Newspaper Page Text
Here are Price Reductions on Women's and Misses' _uits (That Mean Something) TO-DAY?We shall offer suits that sold up to $30 originally, for only, $14.50 ALSO-S uits that were good early season sellers at $30 and $32.50, for $16.50 NOTE?The Suits comprising both the above lots are all this season's styles -plain and fancy tailored, and trimmed models, made of fancy worsteds, mixtures, whipcords, serges and nov eltv striped materials, in which there are blacks, and all the popular colors. EVERY SUIT OF THE 250 OR MORE, ON SALE, IS A BARGAIN. .Second Floor. SOCIALISTS P?T TICKET IN FIELD Thomas J. Payne Files Notice That He Will Run Against Mayor Richardson. Mayor D. '*? Richardson an'! Demo? cratic nominees", for the Council from Dee, Clny and Jefferson Wards will have opposition at the general elec? tion, willen will take place on June ll, The Socialist party In Richmond yes? terday tiled notice with Clerk Walter Christian; <>f Uie Hustings Court, that it intended placing several rand:,kites in the neid. 'i tmtuas ,i. Payrte, prominently Iden-] tilled with the .Socialists of Richmond, was named a" the candidate for Mayor, ?ad U. A. Dlckenson,?ot Jefferson Ward: lt. R. Oreenrcvay, "f Lie Ward, and George M. Sorrls, of Clay Wsyd, were placed In the racs for the Council. While the Socialist party In Rich? mond has never been looked upon as a ?er'ou? factor In politic*. It has b-*en1 istomsry to place candidates in the I field. Those running this time wer.- | nominated at n melting held about two weeks ago. "Of courae." said Mr. Payne last ii c!,i "w.? do not rxpect to win, but our Influence ':i Richmond Is steadily (ricrcaeing, and 't is our Intention to k.'?p the party. In teic public, eye Wa will make'nV,e.ffotWs at conducting^ a campaign.-' Mr Priyne, in reply t? n. question, laid that the last vote of the Social? ist* was aVout !."0. and that he had rossoh to betleve that that polled !n ith- election next month will be. larger. VERDICT OF SUICIDE Coroner'* .lury '?n.v, Thai Murphy Took Ills life. The coroner's jury which yesterday af'.'r r.o'-n Inquired into the death of J. B. Mur? phy, about tlfty years old, of lVmsus City. Mo., iiho was run over Saturday afternoon J.e .1 <ar of the Seven Plncy division of the Virtu.ia Railway and Power Company, held he ctnie to Ms death by suicide. Niiin ?r?Uf witnesses vtho testified declared ttint jhey were certain thsi Murshy threw him? self beneath the wheels of Hie i%oving trol l?v. and thai h< was not accidentally rim over. The motive for his art waa shown In a letter from his wife. In which she nskeil Vilm never to return to brr. as he was more fond of drink thsti anything ei^e. ! The verdict returned, by the Jury held Conductor t; M Andrews auj Motorman 11 J". ford blameless, Kord i* regarded as ?>ns of the most efficient motorman em? ployed by the power company. SAYl HE STOLE PIPE Detertirrs Arrest Negro ("r Carrying o.T Plumbing future*. Albert Hule, co>nred. tm'enty-onsi years old. was arrested yesterday by Detectives Krengel .md Atkinson and Dlcyele Patrol man ?.Marke on the < burn? or entering the vacant bouse st T \\v?*. Main street, owned :? M< Vei?h & ''.linn, real estate agent', and scaling u quantity of lead pTpo a no. brass p.luihRiliig fixtures. Richard ''?rier. colored ,efglrteen years ?? I was locked up at tue Second Police .-t-i; iuii by Strgesr.t M.'irrln ami OfCloer McN'amara on a :,.xr>? of recklr??ly driv? ing a team through the street*. w T, Wood was arrested en a warrant corn out |,y his wife charging him with nons apport. losoph Stevens, colved, was arrested en ?t..!-re ?r interfering with Officer Jordan in the discharge of Ms duties. SAVINGS'BANK RICHMOND 1117 E.MAIW ST. . IOur plan for loans en Real Haute 1? most liberal. Talk with us an4 you will bs convinced. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CONVENTION CITY Dr. McFaden Rc-clected Su? preme Regent by Royal Ar? canum Council. The Supreme Council. Royal Ar? canum, which has beetl In session at Ihr- Jefferson Hotel since last Wednes? day, yesterday re-elected old olllcers its follows: Supreme Regent, Frank T. Mc Kaden, Richmond, Supreme Vice-Re? gent, I*, n. Wlckcrsham, Harrlsburg, fa.; Supreme Orator. I*, jr. McOoWSli! New Yerk; Supreme Secretary, Alfred T. Turner. Boston, Supremo Treasurer.! A. S. Robinson. St. Eouls; .Supreme Chaplain. H. S. Burkhardt, Chicago. I Supremo Guide, C. K, Hondley, Now Haven, conn, tendered his resignation nnd nominated C. Arch Williams, or Chicago, foi the office. Mr. Williams was eleete,i unanimously. Quebec, Canada, was chosen as the next place of incetlnK. Tho 101? convention will begin .May IS. It la tho custom With the Royal Ar? canum that a Supreme Repent shall 1 hohl his office for two years, so the name of Dr. McFndcn was placed In ' nomination by Stilts Supreme Repre? sentative William T. Diibncy, merely as a formality. it was nevertheless the occasion of an ovation, nnd in the midst of R the Supreme Repent was presented with a hupe bouquet of roses from trie mem? bers of the Supremo Council, the speech of presentation being made by Mlni ttee Folk es, past urand regent for the State of Virginia. Among the resolutions passed In the business session was one that has been discussed, that of changing the eligi? ble uk? from twenty-one to eighteen. This matter has come up hoforo sev? eral Conventions, but yesterday is was finally decided to allow tho younger men to Join, TOae lasi scheduled social event of the convention took place. In the Jef ferson Hotel Auditorium last muht, when the grand ball was held, it whs preceded by Polk Miller und bis color? ed quartet. Tho convention Will be In session until Saturday afternoon. and .luring that lime there will be a number ot informal and Impromptu entertainments which were not placed on the program. MEMORIAL FINALS Nurse* Bet IHploros* To-Night In John Mar-luill High School. The commencement exercises of the grad? uating eins? of the Memorial HospHsl School foi Kurses will take place lo-nishl in the John Marshall High School audlto Mum at y.yi o'clock. l):. Christopher Tompklns will act as presiding officer, whll* tho involution will i.e pronounced hy ftev, P. Joseph Magrl, i>. i> Th?> principal address win i>c deliv? ered ?>>? Ji C. Met calf, l'h. D. Following the recital nf the oath by the graduates, diplomas will \i< presented i<> I hem by Dr. Charles It. ISohms. secretary and treasurer of the Memorial llosp m Music will be a lesturo <>f ibe commence j Jiient. 1 The class roll this year Is ns follows; IIM|s, Ii. Josephine Humphreys. Min.? Bessie Kd wards Irving. Mis* Susie Bllxubetli Knight, Miss Main!* Walton Putney, MU? EHIzirtieth liowls Richmond, Miss Jessie Leonora Sext?n and Mi."s Elizabeth Thomp? son. ?H he ilnnce in honor of the graduates, ten d?r,d by ?.).? alumnae, will take p;a<.i nexl Wednesday night in the Jefferson Hotel auditorium. Resolutions Mailed in Members, ''ireuliir ietv-rt, containing trie resolution*, adopted by ibe Chamber ol Commerce at in? recent smoker were yesterday mulled to every tnenVber of the organisation. The resolutions contain the chamber's indorsement ?t the ohiects of the National ! Clt hums' League of Virginia, which ue.-ks I u revision of the currency system, and I pledges Its assistance and < n-opi ration. fiel I \ Iru-inla lit en-c. The Sterling Km Insurance Company, of Indianapolis, has iamb application to State CommlsMlonci of Insurance Hunon for li? cense to .>,, buslnets In Virginia, The com? pany has h paid ftp i .,;.)(.,! ?unk ?! f?