Newspaper Page Text
THE,1 DISPATCH FOUNDED IU4 TIIE TIMES FOUNDED ISM. WHOLE NUMBER 19,000. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. 1912 THE WEATHER TO-DAY?Shower?? PRICE TWO CENTS. COT MORE NAMES Seven Thousand Church Workers Record 160,000 in One Hour. FIGURES ABOVE ALL PREDICTIONS 'Director Durham Satisfied That i Estimated Number of Names Is Conservative ? Public Heartily Supported Move? ment and Made It a Great Success. In the remarkably short time of one hour tr.e religious preferences of ap? proximate;:' 160,000 persons In and around R1-. hmond were permanently recorded yesterday afternoon by an army of 7,000 workers, composing the census-taking force of Home Visita? tion hay. The greatest religious movement In the history of tho cUy iiaa jiaased to a glorious and unquali? fied success, thanks to the unselfish expenditure of time and energy by men and women of every station. .So thoroughly was the work dono and so large the area covered by the cenFtis-takers that It Is believed only a very rma]| percentage ot the popu? lation was mlEsed. Sere and there, in s''itterrd districts, portions of a block Were overlooked for some reason or another, but these mistakes will be Corrected by spec'al workers who have volunteered to make the Undertaking complete In every detail. 'Based on trie precise estimate of the Hill Directory Company, there are 172,000 persons residing In the twenty one srjuare miles of territory between \Ve-ethainpton lake ;,nd the National Cemetery, Lakeside rark and Forest Hill. 1\ hole Aren Covered. The efforts of the 7,000 workers w-ere so finely systematized that th's tre? mendous area was covered like a blan? ket. Ne, dwelling of any description was overlooked, apartment houses, boarding houses, hotels. Jails, the peni? tentiary and resorts were visited and the religious inclination of tho resi? dents recorded. l'rorn the cords which were turned Ii ! ist night It was conservatively es? timated that not more than 12,000 persons In this territory of twenty, one square mllea were missed by the workers, making the total number of record blanks filled out 166.000. The government cenMis of 1910 gave r.ich Mnr.'i a populat'on of 127.62S. with nn aresn of eleven square miles. The spirit of the undertaking seem? ed to penetrate to the mansion as readily as the hovel, and when the time came for sending tho army on Its mission the district chairmen found themselves embarrassed hy the volun? teers. Hundreds of workers, enger to have a share In the gigantic move? ment, wete turned away at the last minute because there was no work to be given them. The Interest aroused far exceeded the mnst optimistic pre elictions of the backets of the move? ment. J. Bhreve Durham, eiircctor of the census, gate out a glowing statement] lnM night, after the result of the can- j vass was known. In behalf Of himself; and tne general committee. Itemnrknble Success. "The success of the plan was mar? velous." said Mr. Durham. "It was al? most stupefying even to those who have worked through many campaigns of the kind, and 1 am safe In saying that in no city where I have managed j inch a census has there been such unl-| versal enthusiasm and interest shown In the work. In proportion to the population, there were more workers who volunteered their services In ; Richmond than In any of the other j big cities where sui-h movements have been attempted. "When we Issued our first cull for | ?workers wu hardly expected lo have j responses from more than 2.500. Hut I to our amazement more than 7,000j men, woihcn anel children stepped for? ward to lend a shoulder to the work. We were almost swamped w\h offers' of help, nnd In many districts workers' had to be away for lack, of I employment. "Almost universal courtesy was^nc-l corded the census, taker.? In their w*Qrk.