Newspaper Page Text
Oreater Richmond's Greatest Newspaper, ; "CRHATttST WANT AND REAL ICS T?TE mCDII.M IN VIRGINIA, AMI! OAK OF THE llEST IN AMERICA. Want Ad Rates Holly, one eeut per v?ord trbrn mild lu advance. No Ail. lukcn for irrmthuii tvn vrntn. Uno mul uitc-hutf cents n* mini nil t'ltiMHillciitlouM except Munition Wanted 'or Mundil >. Situation Wanted, one went n word. No Ail. Mumlny taken for los? than nrieen cruls. Nu AdN. taken for Ich? Hum tv?cni> live Cent? vt lieu phoned In or charged mi fh,. counter. Phoue ordern not guaranteed. ? l.ninllleiil Ions mil giiitriintei-d n'tcr Oi.'lll 1?. M. I "i hunlnen* contract a, urnil for Hie Want Ail. Man. I'll.?in- Mount? I. | JLosst anb Jfonnb .LOST. ' ? 'icrti Kl< 'aTIC n". 523 KOI; ihr,.,, shares and certificate/No. 65c for two shares ?>r stuck or the First National Hank oi Richmond, Vir? ginia, standing in the name of Min? im U. Yuengilng. The public is warned against dealing in these cer? tificates. No transfer or them can bo valldly made, A suitable reward will in- paid for1 the return uf said certlllcatca. FIRST national hank or RICHMOND. v.\. I.":IT, IN Till: SIXTH riT REACT MA 11 kot, Tuesday inornlhg, one pair of eyeglasses with plu attached, Liberal reward if returned to 12 n. Eighth Street._'_ T.osi^Vati iVoa v7oni: w a tic em \." . Ideal lounluin pen. without cap. Liberal reward ir returned. BACK VolasKI. 822 Broad. LoST. monday afternoon, ON ? ar or at Reservoir Park, one black, beaded bag. Reward if returned W. KrapUlln Stri-t._ Lost, sundav evening, in ginter Park, near Hutvthorne Avenue, lady'* .-nail open-face gold watch, marked with monogram Ii. T. F. Kinder will be Hbcrally rewarded if returned to MRS. .1 It. bowers, 611 Hawthorne Ave* 'Unter Park. 1?=-?-?-?? -? Wanted, for u. s. army, aulk bodied, unmarried men. between ages of IS and Z\>. citizens of United Stales, of good character and temperate hab? its, who can apeak, read and write the English language. Kor 'nforma tlon apply to Recruiting Offlcer, -jo Jl. Brual Street. Richmond. Va_ Eoy want k.i > T'? attend Sola fountain. RICHMOND PHARMACY. k'fth und Main Mrett?._ iR'anted, good MAN AND HOY on wood-working machine and bench. Apply DAVIS & archer, J ,15 Hau. over Avenue._ f\Vanted.' experienced HOY OF 15.or IS yeais old, to elerk tu gon ??rai store, niving reference, nu .1 r? f-a 1). U. TlLACKER 6; CO., Min? eral, Va;_ SV anted, good MAN KOR SKB sorlptlou SOllcltorj salnry and com mission; expenses paid. Box b, lila, k-tvn. . Va _ WANTED, sheet IRON WORKERS; steady cniploviii?'nt for good nun. Apply RICHMOND engineering and mfg. CORPORATION. Flf tcenth ntnl Brown Streets._ *yok \ri: wanted kor eoveen iii.nt position; ?so month. Send pos? tal tor list ot positions open. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 397 P, Rochester. n. y.__ Wanted,- 2so laborers: stea dv work. Apply JAS, II. MASON. 30 .'. lurusta St.. Newark. N. I_ Wanted. i;i;i.iau:.i: farmer wrrii guod team t?. cultivate Ury? farm near Richmond at once. Apply Room -uo. No. 12. l.'orlh Ninth Siroel. fcitiiaiion? CCliintrb, ??alc m.\N with stricht paving bxpe rlenco desires position In Richmond its foreman; Address K CS, ears Times-Dispatch._ Man wants position ? had" kik lecn years' experience in meats and groceries; references. II. F. Wil? kinson and August Grocery. 2104 i'.iist Mai shall. Fl RSI -CIjASS barber' and an EX perl manicurist wants work out of city for summer; tt'lll go anywhere. Address B 23, care T'mes-Dlspatch.' YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION OF any kind, stich us translator, cdrri - Spondent, etc. of Kreuch. Spanish, llallHH and Portuguese l.itiu uns--:. Address K C7. care 'i ;n-.? ? ? i >;sjiatcli. bi "i* r.\ t iV? n" w a nt i :i > v< '.-iiriuN by registered drugKlsl; perinaii-nt or rcllcg; best references. Address E 2 1, ?.Ii?, Times-1 ?ispatcli_ Si: KI NE I? < 10 V ERN ICHS D ics IR es employment for summer as com? panion, governess, waitress, or would as'sist with plain sewing. (Moun? tainous-section preferred ! Apply to MISS N. Y. Z.. i3? Olnoy Road. Nor? folk, Va._ Wanted, a position as foreman of lively stable or where a thorough knowledge of care of live stock is required; capable and steady, a No. 1 reference if required; "0 years' ex? perience. Address K. 25. care Times Dispatch. Ijclp, 9?alc anb jrnnale LvDUSTRH'U.s MEN and WOMEN wanted. . Vom 711. Mutual Building, to show e''-?>fy one our goods, fresh from faetoW^ The best ever pro? duced, a nec *ity in every home, factory, bunk, "justness house, school house, hospital, etc. Can readily earn fioin Iis to per week, perma? nent, pleasant. Call at once before all our territory la taken. Iluin? lv to lo;30 A. M. and U:;>U to 5;59 I'. M._ Bale and female hustling canvnssors to bundle fast seller. $1.50 per day. Call 1350 n. Twentytflfth .