f.uo necessary. G. is. i tin'; DON. Pho. us, V? W ?NTED. "M A N >>V A hi i .IT V " W ITH SS.Diifi or sio.fioi) as silent partner In a good paying business, Thia in? vestment will easily pay 10 per cent. Answered strictly conhdontlal. if 'n tercsted address P ?45, care Times. Dispatch. B?HI'I.RAN PHARMACY '(VIROINfA) near Washington, 1). C.; good iiusl ness; prowinj; eomniniilty: $2,400 <;ish. DR. W. C. WEIjBURN, 475 Pa. Ave.. Washington, D. C. Mr,. MERCHANT: DO YOU WANT to sell OUt (|UiCk for easliV Wo are ready to purchase nil sixes 61 retail Htoeka. Act i|tllck. PEINBI/)OM ? CO., 718-18 East franklin, Richmond, Va. FORECLOSURE .sale. .;:'. BEVERLY Streat, Friday, April 20, r. M.; a chance to buy t home cheap: don't forget lime and place. if YOU HAVE 82,500 Yof can in~ v?ist, with services, scdtirinft an ex iei\lent position, advise al otico. "OPPORTUNITY," Post-Oince lt.,.v No. r:^. i'iiv. IP YOU HAVE a MERITORIOUS PAT. ent. etc. which yi.u want organized, systematized and marketed, address B im. earn TJmei j 'isi.ateii. " j.iotiffG If?TlC " i's""fn:i:i-.nv c.ivex 'th at Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company preferred stock certificate. No, K\ 441, for ten (10) shares, standing In the. name of c. UraXtOn Bryan, has been lost or mislaid, and that appli? cation has been made to ihu Vir? ginia-Carolina Chemioal Company for t ho Issue of duplicate In lieu thereof, au persons ore hereby warned againsi piirclinsing or trad Ins in !';,,,i ccrtlflcato. (Slgli.)d) C: BRAXTON BRYAN. WANTlol). THE PUBLIC TO KNOW tIntt JAHNKE BROS.. Jewclera. 912 l-:nst Main Street, buy, sell, cxchnnijo and RISMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE LATEST STYLES. Old pold and ?II ver always taken -in exchange._ BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND. Ex? changed. LAWSON'S ROOK SHOP, llfi East Mr.'.'id .Street. COUNT the INDIANS as THEY PASS ' by. tli.n tumi'eins._ ?olifitoi? iinti &alc^mcn baees.MEN ' WANTED.- REAL [:>' t?te, Inswanch men, stock salcsnien preferred; unllnilted possibilities; J."> prr cant, commission. Room Oio, Flrsl National Bank, Fort Worth. Texas, I What kind of port? answer to vesthrda V'S pu7.'/.le. Ilnnk. $01 -Suit ROLL TOI' DUSK, llKMIXOTO.N typewriter, outdoor show-'aae and four counter showcases, cheap, TOMl'KlNS. 82] \V. Broad MOTOIt CYCLES, NEW AND SECOND* hand; all prices. TOMl'KlNS, No, 33(J W Broad, FOB sale. TWO NEW SLNOlT: Iruukfej RICHARDSON BROS.. IH5 Bi ook a Venue. ?RiENtai. Rees AND carpets?AN Inspection of mj high-grade collec* Hun will uu doubt convince you of iny low prices fur the gTs !u I iiandte Many other ^???nt? und novelties un iiaiiU. Onyx hosiery tor ladles, A. o, Y Ait ID, ajj Noj Iii pi f tii Street. FOR SALE. "NO. 5 "pui-SOMETKU hU'Kiti Iiuihr. will pump Bi pel eent. aatid or mUd; li-lnch discharge, Inch steam. Alan 60-11.-P. boiler, IS H.-p. engine, two ateam drill?; one double-drum hoist, one single-drum' hoist, derrick*, ears arid track; two liorsvpowoi buist, winches and gen eful Huurry or contractor's equip* inetit, Addreaa 11 si. tare Times? Dispatch. I MY GENERAL, MERCANTILE BUS1 nesa in Sussex bounty, forty-live miles of Richmond, Va.: eight miiea oi the Atlantic Coast, Line. An es? tablished business stand or twenty* IIvo years, )I5,000 t,? |20.t>00 trade; book* open to inspection to any one ih:ti means business; to f.5.000 stuck, which can b? reduced to suit buyer If he wish. Terms will bo lUbdC v< rj easy. Address c eVd. care 1 lines*' 'lapatt ii_j delicii ii's smith field halsa?;e now mi sale it o n grocer's._, FOll WAGONS <->?' TO RICHARDSON BROS., 61C Brook Avenue. 