| Only a small fraction of those visited refused the information sought, tlie vast majority having grasped the idea of tho movement and Its aim. Reports! from hundreds of workers show that people who expected to be out at thoi tune the census was taken, took painsj to fill out the cards piinted in the) newspapers and leave them to be de? livered to the visitors. This spirit was! not to be beaten, and with such co? operation on the part of the people, it Is no wonder that we succeeded In covering the entire city on ah average of a sniulc hour. "1 have now finished my part of the work. The rest. Which Will be the per? manent ami lasting feature. It left to the minister.", priests and rabbis of the city, who 1 believe will be quick to) lake advantage of the great opportun-1 lty which is thrown inio their hands by census." Seven 'I'bouannd at Work. When tIio hands of the clock pointed to 3 yesterday afternoon. 7,000 enthus? iastic workers rallied forth from the nineteen district headquarters, prepar? ed lo carry out the task entrusted to their hands. From .1 until i o'clock, the city was alive with the workers,! every block of the residential section had one or two visitors going from door to dno?, nntl by five minutes after 4 o'clock, tho great army had almost Vanished from the streets, Its work completed. in some cases, where there wore apartment houses and hotels to be cov? ered, the work required much more tltno than sixty minutes; but on the other hand, in the ordinary residential {Continued on Eighth "rage.) Failed to Respond to Dis-1 tress Signals of Titanic. MIGHT HAVE SAVED ALL PASSENGERS ! Conduct of Steamer's Officers': "Most Reprehensible," Senate j Committee Finds in Its Re? port?No Particular Person Named as Being Respon? sible for Disaster. Points of Findings in Titanic Inquiry t'rrn Ittnornni n'f It* <l<itlm. Supposedly wntertialit comport? ment* of thr Titanic not nnlrr tlght. KlKht ship*, nil equipped >ilih wireless, ?irre lo the * ? ,,f thr Titanic. Full ropicltj nt Titanic'? llfr tanntn won Dot utilised. ?Inly 70M prrnotm T?rrr saved, ami the ?blp'* lifeboat* could bn>c e?rrlrd 1.178. No sicneral alarm sounded, no whistle blovtn, no ?j steuintlc --Urn? ing Khm endangered pn??engorM. Tbe htrnnmhlp t ullfnrnlnn vrn* neurer the *lnlilng Hteanirr tlmn nineteen lulle*; riuv tbe dlatri ?*?! ?iKnnl? nnd fnllrd In respond In ne rordance ?Hh the dictates of tau iii mi He, International usage nnd the rriiulrenient* of In". Washington. May ;!?>-Tbe formnl thanks of < ongre** to the steamer < nrpatbla'a otllrer* and crev, for the rescue of the Titanic >un Ivors ncrt . expressed In n Joint resolution passed to-iiuj by the Senate. The House rrlll I tnke prompt action. The resolution I? the Ural of three mvaStlrea Introduced by Senator Sultb, or Michigan, follow '?><? hl? speech In the <?<-ante to-day nnd the preaeotalInn of bit report on the investigation ot the Titanic dis? aster. The resolution directs Ihe president "to cause to h? anade nnd presented lo ? aptnlu ItoMron, of the! ( urpntbln. n aiiltohlr gold mednl ap? propriately Inscribed, nbli'h snail es-1 press thr high cut linn I Ion lu which Congress hold* the services of this of-, fleer, lo ,-. bun- p ro m p t neu* an,I vigil? ance v,n? due the rrweuc of 374 vtoiuen ? nil children aud ?.to inn," Report Is Submitted. Just before delivering his speech. Senator Smith, chairman of the sub-i committee winch in*, cstigateri the Tl-j tattle wreck, submitted to the senate' the committee's report and its eon- i elusions. The report is largely a re- j vle>v of the evidence, and contains recommendations for legislation No particular person is named as hr-inzi responsible, though attention is called to the fact that on the day of th? disaster three distinct warning! of icel were sent to Captain Smith. .!. Rru-e: lama)*, managing director of the whit*,. Star Line. Is not held responsible for. the ship's hleh speed. In fact, he is I barely mentioned in the report. On the ?hole, the report is Impas* I Hive, and Senator Smith. In his speech, | went more fully Into n discussion uf j the causes .if the disaster than do?