Newspaper Page Text
Crosier Richmond's O-Mtest Newspaper, m GREATEST WANT AND 1110 A I. ES? TATE illBUll'M IN VIUOINIA. AND UX? OF TUE It 1. > 1 IN AMERICA. Want Ad Kates U?1I>-, mir ccut per word rrbeu paid In advance. No Ad. taken for leaa lUnu leu ccnla. Ouo aud one-half cents ? word all riuaxlUcutlonn raeeirt Situation Wuntcd for Muuduy. situation Wanted, oue vent B word, -\o Ad. Saiidny taken for leaa Hum nrtveu cents. No Ada. tukeii for leas than twenty five cents tvhen phoned In or charged at the counter. I'liuuv uvdcra no* srmirnnteed. (. lanNillt-utloua not guurnitteed B.ter ?tiln 1?. ill. For business contractu, aend for tnc Muni AU. Mnu. Pliuur- Monroe 1 jtu?i auo jfDuno L<>--t. I!Kiwxi;n ninth ANi/tTKicTaI to Eleventh und Main Streets, small | iidokchulii; ituwurd, return Li;x INOTQN HOTEL. OFFICE-_j . jv>st. a LAGE COL?AIt AND CORSET I one pair black si IK nose, Thursday morning, between Fourkuroah's and Smith Webster's, on Broad, Sixth , or Main. Reward if returned to ti 1 u '? East Main._ l OST. QN CARY STREET ROAD, white black, female; answers to minie of Flora. Reward If return; to B. 1). KAY. IIP N, l'lurn Btrcot ! 'STRAYED FROM 320 EAST LEIGH Wednesday evening, white poodle; 1 answers to name >>t ''Gyp." itcward It returned to above number. _ \ LOST, A MEDICAL) DIPLOMA OF \ the University of Pennsylvania. I'Tndoi return to Times- Dispatch ;ir;d roc-el ve reward. Lost, on bevT:rly street, riv ervlew or Clay car, east bo und. bo-i t ween f. and s o'clock P. M. Juno1 15, lady's gold watch and catch pin; cuso No. 13573; marked Rosabel nut Hide. December 25, ism inside; move-j moot No. T."j'.".'. Reward if returned to HARTSHORN COLLEGE. R anted.'' for 'u-'.-T arm yT^ble'. bodied, unmarried men, between ag-a I of lb and to, citizens of United States, Df goo.i character and temperate hab? its, who can speak, read und write the English language. For 'nforma tlon apply to Recruiting Officer, t>2q i. H.-o id y.ri'i '. Richmond. Vs. t>lEN WANTED, BETWEEN THE AGE I of ?.1 and 36 years, to learn the street railway business; good wagc_ ' paid, breaking in time pnld for nnd weekly wages guaranteed. Good position.* f..r steady, reliable young men. Address D ?0-, euro Times Dispatch. _ WANTED." nnt.l, lu7.\'"::.SMITH. ' AP piy it. person to MANAGER BHBL BURNE I.UM Ii EH COMPANY; C Bay, Va . P. i-. I.. No. 2. I WANT A FIRST-CLASS barber, j SO; VV. Broad Street. t?Qa east proa i ? w \nts Tiarrf.r_ fell ort ?liiLVBR.CI IOK; EIGHT WORKS ! eight-hour day: no Sunday work. CON NE LI j Ai MILLER. sos PLASTERERS WANTED. ROBS AND: Will Keller. Wire address at mvl expense. m. W. WHJTSON, No. 7] Dues Court. Charleston. s. C. W~?NTED. a" VIRST lags WHITE barber. 702 East M-ui. VOU ARE WANTED FOR GOVERN merit position; Ji?j month. Send pos? tal for list of positions open. ' FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 3S7 P. Rochester, N. Y r?a--. fettuauonss CcUuitc?, i?alc MARRIED man WANTS POSITION'aT once with Richmond manufacturer I or jobber, calling Oh trade in North! Carolina, Bouth Carolina, and Vir? ginia; experienced; best ruforences. ! rlto P. O. Box silt, Randleman, i N. C_; REGISTERED PHARMACIST DESIRES position as clerk or manage:. D lot, _'___I '_ : tjfip CLUintro, j-riiidic W ANTED. \ GOOD." RELIABLE whit* girl from 1r. tn 2i). to live Inj small family in Westhenipton anil a;si?t in cooking; must be genteel and refined, and will be treated as! one of the family. Wages. |15 per I month Address D 526, care t':n. . Di.-Tatch. RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN ORGLRL for nurse (one child) nnd help with bout,, work, family four; one who can make her home with and ho treated ns one o' famliy. Catholic preferred. Reference required, Ad? dress .\. lt. C., NO. US Grove Ave., Petersburg, Va. \v ANTED, TO ): NG AG f. Til E SElT Vlces of a good, refined lady to keep house and look after three l't tl?- fills from Heven to twelve years old. Addre?s t. E. ROBERTS. Chase I City. Va._ Wanted, ci'^od rnoK'ror. Y.umrep. . company (colored preforredi. Apply w'th reference, to MANAGER BHEL BURNE LUMBER CO.. Green Lav' Vi... R F D No. 2._ ' " tsUuftiona taanteb, Jfcmale ^"f.