Newspaper Page Text
Hot Weather Fo otwear Warm clays like these, one's natural de? sire is for their feet to feel comfortable. Drcsp them in .1 pair of our White Shoes and you "score one" in favor of both com fort ind style. We recommend a pair of our Dainty White Pumps ?just like the illustration?which arc to be had with either red leather or white covered heels at $2.00 a pair. Other styles, too,* at $2.00 a pair, and ever so many at $2.50 and $3.00. Miller & RJwads' Shoe .Section, Second Floor. CAN'T RAILROAD IT THROUGH COUNCIL ? .-1 ?-?_ Mem'rvcrs Baik at Steam Roller and\YVant Franchise. Ordi? nance Printed. WON'T TAKE VOTE TO-NIGHT Public Sentiment Forces Delay Until Matter Ts Better linderst ood. The Richmond nnd llenrlco Railway Company's Hpp'lcntlon for n llghi nnd power franchise will tint lie ritllroad rn through the Common Council to? night. This fact was made certain yester? day, In view <?r the" tremendous pub- | lie sentiment against steam roller i methods, nnd because of the popular' d.mi'iid to have printed tho' report, prepared by a subcommittee, urging that th?- matter bo given the most j careful consult ration by Council, So , to-night, v.l.en the friends of the how company undertake to force mi Im? mediate vote, the Council will demand delay and order that the record lie printed so that members who want to deal fairly by all interests, and the taxpayers may be prepared to vole Intelligently and wisely. Twenty-four members of the Coin- j inen Council, now serving, will go out | of iilllcc on Septe. - r 1. Many of ? them were defeated iti the recent pri? mary, a few declined to run again, others retired that they might b? free I tr> filter tho race for the Adminis? trative Board. The fact remains. , however, that twenty-four members, I many of whom are behind the move-i ment to railroad the franchise through ( the lower brunch to-nlirht. will have no voice In the matter of franchlso grants after September 1. Public Sentiment Aroused. The most intense feeling has been iiroused In business circles ovjer this attempt to put through a frnnchlse ; without first giving 1t the thought und attention It deserves. Ten of the eighteen members of the i Common Council who signed the call for the special meeting to-niRht will bs legislated out of ?fttee at the end of August. l.nnkltlj these facts squarely In the face, business people ?who are not Interested financially In cither railway company urged that i c-.onsldetratl?Yi "ofi the ordinance be ! postponed until the Councilman them- | reives can uridorstajpd what they are doing *-"o ??str?'tiir was this demand that several members who are In fa? vor of the franchise, and others who rtsned the call, declared that they ? would advise the delay, as they were) Unwilling to be put In the same elass ; with those who are bent upon haste [ regardless of everything. I'rlots Only n Part. No effort will be madjjp to send the report bark to the Committee on 1 f*treets. the Idea h.?lng .-Imply to de- ! fer artlon until the record Is print? ed. The Richmond nnd llenrlco Rail-; way Is said to have seriously Injured Its cause by the hurried printing yes? terday of the ordinance, without the subcommittee's report, "t ithout the opinion of Colonel <7. orge Wayne An-' derson. Assistant City Attorney, who objects to Its form, and without tho fur.d of informntbrrt as to rates and service secure)] by ti... subcommittee for the ef the Council. The ' bar* ordinance was printed for mem- ' hers after The Times-Dispatch pub-| lisi.ed the fBct that it had never been read. AVhlle the ipecloJ (meeting could I huve been culled on a forma! re'iuest from three members, Wilton K. Jen kir.s, vice-president of the Richmond and llenrlco Rallwa v. prepared und circulated the petition, got eigh? teen signatures. Mr Jenkins Lad this petition In circulation two days, the charge being mad" that ;> e nt w Company wanted a large number of signers In an off' rl to make II pear that there was ioui I -? son nnd a big desire for spei flj Won'I Stand I'J fledge. It is faid it i.t President Peters first refused to call the rnectlng for last night at the requcM erf tlni Richmond snd Henrlco Railway, without the usual and rtf.