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FRANTIC APPEALS OF STRICKEN SHIP ARE NOT ANSWERED (Continued Prom First Page.)_ free or not on that occasion. "In lowering the lifeboats at the test did the gear work satis? factorily ?" "So far as I know." At the time of the tests all officers of the Titanic were present. "Were there any lifeboats on the Titanic, not sufficiently fas? tened and in a position to be lowered?" All of them were?fourteen lifeboats two seaboats and four collapsible boats" said Boxhall. Boxhall said that under the weather conditions experienced at the time of the collision the lifeboats were supposed to carry sixty five persons. Under the regulations of the British Board of Trade, in addition to the oars, there were in the boats water breakers, water dippers bread bailers mast and sail and lights and a supply if oil. All of these supplies, Boxhall said, were in the boats when ho Titanic left Belfast, He could not say whether they were in when the vessel left Southampton. ".Vow," repeated Senator Smith, "suppose the weather was dear and tlie sky unruffled, as it was at the time of the disaster, how many would the boats hold?'' "Really, I don't know. It would depend largely on the people rho wore to entor. If they old us Ihoy rero told, 1 belle', j each bout could accommodate sixty-five persona." Boxhall testified to tho sobriety and good habits of his superior anj brother . Ulcers. ; "Vou wero on watch Sunday night irotn t> o'clock till midnlghs?" "Vcs." "Spend all 'hit tlmo tit your post?" "Veil." "Wore you on tho bridge all uhnt time?" "No. but most of it." Officers Were nt 'their Bostn. "Do you know whether 'ho officers \rere nt their customary posts at the forward-end during that watch?'' "Yes. Mr. Llghtollor was on the orldgo when 1 came on iit ? o'clock, lie .vas relieved ot lu o'clock by Mr. Mur? doch, who remained until the accident happened." "Who clso was on deck?" "Moody, the .slxtn officer." "Who occupied the crow's nest dur Believes This Will 44 Cure Lung Trou?les" Consumption .0 a nattering dis-asc? that Is one o: its thief dangers. These who havo It ait rarely willing to acknowledge | the fact. If this trouble Ii present. It Is no '.Imp for trilling. Don't waste time la argument, If a so-called t'cold" Ions persisted; if h | eough Is present that kelrps yuu anxious or j any of the symptoms me present such ai i sever cr nig if. sweat*, weakness and less of I appetite, and perhaps, soiii? raising Pf i mocus-do the sensible tblus: take BcsV| man's Alloratlvo as Mr. Belt era w^rth did. j Bowling Green, Ky? K. No. t. I "Oentlerhen: 1 wish to so?- for your AI- j t era live that I believe Ii to be a medicine oi unequnled vaiue for all Bronchial and 3>ung "The Spring of iSO*. I ho"! a severe couch for six months. I tries' the medloluo that my friends and doctors recommended to me, but no results came for the better 1 had night sweats, and wVjuld couch and spit up every night until I goi so weak 1 could hardly do anything. But at last, James Dcerlng, of Glasgow Junction, In? sisted that I try your medicine, which I ! ordered at <,nce Bnd began ticking the same. In One weeks time there was uu'.tc au Im own. nt .n :ny condition, ami after 1 had taken several bottles I felt as well as ever In my life. 1 ie\or wrote any firm or com? pany a letter recommending their mcdl tln< before, as there ure ro many fakes ? ??. a medicine of genuine quality don't get credit or even tried. "I desire, the world to know that I firmly 1 i'\e ihat your Eckmnn's Alterative will cure anj case of lung tionidt' If tulion be? fore tho last stage. I will gladly write personally to any party wanting Informa? tion :n regard t.> jour wonderful medicine. (Signed Affidavit) A. C. BBTTERSWOItTTL H.kman's Alterative Is effective In Bron? chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Throat and Bung "fro ibles. arid In upbuilding the system. Doer not contain poisons, opiates or habit forming ilrum. For snle by Owens ,t Minor 3>riiR C?mpanj and other leading druggists. A ill fer booklet ".' cured rases and write to Be.kman laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for I ^ ? Impossible U from crntsrlon ai.l frnia i,v ? f blood poison?na runter fr ? r.