>...... and. will ijav.. .to deposit Virginia lmnd? to the ?um of fi. -- with the State Tresaurei 'Commissioner Button, according to the u?w law, twill be nude statulOrj a ten I. VOTES TO ACCEPT HOSPITAL OFFER Subcommittee Recommends That City Acquire Memorial as Free Institution. MODERN PLANS SUBMITTED Even With Erection of Annex, Cost Would Be Much Less Than New Building. Acceptance, of the ?emorlul Hos? pital <,iid its conversion into a great public Institution for the people of Richmond was recommended last night by Joint subcommittees of the Coun? cil Committees on Finance and Relief of the l'?or. The question of manage? ment was left over .for consideration by the full committees, but it was the senso of the members present that in the formation of a. board of manage? ment the city should have tbo naming of at least ?1 majority, thus assuring control by the City. Dr. George Den Johnston, head of the visiting start of the, present City Home Hospital, presented preliminary draw'ngs prepared by Architects Car? acal and Johnston for erection of an | annex lo the present Memorial Hos? pital on the Broad Street side, with an estimate by Contractor Ancurrow that It could be erected complete for i71?, ooo, not counting the site. Allowing for tho purchase of the site, erection of the annex, and for the mortgage j of lie.000 on the. present building, the subcommittee was of opinion that the: prop, rty could be acquired and put ; in complete order ns a modern city hospital of ample slr.c for existing needs for .i total coal of ? 165,000, I while the election of a. new Instltll- j lion outright on another locution would cost at least double that sum. i Pinna Ably Explained, K. Li. Remiss, 15. Randolph Williams' and Dr. Kiinion o. Williams were pres-| cnt on behalf of the Charlotte Wil? liams Corporation, which has offered to turn the property over to the city under certain conditions. Dr. Johnston explained the provis? ions of the plans for the annex, which Were prepared under bis personal di? rection. The larger portion of the an? nex provides wards for the treatment 1 of colored patients, thus allowing all { of the present hospital for white pati? ents. Tbc basement and u portion of the connecting wing of tho annex provides ample space for dispensaries for the treatment of sick persons not Inmates of tho which. Dr. Johnston explained, would bo a large part of tho work of a modern and centrally located city hospital. A Joint meeting ?f ?hu Committees on Finance und Relief of the Poor will be called shortly t.i consider the re? port und to take up with the. repre? sentatives of the Charlotte Williams Corporation details ,.i the plan for the management ot the Institution. I Messrs. Bemlas and Williams nave us surcd the committee that '.bey will con? sent to any arrangement which guar ! iihtees that the property which they ! now hold Ih trust shall be used for the purpose for which It was given? I the. relief of the sick and suffering? und that sufficient precautions he I placed around tho Institution to keep I it from political Interference and In ; competent management. ?'AMONG THE SPEEDERS" This lim-' ii'* ?' Street ( ar Thai Went on a Jamboree. When the brakes on on ..-?tbownd ,?r on the Broad and Main Street division of the Virginia Railway and Power Company re? fused to work yesterday nrternoon ".at t n'fciuck as It was descending 'be hbi In eighth street from Franklin to Main, It Koi lieyond tho control oi Motorman ?'. c. Itiiynur and dashed wlldlj ovct the ua,;> Reaching the curve at Main Btieet a crash^ led Into a car which was .tuft turning sort It ward, lie n left the raits, daihcd across Main Street und ended Its peril.eis course by run i nlhg lino nn iron pole. Overheud wires V. ere broken. , Though both cars wore well-llilod with I passengers none w as seriously hurt, though I innnv were thrown from their seats and I shaken up. G. H- Stockton, of Barton Heights, and Mr. and Mrs. B. H Knrnes. I of Clifton Forge. Vs.. were slightly bruited. ) Traffic was tied up for more than half I an hour, but all damage was quickly re Ipaired by a wrecking crew which was hur? ried to the scene. PURE FOOD VIOLATIONS two Arrests Mude lor Failure to Properly label lee,:. A. It. enable, secrete rj or the Carter V mahle Company (Inc.), was arrested yes? terday on a warrant charging him with selling a concentrated commercial feeding compound] known as "C V. Sratch Pood," uilihoiit state Inspection tags. He was ar? rested by Detective-Sergeants V. u. y and I Kellam, and was at once balled for bis I appearance in Police Court on Friday morn? ing. M. J. Johnson, u merchant of South Rich? mond, was arrested for exposing the tame compound for Mile without the prop,' tags j required by lite Stale pure food laws, lie ! was hailed for bis appearance to-morrow I morning in Police Court, Pan :. Baggage Hearing Postponed. | The hearing of the baggage case, sched? uled to be argued yesterday before the State Corporation Commission, -whs povt ? poned until May ?