^;"oK'\\lud 7w7fiTn, "desTres j position; first-class references. Ad-1 dress, by rr.ali only 1s22. Park Ave. ptottfS&tomi Ijfiu Cttiintrb XVA N T ET>7~TTT?^fER ??''' F?TT" P~rTn~5T pals Of high schools; also grade teachers for fall openings. EAST? ERN TEACHERS' AGENCY. O-tto uiiuftone, QtoUiSBional EXPERIENCED PHYSICIAN DESIRES Suitable l->cation; correspondejice ao-I llclted. Address PHYSICIAN, can. Times- Dispatch,_ 'ft I'w'.' 1-VtI-' h-; Rl- \t i D ' Till \ h months, fi> and upwards; Initial pay? ment allowed to apply If purchased: ? very machine In good working order. Phone Madison 5260. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., 60i Ea.u Main Street. WATER SUPPLY. \\ E AUK PREPARED TO 9IIIP ? Ii lllini; machines at once, and put in widls in our utual work inn nl'ko way, and at rltrlit prices. ARTESIAN WELL & SUPPLY CO.. 132S way. New York City, P. O. Box S34, Providence. R. I. hats AND mice. i guarantee to RID YOUR premises of rats and mice and save von from waste, expense and an? noyance. Letters Trom physicians, bankers and prominent citizens provo my claim. ? Phono or write otto ORK IN. Monroe SiiiM, American Bank BulRHng_ wanted! "tu f. piib'lic to know that jahnke bros.', Jewelers. 313 East Main Street, buy, sell, exchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN the LATEST styles. Old gold and slV vcr always taken In exchange. ^?n?i^W? nnu Eibe S>tocR ' Foi't^SALTCr^A' lLVNDPiiMI': PaSPoP lino hackney driving horses, gray and bay. perfect cross match, seven years old; tine action; wrlght about 1,100 pounds; .selling on account of buying auto. DAVID hirsh, Fred 1 erlcksburg, Va. ?ti?fness Opportunity right sldo of East Broad Streot for Halo for an approximate Investment of $10.000; part cash and part by notes with reliable lndorsers. Apply E &Hl, care Times-Dispatch._ F?TENT FOR 8?Td3? ON~HlM-pLEST device yet Invented lor quickly put tltii; In arid taking- out sleeve ehlolds. No olaboralo paraphernalia. Unlike all others on miirkol. Address? H. KOOKft-S. Wily. Va._ PARTNER WANTED WITH SOME capital to engage In good paying business. E 571. care Times-Dispatch, j WANTED, A 1'.VRTN ER with SOME ! capital und considerable experience, j to engago In wholesale and retall | hay. grain and grocery business; tho field and facilities excellent. Address V. O Iiox Chase City. Va. wXntkd". icn? jink's and Toilers' for overhauling. ric7umond MA? CHINE WORKS, INC._ FOK K U.K. WKLL-ESTAJJ_imt_I> Li? quor l.?>.*.:?? t in the best olty In Virginia; puys about $4,000 per year; j great opportunity; owner retiring. ' Write for particulars. Great iie>w i future fissured now. Box ijj.',, Now I port NewH, Va. 3lce, Coal an? W?ol? I T^H^^Pli?SK 'io "TlE ?DQUART^RS tor wood. I recommend slab wood for hot water. Makes quick, hot fire and goes out when you are through your work or cooking. Vir? ginia anthracite eoai is cheapest for hot weather. Will send a. hample f i i e. u >NO. MadUon 1 070. plate ICE, pi ?rest AND REST FOR all uses and the most economical. 40 i cents per hundred. Try a load of our pine and oak wood, which la drv and under shelter. TYLER & RYAN, 1001 West Gary. Madison 1?73. WOOD and COAL OER DRY KINDLING BEST IN CITY"; heretofore handled by Midlothian Wood Company; |ls0 half-cord. DA? vid M. lea &. CO. Phone Monroe esc._ I UHfliueo tv V-V:\ViuTEH's nvSfvhrn^^fj cre e months, $5 and upwards, Initial pay? ment allowed to apply If purchased; ? vei v machine In Rood working order. Phone MadLion I'SoC. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., eoo Kast _Main Street._ WANTED. to buy for cash, household goods In any quantity. 1 i m.idlson " S 3 1._ Personals i^W L-firTfT ?u pi^ i lies, each, With a otie-ticre garden, which yields vcg--an!cs e-nd fruits i in abundance. I will cultivate the! gatden and also attend to or.o cow and twonty-four cht-kens, deliver-1 lug the products at your city home] dally. VoiJ are at no trouble. This1 plan will save you more than one-i half your lablo expenses und give you fresh eatables in abundance. Will c-plf-in fully If you will drop' rr.?s a card. G. S. RICHARDSON, Basement American National Rank Building. HI MAN HAIR BOUGHT AND E?)LD *t HUOHESSS. 