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WITMAR IS HAPPY OVER PROSPECTS President of U. S. League Offers1 Thanks for Success Thus Far. President Wltmun, of the United! States League, mid Secretary1 Albrcelit, of the waahingtuii club In the ?um< league, spent n j^i hours In llleh niond yesterday, leaving laat nig'.it lor Washington to urrangc tor the open? ing thore. Sccreiarj Albrechl watch? ed lila club ut work ami expressed himself n? more than pleased with tin team. lie believes that tlcorge Urowne has corralled .1 winner. President Wltman might have posed tor a statue ot optimism Lift "The winter "f our discontent Is now happily over," he began, "11 1 ma) bi allowed to so express inysell When 1 look ha'-k over the long, weary months during which we have strug? gled and worked, and sometimes lit? erally starred for encouragement :'tid f.uppun. and now cumu to realize that everything is reo fly for the actual opening of die l< nglie, r\ Ith peace reigning and ovory city or the circuit wining and anxious to do Its all f; mnlto our venture u success, 1 fed like nit tlriK down, drawing a Ion P. breath, and offering thanks, You n 6. plo In Richmond have dona great work. , "To tho average fan ? who will go to our park? and wairh our t^ain? play ball, roasting when they thlr.k a roast is nez-dc'i f.r.d praising when the c? are performing well, the amount of work wh'ch has her-n accomplished can hardly be appreciated. Bui we are not looking for praise. We went Into thin proposition with our eye? open. It was u business deal with us. ?AVe thought we saw favorable 01? n Ing to make monc) and Niipply a pub? lic want. We hardly expected t'> be fought so vigorously, It 1^ nome tributo to our strength that those who oppose us hav<- f..und time or taken it, to knock whenever they ] thought a knock would drive another nail In our coffin. "However, they have come to the conclusion by this time, nr should have, that Instead of preparing our Hiroud, they have done the very thing which has paved, and paved smoothly, our road to success, Every club In the league lr. waiting am! ntiMous for the season to open next Wednesday. Reports are more thin roseate, they carry the ring of suc CtSS. From helt.g a paper league, we have grown Into a regvilar league, with regular clubs, tegular parks nnd lejular supporters. Naturally I feel enthusiastic. The survivors of the Titanic are properly happy that they weathered the collision, and are back with their friends. We went up against nn Iceberg, too, (jut the warmth with which we curried out our project melted the Iceberg, and we arc now riding Into a safe harbor ?' success upon the placid waters of the melted Iceberg. . "As the season grows older. the team* will grow better. We Will get better players. You can't build a "The Greatest Thing in the World Is Woman," Said the Ancient Philosopher. And Wasn't He Right? A Woman Can Make or Break a Man. The Difference By ROBERT TARNACRE Is the story of a pilot and the woman who made him dream? dream those dreams that make or break a man. It is strong, interesting and true to life. A Curious Case By GEORGE HIBBARD A remarkably good detective story, full of interest and excite? ment and a bang-up finish. The Man Next Door By MAY WYNNE There was a mystery about the man next door, and his discovery furnishes a climax for a mighty good story. In an Unromantic Country A story that aride from its entertainment proves that romance is everywhere. You can't get away from it. u_ Imagination A JENNIE ALLEN ESSAY By Grace Donworth, is a splendid contribution from her rich stock of humor. Rut at that, it b ?*.?fr O'iaH*-'.