- - u rendered uu^mI- SV' TYREE'S I Antiseptic Powder S e?t std tno't economical r*rmtelde urn Absolutely rareiles* to Uie el<c te inenibrsun ttstrucs. Meals without tstlea. ?. bj pbrateiaai si! orrr vrnrld for y ea rs< tint no equal a-, e pieventa* re, niKsolres Instantly !r. water, cent package min 2 gallons simd I S 'Ollen. Sold |.t drireitts everywhere. J. S. TYREE, Cliercitt, Waihbtles,D.C The Implement Co., richmond, virginia. | have just issued a new antl (3 complete Farm Implement | Catalog giving up-to-dute in- 5 fornuition and prices of Ail Farm Implements,! 'g Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel and Disk Cultivators, Durrip and farm Wagons, Engines, Threshers, Saw and Flaning Mills, Metsl and other Rool'ings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Barb Wire, Fencino, eic. Our prices are very reason? able for first-class supplies. Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it. The Implement Co. 1302 E. Main St.. Richmond, Va. Have Your Pianos PUN BD, REPAIRED, CI.BAXP.n, mid Protected Against Moth*. I.KIS FF.ltt.l sso\ )'ICO., 1 III Ka?l flroud. Phone Madison 6Si2-I* ? Ing y ?ur wii.Mi 1" "Flool und Leigh." "Who elso vn? on the lookout?" "Tho bridge olllcer, *<r. Murdock." "Was the ordinary complement Of officer* ut their posts?" ; "Yea, sir." ? "Did you not know ot the proxlflty i of icebergs'."' asked Senator Smith, j "No, elr." , Inder questioning:, however. Box ihall said Captain .Smith had told him of the position of certain iceberg. '. which he marked on the chart, j "Were there any additional ofllcers 'or members of the crew stationed In j tho bo\| or on the deck titter you went Ion deck Sunday night.'" "I don't know that there were any additional officers or nun on the for-, ward deck. Just tho regular force." 1 "Did you see the captain frequent? ly .Sunday night?" "Yes, sir. Sometimes on the upper deck, sometimes in the chart room, some.times on the bridge and sometimes in the wheel house." "Was the captain on the bridge or at any of the other places when you wcutv on watch ut S> o'clock?" "No. sir; I first saw the cuptaln about 0 o'clock." "Did you seo Mr. Ismny with the captain on the bridge, or iu tho wheel house?" ".No, sir; not until after the acci? dent." Captain .N'ut A-.vsy Prom Bridge. Boxhall said thut hu did not believe the captain had been away from tho vicinity of the bringe, at any time dur? ing hie watch. "When did you see the captain lust'.'"' asked Senator Smith. "When he ordered me to go away inj the bout." "Where -were you at the time of the collision V" "Just approaching the bridge." "Did you sec what occurred?" "No, 1 could not see." "Did you hear?" "Yes, liiu senior olllcer said, 'We have struck an Iceberg.' 1 hear the sharp report of tho crash/' "Did you sec the Iceberg'.'" "No, sir." "Did it strike the bow, or Shave It?" "It sucnieu to me to have struck the bluil of the starboard bow." "Then It wus not u suuaie blow on tne bow of tho ship.'" "No, u glancing blow." "Wus it u bard Impuct?" "No, it was so slight that I did not think it was serious." BoxhaU. then went to the bridge, where- ho found Hie first ottlcer, Mr. Murdock; the sixth officer, Air. Moony, and Captain smith. Boxhall said the captain usked what Was thu trouble, and mo Ursl olllcer re? plied they hud struck an Iceberg, and added that he had borne to starboard and reversed his engines lull speed astern, after ordering llio closing of watertight loors. "Did you see the iceberg?" "Yos, sir. 1 could see it dimly, it lay low in tne water and was about as high us Ilm lower rail ol the ship, or about thirty- feet out Of thu water. Boxhall iiuld he went down to the Steerage, Inspected nil thu decks In the vicinity of Where the ship hau struck. .. (fit f aces of any dam? age und went directly to tho bridge and so reported. Found Mailing Itooiu Flooded. "The captain ordered mo to suiia u carpenter to sound the ship, but l fbund a carpenter coming up with the announcement thut thu snip wus tak? ing water. In tho mail room 1 found mail sucks boating about while tho clerks were ut work. 1 went to the bridge und reported, and the captain Ordered lil t boats to bo made ready." Boxhall tesllllcd that at Captain Smith's orders bo took word of the ship's position to the wireless opera? tors. "What position was that?" "41.40 north; 60.14 west." "Wus thut the last position taken?" . "Yes. the Titanic stood not iur from there wheii she sunk" After that Boxhall went back to the lifeboats, where there were many men and women. He said they had life bells. ".vfter thut I was on the bridge most or the tiniu sending out distress signals trying to attract tho attention oi bouts ahead," hu uuld. "1 sent up dis ! li ess rockets until 1 left tho ship, to try to attiacl Hie attention of a ship directly ahead. 