Newspaper Page Text
At the Hotels \_ The JefTeraon?Fred G. Boyce, Jr., Baltimore: John Ensign, Huntington., w. Va.; Walter J. Kline. Lockport. N. Y.. it 1/nno, Newark. Jf, J.; J. A. Me? li in, Philadelphia; H. o. Hathaway, ChaHiobtesvllle, Va.: Harry Hucklns. Boston: A. A. Cadnvallader, Philadelphia; "William D, Llgone, New York; Harold "W. Ley. Ntiwark. N. J.; F. H. McGraw, Cincinnati. O.; W. B., Bedford, ?\ a ; \. F. Black. Now York: George N. Brings, Waehington: Hcorgn F. Cox, V i neslbor?, Oa.j W. B Mlngeu, Jr., ItVbtngdon, Va.; s. Melzel, Baltimore; W. ?. Woolford, Baltimore;' Mrs. c. C, Walton, Norfolk. Va.; II. T. Freer, New York. W. B. Keys. Richmond; J. I". Jr.rmnn, Nashville; F. S. Bale, Now York; Wi .t. Blackburn. Greensboro, N. C.; R. O. Stephen'. Atlanta, Ga.; I?. C. lAipplegate, Brldgetoii, N. J.; Robert B. Blader, Baltimore, Md.; W. L Douglas, Bro kton, Mass.; Mrs. Alice Mnrdlo, Brockton. Moss.: Mr. and Mrs. 1,. V. Whit-". Brockton, Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. C*. !'. Richmond, Brockton, Mass.: Mr. snd Mrs it. H. Jacobs, Youngstbwn. O.: M. J. Schul, Cleveland. O.; Cr. M. Bark ley, New York. F.. S. buber, N?w?Yorki r. i Shekell, Baltimore, Md.; II 3. Rake:-, Baltimore. Md.; F. W. Sanford New York: J. B. Blader und wife. New horn, N. C: II. C. Gronr, Washington: ?31. J.. Rich. Baltimore It. A. Kler. Pitts !burgh; Ben Wilson. Baltimore: F. W. Mos.>. Providence; U K. Hoffman, Southampton; Robert Mills, Boston. Murphy's?H. T. Mason. Kmporln, Va.: Rfj and Mrs. it. <i. Halle. Virginia; [M. Rosen, New York. .1. F. OTJonoghue, 1 Philadelphia: B. I.. Brooks. Norf.ilk. tV.i.: -M. H. Gllmcr, Virginia: It. N. Platt, Philadelphia; Dr. C. Hunt. Oxford. Va.; is. i> Holeman, Oxford, Va.; w. w. [Crew*, oxford, Va.: William Arnold. 1 Oxford, Va : F. V. Ncsbet. New York; A] nder Rcld, Nrw York; E. R. Bag ly, Washington: J. N. llincs. Jr.. Rocky [Mount; Charles Sbimmln, Lynehburg; ('at. T. Nnnel. New York: A. J. Sandier* !3>rr-. Fa: H. n. Dudley, Virginia; fSoo^se A- Stover, South Boston, Va.; H. Detroit'; 1. Tongue. Philadel? phia: W. T. Mitchell Rochester, N. Y.J Mr. nr.d Mrs R. L. Victor. Atlanta. Ga.: Ill 11 Paulebt, Farmvllle, V?.; Mr. and 'Mrs. Tt. D. Helm. King and Queen C. H., Vs.: William H. Well. Baltimore; Chus. >*. Grubcis. Maryland; Thomas B. Shore, Wlnston-Saletn, N. C! R. H. Lung horii'-. Wot Virginia; Joseph I?. Tttck .' er liB'Wrencevlllt ; W. A. Chambers. ; Florida: James B. Lester. Virginia; Robert C. Frey, Baltimore; Mrs. Sim iuel W. Williams, Virginia; Miss Louise [.Williams, Virginia; Miss Lucy Wil? liams. Wythervllle, Va.': H. B. Watkins, .Virgin:.i; C G. Holland. Indiana: D. R. :K s.:;,r. Virginia: J. M. Hooker, Stuart, Vs.: T. L Clarke, Stuart, Va.j 3- H Maddux. Charles City, V- ; R a. ?James. Danville, Va.; J. W. Gibson, Danville. Ya ; B, T. Jenncttc, New Or? leans. La.: c. w. Gravi?, Fort Royal; E. H. Smith. Weldon, N. Ci H. H. Bur ' .ton. Pen rssburg. Va : .1. it. Ford, Lynch !iurg, Va.; R. C. Rlaokfnrd. Lynchburg, Va.: Allen Campbell, New York: B. .1. fXVysor, Connecticut: Oborles Ooldan harg, New York City; A C Smith, Grandy, Va . it R r.n^c, Virginia; BI. L. Newi>?rger. Kentucky: J. L. ly, Virginia Langley Ingraham, Vir? ginia: John A. Forlines. Durham, N. ('.: W Frank Daub, Now York: p. H. Richardson. Chicago; B, H. Dyer, Hoa r.oke; .1. w. Beckham, Roanokc; H, T. Montague, New York; C. i" Dyer, Vir? ginia: W. H. Platt, Philadelphia; Gowen Dusiribtirg, Cnr.cord. \. c ; H. n. Aid hlzcr. Broadway. Va.; J. I-'. Woodruff, New York Clyde F Boss. South Caro? lina; J. A. McGrano, Scrant?n, Pa.: Paul s. Borden, Washington; James M. L'jwis, Fssex county, Va.; Joseph w. Everett, Kcawiok, Va.; Mis. M if. oil jher, Washington: k. a. Fox. Chicago; W. W. Ctark, Danville. Va.; D. V. Wither. Danville, Va.; I. Saniplm, Bal? timore: If. ii. Vundetibeigh. Virginia; J. F. Rlsi n. Dsnvlll;, Vn.: p. R .Grn ham, Dahvllle, Vs.; o. w. Dudley, Dan? ville. Va.; Kugone Withers, Danville, Va.; Rice Gregory, Danville, Va.: Rob? ert T. Brock. Louisville, Va : ItrV.rr; r. Hurt. Douisu. Va,; N. T Williams. Lynehtburg, Va.; .1. 