- I&l request from mew. heis of Cqe.nell Although the Rich? mond and II. ? ? i .. ?" , . sum ejalmed last night that they had twenty/nvo Council men pledged, the vote will r.ot be forced to-night in the face e,f pub *V? f?mi>r deposits '- ' I when you And the ?. h to own, ? ime sod ? will help you. Ignored Plea to Study Franchise Vnur Kubrn mitlM * cc Horm tliesr vn rlou* ijucsttoita of the ureatcM im? portance, nmi respectfully HUggcnl thnt it In time for thlM city t<> lay ilo?n n ?voll defined policy, noi only ?is n protection to Invented capital, inii im ii protection lo the commun? ity dn irell, from ilic unnecesaary duplication of plnnti nf puhlle utlll llrx iinil the resultant burdens. ?? Viithnrltlen and record* hmr horn produced beforr ?mir nuHcnm mlttcp, which ?hon conclusively Hint the trend or public thought nmi deetnloa |h iinnnlmotmly to the ef feei tlmi public utilities* constitute mitum] monopolies, nnd thnt compe? tition should never lie permitted un? less ninile iifreii<nrj l,y rPnsnn of excessive rntes or liinden,tinf e ?rr vlce und the inability of the Kovern nirn| to require fnlr price nmi eftl rlenc.v. The experience of nur mv.n ??lly. n% well ns of man j others brought tu the nttentlon of your subcommittee, nhotvn thni Niich com? petition Inevitably rrnulta In the duplication of expenditure. In ulll uiiKe merger, nmi eonsciiuent hurilrn permanently nnridlcd upon the com miinll y. "These eonnlderattonn wnrmni your subcommittee In ?licKfutliiK Ihm (he arnerni committee co full? Int? the question ?f the advisability nod propriety of granting any eom IM'tlncr eleetrlr light lind power franchise ?hntever, under the eon lllttonN nil ml i ted iitiiI nnotvn to psrlst in this rlly.*'?Ft?ii subcommittee's report on application of Richmond and Henrloo Railway for light and power franchise. lie trcntlment, wMfh has bitterly de- , nounced steam roller method*. Notwithstanding the suggestion of the subcommittee that the Committee on Streets "go fully Into the question of tiw? advisability and propriety of 1 granting any competing electric light and power franchise whatever, under the conditions admitted and shown to! exist In this city.'1 the committee, af. ; ter an hour or two of discussion, sent i the franchise to council with the recommendation that It lie adopted. By so doing the work of months' was thrown away. Since the meeting j on Monday, however, the cry has hoen | so persistent thai while the fact Is i not admitted the advocates of the I franchise have abandoned their plan! of squeezing the Council int? line to- i night. The steam roller program wns so much like the program at Chicago that the fn.-t provoked much com? ment yepterdny, nltho-.iBh tho row in I the Republican convention did not | i ause the people of Richmond to lose' sigh*, of conditions at home. Members) Who Drop Out, As stated above, twenty-four tnem bcrs ?.f the Common Council, who can voi. on tho franchise application to? night, will Ko out of ofTice on Septem? ber 1?many of them by vote of the people. 'I'h- two <:r,7.en who win drop out then are: < laude 1.. Bnlklns .lamp* ll. Pinner ??'??MC?, lllnke II I; Pollard \t, ll. Itnsrhen .lefl c. Powers Barnes llotriimn -lohn i'. Power? II. Ilradle.? I . m. k,-;,,!,. I . It. Hroivii < . k, iciphurda ?' ??? Hitrbf IV. Fred ItlPhnrdson (ieoige .11, Cense .lohn \. Splph ? M. terffioeon r. A. Besinn .lohn Itii-i liluTir ( II. Wilt,hire U Mfll. W. \\. Workman I or the |pp Mission. ' following amounts were received hy ' Tlniea-Dispatch yesterday for ibe lie ssion: P. Murphy . ; f0' tiipatliy .I jj1 ?h . 1 ?l '? A O. K In land. 1 00 ?h . 1 mi Friend. j oo ?1. 1 00 . II. Crnm. .Ir. 1 00 Totals .if. :s Burton SuU mi Trial. '.-i imcnl tvai heard yesterday in the Clr I ???:?>?( .lu.ise l:. Carter Scott In ? ? .<-? ol Hunter Burton ssalhit the city Kiel 1 i t:ils nit Inn liurion Is sultis '??? 5< M v.. which he claims Is duo contract for certain ex<-avstlns; ? iii performed by him lor the munlclpal > After hearing part of the evidence ? da-- Scott adjourned the court till 10 cloi k tills mornlns \ not her Smallpox < ssr. The th rd and most serlou? rase of llpox 'i til.