Newspaper Page Text
1 .......?> uaica.VI? K. Main Street. SouLA KlcUmoce.10i0 liuil Street. ietoreburs Bureau....IM N. S/camore r?litt! ?Lynch&ur* Bnuu..,.?....Ilt El ?tun Street ST J4/..U. Od? qIz Three Oni POSTAGE PAID Tear. Mol Mo?, ilo. r>*...' with Buaaay.14.00 JS.00 ?L? .U Oellr v.tSert lum'.ay.... 4.CO ?.00 LOO .S3 6un4ay eHlton oclx.tOO 1.00 .60 .< Wwklr <Wrdn?.id?y).14* JM JB) ... ?y T:iDr>-I?spa.tch Carrier Delivery Per- j ?lee In Klchmon.1 (and suburbs) and Pe> lrr?burr- One Week Dally with Sunday.>16 conto Dal!' without Eunaay. io cente Buaday onlr. * ctnf Entered .''anusrT f?, IKS. at rttchrno: ' \'.. ?s ieooni-olaM matter under act ot Concrete ot March 3. 1S7B. FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1912. 'llir. - lit M il. IS HI39PONSmijl3. I Every member of the Common Coun? cil will be held Individually responsible by the people for any action that will enable the proposed light and power fianchlso to bo granted without full and careful deliberation. There Is absolutely no reason why this meas? ure should be railroaded through the' Oouncll In the Interest of those who I ar- not willing apparently that time Should le taken, both by the members! of the Council and tho people, to un-i derratand all Its provisions and results s.r<! weigh Its merits. If the fran-' chlse Is good, deliberation" will notj Otracr from Its value; If it is not-' gin..;, the feet sbpuld be known. No! plea of ignorance will excuse any ser-j vant or the people, whose sole concern J ill uld bo to protect the Interests of the city cf Richmond, now and In tho future. A delay cf a few weak a will do ab sclutely no Injury to the oompany seeking this grlfL Hasty action may saddle tho people of Rlohraond with a burden for f.'tonn years. The city is In no rcsltlon cf asking favors from this company. It Is granting a right, of the most vital Importance. If this company Is not willing to give the city an opportunity to study tho merits of the matter, the company has the in? alienable right to abandon Its desires.! "Why should the city run even -thei slightest risk of making a false stepj merely to ticeede to the wishes of men ? who come seeking a gift? The Coun? cil docs not have to do the bidding of those who seek favors. Thl? franchise should be printed. All of Its provisions should be thoroughly reviewed and considered. The recommendation of tho subcom? mittee th-it tho nuestion be fully In? vestigated should bo given Its un? doubted weight. The opinion of the,1 city's legal adviser that this fran? chise contains clauses that will allow of prolonged litigation, and his furth ? i , xpresslon of the view that a more, satisfactory form of contract can be drawn, should not be dismissed cas uelly. There Is no reason for deliber? ately disregarding thefe illuminating views. The Times-Dispatch has already vrlee.t its opinion that the principle of. competition in public service tit!ll-i tics does not prntc|t the community. It further believes that'this franchise US it stands guarantees no perman? ent benefits to tho users of electricity.', But the merits of tha franchise aro! not now the main Issue; The question Is whether the Council intends to pass! this measure without tho careful con-i slderntion that tho protection of the, people's rights demands. iiRLrrVip nijDiiMOND n?>\ 5. Better reercat|on should be provided for Richmond boys. This belief The I Times-Dispatch made the basis of a : suggestion for Imitating tho Lynch- ? burg river playground by establishing j an outdoor athletic field on the James : River. The basis of the argument was t' I something should bo ilono to tie Velcip and amuse those of the city's youth who cannot afford to spend money on n club or a vacation. On this page Is published a very interesting Utter outlining the admirable work being done by the chrift Church As? sociation in tho East End. This is a fine bit of achievement. It reaches the chaps who need It. It Isn't a charity, but n sincere endeavor to supply ihn amusement want." of a group who might not otherwise get anything, Unfortunately, the v. m. C. A. does n"t meet this demand to Its full extent. It does not always draw the crowd It was intended to help. Ha this effort to g -> right Into the place where wholesome fun <h heeded nhd supply it. is worthv of eVf ry er.r on rage merit. Of courfc, the city should! da this Work. Home day the Ehsi Kid, hhti the West End and the Bouthslde will wake up to the fact that they cfcli have their own playgrounds, fully cqulppijti and properly supervised, useful t.