2us North Third. NEU ARRIVAL OF THE FINEST goods on earth now on exhibition and at reasonable prices Come and see them. YA RIP'S. 817 N. Fifth. I feu miner SoarUtng in e elk ton~'7igtel? klkton'. Rocklngham county, Va?Delightful summer home; open May 1. Write for circular. Mltrf. A. C. DRAW bauo 1 i;_ WANTED, SUMMER BOARDERS, largo country home; shady yard; 4 miles from station. between the towns of Culpepor and Orange,. Terms reasonable Address MRS. <'? H. TINSl.KY. Rapldan. Va._ Wanted, four ?>k six ladies to hoard. 13 per week. MRS. l. l. RLACKWKLI, Sunny FI1-. Va- _ FOIR scmmer boarders WANT I ed. Address j., care r. F. D. No. .'. BOULEVARD INN, ON HAMPTON Roads, country and seashore com? bined, with city conveniences. Send' for literature to the MISSES tabu, i _Hampton. Va_ Di-;CS < "OTTAG E." MRS H. A. j Dlgga, Proprietress, fronting Chesa? peake Ray. modern In every respect. Routing, bathing. Ashing Best nc < omm-dnt ions guaranteed. Ocean i View. Va._ CAR ROLLTON COTTAGE, OCEAN View. Va., two minutes from amuse? ments; lsigf. airy rooms. For terms, etc., address u C._diooes. _ summer BOARDERS WANTED AT' Glasgow Manor: largo brink house. | WANTED. SC.MMKP." " BOA I IDKP.s" Pleasant locality; Junction of Sea- i ; oard and Southern Railway; easy access; fourteen passenger trains! per day; good water, excellent coiin- j try fare Terms. $?.; per week. MRS. j W. J. SMITH, LaCrosB*. Va. ?oar? C?iantr? WXfifEtZ by" ~T 1 i r e E ADU LTH. board for tho summer near a car line; shady lawns and porches in? dispensable; Forest Hill preferred. Address e 675, care Times-Dispatch. AN OLD GENTLEMAN AND \V_F_ (no children!, would like to rent three unfurnished rooms, with board, on second floor of house, lo? cated on aoutli side of West Gruco Street, between Jefferson and Ijiuril Streets. Please address C 4SS. care Tlmos-Dlspatch, staling terms, local- . liy, and when tho rooms can be s<-en-_ Ural estate fror _Unt tYjlT R'ENT^fiTllN I>7f "UNaT-^OC^ tober. In Charloltcsvlllo, 8-roo:n house, bath, pantry and reoeptlon hall; poultry house; stahlo, good, growitg garden: will supdly vegetables enough for a med um-slze family, desirably located; plenty shade; country air; city conveniences. Ad? dress P. O. Box Hi, Chariottesville, Va. jAO?iiis i;or Rem A"VERY '16E_lRAB__i FtTtST^FLCdDR front room, with or without board. No. 10 s. Third Btreet-_ ATTRACfrV'E ROOM" ~at 322 EAST Franklin; furnished or unfurnished. Monroe l??it. _j ENTi!.A~NlvE fhjrnTsited ROOMS, n?wly pnpered, 814 E. Clay; trau- I slcnts also. _I two ftooMa furnished for | housekeeping; also unother bed room. 11 South Adams. FOR RENT, ~R?Oms POR ,HOUBE keeping; also clean, comfortable bed rooms for gentlemen. 700 e. Clay. ETTRNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping. 7 N- Sixth. fleas ant. attractive'rooms, 'il North Sixth; cast side of street. ONE LARGE, FURNISHED R<?>M. 1 Hist floor. Immediate possession; two large. unfurnished rooms, second . floor, possession Septembor 1, Grace nuar First. Address G 806. care I Times-Dispatch. jrlato jfor ?tnt ^CjQf^TnAT^BB^SQ der' T. 'WITH i option of renewal; four rooms nnd I bath, second floor; rent. $10 per montlr 316 N. Third Street._ WANTED, BY SEPTEMBER OR OC tolafr 1. by refined e.ouplo, no chii drcli, medium apartment, five rooms and bath; central or West End pre? ferred, item must be reasonable. Address D f.-7. rare TImcs-plspatch. I V" II AVK FOR hunt CENTRALLY LO eated fle.t of three rooms and hath; rent reasonable. Address A 410, care [ Tlmes-Dlsnatch. DAILY PUZZLES) "What arnusemcnt7 ?XSWBB TO VKSTEHDir8 PUZZLE. Lille. jroi &Mt 'pTaTsok ^"tunbd and""pTevauuzd. Have your piano made like new while you are away this summer. When you come oai-k to open your houbu we will have It ready tor delivery. LICK KERUCSSON PIANO CO.. 115 E. Broad Blreet. FOR SALE. NO. 8 PULSOMETER steam pump; will pump 40 per cent. Bund, or mud; 3-inch discharge, ualf Inch steam. Also ?0-11.-P. boiler, 15 H.