-':?. Argument win be heard i >,ii the r.illtvnv.*' motion to ilismiv Csby's Hilt and the Richmond Transfer Company's demurrer. i Marriage Meense. I A man l?ge license ivaa Issued yesterday ?.In the office or the clerk of the Hustings I court t? i.ouls C. Bishop and Kile I. Red 1 University College of Medicine Graduates Get Even .With Task Masters. OPEN NEW BUILDING TO-DAY Unveiling Tablet on Spot Where Stephens Lived Principal Feature. Their own diplomas t?af< beyond re? ferendum or recall! the graduating class uf the University College of Medicine lust night ? ided Into the faculty und turned th. pent up spot? light upon Its sins, Inrgc and small It was class night ami .:i appreciative audience, made up largely of tho col? lege community, crowded the Klks" ?auditorium and ronreil Its approval as I ? ?ne leading light uf t> faculty after another was placed on tin grill, roast? ed to a turn by his one-time victims. The particular lilt of the evening, and the sixth number on the prograhi, was a lake faculty meeting, In which ? .idi of the professors was Imperson? ated by a student bearing suspended i conspicuously from bis ucok a pkicard naming Ihe department over which the 1 particular professor presides. Tho business proceeded regularly, with re? ports from ihe deans of the medical, dcntlal -Mid pharmacy departments. In each report was Incorporated a num? ber of digs nt things as they be, ac- j compunicd by a number of ludicrous I recommendai ions. "I ani gl id to report a plan which, if adopted, will result in u further decrease In the number . ( matriculates in the department of dentistry," re? ported the ?Mean of dent." "In addi? tion to the present lav requiring a m.'llcai degree for admission to den? tistry. 1 niuncst that wc demand also that the degree or l.i.. D, ha required. I ('The entrance require!' cnts are not stringent enough." it was a mihi dig at the cause of the decreasing atten? dance in the dental department, and re? ceived its share of th" applause. Finnic thr Faculty. The pseudo-faculty nc.\t pulled off a clever Inquiry Into the advisability Of granting diplomas to twelve members of the real faculty who were reported for deficiencies of various kinds. The humor was best appreciated by the stu? dents themselves to Whom the broad caricature recalled dally experiences in the class room. The maligned pro? fessors were.all "down front" and en? joyed the flaying as mu--h as the (lay? ers. Aye. and no vot. s were called on each applicant for n diploma, and about hnlf of the del'nqucnt doeen were unanimously flunV-d. The exercises Included humorous his? tories of tho three divisions of the; class of I'll.', and prophecies concern? ing the future of the '..dividual grad? uates. .The} teemed with local color, which was all but in'' ll'glble to the uninitiated. A sextet "Annie Laurie" and "The Doctor' Complaint." Talmadge B. Weather .. M. I?.. ispokc th- words ot farewell for the class. The historians were: W. O. cox. M. I'., r. P. Repasg, i>. o. s.. and "? I. Livlck, I'h. o. ins. Itlghsmtth, Uoodc, Chbek, Akcra, IVealherly and P.e.hi made up the rsextot. The prophets were C. C. Smith. Jr., M. D.J 11. It. B?yd, D. I?. S.. and R. A. Klor, Ph. G. I nvell Tablet To-Du). At ."> o'clock this atlernoon the hew building of the University College of Medicine wtll be for? mal!) opened. At the same, time tli.:,. will -be lihvellod a tablet upon th.