-s the committee. < onelii?lnn? of Committee. The committee agreed upon these] principal conclusions: The supposedly watertight compart? ments of the Titanic were not water? tight, because of the nonwatertlght conditions of the decks where the transverse bulkheads ended. The steamship Callfornian. con? trolled by the sani? concern as the Titanic. was nearer the jinking steamer than the nineteen miles re ported by her captain, and that her I officers and craw "s.-iw the distress) signals of the Titanic and failed to respond to them In accordance with the dictates of humanity, Internationa; usage and the requirements of law." The committee concludes that the Col ifornian might have saved all the lost I passengers and crew of the ship that | went down. Flight ships, all equipped with wire? less, were In tho vicinity of the Ti? tanic, the Olympic farthest away?511 miles. The mysterious lights on an un? known ship, seen by the passengers on the Titanic, undoubtedly were on the Callfornian, less than nineteen nines away; The full capacity of the. Titanic'? lifeboats was not utilized, because j while only TOS persons were saved, the I ship's boats could h:ive carried 1.116. j No general alarm was sounded, noi whistle blown and no systematic warn? ing given to the endangered passeng? ers, and It was tiftecn or twenty min? utes after the collision before Captain Smith ordered the Titanic'.? wireless operator to send out a distress mes? sage. t'rew ignorant or Duties. The Tltjnic's crew was only meagre? ly acquainted with Its position" and duties In an accident, aim only one drill j ?was held before the maiden trip. Many of the <-rew -oined the ship only a lew1 hours before she sailed, and were Inj Ignorance of thel.r positions until the] following KrfTlay. "Ice positions so definitely reportedI to the Titanic.'' says th.i report. "Just I preceding the accident, located icei on both side-, of the lane In which she| was traveling. No disetissioti took place among the officers, no conference was! called to consider these warnings, noi heed was glve'n to them. The speed! was not relaxed, the. lookout was not| Increased." I The committee comes to tho conclu? sion that the Tltanlc's lights were vlsl j ble to the CallftirhIan before she struck I the Iceberg and .that the Callfornian j must have seen the distress rockets tired from the bridge of the Titanic. The report says: "The committee |?s forced to the In? evitable conclusion that the Callforn? ian. controlled by the same company. (Continued on Eighth iFageT)" WILL TAKE STAND IN OWNJEFENSE Claude Swanson Allen! to Be Called as Last Witness. CASE MAY GO TO JURY SATURDAY Floyd and Victor, Father and. Brother of Prisoner, Testify in Effort to Save Him From Death?Massie's Dying Words Quoted to Ex? onerate Him. [Ppeciji From a Staff Correspondent.)I W ythevtlle, Va , May 2S. ? Father and' hi other lotlfied to-day in the <a?? of Claude Swanson Allen, who is on trial for Ins life, chaiged with the murder Of Judge Thornton 1? Masste in the Hillevlllc eourthouse he>rror on March It. and with whom they nre Jointly in dieted for the same and four other murders In that tragedy. Floyd All-n. father oi Claude and Victor Allen, and lead-r of the clan that shot up the Carrol! County Court, was on the stand for an hour thiF morning, and an hour and twenty-five' minutes this afternoon. When he had j concluded, Victor, elder of the two! sons, was put on the witness st:,nej. and when he finished at 5:80 o'clock, court was adjourned until to-morrow, th' defense having no more witnesses to put on then. The defense intends to put Claude, the defendant, on the stand to-morrow, as the last witness for the side. A < oupl? more witnesses arc expected to-night from Carroll county, and whetij they are disposed of ?.o-.norrow, which] probably will t>- within the first hour or two.' Claud* win then be given his! chance to explain his conduct and participation In the Hlllsvllle shooting.) .Mrs. Floyd Allen, mother or Claude and Victor, ami Jasper ("Jack"? All?>n.j brother of Floyd, cam-- to Wythevllle fe.-nieht. to remain unt1! the- end of Claude's trial. Illnmed for ?bontlug. The salient fe.-it..r?