-11 ? ot,_ protce?ior.iil t?cljj CCianrcb jVA./rnii, "ticakmers ' op' " All grades, for college, public and pri? vate schools, also matrons and ' housekeepers, for full openings In ' Virginia and Southern states. VIR ' GINIA TEACHERS' BUREAU, R. W C'rldlln. Manager. Richmond, Va. WANTED, TEACHERS TOR PUBLIC school and college work, Position? open In all Southern States. Wrltg for "a Plan.'' SOUTHERN TEACH? ers' AGENCY, Columbia, S. C._ e-~???:-'-' "t}clp CClnnrc?, jftmale Wanted' at once, a i 1 rst-iSlass cook for restaurant; must be sober and economical. THE STRATFORD HOTEU Petersburg. Va, WANTEI). (:OOK TO O? WITII FA M II" to Ocean Vlow for summer. Aii ply to .IlCNNlNG'S, R0S 15. Main St., Thursday between In and 1 j ti'i-lni-k. WANT El). A WHITE ('11 AM lilCR.M A iTi that can do plain sewing. Apply at ?19 E. Franklin, *.? to n A. M. and s to J P. M._ &0(intOT? anb fe-alrDinrn V? ANTE d. HOI" SjG^TOO ft it fs b sales - men; salary and commission. DIXIE portrait CO., INC.; North Gmpo rla. Va. ^oultrp, pets anb Eib? fetocft fi6nsT-:s'~rest, half-mile.. Citt: Virginia blue- grass; board and pas turn; terms. Mndiaon 4057-Y. for sale. six pur P.-Bi; bd scotch colli..' pupplos. nicely i firked. Prices, ?..."?o to $iu tor females, ami $10 to $15 for males, j. t. rutherfoord, "Ben LomouU Kann," Itock Castle, I Va. Real estatr j;?i isaic l rlij truck und Block fu/m; two | houses, silo, to Jersey?, t>bushels corn grown, no fertiliser; unlimited I demand milk. ioc. uuarl wholesale: L'u per cent, cream; tl gallon. 130 per acre; or partner with capital wanted, a. I.. V1UAU Owner, Galncs ! vine, Fla. References, banks or ex . pertinent station. I six ?nd a iiai.f ?TmTksI ai.l' clou red, very high cultivation; new, eight-room residence, nice grove I houses, etc; <j:i ear line, eight ! miles noiii Richmond: will i.i a bargain. Terms to ault. PARKER-i BAOHY CO., IN''., 711 Mutual Bldg. 1'hone MaClaon 3?78. -'.VCHES ON BROOK PIKE, FOUR miles to nichmond; if taken at once. I sr.'.-, imr acre; one of finest farm* around, Richmond- terms to ault. I Suitable for subdivision. On car line. PARKElt-BAOBY CO.. in . 7l| Mutual Bid*. I'bone MadlSOII I _ ?978. ' ' i" i i.i: r is v l. i iv;; avkni'i; between Meadow ami Rowland: *:?..;,? per foot. A. J. WARREN, llj ?'. North Sixth Street._ l'Olt 8ALIC, Kl>Rt Y~~f7TeT <jN 'H\T: Boulevard near new bascbuil park, only la'.' foot. Apply to GIBBO? NS KY & NUCKLKS, Eleventh and ' Main._ Uftil estate CttaturD l-ak.Ms y? ANTi':i>. wi; ' send dd rem buyers to owners of improved ? arum anil colonial estates anywhere in Virginia and the entire South. Describe property fully, state lowest i net price, smallest cash payment und longest lime on balance. Our sor viccs do not cost owners any thing1, <>nlv actual owners need reply. SOUTHERN HOME9EEKEBS1 UU I BEAU, Wllkeaboro. N- C._ "WANTED, TO FITRCHASE VACANT property on .Monument. Floyd, Park, Hanover or Stewart Avenues, be? tween Boulevard and Roseneath I toad. State location and lowest J cash price. Address Box No. 2!i. Richmond, Va. WANTED. TO IlKXT A KAUM; '1 11111 ty years' experience; have nve boys, and would work on shares. J, T, JEFFRIES, Old Church, Va LIST YOUR KAkJiS WITH J A. CON NELLY Sc CO. Write postal for nec essiiry blanks_ Ural estate foe Kent !?'< ilfllKNTl Yl-r' <OM C> iTTAGF.. FCr nlshed, at Cape Henry. Va.; conven? ient to cars: good water; plenty j porch; nenr new pavilion. Address MRS. C. ii. FKREBEE, r,10 East Brahmleton Ave.. Norfolk, Vai KiVi: rent at \shland. va.. a six-room bousfe and garden: Water and ample shade; on Railroad Street, reasonable terms. Address FRANK H. COX. Ashland. Va._ FOR RENT, SECOND AND THIRD HoorJ, 100 East Broad Street, about 6,000 feet lloor space, suitable for b.d^e rootiiH or ???uslliess loeatioli. ftoonts j?oc ixent siM-Fn^'tii&ftTii ~ ELb< lANTI.Y furnished, clean room- bath, phone. ' ? : ' LA ROE, FRONT K? >? >H. FURNISHED Tor liKht housekeeping; ho children, also other rooms 111 Hast Clay. FOR RENT, Ti> GENTLEMEN, FUR nlshed room, adjoli.lng bath. Apart? ment I. The Hanover. Mad.son j OJllR-J._ DKI.HIHTFCL. <ool. llooM. 1*1 "P. ? ? nlshed and every convenience; aon t;, man. A 0?. care Timca-PisuRten f'hit? j:or Ufnt m< n ? i:ifx. V< iV'ir-ii'Vi.m' l ri i:i: flat. uncxplrcd lease; terms reasonable and made to suit. Apply til* N. Syc? amore Street. _ FUK NI s II EI? 1 f<) 1" s EICEeI ' ING APART ment for rent to couple with no ciill dren or do?s; centrally located. '?> I'ST. .are Times-Dispatch._ Soarbtnc uais'jn franCaise. * IT? NORTH Eighth Street, Richmond, Va., Louis Chevalier. Prop, (late chef Palace Hotel, San Francisco, and chef Met? ropolitan Club. Washington, D. C>, catering and preparing for privat? dinners u specialty; French tuble d'hote dinner dally. ,":30 to 'j P. M, Cue; lunch daily, 11. Uu A. M. to i P. M , 40c; me: li also Served a lit i carte. Fur private dinners. etc-, ; cooks will be furnished at residences If desired. _ Phone Mudtso:i >1Zi. BOARDERS WANTED; NICE ROOMS. ! HISS PALMOKE,, ?.