- past week was dis? covered yesterday by the Health De? partment nt 17"0, Knst Marshall Street. Jane Dabney, a stxty-slx-year-old col i bred woman, was found to have a des l perate case and was removd at once i l., the Smallpox Hospital. It 1? the sixteenth case this year. Is the oily of Richmond in the habit of Hivnvf away franchises blindfold'.' The eleotrlx: light and power franchise - lugltt bo :n> Jamsninl through U?e Com? mon Council TO-NIGHT has never ' -, ;. . ?Wahexi and NKVF.R YF.T U?UN ItJiAiD TtKFyMtK TIBS COUNCXU ORDER ISSUED TO SUSPEND GAUGER Seizure of llenrico Distilling Company's Plant Brings Other Complications. SENSATION IS PROMISED Mysterious Changes in Slock] Owenership Follow Arrest of Roberts. While for reasons 3t its own tho' local office Of the L'nited States revenue department remains strangely reticent about the matter, it is known that Important developments will fol? low the seizure Wednesday of Ins plant operated by the llenrlco Distil-, ling Company, Inc., of Henrlco county. The government, it is understood, has evidence of a sensational nature, which will be made public when the ease reaches a hearing before Comniissl"ti ? r hTegonhclmer. The most Important development yesterday was the suspension of K. W.l I (erper, government storekeeper-: ganger at the distillery. While the statute makes a suspension compulsory ill all cases of selxurv, the circum? stance was sufficient yesterday to' cause much speculation touching thej line of prosecution that the govern-1 ment will adopt. Although the seizure went into ef-i feet Immediately upon the serving of; notice Wednesday, it w'll not be fully] completed until to-day. By special older of the local revenue office, and, under a section of the revenue laws; framed to cover such contingencies,' tile distillery was permitted to re-j i.lain In operation yesterday to com-] pl?te the fermentation of certain Vats! which were full at the time of thej seizure. The action was taken to pro-] vent monetary loss resulting from an' immediate closing of the plant. Thej list mash will he drawn off this' morning, after which time the dls-j llllcry win remain closed un?il thej charges aealnst it fiv disposed of.' lending the oftlcinl locking?up of the] distillery, Deputy Collector B. P.-1 Southward has been in charge. Stuck ChancteM Hands. A significant fact in connection with the seizure of the distillery, and one . win. h no one 'In authority Under? takes to explain. Is that since the arrest of T. A. Roberts last Monday on the charge of threatening a rev- . enue officer with an axe. there has! taken place a partial change of own? ership. Shortly nfier tjhc arrest, a number of stockholders, most of whom live in Richmond, disposed of their holding:-. A reorganization in the dt- | rectorate followed, with the election of T. A. Roberta a.s secretary and ! treasurer. The present schedule of; owners Oil lllc In the office of tho state Corporation Commission no j longer represents the SXCUrate Hst of stockholders and t;1e authorities decline to make the names of these . public before the trial. The llenrlco Distilling Company. , which stands charged with removing. untaxpBld spirits to a place other than the warehouse designated bylaw, is the largest In the State, and has d dally output of 7."." gallons. Tfte Spo- ; clflc charge against Roberts is threat ening to assault Deputy-Collector E. P. Southward with an axe, but he will also he tried with the other owners and officers of the distillery on the j general charge lodged against in? i company. Will Move to Secure Doud. Steps were taken yesterday by at? torneys for the defense to secure an order from Judge WaddHl. of tho United Stales District Court of the Kastern District of Virginia, permit- . ting the distillery to continue business under bond until the difficulty is ad- : Justed. j Judge Waddlll Is now in Norfolk. One ol the attorneys for the defense,; it was stated, left yesterday for lhat , city to secure the order. The government Statut. ..Mends the 1 bonding privilege to distilleries hav Ing an output of more than 150 gal? lons a day. and having dependent up-] on 'ts products fifty or more head of. live stock. The sudden tleuarture of United States Commissioner Flegenhelmer for Chicago yesterday, will probably mean that tho hearing which was scheduled to lake place before him on June liT.. will be postponed to a later date. Both sides. It la understood, have ex? pressed their willingness to have tho hearing