- of this morning's testimony for th? defense was the fact that two witnesses testllied to having heard Jude? Masste. In 1,1s dy'nsr mo-! mentf, declare. "Sldna Aden shot rue.' These two witnesses were Dr. C. B. Nuekles. coroner of Carroll county.] who attended the elving Judge, snrt old I Daniel Themas, who hud been with the I Judge before he passed away. | Hy th? lnt?rle:clton of testimony it; was apparent that the efeTendunt's at-i tbrneys Intended to make tht* a sa? lient point of defsnse fe>r their clte-nt. If Judge Massie's dyinz word accurate-I ly placed the blame for hi" death, as I thr. def?ne -will argue, then Claude Al? len s chance* <?f r?--aplne tiie eb.-ctrlc ehair may be materially increased. j But the Commonwealth, to refute tlil?. will contend that Claude Allen; actually fired the ftrst shot, tri? shot which proved to be th? fatal one to Judge Msssle; but that trie wounded 'udg? turned to th? norf.ieas' corner of the- .-ejurtroom iust in tim? to see Sldna Allen fire the second shot in his ?dir.psMon Therefore, the I'ommon weallh claims, the .1'idge thought that Sidnn Allen and not Claude fired the first bullet that felled htm from his cbatr stricken unto deatn. 'Miier witnesses tO-Uay for the de-j fetise wer* Bmmett Molen, adopted son! of Judge ii. iv. Bolen. v.". N. Cochran. I R. U Wilkeson. Noaii F.igney. .Ino. YV. Furris and Tom Hall. Keeper of the] hotel where Floyd Allen was taken wounded, from tho stable after shoot? ing Little of ihe testimony of these witnesses seemed to have more than ordinary bearing on the case. K.vldcnee In hy To-Nlght. If ti? defense should conclude its evidence some time to-morrow after? noon, the Common wealth may produce some rebuttal testimony, though the State's attorneys had not decided upon Anything definite, in this connection to-night. They prefer to see the entire hand of the defense before announcing a decislem. However, it 1? reasonably certain that all evidence will be In by to-mor? row night. Thursday morning will then be devoted to arguing instructions, and Judge staples may deliver them to the jury Thursday aftcrnoe-n. Then will come the speeches by both sides, which may consume the rest of Thursday, all of Friday and perhaps part of Satut day. As matters now stand, n verdict may? be expected about Saturday afternoon or night, unless unfotcseen develop? ments occur. Floyd on Stund. Hobbling on a crutch. Floyd Allen came to the courtroom at noon to-day. and for forty minutes was led carefully through <|iiestlon after -nirstlon by At? torney R. II. Willis In telling the storyl of the tragedy. As was the care when he himself was tried for his life, Fioyei denied everything that the Common? wealth had sought to prove against bis son or against any of the band of mountain men who are held as alleged assassins.Of nearly an entire county ! court. If Floyd Is to be Implicitly believed, he made no threats against any of the oourt officers of Carroll county, he did not fumble in his coat or sweater for a pistol when he arose and exclaimed, "Gentlemen, I'm not a-gotng"; he- did not Intend to resist Sheriff Webb, but I merely meant that he would not go with Clerk Dexter Good, wheji Judge j Massie told the sheriff to take charge of the prisoner. All these assertions by Floyd were directly opposed not i only to the. theory of the Common [ wealth, hut In a great measure to actual evidence adduced during the I trial. Floyd declared thst he wa? angiercd I when the saw "Deck" Goad fingering a 1 pistol In his pooket as Judge Massie told Sheriff Webb to take the prisoner, and the convicted murderer of Com? monwealth attorney W. M. Foster laid entire blame for the start of any trou? bled that day upon the shoulders of I Oood. Floyd admlttc-d that he and flood had not been on friendly terms, stating that he had heard Goad wanted Floyd to work -for his election If he (Goad) would get a Jury that would (Continued-o^TlNlnTh-Page.) AMPLY JUSTIFIED IN IIS ATTITUDE State Department's Pre? cautions Vindicated by News From Cuba. MARINES READY FOR EMERGENCY Will Be Sent to Interior of Island if American and Foreign In? terests Need Protection, Even Though President Gomez Should Object to Such a Course. Washington, May 2%.?The