Newspaper Page Text
Greater IUchnioad's Greatest Newspaper, GREATEST WANT A.\l> IIBAIj ES? TATE SI EDI U.II IN VIHGIN1A, AND GAE OK TUE BEST IN A SIEHIG A. Want Ad Rates Unil?, otic rent per word when pnlil In advance. No Ail. mkcu for lean tbiiu ten ecu in. ?lue und one-half conta n word nil eiuv.iUciitiuuN except Situation Wanted tor Sunday. Situation Wanted; one com fi ivord. No Ail. Siiinlnj- inkcn for Ich? i Iiiiii Hftevtl ceui?. Vii AiIm. taken for lean tlinu twenty-j tlv? Centn ?'heu phoned In or c ha rated in the counter. Phone ordera nu? guaranteed. < liixslilc ntloiin nut guaranteed after l?::t<) I?. .11. I'ur IhinIiicnn contract*, send for the M nut Ail. .Mini. Phone Monroe t. Soot antj j;ounD tXTHT, on iii:<>.\11 AM? ' JUIX CAR. between Harrison and Seventh Struote. A 1?. KS .\. Prut. pin. with initial* c. E. Ti on back. Return to American NaHoiiiil Hank. Reward. I.OST, NIG1IT*?"i "M .\ V 21, ONE FRESH 'Ott- und calf. Reward if returned to lr. A. SHULTZ, lt. J.\ D. N'o. 1. i raighlOll Road, or phone Madison _ IgOfl-V._ Et 1ST, BETWEEN OUACE HOSPITAL and Southern Station, a gold watch. Kinder will please return to The Pin? s-Di.-pntch _ LOST, SIX-MONTHS OLD COLLIE. Return lo COSBX'S l-.MNT STORE, ? Ii W, l'.road, und rv.-i Iv reward. l?tip Cflianu., -ijdie ...vj'i':i,,"l-|jh U. ARMY. ABLE bodled, unmarried tuen, between age* of Is und S6, L'ltlxens of United ntaLes, of good character and temperate hau M?, wiio can spttak, read und arrlte the English language. For informa? tion apply to Kocrultlng Officer, ?20 I. R: -?; I .'-?!? el. Ricntnond. Va. n'ANTED, RELIABLE FARMER WiTH good team lo cultivate large farm near Rlcilinbitd at once. Apply Room -?>t'. No. jj. ::oilii Ninth Struct. V'< \NTED~ ? ? LABORERS; STEADY work. Apply .1 AS. h. MASON. 2?j Augusta St. Newaik. N. j. r1 ? in es ETTEH8 WANTEl -. BY john T. Wllstiti t;o. Write or wire E. G. HOLLA DAY. Raleigh, N. C. ". K i. I."' 1r a I' I i operator's" wanted by all railroad and commercial lines. Let us leach you and then get a good paying position. Low summer tuition tates". M asse V BUSINESS COLLEGE._ FIRST-CLASS BARBER AND an Ex? pert manicurist wants work opt of city for summer; vHl go anywhere, Aildri 3? i: J". . are T i:.< i-Dispatch. WANTED, EXPERIK-N" IED Wi >ODEN tank erector for the toad; state age. Wages wanted and references. W. E. ?. ali >wEli, I"' , :,.,,i:svr.i -. Ky. WANTED. V < > 1 -<; MAN THAT CAN straighten stock and be ug.-lul around general merchandise busi? ness. Address K >ii. care Timca _Dispatch._ "WANTED! STrLVM FITTERS. CALL *^>S National Bank of Virginia, Ninth and Main. _ WANTED, A FIRST ?tCLASts WHITE barber at once. rjsJ'i Willlamsburg Avenue, City. _ _ WANTED. RIGGER FOREMAN. Ac? customed to handling heavy mach'n *? ry. Answer by letter, giving wages, etc., lo ROBERTS tt BCHAEFER Co.. Lorraine, Va._ w?ntTii ?."" i:xti;a " salesbian for Saturday afternoon und evening; must have experience In retail ha-t llsil ? Apply UNITED HAT STORElj, [nc N". TI'- e. Main St. _ WANTED, FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEP? ER. GOOD SALARY. GIVE re K - .'. lbnce.H ADDRESS X 20, CARE TIMES- DISPATCH_ WANTED, Bl wholesale LIQUOR house, cltj salesman to work reta'l tradi . nun.- hut experienced and well-qualified in, n need apply, Bring i'eferehcos. Address wholesale. ? are Tlines-i dsputch. w a NT EI ? IN DI ^STIt f?L INSURANCE men. Good contract, ?.'all mornings from v to 0, Room 10?. Main Street . Rank flldg., e, Main and Fifteenth Streets._ \\ ANTED. MEN AND ROYS to LEARN automobile business; shop and roud experience: position** for competent ones: good salaries. CAROLINA AUTO SCHOOL, Charlotte-. n- C._ 'Wanted, good man for sub Scrlptlou solicitor; salary and com? mission; expenses paid. Box B, _ _ _Btoj:. j !_ you are wanted for govern. mcnt position; e'Nl> month. Send pos? tal for list of positions open. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. 337 r. Rochester; N. v.__ WANTED, she ET IRON WORKERS, steady employment for good men. Apply RICHMOND ENGINEERING AND' MVG. CORPORATION, FR ati.l llr..y.n Streets._ sitiiiuion-j CUtintcD, Wale XfAN WITH' r=Ti:i.:?: r paving exim: rlence desires position in Richmond as forcmitn. Address K 6^, cars TI tiles- Dispatch. YOUNO MAN. WELL EXPERIENCED In the dry goods, notions, millinery and shoe business, wishes position as manager of general store or ilesman in wholesale or retail store, i .hi furnish t*r.?t reference. Address K 21, care Times-Dispatch. POULTRYMAN t ir ASSISTANT POUL trymati. understands Incubators, bro tUers, hens, ducks, etc.. wishes position: references. Address popl TKYMAN, caro .It. Ilempcl, Elm Grove. W. Vn._ MTI'A 11' >N U' A NT kp? l't iSIT ION B V registered druggist; permanent or relleg; best referendes. Address E 2t, care Times-Dispatch. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION OF any kind, such us translator, corre? spondent, etc. of French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages. \ I lr, gg e or. ; if- TJmes-Djapatch. i?clp COnmc?, Jamale W A NT El>.' A willTK ? ;l I ASnfEl LST AI D that can do plain sowing. Apply nt 510 E. Franklin, 0 to 11 A. M. and s t o 9 P. M._ WANTED. AT o.M'E. A FIRST-CLASS i.I; lor restaurant; must be sober in.i economical. THE STRATFORD HOTEL, Petersburg, Va._ WANTED, A MIDDLE-AGED WHITE lady to a* in attending a sick gentleman. Address K 65, cure Times-Dispatch._ WANTED, EXPERIENCED YOUNG ladles In our bindery. Apply to MITCHELL & HOTCTIK1SS._ RRESSMAN. NEW YORK PRESSMAN oi large experience, capafldo of run nlng largo or small orcssos on any kind of book, magazine or othnr Work, wishes position. FRED LOW _CC^_. I'llm i ;rove. W. V.-i. l}rtp, 03ale and jrcmale ' Ii ?OD POSITIONS A BSOL ? T E LY guaranteed by taking n combined course with us. Bookkeeping. bank Ins, arithmetic, writing, correspond? ence, shorthand, typewriting and te? legraphy taught. Low summer tui? tion rates. Send for catalogue. _ MASSEV IH'SI NFS S CO [.LEG E. 1NDU8TRIOUS ~MEN AND WMIEN wanted. Room 711. Mutual Building to show every one our goods, fresh from factory. Tho best ever pro? duced, a necessity In every home, factory, bank, business house, school house, hospital, etc. Can readily earn from $1S to ?2.> per week. Perma? nent, pleasant, call at onco heforo all our territory is taken. Hour* S:30 ta lu;30 A, M. and 3;i0 to !>;i0 P. M, protc??fonal t?rip CXUntr? rvXf?r?i5r*^2Xc3iers j \5i t^puiilic school and college work. Positions open in ?11 Sou thorn States. Wrlty for "A I'luti." SOUTHERN TEACH? ERS/ AQBNOYj Columbia, S. C._ i&olititots ana ?aUsmcn \VA^TKD.~lOlT^ men; salary and commission. dixie PORTRAIT CO., INC., North Empo rln. Va._ NOT J < ' OT T( I CONTI t .\CTO KS ' -'- 1 I T1 i S for iho construction of a bank 'building to bo .located at Iho corner of Hull und Twelfth Streets, South ItichinOnd, for the Mechanics' und Merc bants' Hank, will be received Until 12 O'clock noon May 29, 191'J. With each hlil there must bo filed :i nortlllcd check for $600, payable to .1 II. Patterson, cashier, to guar "iitee that a contract will be eti? ler? ?! into for the amount of the hid. Checks will bo returned to the un SUCCCSSfUl hitldcr. The successful bidder will be re? quired to execute -a trust company bond for the faithful performance ? < f the contract. Plan?, specifications and Informa? tion may be obtulni 'I from IKo archi? tect. Albert F. liuutt. 1107 East .Main Street. Richmond. Vtt. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids submitted. Mult will i.<; scaled ?nd addressed to the undersigned. J, II. PATTERSON, Cnshler Mechanics' and Merchants' li.-.nk. _ PATENTS.' pr EE PERSONAL, CON sultatlon In Hichmoud with luven* tors; fifteen years' experience: sat's? factory references, s. H. LVA.N?, Patent Attorney, B"t ?84, Richmond. V?. _ NOTICE Ts HEREBY GIVEN THAT at the next meeting of the Hoard of. Visitors of the University of Vlr Klula election of the following Pro? fessor? will bo considered: One Professor of Greek, One' Professor of Astronomy, One Professor of Education, j Application or correspondence re? gard'ng same may be addressed to the President. By authority of ARM1STBAD C. GORDON, _Rector. OPF1CES . GLEANET> daily. RICH MONO HOUSE CLEANING co., ?2t North Second._ St "MM Kit S?:ilt)6u teach ERINO bookkeeping, shorthand and telegra? phy, at S02 East Broad Street Lite scholarships for only JST.r.O. Write, cull or telephone for catalogue. MAS BEY BUSINESS COLLEGE._ WANTED, i ll E PUBLIC TO KNOW that JAIINKE BROS. Jewelers. 512 Kast Mala .Street, buy. sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE ; LATEST STYLES. Old gold and sil? ver always taken in exchange. 2c>usinr0s Oppoctunlfif? Wanted. ~.\~ LIVE oTFfYcb" MAN With $'.'.">00 capital; will pay $1,500 salary i>> r year. Your closest Inves? tigation Invited, it you mean busl ness address K 61, care Tlmcs-DU patch._ u it IK ing k?r BUSINESS? ?? ft typewritten letters will nud it. In? expensive and always net an inl'-r vlcw. Box 1142, Richmond, Va. leaiix-moke and earn more.? Our practical business courses will bring you a jtood position sure. Spe? cial Inducements to early enrollers. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE jfeummcv J-lonrbing 61ggS i 5 .TTAiiK. FRONTING CHEBA peake Hay. modern in every respect. Boating, bathing, modern plumbing; hot and cold water, shower baths. MKS If. At DIGGS. Box.S. Ocean View. Va._ OC ba N v Ibw, VA., NORTH CAROLINA Cottage; splendid table; all convenl < nces. Weekly and transient rat' a upon request. Atldrcss MRS. J. C. KA RROW._ TUE H au i'a x INN. li?l.'ST? >N. VA.. Iron and llthia water. High, cool elevation among the hills of Vir? ginia, on Norfolk and Western Rail? road. Large, airy rooms, halls and porches. Excellent table. Specially ; educed rales to summer boarders. For reservations address THE PRO 1'KlKToK. IIal:lax_lnn._Hou3to:i. V.l. W ANTED, SUMMER HuAlinKHS; large country home, shady lawn. 100 yards from station and pOSt-offlcC, live miles from CharloUcsvllle. Terms reasonable. Address MISS sali.ik w. SMITH. Shadwell, Albe. marie Co.. Va._j KUI'lHTi'N FENTKESS COTTA O E. Ocean View. Va. Special rates for parties. Fishing, bathing. Write for particulars._ Iii >l" i .EVA KI ? iXX. ON HAMI'ToN I ROads, country and seashore com? bined, with city conveniences, Send. I for literature to tho MISSES TAKE. i Hampton. Va._^_ j "C_i IV ERFIELDS." COMFORTABLE country resort, open all year, in beau? tiful Piedmont hills of Albemarle; S] :ous grounds of shade and grass I tennis, swimming pool, horses or stabling, mountain brejzes; circular; city references; county houses sale or : < nt. "RANDOLPH," Kcswlck. _Va. _ "ROUGEMONTCONVENIENT TO c. & O. Road, 800 feet abovo tide. No malaria or mosquitoes, 1-dirge, shady lawns. Beautiful scenery. Twin's, croquet, etc Rooms largo and cool. Address DICKINSON, Cob ham, Va. RUTH COTTAGE, OCEAN VIEW. WA ter front, next to new dance, pa? vilion; large, new dining room; mod? ern improvements, good boating, bnthlng, fishing, shower baths, spe? cial rates for May and .Mine. For rates apply -MKS. E. B. Ml.UtS. Soacfifng mai?6s" franca;se, ""Til north Eighth Street, Richmond, Va., Louis Chevalier, Prop, (late chef Pulaco Hotel, San Francisco, and chef Met? ropolitan Club, Washington, D. C), catering and preparing for prlvuto dinners a specialty; French table d'hote dinner dally. 5:30 to u P. m-, 60c.; lunch daily. 11:30 A. m. to 3 P. m., 40c; mods also served a la carle. For private dinners. etc., cooks will be furnished at residences If desired. Phone Mudlson i 938. fTrST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR permuncnt, transient and table bourdcrs can be sccutcd wllh mrs. HORACE WELFOKD JONES, at 200 E Franklin .Street. Gentlemen a spt _c laity._ ROOMS WITH BOARD. MKS. B. S. I 8M1T~. 301 E. Grace._ ONE LARGE FRONT room, NIOELY furnished, with board, $r. per week, ?l<"'2 Eft's t Main. I'honc Madison 17 a -. "BOARDERS WANTED; NICE ROOMS. MISS FALMORK., 313 East Franklin Street. MKS. f. kv BOWERS, 116 ET FRANK IIli, rooms and borvrd for permanent and transient guests. Dining room Well equipped. Bral tS?tafc $01 Kent for"itext. i't-Koon' ciitt'ag_? iti;. nished, at Capo Henry, V.l.; conven? ient to cars; good water; plenty porch; near new pavilion. Address MRS. C. H. FEREBBE, 610 East Hrahmletoti Ave., Norfolk, Yn. YOUR RENT ACCOUNT PLACED with N. \V. BOWE Ac SON itibures best results. FOR RENT,.. PRIVATE .- .OFFICE IN suite nnd joint u!=o of ? reception room; comfortable, convenient build? ing. If rented promptly, sin. Ad? dress K 63. fa re Times-PI?. Pa t c h. FOR RENT, SECOND" AND Till nil floors. 4(io East Broad. Street, about fi.oon feet Moor space, suitable for ledge rooms er bualnts^ locution. What kind ?,f paper? AKSWER TO yesterday'S PTJSZLB. Mi' '?Jl3.Nl.HA I> Mi;iiCANTIl3'"??Si'', jicss In Sussex county, forty-live ' Hillen of Richmond, Va.; eight miles; of the Atlantic Coast Line. An es- I lubllshcd business Hland of twenty l.v- years. lli.QOO to $20.000 trade;1 books open to inspection to any one that means business. 14.000 to $5,000 I Block, Which can bo reduced to suit, j buyer if he wish. Terms will lie made very easy. AUdec:?a C $30. Times Dispatch, PIANO |: WRIGHT ? SUNS. KIM. size, upright, ir. perfect order. Can j bo bfUKiit on easy terms. DEB FEII GUSSON I'lAND COMPANY. No. 113! _East Proud .Street. j FOR WAGONS GO To RICHARDSON BROS.. 61i Brook Avenue. Painting, repairing and rubber-tire worn. __ Madison 1467._ *_ FOP. KALE. NO. C P? I?Sl'JM!"r Ell steam pump, will pump 4-j per cent, sand or mud; 3-inch discharge, nall Ineh steam. Also 60-H.-P. boiler, 15 I II.-P. engine, two steam drills; one j double drum holst, one aingle-drurii I hoist, derricks, ears and track; two j horsepower hoist, winches and gen* | ( oral quarry or contractor's equip- ; ! merit. Address 11 si, caro Times Dispatch._ PIANO? 1190 MARSHALL, & WIXDELL upright, mahogany case. In good con- | drTio::. Will nave to be seen tri ur. appreciated. LEE FERGU3SON PIANO '.>->?. No. 113 East Jl:oaU Street._I SOJA BEANS.?GOOD STOCK, LIMIT ed quantity. Also Ma<-k. clay and mixed peas. For sale- by D. ETHKlt 1DGE <t CO., 21-33 Commerce Street, Norfolk. Va-_ ; WANTED, TO SELL ONE FIRST class upright piano. W. FRED RICHARDSON (INC.). Storage De? partment, Cvl \S est Main. \-<) "LOADS Ol- SAND TO CONTRAC tors. JNO. R GIIIMES. 14 N. Thr 11etil Str.