> young and old, to girls and boys. The people could have had playgrounds ? this type t.ils year had they Impress,-.: trie council with their desire. Bui until they realize that they can havi these advantages the endeavors ol nocletlee like ttint ,,f r-hrist Churcl needs backing. Private Individuals 0 more wisdom than the people will hat to contribute. The sum ,.f $.:,i< <? wanted to build a swimming pooi the Bssoclat'on grounds. Persons o means In' Rlchmoi i . wild find n< worthier cause to contribute tn thai that which makes its chief concern ti give cleaner and filier bodies and char actors' to the next generation. We that these sporadic move meats w'll result in a demand tor : city playground eommiaslor.. The stir voy preliminary to their Installatloi has. .been begun. "Perhaps then tli 1 l,oy? of the rdnitnui Ity will not hav to peek- contributions to bu'ltl a pro ?,0 bv CO fect. or risk drownfria in th open James, 'but will have a true rlvor park fitted and safeguarded for tho'r pleasure and health. A SEW PAVING MUDDLE, The smooth paving: of Broad Street seems about to be Indefinitely postponed Tho company to which the contract wag awarded Is unable to get the as? phalt blocks adopted ns the best ma? terial at a reasonable price from the manufacturing company, ?WlUrh was also a bidder on the work. The man? ufacturers, it is said, arc asking a \ prohibitive price for their material. 1 As a result, the successful bikers ask to be released from their con? tract. If they are not released and refuse to execute the work at what they assort Is a loss, they will forfeit a bond of 51,000. There Is no apparent renson why this bond should not be forfeited. It was tile province of the bidder to de? termine his risks before submitting I a price. Certainly the city Will lose fnr more than J 1,000 by the delay. But tho true Issue Is not us to wheth? er the city shall claim the forfeit. It Is whether the paving of Broad Street Is to be postponed until It will havo to bo completed after bail weather sets In. Immediate action should be taken to settle this ques? tion. The loss of time, the Incon? venience to the whole city of hav? ing Us main retail street torn up in? definitely, the money loss Co the mer? chants along the street, manifest reasons for speed in enforcing tho present contract, or letting a new one. If tho action of the asphalt block manufacturers Is an attempt to hold . up the city and force their bid upon the Council. It would not be tho part ( of wisdom to give them the contract.; A full nnd Immediate Investigation of this matter Is necessary. The city Is not forced to aooept the demands of any company. If tlioro Is no com? petition In tho manufacture of the type of paving selected. It seems probable that all future extensions of thlg work would be accompanied by the same objections. No contractor would be permitted to underbid the, mnkers, no matter how much more cheaply ho could do the accessory I work. In this connection The Tlmes-Dls- j patch ngnln points out the use of! wood blocks for paving in other' cities for similar streets. It has proved both satisfactory and durable. The Initial cost Is reduce.1 b> \nej long wearing qunlltles of the pavintr. Thoro Is ample competition to secure low bids. But whatever the final ac? tion we reassert llio main proposi? tions. Broad Street must be smooth paved. 'The work should be begun nt the earliest possible moment. Fur? thermore, no material Should be used , that will enable its manufacturers to force the city into accepting Its bids. ? ca tut inn TO THE niOIIEST COURT. That the Supreme Court of Appeals, has consented to rehear the case in? volving tho right of city treasurers and city commissioners of the revenue to unlimited tenure of office Is most welcome intelligence to the forces who have fought for a rational settlement of Hie question. Tho constitutional? ity of resubmisslon of the amendment to the people this year ought to be settled by the courts, for If the de? cision Is against the resubmisslon of the queat'on an unnecessary election will bo avoided, nnd if resubmisslon <s held valid the advocates of the pro pose<l amendments will have the ad? ditional argument to support their case, that the proposed changes 1 have the weight of constitutionality. Tho case involves several points of : constitutional law which are novel and' vital, nnd the opinion of our hiebest , court on theni will be of national In- | terest to lawyers and to students of' government. The Tlmcs-Dlspatch Tias had much'to j say about these proposed amendments, but It has never sought to criticize' the Law and