Newspaper Page Text
DECIDE CONTEST BEFORE ELECTION Supreme Court Grants Appeal in Case Involving Treasurers' Election. WILL BE HEARD AT STAUNTON Point Gained by Those Op? posing Rcsubmission of Con? stitutional Amendments. Action will bo taken at the Sep? tember term of, the Supremo Court of on the constttut'onallty of the act of the Legislature sublim? ing to the people for the second lime the amendments to th<- Constitution permitting county treasurers and commissioners of the revenue to sui cectl themselves Indefinitely. An ap? peal waB granted yesterday by the court, find the record will he printed pit oti'.'.1. On *tho Oral tmy of the Beptembci term in Staunton a motion will be made for removal of the case from Richmond, and It Is expected that it will be granted; that the ap? peal will be argued, and that a de? cision will be reached before adjourn? ment. This will admit > f final oe termination In time to moke arrange? ment* for the electon In November. oj to prevent such election. The appeal Is taken from the Law and Equity Court of Richmond, whlcn declined .to lesue un injunction on the petition of James a. Scott, to prevent the Secielajy of tho Com? monwealth from issuing the notices of election to tho counties and titles. Amendment* Submitted. fn 1!)06 the Legislature passed a ! Joint resolution approving sundry J amendments to the Constitution. It was necessary that another General Assembly pass on them, which was done in 1610, when they wore sub? mitted to the people. The one doing away with the provision of the Con- i stltuilon, which forbid* county treas- ] urers serving more than two consecu? tive terms, and forbids commissioners of the revenue succeeding themselves at all If ?lected by the people, was defeated. The result was that a great many county treasurers and commissioners, whose terms expire with the end of next year, would be required to re? tire. To start an amendment a'l over again would take two alllrmativc ac? tions by Legislatures, and would not i come in lime to save the treasur? ers. So the Idea was conceived of | resubm.'tlng the amendment this year on the ground that t e two sec? tions?one referring to treasurer:- and i jhe other to commissioner*!?should1 have been submltlea separately. To j get arnunrt the constitutional pro- ; ??islon. the Joint resolution of 1308 : Is taken aa the first approval by the j General Ass<-mbl>, and that of 1912 as the second. The bill providing for resubmlesion, this year was fought In the State] S?. nale, but was passed. The tloven.urj took no action on It, holding that It was not a matter he was required el-! Iber to sign or veto. I'ouBht Out In < ourta. After adjournment of the Leglsla-: lure, action was brought by James A. j bcott, of Lynchburg, praying for anl injunction against B. O James, Secre-j tnry of the Commonwealth, to forbid! the sending out Of otllclal notices of the submission of the amendments In the election of November 5. of this year, Kied Harper, of Lynchburg, rep-i teso-nted Mr. Scott, while Attorney-I General Samuel \V. Williams appeared] for the Commonwealth. The treasur-| ers, who fought the injunction, were represented by Judlje Martin Wil? liams, of Gilts. Randolph Harrison,' of Lynchburg, and Rob?rt K. Scott and, David Ii Leake. of this city. In his decision. Judkje Beverley T.| Crump held that to grant the relief: prayed for would be Interference on the part of the Judiciary department tf the government with the process or' legislation. 'He furthei ruled that the effect of the injunction would bei to enjoin the holding of an election. In the petition for an appeal, it is at The Corley Company's s merely a matter of personal comfort and convenience. We have nothing but the latest 1912 models; over 3,000; Records and three soundproof booths to hear them in. Victrola prices are the same all over the world but, we are doing something special just now for you: You can buy from us for $1 Down and $1 Per Week, Come in this week and see our bright, new Victor Depart? ment. SuccensorH Cubic riono Co. 2i:t Kunt Brand Street; ;argued that 10 rcsubnilt tb>- amend I ntents, except de ?ovo, wua an act out I side <>f legislative discretion. The Secretary of the Commonwealth, it i? said. 1b about to proceed under o sun mission act which la unconstitutional 'n itself, and that therefore trie courts have a light to interfere The General Assembly of Virginia, It Is set forth, has no more rignl to disregard the section of the Constitution specifying I how amendments arc to t?e submitted I to disregard any other section. IIEMIV C. STUART VI A.B1NGDON. Continues to Gain In Strength?Work on Tl nns-Stnte Illghvtur. ? Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Bristol, Va? June ZU.?Henry C. Stuart, now prominent .is .1 candidate (or the Democratic nomination for the governorship of Virginia, is spending u. week with his brother. John J Stuart, and other relatives at Ablng drn. Mr. Stuart is steidll) gaining In strength, und now feels that he will Vie amply strong to undertake the I SCtiVltles incident to trie next cam? paign for the governo. ?h'p. A force of State convict* will begin work about July 15 on Washington County's section of tne proposed turns-State highxva), whK'.i is to ex? tend from Bristol to Washington. President W. h. Ashton. of tn<- High? way Association, states that surveys have been made through all counties b'.twcen Bristol and Roanoke, and that It Is now up to each county to make arrangements for construction work. Bishop Richard .1. Cooke. of the Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the eight new bishops ..hosen by the general conference In Its recent ses? sion at Minneapolis, will be the guest I of the First Methodist Church congre? gation here next Sunday. Bishop Cooke I U visiting the principal churches In I this roglon bcfc?e leaving for his ; new place of residence, at Portland, ! Oregon. Prior to his promotion to the : bishopropric, he held the position of j book editor of the church, and In this capacity became the author of a num? ber of church books of recognized au? thority. Ttto Moonshine Stills Seized. j [Special to The Times-Dlspaten. 1 Freellng, Vs., June 'JO Lieputy Cnited States Marshal AbCTngton. of Wise county, made a raid on George's Fork In this eoimvy on Tu?sday night, seizing two moonshine stills and cap? turing Roy Mulllns. a youth, the son of John B Mulllns. a well-to-do far? mer of that place. It is said that Illicit stills have been operated In I that vicinity for several months. The boy was taken before the United State? [ (ommlsslonor of Wise county for a hearing. Blot Out the Memory of breakfast spoiled by poor cooking?bread with poor leavening ? muffins that didn't stand up as they ?orter.'i USE GOOD LUCK This Baking Powder with its high leavening power is a mighty aid to better cooking, At your g-rocer's. The Southern Manufacturing Co, Richmond, Va. ? Mail Orders Filled--Freight Prepaid THIRST-QUENCHING Here are summer beverages that are simply de? licious. Prepared in a jiffy, they are ideal for unex? pected guests, as well as for luncheons, parties, out? ings, etc. Some of the Many Treats Here Grape juice, 25c and 50c.| Apple Juice, 35c and 50c. " Lime Juice, 45c. Pineapple Juice, 25c and 50c. Claret for lemonade, 26c Mint Julep Whiskey. Aerated Water?, etc., etc maun idti 50?. JfewMU* 101 FLORIDA WINDOW WILL BE UNVEILED Interesting F-xerciscs in Bland-! ford Church Set for Next Monday. HELD ON SERIOUS CHARGE ', . I Lhcsterfied Citizen Arrested in Petersburg?Other News Notes. Times-Dispatch Bureau, i Uollsugbrook Street. (Telephone Hoi". Petersburg, Va.. June 10. ( The Fiord la window elected in mem-1 or> ot the Confederate soldiers rrom that State killed at Celeisburg. will b* unveiled hi t>iaiiJt.<id Church on Mohda> * I ternoou next. The exer? cises will bti under tin- auspice* ot the Ladles' Memorial Association and Cori i..delate organisations ol the city, the veterans, the Sons und the Daugnters cf the Confederacy will be present. A delegation from Florida will al? ii i.d Ui tuke pa: t in the exercises, lion. Emmett Wilson, member of Con giess from that State, is expected to Oil Ivel' the in-atlon ano present the window, which will be unveiled by itttie Miss juila Maxwell; >?? descen? dant of tne Itev. John Cameron, the lirit rectoi ot Obi Blundtord i;hurch. the Itev. E. P. Dandrldge will also speak. Serious tburgr, J. w. Rittenberry, a citizen