-P. engine, two steam drills; one double- drum holm, ono nir.glu-drum ! hoist, derricks, cars and track; two- I horsepowt-r hoist, wlnohea and gen- i cral ..j.htj- or contractor's equip? ment. Address ii ki, caro Tlnies Diupatch. CABBAGE TO BELL ASK FOR prices. FELIX M. JONES. jr.. 1*17 E. Franklin St., Cabbage Mu.;. <-'~il !CK EKINO PIANO. full SiZtj' uprignt, mahogany case, can be bought tor ?300. LEE FERGUSSON ' _PIANO CO.. Hi) E_H_ Lroad_Stre._-t_. FOR WAGONS C.u TO RICHARDSON BROS., ?16 Brook Avenue. Painting, repairing and ru bt,er-tlre work. Madison 1467. NEW ARRIVAL ?l? THE FINEST goods on earth now on exhibition and at reascnuole prices. Couiu and i'? them, v a rip'S, 317 N. Fifth. MOTORCYCLE8 ?ND BICYCLES, NEW and secoud-uaud; repairing of all kinds. TOMPKINS. 327 West Broad. W}-; HAVE* SOME SPECIAL LNDUCE mcnts to otter you in the talking machine line. C. B. HAYN ES & Co.. 121 W. Broad Street. M O V1 NG-PI A NOS, TUNING PIANOS, repairing pianos aud selling bar? gains In ptu.uos. nr<; the tilings we do In theb'j summer months at low e.l prices. LEE FBRGU8SON PIANO CO. for SALE.~SHVEr"?L SECOND-HAND buggies und wagons and one- good runabout. These are all bargains. Come down and ace them. We can Interest you. We also have one good trap, as good as n?:W. a. MEYER'S SONS; Olflce. 731 E. Cary St.. Richmond. Va. _ FOUR-SIDED PLANER. 6x21; DOUBLE ' eurfacers. S-lncli moulder, swing cut- | off saw, renaws, lath mills, .-tuv-( machinery, sawdust blowers, belting, hangers, shafting and pulleys. i. 1*1.1 FORD & CO._ ONE FARM WAGON. 142.50: ONE carpenterh' wagon, iii>. one grocery wagon, 165. one top buggy, Sj5, ono runabout. ?35. T. H. DUKE & CO.. S04 Brook Avenue. t V PEW 1:1TE RS RENTED; THREE months, $6 nnd upwards.; initial pa> - mem allowed to apply If purchased; every muchlnc in go;,d working order. Phone Madison 7,256. AMERICAN WRITING MACH I NjS CO., C'Jo Ean Main .-'trcet. DRUO STORE FOR SALE CHEAP; retiring from business; doing a n'ce business. Address A 411. care Times Dispatch. _ PIANO. ?1*9?THIS PIANO IS FU LL size upright in mahogany case, taken m trade cn Apollo player. LEE FERGUSSON PIANO CO.. 119 East Bread Street. FOR 8ALE~ FRAME STORE AND dwelling; stables und larg,- yard;] renlti fur $22. in per month; price, I 12.200; house or corner Caller and! Beverly. Apply to 1429 W. Cary St. | THE ""MAIL ORDER COOP FACTORY. BOXLEY BROTHERS. Manufactur? ers and Shippers of Wire Chicken! and Turkey Coops. Hump.'SV.t FOR SA LK, S? Sil AN D WIN DO W i frame, 12 lights. 14 inches by 21 Inches; Minds, doors and frames, H. WEBER, Madison and Cary._ " isodtbin_? MTts"" le eTtk ~\ N i:" I .u^OMlT" han over Cafe, 100 West Franklin. Sum? mer rates. Transients a specialty. FOR A~ COUPLET 410"*WESi" GRAC B Street; all modern conveniences. MRS. C. K. BOWERS, 115 '>7.~FRANK - 'in, rooms and board tor permaiv-int and trajisiont guests, dlnlr.g room well equipped. "WANTED, BOARDERS FOR SEVERAL desirable rooms; also table boarders desired, 208 E c-raco. ?r?f C?tfltf ?fantf? DST^YOCR FARMS VvTTiWrA^CON^ NELLY & CO. Wiit<- postal for nec? essary blanks._ ilcai esrnre j-m Stilt I "WISH'TO'SI'I'I'LY TWENTY KAMI - ! lies. each, with a one-acre garden,: which yields vegetables and fruits; In abundance. 1 will cultivate the! garden ?1id also attend to one cow' and twenty-four chickens, deliver-! i Ing the products at your city homo daily. You arc ut no trouble. This plan Will save you more than one half your table expenses and glvo you fresh eatable^ in abundance. Will explain fully if you will drop me a card. G. S. RICHARDSON, Basement American National Bank Building. FOR SALE, BRAND-NEW THREE room cottage house for colored ten unts; price, $750: runt, {S per month. Apply to U0O Ciiallin Street._ 40 FEET BY 17?; GROVE AVENUE; between Meadow and Rowland; 197.50 per foot A. j. WARREN. 415 < or 111 Sixth Sire*'.._ 1 WE HAVE PURCIIA SE R FOR NIC E home or, Monument Ave. or Frank? lin or Grace, not too far west; any one wishing' ti> sell kindly describe and give the lowost cash price. BAL LARD .v DRAPER, 112 N. Ninth St. FOR SALE." EIGHT ROOM BRICK house, on car line, near University of Virginia; e'ty water, bath and toilet; lot SOX360. Price. 