6, Johnson. Pitts, burgr-. Pa.; a p. Mayer. Clark/svlll,}, Va.: W. A. Jenes, Warsaw. Va.; R. J. McOovcrn, Philadelphia: William P. Goodall, Philadelphia: John W. Moon. Columbia. O.-. Mr. Graves. Columbia, 0.: Dr. !?'. O. riunkett, Lynerfhttrg, Va.: is a lesson in food purity and quality which should be learned by every housewife. Prove yourself a willing pupil, madam, by trying it today. One meal will make you "letter perfect'* in Tip-Top quality. Pure, clean, different and delicious?it really is best. Refuse Substitutes Look for the name. TIP-TOP on evcxy loaf. 11 If m SHI M I ? BfflSfflBBB? YO? Will Be Interested in the. Moline System of Vacuutn-Va'por Hi? l..-t us t". 11" you more about It?a phono rail or rl wMl Vr' our (tentative and place you under no obligation. RICHMOND ENGINEERING & MFG. CORP., r.fleenth .and Brtwrn Street?, !? for Infants and Children. Cnstorja is a. hurmloss Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare? goric, iDrops and Soothing Syrups. it is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nur cotic snbstauco. It destroys Worms and allays Fover islmcss. It relieves Constipation, Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rojritlates the Stomach and Bowels, ivinjr healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea ? The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. MR. STEVENS IN HOSPITAL i special \n rnTimes-1 ?lspatch.] Bali.more, M,i., May 22.?George \V Stevens, president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, who Uvea in Itlch mond, underwent a successful opera? tion at the Johns (Tonkins Hospital to? day for Internal troubles. The opera? tion was performed by I>.-. Hugh II Young", nr. B. >f.-7,eod. Ollfton Fo va ; Men To-night Mr. Slevent's condition Ii much improved, and r.c has received telegrams wishing him speedy recovery. Mr. Stevens was tinder the knife for nearly two hours. The ru'.l road president arrived at the Johns II pklns Hospital last night. Fori some time iic had suff'rtd from brad-I d^r trouble. j W. Southland, Mt. Olive, X. C.; Mr. and! Mrs. lt. E. Tayne. DllHvyn. V.l.; W. Strauss. New York; I.. Michael. Phila? delphia; Manos Waldorf. Baltimore. Hotel Itlchmund?\V. <.;. Williams, Baltimore; W. D. Smith. Gate City. Va.j w. <;. Thomas, <-harlottc. N. C: B. .1. Bird. New York; R. L. Claypool, Philadelphia; M. Black, Wilmington, DeJ.; .!. a. Mai tin. North Carolina; J. Ascht-rin, New York; W. T. Paxion, Btteua Vista; \V. s. Godwin, Ro.mokc. Vi.; a. Welnherg. New York; Thos. \V. Hooker, Hartford, Conn.; F. s Mi HilC, Florida; W. T. Bragg, city. Mrs. ('. I". Lish, Indianapolis, Ind.; A. Isaac Bon, New York; .1. D. Barkley and wife, Mrs. .1. R. Owens. Lawrencevilla, Va.; D. E. Allen. Virginia; W. E. <al lnhan, South Carolina; 1?. W. C. Sup plcc, Philadelphia; R. Muss Nellson. Bnltlmore; Prank F. Hitter, city; Hobt. M. Baltic, Crelghton, Pa.; E. 1?. Adams. Boston; .1. \v. Smallwood, Baltimore;! E. I? sh.w, Henderson; H. I,. McKln-| r.le. Canton, O.; a. II. Cobbltt, Phila? delphia; J. F. Lcnnon, New York; ,lno. a. Sand. Baltimore; Max Hlrahfield. Milwaukee, WMs.; Ethel Lu Boylan. CharlCBtown, W. Va.; Louis N. Jacobs, New York; S. W. F<>ss. Chicago; M. I'owdermnker, Washington; C. II. Krlant, Ii. C. Owens, Baltimore; V/. P. Norvell. Virginia; W. 11. Ford and wife, New York; (.'has. Fitzgerald, Pittsburgh; A. Jarvls, Norfolk: Geo. H. Hertel, New York; John Grieves, Philadelphia; E. W. Ilubnrd. Bucklng ham; James I.. Anderson, .1. II. Forbes, Buckingham; John A. Twymoh, A. .). Terrell, Virginia; 11. P.. Parker, Greens boro, N. C ; iv a. Burnhnm, Cheater. V i . F. E. Perkins and wife, Mlssls slppl; IV. a. C. Brueki New Jersey: E. it. Solzban, l.e? llccrwogan. New >? :!'