-et. Rhone Madison 21Si-L FOR SALE. STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise, dry goods, groceries. ! shoes ant) hardware. Will sell at SO cents on the $1 to quick buyer. New stock and a bargain. JNO B. HAL j LI OAK, Smoky Ordinary. Va. _ PIANO?510", "BP YS A STANDARD- ', make piano; easy terms. LEE FE ID GUSSON PIANO Co., No. 119 East Broad Street._j SAVE $12.60 TO $20 ON A LIFE \ scholarship for commercial, short? hand or telegraphy course by en? rolling now. Telephone, write or call for f?ll particulars. MASSEY BUSI? NESS COLLEGE _ FOR. SALE. A SPLENDID SEOOND hahd Victoria of tho best make. De? lightful vehicle to ride in. Address P. O. Box 7.':'. Richmond. Va. *75.oo?ImanxTla player, a har galn for this well-known Instrument, FEE FERGUSSON piano CO.. No. 113 East Broad Htrcet._| EXCAVATING OUTFIT COMPLETE, cheap it sold at once; condlliuu good. 1. BEDFORD & CO._| for SALE, one SECOND-HAND Vic? toria, alto two good lop wagons: a full line of open and top wagons. These are bargains. Buggies, sur reys and runaoouts; repairing and repainting a specialty. Sec B ,C. Ii 1 tlSTOW. 15 N. Eighteenth StrecL 5385 PIANO?DAVENPORT & TREACV. cost $550, like new, contains tlu special Davenport & Treacy features. mahogany ease. If you want en*, of the best pianos made buy this at the bargain price. LEE FERGUS SON PIANO CO.. No. 119 East Broad Street._ our WA< IONS can not B B EQU a LED unywhere at any trice: largest stock tops and open; terms. A. MEYER'S sons. 731 e. Cary Street. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND VEHICLES cheap; one rubber tire runabout, good order, $36. cost 5150; one $05; one top buggy, $37.50; one $1"; also farm wagons from $:!i> to 165. THOS, ii. DUKE & CO., S04 Brook Avenue. ?65.00?FINE PARLOR ORGAN, IX! perfect order and guaranteed. Cost $125. Can bo bought on easy terms. LEE FERGUSSON PIANO CO.. 119 F.ast Broad Street. for sale" ONE SECOND-HAND phaeton with rubber tires and In good order; suitable for u physician. THE call-WATT'COMPANY. 13 s. I'll te.-nt Ii Str. el. BREAKING ur HOUSEK EEpTnTT, will sell all ho'uschold furniture druggets, rugs, one elawfoot table; also one piano; all cheap. 115 South _Third Street, first flat.__j TEX (10,"SHARES OF "R. U BARNES Saf- and Lock Co." S per cent, pre- i ferred stock for sale. State best price. Address K ;V. care Tithes Dlspatch._ Fol: SALE. NO. 3 FRICK SAWMILL. POINDEXTER & EL-AM, Trovillans. Va. Uml estiite CCtantro Farms ""wanted, we s en i >' l >T rent buyers to owners of Improved farina und cotohial estates anywhere lu Virginia and the entlro South. Describe property Cully, state lowest net price, smallest cash payment and longest time on balance. Our ser? vices do not coat owners anything. Only actual owners need reply. SOUTHERN IIOME9EEKEHS! hi - heap. Wilkesl.oro. n. c. wanted. to rent A FARM; trip ty years' experience; have live boys, I und would work on shares. j. t. jeffries, old Chinch. Va. "wanted. to purchase vacant' property on Monument, Floyd. Park, Hanover or Stuart Avenues, be tween Boulevard ami .Roscneath Road. Slate locution and lowest cash price. Address Box n'o. 222, Richmond. Va. LIST YOUR FARMS W ITH J. A. CON? NELLY .t CO. W rite postal for nec? essary Man k.u. Rooms ?vi Rent 114 ~nY>KVH"'' EUE' S-ANTLV furnished, clean rooms; bath', phone, ce ntral. FOR RENT. TO GENTLEMEN, FTJIt nished room, adjoining bath. Apart? ment 4. The Hanover. Madison cm a-j._' DELIGHTFUL, COOL ROOM, i'cp" ulshcd and every convenience: gen tleman. A 52. care Tlme.i-THnuaicii WILL RENT to COUPLE wTthOiTt children, two unfurnished, cotiriect in>v robinsi olectrlc lights, hot water and central locdtlon. Address a 62, care Tlines-Dlsuuich. feitiifft.on? CCltmteu, .female l~ady l?rrTN7"ri:APin:i: " "deshies| position; can furnish lirst-claas ref? erence.*. Address M, E. W.. STENOG-] rauher, care I'm ?tmastor, Ontario,' Va._ Real<E0tate j?oc l?nlc nT6bT xi':\\r iioi-'sk' AT ' bensiIby'S';! Soven rooms, with two a<-re3 lands houso cost much as price asked for property; good terms, on car lino to Petersburg. .\ iure bargain. PA RK er-RAGB V CO., No 714 Mu tual Building 1'honc Madison 39"i MOST DESIRABLE HOUSE, llioil land Parks iilne-rooni residence: hot and cold -water, range, etc.; half block of car line, ?5x140; $H'0 cash: balance monthly or quarterly pay? ments. Price, $2,750. PARKER bagrv CO.; IN'". No. 711 Mutual Building. Madls..,, ;;:.7S._ I 40 l-'llKT BY ? 'IKoVK AVENUE, between Meadow and Rowland: J97.50 per foot A. J. WARREN. 41"> North Sixth Streit^_| E X C E 1. I, e N T INVESTMENT?200. acre farm, rluht on Southern Rail? way. In Amelia county; small 4-room house, one barn; 60 acres open, bal? ance In timber, abundance of gra*x. well watered. This Is the beat bar? gain in Amelia, when location, to Bother with other features are. con? sidered. Price. $12.GO per acre. j. O. EGGLESTON. Ainefla. Va._ FOR SALE, FORT_ FEET ON THE Boulevard near new baseball pave only $110 'lo^t Apply to OIBBO NEY & NT*1 !K EES. Eleventh and' Main._ "paultrg, JDets anrj kibe ?tock j ?OP.SrfS- ')tESTr' l'l alf-'SflLL- (iiT Y; Virginia blue gra^s. board and pas? ture; terms. Madison 40S7-Y. BREEI >E1 1S~ ?TTENTION!?IMPORT, ed French coach stallion Figaro 42C1, registered 'n the French and American Stub Rooks. 