- building commemorating the tact that on the same spot stood the resi? dence ..f Alexander II. Stephens, the only Vlce-Presldcnl of the Confed Bcy ?Mo- address will be made by W. 0. Brufltley, men.her of Congress from Georgia. Immediately following the class exercises in the Klks' auditorium lust night, a reception was tendered at th.- Westmoreland Club by Dr. Roh? er! C. Bryan to the members of the board of trustees, the faculty, alumni ami graduating class. NEW STATE CHARTERS Seblett Mill Hunting and Fishing Club One), Stony ?reeit. Vs .1- S. Novell, pres? ident; M. A. Nied? ke-presldent, stony Creek; Oeorge M. lnman, secretory and treasurer. Belchers, Va. Capital: Maximum. SU'.oi-O; minimum, II.*? Ohject: Hunting und lishing ehrt,. IBcohomy <'??'?< Company (Inc.". Norfolk, Va. .1 W, Bough, .??-atent; B. 13. Spin? dle, Jr.. secretary and treasurer; A. O. Bur nvhv?all of Norfolk. Va. Caipltnli: Mar.l mnni, 110.0?; minimum, IS.COO, L'nlon Apple Compll (Ihe.). Alexandria, , Va. W. t>. Allen, i.dent: B. W. Acker {man, ('. M. Aekermau, seeretnry nnd treas? urer?alt of Philadelphia, Pa. Capital: Max? imum. JLI.OtO; mliilimnn, fl.WO. Object: Apple orchard business. \uien.liio nt was Issued to the charter ?f ih,? Marion (Tema liege, Marlon, Vn? authorising directors In issue bonds to the i extent of (13.000. HAD TO PAY COSTS Men \rrested it I r-'trauherry Hill Farm BIs ?lll.I .e i aunty. Eighteen of th< twentj'-threa men and I boys agelltst whom n irrants were sw orn ? .at Sunday foi I ? ? ing on Strawberry Hill rnrin, appeared he'ore Magistrate l*ur year a' ihe <. an i ourtbOUSS yesterday morning. On tin t.lonendatlon of the ?lanagnr of the ?., . ? > were dismissed ! after ,-v.iyln f the and assuring the I rettrl thai they would not again trespass on t hi propert v. I The remaining IP II he haled to rotivt ; in the next dny ??: ., policeman Martin t-Bylng yeslerdaj I! 0 had good reason Dowa in Dallas over two thousand advertising inen are meeting in .conven? tion, looking t<? ways and means of niorc forceful and bene? ficial publicity throughout the whole United Mates. They arc endeavoring to sei ;i higher standard in ?hc :irt: to boost with i;wt^. n"i bluff; t<> <<cll the truth in ad\ ?ii ng as in pri vatc word. Sucliihas always been the policy of the of Richmond, Virginia, in our statements t<> thr rending public. And wc very much desire a personal opportunity t<> tell YOU the truth in regard to the many facilities which we offer ior your SECURITY AND SERVICE. Total Resources, $7,500,000 Commencement Program An? nounced by President Boatwright. SIXTY-SIX IN SENIOR CLASS Board of Trustees Will lilect Two New Professors This Year. Director .lohn liarrclit. of the Bureau of American lleipifbllcs, Washington, will be the principal speaker at the an? nual commencement of Richmond Col? lege, w?tch bsglns June 9 and lasts through June. 1-- The complete pro? gram for graduation week ?*as an? nounced yesterday by President Boa; ? Av right. "Tho year now drawing to a close has been in every rtspcci the most successful in the history of the col? lege." said President BoaibwrlghL "This Is tru? In point of enrolment as well ns in ih,. g'-nerni average of (he work done. l>ur attendance in all depart nherrts this year was 376, a greater number t'.an we have ever had liefor !. The freslAnan class of 115, all of whom came exceptionally well prepared, has remained pra/stloally intact, and has made an unusually high average." 1Mb Senior i'ln?n. 1>h? graduating class this year num? bers sixty-six, the largest in the his? tory of tho institution, and exc-eds by fjwelve students the class of the previous year, which tras the largest class the cnllnge had graduated "p to trust time. Previous to inn the larii.'st. graduating das? numbered forty-four.] In the entire roll of sixty-six there at'e only four women. Forty of t'.ie etr.idiiallr.g class will rf?