.; D. C. l.oujrliun, 1>. T. Wool, II. T. Graham, M. !>.. Virginia; W. C. Huppleo, Ii. R, Mlgraw, Philadelphia; a. I-;. Marsh. Jr.. W:..**>'ngton; I.. , Rud, S. I?. Davis, Blrglnla. Stumpf?A a. Tomllnson, Norfolk; <:. >: Mallctt. Nonn Carolina; W. h.| Barnard, B. M. Farrcll, w.. w. Walte meyer. \V. I'. Vaiighan, Baltimore; G. W. Kclley, Wm. O. /.lmnvrman. Phila? delphia; II it Van Denborgh. city: .t a, poultdn, Chicago: c. W. Olerson, S. M. Langer, W. Kcrstam, New York; \V i: Keys, city; It. II. Chapman, Nor? folk; B 1? lyockcrby. Olarksvlllo, Va. Lexington?r V. JoncU, Now Castle, Vn . E. a. Watson. Lynchburg: L B, Hicks, Cralgsville, Vn.; Thos-. Cnnfleld, Mississippi; B. B. Dall and wife. W'nd Kor, N. C; l* R, Roberts, Bnltlmore; A. L Wilroy. Ahhevllle, N C.i OoO. It White. Virginia; J. T. Well. Norfolk; ? '. T. Smith. CrOXtOQ, Va.; F. D. Dutl dus. Btaunton, Vn.; It. Roller. New ? York; G. Gardner, Cincinnati: A. A. St. watt. Norfolk; J. L. F'nley. Ruf fnlO, 111.: J. I>. Starr. Baltimore; T. N. , Galnes, Aspen. Vn.! i? A. Smith. Tam pa, Pia ; .1. T. Roberts. Rrunswlek. Va.: J II White. Norfolk; B. O. KarneBi ( Ifton Forge, Va.; J. I?. White, At . lantn, <'..?.; A, Hartman, Jersey CHy. N I : B. B. Crook, Washington: A. 0. Crawford, fUaltlmoro; Thomas Sloan wife, Washington; J. K. Thomas, Halatgh. N. C; Floyd Price. Bsmonl, Vn S, Maxlr, Bcottsvlllc. Va.; J. M. i Turner, city; .1. P. Braswell, North Carolina; G. M. Harden, Raletgh, N. C;; B. S. Boss and wife. Anli-n. V?cl.r O. <V WOlff, Hickory, N. C. ? L V. Burton. Danville, Vn. ? Jas. F. Johnson. Naali ville, Tcnn.; N. O. Webb, Philadelphia; C. W. Horrick. Rochester. N. Y.; T. A. Proctor, Drakes Branch. Va.. R. S. Barbour. wife and sou. South Boston, Va.; C. II. Pnxton. Natural Bridge. Va.: W. A. Jeftress. Fnirrtcld. Va.: D. .1 Trnnynhum, Virginia; II. Dickinson. Indiana. AMUSEMENTS Society circus. On Tuesday evenlns next. Governor Mann will officially open the Society Circus to be given for the benefit of Pino Camp. The Circus will continue i with two performances 'he following day. the ring performance in the af? ternoon not beginning until ;t o'clock. The Olllciul ringmaster.') will be Col? onel Barton Grundy und John T. An dorsotl. Tiic ballyhoo men and lectur? ers will Include George Gibson, Thomas 1'. Bryan und Leigh I". Page. About T"i amateurs of prominence will supplement the professional bill that! Is being brought on i peclally front j New York. While thl attraction Is! called the Society cm us, principally through the fact that Its success has! been contributed to b: people of so? cial prominence, It Is really a circus that will cater to the masses. A aut flclcnt number of pi >i 'ssional acts will give the spectators the worth of! their money, while tin amateur bur-! lesques will bo oxeruclutlngly funny.) Large tenta have been secured from New York: tho main lent, with a seating capacity of nearly 3.000 peo? ple, win i>c equipped with box seats,! numbered reserved sea* and the regu? lation circus blue sen I The seals' will go on sale Monday morning nt! McCoy's, corner Bight), and Broad I Streets. ' Philharmonie Association. To-night, with a program of unusual attractiveness, tho Rlchn.1 Philhar? monic Association ends the year's woeje. The numbers to be played nre the kind that have made these concerts j more popular with each year. It Is' the constant effort of t'-- organisation to work along lines which best meet ; the