1'alullng, repairing and rubber-tire work. 1 Madison MST. JwH BUY, HELL. AND exchange scend-hand machinery uf every dc aertptlon, i. BL.UFOUD At co.. liiis East Cary street. STCCOND-IIANIJ liO'?k SHOP .MOVED from No. 11?; East Id Nu. 3 Weal Biond Street. Books bought, soi'i hihi exchanged a. Wi LAWSON, Pro. pjl b tor._ i BJi .1t.LEj-f a~NI? BICYCLE HEPA II: ! :ng. Bubi carriages repaired. B1CK ERSTAFF. lil I East Alwin. ; NEW < i DIVER TYPEWRITER. STAND ..r<i ?ioi) machine, never used; will j take ?50. Address Box 1003. Rloh j mend. For sale, Lajt op mahogany I furniture. Apply !<? .><>s Twenty* j to V. lit h._; FOR sa I.e. ONE LA ROE 111 loCEU'S j icebox, one sniull refrigerator, one j cheese case, <?;.< < ft? ? mill, 6110 I roll-top desk, one 11m 11 double-door >.<U. Apply to 3.8IT KaSt Clay. j ~oj v. 15! s j C???U to. jv . I.mi i 1 hi quantity. Ainu black, clay and ', mixed pea< I'or sale by D. ETHER I DOE ?V; CO., ii-si: Commence street, Norfolk. Va. _' [TIMBER FOR SALE.? BY CONSERVA I tlve estimate 1 ha\? between 8.000, t'00 and ?,000,000 fedt of original J growth and BCCond-growlh ptnettm 1 ber in Brunswick county. Noitli Car I ollha. Rate on lumber to Richmond, l-.c. Fur particulars address 1?. P. BRYANT, Box 562, Wlmlngton, N. c._ NOT NUEDING SAME, I WILL SELL my standard fireproof safe, good as now, .it :i bargain to quick cash pUr chascr. Address O ISO, care T'nies Dlspatcii. TOR SA I.e. 'e VKit YTI11 NO TH.\T es new :md stylish In the buggy lin' ?; runabouts, phiiotons und surreys, rub? ber und stc-vi Orr?, wo guarantee every job. Lowest prices. Easy terms. A. MEYER'S SONS, 7.H East Cary Street._ __ _ vi 11; s a 1 Ve" on e ri'rrer-ti red top buggy: one rubber-tired run? about, good as new; one jumper und Ono grocery wagon. These are nil great r-nrguins. a. MEYER'S SONS. 731 E. t.'ury Streei _ YOU ALWAYS FlDL THE BILL WHEN you ent Sinfl'ntle'd sun sage. , A nTeeTjOt OF iTuSE.-. I.. CENTS 1 each: a good assort ment of hardy plants, :. to r. cents. BEADLES. Stop s, Petersburg Pfke ilgcntG CCi.intr? 1 A11 EN TS. ? OCEAN'S << R E A T E S T tragedy. Cligantlc steamship Titanic goes to tin bottom on her maiden tr'p. Multimillionaires, authors, statesmen and Immigrants share the! s-iiinc watery uiavc. Our great bunk, profusely illustrated, will tell all the thrilling story with personal ac? counts of heroic self-sacrifice, innr velous escapades and terrible suffer? ings. i:<- tirat In the field and reap a golden harvest. Liberal commis? sion. Prospectus now ready, ?nitt? free. Send 10c. to rover cost of mailing. THE TIRiMPSON ri'r. CO.. SI LoiRs, Mo_ txrtil ectntr J'-oi- ?nlc FORCED COURT SALE. VALUABLE I liouso and lot, fil? Beverly stri -t. I nine rooms, water, bath and gas: lot 1!> fret S Inches by feet; now is your chanco; Friday, April loth, S I'. M. mi the premises. i INVESTMENT- " PROPERTY FORE closed; <ik. Beverly street, nlne-rooui house, water, gas and bath; lot IPX'.'?; renting for $Us p?r month; sale Fri? day, April 26, .', p, M . on premises. FOR SALE, FARM CONTAIN INO I eighty-six acre-, on Hampton River, opposite the town of Hampton; two minutes' walk to electric car line; most beautiful location in tins sec? tion; prlCO $150 per acre. Apply to _I. O. i ll' TT en. Hampton. Va. IIOMI! NEAR FOI: RST IIIl7F 1 ? AR k for aalo cheap for cash, Address N? P. O. Box 12, City._ FOR SALE MKAI' I ll'l EI.V I.O('.