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Rebs Face Bugs Raymond To-Day?Colts vs. Newport News TORD AUTO CO., 1629 W. Broa? St. EXTRA TO A TIE SCi John Marshall and Benedictine Go Long Route Without Any Conclusion. Benedictine College nnd .lohn Mar? lhall High School battled thirteen Ions innings yesterday afternoon at Byrd Vark to a T-t?.-7 tie. U was one of the most exciting ns I wrll as one of the best-played games, put up by any of tuo pre;, (schools' this season. .lohn Marshall look the | early in th.- struggle and main? tained it until the seventh, when a. home run by Fletcher and a three- , bagger by Spreag brought the Bene? dictines within sight of a tit-. in the eighth th.- game was brought to Hie tie with which it finished. .Sen-] satlonal fielding by McOraw saved ; Benedictine from defeat ..en several j occasions, while McElroy, tor the High School, did like service. Hoover and' Seay were In the box for .lohn Mar- j shall, oover leaving his place behind j the bat to go to the mound. Ktngl taen donned the mask. Overman and | ritcher were the b.-ttery for Uenedi tine. COOKE CAPTAIN [Special to The TImcs-Plspatch.] I Chartottesvlllc, Va., May 22.?W5.-H0 j Ii. Cooke, of N'orfoik, h.-.s been unanl- I mouldy elected captain of the Virginia irsck team of 1913. He has been the most resistent point winner during the past year, and lu.s starred in . very meet In which he has entered. in regard to next year's prospects Captain Cooke s?ys that the team should be one of tile best i:i the his? tory of Virginia; that all the "V" men; if this year would be back, and that. ' leveral men of this year's team would lo better work than ever before. Ho -;id Virginia should be especially ?trong In the quarter, and that all the members of this season's relay would De back next eesslon. In addition to the track "V's" al? ready announced, C.itei>by Jones wis swarded his letter. Jones won tirst place and broke the university record for the two-mile run at the Southern Intercollegiate meet held on Lambeth Held April 11 CAROLINA ASSOCIATION sboro. 1: Orcen At Oreensboro?4. vllie, 4. At Anderson?Anderson. 6; Winston. Balem. 1. At Charlotte??Shnrtotte; 4. Spartan burg, 0. APPALACHIAN -LEAGUE At vihevllle: Ashevllle, 6: KnoxviUe, At Cleveland: Cleveland. 13: Bristol. At M?rristown: Morrlstown, 0; John It y. 2 NEW STOCK Men's Low SIi Going at $3.50 to $5X0 Values lein? M>h '2.55 Are brine sold nt All New Stock and Kciv Modell $3.45 All >-l?rs nr.d Widths v. bile they last. YOl ARE LOOKIMI KOIt A PAIB LOW SHOES Here's Your Opportunity to Inrj n Good Pair ut a Hi duced Price. Packard Shoe Shop, Inc. H!7 Ilnst Vnln Street. TV. b. Rohey, Manager. OLD HENRY Pure and Wholesome. Ask your Healer. STIt \ I's, <? i Si a < c. Distillers and menders line \\ bls kr<k. Tfwe buyer who i;nur.t; t:.a different gutoraobll's will own a Alle:. AtentlS and Broad Street. THE WORLDS' CHAMPION Let us demonstrate Loziet superiority, talesroom, - 1625 W. Broad St Errors by Team Behind Him Give Phillies Enough Lead to Win. REDS AGAIN MEET DEFEAT Us (let Second Wind and