public taste, rendering popular as | well as classic music and making every concert enjoyable as well us educational. I Being purely amateur, the members of th.; organization derlvi no financial ; benefit, but play for pleasure and Im provement, and for the entertainment of their friends. The t purpose of I the moneys received from subscrip- i tions is to meet neccs-a;y expenses, such as training, runt ut hall, print Ing, etc. . In the following program tho solo? ists ale Miss Anita Kirk wood. Mis.s Bids I'lett. und Norman Call: 1. Marche, "Aux Flambeaux". .Clark 2. Suite, "D'Arlcslenne"-BUct (i> <2i Mlnuctto, (.';? Adagletto. (4 1 CnrlUoms. 3. Songs faL "Bobolink".Blschoff (b). "The Years nt the Spring" .. .Mrs. Beach Miss P.Ida Flett. 4. Piano solo. Allegro from "Em? peror ConCcrt?" .Beethoven: Miss Anita Klrkwood. fi. (n) Valse, "Espngnob '. ..Gallmbertl (b) Selection from "Carmen". .Bizet U. Prologue from "Paggllaccl" ? Leoncavallo Norn-.nn Call 7. (ai Selection from "Naughty Marietta" .Victor Herbert (hi concert Fantasie, "Dixie? land" .Baker Klncmncnlnr ChnnKC nt Itljoti. Starting with the matinees to-day a complete change will be made in the Klnemncolor pronram at the Bijou, thai Arrow shirts The 4'Arrow" marks the shirt of style and quality. Wc depend upon its good qualities to sell you another bearing the same label. $1.50 and $2.00 CLUETT, TEA BODY. & CO. MAKERS TROY, N. Y. he Implement Co., RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. ?j have just issued a new and 8 complete Farm Implement g Catalog giving up-to-date in? formation anc prices of M Farm Implements, Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel and Disk Cultivators, Dinnp and Farm Wagons, Enfjifses, ?!; rashers, Saw and Planing Mills, Metal and other Roofings, Busies, Harness, Saddles, Barb Wire. lancing, etc. Our pric.".; aro very rcason able for fii i t lass supplies. Correspond".^ c solicited. Catalog mail* d free on request Writ ? for it. The Implement Co., 1302 G. Mai l St., Richmond, Va. Can Cancer Be Cured? IT CAN .The renonl or ii,, iccllam Hospital Is I without, parallol iM history, having cured to stay eure?] permanently^ vvlth | out the uao o( the Unite or X-ray. over 9n per cent. ??>. the many hundreds of sufferers from cancor which ;t has treated during the past fifteen yenrB. We have been endorsed by the Senate ami Legislature of VirKlnla. We guar? antee our eures Physicians treated free. ^ KELLAM HOSPITAL 1017 West Mr.ln Street, UK 11.M DM), .... VIUGirt.A. The proposed franchises granting lighting and power privileges and certain railway extensions to the Richmond & Henrico Railway Com? pany have been approved and en? dorsed by more than two thousand ?prominent business firms?, by nearly seven thousand mechanicsvand trades? men, and also by five or six hundred other citizens of Richmond, who are associated together in various civic organizations; whereas, the Virginia Railway & Power Company and the Gould interests alone stand in open opposition thereto. Think this over in connection with the advertisements now in daily publication. RICHMOND & HENRICO RAILWAY CO., W. S. FORBES, President. new pictures to lie jho-;n being "Flor? in;' Winter Resorts'' an I "The Zoo i"?ur tlehs at Rome." The Klnemacolor pic? tures are of the most pcroct sfirt In that the natural colors dominating every scene on land or sea are accur? ately reproduced through the means 01 ah Inventive proces:: that allows Of the acttial photographylhg of every, known color. Motion pictures, th< 1 black ami white variety, will be shown, the feature of this department in two reels for the last thr e days of ine week being the great comedy picture, "Cell Number Thirteen." t Ignr Manwfncturerfi Interested tu Passage <>t Sparkman