|ve>,nch-lor of ants degrees. Next in strength nre the law gradVuates, who numbei twen? ty-one. They win receive the degree of doctor of la,w.i. Font will be made bachelors of science. ni?i on, W|>[ r.. ccive the degree of master of arts. To Piece Tivo ,\>n Prnfesaura. T?:ie board of trustees will this year add two new profossors to the faculty. One of these will be a pa/omfd to fl"li I the chair of li&tln, which has be-n without a regular professor slues tjie resignation last fall of Professor W. P. Dickey. Dr. J. C. Wise has had charge of the tAtin department under special appointment of the president, for th? pa<-t yeur. and will be one. of candidates to be considered for the regular professors r, .p. Another prof-sisor will be electeil to take charge <>f th-; chair of biology, which has hltttento not. been a rigular department. The biological work had for soven yeais been und.'r the dlree tlon of Or. C, M, Baggerly. Since his death last fall t/.va work has been car? ried on by mi Instructor. Tin- trustees will at their meeting In June clcvaite the department of hiolcgy to a full J professorship. The Complete Projtrnni. Tb.? com>p!-t? pri/fti-am for com? mencement week follows: Sunduy, June 9. S: 15 P. JI.?Bacca? laureate sermon, by Professor Bdtvard V. Pollard, Ph. D.; of Crosier Theologi? cal Seminary. Chester, P?.( in the col? lege chapel. Monday, June 1?, S:15 P. M. in the j c-olleg? chapel?Class Pay exercises. Tuesday, June '. l. 10 A. M.?Annual meetlllU of the board of trustees to I consider reports of president and tr ?s j urer. till vacancies, elect professors, 'etc.; S:15 P. M., annual tmetins of trite | General Alumni Socloty In the college chapel; address by. J. F.. Hick*. D, D., ' B. A., fUchllvond Co!lcp,e. IS00, to be \ I followed by annual dinner. ; Wednesday, June 12. 11 A M.?Aca? demic procession from science ball to I college chapel, address by John Bai rett, Waahlnirton, D. C; confeiring of honorary degree of l> ?. upon Rev E. B. Jackson. Wal renton, Vo., and J Mllnor Wilbur. Philadelphia. 8:15 P. M.?Conferring of degrics, award of college prizes and medal.-, address by president and president's an? nual reception to the gradua'tl'.iR cla"?.-; and visiting alumni at Iiis residence. To Improve Present Plant. Several thousand dollars will t!it:> < summer b? expended in ImproHemcnts nl tiie college, snid President Boat? wright. in order to raise the plant to tho required efficiency for the ?wo years of residence that still remain ! The electric lighting system will be e\ I tended to the dormitories, an! sl* am heat will lie Introduced in all of Hit. I students' quarters and faculty houses, j The college will m ve to Its net> s,t? 'at Weslhampton In 1011, mid will h> j re,,dy to matriculate students at thi ' new plant In S iptembvr Of that year, i Contracts call for the completion b> i thai lime of a group of three buildings j for women, the presl lent'S resident-? ! the library, an administration building, an academic building, two men's dor mltprlcs, tin auditorium, a gymnasium, I a commons building e nd u stadlunt. The gr-up will cost. ,x-lusiv- of tiie ?grounds, between $900,000 and $1.000, 000. The campus will contain 2SI acres. More than 100.000 shrubs and plants have been Imported from France and ! will to- .-.u out upon tbr> n !w campus. 1 For i be most part the pjants are ob . talnable in ibis country, but the for? eign niiraerlca supplied them at approx? imately one-half the price Ufktl by thij American growers. DUSKY DANCERS I forty-Seven lilsmlssed ??!> Charge of Dis? orderly Conduct. i Forty-sovpn negroes were dismissed yes Iteiday In Police Court en a < bar?,- 61 dls (orderly conduct. They were arrested .Mon? day night by Officers Sliumnker. Dunn. Mhnoley and' Tignor w hile participating in a danCe in ?< hull a: Lll'J Williams Street, and. according lo the officers, ll was some italic,'. There were no witnesses against them except the policemen, ?o with a warn? ing from Justice Crulchneld they were dis? missed. Thotns* trwyn. eojored. \va? sent to Jail for sixty days for stealing s quantity of rloihlng from Ijuih Klnney and Llsxla B.