\; East Franklin j Street. v ' MRS. 'ELLEN ? MORTON. FRl \ : room, table board. June 1. liOj W. Gtaee._ .MUS i'. K. IP?\Vl-:RS.~li?'E Fl'.A.V'K ? 11 ii, tooms and borvrd tor permanent and tranalunt guests. Dining room j well equipped. Kummet i?Jont?ing I ?(U'I.i:\ AKIi" Inn, un " HAMI'luN j Roada, country and seashore com? bined, with city conveniences. Send fur literature to the MISSES TABB. ( _Hampton. Va. ? THE MONROE COTTAGE, NEAR THE hotel, now open for Hoarders. For terms address m rs. C. II. MONROE, Box 36. Ocean V'ew, Va._ n"<'.w~T:i':a dv'for" scmm i-fiV-ri??iTi > era; good table and water; healthf'i) location; children taken. R, W. 11a W, Courthouse Hotel, Chesterfield r. if., Vu._ _ : DIGGS COTTA.ObT FR< ANTING CHESA I peak?' Bay. modern in every respect. Boating, buttling; modern plumbing; hot and cold water; shower baths MRS. II. A. DIGGS, Box-9, ocean View. Va._ KOUGIITON - FENTRESS COTTAGE. Ocean VI? W, Vu. Special rales for parties. Fishing, bathing. Write for pa rtlculara. WANtTSD, SUMMER BOARDER AT "lloiindv ill." country home, near Natural Bridge: phono. Ice, fr?n bods. Apply to MRS. BHOWNLEE BAR GER. Glasgow. R. P., Va._ "ftorOEMt INT." CONVENIENT Ti? ~V. \ O. Road. S0Q foot above tide. No malaria or mosquitoes, Large, shady lawns. Beautiful scenery. Tonn's, croquet, etc. Rooms large and cool. Address DICKINSON, i'dbluim, Va. C'i.o\ ki:ki Kl.l >s " COMFORTABLE country resort, open all year, in beau? tiful Piedmont hills of Albemarle; ; spacious grounds of shade and grass; tennis, swimming pool, horses or I stabling: mountain brejzes; circular: city references; county houses sale or rent. "RANDOLPH," Kcswick, i - -.-=-? CO an ten ; WANTKb, TO BUY FOR CAS'.l] houseliold goods In any quantity. ! i'bone Madlaun 3851. WANTED, BY iTOUNG MAN. DESK . room in any of the three office build I in s for or.c desk an.I Illing cabinet Would like Hie survives of n 8tonogrnpher for one <m- two days in the week. Party will be out or the otllco most pf the lime. Address !?'. can- TimeM-DUiiateh. WANTED, OLD MAHOGANY FURNI lure; highest prices paid. EISEN, l'.i.i w Bronjl, Madison 1090. WANTED, TO Iti-'Y OLD" MAHOGANY bureaus, sideboards, chair?, old brass and silver candlesticks and other an? tiques; a-lso a few choice pieces of antique furniture for sale. 19 West ;lln- Phone Mon roc 3507. DON'T WORICY! LET U8 COLLECT your accounts. Sure and quick re? sults. r. S. ELLYSON & CO.. Base? men i A niei ien n Rank ! WANTED. TO ill'V~FOR-CASHT'oLiS gold and old allver; any quantity. E. C. MEYER JEWELRY CO.r 317 1 East Broad Street, DAILY PUZZLES What part of un auto (or onitlm? I ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S pUZKLB. Crank. jrOf &al? Wanted, TO sell ONE FIRST class upnyht piano w. PHED ItlCUARDSON (INC.), Storage Dc ' |>arliucnt. ejul West Main. FOR sale, biggies, si i;I?;vs 1 j phaetons and runabouts, ruUecr and iti"i tires; everything .sold uuU'.-i guarantee. Lowest pr'ccB. A. MEY? ER'S SONS. 731 E Cary Street. I MARINE GASOLENE MOTOR, eleu- j Irlc motors, kcroseiie and gasolene engines; guaranteed. J. BLUPOHD u CO._j 'MY OENLRAL MERC AN TILE UUSl-' tieas in Sussex county, forty-five ! nillei of Richmond, Va.; eight mites I of the Atlantic Coast Eine. An es- : tubllshcd business stund of twenty live years, $15,000 to 120,000 trade; books open to inspection to any one that means business. 4i,0l/'; to 15,000 ?loci;. Which can bu reduced to suit buyer if he wish. Terms will 'jo made Verl easy. Address C fc'JO. care Times - Dlapatc n. planers. resawK" swine cut" off laws, lath mills, stave machinery anil other woodworking machinery. Condition guaranteed. 1. BLUFOHD I ^ CO._j EUR w AEONS OO TO uICHARDSON UlluS., 610 Urook Avenue. Painting, lepairliie, and rubbcr-tlro work. Madison H67. Pou SALE, STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise, dry goods, groceries, shoes ani> hardware. Win sell at a0 , ?cents ?n the $1 to i|Uick buyer. New, stock and a barg?in. JNO. B. HAL _ I.IUAX, Smoky ordinary. Va. CuLt "M RIA DISC ORAPIIol'ilONE with G dOUble-dlSO records (12 seiet-I Eons?, $14. D?Uble-dlsc records. U5C I THE TALKING MACHINE CO., 701 j 1 Muln Street._| FOR SALE. no. tV PL'LSoMETEr! 1 Steam pump; will pump 10 per cent, ?and or mud; 3-lnch discharge, hull- ? > inch steam; Also 50-11.-P. boiler, 16- ; H.-P, engine, two steum dolls, ono double drum hoist, one single-drum ! hoist, derrick's, curs and track; two horsepower hoist, winches and gen- i ' erul nuurry or contractor's equip- j nient. Address 11 si, care TlUlttS- ' 1 Q'spatcii._ jSOJA BEANS.?GOOD STOCK. LIMIT-, ! cd quantity. Also bluck. clay and' mixed peas. For sulc by D. ETHER- 1 ! I DOE iv CO.; 31-33 Commerce Street,! I N ort ulk. _l 500 LOADS OF SAND TO CONTRAC- I ? tors. JNO. R. ORIMES, 1? N Th'r tleth Street, Phone Madison jlss-L. ; lf6'sEs'~Al'tE' RED] VP 'LETS I'.I.l'i:'. ? glass i" green and grows fu.