Increase Their Lead on First Place. , St. Louis, Mo., May !2.?Errors by Bills . and Mowrey save tin Phillies two runs lb I duy. and they wen: able to beat the Car I dlnals S to Harmon allowed only two I hlt?. but lark o: Support threw t:nr same I away. Ureivnan worked steadily tor the I Phillies, and although he passed llauser 1 in the ninth, and he stoli-' second, tightened and took Luderus throw on OSkca at tlrst In the ninth for the final put put. f-core: Philadelphia St. Louis. Alt It OAK AB It O A K Titus, rf... 1 0 I e OT.I.ictc. 2b. I u i - ? Knabu, ? 1 0 4 ?Ulli*, lt.. I 1 3 ? 1 Paskert. er S l 0 OMowr'y. Sb S 0 3 11 Luderus, lb 3 0 4 o ItOITIiy, lb: I I; l u Cravath, If 3 " * e I)Evans, rf.. 4 1 1 0 u Downey, : o a 3 SHauser, *? .1 t> : i i Diolan, is. I 1 5 t OOakes, el.. 3 1 ! ? 0 Kllllfer, C. 4 e 4 1 v (Vinco, C. 3 0 a 3 1 Brennen, pi e 1 2 OHarmop, p3 0 0 3 u Qeyer,' y.. o o o 2 t> ?Biiss . 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 2 87 U 0 Tot.''?. ...2? 4 '.7 13 41 ?Hatted lor Harmon in eighth. Score by Innings: lt.] Philadelphia .a 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0?8 St. Louis.0 0 010 0 01 0?S ' .Summary: linns?Knabe, Paskert. t'rav- I ftth. Mowrey, Wlngo. Two-base hit?Kills. I .sacrifice hits?Paskcrt, Dbw>ey, Sacrifice i By?Luderus Stolen bases?Mowrey. Wlnpo, Hauser. Double plays?Jlesof tunassisted) : | Mowrey to Koiietchy. Led on bases?.St. Louts, fi; Philadelphia, f.. Hits?Off Har- i men. 2 in s Innings. Tlrst baseton ba:is? Off Harmon, T; oft Brennan. Z. Struck out?By Harmon. i\ by B.-cnnan. 2. Ha by pitcher? By Brennen, l (Mowrey). Time of came, 1:60. Umpires. Eason and Johnstorie. JUST TWO REACH THIRD Pittsburgh. Pa.. May 22.- Pickson pitched on" of the besi games seen hrr.' this season 1 to-day, allowing but two Pirates to reach third. O'Toole. on the ether hand, was wild, two of his passes resulting In tallies. The only legitimate run of the same was made hi the fourth, when Jackson singled and scored on Devlin's double. Beere: Pittsburgh. Boston. A UKOAE AB H OABl Nyrn*-. 4 ? 1 3 I?'M'D'Id. 8*. 4 0 0 3 0 Carey, If... 4 .0 3'?!! OCa'p'ell, fcf l 1 l o 0[ LeaCTi, of.. ;osv OSwee'y. 2b. 4 Wagner, ss 4 2 2 f. IR. Mll'r. rfS ?Veos .0 0 0 0 0 Jacks n. If 4 J. MU'r. lb 3 2 3 0 0 Devlin, lb. 3 Wilson, rf. r. 0 0 o OShean. ss.. 2 M'Cafy, **>;:?* -' o Kling. Kelly, c? 3 l0' tDonlln ... 1 0 Gibson. C. 0 0 0 0 0 O'Toolc, p. 1 0 0 1 0 tltyatt .... 110 0 0 Catnattz, p 0 (? 0 o o Totals ...t? Z 27 14 '.' Totals ...23 6 27 13 0 ?Batted f?r Waener in ninth. ?Hatto.I for Kelly in eighth. tBsttcd tor o'Toolc in eiKhth. Score- by Inning*: It. PRtcburgh .o 000 0 0 00 o?" Boston .0 0 0 1 0 0 1. 1 0?3 Summary: Buns?Sweeney. Jackson, Kling. Two-ease hit?Devlin, Sacrifice hits?Wil? son. Dlckson. 6ucrlnc? fly? Kling. Stolen baces?Wilson, Campbell, Sweeney. Jackson, Dtviln. Double plays?Carey to Wagner; McCarthy to Byrne; Sweor.ey to Devlin. Left on basest-Pittsburgh. ?; Boston." 10. First ease on error.*-Bos tor.. 1. Hits-Off O'Toole. 8 In S Innings: off Camnitz, o In I Innlnir Firs: base on t-a'.:s?Off O'Toole. 