deferred. While Chief Deputy Thomas 1\ Meany had no statement to make touching the case, and was disposed to let the matter rest until the formal hearing. It is generally known around revenue headquarters that the end of the complication is not yet, and that the next few days will see ad? ditional warrants issued as a direct result of the seizure. .Mnrrlnge License. A marring e eras leaned in the cierk'i office of the Hustlngi Court yester? day to Charles R. Roberts, of Qllea count v. und Mrs. Mattle O. Board, of Roanoke i ounty. UNLIKELY10 CAMP No Money Available for Joint Manoeuvres of Militia and Regular Army. MT. GRETNA TRIP PLANNED Much Work Already Done. Veto of President Causes Much Cot:!'! ;icn. I'nless nn emergenc act In passed by Congress, makli.:; special up propi'lullon tor the purposi ol Joint manoeuvres, it neon- ??>?> Virginia troops will not go Into i ump this year. There Is no nion j ?'th willen tu defray the expenses ?'f the Mt. Gretnu camp und all the others which had been planned. Tl Ii Is due to the veto by President Tuft of ihe army appropriation bill. The office of Adjutant-General V? | W. Sale was notiiied "f the situation I yesterday morning in a telegram from the Secretary or Viir Chief Clc-rn 1 Joseph Be Masurier at oiic?: comuiuni- . cated'tlte lnformutlon t" General Sale, j who was at fJexington attending the j Virginia Military institute finals, and it is supposed he will take the mat- ; tor up upon his return to the city to-day. Muilr All Arrangements. The army appropriation bill con- i mined the usual sun. !??:? Join man-j oeuvres or the regular iroops and the organised miiitiB of the tates. An tlulpattng its passugc, ihe Wat Do-i pnrtmcnt made arrangements for a j number of ericampm< nts. The Mill tin of Virginia. Maryland, Pennsylva? nia and the District of Columbia were to camp at Mt. Grctun, -a., together with tones of Infant::, nrtuicry and; cavalry from the regular army. The Virginia Field Artillery ?Ud tho Klchmond Blues Battalion liave been excused from attendance, bui the en? tire First Brigade, consisting of the First, Second and Fourtn Regiments of I Infantry, had made arrangements to' be present. The President vetoed the appropria? tion bill because it contained the pro-! vis-Ion which would have eliminated Ucneral Leonard Wood as chief -if staff of ihe army. ||. seems to have believed that the section "f the act Mas ill-considered and ^ as Intended as a blow to General Wood. I'nnsipsi Much Inconvenience. This puts the Virginia militia all in tin air. Hundreds of man have sought' and obtained leaves i '. absence and vacations from their employers to at-! ti nd the Mt. oretnn Camp. Companies have been recuited .:nd have made plans for the trip. The Adjutant- j General's olllce has done n vast' amount of work and has Incurred large ??\pense in providing ummtsssry and tiuartermaster supplies! There in talk of concerted action to ?et an emergency bill through Con-I kies? appropriating merely the money necessary for the mnnootivre camps, so that they shall not be interfered with, it seems unlikely thai >h? regular bill n.i It stands con b? passed over thej President'? veto, an*: 11 long struggle Vi likely, with the.probable result that no army appropriating bill will be passed .it this session Even a delay of a week or two will i.e fatal to the] plans for the camps, especially since ll is mutually agreed that no bills of. importance are to he considered until1 after the adjournment of the two na-] ticnal conventions. -_ < harter? Issued. Flo'ei s-. 1... n renci Corporation. Bristol., \a. a, u. Orborne. president: J. .-. Dunn, secretary: <?'? B. Uimii, vir<--prostdent-?.;i pi Bristol. Capital: Maximum, !l".'-i.; m?f im tl in. ta.OCO. American r:.,nk of ~urfotk fine;), Suffolk, n. It. Saundera, president: \V. n Crnsier. drat vice-president; ?. a. Conlbourn, lo,-oni|: vice-president; Urnen i:. Jones, secretary and . asxii.-r all ?f > iffnlk. V?. Capita!:, Maximum, t 00.000: minimum, 110,000. Sedley Borne (t;.l:-:.n? Corporation, .-'ed-l ley, Vo. I'lilllp Itogcrf, president: .l>-rtro' Butler, vice-president: J. II Boyd. secre-? iar-v~:,!i ": <,,,y"'- Vs Capita!: Maximum. J1...1O0: minimum, 11,000. Object: H<.n rs tato i"n. Amendment was .