ot Chesterfield county and a married man, was arrested to-day by Chief H;.gland and Detective Uee'.an. on a warrant charging him with having ' attempted assault on Msa Maria WU? SCH, a twelve-year-old white girl, at) the home of the latter on Grove Ave? nue in this city. The offense is alleg? ed to have been committed on Monday. The case will be heard before the Po? lice Justice lo-morruw. Scarcblnic for Her People, Miss B. White, of New York, has: written to this city seeking informa? tion about her parents and people, who formerly resided in Petersburg. Her father, J. B. Wright, carne from Georgia, and her moher. who was , Miss Annie Gallagher, was from Phil? adelphia Her mother died here on ; May .'le. l^:.6. after which the writer ' and her sisters were placed In the ! care of the sisters in P.lchmond. She j has lost trace of her father and his ! people, and has heard nothing of him, 1 except Indirectly about four years ago. Levy for Nett Jnl!. Judge Southall, ot the Circuit i.'ourt Of Dlnt.lddle. on Monday, ordered the ' Board of Supervisors tc. make a spe? cial levy on the taxable property In the county for the purpose nf build? ing a new and modern county Jail. The umount to be raised by the levy is ${?,000 or more. If necessary. The I ptesent Jail is old and insecure. The judge had the supervisors summoned to court to show cause why a new ;all should net be built. Assaulted With a Brick. Kate Hill, colored, was arrested to? day for assaulting Mrpy Davis, cliored, with a brick. The Davit .woman was struck In the back anO severely In? jured. .Married In North Carolina. Hunter McOulre Kelley, of Butter worth. Dlnwlddie county, and Miss Hat tie Bo.'.annon. of this city, were mar? ried In Halifax. N. C, yesterday. General Vcvts Notes. The funeral of the late I.. W. Belcher, a Confederate veteran, took place from the residence on Grove Avenue thlr evening at 6 o'clock. A. P. Hill Camp attending to pay respect to his mem? ory Lee Day. colored, /as adjudged in- . sane by a com miss! o $ to-day and com- ' mltted to the Cenl/al State Hospital He had attempted to set tire to bis clothing before he was arrested. It is reported that E. G. Temple, the owner, has sold his country home, known as "Dunedin," In Dinwtddle' county, a short distance from the city, and that It has been purchased for a corporation now being formeL The price i? said to have been in the neigh? borhood of $S.00'j. J Many of the unpaved streets of Petersburg are being oiled and made, goo.i and dustless roadways. liuatlnajit Court Cases. The Hustings Court began its June term to-day with a light Tlmlnal docket. The case of Charles Wilkes. i charged with dealing In cocaine, which I THE WEATHERT Forecasti For Virginia?Generally' fair frlday anu Saturday) um muco eaange in tempera cure. tor North Carolina?(Jrnerully fair Friday anu .-iiiurtiny; not uiucb curuk< In teiu pern Hire. Special Local Data for Yesterday. 12 noon tempersTture . 7.s 3 l". M, temperature . 7a Maximum temperature up to t> P. M. 80 Minimum temperature up to s P. M. 62 Mean temperature . 71 1 Normal temperature . 70; Deficiency in temperature . j i Deficiency In temperature since March 1 . SI Accum, deficiency In umpcraturo since January 1 .? 512' Excess in ralniall since March 1. 3.75 i Accum, excess in rainfall since January 1 . 3. (52 ? Local observation s I*. M. Yesterday. Temperature . 71! Humidity . 5S | Wind, direction .?..South j w Ind, velocity . ?? \ Weather .P. C CONDITIONS IN IMPORTANT CITIES. (At S I'. M Kastern Stauda id Time.) Place. Ther. H. T. U T. Weather. Ashevills .... 6? 70 60 P. cloudy Atlanta . 72 76 >i2 P. cloudy Atlantic City. 80 64 Clear Boston . 70 So 68 <-lear Buffalo . 60 62 60 Cloudy Calgary . 82 84 66 Clear Charleston . . R2 SS 73 Clear Chicago . 60 78 60 Cloudy Denver . 78 80 50 Clear Duluth . 62 64 02 Clear Galveston ... 76 78 68 Cloudy Hatteras .... 70 76 70 P. cloudy I Havre . 80 84 60 Cloar Jacksonville.. 78 90 78 Cloudy Kansas City.. 76 80 68 Clear Louisville ... 74 78 62 Clear Montgomery.. 76 80 66 Cloudy New Orleans. 76 ' 76 70 Cloudy New York ... 74 78 64 Clear Norfolk . 73 78 68 P. cloudy| Oklahoma ... 78 82 64 Clear Pittsburgh .. 78 72 ?0, Clear St. Louis .... 76 78 60 Clear St. Paul . 