1 bad seen her light:, she Seemed to bo mooting Ut, and W8.S ' not far away. She got close enough, so '. she seemi d to mo, to read our electric I Morae signals. 1 told the captain. He UtOOd With me much of tho tune try I ing to signal her. He told mo to till her In .Morse rocket signals, 'come u: once?W ?, are sinking ' " "Did any ansWOr come?" usked the Senatoi. "I <!Kl not sea them, but two men ? say they uuw signals trout that ship " "How far away do >ou think thai 1 ship wuii?" "Approximately five miles." Boxhall said he did not^ know what : ship It was. ? Have you learned anything about that ship since?" "No. Some people say she. replied ! to our rockets and our Signals, but t d'd not seo It." " 'By a-jinu people', whom you I mean?'' ,UNot passengers. ' but steward: a the captnln all declared thO) s . them." ?What lights did you see on thi ship'." "First we saw. lie.- masthead light" land a few minutes later her rod i lights. She was standing clou, r,'? J "Suppose you hiid had a powert il searchlight on the Titanic, could you 1 not hfcye thrown a beam on the ves There is but one opinion of It is best Xo matter where you find the St ein way?in lowly cottage or palace?you find satisfied owners. Let us tell you all about the Steinway. Send for free cata? log. Walter D. Moses & Co., 103 E. Broad, Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina. sei ami havo compelled her alten* tlon T" "Wo might." tu First Boat Picked Up. Boxhall said he had rowed in the sonboat three-quarters of a mile when the Titanic went down. Boforo that, ho had rowed uround the ships stern to nee If he could not talle oq. three more persons for which there wae room. He abandoned that nttempt, however, because he had with him only one man who know how to bundle an oar. and he feared an ac? cident. His boat, he testified, was: the Ilrst picked up by the Carpathia at 4:10 In the morn In ff. "Did you have nny conversation with Mr. Is may that night?" "Yes. sir. before 1 left the ship, on the bridge just before '.be captain ordered me below to take nn emer? gency host." "Did you fco Ismay when you got ? Into th<j lifeboat?" "No." ? "When did you next see ismay al? ter you left the ship?" "I saw him In a collapsible boat in the water afterward." "Who else was In It?" "Mr. Carter." "Any other man?" "Yes. I saw* some men that looked like Filipinos?three or tour of them." "Any women In It?" "Yes; It was full of them?well, not exactly full of theui, but. thoro were many women, most of them foreigners." "How long after you reached the Carpathia did Ismay's boat arrive?" "I cannot say exactly, but It was before daylight." "Did you see nny bodies?" "Yes. 1 saw one body, the body of a man lying on his side. He had a lifebelt on." "There must have been hundreds or bodies nbout the Titanic?" ??nut I saw no more." "Old you hear of any persons re? fusing to enter the lifeboats?" "I ibeard persons on th-a Titanic say that some people refused." "Did you see any one refuso to en? ter thv lifeboat?" "No, sir." "I?ld you see any man, woman or chdld prevented from entering a llfe iioat?" J. B. Hart Says He Is Pleased To Have Opportunity To Make Statement "For a long time past I have not en? joyed good health," said Mr. J. B. Hart, of Mcchanicsvillc Turnpike. "As a re? sult," continued he, "I became all run? down, 1 suffered from nervousness and stomach trouble, I was troubled with in? somnia. 1 never did know just what was the matter with me. "1 decided some time ago that I would do something to overcome this trouble. 1 read in the papers of the introduction of 'Tona Vita' in this country and the demonstration in Richmond, and con cluded to give this tonic a trial. I thought it would be several weeks before :;iiy noticeable change in my condition would he felt; However, 'Tona Vita' strength? ened me and gave me new ambition within a lew days. 1 found its tonic properties to be just '.chat I needed, and I now have a splendid appetite and am , no longer in that run down condition. 