13,750.! Terms reasonable, Address Lock Box| OG, Charlottosvllle. Va. FOR BXCHANt 1 E?WI: OFFER- AN 'elegant home in n Northern city, costing flol.OOO. in exchange for Virginia property. Correspondence solicited. II. W. Ill 1 .LEARY &. CO.. 729-:3o Southern Building. Washing? ton. D. C. Jrlaro ccianteo Sl JC'~ * T\or?MS. BAT! I. ELECTRIC lights, range, hot water heat. We:;t End; September I. Address E 577. car- 'Pines-Dispatch. COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN WANT flat of three or four rooms nt once; Barton Heights preferred. Adilross >> ?7C iutr- 'JCJ in? i?utomouiks tor _e>ale l;WrT-.;A?a_^OE_t: " ^?Xd.LAC) Au? tomobile, good condition; automobil* tlres. 82x4, oheap to qutok buyer. Phono Madlaon & -12. | FOH SALI." CUJ_A_Ml.R_r DETROIT. SO-I horsepower tourlug car. tully equip? ped; nearest otter to 81,000 takes It; flrst-class aondltloa. WAL p. AT? KINSON COMPANY, Box 104. Pe? tersburg, Va. _ &r~aE2&?i?*iXtt. a two or thkek room, unfurnished apartment, with I bath couvoniutit, In Ues.rablo part of city; b<- ready July 1. Will leaso for one year with privilege of renewing. Kent, 112 to $15. Aa dresa J 335, care 'I tmes-Dlepatoh. - auTi5 c0\"k'-tiT""' "~ IN LINEN AND CRETONNE, rOR BED room or parlor. to til. 6YD NOR & HUNDLEV, INC., Koventh and Grace. Madison 3204. SLIP cTJvERSk SLIP COVERS HADE TO ORDER, furniture polished and repaired. LEVY, the Upholsterer. 426 West Broad._ ' SHOE REPAIRING. 76c HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES, ?0c ladles; every pair sewed, best leath? er, no ntrfla. no peg*. Royal rub? ber heels, 26c; Tred-Alr rubbor heels. 40c; leather heels rebuilt like new, 26c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 718 E. Main. Phone Mon? roe 3667. _ STORAGE. CHEAPEST STORAGE IN CITY, 81 per load. Store ymr furniture, bug? gies, automobile.? pianos at l'OMF KINS. 327 West Broad. _ when yen- want HOUSE CLEANING, WAXING AND staining lloor?, st.jre. or residence, windows wash-id. . all Monroe 2120. Satisfaction guaranteed. WILLIAM JOHNSON. GET YOUR NAME UP. WE ARE EXPERT SIGN PAINTERS. Prices cut to rocli bottom. Quulit) guaranteed. Prompt service. You eume money. VIRGINIA SIGN WORKS. J2C? ic. Main Street._ LOANS. ? 16.000 TO LEND ON DIAMONDS AND watchos at New Yor_ raits. N. F. JACOBS & SON. No. -1? North Ninth. PHONO'J RATHS. WHEN YOU BUY LOOK FOP. THE name Edison If you want one you j ctt-.i understand every word on the record. C B. HATNES & CO. PL\NOS. SUMMER RATES NOW ON PIANO moving and overhauling by factory experts. Prompt, careful work Hii.nanteed. Phone Madison Uli. CHAS. M. ST 1 EPF, Piunos. 117 W. j Bi oad._ antiques. ORIGINAL ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Furniture repaired, polished und packed; upholstering, etc. L. n. All NALL Ac SON, ifilT w. Broad. Phon AlaUisort 0J77. _ ' i sea- Food. CADI. PHONE MONROE 1111 FOR Hah, Steamed cral.s, crab meal. Do liver-d promptly 3'jH NMonroe St. TTvb her 1 l6_E. '.I ARANTEED RUBBER HOSE; BEST ever sold for the pric-; nozzles and re*-ls. CLARKE, Hardware. 1215 Main Street.__ R.OIJ-ER SKATES. BAXiL BEARING HOLLER SKATES! all si ?es; 81.50 pair; g^t the child a pair now. CLARKE, Hardware. 1215 Main Strest. _ cement tooi? CEMENT TOOLS; LARGE LINE. cheaper than ?vor before: jointers and edgers. only 50 cents. CLARKE, Hardware. 1815 Main Street BRAZING. WANTED. BRAZING OF CAST IRON. RICHMOND MACHINE WORKS. INC. _3rrti,ng0 E...tert Harding Company, inc., June 1?. 1912. THE REGULAR ANNUM. MEETING or the stockholders of the Robert Harding Company, Incorporated, will be held at the ofnee .if the company. No 10 South Eleventh Stre't, In the city of R.chmond. Va., WEDNES? DAY, July 2. 191.. at 5 o'clock P. M. W. J. KIMBROUOH, Acting Secretary. NOTICE_THE ANNUAL ME ETING of the stockholders o: the Southern Manufacturing Company will be held at tho offices of the company. No*. 