--;.d t? the ?harter of' fitton ?'i'tton Ilausii:; corporation, Nnrf.ilk.' %n Increasing :?..- minimum capital from 1115,000 to KK,000. and reducing lt? out standing stock from ;.'".0.000 to tSSi.QOO. Two Oo to Heath C hair To-IMly. Clarence Dlxoh, ? ,: Norfolk county, and! B\r<l Jn kion, co red of Caroline count'-,, win be electrocuted it de penitentiary some time this morning ' ? son dice for a crime, committed near I .-mouth some months ago. .lork?.oi. was eon' ?? J of robbing and at? tempting ti murdci I. L,. Farmer, a mer? chant at Bowling ?; ? ? n. Jarks-m stole tl.'O and left Farmer ? lead. When captured e -short tun, after ? ? nogro confessed to; the crime. Ctgarmakers ?.. ileet Again. Newton J. S-ott . been elected by the elgarmakeri ..' Rl ..u\ ar their delegate to the conxenilon of heir craft, which "ill i'<- held hi Baltltn n In September. This will be the Arti intlon for teventeen years, during which 'ime the referendum has been emplnyerl \ convention. It was ?I?-, bled, was necessary to meet changed . oii'lltlniis. Says ll-- H is Meld Up. i'. v.'. Broach, of Iii irlcn coiinty, r^-perted to tho police :.e?t. iy that he had been held up and r"b:.' uenr Eighteenth and Ctrace Street? W*i ? ?dny night. Me saya the robber t",,k HO or J50 from him. EMPLOYERSSGORE SCHOOL TRAINING Declare Boys and Girls Between Fourteen and Seventeen Arc Deficient in Ksscntials. HUTZLER AND POLLOCK TILT School Board Chairman Asserts His Authority on Question of Testimony. Two hours of further Investigation Into the school situation last night <!. vclopeu a lively tilt between Chair? man Gilbert K. Pollock .of the In? vestigating committee, ana Charles Tutzler, of the School Board, touch? ing the Interruption ot a witness for tb. purpose ot introducing evidence which the latter was Oisposed to re-l gurd us out of place. Joseph 11.| Suunders, principal of tho William j Vox School, was on the stand, nnd| was testifying to high value of nian-j ual training nnd similar courses in! the high school. ^ Chairman Pollock asked and secured1 permission from Dr. J. A. C. Chandler, Mho was examining the witness, to in - j ttoduce a number of letters from busl-j ness m.n in the city stating thilr; opinion of the school training of boys! and girls employed by them In their stores A communication was read from Miller & Rhoads, which stated that a large number of the boys and, girls between the ages of fourteen and seventeen employed by the tlrni were found deficient In the essentials, and thai it was found necessary to supple? ment their training by extra Instruc? tion in the store. Hulslec Offers objection. "1 submit." said Mr. llutr.ler. In? terrupting the reading of a similar letter from another i.rm. ?'that the Witness can testify only to what he knows of his own experience, and that It is wholly out ot order to expect him to express an opinion 'in the ovldence which is now introduced. 1 request thai the examination of the witness . proceed, and that these letters be pre s? nted later at tho proper time." Mr. Pollock explained that he pre rented the letters at this point with the express permission of Dr. Chand? ler, who was conducting the examina? tion of the witness, and that he (1.ought It pertinent at this time to ask his opinion of them, since they seemed to be somewhat a variance with statements Just made to the committee. ".I ret,nest, in that case," said Mr. ilutzler "that Dr. Chandler withdraw Iiis permission for the introduction of these letters at this time. If-that Is not enough. I shall insist. In my capacity as chairman of the school Board, thnt they be barrel during the examination of this witness." Mr. Ilutzler spoke as If he meant it. and there was danger of. a break, when Dr. Chandler adjusted matters with a few wotds of explanation. It was agreed that only one more l.