7; ofT Csmnltx, 1: off D;ck?on. I Struck out? By 0'Ton>. 5; by PI- k?cn. 2. nit by pitcher ?By O'Toole, 1 Psseed ba'.l-Olbson. Time o! ;sm*. 2 hours. Umpires. O'-vens and Brennan. MATHEWSON COMES BACK flnclmati. 0.. May ti ?The Reds dropped j their third straight frame to the Giants this 1 Yesterday's Results in Three Big Leagues NATIONAL Chicago, JO; Brooklyn. 6. Louis, Philadelphia, 3. Pittsburgh, Oj Boston, 3. Cincinnati, 1; New York, 0. UNITED STATES PiU-shurg, 5; C ll ago, 4. (Other games ir>t scheduled.) AMERICAN Boston. P; Cleveland, 0. Washington, .'?; Detroit, -I. Philadelphia, S; St. Louis. I Nw York, .">; Chicago, ll. Club New YorTt .. Cincinnati .. Chic.igo . .. . Pittsburgh Philadelphia ?t. Louis ... Boston Brooklyn .. ? Won. Lost. P.C. ."Si! STANDING OF THE CLUBS Club. Rending ... Pittsburgh . Richmond . ? Cincinnati . Cleveland Washington ' 'hlcago .... X. w York . Lost. P. C. Club Chicago ... Boston - Washington Detroit Cleveland Philadelphia New York . St. Louis . . WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY Boston at Pittsburgh. Cincinnati at St. Louis (Other games not scheduled.) [Cincinnati at ill" Pittsburgh Clovi mond. t New York. ind at Washington. ihicugo at Reading Won. Lost. P.C. .4S I .481 at Now York. Louis at Philadelphia. Letroit at Washington. Cl iveiand a t lioston afternoon 6 to :. Tho locals not only three ?inpirs mi Mathawson. and barely escaped u shutout, Hube Beaton, who hud won six straight game*, luffered hli first defeat of tlie i> hsoii. lie was lilt very hard alj the way through and allowed six runs ia spite of the BlitterliiK ?Upport Blven him by a crippled team. Booker's hitting- ?a? a feat? ure. IIa has permanently displaced Dcvor? tn the outfield. Score: Cincinnati. New York. AJt II O A E AB II O A E 0 0 Herker, rf. .'. 3 1 0 <) o l u o Doyle, Jb.. 4 2 1 2 l Htrl W, 11)3 Oil 0 UOroh. 2b... 1 0 2 0 0 rrrtcneil, rf 3 1 0 0 os'srass. cf :> 1 3 o 0 Egan. 5>... 3 0 3 E 0.Murray. If a 1 4 0 u Phefan. TV f! o i to Merlcle, lb 3 l 13 o 0 Esmond, ss 3 1 S 4 0 Hersoft. 3b 3 0 0 4 U M'TAtan, C.. 2 0 ! 5 V.Myers, c... 4 3 3 : n Clarke, 0... 10 0 0 0 Hartley, c 0 0 0 0 li Senton, p.. 2 0 0 1 IFIefer. ss 4 2 0 6 0 *M*Denaild. l o o o OMat'son. v- o o o o Totals 3:7 14 1 Totels ...3112 27 14 1 ?Batted tor Hcnton In ninth. Score by Innings: It. Cincinnati .o i o o ? o o o o?t New Vork.0 0 2 0 0 2 1 ? o-f. Summitry: Huna?Mitchell, Beeker. Doyle, i Snodgras*. Hersog, Myers. Fletcher. Two- | has. hlta?Becker. Doyle. Fletcher. Doubla play?Egan to Eamond to llomlltxel. Left on baaea?Cincinnati. I; New Vork, ?'. Firs: j base on balls -Oft lienton, 1. Struck out?By Bt-nton, 3; by Mathewaon. :. Hit by pitcher j ? Uy Behton. l Time of game, 137. Um? pires, Klent and Bush. SIX RUNS IN FIFTH Chicago, III., May S3.?Tha rubs scored six runs oft Vlngllng in the fifth Inning of to? day's game with Brooklyn, and won 10 to | S Poor fielding marked U>'' efforts of both teams, bor.eheaded plays? being numerous. Dnubert Rot live hits. Including a double and h triple. Zimmerman made his fourth home rjn of the season Score. Chicago. Brooklyn. A a H O A B AU It o A B Sheck'd. If. 4 12 0 IMoran. rf. 5 12 0 0 Miller, cf.. 3 0 4 0 o Daub't, ?. S S II 1 n j-ihulto, :f. i : 0 0 OStnlth, 3b.. 3 0 0 1 0 Zlm'an. 3b. 3 3 o l OK'rlVn, er I o 3 o o Hofman, lb ! o 6 l 0 Wheat, If. 3 0 : o o Tlnk. r. ss. 4 1 I 3 0 Hum'el, 2b 2 0 13 0 Evert, 2b.. 3 14 6 ITooley. aa. 3 a 2 l l Needh'm, e 4 l .'