1 consider 'Tona Vita' the ber.t ionic, 1 have ever used, and am pleased to have this opportunity of recommending it." similar statements by many other Richmond people are being received by the specialists who arc introducing " Tona Vita" in this city. "When we began the introduction of " Tona Vita" a few weeks ago \vc predicted that the man or woman who would give our medicine a fair test would become a walking advertisement for it. and judging from the results here j in Richmond wc are correct," said one of these specialists late yesterday after? noon. "Any one." continued he, "who has beeil in a half-sick, good-for-nothing con? dition, with no vitality or energy, a con staiu Sufferer with despondency, stomach ; trouble, weak back, headaches and many other troubles -the symptoms of dc-j - bility?is sure to tell about ii when they ! find something that will give ihcm gen-1 j uinc relief, i "Few "I the public know anything I I about ihe symptoms of thi.-> modern I plague, II ill ihc headaches and other pains in Richmond can be attributed to debility, and it should prove a source of general satisfaction to know that-a prep- j aration has at last Ixten i ?und to pcrma- ! ; m-atly relieve such a distressing malady. ' I "Wc will continue to meet the public at ilie Polk Miller Drug Company. No. 834 East M ii.n Street, between ? hr fiotlfs [?l (> A. M. .nid 8 P. M. during fchc rest '?f lour stay in Richmond worn *sjxtr&~~>m? a igrvnj t~ -XB^s-.?mnn, n swsw WB ??? rich focd is ncoi) for you li well Oil;, stud. Will tm.ike vour stomsrh de a roan's work Quick relief for indigestion All drun stores aell It, Large bottle &0C. BODY BELIEVED RESCUED flrnrmr D. Wldenrr, onr of the Titanic'* victims. j "Xo, sir." I "Did you 50c any ejected?" "So. sir." , "Did you see any who sot in from the water or sea any In the water?" "No. sir." said Boxhall. "'if 1 hnd seen any In the water 1 should have j taken them jn the boat." 1 ltoxlinll said thnt the sea was clam, and (That In ills opinion each of the lifeboats could have, taken Its full capacity. How many ho had in his small seahoal he never knew. Hoxhall testified thnt tho sea was an oily clam, and tliaf he could not ace the Iceberg In th" small boot. "I believe," he declared, 'thnt If tTiero had baen n little r!p;>'.n on the wnter tho Titanic would hove seen th-* berg in time to avoid it." Vice-President P. A 3. franklin, of the International Mercantile Marine Company, told the Senate Investigat? ing cormrrlttee to-day how ib* had asked to have the reports of the Tltnnlc dlsnster ] eld lip to avoid unnecessary alarm He denied nny knowledge of tho nwssapje addressed to Representative Hughes, of West Virginia, about the ship heinir towM to Halifax and that the passengers were nil ssf*. After denying thnt officials of the "White Star Line had any knowledge of i\ misleading telegxim to Mr Hughes, it was acknowledged by Mr Franklin thnt ho Imd Issued reassur? ing statements when '-ie had no facts on which to base th m. Franklin's Testimony. -Mr. Franklin described the business' operations and the extent of the Inter? national Mercantile Marine. "What is its capitalization?" ..kid Hinator Smith. ''One hundred million dollars In com oion a.\d preferred chares, J5J.Uoo.000 in I per cent, bonds, $19.ou0,uuu in .*? per' .tent, bonds and about $7,000,000 of underlying bonds " "Can you give me the names of tho of thi various stcamslilp gompanios?" asked Senator Smith "I cannot." said Mr. Franklin, "but I shall gladly g.v.- you the names of the; offlcors and directors of the Interna? tional Marine. The other companies, Many of them, aic located abroad.' After Mr. Franklin had read a list of i the officials and directors of the Inter- | national. Senator .Smith asked: "You are the real representative in ; this country of Uie W'hitj Star Line?" "Yes, sir." "Do.;, any ...... share tho responsi? bility with you?" "1 am mainly responsible." answered Franklin. "There are directors in this country, and meetings, ara held fre? quently." "Did you know Captain Smith, of i the Titanic?" -:. ;ior Smith inquired. "Kver since 189$," said the witness, "during which years ho had cornmund- ' rd tho Majestic. Adriatic. Baltic, Olym? pic and the Titanic." No Communication With Captuln. ".So far as you ,.now, did you or any ! of your subordinate ofncira have any communication ivlth Captain Smith on his last voyage?" "None at ai; W'e did not hear from htm in any way or shape." Mr. 1 : inklln tld he had received no communication f:.un Mr. Ismay except "lie by cable from .Southampton. This, he s.nd, was merely a cablegram an? nouncing tho cornplote success of the Titanic'.