->1'. Athena Kendel son. colored, was lln-d M0 und cash for disorderly conduct ami realst: lug Officer Bertuocl. NEGRO PREACHER FINED Man Who Plurked ?"rnthers from Live Fowls In Punished. Bliss Haaklns, a nrcn preacher of Hen rlcO county, was fined }23 and costs yester? day toy a iury In the lluitlngi Court for Slicking feathera from live turkeys. llasklns was fined snd sentenced id ninety days in J?ll for the offense when ar? raigned In Police i'ourt several mouths ago. He appenlejl from that decision and suc? ceeded In netting oft ?Ith only a fine In the a^shef cou.-u End the Mend What's the use of continuing the task of darning when you can buy guaranteed hosiery? HOLEPROOFS are the genuine and the most satisfactory. Every pair guaranteed. Gans-Rady Company MANY WORKERS! TO TAKE CENSUS i More Than Thirty-Six Hundred Volunteers Agree to Help Next Week. When the returns were counted last night exactly :t.i;.">7 visitors hud given In their names to J. Shrove Durham, 1 superintendent or the church census,! for the gigantic undertaking ef listing I the religious preference of evory man,] woman and child in the city In two! hours on the afternoon of Tuesday.' May is While the response 's isratlfy- I liiK indeed, and the inlet est in tue movement acute, yet Mr. Durham and ihe backers of the scheme are contem? plating Still further .alls for workers Making allowances f^t unexpected difficulties and delays, the wurkers a'-' ready enlisted should complete the task j in less time than the two houis al? lotted, hut it ib felt that the more workers brought into actual touch with the- movement the greater w'll be the j linal effect. Great satisfaction was expressed b>' Mr., Durham at the enthusiasm which characi irlsed last night's meeting of the workers tor Instruction In the Tab? ernacle Baptist Church. Visitors from" the West Knd, including representa? tives from every denomination, creed I and be|i >f. overllowed the main and1-, torlum and crowded put Into the a?l-' joining Sunday school rooms. The j keen Interest of the workers was ap parent from the questions which were! asked of Mr. Durham after hi had tin Is'hed his explanatory statement e?f J how the business of census taking was to be accomplished. To-night the workers from the South, aide will meet in th- Mtade Memorial Episcopal Church, on Decatur Street, for Instructions. To-morrow night the workers from churches In the bell be? tween Laurel and Fourteenth Strietl will assemble in the Grace Street Pres? byterian Church and hear from Mr. Durham the details of their assignment. There was a meeting of the district? ing committee yesterday afternoon for the purpose of dividing the city Into the nineteen sections for the census taking. This committee is composeej of the following: Charte? llutxler chairman; .loht Stewart Bryan. .lohn C Hagau, .lohn Garland Pollard, A. .1' Cavanangli n C, Rocblen, R. Fl. Ander? son and .1. L Hill. The boundaries of. ihe districts and the district supervis? ors win be announced later. ELECTION TANGLE NOT CLEARED YET Schedule of Voting Places Must Be Fixed by Two Branches of Council. Special meetings of the Common Council and Board of Aldermen may be necessary this month to rectify an Oversight to which the papers of the city have repeatedly called attention. The general election for Ma:-or. one Alderman and twenty Councllmeh comes Ion June 11, and the Council has so far failed to adopt an:, schedule of voting plac-s. Since the laiit general election toe . it>- has been redlstrh ted Into four wards, and in.- Council subsequently adopted a schedule of precincts. The City Democratic Committee selected | the- polling places useel In the primary, and there Is (to reason to believe that the same places will not be eontirnied, but the law requires a city ordinance tixing the voting places. The Com? mon Council meets on June 3 and the Board of Aldermen not until June 11. which is election day. Wcra the <'mm .11 to ni t on June .1. mid a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen be held the following' night, the paper could b- properly passed and lh> elec? tion ma:!.- legal. A compile at ion ? Is that Hi.