Equity Court of Rich- I mond for its doclslon from which ap? peal now, lies. 1'pon the constitu? tionality of this question there Is the greatest divergence of opinion among ; men who know the law. There nre : decided o.ises to sustain the con? tention of both sides, ns was shown by the very able arguments which were made before Judge Crump. The! Ttthcs-Dispatt'h has never undertaken' to criticize Judge Crump. although! pome "f ih" newspaper counsel for Iho se< kers of resubmisslon Ibis y?ar ' have so stated. The Times-Dispatch has ] not criticized and doer, not criticise the courts. There are two lines of attack pursued by the opponents of i-esuh I mission in l!?12 whose views The i Times-Dispatch represents In some j measure. The question Is both con? stitutional and political. The courts determine tin- constitutionality of this quc lion. If they determine it favor? ably to lite supporters of the proposed I'.inoudnicnts, the question becomes 1 ?> ise it is submitted to ' ? people Th.' .-Hi,i.-ine Court "f Aiq , ale win say whether or not the isitlotiK uro in accord with the C titutlbn, and whether or not the mbly Was authorised" to , ? < ? " ?' did, but it will hdl inquire lili motives of iho leuislators, e j'the Inlluehoes which prevailed, the I'i'oiason "f political expediency that , catwtd -the adoption (,f th,- act. the f v-'i >f ' irtattlng th.- tenure of ?f ) j fieehoUlors or iik,- considerations. which' arc tor the people to pass upon , I at the polls it subiriissjjon is constltu . ? tlohnl. I Tho Times-Dispatch will from time to time dlscusH tiiesa proposed amend? ments, their history arid, their de? sirability f, om the. Viewpoint ,,f KO0d government, but nur1, dlncnssion win flection on tho courts or In any wuy to bo connected with them. The poli? tical side of the tssuo Is the side w,hlch should be discussed fully In the press from this time on: discussion of the constitutionality of the act Is largely academic because that Is for tho courts, and th\> courts alone, to con? sider and decide. THE DBMOC11ATIC situation. Tho selection of Alton D. Parker as temporary ohalrman of tho Democratic convention yesterday overshadowod to a great degreo the Kopubllcan situation at Chicago, which was marked by al? most complete Inactivity. If there Is anything on the faco of the earth that the Democrats should avoid this year It Is tho factionalism, the bitterness and the division displayed by the Ro ptihllcans In Chicago: but tho Demo? crats seem to Vo headed In the very samp direction. Tho choice of Judge Parker, eminent and loyal Democrat that he Is. was an antagonism of Mr. Bryan as wilful as it was unnecessary. The committee on arrangements could have acted In tho Interest of harmony nnd named a temporary chairman suit- I cd to all elements In tho party, but It chose tho unwise end the undiplomatic course. It has In nil probability pro? voked a bitter fight on the floor of the convention, n light that may stir up as much harsh feeling nnd as much di? vision us tho Root-MoGovorn fight at Chicago. Harmony ought to prevail it Balti? more, heraus? the supreme consider.!- : tlon must be that of naming that man for the presidency who will most likely gain the favor of patriotic and lndo- ' pendent voters. If It will give the ' nation a candidate of unsullied char acter, or real public service and of freedom from dlsentanglemonts, the Democratic party will sweep the conn- ! try. The Democrats must nominate that man who can capture the waver? ing vote. This Is no time for party rewards for party service. The Dem ocratlo candidate must be one whose appeal Is national In scope and whose campaign will bring to his following men unaccustomed to vote the Demo? cratic ticket. The Democratic, candi? date must be one who can touch the conscience, the hopes, the faiths nnd the j common sense of the American people. He must bo a man whose shoulders bear no burden of log rolling or combtna tlon, who Is Incapable of secret deals and malodorous bartering.". tni", mui.e wins. The moral In tho old fable of the rac e between the hare and the tor- j tolse Is equally applicable to the case j of the mule and the auto truck. The , race Is not always to <he apparently swifter, in a fair and free contest against the nuto truck tue mule has established his meritorious right to, remain In tho ranks of the Amert can army. They tried to kick him out, but a mule Is always strong on the "come back." and this time ho kicked his way back Into harness. The proposal to retlro too army mule, without pension and Iwlthout honorable discharge, was warmly sup? ported when the mot. .?