70 74 * 68 Clear San Francisco ffi ?2 62 Clear Savannah ... 82 88 76 P. cloudy | Spokane . 83 94 62 Cloudy Tampa . 76 90 76 Cloudy Washington.. 74 78 66 Clear Winnipeg ... 73 78 64 Clear WythevUla .. 62 70 62 P. cloudy | M INI AT I HC ALMANAC. June 21, 1912. KIOH TIDE]. Fnrj rises.... 4:50 Morning.... ?:44| w sats..juLt 1 Syso4sji....X0^M 15 MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL. Never doubt it. Even though falsehood may appear to flourish ior a season, TRUTH will triumph in the end. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that every advantage in street railway service enjoyed by the People of Richmond to-day has been and is secured to them NOT P>Y COM PETITION, but by ordinance of the City Council. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that six-for-a-quarter street car tickets, school children's tickets, working men's tickets, new and clean car*, and other excellent features of Richmond's ideal street railway service not onlv have NOT been provided bv competition, but CANNOT RE AVOIDED OR EVADED BY COMPETITION, because all these things arc provided AND REQUIRED by enactments of the City Council?the same City Council that has full and complete powers of REGULATION AND CONTROL over the electric light an 1 power business in Richmond (as well as the street railway business), no matter who conducts that busi? ness. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that competition in light and power WILL NOT and CANNOT give better or lower-priced service. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that competition in the pro? viding of electric light and power ALWAYS AND INEVITABLY LEADS TO DEPRECIATED SERVICE AND A HIGHER PRICE FOR THAT SERVICE. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that competition in electric service, instead of benchtting the public, is a delusion and a snare, and as a means of regulation is a futile failure and an exploded fallacy. Absolute and unalterable is the TRUTH that competition in electric light and power always and inevitably leads to a consolidation of the com? peting companies, and that THE PUBLIC HAS TO PAY THE WHOLE PRICE FOR BOTH COMPANIES AND MAKE UP THE MONEY WHICH COMPETITION SQUANDERS. Read to-morrow's Service Talk, BUT FIRST, TO-DAY. make an ef? fort to see your friends in the City Council and find out whether THEY KNOW ANT) UNDERSTAND the provisions of a franchise attempted to be FORCED THROUGH THE COUNCIL, but which has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED, NEVER BEEN PRINTED. NEVER YET BEEN READ BEFORE THE COUNCIL OR BEFORE THE STREET COM? MITTEE. Virginia Railway and Power Company Service Talk No. 28 June 21, 1912 has been on the docket for some time, >-as nul prossed. William Lawson. colored, was con-" vlcted of forgery, and the Jury fixed I h:s punishment at one year In tne pen? itentiary. A second charge of like' Character was nol prossed. .lames Avant, colored, pleaded guilty" to petit larceny in stealing h still and copper worm from the Stafford Dis? tillery building, in Dlnwlddle county. and ?as sein to Jail for six months. Three parties were Indicted by thc srand jury for nonsupport of their wives. TreporlnK for Plant. The Dupont Powder Company, which recently purchased about 1.600 a-res of land on .lames River, near City Point, on which to establish a plant for the manufacture of dynamite and other ex i loslves, has engineers and laborers at work arranging for the buildings mid I he homos for the employes to be erect? ed. The company will lose no time in completing the plant and getting to work. The employes. It Is said, Will all live on the tract. KILLS CHILDItBK AND SELF. Springfield. Mass, June 20.? During the absence of her husband yesterday Mrs. Clara R. Cross took three of her six children into a darkened room and PAINTS I Original Tanner Paint & 03 Co. 1417 and 1419 East Main, I fcifihrnnnd^lta, _ turned on the gas. When the hus Jband returned all were dead. Three ? ther eh'ldren were playing In another room and knew nothing of the I tragedy. In a note the woman de? clared that she knew that she was , Insane and could never recover and i enjoy the comforts of life, and so she ; had decided to get