16.1 hands. 1,200 pounds. Plloao 102. Imported Spanish jack. 11 hands and sound. Ht Mechanlcsvllle stock 1'nrm. four milt3 north Richmond. W. J.STRAIN I Si SON. Rout.- i, C'ty. i personals II LEWIS. t/at'fF.s' TAILOR, 3)3 WEST GRACE STREET. HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at HL'GIIES'S. 20; North Third. CClantcn WAN'i ED, BY YoFNU~'MAN."iJeSIC ' i ? room In any of tne three otlb e build Hi-s for one desk and Illing cabinet Would also like the services of a ! stenographer for one or two d.-.y3 In the week. Pasty will be out ,,r the office most ol the time. Address e 20. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. make YOUR CHILD INDEPENDENT \ by giving him or her a practical bus? iness course. Special low tuition tat?? for a limited time. MASSEY RUSfXESS_COLl.EGE. _ WANTED. TO BUY FOR CASH, household goods In any quantity. Phone Madison 3S51. Coal anti CcIoob WOOD VND COAL. OUR DRY KINDLING BEST IN CITY, heretofore handled by Midlothian Wood Company. $1,50 half-cord. DA? VID M. LEA & CO. Phone Monroe! 6S6._ IF YOU BURN WOOD JUST CONSULT headquarters over phone or get on car and como to mi otllcp, where you can see a sample and net de? livery In 30 minutes by automobile truck. LONG; THE WOOD MAN. lf.06 West Broad. l\cliafaEc ?Tran??fer RE LIABLE TRANSFER.?MILLNER'S, 302 North Ninth Street, liauls trunks for 25c. Claim checks Issued at the bouse for your baggage. Two men on our wagon. Wo make a special-, ty o: moving furniture and pianos. Phone Madison ] 145. Rooms dQIantcb j WA?a-1-H\~B\ furnished room. West End; private family preferred. k 62. care Times. I dspatch. S i ? RN1SHED ROOM, B Y GENTLE men; central location preferred^ State pri.e. Address K 53, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch. ?iuibeno iiotiee?. T'Hh'roaed OF DIRECTORS oF lllE D, It. Midyette Company. Inc.. have declared a quarterly dividend of one (p;i per ?-??iilum. on their partici? pating gold bonds, payable MAY 31 to holders of record May 20. h?12. C. G. WALLACE. Secretary. JDissolution Notices. f i I i: l - a i: t n E R s 1111 ? ' he RETOFOR E existing between R- B. Cooke aim W. It. Sattorwhlte, under the stylo of tho Union Market, 6 North Addi? son street. Is this day dissolved l>y mutual consent, said Snttcrwhlte as? suming all of the debts of said con? cern and hereafter conducting said ! business under name o' The Un'oni Market. W. B. SATTERWH1TE, R. B. COOKE -t?ectmi$3 notice is in-nn-Hn7^ gTven that1 the annual meeting of the stock? holders of the Kline Motor Car Cur- i poration will be held at the olllcc of the Company, American National Hank Building, Richmond, Va., an the 7TH DAY OF .IENE. nil', at 12 o'clock noon, for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before tho mooting, B\ otdc: of tile Hoard of Directors, _ D. ft. MIDYETTE, Secretary. ~~Z A CA LLED "com m un i<' a tt on 1 Vty nfthi Richmond Randolph l?dgc, /V\ No II?. Ahclcht, Flee and \ cepteel Masons, will be held In the Ma qona' all, Franklin, near Eighteenth Street. TillS (Thursday) evening1 May 23, 1912, at r. o'clock, for work III the Master Masons' degree. All Muster Masons in good standing are fraternally Invited. Bv older Of the Master. W. A. CLARE E JR., Sccrcta ry. $?iinkrupt _9ocirtB, I NOTICE ?F FIR.-t meeting < CREDITORS. In the mailer of I No. H47. JACOB S KlNSTElN; 1 In Bankrupt. \ Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT .OF VIRGINIA: To Iho creditors of JACOB S KIN STEIN, of Richmond, in the county of Henrlco and district aforesaid Bank runt ? Notice Is heroby given thai on tho 16th day at May. A. D. 1912, the said JACOB S. EINSTEIN was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of his creditors will bo held in my o?fice, Rooms Nos. S02 and SOU. American National Bunk Build. Richmond. Va., on the 1ST DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, at which llnio the Bald cradltora may attend, prove their claims, nppolnt a trustee, exam? ine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. TIIOS. B. SNEAD. Referee In Bankruptcy. ! Mai- 22. 33iorrllancou? blu' coyerb. IN UNBN AND CRETONNE. :'OR BED room or parlor. Zia<\v to rtt. SYD NOR St HUNDLEY. INC.. ?cvonlh Olid Orace. Madison 3204. talkinij machines. if quality of tone you are looking for, tin- Edisoifhas them ;.u beat. C. R. HAYN KS Sr. rtt.. 121 W | _ Broad._ HARDWARE. USE OCR IC. K. K. POLISH F< >R FUR iillure ami floors, it br'ghtons things i tip. kills all germs. Manufactured by _KBNNEDY BROS KEEL AM WINDOW AND 11 OESE I CLEANING. STAINING. WAXING I Hours, now houses a specialty. WIK LIAM FIELDS. Monroe 3959 I. EDISON. 'BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH come and hear the Edison. C. H. I HAYN ES ? CO._ 8HOE K:-.l AMUNO. 7Bc. HALFSOLB ME.VS SHOES, 09c. ladles, every pair sewer, best leath? er; no nails, tic pegs. Royul rub? ber heola, 25c; T red-Air rubber heels. 