-driven army, wagon made Its first appearance. It seemed obvious thot the auto truck would have to be substituted for the mule and the relegation Of tho lat? ter to civil life seemed Inevitable. It jnny U'e that inter the mule (win have to leave the service, but for the present the auto <t|ruck will have to stay In the garage. ?| he superiority of the mule for hauling' was decided by tho provis? ional army requirement that lately made transportation tests In Iowa; Automobiles were pitted against males In practice marches, and tho black man's favorite won. The mule does not movo as rapidly as the nutomo bile. Testimony seems to be unani? mous on that point. The rnule dnesj not move as willingly as the auto-! mobile Testimony Is unanimous on! that point. It looked as If tho mule would have to take to the side of the road, but he won. Ills great met--'. It was his dependability. His guso-! lene-consumlnfc rivals failed to nego? tiate hills nnd broke down on rough 1 cross-country routes, but the equine ffrlond of t^he colored rrace always; arrived nt his destination on time The mule Is not subject to blowouts or punctures; his machinery Is slm pic and not often out of order; he Is rarely in need of repairs, und no matter what burden Is Imposed upon him or what obstacles confront ('.Is path, he still bobs up serenely. He lasts forever, and there Is no differ? ence In the 1812 and the 1912 mule models. I., t us. therefore, wreathe the mule ' with the roses of victory, as Shake M-ero bedecked him in "Mldsummt r Night's Dream." If be Is obstinate, be Is hard working. If he Is slow, he is never haled into court for violat? ing the speed; laws, ne hns Served the public faithfully. In time of war be is Invaluable, and the hope of many an escaping Northerner In the war was nipped In the blossom by the ? refusal of the Southern mule to aid or abet stich night i?y moving at ail, The mule has been elected by tho Republican's as the Democratic < m ob m. but, as L\e at my mule test I proved, the Democratic party, lilt' the mule, may move slowly and take r long time to git there, hut R will i ?? : there Just the same. There ar> a go..<| many people who share the belief of the village con ' Halde that the Colonel ?will ret '.'pinched" for raising a rough hou.-.e 'yet. -;..' ?'one Johnson will head ."the Texas delegation at Baltimore; and prove his | nines., for tho Texas governorship by I voting every limn for Wilson. ij In bis first Chicago speech. the I third termer used tbtt word ?,ihl.?t" 'land "thievery'.' seventeen times, On the Spur of the Moment By Roy K. Moulton Oh, Bhortcako, 'tia of thire. Sweet calte of btr.iwbcrry, Of thee I ulng. Cake of a. luociouj grade. With molting fir all inlaid. Of e?i tho pastry nuide Thou airt tho king. Candidates In Ike future. Republican?Teddy. Ulllj Robert. Democratic?Champ, Woodrow, jud son, William J., Oscar. Suffrage?Mabel, Myrtllla, Gladys. Phyllis, Susan, Agnts. Mtlllcent. Ama tyllls, Mag, Flo, Kdytho, Josephine, Hartha, Sylvia. En mal'no, Carrie, birdie, Pansy, Lily, Hose, Hyacinth, A'lolet, Dove, Bedellln Bridget, Prls cilia. Lutle, Mamie, Annie, Uollle. According; to I nclc A liner. I never see a real man yet that used perfumery. A feller from a small town will always foller u baud - r a tire Inline. When tho wlmmcn i^n the ballot most every one of ', m will have two votes?her own and her husband's. There uro a lot of spring hats that should never bo sprung. One thing we will never see Is a lawsuit over the will left by a poet. Three fellers who never stem anx? ious to have a man Bavo his money for a rainy day are the itcher, tho baker nnd the candlestick-maker. I never yot heei-d a feller say a work ngln* his own automobile, for he Is gcn'ally anxl .es to sell It end git another kind. So far as Versttlllty Is concerned [there ain't no mouth in the year that bus got any thing April. Miss Lutle Perkins says tho lips I hat touch llcker shall never touch l lier'n; but a feller would havo to be soused before he would want to. Caught on tho Fly. An English noblemen has come to America to forget his title, but It won't be. long until they begin culling him colonel or major, ana tnen no'll linve another to forget, Bernhardt, aged sixty-nine yoars. Is back on the stage, U is nearly tlmo for her to begin writing beauty ar? ticles for the newspapers. There Is a slight rift In the clouds. Mr. Wickersham says ho is going to retire from the Cublnot, no matter hew election goes. The Wilson boom 's In need of money, which shows for ono, that It Is a real