-l. Your I Inwnmower sharpened hi BICKER i STAKE'S Insures easy mowing, lsll East .Main Street._I I AN HMoTl PLACE FOR SUNDAY, school picnics. FiShlng, bathing and \ bdktlllg. Boats for hire, Fish diu nors frrrnlshed on short notice. TUE DENSELY PARK, Stop 19, Potcrs I burg car Inc._1 THE SPIRELLA CORSET, MODISH. ! comfortable, economical: made 10 j i measure; iltleil by a trained cot--'. BOtlorc. Beware of imitation* SPIRELLA CORSET SHOE. 2os N. Fifth street. Mis Cornelia Moore, | city manager. Phone Madison 72i . I J. KATZ, THE 1 .A DIES' TAILOR. 2 NORTH FIFTH STREET A EL | ? SUITS AT SPECIAL REDUCED | PRICES. HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at HEGHl'.K'S. 20. North Third .Wanted, the 'pub Lie to know that JAHNKE HHOSi, Jewelers, 912 1 East Main Street, buy, sell, exchange ! nnd REMOUNT DIAMONDS in THE LATEST STYLES. Old gold and ?11 ver always taken in exchange. ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED j itt HI J 3CERSTA FF'S. IS 111 E. MaInj I SPECIAL REMOVAL NOTICE.?M. ' Eisen, the antique furniture dealer, I j lins moved to his new store, 1619 , .West Broad, where he will do flno repairing and finishing at very ren j sonable prices. I also have a few j i original pieces for sale. Antiques ; t >im ii t. Phone Madison 1990. DR. n. C. MC ELLErTsURGE. )N -r Ii I ropodist, now located nt 102 East i i Broad Street, over Common wealt b Hank. Office hours: S A. M.-8 P. M.; Saturday, 10 P. M.: Sunday, 9-12 M. , Manicuring. Phone Monroe L'?60-L &utomouiles for s?nlc i TILLS 30 PER CENT. TO r,0 PER Till ES CENT. SAVED ON AUTOMO ! TIRES MILE TIRES AND TUBES. TIRES For Information let us send TIERS >ou our 'Tire Price-Wrecker."I .TILLS Liberal terms to agents. Also I TIRES lops, bodlis. windshields, I I Tili ES lamps und other cundries at TIRES big reductions. j (TIKES TIMES SOU ARE AKT O CO., .TIERS New York, Chicago, Tl RLS 1710 to I7IS 1210-1313 , TIERS Broadway Michltuti .We, USED FORD GARS, 1905, 1906, 1907, | 19uS. 1909, 1910; two, three and llvo passengcr; In excellent condition; i owners purchasing 1912 models. Will SUIld Instructor home with out-of i town purchasers. KORD aUTO CO.. 102'J W. Broad Street. ! ha NI >SOME ELECT I! i <' CA R; OWNEF: leaving town. Apply at garage. 1620 w. Broud Street, or address a. U. c, care Tiines-Dlspatrfh. _ iVH?CtildlUOU? - 'tVi^wkitkrs.' " would you show our wholly visible typewriter to your friends I und let them see wherein it excels i any $ioo typewriter made. If you I could without costing you one cent haw the typewriter to keep forever as your own'.' Then wrlto us for ! full particulars. EMERSON type-! WR1TER co., Box ?. Woodstock. III. talking" MAI MINKS if quality ok TONE you ARE looking for; the Edison has them ,-\ll beat. c. B. HAYN es & Co.. 121 W. Broad. ? E D I SON. BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH I come nnd hear the Edison. O. R. HAYN ES fc co._.__ TOOLS AND*" CUTLERY. I IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN TOOLS ] or cutlery, see tho EVAN'S HARD? WARE CO., bist lino at lowest prices In city. 700 W. Broad Streef. 9r}i0crllanroii3 'XaNvN Mi) W EES. LARGEST LINK OK LAWN MOWERS, Karden huso In the city; prices rea? sonable. Wc sell I ?et i oil was ranges. EVANS' HARDWARE CO., 7U0 \S est i _Broad_j SPORTING GOODS. ' SEE EVANS' HARDWARE CO. FOR' the largest line o! sporting goods till the city. 7ul? W. Broad Street. slip covEita IN LINEN AND CRETONNE, COR BED room or parlor. Liado to fit. SYD Noit & HUNDLEY, INC., Seventh and' Grace. Madison 4204. loans. ? 16.000 TO lend ON diamonds and watches at Now York rates. n. K. JACOBS <* SON. Si 3IS North Ninth. HOUSE CLEANING, WAXING AND STAINING FLOORS | windows washed; cleaning new houses a specially. WILLIAM JOHN? I SON, HO'J North KD ?t. Monroe lllJn BHOt; REr.viRLNU. 76c. IIALKSOLE MEN'S SHOES. ?0c. i ladles; every pair sewer; best leath? er; no nulls, ii pegs. Royal tub-' her heels. -6c; Tred-Air rubber hceU. tue. leather heels rebuilt like no.v. 20c DREW'S ELECTRIC biiOD FACTOR If, 7 DJ E. Main. 1'hune Mon- ? roe ?W7._j bicycles. GE1 WISE AND BUV THE RIGHT b.c.vile, at RICK EBSTAFF'S. 1 S11 R. | Main._ w indow AND IKU'Si; " "~ ? CLEANING, STAINING, WANING Hours; new bouses a specialty. WIL _1,1AM KIELDS1_ Monrue 39r.9-U_ "IF YOU CAN'T KIND IT, GO To! MsGRA WS." GARDEN HOSE OF ALL QUAWTIE from ihe cheapest io the best. Prices! from 8c to 15c. All accessories, such as n noszles, sprinklers and couplings. JAMES McGRAW, 11 to ami i2 E. Main Street. ~" SH-wtPO CO. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARP ened, 2 i-2e. each; razors honed, 15c. Work hair tested, sterilized and guaranteed, thousand satisfied. Send I for circular and convenient blade mailer. SHAKI'o co.. 5''o East Main I Street. I RAND. The Expert. Call Monroe 5961 or Monroe 2947. ANTIQUES. ORIGINAL ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Kurnlturc repaired, pollsb.ed and packed; upholstering, etc. L. N. All NALL <fc SON. 1617 W. Broad. Rh?n? Madison 0277. Coal anb CClooo wood and coal OUR DRY KINDLING REST IN CITY.' heretofore handled by Midlothian ; Wood Company. 31.50 half-cord DA? VID M. LEA & CO. Rhone Monroe1 686._j KINDLING WOOD, "U.60 PER LOAD MILLER MFC < o _ \ IF YOU BERN WOOD JUST CONSULT] headquarters Over phone or git on car and come to m> olflce, where | you can s> e a sample and get de? livery In 20 minutes by automobile iruck. LONG, the wood man. ir.uti West Broad. 03oarD Celanteb V,'anted.""board In REFINED kam By by young lady; terms reasonable. E 22, care Times-Dispatch. ??rrttnrr? Mi.UICAL 'u|.i,i;ii|.; i > !?' V11'.<; in i A? At the annual meeting of the Board Of Visitors of this Institution, tu be? held on may 2X, 1912. there will be elected a professor of diseases of the eye and ear and a professor of obstetrics and diseases of the puer? peral state, which vacancies Were coated ??> the deaths of Drs. .lohn R. Davidson and Daniel J. Colenian, respectively. Applications for these chairs, with testimonials, to be forwarded to CHRISTOPHER TOM PK INS, M. D.. Dean, Richmond. Va. THOS. H. BARNES, M. D., President Board of Visitors. ?i. r. m.-cacley. Been lary. ?rdlr? piouo?ais state Highway Commlss'on, Office Of the Richmond. Va.. May II. 1912. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE clerk's office. Louisa C. H.. Va., until 12 o'clcck noon. WEDNESDAY, May 29, 1912, for the construction of a steel bridge 123 feet long over Uoilth Anna River, In Louisa county. Va. Plans and specifications on nie nt the clerk's office, Louisa C, II., Vn.. and ixt this office, a certified check for 3260 to accompany each bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bid* Further information furnished o:i application to the undersigned. P. ST. .T. wilson, State Highway Commissioner. May if. .1912. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISH ing material and constructing con? crete target bittts and target house at rifle range, Virginia Beach, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock no,.n MAY 27. 1912. and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Concreto Target Hints." etc.. and address.,i \v w. sale. Adjutant < l: effmond, Va. atlnntic dtp d&e&nvta EMiaSaaSiH gm^BH 2CENTS r>OSTAGt SECURES FULL INFORMATION OF ATLANTIC CITV, ITS HOTELS, AMUSEMENTS, STREETS ETC. "OFFICIAL" GUIDE SENT FREE. BY CITY INFORMATION BUREAU TURKISH AND ROMAN BATHS THE JEFFERSON Richmond, Vit. Tb? most magnificent hotel In the South. European pian. Rooms single and en suite, with and without baths. Spacious sample rooms. Rate. 31.60 per day and UDtvard. The Henry Clay Inn Is now most littsactlyo, with Its beau? tiful lawn and moonlight nights. Every attraction for automobile par? ties. Also fully equipped for parties wishing to lcavo Iho hot, dusty city. $i25,ooo to Be Expended on . Roads?Joint Masonic Con? vocation. I Sl>?Clal to The Tlm< B-OfipatcTl.] Prcriurlcksburg, Virginia, May 21.? A Jo'nt convocation <?r all of the Royal Arch Chapters of Masons for tho 1 Fifteenth District, composed of Orange, Culpepcr and FrederlcksbuYg, will bu I held at Orange on Friday, May 31. Grand 11 Ik Ii I'rlcst Stanley W. Martin.! or Lynchburg, and Grund Lecturer W. J. liubbard, of Richmond, among oth? ers, will be present. old Anula Church In Stafford county,' one of the most Interesting edifices of Colonial da\s. Is to be thoroughly re-, paired. Five acres <?f land adjoining the church have been purchased, and added to it and the surroundings will be made attractive. Rev. Decatur Edwards, of this city, will leave this week for Richmond,, Where he Will bc^-lli next Sunday ?' series of meetings at Clopton Street Baptist Church In Smith Richmond, which has extended him a call. At the close ?>! tho meeting Mr Edwards will announce his decision. Lieutenant C Delevan Montague, oi the. Washington Gunrrtsi of this city, has gone to Winchester to attend t'i" ? 'imp or Instruction for the officers of the Virginia mlltlla. nr w. J. Cliewnlng.1 of this city, who has been 111 for oVor two weeks :<l the Virginia Hospital In Richmond. Is very much Improved, and hopes to return borne In about u week. .Mis. Butler TompUlns, of Casnnoxa. Fnuuulcr county, recently had a duck to hatch out one more duckling than the number <.f eggs on which she was titling. One egg of large sUo con- , tallied a doublo yolk and produced two well f..r:ned and healthy ducklings. The vot, In O.ange county pa Issuing 5.,..., m'bond. for l-arbour D??r??e??d. I7&OC0 f..r Taylor District for ?n?? ?