11 and 1" South Twelfth Street. Richmond. Virginia. MONDAY. July 15 l?12. at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the President. A. EDWARD ROE RE P.. Secretary and Treasurer. WILL ME7ET NEXT AT SEATTLE. I - 1 Cleveland, O., June 20.?The thirty- t ninth national oonfereno? of chart- { ties and Corrections came to an end ' hero yesterday aftor having been in ' session tor a week. Adjournment eamo following the re- I port of the committee on resolutions I and the Introduction of the president i of the fortieth conference to be held ' at Seattle. Wash., next year?Krank Tucker, of Now York. To-day's program Included sectional ' consideration of sex hygiene. cbll- | dren, standards of living and la'>or and housing and recreation. I It called for a paper on niarrliutfi ; of the "afflloted" by Henry H. Cod-' dnrd, of the Vlneiand Training School, tho address by Roger N. Baldwin, of j St. Eou'.s. on "A Community Program for Ch'Id Care." and an address By John Ihlder. assistant secretary of the i National Housing Association, on ,-The ' Fight for Better Homes." Other speakers scheduled were nr. ! Phillip Zenner, of Cincinnati; Profes- ! sor Jessie Phelps. of Ypsllantl, Mich., and Itov. Walter T. Sumner, of Chicago. ?ib?enb iJottce?. Hlchniond. Va... June'l 2 191' AT A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS of tho Ge.rman-Amet lean Building and Ixrnn Corporation held on tlo above date, a semi-annual dividend of 8 1.-2 per cent, was declared, pa) ? able to stockholders on atid all. t JULY I, 1912. CHAS. K. WILLIS, _Bocretary and Treasurer. Planters' National Bank. Richmond. Va. .lune 20, '912 THE DrREOTOP.S OF THIS BANK have to-day declared a d vldend of 10 per cent, on thP cnpltnl eto<-k ? freo of tax) out of the earnings for the past six months. Parable on and after JULY 1, 1912. BICH ARD H. SMITH _Cashier Richmond. Va., June 19. 1912 AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF directors of the National Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Va.. held to? day, a semi-annual dividend of J 1-2 per rent, was declared, payable .11'I.V 1. 1912. to stockholders of record as of June 25. Books open Julv j. \V. M. ADDISON. Cashior. Banfe ?tatcrnrnt? REPORT OK TTCB CONDITION OF" THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK AT RICHMOND, IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. JUNE 14, 1012. RESOURCES. L^ans and discounts.$117, SI 2. 31 Ov<-x<lra<f_. B-ocnred a:vd unso cured . 115.28 U. S. bonds to secure circula? tion . 50.000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds.... 375.0.1 Bonds, ereourvtles, etc. 9,930.00 I' house, furn+ture and :Lvf??3. 4.175.47 D>uo "from IBtttkmal foa-nks (not reservo .igenisi. 8,212.90 1 Due from State and private banks and banker?, trust ooenpamrs ami savings .bunks . 957. OS Due from approved reserve agents . 14.S43.9S Checks and other c.ish items, IIS.95 Exchange far cleaning house 20.279. is Notes of other national banks . 6;)00,00 Kr.ictional paiper currency. nlokels and cents. 550.S2 Lawful money reserve ;n hank, vis: Specie .I44.448.5S Legal tender notes 19.294 "ft Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer 'SCr of circula? tion) . 2.S00.00 Total .?sn-i.iiNi? an LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.$250,0)0.00 surplus fund. I ft,".'! I 00 Undivided profits, less cx ip-nses and txxes paid. 12.isJ.35 Na.llonO/1 bank notes out? standing. 50.003.00 Due 'to other national bar.ks. i,104.61 lnriivtdua.1 dtpo.its subject . to check. 525,5, . .;>.. Deenamd certificates of de? posit . 6-02S Certified checks. 2/..4.L? Cashier's Checks oustanding. ISO. a.. Bills pava.!>le. Including cor tltleta-tes of deposit for money borrowed. 30,003; 00 Total .0804,380.30 m--e of Virginia, City of Richmond, as: ' I Philip F.. w. Good-win, cashier of : the above named hank, do eoleron-ly swear that fh?? sibove staittwnent is true "?n -he hivsll of my knowledge and hellet. PHll?P E. W. GOODWIN. CashFer. Correct?Attest: _ . W II SCHWATiZSCWILD, WM. C SCJDUDT, B B. BOWLES, Directors. Su'bscrrbed and sworn to before this 20-th day of June. 1912. RVRY T. rtAJRUTSON. Notary FuM'.c. mi REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Planters National Bank of Richmond KT RICHMOND IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. AT TIIF: CLOSE OP BUSI? NESS, JUSTE 14. 