-, trip and tho favorable prospect for iUCCesSfUl voyage. "This is i e only attempt at commu nlcation, and. ?? far as you know, uny J attempt from olilcors, crjw or passen? gers to cominunluate with you after they left Southampton?" the Senator continued. "Ves." Senator Smith then showed Mr. Franklin the telegram rsceivod by Con grcssmnn il . of West Virginia, from tho White tnr f.lne, dated New York, April Ifi, and addressed to J. A. II ughes, Huntington, W. Va., as fol? lows: ?Titanic proceeding to Halifax. Pas? sengers probuhl} land on Wednesday. All snfa. (.Signed) "Til Ii' UillTK ST Alt LINK." "I anto intlnucd the Senator, "whether you kuo}v aifuut the send? ing nt thai Ieleu ram, by whom It was authorised' and from whom It was Sent'.'" , "I do not, Blr," said Franklin. "Sincei was incptioned at thn Waldorf Sat-! urday wc have had thu entire, passen-' gor Staff I ii d, and wo cannot find j oui Wc appreciate the fact thnt on: thai Monday there- wero -many Junior) clerks at work, and there was great: confusion !: Ii possible that some one: wlio had !... absolute information' might have sent it, I wish you wouldJ have ii leieKi company turn all the White Stai inessagos over to you 0 thai w? . in ;.<e jusi what happen-, Knev ii i Irs I Monday Evening. j Asked when ho nisi knew that tho Titanic had Mink. Franklin said he first, knew it :ii i, 37 p, M. Monday. | Ml Franklin then produced n thick! package telegrams, which he had received Si ml in relation t<> the tilg-1 "About i w ? v. minutes <>f 2 on Mon-I en tnurulug, said ho, "awakened by| a phont: bell, I was called by a re? porter for sonic paper, who Informed me that the Titanic huil met with an accident and sinking. 1 him where he not the information, lie told me that It hud conic by wireless from the steamship Virginian, which had been appealed to by the Titanic for aid." Mr. Franklin said he called up the White Slur docks, but they bad no In? formation, and be then appealed to the Associated Press, and there whs read to him a dispatch from Cupo itace, ad? vising of the accident. "1 nskod the Associated Press." said I Mr. Franklin, "not to send out the dls i patch until wo had more detailed in? formation in order to uvold unneccs-j [sary alarm. I wag told, however, that I the story already had been sent." j [ ."How old you ascertain the location I of the Olympic, Baltic and others'.'" I asked, the Senator. "Wo worked them out < n our charts. We had no direct communication with any of the ships. Oui lust endeavor j to communicate with our big Sltlpi was a message sent April 15 at tl A M. This message read as follows: 'Had? dock, Olympic: Make evety eSide.-ivor to | communicate Titanic, uifl advise posi? tion and time, lleply within the hour.'. That was the first mess ige. We tiled | it with others rapidly. j "Monday morning wo were ende.iv-j oring to get Information from Mon? treal nnd Cape Race, At 10:^7 A. M. we got word from the Olympic, an? nouncing that at B A. M. she had beenj unable to reach the Titanic: was 31 u| miles south of her, but would maintain Its effort to get In communication w|th| her. "Between noori und 1 o'clock on the! lath the following message was re? ceived from the Olympic: "Parisian re? ports Carpathla In attendance, pick? ed up twenty bouts with passeng? ers and Baltic returning. Position not| j given.?Haddoek, Olympic' " Statements iteaasurlng. The reassuring Statements sent outl by the llnu in the early hours of the disaster next were made the subject of] Inquiry. I "Tell the committee on what you I bused those statements,'' directed Sen-! lutor Smith. "We based them on reports and I rumors received at Cape Itace by in? dividuals ai . by the newspapers. They were rumors and we could not place our linger on anything authentic." j "Had you heard from the Carpathla at that time?" "No, sir." Franklin said that the Olympic was then dispatched this message: "Had? dock, Olympic?Rumored here Titanic sunk. Cannot conllrm here. Kxpeet Virginian al onus ale.?I- ran kl in." "At 1:40 P. M. we wired Haddock to endeavor by all means t? ascertain the whereabouts of Mr. Ismtty, and to ad? vise us as soon as possible," continued Franklin. "We followed this dispatch with an ?nher to Haddock, In which we urged: TJo your utmost to ascertain condition of Titanic; advise us fully disposition Iltanic's passengers and where they will be landed." " "At C:20 or 6:30 Monday evening,' Air. Franklin continued, "a message I was received, telling tin fateful news j that the Carpathla reached flio Titanic i and found nothing nut boats and j wreckage; that the Titanic bad found ! ered ut 2:12'' A. M in 41.16 north, .'i0.11 West; that the Carpathla picket) up all tin; boats und had on board about 075 Tita uic's survivors, passengers and OreW. This message was from Had? dock also, "It was such a terrible shock that it took me several moments to think what to do. Then 1 telephoned two ol our directors. Mr, Steele and J. P. Morgan, Jr. Then 1 went downstairs to the reporters. 