** b???Mp ing you smile. L The Illustrated Sunday IV THE TIMES-DlSl T edition; only FIVE volumes; contz vCTS; every ready and HANDY to t average of ONE installment. BUT i jnes, and you can get it ONLY throi ^edition lasts, previous to its being its regular $12 price after this immc set will be sent to you on the pay express charges upon recei house from the top down, and you c --.'t expect n baseball Ic.ikup to bo as fust when the Season opens as when it has advanced. Right here and /now I wntit to thank The Times. I." patch fur Ma loyal support. Your paper has been as great a holp to um hb some others .tried to be a hin? drance. It Is to The Times-Dispatch and other like friends that we must point for our ttlt'mnto success." Mr. Wltntan will accompany the Rcad'lig team to Now York for tho Opening, while Secretary Albrcclll will be here. mmm wins ONE-SIDED FIGHT Englands Lightweight Cham? pion, Matt Wells, Decided Disappointment. New York, April '_?<;.?Packey Me Fnrland, who w.,k introduced to-night i at Madison Square Garden as Chicago's I lighting Irishman, administered a bc-; ; vero drubbing to England's lightweight I champion. Matt Wells. The men went ] ten rounds, and while McFal'lalld was j n io to 7 favorite, nobody thought that, his task would be so easy. Weils was a decided disappointment, J the Iiiigtlshmsn'a much-heralded cicv ernens not being in evidence after tnol op.'iing round. McFarland at all stages was <ooi and collected, while' w. ,i> lost his head early in the game. I Pat key jabbed, swung and upper-cut . bis man at will from the opening of the second round till the llnal, clang fif ihr boll ending thc tenth round, and wells made frantic efforts to land a toiiiiif blow, but Packey Invariably i made hint miss '. v clever side-stepping iind ducking. Wells did not land ten clean blows during the entire contest, i but oil the other hand he whs kept busy receiving pnekcy'a unremitting slugging Jabs and upper cuts. It was! a one-sided light, mnj McFarland up- i held everything that his friends claim ed for hltn. It was estimated that about 9,000 persons were In lite house, and that the receipts will be over lawyers' defeat junior academs t The Junior I.'i?' team defeated the .lutilor Academic team on the R eh mond Coilege campus yesterday by the store of 13 to .S. The features of the game were the home run made by Brugh with two tri.-rt on base and the g.1 woik of Dycke, the pitching of Brown and the catching of Goldsmith. This is the lirsi team ever organized by the. Junior luw class and it 's un? der the management of .lohn p. Good? man, who < xpects to take the cuji 'n the Interclass championship series l.lne-up of teams: Junior I.aW?Goldsmith; c ; Desport, ?s.; Dycke, 2b.; Brugh, cf.; Brown, p . lt. C. i?uva;. :;ii Loughan, if.; J. B. Duval, Ih.l llutchlns. rf. Junior Academic?^Wilson, ss.; Cnle I man. p.: George, <? ; Pitt, 2 b.: Moore, lb.; Angle, 8b.; Hart. If.; Carter, cf.; iTIllery. rf. STAR ATHLETES IN GREAT MEET Annual Relay Events of Univer? sity of Pennsylvania Take Place To-Day. Philadelphia, April 26.?Star athletes from ?11 section* of thin country and Canada "aro In this city to-night ready to participate In the annual relay events, of the University of Pennsyl? vania, which take place to-morrow. Franklin Field fairly swarmed this af? ternoon with the pick of the country's college and schoolboy runuers testing the track i?r to-morrow's events. Teams from the Universities of Cht cago, Illinois, Syracuse and Minnesota, and McQlll University, Canada, prac tluod here to-day and limbered up alter their long Journey.*. The track I? In fine condition, and th.- consensus of] opinion among the many trainers and other experts present was tfiat many records should fall in to-niorrow's ; events. I Chicago and Illinois are favorites Inj the mile relay Championship. The lat-I ter defeated Chicago three weeks ago! In .'i minutes and 23 seconds, but Coach j Maat:, whoso team won last year's race here ill 4-5. hopes to retrieve I the recent defeat and repeat last year n I performance. The Minnesota entry 'or the two. I mile championship contains hair inllers who t>r?