. l or helps, c. ?3 ? I n Cheney, p.- 4 2 1 i 8"Tent, p... 6 ? e l 0 Tinly . 1 1 0 0 0 V: t.-!!np. p 3 2 1 ! 1 Totals ...U li 27 13 3 Total? ...37 111110 2 ?Hattert for Daly In third. Score by R Chicago .0 a 0 o ? o i o ??lo Brooklyn .00200: 1 00?6 Summary: Runs?Sheckar.l. Miller, Schulte. Zimmerman (3), Hofman, Tinker. Bvera, NeedhemJ Moran. Daubert, Hummel, Toolay. Phelps. Daly Two-baa* hits?Needham, Daubert. Tinker. Three-base hit?Daubert. Home rur.-Zimmerman. Stolen baaet?Zim? merman <2>. i:-.'rs. Daubert, Smith, Wheat. Double playa?Daubert (unassisted); Bvera 10 Hofman; Tinkers to Cvers to Hofman: Daubert to Tooley. H'.ts?Off Kent. 3 In Innings. First ba?e on balls?Off Cheney. ?: orf Kent. 3. Struck out?By Cheney, 4. Sac rlflce hit?Miller. Wild pitch?Cheney. Tlm< of game, 2:05. empires. Klgler and Flnner an. FILLIP L?S1 OF Chicago Battle- Gamely Uphill, but Unable to Overcome Earlv Lead. WINNING RUN IN FOURTH in Wind)' City Cir.b Tries Hard Closing. Innings, but to No Avail. Pittsburgh, Ma- 22.?Chicago played Its last game 0.' |ne gerle* with Dtacon Phllllppl's speidy boya to-day, and los'. 5 to 4, after playing; a preat uphill frame. They tvrrr / apped at th> start by a lead of three runs ajr.-Unat them. Pittsburgh got four runs In th? first Inning, and the tally needed to w-.r. tvas mad? on Hamilton's double and Warren's single. Score: ? j IMtt>l>iirpl>. An. n. ir. o. a. k. Callahan, of . 3 1 0 0 ft l j Warren. Ib . 3 i 2 4 7 0 Brown, rf . 1 1 1 n ft 5 Tllley, 1/ . 4 1 3 3 0 0 Saibrle, lb . 3 l 2 it n o Fowler ,ss . 4 0 0 ? 2 ft 1 Brouthers. 3b . I n 1 0 3 5 Hushes, c . 2 ft 0 3 .5 0 Hamilton, p . 4 1 1 0 2, 0 Totals .31 6 15 27 14 1 Chicago?. AB. n. IL O. A E. Schall. 2b" . I 3 t 0 2 1 .tohr.-'on, ss . a a 2 1 I Walter?. 2b . 4 1 3 4 2 1 Oirtcnrloh, rf . .'. 0 l 3 a ft nation, lb . 3 0 ft f? 2 1 Sllftht. c . 4 1 1 ? 2 1 Lynch. II. 1 o 3 0 ft o MeDonough, if . 3 2 2 ft ft <"> Stanley, rf . 4 ft 0 1 5 ft McGuIre, p ...3 5 ft n r. o >:Tti:ger . 1 ft 0 a ft ft Totals .33 4 S 24 11 5 xBatted for MteOulre In ninth. 1 Score ITy 'innings: P. ? Pittsburgh .tftftltftftftx?.1 j Chicago.1 -1 050020 1?4 i Summary: Two base hits?Saibrle, Hamilton, Walter?. Tlu'ee has..' hits? 'light, MoDonough, Schall. Bases on Hills?off Hamilton. 2; off McGulro, 3. WIM pitch?'Hamilton. ? Hit by pitcher ?toy Hamilton, l. Struck out?