1 began to rein!, the message, holding It high lu my hand, 1 had read only to the second line. Which said that the Titanic had .sunk, when there, was not reporter b it. They were so anxious to get lo the telephones. | "After that we got another message from Haddock.' statin'; that "Yanisl.'l meaning Ismiiy, wes on the Carpathla." Mr. Franklin then explained how the company wired the Olympic to get the names of the survivors nnd to stand by and relay them from the Carpa? thla. Thought n e i Unslnknhlc. "I want to say lliot during the en-! tire day on Monday, alter our llrsi | messages concerning the Tltnnie, we; considered the Titanic absolutely un sinknhle. AVe never dreamed of such a tiling, ond that there had been loss ,>f, life never entered our minds until Wo -~??- . i Instantly Relievo j and rapidly Cure j Gout, Rheuma?.' I tism, Rheumaila Gout, Sciatica,' | Lumbago, and all pains in the head, face and limbs. & fODGttRA <fc OX, Sole Anents, New York, t All Druggists. _ QUALITY That a high standard of quality is being maintained at this store is your first discovery : that a most remarkable basis of economy prevails is your forcible impression when examining into our values. The reason is plain. None other than Burk madc Cltohes are sold, and we sell "direct to the wearer," eliminating agent or middleman. Burk High-Class Spring Suits Newest models built upon distinctive lines; our Norfolk, College ami Boulevard models will please the nifty young dresser; the conscravtivc models likewise the less extreme. Newest fabrics in the latest colors and patients. Pure Wool Suits at $12.50 and $15. Remarkable Values in Suits at $18.00 and $20.00. Imported fabrics, exclusive ideas, $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50. Finest goods, best made, $30.00 and $32.50. Main and Eighth Streets. got'a awful message at ?:3U that b\ enlng " Oho by oiio Ali. franklin read nie grama that bud been burled through tbi air from shore tu ruclntf slups ami from Ihoni back tu the anxious ones uu shore. All h<>t>e thul sume other vea sei besides tin- Carpathla had picked up Boino ?if the Ti tunic's survlvora was dissipated when the Olympic Hashed word that neither the Baltic 1101 the Tunisian had any of the Tltanlc'a peo? ple aboard. Senator Smith at this Juncture I sought ;>? discover who had been tam? pering with the wireless op?rators or Iliad been responsible tor the failure of ! the wireless to get the news to shore I earlier/ Mr. Smith repeatedly asked the witness whether lie had not had a I conference Monday morning with Mr. I Marconi or Mr. Sammis. chief engineer j for the Marconi Company. "No, most emphatically.said the Witness. " In no way did 1 atlunpt or cause to be attempted any ceuaorehlp of the wireless." "When you went aboard the Carpa lllla when she docked Thursday night," suggest sd Senator Smith, "did you see cither Mr. Marconi, Mr Sammle or ih? wireless operators-/" "No, l did not. 1 went, direct to the captain's room and asked to be ,-howr to Mr. Ismny's room. He touk me i there I talked with no one else." j Senator Smith Inquired whether tlie i Wintens was familiar with tho work? ings oi the wireless on tho ships of the line and if lie knew what wer,, the I safety precautions on the same ships. I "No," lie said. "We arc really only agents for the line In America." ! "Do yon know of any chart or doc I umcnt showing the lqulpmont or safety j appliances on the Titanic'.'" "1 know of none." llwaya t nrrlm Inaurnnee. I Asked about Insurance, Mr. franklin suld the company always carried in? surance on ships. "What was the cost of the Titanic?" "One million live hundred and some odd pounds," said franklin, "including all equipment?" "Yes." Its tonnage capacity, be said, was 40,:i?S gross, the largest ever built.) Senator Smith said be thought the ?lata