Newspaper Page Text
NO INSTRUCTIONS FOR DELEGATES Appeal on Behalf of Clark inj Brunswick Is With? out Effect. 'Kp?claJ to Tin! Tlmca-TTiapctch.] Lawrisncevlllc, Vu., April zz.?The Democrats of Urunswlck county at a meeting heio to-Ua,y tor the election | of delegate:, to liic Norfolk COIlVOU- \ vlon named the (oliowing delegates; To tar o dlattict, I. 13. Spa tig; Itedonk district. Captutij c. T. Allen; Sturgeon district, j. u. Pourch; Meberrin dia- j trlct, j. u. Kiam; I'owcllton district. J. W. Palmer. The meeting was well j uttended. Hi* couVlhousi being packed to Its capacity, notwithstanding me; inclement weather. A resolution was offered und iiualll-I mously adopted Indorsing the cltorta ot lion. Itoburt Turubull us a member | of Congress f 10111 the f urth District, and indorsing him for ro-noinlnatlun ut the coming primary. There waB a Mtion^ appeal made 10 luutruct tho delegates for Champ Clark, but they were sent without 'nslructlons. AuiciihIu fur Wllao", IRpeelnt to The Tlm< s-Dispatch. ] Stounton, Va., April zz.?The county Democratic conven ilon with fourteen dcleguti h to the , State convention elected Iwchty-elght, with half a vote each ami Instructed I tl'.ein to voto for Wood row "Wilson as' |ohg aa his imtiii- !.., before the con ventiOn. lion llarr) St. George I Tucker was present, an 1 addressed the convention, creating great en- 1 thuslnsm. Staunton had already In aiiuutod Its five delegates for Wilson. nnllfox. Fleets Delegates. TRpeclal to The Times-! ?Ispatch. J Houston, Va.. April.:!.?The county Ptmorratlc committee met at the courthouse to-day und R Holt Easley' was elected ohnlrman. The purpose 1 of the meeting was to elect delegates to the State convention, and thirty- j n'r.e delegates were elected. A mo- 1 tlon was carried that delegates vote I as a unit. Helrgntes Haina! ructed, [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Wllllamsburg, Va . April Z2.?The Democrats of James City county. In .mass-meeting assembled nt Toano, elected two delegates, with a hilf vote each, to the Norfolk convention. C. V. Marston. county chairman, presided. Dr. II. U, Strphir.scn and Jv 3. MeanUy were el.-cted d etc rates, and T. II Strykcr atid 1". C. Stewart alternatea The delegates were unlnstrueted. but were Instructed to vota for an un'n stru-ted State delegation to tl.e Balti? more convention. Tlie meeting In? dorsed Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson for State Chairman and Hon M. H Burns for district commit'e -man. Delegation l.'nlnstrueteil. fSpecia) to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. 1 Frcdcrickiburg, Vr... April 22.?T!;e nemocrats of l'rederlcksburg. in mass meeting to-nlgi-.t. elected this following delegates and alternates :?> this State Convention at Norfolk. en<-h delegate to hnv? half a vote: Uelngntes?Colonel n d. Cole. C. O'Connor Goolrtck. E J. Smith. P. M. Aldrtch, W. s. Embrey, E. M. Young. P. M. Chl<-hester, Captain T. M. I^ir kln. Alternates?J. R, Rawllngs. Dr. J. Harnett King. H. F. Crlsmond, W. A. Bell. George Freeman. A. M. Garner, .1 Wllmort Cox. Andrew J. Bowling The delegates go unlnstrui ted. and the unit rule was adapted Colonel B. D. Cole was Indorsed for re-election as member of the Stat; Corr.mlttej. What is More Terrible to Mothers than the evcry-day accidents?cuts, bruises, scratches, etc.?that hap? pen to their children ? ! Noah's Liniment stops the blood, fleadeii3 the pain, takes away the! danger of blood poisoning and heals tho wound. It is antiseptic. Noah's Liniment is tho best single preparation any family can have in their home. It is a pain remedy for internal use as well as a liniment for external application. \ Noah's Liniment fe excellent for colds, coughs, soro throat find toothache. 1 Made in Richmond, Noah Remedy Co., and sold by all dealers in medicine. irt su os s.'U! JjRlsc&'-c^itii W15 MAKE A SPECIALTY of packing household goods and china : for shipment Rountree-Sutherland Cherry Corporation! 