what comforts she could in death. -Mrs. Cross's husband is a carpenter. ASHLAND NEWS NOTES I [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] ; Ashland, Va . June ?0;? Mrs T. M Jones is entertaining her family at a r< union which is held annually at . the different members' homes. Among ! her guests are her sisters and their families: Mr. and Mrs. w. D. Williams and daughter, Kathleen, of Charleston, W Va . M,-s. A. Mann. Mrs. K. C. I Queries and son. John, of Charlottes I vllle; Mrs. W C, ?'harlton and daugh? ters. Miss Jessie Charllon anrl Miss I .le.ssie Churllon and Miss Lillian Lov? ing, of Hlnton. \V. Va.. Mrs. W. T. Wright, of Bedtord City; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wheeler, of Marmorn Miss Caroline .1. Mldyette has gone to Wrlghtsvllle Beach to be .1 member or I a delightful .house party ?\von by j Miss Charlotte Pennell. Dr. E. W. Bowen left this week for l Berkley, Cal.. where he will teach J American literature in the Normal I School at the California University, j Dr. Hall Canter Is spending two I weeks with his sister, Mrs. Mahood, in I Rosnoke. Mrs. I. .V. Vaughan has gone to Vir? ginia Beach to spend some time. Mrs. Henry Bogue will arrive next week to visit her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Wight man. Mesdames W. D. Cardweil nnd Chas. Blakey, president and recording secre? tary of the Hanover Chapter. ?. D. C, i me attending the district meeting of the U. |). C, uow being held at Ame? lia Courthouse. Mrs. Davis Bell and son. who have been visiting Mrs. Schoolar Fox. will return on Friday to their home n Ly nchburg. DEFEATED CANDIDATE WILL CONTEST ELECTION. [Special t*> The Times-Dispatch.] Bristol, Va., June 20.?Georgo W. j Hammltt. Republican, who was de feated for the mayoralty of this city in the election of June 11. has re- | talned counsel and will contest the election of George M. Warren, wnoi was the Democratic nominee. Ham- | mitt contends that Warren had not) been In Bristol long enough to en- | title him to the claim of legal citizen- ! ship, and contends that as a matter! of fact It will be shown that Warren | Is a resident of Glade Spring, and I that most of the time, after coming I to Bristol, he resided in Tennessee. | Warren, anticipating such a step, this j week qualified as Mayor-elect, si-j though his torm will not be due to I begin before September. Literary Contests Bad. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlsoateh.] Bristol, Vs., June 2*.?The annual tntercounty llteraa-y contests In South? west Virginia, designed to sharpen the wits of young people and to enoour %mt aratflPT Mdmt* , sbm, maOSAlUk after a series of most Interesting contests, extending over four days. Prices were awarded at Ablngdon, where the contests were he'd, as fol? lows: Debate. F.. I). Wilson, Elk Creek, Grayson county: essay, Miss Nita Rector, of Seven Mile Kord, Smyln county; declamation, Krank Is the city of Richmond in the habit of giving away franchises "oHndfold? The electric light and power franchise nought bo ;>c Jammed through the Com? mon Council TO-NIGHT has never J'been published, and NEVER VET BEEN READ BEFORE THE COUXOIU Johnston, of Pearlshurgr, Giles couns ty: oration, Frank Ktlllnger, of Rural Retreat. Wythe county, recitation,. Miss Mary Mason, of Pearlaburg', Giles county. Gangrene ? innen Death. Bristol, Vti? June 20.?Miss Annia Gnrrctt, a pretty sixteen-year-old girl, who was brought here for an opera? tion last Saturday, as a result of hav? ing been accidentally shot through tha thigh by liev brother, Is dead of her Injury, Heath resulted from' gan grene, due to the charge of shot that entered her limb. Her hody was taken to Greendale, Goes Further?Costs Less The best that can be made. Retails for less than other so-called "best" Baking Powders?hence, ECONOMY, if nothing more, should induce you to use it. A little goes a long ways and every bit counts. Sold by all good Grocers. Insist on having it. Symphony Orchestra at Forest Hill Park DAILY?Afternoon and Evening You will enjoy these concerts immensely, and you will be in the coolest park around Richmond. The very best of Lady Soloists, Classic and popular selections. Catch a car for the free concerts.