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RED SOX DROP TWO IN A ROW Game Is Exciting, but Some Ragged Fielding Aids Visitors in Scoring. [Special to The Times-Dispatch 1 Mnviii., v.... May 22. Newport News ??Tain won from the locuts tu Hn ex f l,,neT SB. thi.i adcrnoon, the score ucinK i; to 3. Gordon started out well "ut ?oi rocky in Uic nurd Inn!cc and only recovered himself when ?t wm too late. Brown, for the Shipbuilders ?'ii the other hand, opened wild, h?i gradually steadied down, and towards ttio end ho pitched line ball, which, combined with the,?pl.i.dld support u? Had from the r. it. saved the K?me. I Danville opened up w th three runs 'a the Mint Inning, Itunaer and m ill being safe (or (hi.baggers, und1 Uaston st en I inn home on n pitched I hull. The fourth InnltiK was fatal for Danville. Gordon muifed a straight return, (taston also fumbled it. nnd lliree mad- home. In the sixth Ten-: llant hit a horn.- inn. McDonald was put out of the game, for disputing a decision of the umpire. .shortstop Fleet Mtiybcrry was re-i leased to-day and Pitcher Harry Qrlf llri reported and wli prohablv pitch to-morrow. Score: .Newport Netra. AH H O. A. E. Bates. Mi. .". 0 O 1 0 Bo wen, as. .". :; i i Pleiss, r'. I ' l <j o Wolfe, lb. i ?? :> l it Tennant, cf. :> :: o o Coates. If. 3 :: t i , ' McDonald. 2b. :t " 3.1 0 ? Pcaster, c. ?"? l 3 0 oJ Brown, [,. f. 2 a '? n' ?KVans, 2 Si. 2 I 4 1 0 Totala .II II 27 12 L Danville; AB. II. it A Fl. > 3>,. a 1 0 y.uuelll. ss. I l i 0 o Gaston, 2''.?..- 3 - 3 3 o Schr?der, lb. 1 1 ?1 1 o Wallace, cf. 2 ft r. ft- n Clunk, If.'. 4 1 2 >> 2 Hudglns, rf. niif, a l.uola. <?. 3 1 8 "ft o Cordon, p. 4 0 1 *1 a 18. Gaston . 0 0 o a 0 Totals .2? 9 12? * 2 ?Succeeded MeDonald. who wars rut out of gam". ?Ran for Lucia in ninth. IBrown out. by batted bMJll. Score bv Innings: It. Newpoi t News .o o 3 ft o ?oft 1?fi lmnvlllo .3 ft 0 ft o I, a o o .i Summary: Runs?1*1 ? 's.'. Wlolfc <-''. Tennant. Coates, McDonald. Runser, y.anelll, Gaston. stolen base's?Gaston, Itunser. Sacrlflco hits?Schr?der (3). Wolfe. Sacrlflco (lies?-Wallace <'-'' Two-base hits?Coates, Brown. Three, base hits -Zanelll, Tennatit. Home run ?Wolf- First base on errors?New liort News. 0: Danville, ?!. Left on bases?Newport News, 12: Danville. 7. lilts?-Off Brown. In nine Innings, fi: off Gordon, In nine tnr.lngt?. 14 Struck out -By Brown. 2. "r>y Cordon. 4. Base? on ball'?Bv Brown. 2; r y Cordon, 2 11Dy pitched ball?By C.ordon. Pleis-. Umpire, Mr. rx.nnhti'. Time of game. 2:15. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Milwaukee?Milwaukee. 1, Mtnne aP'lts. "? At Louisville ? Loul'jvllle, Colum? bus. 4. . At Indianapolis?It: dicnapolls, 3; To? ledo, G. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE At Buffalo?Buffalo, .1: Jcreey City. T. At Montreal?Montreal, 6; Prcvi nee. 7 (ten Innffflgs). At Rdchester-t-Rochester. 4: Balti? more. 3. (First Botn?.? Rochester. 2; Baltimore, 8. flSe< or.d game.) At Toronto?Toronto. 7; Newark, 2. COLLEGE BASEBALL Aat Worces'Jer: Holy Cross. 8; Wesley an. 4. At Cambridge: Brown. "?; Harvard, 3. \t Philadelphia: Laif ayette, \; U. of P . 2. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Chattanooga?Chattanooga, 11 New Orleans. 