United State* is prepared tu send marines an-J bluejackets to the interior of Cuba for the protection of American and foreign interests, where no Cuban forces are available for that purpose, even though President Gomez should obie. ? lu .Ml' ll a Course. For the present at least, it was de- ' clared at the .State Department, no nei -ssity has arisen for the. use of Amer'can troops In Cuba. The precautions to protect American and other foreign Interests In Cuba have been amply Justified in the judg? ment of the state Department based upon the reports that have been re eelved from many sources, an-1 j especially from the owners of planta? tions, and sugar mills .ml iron mines and other Industries. One fact vlrid' eating the State Department's action In asking for naval protection of American Interests 1? the threatening attitude of the rebels. According to! Information, apparently reliable, that comes to the department, the. Insur? gents are becoming dcspeialo and Patenoz, their leader, dei lares that If President Gomes does not secure the repeal of the Morua law prohibiting the organi-at'on of a strictly negro party in Cuba, he and the other lead? ers will demand contributions from the railroads and from the owners of ^states. In order to prolong the conflict, and will destroy the property of those who refuse. The State Department hope* that Immediate and energetic measures on the part of the Cuban government will suffice to (iuell the revolt and pec vi-ni further depreciations. It Is realised that it Is not easy for regular troops to run down and capture th'S" rebels who arc famil'ai with every t:.i 1 in the jungle. Will Cut Off lletreai. As the idea has been, broached that I the rebels jl e CJvluUlStlhB Wptfn mak-1 nie an easy escape from Cuba to oth? er West Indian IsUntls, In the event that they are too clpscly pressed by the government troops, it Is proposed by some of the naval officers here, if they are called upon to take an ac? tive part In the troubles, to cut otr the retre-at of such fugitives by a thorough ho*t patrol of every Inch of the eastern coast of Cuba. "I am exceedingly grateful." said the Cuban President, "for your cable pram, which Is appeasing to Cuban patriotism, hecsuse of the assurance! that the. action of the government un? der your worthy presidency is limited to the observation uf events, in order I" be ready should it be necessary to piotect the lives and property of Amer? ican citizens, and morally to support the Cuban government without having to land American forces on our ter? ritory, unless both governments agree upon such an extreme necessity. "It clearly shows the sincerity of the government and the People of the I nltcd States, as well as noble ana friendly sentiments toward the bov ment and people of Cuba, who are de? termined to re-establish as soon as possible public peace, for which pur? pose they will not hesitate, no matter what sacrifices circumstances may Im? pose upon them." \o Important Cub a k eiurn t ?. The absence r.f important engage? ments between the Cubajt rebels and the large government force on the spot is the subject e.f official comment at the State Department, j "Although the Intentions of the leaders of the present revolutionary movement may have betr. not to de? stroy property." the official statement says, "it seems that t'/.eir thousands of irresponsible followers feel themselves ohliced to live by pillaging. "The fact that the authorities have had a large armed force on the spot well equipped for an effective cam? paign against the insurrectos. and that, notwithstanding this, no Important en (Contlnued on -enth Page.)