\TEn corner lot, West End. high-daas col nml neighborhood; extremely low price, iitiick sale. Address (OWNER), Box 638, CiM. liUal e?tatc $01 lUnt for'" ri;ntPofftcif "space "tn^fo?) Hull Street, South Richmond. Ap? ply on premises. LAROE GROUND FIX50R STt IRAOE .space for rent. 111') e fury Street. Hoom? jrot Lxfnt F?11 ' RENT. *N R'ELY Fl' T ItN I SI I El) front room for gentlemen. .102 East draco Sri-rot. FOR RENT" n7 CK L Y FURNISH e D rooms, with or '?ltiiovit board. 713 Ea&L MarghalL focal CKtflte C?antrb LiKT VoCK farms WITH J. a. con NELLY ft CO. Wrtta postal fur ntc if y lilullkH. JSofli?tnp; mais'on' franc:.\:.-r..' ua**' "mhitu Ktichih Btreot. Richmond, W, t/ouii I Chevalier. Prop (late chef I'a lau* Hut'M, Ban Francisco, and chef Met ! rupolliaii Club, Washington, D C>, i catering and preparing for private dlnnerd a speclulty; French luble d'hpto dinner dally. r..r.o to y P. M. BOc; lunch dully. 11:30 a. M. to a i\ M., 40c: metis also served a lu carte. For private dinners. etc.. cooks will be furnished at res'-teuccs I If desired. J'ii<>o- Madison ) til*. is< >Al;i Mills i '"i: DOUBLE BOOM; also tab;.- hoarders. '.'"'1 K Craci WANTED. TABLE BOARDERS. 203 Summer "?oai?ins In iri.i;\.\ it l? INN. (JJT HAMPTON Roads, country ami sehshoro com blued, with city conveniences. Bend for literature to the MISSES TAUB, lloniploii, V.l. W.\NT|.I> A~FKW BOARDERS AT A uulel country place. Box 31, Me ? ?? _ . -s Sulomobilcs for ?alc i'sKD F?RD tv\its." I :??:.. ):?>'?;. ijfof, ; I ?08, 1000, lOlOj two. three and five ' passenger; in excellent condition; owners purchasing 1012 models, will send Instructor homo with out-of town purchasers. FORD Al'To CO., )?;.:? IV j: ?? ' SI : ??? t. Coal ano cucoc iVifi'M >" .\T" KEDUC Kd~~PI:i'?? BsT^TO move ir>o cords at once we offer I slab and kindling ut $1,50 ncr half cord, Dry oak nt $.1 half-cord. F?ll lueuMun ; prompt, service. Order tu ?luv. AI II .|.i i j I II AN WOOD COM? PANY, Phorie Madison JJ16. lV viiV RCP.N Wi.'.d .11'ST CfNSi.ET henibiuatiers over phone or get on car hti.,1 come to my oftiee. where you can son a sample and got de? livery in 30 minutes by automobile truck IXING, Tin: WOOD man. I50tl W. -i li; ????! CCiantro 11 a v i: " ^ ? ?I m:kn the' Indian nlde ear? Carries two passengers at one-eighth cent a inll?.-. SlO ToMPKINS f"i- il-iri'.iiKtriition. WANTED, TO BUY FOR CA8H, household goods In any quantity. Madison l>61. personals HUMAN ham: BOUUHT AND solu nt HUOHES'S, 20? North Third " 1 IK A TI i ICE. - - V'OFIOR >'i HER WANTS lO eume to you from Seattle. Same add rcss." iVHIlinrq? OR i-.iURECT STYLES IN MILLIN cry you must see my display of trim? med hots and untr'rhmed shapes; also my Piiei.f i .-?dy-rnnde purrm-nts for ladles and children. We are now giving spectnl prices on all l'ncn. Alterations frei MRS JULIUS BEAR. 142.1 E Main Street. Tili; ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Mutual Assuranct Society of Vir? ginia will he held al Hi,: oflico of the BOolcl) MONDAY, May :<?, 1912. ut l o'clock i' M. EDWIN A. PALMER, _?;?>?: Ajrenl SDiscrlliinroiic "' shoe kepairino? "~ " :6r. HALFBOLH MEm'S SHOES. 60c. ladlci. every pair be wer; beet leath? er; no nails. n< pegs. Royal rub? ber heels. 2&c.: Tred-Aii rubber heels, t?c. leather heels rebuilt liae hew, 260. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, IM E. Main. Phone Mon? roe -6t>0 UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND POL IsacC, r?at'.resse? rcuuvated. antiques bought and aol 1. LEVY, the Uphol ! surer, m Weal Broad^_ I SLIP COVERa IN LINEN AND CRETONNE, FOR BKU room or parlor. iiaOe to lit. SYD NOR & HUNDLEY, INC., '-cventli and Grace, Madison 3L'04. ORIENTA L RUGS AN D CARPETS. AN INSPECTION OF MX HIGH-GRADE collection will no doubt convince vou oi my low prices for the grade I handle. Many other g-jods and nov? elties on hand. Onyj hosiery tor ladles. A. G. VALID, 217 N Fifth Street. EVE11 viIODY " IS ' NOT DOING IT.