> e\poc.te,.j to break some records. They are be:ng coached by Dick Orant, the former ilarvard run? ner. In addition to the runners In the re? lays there Is a record-breaking list of entries III the special track and Held events, snd the performances will ho' eagerly watched by the American coin I Special to Th<> Times-Dispatch.] Brcmo, Va, April 24.?In one of the most exciting games ever played on the local ground*. Fork cnion Academy downed Richmond College by the ?core of >? i,i S this- afternoon. Uerger. for the Academy, pitched In gilt edge form, striking out ten. Lew Is, for the locals, starred with two home runs to his credit. For Richmond Col? lege. Meredith put up a great gam" In the field and at the bat. Score by Innings: n. H. ?. Fork Cnion . S 10 l Richmond college . ?-? flatteries; Fork Cnion?Berger and Daniel. Richmond College?Wiles' and Clark, t'tnpire?R. N. l'e.rklns. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE At Baltimore: Baltimore, 6; Roches ter. 10. At J-rsey City: Jersey Cltv, 5; Buf? falo. 1. At Providence: Providence, 1; Tor? onto. 0. At Newark: Newark. Montreal, 12. TO-DAY?Hear the New Victor Records for May Tou'rp alwrtys TMoomo to com? in and hear any Victor Record*. Wo Invite you specialty note, beoajjse we have Just roo&lved the n* w May list of records. A few of the new arrivals: 311859 Genta from 700S9 70070 17015 170*8 C12? 67102 Tnle? of liofYiunn." Victor l.lcht Opcm Companr iiilaiiii of Roses and Love (From Webar-Flelds Jubilee) Lucy Mnhcllc .Marnh Uinrr ,?r the Itoura (From "La Gloconda"), Victor Uerbert's Orchentrs Monollchf llnnce, Naughty Marietta Selection, Brass H n ml Iilphrnhnm .Linea, Thnl Society lleur, Itinnnrenque i Violin) Die Wnlliurr-Kort ilenn eile (Flj Arthur I'rynr'n Itiinil Xrlhur I'ryor's llntul AI .In I son Walter \ an llrimt I'.frem /.lmlinll"! Then Swiftly) Margarete Mutr.riiniier AT THE RICHMOND VICTOR DEPOT i-l Ln?t Ilrond Street. Best Card Yet Offered at Meet? ing of Virginia Ath? letic Club. Before probably she biggest audi? ence, and certainly the most enthusi? astic, yet at any meeting of the Vir? ginia Athletic Clut. the best card yet presented was given. Charlie Gardner, the clever Washington lad who will ! meet Mike Donaldson May 25 for a six-round exhibition, was pitted against Mike Krne. of Baltimore, us the feature attraction. They went throe fast rounds, giving a cleancu: ; performance. Without detracting from Gardner's ability, the beat that can . be said for hint is that he came off With u draw. In reality, it Is Charity wYieh makes this conclusion possible. I Krne, whale ho <ltd not carry the . fighting to his opponent, managed to I keep away front damage, showing I much knowledge in t! ? art of ebv erlng up. Gardner announced before: the match that lie had a cut over his | eye. Erne managed to open this cut. j and also discovered Gardner's one weakness, his stomach. The earlier rounds were clearly evcin. neither boy lauding anything which even remotely suggested a | punch. Nothing happened until round four, then Kmc cut loose with some nasty Uppercuts which found resting pln.-e,, on Gardner's body. The Wash Ingtonlan retaliated with plenty of I steam and strength, "out usually found | a padded glove waiting for him. In j the fifth, finding an opening for the I weak stomach. Frno hit solid and of- | ten on this spot and a kindly belli saved what might have been damage. ' The same can he said of the sixth ! and tinal round. Neither lad was wor- i rlcd much, but Brno was, certainly in I the popular mind, the quicker at lind- i Ing .1 real opening when glov0 met j flesh, and not another ground. As said before, let It go as a draw. Neither lad can he hurt with that decision. Next in Importance to the main event wa.s th? six-round encounter between the Fulton Bearcat and a newcomer In the gui.