llill. [Spi clsl to The Tlmcs-Dlppstch.] Washington. May 22.?A delegation of cigar manufacturers from Tampa and Key West. Fla. interested in the passage of the Sparkman bill, which Is of vital Importance to manufactur? ers of cigars and cigarette all over the county, to-day appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee 'n its behalf. This bill provides among other things that a manufacturer of c'gars iiliall be permitted to use for experi? mental purposes in conducting t.ts business, and for the personal use of ; himself and his cmplovcs. but not I for sale or profit, a number of cigars each year not exceeding f. per c< : '. of the total ntlmber produced in h's factory, without being required to pat.K < the same in boxes or to stamp ?r pay j any Internal revenue tax thereon. Also thai every manufacturer of C'garettCS shall put up all the r.l~arette be man j ufacturos or has manufactured for him, and sells or removes for con MOVE ON WASHINGTON Pertinent Comment By GUS MALBERT. Arthur Raymond, by your leave, ar.n once again ? not B-U-G-S. No, slree. He answers not to the i I facetious prefix to the patronymic ? wherewith he entered this vale of tear And -sorrow, and wherewith .sundry and divers' scribes have boon wont to trolt the famous Arthur he.cattae of certain eccentricities. Arthur Raymond arrives In the good? ly eity of Richmond this A. M. along with Hugh Mertennon, and his tribe ot I "Pofflns" from Cincinnati, sometimes called Rorkopolls. This afternoon he will try to show that ho amount of | dust can possibly jsr him from the : sprinkling cart, lie experts to show j Richmond In general and the Rebs In j particular that he Is still BOtne pump j kin when It comes to the twirling game. The mere announcement that I Raymond "Buge" Raymond?pardon j the slip, but it came naturally?is go- j ing to pitch should bring out a large crowd of fans. But Raymond Isn't the whole show by any means. McKlrmon, as a great hall, probably one of the best In the t\ k: League, and a? he and the Rebs will be fighting It out for third place, ii is to be assured that he will ex ! horl his followers to. do their level I best, for It would never do to return I home with an empty hamper at the hands of Richmond. AI Ncwnham la after winning eight out of ten games. He Gl ready has six out of eight to ids credit, and as he plays no favorites, he will try and fool McKcnnon. Rill Taylor, the ladles' man of the locals,' und a lob-no tell I ritngor, win oppose Raymond. Bill has .1usl one defeat to his credit since the beginning of the season, and he has no desire to lose any more, which Is enough reason .to believe that he will pitch his head off. Remember, the game win begin at 4:30 o'clock in? stead of 4:15, as heretofore. Umps Tone will be the man with the indi? cator. Unpleasant report's from Washing? ton have drifted this way .'igiin. It appedrs that tins Diindon, of the Wash? ington Club, has wired here stating that the club had disbanded, and that he wanted a Job. That Dtindon may want a Job Is probable. It Is likewise true that Dundon .Is a good-enough hall flayer to land a Job. but, bo far Aa can be learned, there la no truth sumption or use. in packages or par? cels containing ten. twenty, fifty or 100 cigarettes each, and shall securely aflix to ea' li nf such packages or par? cels a suitable stamp denoting the tax thereon, and shall properly cuneel the same prior to such stile or removal 1'or consumption or use under such ; regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Itevcnuo shall prescribe; and1 all cigarettes imported from a foreign country shall he packed, ntstnpcd, ahd the stamps cancelled In like manne, In addition tjo the import statin? Indi? cating Inspection of the custom house I be