~~ W H at? SHARPENING LAWN MOW era. BICKERSTAFF does. 1S11 E. WINDOW CLEANING. STAINING A3fD WAXING 1fi.OORS. house elear.lng; new houses special? ty. WILLIAM JOHNSON. Monroe SI 20._ _ ~ RPBBElV h'.sk. GUARANTEED RUBBER HOSE; rest ever sold for the price. Nozr.lea and reels. CLARKE, Hardware, Uli Main Street._ ~ i:< .'lle'r sk a-itTs BALL-BEARING ROLLER SKATES, all sixes, $1.50 pair. Get the child a pair now. CLARKE, Hardware, 1215 Main Street. CEMENT TOOLS. CEMENT TOOLS: LARGE LINE: ' cheaper than ever before. .To*ntorS and edgers only 60 .-nits. CLARK E, Hardware, 1U15 Main Street. "ijotcl? Table d'Hote Dlbaera Saturday and Sunday evenings, li to 0 o'clock, SI.50 each. TURKISH AND ROMAN BATHS Richmond, Va. The most rasgnlflccnt hotel in thi> South. European piuu. Rouma slugl? and en suite, with nnd without baths. SpaclotiB sample rooms. Rate 81.60 per day sod upward. t&ummtr ^sorte; A NN OUNCE M B N.T. Mansunrttii S|irlii?n?' Neu Brick Hotel Opens Juno 1, 131-'. Thoroughly mod? ern. Accommodations ror 300 guests. Early reservation advised. . . Booklets, rat.^ cards, etc., up-m ap pllention. Address Maannnetta Sprlofts Co., Inc.. iicx 274, H<txrlspnl>.ux6V.So- . State Sunday School Association Closes Annual Ses? sion. [Special to The Ti. liarrisonburg. vn . twcnty-fli'Bt lomuul s. iiu ,1 convention emu m i ilsbutch 1 April -I.?The! State Sunday - t<i it close i night, alter u busy Ihrco-day BeSBlOn, In. th.o l;reatyter,.on Church. Annual lit. u M Chtlfi election ill i iln '1 luws: President Polin Church. \ ice- Presidents? ?V L Phillips. D. I ? itov. J. T. Watts, .Ineob Umlauf and itev. II. i>. C. Mucl?Chlun I). l>.. nil of | Richmond; Rev. ThOlnas r. Durst, of Newport News; Uov. McDanlcl tlow m,r.. ,.f Norfolk; Rev. R. G. Hammond, ?t HarrlsonbUrg; Rev W. C. Hoover, of Tlrtlborvllle; Rev. R C. Drlsko, <>f Hcrhdon; Rev. G. A. Luttrcll, of Alcx undria. Treasurer?U B. Spencer, of Rich? mond. General secretary?Tim?. C. oiggs Chairman executive committee?Do Wltl ??ram:, of Newport News. Tin- next pluce uf meeting is Lynch" i burg." 4, To-day's session opened with a sun-' I rise consecration meeting for work ! ors and delegates. Rev. .loscph T. Watts, or Richmond, led, after which adjournment was made fur break- j fast. During the morning tne visiting Sunday school experts look charge ot j various schools in town and county. Visiting ministers were distributed among the churches. A rcmarkublii feature of the con vention was a boy's conference to? night at the Disciples Church. Rev. .1. D. Jackson gathered In every boy | ho could find in town over fifteen years old. Messrs. Chealey, Raker and : Duluney assisted in the conference. I Thin is the beginning of the Statewido | old.-r boys' movement. The budget for tli? coming year! calls for $1,100. an Increase of 26 peri cent. It was approved by tho con-j Vention, and the work of getting tn<5 | money ?an started at once. The col? lection was the lurgest In the twenty-', one y.