4 0c: leather heels rebuilt ltko new, 26c. DREWS ELECTRIC SHOE i FACTORY, 71? E. Main. Phone Mon? roe 2(67. IX) ANS. $5,060 TO LEND ON DIAMONDS AND watcites at New York rat- N. K. JACOBS & son. No. 2is North Ninth. ANYTHIN(l IN BASEBALL GOODS OR llahlrig tackle that you want. KEN NKDY BROS, ?t KELLAM. TYPEWRITERS. WOE ED YOU SHOW UL'K WHOLLY ! visible typewriter to your friends ami let them see wherein It excels any 1100 typewriter made, !( you could without costing you one colli have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then write us for lull particulars. EMERSON TYPE WRITER CO.. Box e. Woodstock. 111. HOUSE CLEANING. WAXING AND STAINING FLOORS ?windows washed; cleaning new houses n specialty. WILLIAM JOHN-I _SON. ID'S North i-lr.-t. Monroe 3120 ! WHY NOT CUT YOI K GRASS EARLY I an.l often, to have a pretty lawn.' ! We have the best lawn mowors, and I ! a prent price. KENNEDY BROS ft I RE REAM. I PIANO HOSPITAL. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE RE building and repairing ol pianos and player pianos; not a side Issue to a music house. We have the In- I dorscmenl Of all the leading musl- ] clans. Investigate us before having your piano done over. Estimates, iree. BOPP & FERGUSSON, 103 E. Main. BAKERY. DRINKARD'S CHERRY AND PINE-' apple pics have the run of the town. I If you miss this you miss a treat.! onlv 10c. DRINKARD'S, Sixth ar.d, '-'ay-_I SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, j SCREENS MA DE To ORDER. PULL line doors, II lb $2.25; window: screens, adjustable, 25c to tiOc each. We carry the full line. Pi ices we guarantee to be right. HOWBLL BROS.. 602 E. Broiiu Street. LAWN MOWERS. $2.50 BEYS A GOOD MOW ICR: $5.00 buys a ball-bearing one. l^ook us over. Wo carry everything you want. HOWEE1. HKuS. B0J E. BioatL_ ALADDIN KEROSENE OIL. DELIVERED ANY PAKT OF THE city or suburbs, five gallons for 6u cents; no odor; no smoke. HOW ELL BROS 602 Easl lirood. KYAB1NE VARNISH STA IN. NOT THE CHEAP KIND, BUT the best made. Costs more, but wears better. Ask us about It. HOW ELL BEOS. t>u2 E. Broad._ PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES. NO ODOR' NO SMOKE! EVERY STOVE guaranteed. Complete, with glass door hiii! three burners, $11..">o. HOW ELL BROS., i.?j E Broad Street. BASEBALL GOODS. EVERYTHING IN BASEBALL GOODS ! and ttshing tackle Sec us b -tore buymg. ELBA HARDWARE CO., j corner Henry and Broad._ WINOOVv AND "'liotiR SCREENS nV the best. Including the very lo-i price, makes it a pleasure to see our stock. Prompt delivery. By KEN NEDY BROS. A: KELLAM, No. s East Broad._I SANITARY POLISH ' ' FOR FURNITURE AND FLOORS OF uli kinds use "Elba Sanitary Polish", it brightens up nil furniture, beauti? fies tne floors and kills all germs. Manufactured by us, ELBA HARD WARE CO._ PAINTS AND FLOOR STAINS. IF YOU want any REAL GOOC paints or lloor stains, see us; our ; goods last longer, look better, unu are better, than any1 In the city. We carry all colors, and prices reason? able. See our stock blfore Ou> tilg. I EI .RA HARDWARE Co.. i2j West Broad. _ LAWN MOWERS. START CUTTING Yol'R GRASS EAR ly and keep a pretty lawn. L'so. one ot our good lawn mowers, we h oe .-. nlCJ Hue. ELIJA HARDWARE _CO._ RELIABLE HAT REPAIRING MEN'S SOFT. STIFF AND SILK HATS,! I Panama aha straw hats cleaned. i blocked, retrlniniotl like new; manu I act u ring, retailing, repairing. AMI.KUAN HAT CO., 501 E. Mar? shall, corner Fill li St: eel. ~ FLlf TIME. SCREEN DOORS. WINDOWS AND FLY Wire lit the lowest prices and D g iod grade to select from; deliver! prompt! ELBA HARDWARE CO, 122 Webt I lie.1.1 Street. G." RDEN TOOLS. lawn RAKES; GRASS SCYTHES, LA tiles' trowels, noes, etc.; hedge and; pruning shcurs, CLARKE, Har?wiire,I 1215 Main Street. FEV SCREENS. METAL FRAME WINDOW SCREEN.-, adjustable; slay In and keep ll'es out. Screen door.s and screen wire. CLARKE. Hardware. 1215 Main St. la un MOWERS. LAWN MOWERS; $2 50 and Up? wards; high-grade, bull-bearing, it pays to buy a good one. CLARKE, Hardware. 1215 .Main street. _ WATCH ($BPAI/tING. YOLK WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN ed by wm TOBIEN. JK.. Is a guar? antee thut It nine properly; 20 years' experience. Cleaning, $1; main springs. $1. 4?S Ea6t B.-oad Street. PROTECTION. ORIENTAL Ol! DOMESTIC RUG Should e cleaned by KAMDOURIAN, I 215 North First. FOR paints ,\M> FLOOR STAIN' WK have the finest; none better than Lucas's; AI colors nnd our prices itru remnrknble, s. o us before buying. KENNEDY BROS. &. kellam. COURT ADJOURNS UNTIL NEXT WEEK Work Suspended That Attorneys May Attend Convention in Norfolk. [Spot tu] to The Ii. 1 Uncaater, Miy 8i.^-T|io May term ?,f the Circuit Court or I Lancaster county brought .?,t the aver-1 ago crowd on such occasions, hut. ow? ing to tlid fact that nearly all the members o rthc bar are delegates to the st:tt.- Democratic Convention, and Judge Wright Is n lay delegate to tho I council of the Episcopal Church, both1 ?f which win meet this week, th,- ses-:j sioti of lit, curt was suspended yes- ' tctdav. to h.