! Guilty of Libel for Calling House Members "Crooks" Washington, May as.?Henry W. A. Png;e, tbe Xrw Vork linen nier dhunt on trial here for erlmlnnl libel In circulating defamatory literature against Chairman Henry II. Clnyton. of the House Judiciary Committee, und other member* ot Congress, via* to-day fouud guilty by a Jury. Immediately after the verdict was reported counsel f<?r r?ti gave no? tice that he would tile n motion for n new.trlnl. Justice Iiurnurd re lenaed tbe convicted man In IJ.VOOO ball. In bis testimony, which closed the defense, I'age disclaimed any liiallee In tbe clreulnr nnd pamph? let attacking Representative Clay? ton and other membera of tbe House. He admitted that he bad colled members of the House "crooks," but -en til that he hud not meant tbe term In Its usually ac? cepted form, lie recounted his ex? perience In the SfeVT York courts ' which led to his circular aent lo tbe House membera demanding the Impenebiuent of \eit York State ludgea. It was the failure of the I Judiciary Committee to net on thl* circular that led t oPage'a pamphlet I del-mincing Ihe Houae member* a* I "cranks." " Xo date nnn set for arguments on the motion for n new trial. OIL MAGNATE IS WITNESS JOHN u. ItOCKBFELLBIt. HO BATTLESHIPS iE PROVIDED FOR House Passes Naval. Appropria? tion Bill, Carrying Si 19.000,000. SENATE MAY FORCE ONE Alter Show of Dissent, Lower Branch Expected to Ac? cept Situation. I Washington. Slay ?5.?The. Hour? to j day paaaed (he naval appropriation I hill without providing for any now battleship... in the final hours of consideration, however, a radical Amendment was added by which gov? ernment contracts In trie future must be filled under tho eight-hour day law. The proviso applies not alone to naval contracts, but to all work that hereafter may be done for the government The bill curries approxi? mately 1119,060,000. The adoption of the eight-hour amendment followed a lengthy debute, in which Represen? tative Buchanan, of Illinois. Democrat, a. former labor leader, took a promi? nent part. The amendment was In the form of the eight-hour bill passed by the House last December, but upon which the Senate thus far has refused to act. The principal tight of the day raged around tho proposal to provide tor two battleships. As a result o[ a Demo? cratic caucus no provision for such ships was made. Representative Rob? erts, of Massachusetts, Republican, offered the amendment for two ships to cost not more than to.000,000 each. Representative Murray, of Massachu? setts. Democrat, urged the adoption of the building program. The coun? try, he said, had repudiated the action of the caucus. Representative Bar tholdt, of Missouri. Republican, of? fered a substitute providing for one battleship, and Reprcsentat'vo Rucker, of Colorado. Democrat, condemned the entire building scheme. "Battleships are out of commlss'on," he saiel; "their day is done. This is the age of tne aeroplane: and hydro Plane, which has all these gigantic and costly war craft at their mercy. It is growing dally more foolish even to fortily our coasts." The battleship proposals were voted down, 140 to 108. It is generally bo lleved that the Senate will provide for one battleship when tiie bill la put through the upper branch, and it is tacitly understood that the House) will accept the situation after making' a show of dissent. The House voted. SI to 10, that two) fuel ships should be built in navy yards. Unexpected opposition. Washington. May -JS ?Unexpected, but determined opposition to the work? men's compensation bill, which recent? ly passed the Senate, has developed in the House Judiciary Committee. Rep? resentative Brantley, of Georgia, au? thor of the bill, appeared to-day to ask that a time be .in lo vote on the meas? ure. Representatives Hardwlck, of Geor? gia; Henry, of Texas; Floyd, of Ar? kansas, and others objected. They said they wanted to be heard In opposition to the bill. Representative Floyd, of Arkansas, said that he had received letters from railway labor organizations protesting against the hill, together with state? ments that the officials of the unions had forbidden the protest. The com? mittee dccieled to thresn out the dif? ficulty in executive session. Hitter Attnck by Meflln. Washington. May 28.?With a hitter attack on Pennsylvania industrial con? ditions. Representative Heflln, of Ala? bama. Democrat, to-day replied to Rep. reserttatlyo Focht, of Pennsylvania. Re? publican, who yesterday assailed Ala? bama and Qeorgls and their turpentine