-nrs' history of the association.) , At this afternoon's session ,|,,. siib-i jeets discussed were "Teacher Train- ' 1 Ing." by Rev. J. T. Watt. Of Rich- j tnond; "The Organized ?""litt?."' by L. B. Wlngfleld, of Dynchburg, and "Tho j ' Roy." ly AU'Tt M. Chesley, director! of boys' work. v. m. C. A. Washing? ton, D. C. Delegates will lertve for ITif'r home? to-morrow morning. BX PLOSION oF SAW Ml I.I, null.Fit KILLS THREE MEN. I [Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.l Predcrlcksburg. Va., April ;i.? .lames t'lnrk, Chas. Schools and Willie ; Seal, of Essex county, were killed by ; a boiler explosion at the saw mill of II, U Newblll jf. Son In Essex conn ty Friday evening. Chas y. a negro, Ih expected to die from his in? juries, and two other colored men were badly Injured. Sidney Newblll. who operates the snw mill, was a I short distance away when the acci? dent occurred, thus escaping alive. Auction 3iilr?, .future Da?? By Edward S, Rose Company und Rufiin ei Sloan, Real Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SA EE Nos. 1 0 and 1 2 North Linden Street ON THURSDAY, APRIL, 2S, 1*12, at 5 o'clock P. M? I To close ?71 estate, we will offer tl|e| above property on the premises. Tri ? 1 improvements consist of two brlok j dwellings on the west side of Linden Street, between Math Street and Floyd Avenue, having six rooms each. Tho property is In excellent condition, is In a very desirable neighborhood, con? venient to Ihe cars, and will make at? tractive homes or a first-class Invest? ment, as they are under rantal at a figure that will pay nicely on the price expected. Any one wishing to Md on on? or both of these dwellings can do so. ns they will bo offered singly and to getllT. TERMS: Announced nt sale EDWARD B. ROSE COMPANY, and RUFFTN & SLOAN, _Auctioneers COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS AT AUCTION. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 23. at 10:30 A. M., n.t 721 Main Street. Lyncbburg, V.a.. the undersigned trusteo of Wood's Phnrmacy, inc., will offer for sale at public auction, for cash, the entire .stork of merchandise and fixtures of [said company. This stn,.k consists of net assortment of sundries, patent medicines, chomlcaK and pharmaceu? tical?, together with all of tin neces? sary utensils for tho conduct of on up-to-date reinil drug store. Included I in tho fixtures are Wall Cases, Floor Cases, soda. Fountain, Ice Cream Plant, lion Safe and Cash Registers. This offering should prove an nt lractlv-3 proposition to any one deslr ilng to open a drug store. A. R. LONG. Trustee Ural Qt?tate jfoc teal* I New, AttractiveTsIorth Avenue Dwelling Situated on North Avenue, Barton I nelsrhts. near Wlckharh Street. This property contains now. nice nine-room; dwelling, with concrete foundation, slate rodf, electric lights, 'hot and cold Wat<?r. and cellar Is admirably ranged for furnace. Lot fronts 50x120 feet. We can sell you this property at a bargain, as owner desires to dis? pose of same at onco. C, I- e>. If. L. DP NOON. _ 821 East Main Street. FOR SALE. SUBURBAN HOME JITTER and acroag . on the It., F, ?- I* R. u.. right at stations!! live and eleven miles from Richmond, respectively. Train service unsurpassed. We are offering several select tracts of land in this beautiful and rapidly growing section, suti.livh; d fur acreage villa sltee. This Is Investment property, with increas? ing values. For particulars and terms, apply to T M, WORTHAIM & CO , Real Estate Agend, ?V? North Ninth Street, 2,000 2,000 2,000 Horses Mules * Horses TWO THOUSAND HORSES AND MULES TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION AT THE m Southern Stock Yards Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 23d, 24th, 25th and 26th. THIS WILL MAKE THE BIGGEST SALE WE HAVE EVER HELD. AND WE ARE SAFE IN SAYING THE BEST LOT OF HORSES, consisting of Trotters, Smooth Blocks and Heavy Drafters. Also, plenty of Mules for all purposes. We commence TUESDAY morning at 9:30 on the Catalogue Horses. SMYTH BROS.