-tter be read and the rest filed with the committee. Stiy* Children Are DcHclent. The letter from Miller & llhoadl was acdreased to Mis* Harriet C. Hughes, secretary of the Teachers' As- I soc'allon of the Elementary Schools. Touching the boys and girls employed by them, the communication stated: "We 'nvarlably find them very de? ficient in the fundamental knowledge of business transactions, reading, writ? ing and common arithmetic. In fact, we have found them so deficient in 1 this respect that It lias been necessary '? for us to employ some one to teach them a few hours each day in these 1 branches in order that they may hold their positions." A similar communication from Four qtirean, Temple & Co, caracterlzed the school children cmp'oved by them as "defective" in many of the branches. A letter to Miss Hughes from Miss t* II. Steuden, auditor of the Cohen Com? pany, complained that "the children are iiot taught to think." Commend John .M h m h it 11 (.rnduntrs. Principal James C. HarWOOd, of the John Marshall High School. In the course ot his testimony touching the curriculum of the school, introduced a nulnbei of letters from business men commending In highest praise the High School graduates employed by them. Xi il D. Stils wrote that he employed three John Marshall boys In his office I and found them unusually "efficient j and well-trained." A number of other b tt' i:- in the same strain were ordered tiled. Assistant City Attorney George | Wayne Anderson warned the commit tec that letters like those received j from the department etores. which criticized the quality of the training of their boy and rtln employes with OUt establishing the fact that they were taught In tho Richmond schools, were practically valueless as evidence in the present investigation. In order to carry we'ght at all, he said. it should be shown clearly that the children In qttcstlon were educated in the local schools. iVould Xot Omit "Frill*." Asked IT he would omit from the course of studies the so-called frills? manual training, music, sewing and cooking?Professor Satindcrs, the first examined, replied emphatically thai he would not omit anything from the curriculum as it Is now constituted. The assemblage tittered when Chair? man Poiio, k followed the reading of a letter from a Mrs. Pollock, with the remark that the writer was not a relation. It roared a moment later when Professor Saunders read an- ! other from a fond mother who wanted the disputed studies continued because, "music has a refilling influence which j is very much needed In the public | schools." The committee rose nt 10:15 1 [o'clock, after a short examination of Dr. J. A. C Chandler, to meet again ' ut the call of the chairman. I It I oes Went I im hi em. A committee of the Richmond Blues has in charge the selection of a suita? ble souvenir emblem to be. used on! the coming trip of the battalion toi New England. Samples of leather' watch fobs with the Rlues- coat-of-| arms In oxidized silver as a charm i buttons and badges, are going the!1 rounds of the men. Nearly all of tho souvenirs, naturally, will be given away while on the trip to hosta and their fair friends, and the soldiers feel that it Is a matter of considerable importance. A meeting of the com? mittee was held at tho armory last night, no conclusion being reached. T)o YOC know what the city Is risked TO (HVK AWAY in the franchise which ! it is attempt, d to l'X)RCE TIIIROUO11 TDK COMMON rotWOII, TO-NIGHT" Of course, you do not--th?t franchise has never yet been published; In fact, it IfAK XBVBR YET 11 .BEX READ BEFORE TILE CJOUXCI1* Security and Service As Expressed in the Condensed Statement of the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. June 14, 1912. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts . $4,570,533.88 Bonds with United States Treasurer. 706,802.08 Other Bonds, etc. 354,467.14 Banking House. 336,616.06 Cash Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 1,124,523.80 $7,092,942.96 LIABILITIES. Capital .,.$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits. 694,011.61 Circulation .- 600,000.00 Bond Account . 133,000.00 Deposits. 