*e of Charles Boyce. Again let charity come into play. The Bear? cat was whipped, so let It stop at that. Vane and Farley, two bantams who have fought before and always to a draw, finally went to a dndslon. Fnr Isy being the choice of the crowd. Wash Mosby and Tom Monroe went six rounds to a drfw. The six-round af-j fair hetween Fay Wills and Frankle Martin was called off after the first round. Wills dtulairlng that a rib re? cently broken had been Injured, and that he was afraid of the consenucne Martin issued a challenge: to meet Voting .Sailor before the club. The evening's entertainment concluded with ihe usual battle royal. Th^ next meet? ing will he h'ld Friday night, May 10. AMUSEMENTS BUou?'"Tile Penalty." Stock Company Next Week. The seat sale for the opening < gagement of Lucille LaVornc and her company of players at the Bijou Mon? day night his been far in advance of| the expectations of the management. However, the personal popularity ol Miss La Verne and the tact thai she is to appear in her own dramatiza? tion ol Will Har ben's novel. "Ann Boyd,'" probahlv accounts in large < grce fo: the advance purchase ol tick? ets. The week following the players will be seen at the Academy, Which [ will ho their permanent homo during] the summer months. Richard Throtb is Miss LaVcrnc's leading man, while I Miss Parke Patton, a local girl, i.i also| a member of the company. Gets SISO for Long Hit. Charlotte,<N. ?'.. April 26.? Catcher Cleveland, or tho charlotte. Carolin?! Association* 'Club, broke the Icaguol record for long 'Hstnuco llne-hltung| lls afternoon when he. tupped a h'i bacco advertising sign in left centr? na hit netting him $50. The distanci ?p. m the homeplata to the sign 'a .' '. He Is the lirst rnnn since tin IS jruo opened to reap this, reward. ut OUTH^fLANflFlEAGUE ' Savannah: Savannah, (>;: Collim ' 4. ^ Macon: Macon, l: Jacksonvilli lt American assocT?tion [Kansas City: Kunsas City, 2: Co ?^?^?^Mllwaukee: Milwaukee* If Toledo. Bt. Paul: St. raul-Loulsvllle. well LAWYERS FIGHT IN COURTHOUSE One Stabbed and Taken to Hos? pital and Other Arrested by Sheriff. . [Special to Tho Times- Dispatch.] Nor 1 oik, Va . April zc?As a result of a courthouse tight at Winston, N. C, /in Thursday afternoon, R. C. Bridges, an attorney or A u land er, is at Sarah Leigh Hospital here with several scalp wounds, inlllcted with a knife by J. R. Mitchell, another attor? ney. The tight took place Immediately after court adjourned, and caused a sensation lit the crowded temple of Justice. Bridges's wounds consist of a stab through the left ear. a gash on the scalp, another on trie neck and still another on the left cheek. None of the wounds la considered serious. Bridges and Mitchell had entertain? ed ill feelings toward ouch other for a long time, according to accounts of the light received here- Neither had spoken to the other In two years, w hi n court adjourned Bridges passed bi re Mitt hell, who was still seated within the, bar, and when the latter is said to have uttered an epithet. Bridges made the attack, knocking i Mitchell down He got up and attack? ed Bridges with "his knife. Friends separated thc belligerents and stop? ped the light. Mitchell was arrested by Sheriff Gar-! nett. Bridges was brought to the hos pltal litre this morning. Neither of the attorneys had been engaged In the trial Of any case that day. WORK FOR ARMY SERGEANTS Militia Commanders Crgcd to Prepare for Rnetutipmcnt. Until ta? date of the encampment of the Virginia Volunteers at Mt. Giema. Pa., the United Steves Army sergeant-Instructors on duty in Virginia will visit militia organiza? tions In accordance with the schedule which follows. Orders to this effeei were Issued yesterday by the Adjutant-General. An effort Is Wine made to have each or? ganisation not recently assisted by these serg?.Hiii>lnrtru.-tora to avail Itself of Mien Instruction prior to the encampment. Bach commander is asked to assemblo hi* men each night darin? the assigned period. Especially Is it considered desirable that] eaeli (oiupany commander arrange for one ?horl practice march, with the tl.