191-'. RF.SOI ROMS. Loans ami discounts. $6.271,669.1 I Overdrafts, secured and unseoured. 1,047. IS r. ,S. ;>onds to seoliro circulation. 300,0.1).00 , U. s. Bonds to secure U. S, deposits. 1,000.00 Other bonds to s'-turc postal savings. 9.000.00 | Premium*: on I', s. bonds. 16,030.00 | Banking house, furniture and llxtures. 144,$20.62 Due frimi nation?I banks mot reserve ngentst. 195,661.13 Due from State and private .bat.its and barkers, trust companies ami savings bands. 12.1,831.41 Duo front approved resorve agents. 6S6.044.28 Cheeks nnd other cash Items. 1,390.56 Exchanges for de?rinnt house. 73,64$.S3 Notes of other national banks. 25,000.01 Fractional paper eurron-cy. nickels and coruta. 7'5.37 Lawful money reserve In bank, vlsi Specie.* 46.305.50 Legal tender notes . .100,000.00 Redemption fund with U. S Treasurer (6% of circulation). I2,l50;00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund .".. Undivided vi'itlts. less expenses and taxes tpaui. National t r.nk notes outstanding. Duo to otiier national banks.$ 285,221.50 Due to State nr.,! private banks a.r.d banker::. 71 1,295.73 Dun to approved neaerve agenas... ?. 68,957.82 Indiv idual deposits subject to check. 4,703,853.64 Demand cort-Klcatda of deposit. 229,370.13 CertMed . hecks . :;2.9S4.5i> Cashier's <-ltecks outstanding. 1.911.28 Untiled States deposits, $1,000.0": postal savings deposits. $1,774.28, rtouds borrowed . Bills payable. He.., rved for taxes . Reserved for interest .... Statt of Virginia, Cfojy <?( Richmond, **: gS,20.a, (40.74 I, Richard H. Smith, cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly ssiear that the above state-mcnt is t.rno to the .best of mv knowledge and bellet RICHARD If. SMITH, Cmshter. Correct?iAttcst: JAMES N ROVD. T. V\'M. PBMRBRTOX. MORTON R. ROSEXBAUaf. Directors. Subscribed and s-worn to before me this 20th day of June 1912 . , _ H.KNIR_ W. IHOUCITBNS. Notary Public Mi- term of ofllc* exnires MaxCh 17. 131 Bank ?tattmento Banfe statement)} Safe as the Safest STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF The Savings Bank of Richmond I.OGATRD AT RICHMOND, IN TUE COUNTT OF HENRI CO, STATE OF VTR OINIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JUNE 14. <l?12. MADE TO THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION. RESOURCES. . . ^ Mortgages on improved city real estate.$1.0.13,962.29 L04WS nnd discounts. -$1,706,726 70 Overdrafts secured. $1,104.24: Unsecured, $651.22. 1,755.48 Bonds, securities, etc., owned. Including premium on same. 42,750,00 Banking house and lot.27^)00.00 Other real estate owned. 8,918.00 Exchanges and check? for next day's clearings.I 4.9S5.78 Due from natlonol hanks. 106.294.77. Paper currency. 4,275.00 Traotional paper currency. nickels and cents. 1SS.65 Cold coin. 420.00 f Sil VAT coin. 1,179.00 117,323 20 Total. $1,899,463 36 LIABILITIES. tol stock paid in.-??.? * 200.0O9.O9 Surplus fund . IUr6.000.00 Undivided profits, ler* amount pn-:d for Interest, expenses a.nd taxes 4d,940.28 Dividends unpaid . 13.S0 individual deposits.8i.4a2.4s4.s2 Demand certificates of dopostt.17.409.12 j Certified checks. 2.055.90 Cashier's checks outstanding.-..15.00 1,451,964 84 (:,' >rcs( reserve. 10.000.00 United States deposits............. w>- 5+6-74 Reserve fund.-.- I5.000-.o9 Total. $1,899,463 36 I. James M. Rail, cashier, do solemnly swear that <0m a2>cv? la a .tarue ertslte nient of the financial condition of Tho Savings Bank of Rkihmond, located at Richmond, In the county of 11 en rloo, State of Virginii-n, n.t the clos-o of ibuMwess on the 11th day of June. IS12. to the foest of my krtowl?dg.? and belief. J A M13S M. BALL, CashHaj*. Correct?Attest: L Z. 3JXXRBJK, OKOROE L. CITRTfiTTrAN, O. Cr. VALENTINE, F. STTTERTJCn'G. Dlnootona. State of Virginia. CRy of Richmond: Sworn to and subscribed ihejor* mo *y James M. Ball this 20t?? day of J^tiwe, 1912. OBO.RGE W. WATT. Notary iPuOrtie, My commission empires April 5, 19110. Strong as the Strongest STATEMENT OF TIER FINANCIAL, CONDQTUjON OF Broad Street Bank LOCATED AT RICHMOND, IN THE COUNTY OF H.ENRTOO. STATTE OF V7TR GLNIA. AT THE <T/'>SE OF BUSINESS, JUNE 14, 1912, MADE TO T\HE STATT: CORPORATION COMMISSION. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.?.i-. $1.043,549.-61 I 'verd rafts, unsecured .-.. 626.06 Bunds, securities, ere owned. Including premiums on same....... 884.047.60 Banking house n:id lot..'.?. 68.091.23 Other real estate owned. 98,953.113 Furniture nnd fixtures. ..-. 23.945.54 :: u ~ nnd ch*cks for next daiy's clearings. 12,726.87 other c.tsli items . 40S. S7 Due from national banks. 256.977.37 Due from Sta-to I units, private bankers and trust companies...... 1.167.52 Paper currency . 55,317.00 ! Fraction il paper currency, r.ekcls and cents. 1.348.43 I Crold coin .- 5.552.50 f S Ivor coin . S.605. 70 Total. $1^959,617 42 LiAnii.iTrEJ!. Capital stock paid M. $ 20fl.0OO.3O Surplu. fund . 75.000.00 Undivided p.rofits. less amount pail for interest, expanses and taxes 63.8H.06 Dividends unpaid . 36.35 Individual deposits .$T,578.4-1 4 ?3 Time certificates of deposit. . 6,377.5? CtiTtWIed cheeks. . 1,792.14 Cashier's r-h?rks outstanding.-. 80;93 - t,.%?l.?4?.s2 Du. \n national banks. 42.500.00 Interest reserve. 685.03 Total. $1,959,617 42 I. Andrew Of. Glover, cashier, do solemnly that fhe o.bove 1? a true statement of the financial condition of the Broad Street Bank, located at Rich? mond, in the county of Henrlco. Staiba of Virginia, at ?se of business on the lltli r];iv ..f June, 1912, to the be?.t of my knowledge and belief. ANDREW M. GT/WFJR. Oarhler. Correct?Attest: I.EON D F.T TEDTt A OH, TV. if. IfYBLTSTON, J. W. ROTHFJRT. Director*. 4 State of Virginia, City of Richmond: S-.vr-rn t- ?>nd suosrri'bed hefore bv Andre-w M. Glover, eashte.T, fb-la 20th day of June, 19'12 E. L. WORD, Notairy PubMo, My commission expires February 4. 1916. REPORT OF TIfK CONTRITION OF TOE Merchants National Bank AT RICHMOND IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI? NESS, JUNE 14. 1 !>12. IttSSOUUCKS. Loans and discounts. $5,134,643.83 overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 1,025.07 United State? bonds t.. secure circulation. 20O.3JO.0O United States Lends to secure United States deposits. 15,000.00 Other bonds to secure United stales deposits. 96,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc. $93.890.7.1 Ranking1 house, furniture und fixtures. 125,000.00 Other real estate owned. 401.73 Dp? from national banks mot reserve agents^.S516.935.11 Duo from Stabe and private banks and trust companies and savings banks. 29S.906.60 Due from approved reserve agents. r>02,2l^.35 Checks and other cash ttitma.?. 1.323.SI Exchanges for clearing house. iin,c32.(i4 Notes of other national 'banks. 39,0)0,0) I -paper currency; nickels and cents. 2,913 96 lawful money reserve in batik, via: Specie .$ 2.*..770.51 Legal tender nOt*S.?? 2:t7.900.10 -363,670.50 - 1.735,520.42 Redemption fund .sith V. S. Treasurer lift o-f circulation*. S,350.00 Total . fS.S0iM31.TB LIABILITIES. Capita] stock paid in. $ 230.000.0? Surplus fund . 800,000.0) Undivided profits, less tTtpitxtca and taxe^s ;>.i1d. 290.907.9J National Lank notes outstanding. 187.100.00 Due to other national barks.$1.070,197.86 Due to state und ?r.lvaite banks and .1 n.t-kers. 810,671.89 Due to trust cccn?sttfcs at: I nvlr.T* banks. 391.306.5* Du ? to anp."dved r serve agents. 218,617.39 Individual de-noslts suhlpc.l Id .-heck. 3..'.7S,S67.r>r, Demand certificates of deposit. 361,119.'! I Certified checks . 16.932. "3 <'-i iler'? i'he.'k? outstanding. 1.697.32 U. S. depos I? in?' nostal savings deposits, H.13S.93.. Hl?470.51 Dtr/soslts of U 8. disbursing officers. 8.513.33 - 6.6o2,123.R* Reserved for Interest. 129.000.00 To! tl . ?S,209.iat.T5 State r.f Virgile!*, cilf <vf Richmond, ss: T. Thomas it Mr Ad i ms. cssl er the a bove named bank, do solemnly stveay that the albove statement ts true t" the best of mv knowledge and belief. THOMAS R McADAMS, CashieT. Correct?Attest. \ J AMIES CASKIE. M 0 BRANCH, S. T MORGAN. ? Directors. ' Subscribed and .??worn to before me tills 1"?1h day of June, '912, O, K.'VANDERSL1CT3, Notary PubThS, Safest for Savings