4,654,262.04 Reserved for interest, etc. 11,669.31 $7,092,942.96 Suits Worth Up to $30.C 0 I TO-DAY AND TO-MOIUIOW, $19.50 Tho special Suit Pale now In tprogross Is holding tho attention of buyers. The assortment Is still satisfactory?tho qualities and styles are unexcelled. AV? still hav* all sizes for all ehapes. With a ?19.50 Suit, got a Oans-Itady Special Straw at St.05. Gans-Rady Company State Ascertains Officially That, They Will Not Alight on Said Food. If you will smear fresh tomato juico , all over your food and house there will i be no necessity for swatting the fly. for] he won't come around. It Is officially I announced by the State Dairy and Food j Department that Hies will not alight on fresh tomatoes. This statement comes as a result of actual Investigation; It all started over the regulations requiring food products In course of manufacture to be screened. Copies of the law were ! sent to the canneries of the Stale. [ Thereupon the tomato cdnners descend ed in a body upon tho department and assorted that the regulations were worth no more than a pro-convention claim of Sena-tor Dixon, or words to that effect. They said that Ittcs will have nothing whatever to do with fresh tomatoes nor with the aforesaid fruit or vegetable or weed while it IS in proee?s of being canned. No lly. i they paid, was ever swatted while In I the act of reclining upon a tomato. Furthermore, they proved their case, i Tho department was a llttlo skepti? cal. Assistant Commissioner Purcoll' had never bet?re heard of anything save lly paper and hot stoves upon which Hies would not alight. So he I got some tomatoes and spread them about In convenient places. Tl.e lllc<t j ante, saw and went away in silent; -'loom. They would aot fall tor it. So officially the tomato is not a food which Is required to be screened In canneries. This was ruled upon some few weeks ago. It seems, however, that the canners are not yet satisfied. They notified State Health Commission? er Williams yesterday that they v.. re coming in a body next Tuesday to hce. about liiu pure food laws. Dr. Wll-I hams passed the engagement along to the State Dairy and Food Commission- : er. who has Jurisdiction. What thej canners want with hint the latter oltl-. clal cannot imagine, since ho now has no regulation affecting them. Hut he I has said he will bo glad to ace them. I They will hall from Koanoke. JOY RIDERS ARRESTED T?o Men and 'I'mo Women Wreck lor tn Chesterfield County, A wild Joy ride In Chesterfield couti ty yesterday mornim- resulted In the! arrest ]at;l night of two women, Jen- I nie De Forrest and Cesll '.'urica, Fred Cooke, of Chesterfield county and ? th.. negro chauffeur, William Scott.; The machine In which they were rid Ing wn* owned by Joe Wlgginton, and ! was wrecked near Falling Creek, in < Chesterfield county. The chauffeur it in the South Rich* mond Polles Station, charged with be? ing drunk and disorderly; "ooke is I under bond for the same offense; and the two women were locked In the First Police Station last night to be delivered to the Chesterfield author? ities tnls morning. BELL FOR SPEAKER Culpeper .Man Likely to .loin I.let ofl Candidates. Another probablu candidate .'or J Speaker of the House of Delegates Is Aldcn Bell, wiio has for several terms been the member from Culpper. It Is understood among the friends ot Mr. Bell that he Is quite likely to enter the race. If nominated and re elected next year. Mr. Bell has been a member of the' Legislature of Texas as well as of that I ?f Virginia, and was a Judge In the' Done Star State. He has traveled much, journeying around the world. During the past session he was chair? man of the House Committee for Courts of Justice. serioTsIh?rge against a boy Escaped From Reformatory, but Won't Return Without Requisition Papers. Charles Williams, a white boy fifteen years of age, was arrested yes terday afternoon by Detective F. 1. Klengel, and charged with having escaped from the Republic Guardian Association ot Maryland. Being leas than seventeen years of age. the boy was sent to Mrs. Cleary, lOU West Broad Street until such tlmo as he could be delivered to the Maryland authorities, Mrs. Cleary having been lesignated as temporarily matron to luae charge of juvenle delinquents until a permanant place could be de? cided upon. Dust night It was learned that the Williams boy was accused In his na fve State on a serious charge, and that he would refuse to return to Maryland without requisition papers. Captain of Detectives McMahon com? municated with Chief of Police Werner asking that he be placed in one af the police stations, fearing that he might get away from Mrs. Cleary. Major Werner stated that on account of his age the boy couLd not bo removed, and Mrs. Cleary, who was then acquainted with the facts in the case, said that she would watch him all night and deliver him to the officers this morning. It Is understood