-ld equip ent. and camp for the night with shelter ' tents. Sergeant-Instructor* arc to visit compa? ctes an follows: Set ^. ant McMillan?May 13-11 and Mny 2ft-'X>. Company B, Second infantry chase City; -Ma; 27, June I, Company M. First Infantry, banvlllc; June :<->, Company F, Second in? fantry. Koanoko; .1 mm 10-15, Company ?. First Infantry, Lyhchourjt; .Inn.. 17-23, Com? pany 1?. First Infantry. Cbarlottesvllte; Julio Company K. First Infantry, Stauntont July 1-4. Company A, Second Infantry. Staunton; Jjuiv s-ut. company ii. Second Infantry. I liirrlsonburg. Sergeant Powers?May 13-lft, Company O. Second Infantry. Petersburg; May :i>-'-'.".. First Battalion, FlnM Infantry, Richmond; May '.T, June I, Company L, First Infantry. I'rcdcrlckSburg; June 3-J. Company fj, First Infantry, Alexandria; June lo-ii. Company 11, First Infantry. Leeaburgi June 17-32, Company I, Second Infantry, Winchester; Juno ;4-?fl. Company D. Seeond Infantry, front Royal; July l-C, Company C, Second Infantry, Warronlon; July s-13, Company B, Second Infantry. Culpcpejr. WITH THE AMBULANCE Record of lia.i's Ai < blent* a? Compiled by Dr. Watts. Tho rl'.v ambulance In eliarge of Dr. Watts war called yesterday morning to lilo Cald well Machine Works at Nineteenth and Cary St reell so attend .f. W. Tyson. Whose hand had been caught In some machinery Tyson v.a.i taken to the City Hospital, where' his thumb ?as amputated. Ills home Is at ;t7 North Twenty-second Street. He I? thirty years of age. Later tho ambulance was called to attend Frank, Lawron<S*. a two-year.old colored chilli, living at 160S Buchanan Streut, who fell from a chair and broke his kg. He was treated and left in home. About 11 o'rlork a call cnine from thc Chesapeake and Ohio Roundhouse, where J. J. llebcrts, of 309 North Twenty.eighth Street, had been hurt by a heavy steel bar fulling across Ills foot. He was taken to the Grace Hospital, where Dr. II. S. MaoLoait operated, removing several tm.s In an effoit to rave the foot. P, B. MeDonongh, a workman on n new building at Fourteenth and Franklin Streets, was Imdly cut iiliont the knre by tho sllp plhg of a tool, Be was treat. i| and taken to III-, leant. Stlfl Second Street, pulton. F. C. .-holten, a traveling salesman from Louisa, Vs., suffered n eevere rail l ist night while ildlng a hleyc'.s down Ninth Street. Ills wheel got away from him und crashed Into the fram? work of thc new hank build? ing. He was bully rut and bruised, but Was uh'.e to reluia to bla hotel. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Memphis: Chnttnnoogn, wet g rou nils. At , Montgomery: Montgomery, 1; Birmingham, 3. At Mobile: Mobile. 4; New Orleans, At Atlanta: Atlanta. r; Nashville. You're never at a loss for something to do when there's a Victor-Victrola in the home. The world's greatest artists to sing and play for you. whenever and as often as you wish, whatever kind of music you are in the mood to hear; music that is as instructive as it is entertaining. Come in today and get acquainted with this wonder? ful instrument and the famous talent it puts at your ? command. Come and Hear the New MA Y RECORDS in One of Our Sound Proof Rooms. SucccsRori Cmble 1'iano Co. 213 East Broad Street. News of South Richmond South Richmond Bureau. Tim Times-Dispatch. 1920 Hull Street, I'honc Madison IT... Several of th? prominent ministers uf the Bourhalde arc going to seek the aid of iho ! I'uilce Department to stamp out iho clgnr I etta habit among the small boyn of the. Soulhalde. One minister yesterday In walk? ing along Hull ytreet counted eighteen boy*, '?tili wearing kneo trousers and well below I the ago of sixteen years. putting away. I Where there la auch a large number there limit be a supplyi and an effort ?rill be made to locate who is Sellins to the boys. I There In a .Stute law ? hieb prohibits sales to boys below the age of sixteen, and a clo?" 1 watch will be kept for those who violate It. .Moore Cnnc Postponed. ' Because the requisition papers had not \ reached htm. .ludgo 13. U. Wells, of the 1 Hurting* Court. Part - yesterday continued (he homing of B. P. -Mooro until May 4. I .Moore Is under