i regarding the stability "f th; ship In loaded and damaged conditions should I be furnished the committee, and Mr. franklin said he would Iry to get the ilgures. "How many passengers Would the Titanic accommodate as you would ?p erate it?" asked th<- Senator. ( "About 2.500; 7:10 first cabin: BOO second class. l.'JOO third class It de pends entirely on how you lo*d hct I I "What Is the difference in codi in j various clauses?" , "All rates vary*?there Is a minimum I cliurKc fur . ach ship,'1 siiu Franklin.] The lowest rale thut tliu Titan la would ?anv a llrst-dass passciiKcr was 1130. That Included everything. The second-class minimum was jou; the. tlilrd-clasa iiu." Senator Smith ihen asked the. wlt i ness what efforts were made to get the names of the third-class passcu , gets, "We made every effort to get them.?? said Mr. Franklin. "I'll j on receive at any time fron any one or any officer of your com? pany a request that the steamship j Cedrlc be held at, New Vork until tho [arrival of the Carpathla?" "Ves, sir," said the witness, and ' began to read a telegram from the Carpathla. ! "What time was It received?" i "At 6:19." said the witness, who i said the telegram asked that the I Cedrlc be h?-ld because the send.-r ] considered It "most desirable" that ; the members of Hie crew be sent bacit ! on the Cedrlc. and declaring his In? tention of sailing on that ship hlm | self. Then sender also asked thtt : clothing and shoes be brought to tho dock for him when the Carpathla got In. "By whom w?s that signed?" asked ?Senator Smith. ' "Yamsl." "Do you know who Tarns! is?" "Ves, sir, it Is cipher for Mr. Ismsy'l signature. 1 sent In reply the follow? ing! 'Yamsl, Carpathla: Have arranged forward crew l-ipland Bailing Saturday, ; calling at Plymouth. We all consider ' most unwise to delay Codrlr. consid j erlng rircumstanr SS. Fr'-.nklln." " MeSsattes Are Ilrnd. Sei itor Smith then had Franklin road all the messages that passed be? tween himself and lamsy on th.* Car? pathla on April IS. At f.:n0 A. M. of that day Franklin received from Ismay ti la message "Send responsible While Star h|p officer nnd fourteen men In two boats to take charge of thlr een Titanic lifeboats at quarantine? Yamsll" "Was 'Yamsl' a registered slgnatur* thai >.??! proviously used?" asked Senator Smith. "it is a rcB!"terert signature abroad for Ismay and a signature rre all know personally for him. Whether It ll registered In New York 1 do not know It Is m>t used much on this sld*." "What does It Indicate?" "It Indicate-. If sent to Liverpool that a message would be delivered personally to Ts may. If signed 'Yam (Continued on Seventh Tage.) C @ C THE CURE FOR d. O. O* S CROFUL? The usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of tlje neck, l Bores and ulcers on the bod3", skin affections, oatarrhal troublos, weak I oyos, and general poor hoaltli. The inherited poison, transmitted through tiio blood, pollutes and woakor.s this fluid, and in place of its nutritive i qualities fills tho circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality I of tho entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint, have spont their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to I manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth, I and perhaps later sonio disease of tho bones or ioints devoloped. S. S. 8., ? given in their early life, would have prevented this. It would have I cleansed and purified tho blood of tho taint, nourished and stengthenod i their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, hoalthful manhood I or womanhood. S. S. S. is tlie very best remedy for Scrofula. It goes I down to the bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, dise: :ed blood with strength I and health-building qualities, and under th purifying effects of this great I remody all .symptoms of Scrofula pass away. S. S. S. contains no minerals J i:i any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, even infants, I or persons of any ace. Literature nbout Scrofula and anv medical advico i free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. PIANOS Sold DIRECT from Ihe factory warerooms? free of dealers' profits and expanses: All grades of pianos AT A SAVING OF FULLY 20% E. G. R!KE, IVtnnager 205 E. Broad Street WMMMMNnMHBBM Headquarters For BLINDS And all grades of mill work. All orders promptly Hilled BALDWIN & BROWN 1557 E. Main St.