111-113-ll? West Ilrond Street. Free Demonstration OF THE Apollo Player Piano I,EB pbrovss?n PIANO CO.. 110 East Ilrond. The Original Old Hickory Furni? ture for sale only by JURGENSI A car lot to select from. sfes a, [sic Promo!csDi^eslion.rh.frfiil ncssaml Ifesi.Conlalnsnciito OpiuTii^farphinc iiorMiuefil. Not Nahcotic. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jtttiftcioUDcsmurnam Hhptii s.-,J jtL-LSavn * IhticlltSJh AnatSttd * ftfrrtaitil - ifftewM ilia* IVsraSrrd <7cr//. rf Su?:r ? h*r'uy>fi /tour. Apcrf?? I Remedy forCoTBfi"* lion. boar StoinacIi.DlaiTliKi Woni?jComTikions.Fcvcrish' ness and Loss OF Sitxw FttSnuitC S>c;nn;ure or >;EVy_YORr?. Use For Over Thirty Years Erar- ''npy of Wrapper ! WILL CHRISTEN THE TEXAS -i Her Father Bolted From Taft to I Roosevelt After She Had Been Chosen. Washington. April 12.?Preparations are being made ty the Newport News Shipbuilding and. Dry Dock Company, of Newport News, VS.. fer elaborate eremontes when the now Dreadnought Texas Is launched there on May 13. .Miss Claudia Lyon, (laughter of Col? onel Cecil Lyon, a wealthy ranch owner and Itopuhllcan national com mlttceman from Texas, will christen STORY OF CREATION TOO BRIEFLY TOLD L'uli Iteporter Has Apt Answer for Editor Who Criticises ills Writing. "Cut it short; don't you know that the creation of the world was de? scribed In less than :i00 words?" There was nothing new In thai comment coining from a city editor, but there Is an element of novelty In the answer Which a cub reporter Is said to have made when he replied: "Sure, I know it. but haven't they been trying to rind something out about ii over since?" The boiling down system Is nil right In Its place, but tin cub l>eHeves that the historian Of divine endeavor might have furthor enlightened mortals aa to creation. Wo do not know whether you are particularly interested In the crea? tion of the world, lint If you want to know the world as It Is to-day, wo are able to glvo you the best possible means of discovering the greatest amount of knowlcdgo In the least time. The history, science and art of tho world have been boiled down by means of terse writing, clear, easily read text and charts so that you can learn what you want to know at a glance. Thn whole Is bound In live feather? weight volumes and called Everybody's Cyclopedia. Tho Timen-DIspntnh la presenting this book to Its renders In exchange for six coupons nnd a Bmall promo? tion fee. This distribution will close soon, nnd we don't want any of our rendors to be dinjnnolnted. Present your coupons as soon as nosvtble. the new ?jattleshlp, which, wlifn com? puted, will be the lnrgest fighting craft a 11 out. President Taf* Secretary of the Nary Meyer and a number of prominent naval officers, Including Chief Con? structor Watt; the Texas delegation' In Congress nnd several prominent citizens of Texas, including Governor i Colqultt, have been Invited to witness ami participate in tlte launching, and will probably attend. <in I'-ie morning of the launching the] builders of the Texas will give a rocep tlon to the guests. President Taft and Secretary of the Navy Meyer. It Is ex-j peeled, Will make addresses. The Texas Is a ? ton vessel. When com- i pletcd she will have cost npproxl- i mutely SI 1.000.000. She Will carry ten I 14-Inch guns In her main battery. Her! sliced will be better than twenty-one j knots an hour, the building contract! calling for at least t'.int speed. At the time the keel of the vessel was laid the shipbuilders nsked the j Governor of Texas to name a sponsor. ! The latter put tho matter up "to the! Navy Department. A few days nftor^ the department was called into tVio nf- 1 fair Colonel l,yon made it known that he wished his daughter named. The! Secretary of tho Navy was willing, so ilovernor Colqultt named Miss Lyon. I Shortly after her selection Colonel Lyon bolted the Taft poiiticnl