- law requires that such voting places shall lie llxed and announced at bast thirty <Ih;? before the election Is I It del. which is now manifestly impos? sible. The City Attorney Im? notified Chairman II. E. Atkinson, of the <'oim jcll Committee on Printing and Claims, 1 which has general charge of election ] arrangements so far as the Council Is concerned, auditing and paying the 'bills of th ? Electoral Board. Mr. Pol? lard holds Hint the thirty-day require ' mcnt i.- directory rather than manda 1 lory, and that If action Is now prompt I ly taken and a list of voting places properly published, the essential re? quirements of the law will have been 'met. "What In m Christianf" j K. <;. Mini/. ?11! glee h book review In the parlor of the Serond 5a.ptId Church', corner Franklin and Adams Street?, ihls evening at s o'clock, on ihe subject "What I i Ian?;1 by Henry Drnmmond. This l review Ih given under ihe auspices of the 1 Vomit Men's .So? imv of thai church. The public is Invited. Four Held by Virginia Wanted for Brutal Murder in Pennsylvania. ?Papers fonwarded to Oovornor Mann yes-lorday by Governor Tenor, of Penn? sylvania, uncover a. history or crim? at fha door of tour youtltful J-al?blrd? thart Is appalling even to the hardened bloodhounds of the jiollco. Whether Governor Mann honors rho requisition madu b>? the uf Pcnrueylveula for |Johu Lutz, Chester i-ewr.envakl, Jjoaepn Wln.n-y and William Sohnvltr us more ' a matter of policy titan laiw. A. con foronc- over tho question was held 'yesterday between Oovornor Mann and ;'lh0 Aatorney-ocneral, but no conclu? sion was rerached. As all four of- th? blackened young criminals aro serving a twolv?-y<tar sentence In the Virginia Penitentiary. 1'thero Is no hasto in answering tho Inquisition, the ordinary amount ! of speed that Is dislrablo where the i memory of wltneaaes Is to undergo j severe teat on crosa-examlna/tlon. As lithe case stands, tho Governor la ot t ? opinion that the only way the requisition can he honored, is by grant ling the four conviots conditional par? dons, their freedom being conditional I on th< outcome of the mow serious j charges which thoy must fax:? in Penn? sylvania. Another conference, afwTtlch the Governor will ma.k? trp hla mind wha.t strip to take, will h? held In the [next few days. The cruelty and ferocity displayed by these youths of twenty have amased the. .vilborltles. Th?lr wanderings in s-'anch of gain and piratical adventun have left a trail of blood and crlmo through several Stattete and many cities. Th? outrages laid at their door In nnsylvanla Include m'trdor and tho most r.elnous a.1 roolti: *s? in tho cata? logue of crime. The particular chare upon which they have been Indicted In Pennsylvania is murder. t"he state having in Its possession the mos. tell? ing evldtnce of their g'-UVt. The four advtnturera were sent up for twelve years List .'all from P<"ter.*burfr. where they had been arrested sifter ? hlghi way roWhery. They were also found gullety of the samo crime !n Richmond. Their i-ase js the moat serious which has been brenght to the Governor - at? tention for months, and if It is at all possible, the quartet will r>,. surren? dered to eh? Pennsylvania authorities to meet justice far th-Mr crimes :n that .?tat'. Seattle, Wash, and Return, May 26 and 27 $95.45 From Richmond RICHMOND TRANSFER CO., 8W E. Main Street. : ? =! : ==s Richmond Corrugated Paper Company Manufacturers CORRUGATED BOXES, > WRAPPERS, PARTITIONS, Etc.; 817-819 N. Seventeenth St. Works, Office, Phone Monroe 3271. Madison 725. A Trial Will Convince Our Work is Superior ! Our new method of "Moulding" collars is a simple process, but one that gives the very hest results, makes your collars last land Rive-, plenty of room for your tie. N'i tracked collars. Monroe tor.s or inso. The Royal Laundry M. B. Fl?rsheim, Proprietor, 311 N. Seventh Street. LISTEN? j Use G. M. Co.'s I "Pearl" Roofing Tin Be Satisfied. GORDON METAL CO Richmond, Va. $2,130,129, total assets of Richmond's Home Fire Insurance Companies, Jan. 1, 1912. Richmond Advertisers' Club