> Improving the public reads in ihn?. t?o .1* trlcts. resulted In favor of bond ,. large majority In hmh districts, ihe majority ... ilnrbour l.isirlc was *M, Taylor District 2^:. und th<> loiui majority, In the county was Oil. Carolinas Pitts, who was Indicted for be trayal by the urand Jury in Stafford Circuit Court a few days an", has leturned here from near llultlmorc. where he was employ? ed in a mill, and surrendered himself t?. the Stafford county authorities. He went to Stafford Courthouse nnd gave bond in the sum of of t~<*> for his appearance nt the July term of the Circuit court of Stafford county. His two brothers went his security. Pitts l? eighteen years old. S. O. Hn.ilson. who has been appointed | to ha\e charge of the farm demonstration work In Bpotsylvaola county. Is meeting with great ?luven?, lie has no tar inter-' viewed forty formers, ami thirty-six of them promptly .md earnestly enlisted for ?o operstlon in the work s. Taylor Scott, of this city, anil Walter f.. Ch?rmbury. of Baltimore,', gave a Joint recital In the opera Uousc hi re last night, assisted b\ Miss Kat.- MeWell Dogge tt, of this city. .Mr. Scott Is a son of William Srott. of Ibis city. He has a naturally fine, baritone voice, and won a free scholarship si the Peabody ln?iltute in Baltimore over fifty contestants, and Is now n private pupil In Interpretation of Director Harold Ran? dolph, Mr. chsrmbury. who was the pianist, is a gradual,* of ivabmly Institute, and has been given recitals for several years. Miss lioggett, contralto, I? nlan u graduate of Peabody, The muslalan* were greeted by n large audience, and each number was en? thusiastically received. The concert w-as u great success. Mr. Scott and Mr. Charm bury reiurneil to Baltimore to-day. TARHEELS CELEBRATE They Still Are Loyal tu Mecklrnliiirst: Ileclnrutlon of Independence. N.-w Vork, May 21.?More than 200 metnlbcrs of the North Carolina Society of New Vork lust night attended Its an? nual dtnn-er to celebrate the anniver? sary of the adoption of th ? Mecklen? burg Doclsirntlon of Independence and th,- Mecklenburg resolves. The former document was drawn up on May 20, 17T?. nnd the latter on May 31. tho ?arive year. Ij is bell ivcd hy loyal North Carolinians thai the two were the real Inspiration for the Declara? tion of Independence adopted a year later at Philadelphia. George Gordon Battle, president of ? the society, presided as toaatm'nstdr, rod the speakers were .lames A. O'Gor I man. United States Senator: Dr. Bruce R. Payne, president of the Peabody College for Teachers, of Nashville, Tenn.; ,loi> E, llciigc? nnd Urtica I Rice. PROIJRKSS IN ROM) ill II.KINO. | .?"??pedal to The Tlmen-nispatch. 1 Rmltha <"ro?s rtonrt?. Va.. May 31.?Every effort !? being made to push the work of road liulldlng In ?hi- the South Hill Dl? Irlct, w. 11. Rylnnd, the supervisor of this district, has Ills! reiurneil from Richmond, where ho purchased a completed line of road-bulldlng machinery, Mr, Roland lert for Norfoik to-day in attend the Good Roads Convention that will moot In that City en Wednesday, nnd ?rill go from there to Tennessee, where he will purchase twen? ty-live nr thirty mules in he used In road building In this district. A full crew I.? ex? pected to commence work hy Juno 1, qh,i at least twenty miles o? road will bo. liullt this year. Deaf and Hard of I Hearing Persons [Taught to read pile Hps. Ear trump Ms not necessary. Defective speech cor I rented. Classes In Rlchrmond from Juno 25 to August 1. Number of pupils limit'd. Fourteen years' experience. MISS C. M. REDD. Mt. Airy School for Deaf, j_ Philadelphia. Pa. f?MVBRSlTir COLLEGE 0f| ?W?-'-ACiW- RICHMOND, P HiV-.llyLUi VIRGINIA STUART McGUTRB.V!.D.lPres. Medicine- Dentietry-Pharmacy 19th Session Opens September 12th. New building. New equipment. Eighty experienced teachers. Excellent clinical facilities. Modern laboratory methods. Descriptive Catalogue on request. j Virginia Military Institute "The West Point of the south" Collrfflotc and courses combined with the rigid dl'-clpllur of an army post. Virginia Cadets tuition free. Lexington. Va._Can. E. W. NICHOLS, Supl. ^ummei* Restart*. Maple Shade Inn. Palflskl, Va. I Most beautiful hotel arid grounds In 'Southwest \"lrglnln. Perfectly equipped I for comfort and pleasure. Altitude 2100 feet. Wonderful -111111110. Through sleeper from Richmond. \ Write lof bookloL Sale of Refused and Unclaimed Freight of Every Description We will sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, unless otherwise disposed of, at our frelg-.t warehouse, corner .Seventeenth and Marshall Sts., Richmond Va., Wednesday, may a2. i?i2, commencing at 10 a. m.. various lots of Dry floods. Clothing. Rugs, Druggets, Furniture, Hardware ami miscellaneous articles of every description. The public is requosted to uttend. Elevated seats provided :ur ladie>, and special accommodation will he af foviled out-of-town buyers for ship? ping goods. Mil: CHESAPBAKJ3 Si OHIO RY. CO. U U soberer. General Claim Agent. W tn. bT PI zxl nT Ca.. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 723 Ii.irt Main Street. At tiie request of the owner. ?) will ; offer for sale at public auction, on the i premises, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1912, at 0:30 P. M., ?, that well built two-atory store and I dwelling. No. 3122 and 3121 P Street, now occupied as a general grocry store, and two frame houses directly I In tho rear, known us Nos. 100$ and ? 1010 North Thirty-second Street. The I Property on I* Street has a frotitago iut f,t*. ft>'t. running back 138 feet, more i or less. ! An Idea! location for a wood or cual i yard or general merchandise business, i As this property 1? located In a rapidly . enhancing section of the city, tills said j should attract the attention of ln ! vestors seeking business of this kind. The two houses immediately in tho rear of thD property are occupied by first-class tenants at a good rental. j This sale should attract the attention of investors or speculators. ! THUM.-": Announced at -ale. ~~ fenmmer deserts. The Alieghany Inn, GOSirKN. VIRGINIA. ?In the heart of '.ho Allegheny Mountains.! .-.ov fret elevation. Modern brTck mid stone structure, perfect In all appointments. Pure! ! water supply, sanitary plumbing, perfect : ' drainage Mineral waters?Chalybeate. L.I- ! ; thla, Alum. Sulphur?from the famous Cold Sulphur Springs. All amusements. A well . filled stable of first-class saddle horses. t7nr . age. Cafe mil Drill In connection. For terms and Information address the manager, ear,- Cafe Kepubllquc, Washington. D. C, 1 or Closlien, Vb. Open June 1st. Send for j Ibootilet. J. W. ROWLAND, Manager Director. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS^ Greenbrier County Weit Virginia SPEND YOUR SUMMER AT Willoughby Hotel Willoughby Beach, Va. Opens June I, 1912. Old Swift Springs, West Va. ! In the ?'Switzerland of America." , Elevation, 2,200 feet. Climate unsur? passed. MODERN IN APPOINTMENTS. Now management Everything flrst I class. Am?sements varied and attrnc ; live. Oolf a specialty. Automobile '. service, open June 15. Booklet. _W. 1). PAN ION, Miinaerer. _ Buffalo Ridge Springs j In mountains of Virginia, on Jnnics River I Division, 0. and O, No waters equal to {These for.- Nfefvous Debility, Dyspepsia. Kidney Diseases, etc. Ofen Juno 1. For rates apply to MRS. EX,DA C. ICYDU, Buf? falo Station, Vn. I Sweet Chalybeate Springs SiVKRT t IIAIA IWlATi;. VA. I'p In ln? Allrghany Mountains, fret! above the aea level. Rjcgcant Swimming ; Pools,' I'ooi Nights, Beautiful Mountain Scenery. Water supply, iron und carSjonate'd, of superior medical quality, Write for book? let. U. F. EAKDH, Manngsr, Sweet Chalybeate, Va. The Sayre Cottage Iluckroe Reach, Va. Opens May 1st. Surf bathing, fine and safe. No undertow. Rooms cool anil clean. J Modern convenience*, Table well supplied 1 from land und so;i. Rites reasonable. 1 llcoklet upon application Prompt reserva? tions recommended, Address TUM 8AYRB COTTAGE, Diickroe Beach, Va. EDGE HILL SUMMER HOME Montvale, Virginia. Mrs. C. II. READ, Proprietor. On the line of the Norfolk and Western > R. R., one-half mile from station. Large j shady grounds; Iron ami Lithiii Water; | pnml service; excellent fare. Carriage and wagonette will mccl trains daily. Rockbridge Baths Hotel and Springs Homelike Stimmer resort in the moun? tains of Virginia. Magnesia, Lit hin and Sulphur Water. Terms moderate. Write for booklet. \. P. DAVIS, Manager, Rockbridgc Baths', Va. Warm Sulphur Springs BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA This famous rssort vritli tho most de? lightful bath In America is now op.n for guests. Write for ratea and information. Mrs. Jobs L. Eubank, Wann Springs. Va Blue Ridge Springs, Va. \ PHIL. F. BROWN, Prop. auction ?a.fjJ, jfutuu ?>agtf R?al Estatn Auctioneers. SALB BY PUBLIC auction op SEVERAL ILVXDSOME BPILDINO IX>TS IN CM NT Kit PARK. FRONT inc. ON HAWTHORN. NOBLE and MOSS 8it>E AVENUES. At tiie request of owner, who la de? termined to sell, we will offer at pub? lic auctlo7i, <>n the premises, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 1913. at 6 o'clock P. M.. ' ,:| feel on tho .??a?t side ot Noble Avo nue, beginning 105 feet north of West wood Avenue, anil said lots also have frontage of s-o feet on .Moss Side Avo nu<-. Immediately after this sale wo will offer I"" feel on the west side of Hawthorn Avenue, near Walton Ave? nue. These lots are very desirable for building purposes, and should ut tract the att ihtlon of investors and homeseekors generally, TERMS: Very easy, and announced at sale. C. L. & H. L DKNOON. Auctioneers. By Sutton & Co.. Heal Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' AUCTION SALE OP A VALUABLE PIECE OF GROUND AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OP BURNS S I REST AND FOURTH AVENUE. HIGHLAND PARK, WITH A LARGE BRICK BUILDING ON SAME. By virtue of a certain de^rt of trust to tho undersigned trustees, dated March 119, 1906, duly recorded In tho clerk's office of Henrlco Circuit Court In D. B, 17?