organi? zation and enmc out for Colonel lloose velt for President. IIOOFIc It_F.XK.WS BOND. [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Alexandria, Va., April 22.?I<ow|j Ilooff. former socretary and general manager of the defunct Mercantile Hallway Building and Loan Associa? tion, appeared In tho Corporation Court to-dny and furnished bond In t/ho sum of $10.000 for hla appearance Septem? ber 17 next, when his case will be called for trial. Bond waa furnished by his wife, Mrs. Mary A. ITooff, and a sister, Miss Caroline nooff. It was simply a renewal of the bond first given by Tfooff after his aTrest. Ilooff waa to havo been tried to? day, but owing to tho Inability of his counsel to appAnr, the oasn was post? poned until September. There are several Indictments pend? ing against tho accussd banker foi grand larceny. By -V. J. Chewnlng Company. Real Estate Auctions!rs. AUCTION KAI^K OK West Grace St. Lot and Dwellings 281 1 W.Marshall St. 3 I 21 W. Marshall St., ON TUESDAY. APRIL. 33. 1912. Commencing promptly at 5 o'clock P. | M.. in ordor named: First?That vacant lot of land front? ing seventy foot on the north line of Grace Streot, Just West of lha Boulo vard. Second?That detached corner dwell-' lng. Mo. 2sii West Marshall Street. Third?Dotachcd dwelling, No. S121 West Mai shall Street. All of this property ..? In the grow-: lug section of tho clti and should de? mand your attention. As the owner, needs the money, you can coon; With the assurance of gattlnu a bargain. A. J. CHEWNING COMPANY. Auctioneers. TheVdentmcAuctionCa ! AUCTIONEERS i O l 8 EAST BROAD ST. ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SLAB | OK HORSES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC., s AT "A MPTIIII.I.." Chesterfield County. Vs., on Petersburg Turnpike, Stop 17. Rich? mond and Petersburg electric car line.' As administrators "f the estate ol the lat? W. O. Watklns, we Will sell at public auction, on hi- farm. "Apthlll." In Chesterfield county, on TUESDAY. APRIL. '-'3D. at 3 o'clock 1*. M., about seven horses, farming Imple? ments, consisting of Hay Fork. Hawk? ing Valley Feed Cutter, Double Disc Plow, Horse Dump Hay Rack. Disc Harrow. .McCormlck Mower, Stewart f-'hecp Shearer. Double How Com Plant? er, three Cultivators, six two and thr?e- ; hose Plows, six single-horse Plows. McCormlck Binder, various kinds of small and miscellaneous farming Im? plements, four two-horBi Wagons, seven 3ets and part gets of Harness j lot Hay, Corn, Shucks, etc. Take clectrlo car (Richmond and Petersburg line) to Btop 17, follow pri? vate road about one-fourth mill eaat of car tracks to the house. Sale posi-i live. TERMS: Cash. VIRGINIA TRUST CO.. 1 Adrmr.lrtrators. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. L\ral C?tdtT j ot tsalt ihr? Leading Cigar Itore und Billiard Iloom in Newport News, Va., Equipped with seven (7) high grade tables (Brunswlck-Baike make), nsir quartered ouic counter cases and wall case in feet long). ;hree i3t seat oalc bootblack stand, and $600 stock. late? ly painted and all tables remodeled, and ?l>ctric fans, w:ring and new !ir.o:< im installed. Pn sent owner In .ad health, compelled to give up busi? ness. Will sell at a sacrifice for cash. ?Business easily worth 15,000. Will sell for |3,500 K sale is made by May 1. For further information, ad? dress CIGAR STORE, '?'are Times- Dispatch, Richmond. Va. FOR SALF, Suburban Home Sites and acreage on the R., F. 5: P. R. R., right at stations, five and eleven miles from Richmond, re? spectively. Train service unsur? passed. We are offering several select tracts of land in this beau? tiful and rapidly growing section, subdivided for acreage-villa sites. This is investment property, with increasing values. For particulars and term?, ap? ply to T. M. WORT HAM & CO., Real Fstate Agents, i8 North Ninth Street. 65 ACRES House, four rooms; good barn, poul? try houses, on-hard, well, stream: near station; fourteen miles north of Rich? mond. Prl'.