camps. ' Mr. Heflln Referred to Mr. Focht's criticism as "contemptible." His references were so severe that they provoked* replies from Representatives Palmer.. Democrat, and Dalzell, Republi? can. The latter protested and called attention to tho fact that Mr. Focht (Continued on Eighth Page) , BY ROCKEFELLER No Effort by Standard Oil Com-! party to Evade Dissolution Decree. GRILLING BY UNTERMYER "Richest Man in World" Ap? pears as Witness in Suit. New York. May :8.?John D- Rocke? feller, retired head of the dissolved Standard Oil Company, was placed UP j on the witness stand hero to-day to tell whether ne believed the company had been really dissolved under the decree of the United States Supreme Court. The aged oil millionaire could not be Induced at all Onus to give direct 'answers to questions, but made in? dignant denial of all suggestions that ] there h:id been any effort to evade tne .decree of the. court. i Mr. Rockefeller uppearcd as a wit I ness In the action brought nominally by the State of Missouri to compel [ the Inspectors of tho election of the stockholders of the Waters-rioree Oil Company, at St. bmis. last February, to vole the proxies of the Rockefeller and other Standard Oil Interests winch had named Standard Oil men as officials of the company, 'i'ho in? spectors refused on the ground that to do so would violate the dissolution decree of the Supreme Court of the United States, und of the decision of the Missouri Supremo Court ousting th Standard Oil Company, of Indiana, from the former State. The Watcrs I'lerce Oil interests alleged in fighting to prevent the Standard Oil repre? sentatives from gaining control of. the company that the manner In which the standard Oil Interests had ob? served the decree of tho United Stales court was "farcical." Subjected to GrUllnsr. The aged oil magnate, "the richest man In the world," was subjected to a grilling by Samuel Untermyer, counsel for the Waters-Pierce Inter? ests, caused the witness to pound his fists on the table to emphasize In dl.-nant denials of pointed questions as to whether the decree of the court had been in fact carried out. "Did you ever have a discussion with John D. Archibald as to how these sub | sldlarles should be 'cut loose and still held tiKht?'" queried the Waters Pierce attornel. "There was never any thought of editing loose and holding tight." Mr. Rockefeller almost shouted. "I hap? pen lo know about that." Mr. Rockefeller hnel previously made the statement that he had never read the United States Supreme Court de? cree, although he knew about It "In a general way." Mr. Untermyer had the utmost diffi? culty throughout the examination to get him to answer questions by "yes" or "no." Roth Mr. Untermyer and Commis? sioner Jacobs found freauent occasion to object to the "prompting" of George W. Murray. Mr. Rockefeller's personal] counsel. Sir. Untermyer drove hard lit Mr Rockefeller to gel him to ex? plain the plan adopted for dissolution of the Standard Oil Company, and how it was that the "old company" named the directors and officers of the seg? regated constituent companies. F.nipbnxlr.e* Denlnl. After declaring that he had given the organization of tho compan'es ni attention, and that he hsd turned his Waters-Pierce holdings over to the gentlemen in charge of the reorgani? zation "because they knew best what to do." Mr. Rockefeller, who hnel been, talking In a gentle, well modu? lated voice, was asked the question n.i to whether he had discussed a plan to "cut loose apd hold tight." It was here thnt he brought hla fist down on the table to emphasize his ?ndlg nnnt denial. "Tho matter of these reorganisations Is something I have given no atten? tion to at nil." ho added. "Then how do you know Whether it Is being managed so as to cut loose and hold tight. If. as you , say, you (Co*ntlnued on Ninth. Pa go.) TAFT LEADERS ADMIT VICTORY OF ROOSEVELT IS NEW JERSEY Colonel Wins on Pre? ference Vote and Gets Four Delegates at Large. WILSON DEFEATS HIS OPPONENTS WITHOUT TROUBLE Indications Point to Election of Governor's Delegates for State at Large