-A,, page .129. which was given to sccur<9 tho payment of n cer? tain bond therein nmr.tloned, default having been made In -flic payment of a portion of said bond, and being re ?Iuln-d so to do by the hoard of direc? tors of the Northsida Mutual Building and Loan Association, we shall offer i for sale at public auction, upon the ! premises, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1912, at fi o'clock P. M., the property above described. The lot has a front on the north side of Hums Str -et. at the northwest cor? ner of Burns Street nnd Fourth Ave I nuc, of 110 feet, and runs back 'be? tween lines of Irregular depth. the eastern one of which has a depth nt about loc. f.-et and the western lino (which runs along the eastern line of 'a 20 foot alley) a d'pth of about 375 feet. There Is on the property a largo j brick building, which could he utilised. There is also on the lot a,hout forty nice fruit trees <>f different varieties. terms Cash as to expenses of sale, nlj taxes to day of sale, and the sum Of $1.137.21, with Interest on same from April I. 1!M0: iiie balance upon a credit of six and tw lve months, with Inter? est from day of sale, tha deferred payments to be secured by a deed ot trus-t upon the property; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. F. T. SUTTON, W. H. DUNN, C. W, VAUOHAN, Trustees. Auction ?nlr?, jrtttutr SDavfS Thty?e^zAw&m Co. , j, AUCTIONEERS T'~ O 1 8^EAST BRQAB Sr. RECEIVER'S AUCTION SALE STOCK GROCERIES and STORE l-'IX 'l pres In pursuance of a decree entered in the Chancery Court of the city of Rich? mond on May 21, lor1. In the matter of Goodwin VV. Tyler vs. A. J. Stuart and W smart, ttxdlng as Stuart ! Pros.. i will sell at public auction, on PIRUXAY. MAY 24, beginning at 3 o'clock p. M.. on the premises. No. 336 South Harri? son street, all i>f ihe stock of groceries, consisting of Cythned Goods of various kinds, Soaps. Smoking and Chewing; I TVrboieco. It.iklnir Powdors, Bobtlad Olives, Pickles. Cakrs and Cake Cans, i Shtowcnses, Refrigerator, ice Rox. j Flour, Sugar, Electric Pan. Screen [ Doors, cite. Sali positive. TERMS: Cash. GEORGE c. FrrsiiiuoH; Receiver, j T'fPl VA DENTINE AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. Ry N. W. How,. ?- Son. Real Estate Auctioneers. COMIMISSIONER'S AND EXECPTOR'S SALM OF NO. 427 WEST .MAIN STREET. AT AUCTION, In conformity with a decree of tho I Chancery Court of the city of Rich? mond, rend red May 20. 1911- In the suit of "Anne E. George's executor vs. Robinson et al*.." 1 will sell by public auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, MAY 2.1. 1912, :\L 6 o'clock P. MV, that desirable eight-room dwelling ii.bov.' referred to. with the lot upon which !t stands, fronting 15 feet and running back about 150 feet to a pub? lic alley In the rear. Main Street prop? erties are logically moving up In value-, because It Is rapidly becoming n business thoroughfare. Attend and get a bargain. TERMS: line-third cash, and the residue In two equal Instalments, at I six and twelve months, for notes, with Interest added and title retained; or all cash, at the option of the pur? chaser. carrik M. COLQUTTT, Executrix of A- E. George, deceased. nnd Special Commissioner, f hereby certify that the bond re? quired of the aforesaid special com? missioner ha? been duly glvn. C. O. SA VIELE. Clerk. Hy Pollard A- Bagby. Auction Sale to the Highest Bidder of No. 320 Addison St. Wc Will sell at auction, on the prem? ie >s. THURSDAY. MAY 23. at '"> o'clock, the above mentioned desirable eight room modern brick house. Tho prop? erty will positively be sold, so coma anil get a bargain. PERM?: $600 casli balance easy. POLLARD * HAG BY. LaCiiI estate .for. Sale James River Resid ence Modi ; n ? > std< i ie ' f 11 nlshed) ; only twenty inll.s above Richmond, on James River. One-quarter, mile from station; lln automobile road: magnifi? cent view; one hundred and fifty acres land. i)WN'ER, Itov. 901. Richmond, Va. 65 ACRES -110118?, four rooms; good barn, poultry houses, orchard, well, stream- near station: fourteen miles I north of Richmond. l,r.,c*k*v4?H Box 12. Atloe.' Va. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STRBei'i'di, Open dally from 10 it M. to 1 P. M. Admission, 26c Pre* ok Saturday*.