honu lido boom after all. Prospects are that there will be a lot of second-hand political band wagons on tho mnift, I along In July. Laura .lean Libby b.nyn a man should be careful In select!:ik a wife. Yes. he should be carefu! n t to select some other man's. Judging by the odor In some of tho Bohemian cafes the Turkish ci? garette makers have not all quit work to go nnd fight Italy. There has l>een discovered?In Chi? cago, too?a girl With a perfect foot. Hut with nil that she may be only nn Indifferent cook. Voice of the People The ("lirlst Church Association. To tho Fdltor of Th- Times-Dispatch': ?Sir.? In your pap--: of June is you published an cdltoi al under the title. ?'The Rlv?r a playground." in the article you stated that "the youths who most tued this kind of enjoy? ment are frequently thoso who cannot Kct It at any expense." Christ Church Association in Rich-I moml's crowded Last End Is meeting tho need of the class of boys and; young tuen to whom you allude, and lias solved the problem of outdoor j Summer life for our section of the! city. . Tho association athletic field Is open dally except Sunday from 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. The baseball field is alive with boy:, |i. the morning .and early, afternoon, and later tile men and work-] lug boys swarm to the Held to enjoy! lb<; sports in the twilight and lator, after the luhts nr.- turned on for the! night. The association Is conducting a free! public playground for Church Mil! Schoo) buys, und it is hoped by another) year that an outdoor swimming pool i may be built .??> that th<: boys in this section of the city may have a safe place to lath nnd '.earn* how to swim.1 we have i,ei-n Informed that a pool ?tOxCa feetj with ? depth of from two 10 six f< t. can bo built for about >.'. If ? le assoi 'inn was financially able t hi- sw'mmlng pool would bo built at once. For the boys r ho don't get a chance to go to the country the association director takes a i. ip to Fallin? <"r<-,-k once a w, ek foi ? day's outing. This Is a delightful i In e for a swim and play in the oreck, The Held child ??use. with hot and cold shower bal dressing room and recreation room, with books and mag? azines, a fi ords n delightful place for those who only I ,ve a day off now and then; tand i t afford to leave the city. Few people In chmond realize the importance of thi work being done In the Fast End for the moral tip lift of men and boys, nnd tho time has come when il is work should re? ceive proper rc cnttlon. There are n fi . public spirited men and women who . helping the work along, and thi It y helps rome. but the work ir. \vi rl ? of large support and should b< k ;, tnr. financial as- j slstancc nccessat ?., conduct a rccrea-| t on work in keeping with tho large territory It Is ? .?ig to cover. There] is no other on :/ution on Church I Mill open to met nd boys, and Christ Church Association with Its gymna? sium in Wintei d its Inclosed nth-i lellc field :. htl er, Is meeting the need of young nu and boys who cant ? nlj afford lb na; a small fee. Richmond j, x. .?. EAGLE. | Wilson the Man. To the Edltoi ,.> Tlmcs-Dlspatch: I Sir,-?To an Inn bio onlooker, as iho | : tlmo for tii" holding of the National, Democratic Con lion comes apace; it j Ahe Martin S'obndd . ... went into politics for Ills health tnul showed any improve? ment Mi Tlpton Bud has stopped t bei iiewspapi i . n nut on a party wire. HUMORS OF THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. ._By John T. MoCutcheon. rCoprrtrtit! 1813? By John T. MuCXitehecn.] THE LAY OF TKE O&LEGA 7"Z???*/ dreamt I oWt Ox ..orW. w^'' appears that sentiment Is crystallizing;-.] In favor of Wnoilruw Wilson In liln | aspirations to t/h? nomlnailon for the | presidency <>r the United state*, or course, other aspirants to that honor | will have a following When the great | convention shall assemble in tho [ Monumental City, but It now appears; that there Is a very general awaken- t ing to the fact that Wilson Is the ] most available candidate?file one in whom the Kr?ntest possibilities con tre. The Democrats have a splendid j cttanco to win under the present clr- I cumstnnces, with the right man as' standard bearer. This chance thrown ? away by a mistake in tho convention I would serve to weaken the party in I the rut ure. All true Virginians might be Justly proufi of a ticket header) hy a son or j Virginia, one who has been elevated I to the gubernatorial chair of n sis? ter State, and whoso public record j Stands unsmlrchcd?n candidate from a State thus described by an English man in 