<by Hamilton, 1; by McGulrc, l. .Sacrliiee cits?Warren, 0aU*rle( Hughes Stolen bases?Hiley (2), Sabrle, Fowler, Wal? ters. Dottbla plays?Brouthers, War? ren and Sabrlc: Walters. Hadton ami Slight. Time, 1:53. Umpires, Lindsay and Fyfc. BIG OFFER FOR G08B S SERVICES Utah Club Willing to Pay $10,000 to Georgia Peach 1 as Manager. Ogden. Utah. May 22 ?The Weber Club, the commercial organization of this city, has sent Tyrus Cohb, of the Detroit American.?, an offer of J10.000 to manage the Ogden warn In the Union Association League .luring the present season. The Weber Club has Just obtained the local franchise. Appoint men la A enounced, f.Spe. lal to Tli- Tlmcs->Dlspatch.] Cfcarlottcsvllle, Va., May 22.?The ad? visory board of the General Athletic Association of the University of Vir? ginia has announced the following ap? pointments. Charles .1. Churchman, of Staunton, manager of track team. Robert J. Gill, of Seattle, Wash., matug.r of basketball team; William V. Belts, ?f Hampton, assistant man? ager. , Henry S. MacKay, Jr.. of Rlv*rs|de, Coli, manag?- of baseball team. 1 Wiley It. Cooke. of Norfolk, repre ! sentatlve to South Atlantic Track Com. 1 nilttec. The net receipts for th? bascbai'. season were shown to he $663,82. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE At Columbia?Columbia. 1; Albany, ft (fifteen innings'. At Jacksonville?Jacksonville. 1; Columbus. 0. At Ma'on?Macon. 13; Savannnh. 1. (First game.) Macon, 4; Savannah. 0. (Second game.) THE BASEBALL PARK OF THE FUTURE : Dorr r ' TABLES REVERSED Hi UBERS LOSE Groom, Despite Poor Support, Holds Detroit Sluggers Well in Hand. CLEVELAND ON TOBOGGAN Davis's Crew Seems Unable to Deliver Goods at Criti? cal Moments. I Washington, May !!.?Washington defeated the Tiger? to-day 0 to 4. Groom only gave the Tiger? I*'* scattered hits, but received poor support. Wlllett was hit hard la the lint three Innings, but settled down dur? ing the rest ot tli? game. Score) Washington. ltrtrolt. A It ll.O A K AB1I O A R Moelk r. If. 4 3 3 0 0 HusTi, IS... j 0 ? 4 0 Foster, Sf... 4 2 0 2 0Junes, If... 4 1 2 0 0 Milan, cf.. I 1 t u u ferry, cf.. i o 2 o o Scha'fcr, lb 3 l ? 0 ICraw'd, rf t v l o ul Walker, rt. 3 ? 2 U UDolc'ty, jb 3 1 4 3 0 Knight, T< 4 I I 1 1 Galnor. It, 4 1 5 1 II I M'Bride, *s ? 'i l - OMor'lty, 4 u 2 a ? I Henry, c... 3 0 4 3 1 Stanaga, c3 I 4 0 "1 Groom, p...'3 0 0 V 1 WHicll. p. .1 V I - U Totals ...32 927 11 4 Total? ???*? ?i* ? 1 Score by Innings; ??< Washington .1 0 3 0 0 1 O'O ??1 Detroit .o 0*10300 0?4 Summary: Kuns?Moellcr (2), Konter (SI, Walker, liush, Jone? (2), DelOhanty. Karn ed runs?Washington. 2. tint base on er- , tors?Detroit. Is. Left on base*?Washington. 7; Detroit, 3. First ba?o on balls?Off Groom, 2; off Wlllett. 3. ' tStruek out?By Groom, 4; by Wb'.ett. 2. Three-base, bits? j Milan, Oalnor? Two-base hits?Moeller, Fos? ter. Sacrifice hit?Berry. Stolen bases ? Walker. Mueller. Doubl? play?Bush Di l< haaty to Galnor.? Hit by pitcher?By Wltlett, 1 tWalker). Time of game, li Umpires, Connolly and Hart. WHITE SOX HIT HARD New York. May 22.?The, Vank?es used three pitchers to-day. but they could not j nop the hard-hitting Chicagos, who won ' the game 11 to ?.. Catdwell started to do ] tbo twirling, but he didn't last through the first Inning. i}ulnn succeeded htm, but ?v.i? yanked out In the sixth. W.trhop, who j succeeded him. did fairly well, but It was too late to recover tae game. In th? fourth the Yankees got to Lange and hit blrn so hard that five runs wer? brought over. Then Walsh rolleved hint, and the run-getilr.g stdpped. Score: t Idcago. New York. All 11 O A B AB II O A E Hath. 7h... 10 2 1 07>on!c!s, rf 4 2 0 0 u Lord. 3b... 5 2 0 2 U2ir.n. cf.... Z. 1 2 0 0 rai'ba'n, if r. 2 * o uftiu??, ib.. ? i s i i iBodle, cf... t 1 2 0 0< ree. if.. . 