-.\ 11.500. OWNER. _Ro*_i2. Atlee, Va. FOR SALE. One of th? finest nnd best con? structed dwellings on (J?OVE AVENUE. Fifteen rooms; brick garage: oil molern convenience!;; double lot; on corner. O. A. HAWKINS, ino North Sev.-nth Street The College of William and Mary A large nnd efficient faculty. Mod? ern :uid ample equipment. Healthful situation and historic associations, High standards of lifo and scholarship, No tul.Ion fee to Virginians. Special courses for teachers and State scholar? ships foT every county. We Invite !n epecUcm and oorrospondenee. Address 'I'll 10 REGISTRAR. College of William and Marv, WUllamsburg, Va. IviRQINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LCXINOTON, VA. Tn. n-?M of VllUctl. ?? lnnu.l Martlri ca the livh J.t of nail Jut,. ? ill .PPotnt S TATK CADETS to (111 ??r?oclM In lh? '.Ith Itth, ?Mh. S?l!>. -mib. 31?. 3!rrt ?n<l SJih s.nit.e n.l pitted., ?nd ? from th. AT Lnl'.c.l. Th.w .pr<'i?? m.nU c.rrr fte. b".r4 ?nd tuition. Application. ?honM 1? ? te th.nod.r.lm.d on or hetor. Juno 101h. on form? "' . W. NICHOLS. BUM. Summer iRccorta ? ANNOUNCEMENT. Moaaanctlii Spring?' New Brick Hotel Opens June 1, 1912. Thoroughly mod? ern. Accommodations for 300 guests. Early reservation advised. Booklets, rate cards, etc., upoTi ap? plication. Address Mnssnncttn .Spring? Co., Inc., Box 274. H*.rrlsonburg, Va. liheWe?^ABi?joaC& A?CTtoHC?na BIB EwfVSJT ?RQAD JST, GROCERIES AN;? SHOWCASES AT AUCTION. Wc will h<>11 for Mrs. Emily Wickert, who Id going out of business on ac? count of her health. TUESDAY, APRIL 23, beginning at 10:80 ?/dock, at h-w store. No, 1926 Hast Franklin Street, n stock .if Groceries, consisting; of Canned Goods of various kinds. ! Toilet and Laundry Soaps. Baking| Powders, Cigars. Cigarettes, Smoking and Chewing Tobai co, Washing Pow? ders, i.yc, Condensed Milk. Cakes. Cake Tins, Candy, three Showcases, Oil Tank anil other goods, etc. Sa'* positive. THE VA1 ?BNTINE AUCTION CO. .-?-.: flurtien ?dlco, JFttttitc Davs Casselman Co., Kcal Estate and General Auctioneers, I HI1& East Main St.. Itlchmond, Va. 1 - ! JAMES RIVER ESTATE?HARDENS ON THE JAM BS (CHARLES CITY COUNTY), SIXTEEN MILES FROM RICHMOND. SALB BY PUBLIC AUCTION. WEDNESDAY, APRIL -1, 1912, ! at II A. M., on the premises of one or the most beautiful estates In Virginia, contain? ing 600 acres?520 acre.; cleared; ISO ready for the plow; ?.? acres In wood.' High, rolling, .. u :: fully waur .d land, j with easy .-.ices, by road and r'ver: 1V4 miles fronting on t:i ? magnificent James Rrver, at Hardens Wharf, with I large permanent pier. Two lines run-1 ; nlng dally; steamers bringing a large revenue to the estate. The place Is ! well fenced ami bus beautiful orchard.' . A comfortable colonial dwelling house, I with all necessary outbuildings and1 'tenant houses. Flno fishing and shoot? ing; In delightful neighborhood. This la a beautiful home, a line farm, and ? contains splendid building sites. olTnr- ! lng an opportunity for a paying spec- ' ulatlon. Sale positive. I Parties corning to n.-ile take the Vir? ginia Navigation Company's steamer j Pocahontas. at Richmond. Vs., 6:30 A. If., "Wednesday, April 24. to Hardens Wharf, and a boat will get them back to the city after tho sale. Furth?r particulars from CASSELMAN &. CO., Real Estate Auctioneers, 1018 East Main Street. By N. W. Bowe, & Son, Real Estate Auctioneers. No. 5 1 3 North Eleventh Street At Auction We wt'.l sell by public auction, on \ the pr.-mls-.-s. on j WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1913, at 6.00 O'clock P. M.. ' the tenement above mentioned. This lb a good seven-room house, with oath, I etc.; Is a good renter, and would make ! a nicj investment or pleasant aome. ? TERMS. Easy, and announced at sale. N. W. BOWE & SON. By E. A. Cat!in -t Co., No. 16 North Eighth Street. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF COTTAGE AND ABOUT TWO ACHES OF LAND, SITUATED LN THE PLAN OF 'ROBIN PARK.," ABOUT FOUR MILES FROM RICHMOND, ON THE SEVEN PINKd TROLLEY LINE. In execution of a cs.-ta.ln .deed ot trust to me, dated April 39th, 1011, and recorded in the clerk's olllce of Hearlco county, in Heed Hook l?l-A. page 164, default having been mad ? In the pay? ment ol a certain uuu- therein secured, and being requested to du so by all the parties In Interest., 1 will, on THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH, at t> o'clock P. M., on the premises, sell the lot. with the cottage thereon Situated, at the south? west coiner of Barker AVihue and l'me Street, in the plan of "Robin Park. The lot lies beautifully and ironts ISO feet on Barker Avenue, and extends back bltweeh parallel lines 4'.uj feet. This property Is peculiarly suited f.-r poultry raising, as there is abundant sn.ide. which Is very essential to this business. By consent, terms will be nude very attractive. E. A. CATLIN, Trust ;c. Wm. B. Plzzlnl Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, 723 East Main Si reel. AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ON THE WEST SIDE OF OAKWOOD AVE? NUE. NEAR THE CORNER OF T Hl RT V- FO U1 :T 11 STR BET. Thiso lota have a depth a.' HIS feet to an alley, and front together Si feet on Oakwood Avenue. Also 124 feet on <} Street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Streets. Those lots nave ail city convenience*, > .?, . r. water and gas), and also arc lo? tted on the street oar line, giving a minute schedule to all parts of the city. Till? section of Richmond is Improv? ing as rapidly as any other section of ttie city, ami homeseekors or Investors will And it profitable to attend this sal*. Those buying lots and desiring to build, can procure the money with? out trouble from the auctioneers, on the most advantageous terms. Small cnsii payments and long time, if de? sired. SALE THURSDAY. APRIL 2S, 1912, at 4:30 P. M. WM. B. PIZZIN1 CO., Auctioneers. By Edward SI Rose Company n nd Ruflln & Sloan. Real Estate Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF Nos.10 and 12 North Linden Street ON THURSDAY. APRIL 2r>, 1913, at 5 o'clock P, M.. To cloro an estate, we will offer the above proporty on the premises. Tita Improvements oonsist of two brick dwellings on tho west side Of Linden Street, between Main Street and Floyd Avenue, having six rooms each. Tho property Is In excellent condition. Is In a veny doslrobio neighborhood, con? venient to the cars, und Will make at? tractive homos or a first-class invest? ment, ns they ors under rental at a ligure that will pay nicely on tho price' expected. Any one wishing to bid on on* or hoth of these dwellings can do so, as they will be Offered singly and to? gether. TERMS: Announced at sale. EDWARD S ROSE COMPANY, and RUFFIN & SLOAN. Auctioneers. Auction fealetf, .future Dag? fiy A. J. Ghownlng Company?" R-)al Estate Agent? und Auctioneers.. COURT sale OK TWO SPLENDID LOTS OF LAND, ONE > OF THBM FRONTING ON 1MB BEAUTIFUL BATTLE ABBEY BITE AND THE OTHER ONE SITUATED ON A DELIGHTFUL CORNER. In execution of a decree of the Rich-! noind Chancery Court, entarod on tho day of April. 1913, In the milt Of I Delia B, Hooker, trustee, etc.. vs. L O. I Hooker and others. I will, as npcclal commissioner thereby appointed Pell , by auction, upon the respective prom Ises, on THURSDAY. APRII, 25, 1912. at 6:00 o'clock P. M.. two certain lots Of land; one lot fr'int- ! ing ,">?; feet ant! '.' Inches on the north- i tin llnu of Stuart Avenue, at the northeast corner of Stuart Avenue and! West Street, and extending back with-| In parallel Unus 12G and o Inches, I and the other lot fronting 30 feet on J the west lino of Sheppard Street, be-| tween Stuart and Kensington Avenues, j and extending back within parallel lines 110 (feet to an alley id feet wide, j TERMS: One-third In cash; balance' in tiu m equal Instalments at six, | Uvelvo