-McCLEARY-McCLELLAN CO., or H. E. KLINE. P. O. Box 772, Richmond. Va. McVeigh & Ollnn. Rem Batata Auctioneers. COMMISSIONER'S AUCTION SALE OF Four Frame Dwellings 223, 223, 227 and 229 S. Laurel St. In pursuance o' a decree of the Chancery Court of the city of Rich? mond, entered on the 23d day of Feb? ruary, i:<ij, in the ouit styled "Rosalia Bowers and others vs. Cora Crouch and others," 1 Will sail at public auc? tion, <?i tiie premises, on TUESDAY, APRIL 23. 1912, at i o'clock P. M? the following property, described In said decree as follows, to-wlt: "Thait lot of land, with th.-> Improve? ments thereon, known ns Nos. 223. 225, 227 and 229 South Inured Street, lying and being In Ilia city of Rich? mond, Vs.. on the eastern side of Laursl fitrcet. beginning at a point on the east Une of Laurel .Street 167 feet north of tho nort hcast corner of Laurel and Beverly Streets, ?xt ending thence northwardly along the east Una of Laurel Street, and fronting thereon 7? feot C Inches, more or less, and running hack from said front, within parallel line* a depth of 145 feet to an alley '.'0 feet wide." TERMS: One-third of the purchase prlco to bo paid In cash, and tho bal auoe In '.wo equal Instalments, pay? able in six and twelve months, rospec tlvely, tho deferred payments to bo evidenced by promissory no tea of th? purchaser, with Interest added, and the title to be rctnluel until the en? tire purchase money Is paid nnd a conveyance ordered by the court; or for all cash, at tho option of the pur? chaser. WILLIAM A. MONCURE. Special Onmljsloner. I certi.'y that the hond Tequlrtd by fh'S above decree of the special com? missioner has been duly given. tUven under my hand this 2<tth day of February, 1012. charles O. SAVILLE. Clerk. Ry N. W. Rowe * Sim. Real Estate Auctioneers. No. 5 1 3 North Eleventh Street At Auction We w!!l sell by public auction, on tho premises, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1012. at 6:00 o'clock P. if., the toncm^nt abovo mentioned. This! is a good ^even-room house, with bath, etc.; Is a good renter, ami would inuke u nlo.^ Investment or pleasant 'hume. TERM.-: Elnsy, ami announced at sal*. N. W. ROWE & SON. Ry Sutten A- Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers, IS North Ninth Street. vuctjon sale of FnA.\rp, store, with nice lot. no. 1002 WEST CLAY STREET. At the request of the owner, wo shall offer Tor sale nt nuhlic auction, on the j premises, on tuesday, APRTL 23. 1312, nt 5:SO o'clock P. jr., the above described property. Lot fronts 30 feet on north s.lde of ] Clay Street, between and Han cock Streets, end runs back 111) to an nlloy. TERMS: LtbersI, and Announced at J sale. button a co., Auctioneers. By Foliard & Rag-by, Root Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF THREE FRAME DWELLINGS. NOS. 1020. ]e22 AND 1024 WEST LETG1I STREET. SPLENDID INVESTMENT | rnOPERTT. We will sell by auction, on the prem? ises, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2S, at 6 o'clock P. M . tho shove mentioned five-room frame dwellings. The lot has a frontage of about fifty feet oy It depth of one hun? dred 'foot to an alloy, if ysMi.aro look? ing for Investment property, hero Is your chiinco. TERMS: Easy, and announced nt POLLARD & BAGBY, L Auctioneer a. By Augustine Royall & Co., Auctioneers. Hull ;-\Tt. Manchester, Vi. BUK OP DR J. P. GELLIAAPS CHATTEL ESI ATH. As executor of tlio late Dr. J. P. Gll llam. I shall, aa directed by tho will, proceed on WEDNESDAY, AERIE 21, 1013, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M.. at hl? lato residence, near Wlntorpock, i Chesterfield county, Va.. to sell the oliatrsl estate loft by him. consisting i in part of blooded stallion. "Wlntor jpock,'' blooded In foal by Span? ish jack. Horses. Mules, Spanish .lack, ?lennett, cattle. Sheep, Hogs. Chick? ens, Geese, Ducks Turkeys. Pea-Fowls. Farming Implements, some Provedrier, Bacon, Household and Kitchen Furni? ture, and many other articles. TERMS: All sales und,er *ioo, cash; salos over $100. payable ?