6. At Atlanta?Atlanta, 3; Mobile. i. Tcnm Cbtincr? \nmr. The Cardinals, under the new man? agement of .t. U Taylor* seem to think that tne name they are now going ur i'er Is a Jonah, and nave decided to change their nfttne to the Highlander?. The new players signed are V.. Boasley. A. Brand, It. Brand. F.. Harri?. F. Wil? liams. Willie Lewis Tiefented. Paris. May 22?Oeorge Carnent'er. trie middleweight champion of lar.d and France, to-night defeated Willie Lewis, the American middle? weight pugilist on point*. The fight -went twenty rounds. Went Point Wins. West Point. N. Y.. May 22.?West Point defeated the University Of Mich Ignn nine here to-day, 12 to 4. Every pore an<J rdnnd of the skin Is employed in tho nocossary work of preserving its smooth, oven texture, softening and cleansing it, and regulat? ing the temperature of our bodies. This is done by an evaporation through each tiny outlot, which goes ou continually day aiid night. When tho bloov*. becomes infected with humors and acids a certain percentage of theso impurities also pass on" with the natural evaporation, and their sour, fiery nature irritates und inflames the skin, and drie3 up its natural oils, causing pimples, boils, pustules or some itching rash; or hard, scnly skin affection. S. S.S. cures skin troubles of every kind by neutralizing' the acids and removing tho humors from tho blood. S. S. S. cools the ncid-heatod circu? lation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickness, multiplies its nutritious, red corpuscles, and enriches it in every way. Then tho skin, instead of being irritated and diseased by the exuding acrid matter, is nourished, soothed and softened by this cooling, healthy stream of blood. S.S. S., the greatest of blood purifiers, expels all foreign matter and surely euros Eczema, Acno, Tetter, Snlt Rheum and all other disenses and affections of tho skin. It removes pimples, blackhoads, and other un? sightly blemishes from the skin and assists in restoring a good comploxion. Lfook on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired free to nil who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. IS THE BEST Wc have a transmission running in this grease at our store. Come and look and be convinced. Dallas A. Shafer & Co. 106 North Eighth Street, Cfty. Custom Quality SUITS At $15 $18 and $20 7/3 E.BROAD COLTS STOPPED BY PORTSMOUTH CLUB Truckers Hit and Field Well While Griffiths Find Mayer Considerable of a Puzzle---Griffin Gets Home Hun With Nobody On. [Special tri Tl.* Tlmt t.Di'patch.] Portsmouth, V.l.. May 22.?Ports-] mouth put the kibosh on the Richmond ! squad to-dny and got away with the long end of o .'? to l score. Griffin's home run came when the bases w, re empty, and counted only for hims-if. The old men of the Portsmouth aggre? gation had on th<>lr t?*?t batting rlothrs nr.d pounded Verbotit for nine saf.: hits. The score: Richmond, A.B. R. II. O. A. E. I Graff, .lb. 3 o 0 0 3 0 Griflin, 2b. 3 1 2 3 ? 1 Flournoy, cf.4 0 0 4 o U Burke, rf. 4 0 0 o 0 o Mattls, If. 2 u 2 2 0 0 Haley, lb. 3 0 0 14 1 0 McComas, ss. 3 0 1 0 5 0 Smith, e. 3 0 1 0 0 * Vcrbout, p. 3 ? u l S 0 Mace, lb. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totsls .29 1 6 21 IS 1 Portsmouth. A.B. P.. H. O. A. E. Becker, rf. 4 2 2 1 0 0 Murphy, ss. 3 2 2 4 4 1 Castro, 2b. 3 1 2 2 5 0 Watson, if". ?-. n i t o o Douglas, lb. i o 0 ~ 0 l Clarvln, c. ? 0 o 9 :?. o Tit man. <f...3 0 2 .1 0 0 Cooper, 21?...,..s o 0 0 l o Mayer, p. 3 0 0 0 0 p Totals .30 ? 3 27 13 3 Score by Innings: R. Richmond . 1 0 0 0.0 0 0 ? o?I Portsmouth . 2 " ! 0 0 n o ?_? ??5 Summary: Two-base hits?Murphy, Tltman. Rome runs?Griffin. stolen bases?Griffin, Rurke. Becker. Double plays?Castro to Murphy to Douglas; Graff to Griffin to Ralcy; Murphy to Virginia League. HKM YESTERDAV. i'ortimiitith 5j lll<'limoii<]. 1. Petersburg, 2: Honookr, n. Norfolk, Hi l.ynchburg, ?ivtiort Xemrs, <l; Danville, n. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Last I lub. Wo?, l.nat. P.C. Venr Petersburg ...10 ? .0215 .500 Itlchiunnd .... 15 IS .r.?ii .4X1 .Norfolk . 15 12 .550 .TOS Portsmouth ., 19 11 .."4- .... N'pnri .New?.. 14 13 .510 .... lloaooke . 1.1 14 .4SI .4so Danvllli- . II 15 .42X1 .400 l.ynchburg ... M IS .:???'? .4M WHERE THEY PI.AY TO-DAY. Newport New? nt Richmond, .Norfolk nt Dnnvlllp. l'urt.iiMiiMli ni ltnnnoke. I.yncnhurg et Pcterehurg. Castro to Douglas Baorlflce hits?Cas? tro, Watson. Base on balls?by Ver tiout. 1: by Mayer. 7 I,"ft on bases? Richmond, 6; Portsmouth. 3. Struck out?by Verbeut. ". by Mayer, S. Time of game, 1:37; Umpire, Orth. Attend? ance, T50. WEAK HITTING IS :E OF DEFEAT Tigers Fail to Find Morganrath i at Right Time, and Goobers Win. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.1 j Roanoke, Vs., May 32.?The Roanoke I Tigers could not solve Morganrath to? day and made but tour hits off h!s delivery. Green pitched a good game lor Roanoke. He was hit freely, but kept the hits scattered, and with any hitting behind him he would have won his game. Petersburg played r lesa ball In the Held behind Morgan rath. Score: | Itonnoke. j AB. II o. A. R. i Ginn, ef. 3 110 0 Garman, lb. 4 1 10 i o Press!y, ::l. 3 o 2 ? o Holland, if. 4 1 i o t? Newton, ss. 4 0 4 2 1 l.alltte. <?. 3 i 5 , , Shields, 2b. 3 0 i i o Hooe, rf..?? . .. 2 0 0 i) 0 ?Card In. rf. 1 n 0 0 n Green, p. 3 n o 3 0 Totals ..10 4 27 13 -i Petersburg. AB. If. O. A. B. Summons, 2b. I 2 " 1 0 Elchberger, if. 4 2 :t 0 0 B?sch, ss. 4 1 2 f< u Spencer, rf. 4 1 3 0 i> Anthony, cf. 4 n 1 0 0 Howedell, 3b. 41110 Iviuphlln. c. 4 1 1 1 0 Barnelt. lb. 4 1 13 3 0 Morganrath. p. 3 0 0 3 0 Totals .35 3 27 14 0 ?Batted for Hooe In eighth. Score by Innings: Tl. Roanok,. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?:? Petersburg ...0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ? 2 Summary: Runs?Morganrath, 2. Sto? len bases?Simmons, Busch. Doublo play?Uafttto t'cV^Garman to- Pressly. Struck out<?By Green, 3. Bases on | balls?By Morganrath, 2. Umpire. Mc-j Br(dc. Tlmo of game, 1:45. SPIDERS TROUNCE FARMVILLE LADS Hampdcn-Sidney s Championship Hopes Sent A-Glimmering in Hotly-Fought Contest. Standing of ?in- Tea in?. j \\ an. p.c. Itandulph-Macun .. .. t i .son llanipdeii-SIdncy t _? ,U?7 j Richmond Col Irate . :t j ,<IO>0 William und Mar; . . u <i .uoo ; DreldliiK name Monday between i Itandolpb-Maeon and Itlehmond Col-1 lege. If the Spidern tvln (key will bei lied "HU lt?ndolph-.>lne?n nnd llamp den-SIducy for UrM place. By winning from llampden-Sldney 1 yesterday afternoon Richmond Col- | lege put herself in thu running for th?> champ'onshlp of the Kastern in- j tercolleglate League, and at the snniej time smashed the hopes "f th ? Karin vllle lads. The score was U to 8. Thfl Spiders lived up t" their repu? tation as sluggers by driving Lewis, who la considered to ba one of the best pitchers In college baseball in the Stale, from th-: box In the sixth Inning, and Moor??, who succeeded tawls, failed to dim their batting eyes. While Meredith was also hit freely, . he kt-pt his hits well scsttered ox I? the fourtli and /-l^hth Innings. Much rest was added to th- game i by the presence of a largo number I of Itsndolpli-Macon students, who rooted lustily for their ancient rival*., I Richmond College. I llampden-Sldney drew first blood by i I pushing one man across the plate ":i the second Inning. Richmond foiie^.j j 'evened thing* up by sending Owath-I j iney across for a tally In her half of | the same Inning, i For the rest of the same It was ? nip and tuck as to who should keep \ the lead, and the game was In doubt [until the last man for Hampdcn-Sld i ney was out In th? n'nth. I j Th? f'-atures of the game for Rich? mond College were tho batting; of Mered'th, Lewis and ?Harle and the I fielding of Beale. The features for Hampden-Sldney j were the batting of lie-dinner and Painter. Next Monday the Spiders meet the Yellow Jackets at Broad Street Park In the deciding B"ine of the chain; ion ship series. If the Spiders win this gam- they I will h? tied wth Randolph-Macon and llampden-Sldney for first pla<-e. If the V?. How Jackets win it means the j cup for th"iii. lllrbniond f'ollcce. A.B. I! II. O. A. E. Ancsrrow, 2b.."? it l 2 l i1 Beale. ss. 2 2 0 4 3 2 Meredith, p. l 3 l l l Clarke, c.5 0 -'1 8 a 1 Stevens, lb.r. 0 l 7 0 1 Qwsthmey. rf.3 l l 1 o rj Taylor. If.I 1 0 1 0 o Lewis. 3b.-"? 2 ? 3 2 U Woodward, cf. 1 1 2 n l Totals .31 11 1 I 27 0 6 llampden-Sldney. A.B. R. H. O. A. 13. Bedinger, if. i i 3 i -i 3 B. Saunders, lb- Q 1 I 3 6 1 Wool. 3b.5 ii 0 2 1 <) Painter. 2b. 8 3 4 1 2 <i I Atkinson, cf.5 1 2 1 o 1 Lewis, p.3 1 1 0 3 0 I Moore, p. 3 1 1 0 3 6] J Krye. c. I n 1 S 0 0 K. Saunders, rf.f. 1 1 2 1 'i Wysor. ts. 5 0 1 0 3 3 Totals .4.". S 1 4 24 12 7 S<*oi e by innings: R. Richmond College .. 0 1 1 3 0 4 2 0 ??n Hampden-Sldney ... 010200140? S Summary: Two-base hit ? Pointer. LOOKS LIKE END OF UNITED STATES LEAGUE DY GVS VALBERT. Whut ?III probably sound Ihr <|puth knell of Ihr I lilted State* League of Professional llnsrhall Clubs occurred > csterda > , when Ihr Forest C li ?? HhII and Amusement Conipnny surrendered Its Cleveland f ranclitse, lialil (ho bull Playern in full, and announced n- Intention ot ciulttltig. Cleveland lind been lookrd upon n* one of (be mainstays In Ihr or Sunl/iitlon. Tbc Western city, It ?va? thought, would prove u paylnK proposition! nu,l from report.*, the tram.-* there have |,rrn well a I - leaded. The rensous assigned for w Hhdra?Ina itt litis limp are dls satiafactlon with condition* In both Eastern and Western cities In the elrenil und with the 111:1 nuKi-mr n t of (lie league itlYnlrs. Ileforr Hie flnni action taken by the Cleveland urn n na i c* vague mm Minus of dl*eontent had been heard from Washington. Ilrurit,. Browne, manager. of the \\'aeblnirton elub, several days aso issued an ultima? tum lo (he effect tl>Hf bis Hull would quit the Held unless paid salaries In full. V liurr-y ?-all wns went for a meeting nf the icngiic at Pitts? burgh Inst Sunday. The meeting- wni held and everything xxtts apparently antleabl} settled. Yesterday more nolsr from the enpltnl was heard, (ins Dundon. a former Virginia League star. ttlrcd lo Richmond for a nesltlvn tvllli the Colts, Later, over Hi,, long distance telephone, he an? nounced III* intention of i|iiltt1ng unless he got nil I be mono? due hint, l.H*l night n inrsnngp was received from Washington (hat all of (be alayera of Ihnt club would refuse lo take Hip field unless ,.teiy claim un* paid. I*. *l. Mockahcc, owner of Union League Park, the l\onie of the Washington l nlted Stales: leaguers, announced ihm he huil nnother leant in pal in Ihe ilelil, and evidently refused to accede in the players' de? al a nils. Ilic players gave until noun to-ila? for Ihrlr demands lo be met. wiii, Cleveland out uf Mir league and Washington lo tin estremelj critical rendition, the only hope left, If Ibere Is nay hope nt all. seems |o lie In n six clul, circuit. .New VorU. which bad been reported as on,, of Ihr weakling*, developed strength, in an mi ex peeled ttunrter, and Hilly Jitrdau, manager of ihe leant, staled that b,. would carry u through the season. ( hlotigo is apparently in a healthy stale, fliousfh Clnclunall is not unite so certain. Pittsburgh ha* real I.