and eighteen months, for nego-? ::.i do note., interest lidded, and title; retained until all the purchase money, paid and a conveyance ordered by; the court; or all cash, at tho option Of tho purchaser. sni. CUTOHIN8. Special Commissioner, j I hereby certify that the bond re- J quired of the special commissioner In ! tho above d >cre? hns been duly given. CHAS. O, SAVIULK, _Clerk. It. B. Chaflln ?; Co.. Inc., Real Estate Auctioneers. Main and Twelfth Streets. COMMISSIONERS' AUCTION SALE OP Tin-; SAMUELS Pf.ACE. a nice lltili' su urban home on the New Market Roud, a>o~Ut thrco mllua trum the city of Richmond. Acting under decree of the Circuit i Court of Henrlco county In the cause' ! of L. H. Kemp. Committee of T. H.j Samuels vs. T. II. Samuols et als, en? tered on the 0tti day of April, lUl'j, tho undersigned special commissioners appointed for the purpose, will soil, by public auction, on the promises, on THURSDAY. APRIL. 25. 1912. at 4:30 P. M.. the house recently occupied by T. H. Samuels, asd which Is described In said decree aa follows: "Lots 63 and S4 ns j laid down on a plat made by James T. Redd & Son. Surveyors, and known as I Capital View." This Is an attractive I little home with four-room dwelling, I stable and barn, chicken house, nice I young orchard and other conveniences. TERMS: One-third cash, balance In ; equal payments at one and two years from date of sale; negotiable notes to i l'o given for deferred purchase money I and Interest, and title retained until ' same have been paid ar.d conveyance ordered by the court. C. R SANDS. \V M, JUSTIS, JR.. Special Commissioners. The bond required of the commls sioser? in the above cause has been duly given. E. R. PHILLIPS, Deputy Clerk. By Green & Redd, Real Estate Auctioneers, AUCTION SALE or No. 201 N. Sycamore Street ON THURSDAY. APRH, 25. 1912, at 5:30 o'clock P. M.. en the premises, w? will offer theabovs property. The Improvements consist of a well arranged six-room brick house, with largo bath and pantry, front porch and two rear porches, -with deep lot. The neighborhood being of tho very I best, we heartily recommend this for la cozy little 'home or a very sa-'e in , vfcstmcnt. TERMS: Most reasonable, and an , no'.mced at sale. GREEN &- RR DD, Auctioneers. Wm. B. Piszlnl Company. Real Estate Auctioneers, 723 East Main Streot. AUCTION SALE OF No. 121 W. Cary Street a sir-room brick dwelling, with bath, and No. 412 E. Clay Street ? being a detached two-story dwelling, with nine rooms, jxcluslve of bath and pantry, hot and cold water, together with a largo, detached dwelling, front? ing on the alley. In the rear, lot being -C.\15u feet. Both of thes; properties are in splen? did condition and rented to first-class i -. early tenants, and will make most de ' Strahle homes, as well es unsurpassed Investments, in order to close up ana divide au '?State, we will offer them for sale at public auction1 on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24. 1912, ns follows: No 121 West Cary Street, at 4 o'clock P. M, No. 412 East Clay Street, at F. o'clock P. M. i TERMS: Liberal and announced at ! sale. WM. B, PIZZINI CO.. Auctioneers. By Green t> Redd. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF FIFTY FEET OF LAND ON THE EASTERN LINE OK TWENTY EIOHTH STREET, 12fl FEET NORTH OF O STREET, WITH A DEPTH BE TWEBN PARALLEL LINUS OK no! FEET TO AN ALLEY. WITH DWELLINGS THEREON, 913 and 915 N. 28th Street By direction of tho parties In Inter? est, In order to closo up an estat? for I a division, we will offer for sale, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912. at 5:30 P. M., the above desorlbtd proporty. Property In this locality, bslng con? venient to tho cars, etc., rents readily und pays well as nn Investment. TERMS: One-third cash, balance at six and twelve months, or all cosh, at the option of the purchaser. GREEN &, REDD, _Auctioneers. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. Op?n daily from 10 \. M. to I r. M. Admission. "5c. Free oc Saturdays Uuction feuic?, Jrutiuc Dago ..ilk ot" large lot in rocketts, WITH VALUABLE IiiI'ROVKtMHNTS tubheos, and WdLUUj' FRONT? ING ON JA-MEri u1veh. By virtu* of a trust deed from City Juul Compuny of Biclimond. Incorpo? rated, to C. D. Wing 11; id and s. L. lUlllam, as trustees, dated July 17? 1808, recorded in clerk/a oltlcc of Chan? cery Court of city of Richmond. Va., ind another trust deed, dated Decem? ber 81, 1910, froui same grantor to lt. W, WuUtlns mow deceased), as trustee, in whose place Bun M. llose bro wart appointed substituted trustee, recorded in same clerk s office, defr.uiC having buen muilu in payment of debts thereby secured, and as directed by u, decree of District Court of United States for Eastern District of Vir? glnla, rendered March It, 1912. In matter of city Coal Company of Rich? mond. Incorporated, bankrupt, lu bank ? ., whose trustee m bankruptcy is W alter Sydtior, the undersigned tru tees will proceed to sell at publlo auction, on the premises, on tho 10TH DAY UF MAY, 1912, at I o'clock P. M., the following property in city o? Richmond, Va., namely: AH of thai; certain lot "i land situated in tho City of Richmond, on the south side of, water Street, west of Ash Street, be? ginning at the east line of s. If. Hawes's property, thence running east wardly along the south side of Water Street 1VJ feet u Inches, thonco south -57 feet to James River, thence w qs t - tvardly along Jamci River 1S2 feet 3 In ?? . thence northwardly to the point leglnnlng, liaving thereon valuablo Improvements and a wnarf trontlng on Juntos River. This silo affords a rare opportunity to purchase valuable prop ert} suitable for many and vurled, purposes. TERMS: One-third of purchase, money in cash, and residue in equal payments at --Ix. twelve and eighteen months, carrying interest from day ofi tale, for .viilu.. negotiable notes shall be glvt n, v iili leave to purchaser, at his election, to pay all of thu pur? cliase money In cat n. Sale to be re? ported to said court and subject to Its confirmation, and title retained until pun base money fully paid and con? veyance ordered by said court. C. D. WINGEIHLD. Trustee. B. L. GILLIAM, Trustee. B. M. ROSEBRO, Substituted Trustees. walter SYDNOR, Trustee. By virtue of two certain deads o< trust, boLn executed and delivered by. the City Coal Company of Richmond. Incorporated, pne thareof being dated the 2i>th day ol April. 1910, and ot record In the o.fllco of the clerk of the Chancery Court o? the city of Bloh? mond, \ .v , In D. B. 207-A, page 40, and the other thereof being dated the -'1st day o: December, 19U', and alBO of record in said clerk's oltlee, in D. B. 2UU-A, page lea. default having been made lu payment of debts therein and thereby secured, and pursuant also to un order of tho District Court ot tho United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, entered at Richmond on, the Ulli day of March, 1912, In tha matter of tho said City Coal Company of Richmond. Incorporated, bankrupt, the unddislgned, A. K. Thoma3, aq trustee in thu first of the above men? tioned deeds of trust, and Ben M. Rose ? bro, as substituted trustee In the sec? ond Ol said deeds of trust, and Walter Sydnor, as trustee in bankruptcy ot the estate of tho said bankrupt, will sell at public auction, on the premises, on wedne3day, the 15th DAY OF, MAY. 1912, at 5 o'CLOCK P. M.. the real estate described is follows, viz: All those two certain pieces or parcels of land, containing two-thirds of an acre, more or less tand desig? nated as lot No. 1 and lot No. 2 on tho plat hereinafter referred to), with tho improvements thereon, lying and being situated lu the said city of Richmond, Va.. lot No. 1 frojuing 12 feet on tha north line of Mooro Street, between Gllmer and "Dak Streets, and extending back northwardly between parallel lines to the southern line of lot No. 2, affoiding a 12 foot entrai.