- resumed on the SSth. During tu., afternoon a tin- portrait! "f the lion, jamos W. Urcshnm was' iinvelled and prevented to the county through tile Circuit Conn. The pre-1 scntntton speed, was n.udo by Walter B. Ilathhwdy, who. In the coins.- of his remarks, read a letter from the ven? erable Dr. Thomas S Mtinaway. of Frcdortcksburg, paying a high tribute to the character of Mr. Grcshant, The portrait was accepted by Comnion weiith's Attorney Frank ?I. Newhiu and Judge Wright. Mr. Grosnhm was. prior to the War ,,r Secession, one of j the most prominent citizen* of Lan i caster, being a member of the old I County Court, a vestryman of old Christ Church and a member of the Mouse ,.r Delegates. Me was an old Line Whig, and was strenuously op? posed to the Secession of Virginia; I i?ut when Virginia seceded he throw \ in his lot with the people of his I Slate, dying in IS62. After the adjournment of the court, a meeting of farmers was held in the j courthouse, for the purpose of pro ' curing an agricultural demonstrator for the counties of I .a near, t er and Northumberland. Judge John <". Ewell was made chairman; and Walter E. Hathaway offered ??< resolution request? ing the Board of Supervisors to make the appropriation necessary to secur f it ex the Services of a scientific demon? strator. Si.che: in favor of the prop? osition were made by Mr. Ilithiiway. Dr. Krank W. Lewis. Warner Ball and Captain Samuel P. (Jrcshain. The reso? lut:..:? was unanimously adopted amid groat enthusiasm, and as soon -is the Northumberland fanners can hold a m.cling It i< very certain that siml liu action wMII be taken there. It Is only necessary lor these two coun? ties to make Abe small appropriation of $::.o each to secure the services of a demonstrator, the Federal govern? ment furnishing the rest, it Is confi? dently predicted that this movement will result In great agricultural ad? vancement In the lower counties of the Northern Neck. Among those who attended court here was Thomas .1. Wheeler, of Northumberland, a former mombor of Compuny A. Fortieth Virginia Itegl- | mi ni. now eighty-eight years old. but i active as a boy anil capable of walk- | tue ninny miles without fatigue. d Will Meet In llnlel???, I Special 10 The Times-Dispatch.1 i Salisbury, N. C, May 22.?Announce? ment Is made by nr. M. .1. Bauland. '? secretary of the North Carolina Vet erlnury Medical Association, thai the organisation will meet In Rnlelgn June SB and 2?. Dr. U > Herring, ot Wilson, is president "f Die prgnnlsn Hon. and it is expected "'at there will be ,i large attendance from all parts of iPf- State. In the forenoon of .Mine the state Board of Modi, ni Ex? aminers, of which Dr. T. A. Roberts, of Raleigh is secretary, will tnoet at Agricultural and Mechanical College to, p;,.. upon examinations._ automobiles (or S^k^^l USED FORD OARS, 1905, 1906, 1907, 19uS. H'09, 1910; two. three and tlvo passengcr; In excellent condition; owners purchasing 1912 models. Will sind Instructor hon:- with out-of town purchasers KORD AUTO CO.. 1629 W. Broad Street. TURKISH AND ROMAN BATHS THE JEFFERSON Richmond, Va. The moct Riugtiitieeii: hotel In the South. European PlUtl. Rooms single ami e.i suite, with ami without Laths, .is sample rooms. Rale. $1.50 per da-. ?hrl Howard. GREAT T ?I. 118 W. 57th 109-121 W. 5GtbSt. New York Absolutely Fireproof An exclusive, new rind thoroughly modern hotel, ail.oiling its guests an unexcelled combination of accessi? bility, comfort und convenience. 400 Rooms, each with Private Bath. Siotlt Roorni will and Shcwtr, $2.CO and {2.50 Uoiblc3.00 " 3.50 Cuisine mid service of the hiithcst order, with exceptionally moderate prices. ItLOSTSATSD BOOKLET DPOS SEOUnST. "/(friil Toil. :' Hotel for iVeto 1'orfc CtfV, Smil/ai- llliutrated llonklct and Komi Jfnp L. E. REED, Manager The Henry Clay Inn Is n"w most attractive, with its beau- I llful lawn and moonlight 'nights. I htery attraction for automobile par tics. Also fully erjulppi,! for partiei tvishlng to Rave the hot. dustv city. The Valentine Museum E1*EV*.N i'lt AND CLAV b'TKEi Qp:n daliy from l? \. M. to ; ;?. M. Admlss'en. T.<- Fr?* on Saturdays The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS OPEN ? A. M. TO 6 P. M. Admission. 26o, Free ou &*iurdayr, I By N. W. Howe & Son. Heal Estate Auctioneers. .Jjj commissioner's and exeoptotv-C BALIS OF NO. 427 west MATN street.-a,1\ auction. In conformity with a decree of the) Chancery Curt of the city of Rloh-j niond. rendered May 20, 1911. In thai "Hit of "Anne K Georgo's executor vs.j Robinson et als.,- I will sell jjy pubilo. auction, on the premises, on TIRIRSDAY, MAY 23, 1912. at 6 o'clock P. M., thai desirable eight-room dwellings' referred to, with the lot upon, |t stands, irontlng IS feet and! runn t>? hack about ir.o feet to a pub-1 nil In the rear. Main Street prop? erties uro logically moving up in,.; value.