> made money, mill has drawn latice crowds to each of the games. 'I'll,, same may |M. said of Heading, ithllr ItlrhntoOd lias dune Iis share to mnliiinlii the organisation and (U carry Ii successfully through ihr season. President Landgraf, of the local r I lib, tvns as much surprised any nee ivhen shown the message from Cleveland ciirrxlng th,. Information already tiulllncd. Hp eouldu'l uaderslaud why Cleveland should quit. ??The statements from ( let eland?ihe box nillce statements," he said, "have nil bren good. i.n*, Sunday more thnn s*ni? was taken in at ihr stale, tpparcntlt Ibey xxrrr making money. I had a talk with President Wlt atiin oxer Ibe telophonp to-day. Hp Is In Washington, nittl he (n|d me that everything w as all rlghf Iherr. Further (ban (bill I can't ally. I klmpt.i don't kiioxv. We are perfect I) aa Untied In Richmond, and are willing lo stick here forever. The people hate gitPtt us good support, mid Richmond hns proven itself to hp a hig leiigu,. city. I still have hopes thni everything' will come out nil right and thai the league will continue, ptrtt |f tie have to make U six clubs, dropping Washington nail Cleveland. '?\\p knew thnt there was trouble brewing in Cleveland, but I wns in? formed by I'rratdcnt Wllmon thill a mail iiamrd Hiipnekpl would take aver Ihe franchise and bring the club I'.asl. Cincinnati has left Tor 11 Ich - tnond. and will nrrlxc this morning. Hugs Raymond will pitch, nud wp ?rill piny hall." If It I? imp that 111* lengne has qtill thr field, IHchmond people will be sorry, ns ibey had come to enjoy Hip games nt Park, Cleveland, O., May 22.?The Cleveland Irnm of ihn United Stetes League baa Riven up the gboat, principally because Ihe "ghoaf* had a hard time walking xxllh the team. W. L. Murphy, owner and booker, to-night la aited n slnlement aaylng that the leant here would disband and that no more games would he played. Whether, or not some other city would be given the frnnchlae nnd would play out the Cleveland end of the aehedule I? not knoxTn. ??I have not been satisfied xvlth conditions either here or In lh.e. Unat bud West," sold Murphy tn-nlgbt. The Crowds lirre have been small, The support given ihe team hns not been aufriHcnt to place Hie gnmn here on a pnylng baals. In othrr elltca lhc eondltloiiM hnvp been nbout the same, In Chicago, with an attendance of 4,000, at least U.OOO carhn In on pnaaes. In Cincinnati no game was ployed an Ihr leaf trip because of the poor attendance. I;.Ii; illlllllli!iiiliuin|i|iiiiiii!iiiil!il|lllllllll]lllllill TRADE MARK : in? llli j llillii il'l' RE.G.U?.PAT.OPF. Only the genuine 'Poroskiit' Summer Under? wear has this* label. Unct ndiu'onal Guarantee Bond with every garment. lieware of imitations.* They're numerous. Compart genuine " Porosknit" with any imitarit fl. Tum th<: garments inside out: Note how welc v the seams: wice thrpughout and tape the^eat-selin .ir.d front openingof drawers:. All garments so ?nishc-il that jhe wearer is pleasedl always with the look?the rjeel? the wear's Real comfort in genuine " Porosknit" garments* They are cool and clastic?not][t<ic> loose one place .and .too_snugsj another?fit just right'all*overjJ AU,stylesSUnion(Suits'^/-^n3 bulging flaDs?button"and un? button* easily^ and' stay buttoned while on. Do away.withldoubje; thickness' at AvaistvTry * Pprosknjt' in liny style.. For. Men ^??ijT Styles, Slurb! and Errawcri * per, garment. -Fori Boy?] Union .S?i?? $ 1 '(T^rlj Men; SOc CHALMERS" rWITTTNGvCP_MPArTT^ ?0x.ry4?ii?