=lx months after date, purchaser to give notes or bonds with satisfactory security, bear? ing Interest until paid. GEORGE -MAPOX. Executor. Wm. B. PD.r.lnl Company, Real Estate Auctioneers, 723 East Main Street. AUCTION SALE OF No. 121 W. Cary Street a alx-roem brick dwelling, with both, and No. 412 E. Clay Street being a detached two-story dwelling, with nine rooms, 'exclusive of bath and pantry, hot and cold water, togother i with a large, detached dwelling, front? ing on tho alley, in tho rear, lot being 26x160 feet Roth of thes? properties are In splen? did condition and rented to first-class yearly tenants, and will make most de? sirable homes, ns well ub unsurpassed investments. In order to close up and divide an 'estate, we. will olfer them for aale at public, auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 24, 1312, as follows: No 121 West Cary Street, at 4 o'clock P. M. No. 412 East Clay Sircot, at 6 o'clock P. M. TERMS: Liberal and announced ot sale. WM, B. PIZZTNI CO., Auctioneers. By E. A. Cattln St Co., No. 16 North Eighth Street. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF COTTAGE AND ABOUT TWO ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED IN THE PLAN OF "ROBIN PARK," ABOUT FOUR MILES FROM RICHMOND, ON THE SEVEN PINES TROLLEY LINE. In execution of a osrtaln deed of trust to me, dated April 39th, 1911, and rocorded in Iho clerk's office of llonrico county, In Deed Book un-A, page 154, defuult having been mad3 In the pay? ment of a certain note therein secured, und being ruquestod to do so by alii the parties In Interest, 1 will, on THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH, at 6 o'clock P. M? on the premises, sell the lot. with the cottage thereon situated, at tliu south? west comer of Barker Avanue and Pine Street, in tho Pinn of "Robin Park. The lot lies beautifully and fronts DJ0 } feet on Barker Avenue, anil extends back b twoen parallel lines 400 feet. This property i.-; peculiarly suited for poultry raising, as thero Is abundant shade, which Is very essential to this buslncs?. By consent, terms will be made very attractive. E. A. C*ATL1N. _Trust sc. Win. B. Plzzlnl Co.. Real Estate Auctioneers, 723 East Main Street. AUCTION sale of desirable building lots on the west side of oakwood ave? nue, NEAR THE corner OF j Till rt y - Ft.' u rth STREET. Th^so lots have a depth otf 12S fee! to an alley, and front together S."> fei't, on Oakwood Avenue. Also 124 feet on o Street, bet Weeg Thirty-third and Thlrly-fourth Streets, These lots have all city conveniences, sewer, water end gas. and also are lo? cated on the n-trcet car lino, giving a 2'i ntmuto sBjhedulo to all parts of the city. Thin SOCtlon of Rlchir.nnd |s Improv? ing as rapidly as any other section of the olty, and homesoekors or Investors will dud it profitable to attend this sale. Those buying loin and doslrlng to build, ? an pro. uro tho inonoy with? out trouble from the auctioneers, on the most advantageous terms, small ons-ll payments and long time, If de? sired. WALE thursday. APR.IL 25. '.912, at 4:30 P. m. wm. H. PIZZIN I co., AucllnnajTO. I3y A. J. Chc-wning Company, Real Estato A^ms and Auctioneers. COURT SAJ..E OF TWO SPLENDID LOTS OF LAND, ONE OF THEM FRONTING ON THE BEAUTIFUL BATTLE ABBEY SITE AND TIIK OTHER ONE SITUATED ON A DELIGHTFUL CORNER. In execution of a decree of the Rich? mond Chancory Court, entered or. the 15ttl day of April. 