-, s.ecaus.. it rapidly becoming;. .' ifare. Attend and net h bargain. TERMS: One-third cash, and the.", residue ' n two equal Instalments, at six and twelve, months, for notea. with IntcrJst added and title retained; or all cash, at tho option of the pur- , g chaser. CATtRIE m '?oi/jtlTT, Executrix of A. e. (ieorge, deceased. and Spe H 1' ommissioner. I hereby certifv that the bond re qtilred of the aforesaid -pedal com mlssioner has been duly eiven. C n s VV1LLE. Clerk. By Pollard * llagby. Auction Sale to the Highest Bidder of No. 320 Addison St. \V( will sell at auction, on the prent-. Is >. THURSDAY, MAY 23. I at 6 o'clock, the above mentioned desirable eighty room modern hriek house. The prop-| : erty will positively he sold, so com*, nd ?et a hargaln. TERMS: 1500 rash; balance easy. j I'q-.r.t Hl> It AGB Y. ^ ?urrion fenlcs. jp?t?S ?D?"p0 ! By^?r^"n~?k'Redd. ' Ren! Estate Atictloneevs. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALB OF That Attractive andi Very Desirable Sub urban Home, on Four-} qurean Lane, One of} Our Most Beautiful! Thoroughfares, AcM joining the Former, Home of Thomas Cr Ruffin, Esq. Bj virtue of a "certain deed of trust, dated May 16. 1910, and recorded in' tho llenrtco county Circuit Court clerk's office, in D. B. 1SS-IJ. page 321, default having been made lu the pay? ment of a portion of the debt secured thereby, ami havinK been .required by the beneficiary thereunder so to do, we, the undersigned trustees, ?will, on, SATURDAY, MAY 25. 1012. at 5:30 o'clock 1'. M.. on the premises, proceed to sell at .public auction inr property conveyed ) therein, viz: All that certain lot of land, with a I frame dwelling and all oilier Improv* I merits thereon, lying and being in the county or Hetirlco, Va., about one mile , north of the city of Richmond, begin? ning at tnc northeastern Intersection of the ril ihmond and Mettrlco Turn? pike ami Fourqurean's l.ane. thence running ca.-twardly along tho north? ern line of I'ourqurcau's Lane two hundred and ninety (290) feet, and ex, tending hack two rundred and forty tin .? (243) feet six (G) Inches, and containing 1.827 acres, more or leas. Tho dwelling is exceptionally well built, with ten largo looms, bath, lavu I to. Tner,. are also on the prop? erty a servants' dwelling, containing four rooms; largo stable, carrlugu ? Douse, chicken house and numerous otltcr outbuildings, which, with a large yarn, amide shade, line water, a va? riety of Irtttt, beautiful shrubbery ana healthful surroundings, combine to make this an Ideal suourbun home. 'I'niy property 1- only a .short dis? tance from two car lines, with a grano llttllc sidewalk all the way to one of them, To attend this sale, take Highland Park car at Seventh and Broad Streets not later than 5:16 I'. M., and get Ottl at Fourqurean's Lnne; go westwardiy' a short distance, and you wili und the rcu Hag and some one to show you the property. This is a rare chance to buy a coun? ts home, only a few minutes from tho .cut of the city, at half its value, us tins property !s going to be sold for Hie high dollar. TERMS: Cash. E. L. RUFFTN. Trustee. W. P. REDD. Trustee. X. B.?Whereas to-* above sale Is for cash, yet very litieral terms can ba nail upon application to the auction- j Cera.____!?? Blum?n .v c .tn".!ny. Real Estate Auctioneers, TRUSTEE S AUCTION SALE of Sat VACANT lot on south SIDE OF FRANKLIN STREET. BET\VE-ES( CLEVELAND and TILDEN SA'tn In oxeciitlon of u deed ?f trust, dated i.teaer I", 1910, and recorded in the clerk's ofllee of Richmond Chan? cery Court. Deed Book 209-C, page 251, default having be n made In the pay- . in. nt of dtibi therein sec trod, I will a sell bv auction. .Jii the i?i'( nlses, MONDAY, MAY 27. 1912, v; 5 o'clock P. M.. tho a'bove mentioned lot. The lot has a frontage of 25 loci on the s?uth Un? if Franklin Street !>v a dc, :lt of MS fe ".. and higlm "?o feel ?est of Cleve. ?' land Sire t, and I? knoivn us lot No. 3 ; in Block No. ti in the plan of "Lee Annex.'' terms. Cash. \V. C BLANT?X, Trust o. The VdentineAuction Co.* AUCTION* tK3 ' RECEIVER'S AUCTION SALE' 'OUT; GROCERIES AND STORE FIX I UHBS. li> |)ii:suane> of a decree entered In tin- Chancery Court of the city of RlffJvj im ml on Mac 21. 1912. In the matter ..i' U.twin YV. Tyler vs. A. J. StUMr-TC an,I W. If. Stuart. inciting as Stuart'' iii is I Will sell it public auction, on ? 1 1111 DAY. MAY 24. beginning at 3 o'clock P. M.*;. . the premises. No, _''?'. South Ifarrl s.i.i Street, all of the .ti. kof groceries, ?>? :ng <>f Canned Goods of various kind*. Soaps. SninkUni* and ChteWlnjf , l'o Raking Powders, Bottled HI ?-. Pickles, i'il : d CsUe '"ins, S'i.-'A uses. R. fr:?, .-ilor. Ice Box,' Flour. Sugar, Elect.*. ? Fan. Serc?j? Doors, eti\ . ''?WM Si), positive TERM'S f'.ish. George ??. m /,hi-(;h, R?*.-*lV?l\ TUB VALENTINE AUCTION CO., Auctioneer* f*a