>!i^ oys> .,? Am.tordam, U[Y? Chalmers^ Guarantee If, in your opinion; tws^girtnent. labeled ss below, Bi Sur? It Hat Thti UUl ?f. It Meant Ccvuir.c 'PontknH". fails to"give'you its cost value in underwear satisfaction, return it direct ; to us and we,will replace it or refund your money, including postage. This guarantee applies to every genuine * Porosknit8 garment not stamped 'Seconds* or * Imperfect* across the 'Porosknit" Label. C halm en Knitting- Company, Amsterdam, New York Three-base hits?Meredith, 2; Lewis.: Stolen bases?Bcnle. Metedith, Taylor. P?dinger. Wool. Moore. Sacrifice hits ?Ucale, Owathmcy, Woodward, Atkin? son, Frye. Left on bases?Richmond !college, ?. llampden-Sldney, U. Hase. on bulls?Oft Lewis, 2j off Merrdith. I; ; off Moore. 2. Hits?Off Meredith, 11 In II Innings; off Lewis, 9 In n 2-3 Innings; ?off Moore, ."? In 2 l'-3 innings. lilt by pitched ball?Taylor, Bodlngcr, Frye. ! Struck out?By Meredith, 7; by Lewis. 14; by Moor<>. I. Wild pitches? Lewis. 1; Meredith. 1. Pn*srn balls?Clarke. '): Frye, 1. Time of game, 2:25. I'm plro. Phil llinton. Scorer, S. S. Cook. Attendance. 1,000. FIND MORE DYNAMITE Thlrt y-Hs, Slicks Found tinier Poren of Vacant House. For the second time within a few weeks the police have found a large quantity of dynamite In the West End. Yesterday thirty-six sticks were found beneath the hack porch of IS2S Winder I Street. i Information that the explosive was resting under the porch and causing considerable alarm in the neighbor? hood, wns telephoned to the Second Police .station yesterday afternoon by an unidentified woman. Mounted Officer Whitlow was d'reet ed to Investigate tin- case, and a careful search found the dynamite Communicating w'th the station, he inquired of r>es.k Sergeant Kcrse whether ho should bring it to him. "Nix on that." replied the sergeant. "Dump it In the rWcr." Gently picking up each stick he placed it carefully In a bucket con? taining wnter arid cautiously made hi* way to tlie river. I{$ dropped <t int. I the historic .lames tvlth a, sigh ot r.-lief, and then began a search t< Und out who was the owner. The house where it, was found wai Vacated yesterday morning by tenant! [whose identity could not Be learned. OLD FOX BUMPED GOOD AND PLENTY Stocksdale Hit Hard, and Tars Easily Win One-Sided Ball Game. Norfolk. Va., May rJ.?The Tars lilt Stocksdalo tor eleven sin tries at l.a fayc?4o Park this afternoon, .w'nnlng n hard-hitting, one-sided name, ft to 2. Plnneran twirled only fair ball, but was given excellent support. The only ifcaturcs were staub'a two se/isattonal eat -lies of Morris's and Nixon's drives and n double play from lllnlou to Dodge to Blgblc. Portrait of nnnlel. 1 [Speclnl to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.] Chnrlottcsvlllc, Va.. May 22.?An old portrait of the lato .lohn \V*. Daniel, a gift to thr University of Virginia, bus reached Hint Institution. Major Daniel made a distinguished record as' a 81 Idler, statesman, lawyer und writ? er. HH work on negotiable inatru'n incuts is regarded as one of the high* est Irsal authorities. Honest AS ITS ?ame HE QuaKer's bond is hf3 word, the world over. Old QuaKer WhisRey represents the same high standard of commercial honor. This means we are faithful in the things unseen. The result is a whisKey of surpassing smoothness, fastidious delicacy and unapproachable purity with a flavor that lingers ?lingers. Experience a new delight. Try today. Honest Old Quaker R. L.Christian &Co., Distributors Richmond, V? KING "36" C?leman Cutchins. 313 W. Main