4 14 0 1 Hin?, rf. l> - t o OSIm'ona, 3b 5 l 3 o o der. Ib.. 4 0 17 1 1 Kart'll. *b. 4 1 1 1 3 Weaver, ss 3 1 2 ? iTTirtln. ?s 2 0 3 ? 2 Sullivan, e. 4 1 3 1 OSween'y, c ? 0 ( 1 1 Lange, P-- 2 0 0 0 OCaid'ell. p. 0 0 0 0 0 I Walsh, p... 1 l o l oQiilnn, p... 2 lote Warhop, p 2 1 0 1 V Totals ...7110 27 1? 2 Totals .. 2S ti 27 12 1 Score by Inning?: U. Chicago .s o s o o 11 o o?n few Vork.0O0DO0O0 G-i Summary! Buna-Bath <2i. Lord. Calla han It), Bedla i2>. Collins (I), Weaver o. Daniels. Cm. Simmons. Hartzell, Oulnn. Two-base hits?Daniels. Simmons, Walsh, Bodle. Sacrifice hits?Zeldcr. Weaver. Sul? livan, Walsh. Aatb. Stolen bases?Rath, i.o.-d, Callahan, Left on bases?Chicago, 2; Nest York. S. First base on errors?<.'hlfkgo. New York. 2. Hits? Ort Ca Id well, | |n 2-J lnntnc: en* Qulnn. S In 4 1-.I Innings; off ! Lange. 7 In 3 2-3 Innings First base on balls i :: Caldweli; 2; ort Warhop. I: oft Lange. |2; off Walsh. 2. Struck out?By Gulnn. 2; by Warhop, 1. by Lange. 2; by Walsh. L j Wild pitch?Langs. L'rnplres. Egan an3 Evan*. COLLINS WIN GAME Philadelphia, Pa., May 22?Two-base hits by Collins and Murphy In the. seventh drovo home the runt that let the Athletics b< St. Louts to-day. Score, S to J. St. t.ouls used three pitchers, but could Hot stop the bitting. (Stephens'! failure to turn back I base-runners was cost:.--, there being seven (2 h almeis MOTOR CARS Gordon Motor Compan y RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. ?tcals recorded. II? also inado two wild throw*. Coombs wos lilt freely, out brueta Just in time. Score: St. Louis. l'lUladclpbls. AU It O A E AH II O A B Stielten, of 4 2 0 ? OMag'ert, ".f.". o i o ? Jlogan. If., 4 1 4 U U l.uid. If... 0 0 0 0 0 Htovall, lb. 3 : 19 u ?Strunk; cf. 3 0 o o o Laportc, Zb 4 I 3 4 ?ThoillBa, c 1 0 I i 0 Austin, rf 3 o u o I Collins, 2b. 3 1 2 I u Wallace, it] I 2 6 DBaSsr, R>.. 4 2 2 1 1 Btephsns, a 4 i 4 2 --Muiptiy, if a 2 o o 6 Petty, p... loo.' OM'lnnls, lb ? o a l 'J Hu'lltun, p 1 0 u g 0 Harry, sr.. I 2 3 2 U Use'ton, p. o u oo tjuapp, c_3 2 6 3 u 'Coiwpton.. 1 0 0 u voidrlng, cf 2 0 1 0 0 Coombs, p. 4 113 0 Totals .. 31 ? 24 Ii i Totals ...33 10 27 1? 1 ?Batted f?r Baumgarltnn In ninth. Srotf by innliiKs. li? st. Louis..0 90.1 1 01 0 0-4 Philadelphia .o 0 l l o :< 3 0 ??s I Summary: Buna?Cotllna (21, Uakcr ?3>. [Murphy, Barry, Coombs, Shotten (3), Ho I gan, Austin. First baas on errors?Phila? delphia, 1. St. Louis, I. Loft on busts ? I Philadelphia, <; St. Louis, e. First oi . tmlla?Off Coombs. 0; off Pelty, 2: off 11am. I llton, 1. Knock out?By Coombs, 7; \>y Pelty. 