To re they are .withdrawn. SUSFICiOUS CHARACTER Sinn Arrested Here llelleved to Ds I Wanted In Clinrlutteavlllr. Gregory Lyackes, twenty-seven \ years old. was arrested yesterday uf- ; I ternoon by Detective-Sergeants Wiley I aigl Kell a in on lite charge of being ! I a suspicious character, suspected ol ' ] being a fuglllve from lustlce from j Charlottesvllle. Va. j Wiley and Kelltim also arrested Henry G, Williams, said to bi> a fugi I live from DurVam, N. C. where he is. wanted .,n a charge of falling to pro? vide for h<s wife. Colonel John 1?. Taylor. ? [.Special to The Tlmes-JDIspatch I Wilmington. N. C, May 2:.?Colonel ! John Douglas Taylor, clerk" of the State Superior Court here- and the lust I of #the old Cape ,I?*enr planters, of ; Brunswick county, died here last night. ? ::ged eighty-two years, He was a veteran of the Civil War, and com I manded fort? of the lower Cape Fear I and lost an arm in the battle of Ben tcnvllle. In the f .it thit the Washington Club' Ihas disbanded. 1\ J, Mockabee, owner of l.'nlon League Park , delivered an ultimatum when he took* over the club. This ulti? matum was tt- the effect that the ball players would' bo paid when their sal? aries were die. H-ilf cf what was owed the men l as been paid, but Dun Ion demanded rtll and wae told to get out or he Banished. That evidently caused him to send the telegram. However, the dcdectlon of one man by no means disrupts or disbands a 1 .1 foam. Mocknhcc Ifa reported to have said that he dldnV- card If the v. : oluh quit; he had Isinother to take tin liehI at once. Hm- rumors will bo afloat js long as tlile 1.*. R League if! in Its Infancy. Evttry blow at thi new organisation. lf.t opponents hi : ? will toueh a vital spot. So far. If the men who are at thn head *< It may be believed, nbroiutelv no damage has been done. In fact, t\ie surface hasn't scratched. All of the Vhotjp dung have simply caused the promoters to get closer together. New baseba? leagtA'*. especially those outside th/* pale of organised baseball, require careful nuturlnjr. it the United States Leafnie magnate* ar.- timid, or If they shfW n streak of yellow, they are going to be licked and jllcked good and plonty. They must have grit and pluck, with stiff backbones. Weathering tha first se? son is the whole battle. Hut they must act fairly. Hall players muttt be paid their 'eularies, Tiiere should be no disgruntled men on any tatm. One ball player leaving a club can y.ell more yarns, spread more reports, ^also or true, than can he covered ury or de? nied In a years'time. Va'r deallr.'jr, giv? ing good baseball, and, winning (respect by winning the confidence of toe-pub lic, will Inevitably bring success. Je? hl,lie croakers, or scandalmongers, or enemies of any sort. The Colts return to-day from Ports? mouth, whero they won two out of three games, a pretty good record on the road. Jack Grlm's Shipbuilders will furnish the opposition. Insures good health by dispelling poisonous gases, caused by food fermenting in the stom? ach. It is Nature's own remedy guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles "Clifford. Va. "Leftwlrh Chemical Company: '?Gentlemen,?T hurt fallen off from 147 pounds to 12? pounds caused by Indigestion, etc. After tnklng Conquerlno IS days I gained 7 pounds. I am now entirely well again and strongly ro commend Conquerlne to any One suffering with stomach trouble. "P. WILLS McQIXNIS." Ask your druggist for OOXQUERINE and take it with the under Btaning that we guarantee It will euro you or your money will be refunded. Sold in 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottlos at all drug stores. Guaranteed under Pure Food nnd Drug Act of 190?. Serial No. LEFT WICH CHEMICAL CO., Lynchburg, Va. fht BMMMsWBIMbsWBI