1S02: ? Virginia, named after my England's | Virgin Queen. As fair to look upon ss any land ever seen. Thy mountains, with beauty clad, peer j upward to the s?ty, Within thy soil's skirts, priceless. Ilm- j itless treasures lie; Thy people, noble, brave, hospitable. | free and gay; j Thy nalne. grand among nations--lt. cannot fade away." FRANK MONROE BEVERLY. I Freclirrg. The l nlvernlty nnd l(? Veteran \luniiilj To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir.?Tho commencement exercises at i the University of Virginia last week' were marked by some unique features, I Investing the occasion with n Ulgnlft- I cance quite out of the ordinary; ouo: Of these notable features the pros-1 ence as ghosts of'honor of more than] fifty veteran alumni; who. in tho fsite, ful days of tho sixties took their first step "out of school life int? life's! School'1 Upon the rugged Held, Of war. Urcat seemed those days of their go? ing Olli, but not le?S gieat those of; their return to alma mater hnlfucen-J tury later. Nothing more could have been done than was done- by the board of visitors, by the prosldoni and fac? ulty and by the student body to Show them reverence and honor. Re? ceptions and banquets followed last! uport en eh other, the post of honor1 was reserved for them ,.verywhere and, en refill provision was made for bring? ing them together in constant and uninterrupted association during nil their stay. The rest of the way wo ; have t'i mi will be cheered by the: memories of these gracious days, sol rich in .spiritual communion and com-| rndcshlp, The interest of every event was eh-l livened by speech-making, and tho, speakers seemed nil to be under the spell of unusual inspiration, "W'tli scarcely an exception tho addresses were of high order In respect of both finish and effect. They were striking*] ly able, instructive and stimulating, tlo manifest aim being not to enter- ; tain, but to Influence thought and ac t on. But, however high the tide of' oratory n>l?rht rls". the climax 'hva-1 rlably waited on the closing words of the gifted president. On commencement day 12.1 degrees were conferred, covering the range df academic honors all the way from M. . 11 to Ph. D. Magnificent contributlbnI ? if all tbnt trained and trusty man? hood Implies for the future of Virg'u'a ; and the South..and coming at a time v ir 11 there W0S never so vide a Hold or so great a need for manly virtue) or trained power! Every utterance that, I heard from the representatives of these line young fellows, lust setting 1 their faces to the tremendous prob-1 loms now upon us. was characterised j by an admirable ?plr!t of seriousness and high purpose, nnd their beav'ng nnd ail tho composure and certitude of! competency. Throughout the exercises of thn?e days .Uni night.- I observed not a hitch! 101 a misstep. Everywhere there was! manifest the touch of a master of de- I tails. But I saw nothina. Quito ?0 Im-1 presslvo or so In?,-)!ring as the dignity,) the manl'ticss ami the earnestness of the students?undergraduates as well I as degree men; and I br'nir from this] commencement a surer hope for ourI democratic institutions than my heart I has carried for many a day. The veteran alumni rejoice With thell ; successors in the complete vindication that has come of the faith that, eight ' years ago. established a new order at I the'r alma mater P.OPF.P.T PRA7.BR Hot Springs June s. I?l? For Wll??n. To the Rdltor of The Tunes-Dispatch: ; Sir,? I have read with keen Inter? ns'/ and gratification your forceful ; editorial Indorsing the candidacy of Governor Woddrow Wilson as the most available man Whom the Demo* I crats could put forward In the cum- ! tng presidential election. The logic '. Of your reasoning Is unanswerable, nnd the friends of Governor Wilson note with satisfaction the glowing sentl- ; merit In the conservative Kastern and ; .Southern States In behalf of (lover- j nor Wilson ns the man who would most surely attract the regular nor- ? mal Democratic vole, and at the same; time make an Invincible appeal to the i Independent clement, whlcn Is llkoly to be decisive of tills election. Besides this, there are innumerable ronser-I vative Republicans who would support I Governor Wilson as against the ultra- I radical Roosevelt, while, on the other i hand, if I'.