3; by liautnbarten, I. Stolen bares-? Collins, Baker (2), Murphy <:?, Barry 12?. Three-base hit?Barry. Two-ban- bits~t:oi llns. Murphy Sacrifice hits?Austin', l'clty. j SacrMcv fly?Stovoll. lilts?On l'elty. 7 in 162-3 Innings; oft Hamilton, 2 In 1 Inning; 'off Baumgarten, 1 In 11-2 Inntnss. Doubts I plays?Baker t>, foiitn. to Motnnls; Wallace to J/.iporlo to .Stovall. Wild pitch?Pally. [Tim,- ?f game, 2:10. Umpires, !?:,..??;. ana lerrln?. KAHLER IN DUMPS Homo-. Man . May ?The R?d Sox :?!??)? cd on Kahler to-day for a lotni of fourteen hits, which netted nine runs. Cleveland could <lo nothing a Ith Hal:, ?ho savo only six hits ar.<l received good support The weather was a little too cold to* good ball. I Score: Clerelsnd. Boston. AB H O A E AH II O A E Butcher. K4 1 2 1 1 Hooper, rf b 1 h 0 0 Olson, lb .. I : I I UVerke?, 2b & 1 3 2 0 I J*c:i!?or.. cf 3 0 4 1 it Speaker, cf 4 3 3 0 ? I H'horst, lb 3 1 < 0 0 Lewis, If . 4 12 0 0 j Easterly, c < r ; ; o>;?rd'r. 3h. t 3 2 o i Lynn, rf .. 4 " 2 V 0 llradl'v. Hi 1 4 i 0 U I Bait. ?b.... 10 3? IWagn'r. ss 4 l i I o ; P'ek'n'h, ??3 033: Kun'ker. c 4 1 3 l 0 j Kahler, p.. 3 001 OHall, p. 3 3 0 7 4 ?tiraney ... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals ...33 <?, 24 ii ? Totals ...3? II 2713 l S<orr by innlnj.-?; It. I Cleveland .? 0000000 0-0 I Huston .0 0 3 1 1 2 2 0 ??2 Summary: Puns-Hooper. Speaker (3), Lewis. Gardner, Wagner, Nun.trnaktr (?), Two-base hits -Gardner (2), Hail. Speaker, Kunamaker Three.hone hit?Hooper. Sac* rin<" 1.1:-H.i .1. Sto>n bases-Speaker (3(. \ Olson. Double play?Olson to Ball tr, Hohn borst First bare on balls?O IfHall, S: off "ihler. 2. Struck out?By Hall, 1. by Kan |ltr. 1. I.'mpirra. Ol.ougl-.lln and Westrrvelt. Trunk?, Bags, Suit-Cases OF THE Seaside Season AT Ocean View and Buckroe Sunday, May 26 Take C. & 0. Special Sunday Outing Train Round $1. 50 Trip Leave Richmond 8:30 A. M. Running t ".rough to Old Point with? out stop, making direct connection with steamer for Ocean View. .Shortest und quiekest route, giving tc-n hours at the seaside Second Train Leaves 9:00 A. M. Stopping only at Newport News. Norfolk passengers using C. & O. steamer from Newport N*WS or Ocean View line from Old Point, giving; choice of two trains and two routes to Nor? folk. Returning, C. & O. passengers can leave Ocean View via Pine Beach every hour until 7:3} P. M.. connecting with trains leaving Old Point 4:25 and &:45 P. M. C. & O. passenger? can leave Norfolk; via steamer Virginia 4 P. M. and 8 P. M. ACADEMY---Tuis Week Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Lucille La Verne and Company, In the Funniest Play of the Year, The Lottery Man NOTE.?Owing, to previous bookings, there will be no performance to-nlg'M. Naiv Klnemacolors To-Day. "I'lorlilu Winter Henorla," ??'/.<><> (inrilenn nt Hose," And the black and whito pictures. "CELL NO, BP K Cetil?.? admission?10 CciiIh, 2:30 to 5:33; 7:80 to Id.-45. RICHMOND vs. NEWPORT NEWS Thursday, Friday and .Saturday, MAY 23, 24 and 25. flam -j called 4:30 P. M. Admission. 2,1c. Grnndsfnnd. IKe. Farewell Recital JOHN POWELL City Auditorium. Friday .M?h?, .liny SI, Prices, 25c to Sl.Ot). Seats on sale beginning May 24 at The, Cor-ley.Cn- %\X Jda*t Broad Straps