indictment In Durham, N. C, for soliciting nrdcia for liquor. Ho wiu 1 urrest?d Wednesday night on a capias, and Was released on hail. Hie bondsmen were permitted yesterday to renew iho bond In the sum of j;?e. Hall Games To-Day. Two gatnos of ball aro scheduled for to? day on the Soutttalde diamonds. The Out? laws rrltl meet the Bwoaaboro lllues on the "Klais," and u good gamo can bo expoeti d. The Outlaws' battery will be Critic and ?nrnett. The lltllaldera will meet the American Clothing Company on the Spring Kill dia? mond. These tennis are In the Itlchinoud League, in which tiha Eotrthsldo is repre? sented by Murk & Company. Hurk A- Company will play this afternoon at Byrd Park. having Cherry Smash ns their Opponents. Neither team bus been defeated* nod the winner will Jump into the lead ol the leacue. Rico will pitch for the South sidfre und Ltvesay will catch. All Itegistmr> Now Heady. M. A Rlghtsall, of H?! Hull Btrcot, yes? terday qualified in the Hustings Court. Part 15, as registrar from the Fifth Precinct of Madison Ward. Bach of the three registrars is now qualified, and has the books open for new registrations and transfers. All voters must svo that their names are on the nooks before tho day of thc prlmnry ta avoid contusion and a possible lor ? oC their vote. Boutlislderg Seek Position. Three Bouthsldcrs, C. J. Byrd. D. I. Ely and .1 Wokelleld, arc applicants for a poalllon in the Health Department which. It la aald, will bo created by the City Coun- , ell. Back of the three has titled municipal positions. Woodmen Hold .Meeting. Following tho regular meeting of tho lodge a line rep;'*! ??s served laat night by the Mainii.e Camp, -No. G9, Woodmen of the World. The meeting was largely attend? ed by members ot Mapli Camp and the Forest Hill Camp, which recently were con? solidated. Among the mtvihers of the Kor? est Hill t'nmp who spoke were si. It. Owens, W. II Sncad and Charles Walko. From tho enthusiasm displayed it Is hoped that tho consolidation will meet with great success. Jlrudle JtulHjC-am Improving. Brodle Robertson, r-"ii of lt. S. Robertson, of Woodland Heights. Is Improving uftcr an operation for appendicitis, which he un? derwent yesterday morning at St. Luke's U capital. Children's Service To-Mnrrow. To-morrow night has been set aside at ths Batnbrldge Baptist Church for children's service, The pastor, the ltev. j. W. Dur? ham, Kvis aeloctcd for bis test "The Icc nerg." In addition to the regular muslo there will be several Hongi* and Instrumental eductions by tho children. 1 ined for Being Drunk. Alexander Bailey, eolored, charged with helng drunk and disorderly, was assessed i;..r-0 and casts yesterday morning by iuatteo H. A. Maurice in Police Court, I'art -. Bailey was arrested by Officer C, D. I'billips in the lower part of the city. Miss liertie Krug in Hospital. Miss Oertlo Krug, who has beer, quite sick at her home. ir.-J West Marshall Street, for the past nine weeks, is now at St. I.ukeVs Hospital for treatment. Married In Washington, t A marriage lin ns.- was Issued :n Washing? ton yesterday to Alfred ''. Smith and Kva H. Hilbert, both of Richmond. HOSt The Makers of Colonial Hose for Men Have Successfully Solved the Problem. Strr-ngth and durability combined with comfort and ?i?ht linrss. Lightest in Weight; strongest in service. So durable that every pair?both Lisles and Silks are guaranteed?WITHOUT ANY TIME RESTRICTIONS? and WITHOUT THE COUPON" RED TAPE. Any fault is IMMEDIATELY MADE GOOD BY US. COLONIAL LISLES ARE 25c A PAIR COLONIAL SILKS ARE 50c A PAIR , HORACE S. WRIGHT CO. 21 East Broad St. R. L. Barnes Safe & LockCo., Inc. Manufacturers and Dealers In everything- In Safe?, Vaults and Bank Vault Flttl.-ura. Spenla" Una of Safea, standard fireproof, from |20 up. Old safei? taken In psrt p^y-? ment of n?w purohsao. Skotehrs, catalogues and prlooa oheerfulty f?r? nlshed on the smalleat to largest itezna. R. T. LIPSCOMBE, Sales Manager, - Rfeks&M?, Taw Sorrth death Street.