-'a or drive? way to said last mentioned lot; and lot No. 2 lies In the rear of said lot No. 1, as well aa In the rear of what Is known as the "Old African Church," and extends back to Bacon Street, being the same two lots or parcels of land conveyed to the said City Coal Company of Richmond, Incorporated, by Ellington-Guy Timber Co., Inc., by deed dated the lifith April, 1910, and, of record lu said clerk's olllce, in D. B. 207-B, page 147, to which said deed and to the plat recorded therowlth, special reference la hereby made for .t more particular description of tha metes und bounds of said real estate. TERMS: one-third of tho purchase money to bu paid in cash, and the roal due in equal payments of six, twolvo and eighteen months, carrying Interest from the day of sale, for which nego? tiable notes shall bo given, with leave to the purchaser, at his election, to pay all of the purchase money In cash; the sale hereunder to bo reported to said United States court. In said mat? ter, und ahajl be subject to the ap? proval and contlrniaiion thdreof, and the tltlu shall not puss to the purchas? er until all of the purchase money: shall have been paid and a convey auce ordered by said court. A, K. THOMAS. BEN M, ROSEBRO, WALTER SYDNOR. Trustees as Aforesaid. By virtue of two certain deeds ot tru^t, both executed and delivered by tho City Coal Company of Richmond, Incorporated, one thereof being dated tiie 30th day uf April, 1910, and of record in the olllce of the clerk of tho Chancery Court ot the city of Rich? mond, Va., in D. B. 207-A, page 35, and the other thereof being dated tho ^ist day of December, 1910, and alsoi of record In said clerk's office In D. B. 209-A, page 4<i3, default having been made in payment of debts therein and thereby secured, and pursuant also to an order of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, duiered at Richmond on. the 14th day of March. 1912, In tho matter of the said City Coal Company of Richmond, Incorporated, bankrupt, the undersigned. Irma Lambert Ter? rell, as trustee in the llrst ot the above mentioned deeds of trust, and Hen M. Rosebro, as substituted trus? tee In tlie second of said deeds of trust, and Walter Sydnor, as trustoo In bankruptcy of tho estate of tho said bankrupt, will sell at public auction, on tiie premises, on WEDNESDAY THE 15TH DAY OF MAY. HI 12, AT 5 o'CLOCK P. M . tho real estate described as follows, viz: All that certain lot of land lying and being In tho city of Richmond, with all Improvements thorcyon and appurte? nances thereto belonging, on the north? ern line "f Moore Striet, two hundred and seventy-five i'-'75) feat east of Oak Street, moro or less, and fronting on said Moore Street one hundred and twenty-nine (129) ion six (G) Inches, and extending back northwardly to Bacon's yuurter Branch three hun? dred ami seventy-seven (477) feat elg'at (3) Inches on the eastern line, morj or less, and about three hundred and forty (340) feet on the western line, being the same property conveyed to the City Coal Company of Richmond, Incorporated, by William A. Lambert and others by deed dnted April 30, 1910. and duly recorded In tho clerk's otllco of the Richmond Chancery Court In D. B. 207-A, page S5. TERMS: One-third of the purchase monsy to be paid in cash, and tho resi? dua in equal payments of six, twelve and eighteen months, carrying Inter? est irom the day of said, for which negotiable notes shall be given, with leave to tho purchaser, at his election, to pay all of tho puyhase muney Ire cash; the sale hereunder to be reported to said United Statos court, in said, mutter, and shall he subject to the. approval and confirmation thareof, and tho title shall not pass to tho pur-? chaser until all o.' the purchase money, sh ill have been paid and a conveyance ordered by said court IRMA LAMBERT TERRELL BEN M. ROSE BRO. WALTER SYDNOR. Trustees as Aforesaid.