and in All But Two Districts, Giving Him a Total of 22 out of the 28 Delegates to Baltimore?Former Presi? dent Makes Strong Run in Nearly Every Section, and Taft's Lack of Strength in Certain Centres Is Surprising. - Roosevelt Sweeps State .Xcwnrk. N. .1.. Hay -11.?One of the most nnerplns victories Theo? dore Roosevelt has won In the Pri? marien nine,- he Iio^hii hin rnmpuluo for the Rcpulillcnn preNlilenttal nomination ??? recorded yester? day hy Ihe ftepulillean voter* ot New Jcrnr>. ludleutloun hnneil nn Incomplete return* nrc that Colonel Roosevelt carried every congrcnnlonul dls trlct In the State, ns welt ax the. State at Inrfce. and <hnt nil the twenty-eight delcanten .New Jerncy will aend to Chicago will hp Ilno?e >clt men. linvprnor Wilson won bin own Stnle agnlnnt n strong apposition, hcntleil Ity hin political cnemle* within Ihr State, and appear* to have twenty-four nt the twenty eight delegate*. Including the dele gntca-at-largc. .Vcwark, X. .1., .May 20?Theodore I Roosevelt's victory in the New Jersey primary election I* conceded hy the leaders of the State Toft organisation. Shortly after midnight E. W. Gray, secretary of the Taft Business Men's League, sold that Colonel Roosevelt prohubly had won tbe four delegates at lame nnd also the ten district dele? gate* from the counties of Essex and Hudson, which comprise the cities of Newark, Jersey City and Hoboken. he aides n number of the most populous auburbau towns. Indications at 1 a. based' on scattered returns from nil part* of tbe Stute, were that Col ouel Roosevelt would carry three or four uf the other districts and capture nt least tweuty-tvto of the twenty eight delegate* this Stute will send tu the Republican Xntluunl Convention. At that time President Tatt uppearcd to be aure of only one uf tbe twelve districts, with a fighting- chance uf two more. tioveruor Wilson's opponents had to he satisfied with the ahowlug they made In Essex county, the stronghold of former Senator James Smith, Jr., and former Democratic State Commlt teeiuan James 11. Nugent. IndientIon* at 1 A. M. were that Wilson delegates had been elected for the Meto at large and lu all hut two of the districts. The Newark Star, which 1? owned, by former Senator Smith, eoneeded Gover? nor Wilson's xucers* last nlgbt, but said that the opposition probably would elect nix district delegates in tlnsex anil Hudson counties Auy dcle gnte-j rlceted not pledged to Governor Wilson win go to the convention uu Instrueted. Returls Come In Slowly. The ottlclul count In the l.iDO elec? tion districts of the State accumulated slowly last night. The 315 districts that reported first on the votes for delegatos-at-largo gave no indication of the actual results of the primaries. The figures on these districts, a little, more than a sixth of the total, were: Taft, 0,220; Roosevelt. 10.150; Da. F'oll ettr. 315. Figures on the presidential prefer? ential vote wero practically the same. At the same time Borden D. Whiting, chairman of the Republican Progres? sive League, estimated Colonel Roose? velt's plurality In the ?hole State nt 1 .'.000. "1 believe." said Chsirman Whiting, "that Colonel Roosevelt will have every oneof the twenty-eight delegates elect? ed In this State." Ho declared that the Sixth Congres? sional District wss the only one about which he had any doubt, and he felt practically certain that this also would go to Roosevelt. Twenty-eight Delegates Elected. ?nder the New Jersey law. twenty eight delegates to the la-publican and Democratic National Conventions wero chosen to-day. two delegates in each of the twelve congressional districts, and four delegatcs-at-largo. the latter being elected by the vote of the whole State. The voters also had the: prlvl lego of expressing their personal pre ference for presidential candidates', al? though this result had no effect upon the division of delegates. Tl.e New Jersey election was tho last to b. preceded by sweeping cam? paigns by all the Republican presi? dential candidates. 1 importance was emphasized also because only ona "(Continued on Ninth P?se.)