-csident Taft be Hie nomi? nee of his party, many Republican ' progressives would similarly be at-; traded to Governor Wilson s support. | In short. In my judgment. WoodroW > Wilson Is the one man whose nomi? nation Is possible who could win -ver the Ropuhllcati candidate, no matter who that candidate might be. Cover- ? nor Harmon, admirable man though he be, is foredoomed to defeat be- ' cause of the announced and vindic? tive opposition to him on the par: of William .1. Bryan ? ad his follow Ing: by reason of this circumstance, it is likely that Governor Harmon. It nominated, would fare little better than did Judge Parker. Ndtwlthstand Ing the attempt of the opponents of Dr Wilson to construe him as n radical, his great ability, high char? acter and purposes, together with a titling sense of responsibility, should he be made President, would insure, u safe and conservative administration of the affairs of the country. There is n general tendency hern not to seriously regard the candidacy of Speaker ("lark. who. while person all.- R likable and popular m,.fi, does not embody in himself tne attributes that are essential to a great Presl rlenl, and could nut earry tne Kastcrn .State?. It is generally believed that the Speaker's strength will be great? est on the first ballot, after which there will be a steady and gradual recession from his ranks. Virginians, of all men. should feel a peculiar sens,, of pride in the dis? tinction that I">r. Wilson has won by sh-er force of ability and character, and. as a Virginian, .ivlng In New York, it gives me pleasure to express 1.early approval and commendation of your nttllude. JOHN P. BAST. New York. Thinks Electric Cnr Owners I nfnlrly Treated. To the r:ditor of The Times-Dispatch; Sir.?The proposed new law taxing every person that drives: a car $2, i* a gross Injustice to the drivers of electric ears, who are mostly women. The electric Is so ensv to operate that usually every member of the family operates the same. To compel the mother and her numerous daughters to pay }\i each nnd to have a badge conveniently attached to their thin wearing apparel Is unfa'r and un? just. Rlcclrlc drivers arc not speeders.and ?should not be classed as such. Richmond. ?DKCTR1G. QUERIES & - ANSWERS Partner i -nr. .Seeing that the victim of the late u.* Sault in Caroline recovered; how could a capital sentence be Inflicted bit tno offender? LA vman. The charge ?in robbery with v o lence, a capital crime under section ?567 4 of the Code of Virginia. Liability for Unit. A man's wares are J<0 u ,-nontn. lie rented a house, got behind and wan l ifused permission to move, und then ordered to move a few months litter. He has !. ft tho house. Can ha Da made t? pay the back rent? M. C. H? owes rent up to the time tin left the house. Whether he may bo tor.-.d to pay in another matter. His wag.-= may not be garnished. They are too small, and he seems to hive removed his furniture from the possi? bility of levy for rent. \ Hate. Please tell me what day Of the week was February 11. lh?;. MRS. H. N. Saturday. Stanhope Woraley. Please tell me where I may find the pram containing the verses, "No nation rose so white and fair; none full so pure of crime." W. ii. WEST. Philip Stanhope Worsley. young English man of letters, fellow of Cor? pus Christi, Oxford, wrote them 'h a presentation copy of his translation l( the "Riad," sent to General Lee about a year afteh the war. The rrnnd old bard that never dies, Itccelve him in om English tongue; I send thee, but with weeping eyes. The story that he sung. \ Thy Troy It; fallen?thy dear land fit married beneath tiie spoiler's ; heel I cannot trust my trembling hand To write the things I feel. 1 Ah realm of tears hut let her bear , This blazon to the end of time; No nation rose so white and fair. None fell so pure of crime. The widow's moan, the orphan's wall I Come round thee, but In truth be j strong; Internal Right, though all else fall, Can never be made Wrong. Ah angel's heart, an angel's mouth, i Noi Homer's, could alone for me Hymn well the great Confederate South? Virginia first, and Lee. l.llernry. I Please toll me |ri which edition of .lohn Hay's poems may be found "Jim Bludgo" and "Little Breeches." in ! which oi Mark Twain's books Is tho "Jumping Prog" R. A. P. Almost any edition Of Hay's poems would contain the two you mention. 1 The "Jumping Frog" has no logical lonnectioti with any other of Mark Twain's stories and is variously lo? cated In different edlt'ons. An Address, Cnn you give the address of (J. Orovenor flnivf. whose remarks before I the Southern Agricultural Society you ?lately published? F. CHTCFIERTER Washington. D. C.. Is sufficient ud? I dress. j National State and City Bank lllrhmonil, \ Irclntn. Solicits V"ur Account. I Capital. ? 1.000.000. Surplus, SdOO.Utate, 1 Best bv Taat for forty yesafft