that Williams Is one of the worst of the Inmates of tho Maryland Institution, which in Its work is slmllnr to the I.nurel Re? formatory in this State, and that this Is tho third time he has succeeded in making hla escape. When jhc Is '? turned over to tho officers this morn? ing. Captain McMahon will telc grapih the Maryland authorities to come for him with tho necessary najoers. Robbery in West Main Street Brought Penitentiary Dogs to Scene. Between 3.30 and 5:H> o'clock yesto... day afternoon thieves entered the resi? dence of W. D. Sommorvtlle und Clar? ence Martin, at I'll; V. Main St.. and. aftor ransacking the house left with a watch and two rings belonging to Mr. ?Martin, tho value of which Is estimat? ed at 150. Immediately after the rob 1" ry was discovered a neighbor tele? phoned to the police and for the pen? itentiary bloodhound*. There was lit? tle for either to work on. The hounds took the trail from a foot print in thn buck yard and followed It out beyond the rescrvlor. Thn police arc work? ing on clues they obtained after look? ing over the grounds. L'p to a late hour last night neither had accom? plished anything Mr. Somerville and Mr. Martin are both employed by the Virginia Hall? way and Power Company and were at work yesterday afternoon. Their wives left the house at :: o'clock lor a visit, and when they returned It was found that ii had he( n visited by thieves. Kxamlnatlon of the premises showed that entrance was gained by breaking & slat in one of th>, blinds of the ?round floor so <t\:.t the window catches could be pushed sstdc. The, robbers evidently were after money and Jewelry, as they went through the whole house without taking anything) else Just how they ginned entrance with? out being detected Is somewhat of a mystery, as It we.? at thut lime of the afternoon when the street is general? ly full of p?oplA Next door to the house that was robtsed a new build? ing is being constructed and work. Men were constantly employed nil day. They noticed noticing unusual. When the alarm was turned in. It was found that both the bnck und s'de gates were open. IN POLICR COURT Negro I ined and Sent to .full for K?nning Hpeskeasy, In Police Court yesterday morning S T. Klar, colored, was convicted Of selling liquor without a license, lined 1100, sent to jail lor sixty days and required to give hond In the sum of ICY) for twelve month*. He took in appeal King ran a "speakeasy" It the far of No 11 North Twenty-first street W, J. B?ren was charged with nonsuppprt and ordered to pay his wife MO per mmth. He was also plared unde- gecurity of %Wi for twelve months. William Prather tsas convicted of ste.-. ins two piano tops from the Cbrley Company, and was sort to Jail for four mor.lhr. Tiie casn of C I. Woodward. susp<<"t?d n? bring a fugitive from Justice from Wash? ington, was continued to this morning so that rhe police might communicate with the Washington authorities. William Bank?, colored, was charged ?v:th assaulting A. G. Trslnum and t-ikir.g fr->m him js. Banks wai P"1 under bond of IVO for twelve months. After it has been granted by the city, a, franchise- cannot bo revoked, cannot lie recalled, cannot be revised, cannot be changed in any of its provisions, but becomes a contract binding ?;l thu city for a long period of years. So the time to mihi fc-.n-e that any franchise .. , i? --;:i.r?l? the cits' and the people s BEFORE) such franchise Is granted. The franchise which It is sought to 1XA11.ROAD through the Common Coun , -j TO-NKIHT has never rOoon pub? lished ar.d HAS NKViCR TKT BEEK READ BBFORE THE COUXOIls Summer Excursion Rates to polr.ts North and TVeBt by rail and water. RICHMOND TRANSFER OOMPXTT, S03 East Mj-'.ji Street._, . ?" 1 - ? ? The best roofing tin for the money is Ga M. Co.'s "Pearl" Roofing Tin. Gordon Metal Co. Work That Leaves The Royal Laundry Is not only clean to the eye. but is abso? lutely gcrmless. livery detail of our sys? tem is better than the best home wort can possibly be. "Rough Dry" at 6c a lb Phone us. Monroe 1958 or 1959. The Royal Laundry M. B. Fl?rsheim. Proprietor, 311 N. Seventh Street. Richmond Corrugated Paper Company Manufacturers CORRUGATED BOXES, WRAPPERS, PARTITIONS, Etc., 817-819 N. Seventeenth St. Works, Office, Phone Monroe 3271 Madisoa 257,