1912, In the suit of Deila E, Hooker, trustee, etc.. vs. Ii O. Hooker and others, I will, as special commissioner thereby appointed, sell by auction, upon tho respcotlvo' pram lyes, on THURSDAY. APRIL 2;-,. 1012. at 6:00 o'clock P. M.. two certain lots of land; ono lot front? ing 56 feet and 2 inches on the north? ern line of Stuart Avenue, at the northeast corner of Stuart Avenus and West Street, ami extending hack with? in parallel lines 125 fcef and 9 Inches, and the other lot fronting .10 feet on the west line of Sheppnrd Street, be? tween Stunrt and Kensington Avenues, and extending hack within parallel lines HO feet to an alley 10 feet wide. TERMS! One-third In cash; balance I In threo equal instalments at six. twelve and eig.'toon months, for nego? tiable notes, interest added, and tltlo retained until all tho purchase money. Is paid and a conveyance ordered by tho court: or nil cash, at tho option of tho purchaser. SOK erTOTTFNS. Special Commissioner. T hereby c.ertifv that the bond re? quired of the special commissioner In tho above dorre? has hecn duly given. OHAS, O. SAVILLE, I Clerk. By Oroen (J-. Redd, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE FIFTY FEET OF LAND ON THE EASTERN* LINE OF TWENTY EIGHTH STREET, 126 FEET NORTH OF O STREET, WITH A DEPTH 6E TWEEN PARALLEL LINES OF HO FE FT TO AN ALLEY, WITH 4 DWELLINGS THEREON, 913 and 915 N. 28th Street By direction of the parties in Inter? est, In order to close, up an estatj for a division, wo will offer for sale, on tho promises, on \ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1312, at 5:20 P. M., the above described property. Property In this locality, b :ing- con veulent to the cars, etc., rents readily and pays well as an Investment. TERMS: Ono-thlrd cash, balance at six: and twelve months, or all cash, ac the option of the purchaser. GREEN f; REDD, Auctlonoors. R. B. chnftln & Co.. Inc.. Real Batate Auctioneers, Main and Twelfth Streets. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALB OF THE SAMUELS PLACE, a nico little suburban home on the. New Market Road, a>oht three rolled from the city of Richmond. Acting under decree of th* Circuit Cotirt of llonrino county in the cause of L. 11 Kemp, Committee of T. H. Samuels vs. T. II. Samuels et als, en? tered on the 9th day of April. 1912, the undersigned special commissioners appointed for the purr?*e. will sell, by pnblir auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1913, at 4:30 P. M., the house recently occupied by T. H. Samuels, asd which Is described in said decree as follows: "Lots 53 and S4 ns laid down on a plat mado by James T. R< dd it Son. Surveyors, nnd known as Capital View." Thl3 Is an attractive llftle home with four-room .1 .veiling, stable and barn, chicken house, nl<_p young orchard and other conveniences. TERMS: one-third cash, halanco in equal payments at one and two years from dato of sale; negotiable notes to he given for deferred purchase money mid Interest, and title retained until have been paid and convcyanca ordered by the court. C. R. SANDS. W. iL JEST IS. JR. Special Commissioners. Tho bond required of tho cnmraln alosora in tho above cause has bcea duly given. E. R. PHILLIPS. ?_Deputy Clerk. The Valentine Museum I ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. I Op*n dally from 10 *. ? to C P. It Admission, 2.6c, Fie a oja SMUdi**,