Newspaper Page Text
Summer Dresses E?er\) woman?vacationists in particular?will appre? ciate reductions like these, that permit the buying of two garments at the original price of one: $7.50, $9.50 and $1 1.50 Dresses Fine Lingerie Dresses, in twenty different styles; about fifty in the lot; but not all sizes of a kind. These arc beauti? fully trimmed garments, some with fine laces, others with em? broidery, or both. Originally S7.50 io $8.00. F o r ly-i w o High-Glass Dresses of pure linen, espongc, pique and tissues, representing our entire stock, of which sizes are somewhat broken. Xot a dress in this' lot is worth less than SS.00, some as much as $11.50. All are. Garment Section, Second Floor. Each Cin ELECTORATE 1 INCREASED BY 15 Judge Waddill Issues Naturaliza? tion Papers to Record Batch of Foreigners. As the result of a citizenship cam? paign Inaugurated by the Italian American Political Club, nine subjects ..f King Victor Kmanuei yesterday re? nounced their allegiance to lllc Italian sovereign an<i received at the hands of Judge Edmund Waddill. Jr., in the i nitcd States District i-'ouit. paper*) Entitling them t" the fun rights of American citliehshlp. Prattle Fertahdinl, one of the lead spirits (.1 tlie club, who piloted I (he party through the pitfalls of the | United States naturalization depart-,, ment, stated yesterday that every of the nine would vote In the coming" j Administrative Board election. In addition td the nine Italians, citizenship pariert wen issued to four Russians, one Hungarian and one | Englishman. TJtt? batch of fifteen was the largest to be naturalized it one time In recent years Nntu'rallisalion Commissioner ''. T. Moore came db'wn ::: Washington yesterday 'to I that every one of the would-be cit? izens compiled with the eligibility rc- i i.eml Looking C'rotvd. ?acli of ihc applicants declared un? til - path to Clerk Joseph P. Brady, of the United States District, that he renounced all allegiance t,> the ebv ? ? .-'it under iylioie rule ho was born: ? ..? h? h id i., dfhtiatibii oi symapthy with any anarchistic organizations, ;.,i;: that he yi'ould .-upport the Constl tution ol Hie VjiUed' States under any '\ most likely looking bunch," commented Judge Waddill. 'and I be? lieve they will all make good cltl ? I i r? wer? Kne-n CVose. Olympio )I;i ? hid. Flbblahl Ansrelo, Ferrticclo I."g i if,)!, l it it ,ip Domenico Dlmnrco, An io Lazzuri Giovanni Oobettl, An ? - noh Fisher, Isidore Lowlnsohn. Jo ? WOOD TO ENTER APPEAL Attorney* l ib- inn of Evcrplleua tu Convlc lb,n of Distillers. CONWAY SENT ON ll, Iii t,.r Grand Jurj for \--.: u SAVINGSBANK RICHMOND. lll|MIN?l?lll)ilM?i i ,m i i ?? i Do not wait till you have a large amount to deposit, but start now. Once you icquire the habit of sav? ing you will continue to add. EXPLOSION OF Oil CAUSES ?GLV FIRE Two Negroes Burned, Fireman, Overcome and Property Dam? aged to Extent of $1,500. Two negroes wore burned, one fin inun was overcome aii'J property dam ago estimated at $1,500 Wits done by fire yesterday afternoon caused by it gasolene explosion In the cleaning and pressing establishment ?.1 .!. w. \Vise man, 2404 Hoist Broad Street. What caused the expl?S'ph was not known. William Small;', colored, or 1011 North First Street, and .Marcellus Pelham, colored, of lino North Second. Street, were at work In the near of the place I at the time. Tin Harnes which .sud? denly enveloped them burnt both arms I of each titan from the wrists to tin; shoulders. They wire unable to toll what caused the ignition of the nil. Engine Company No. l responded to n Mill alarm, and when it arrived, with Captain Norman In- .barge, he feared a serious conllugratlon and turned In a general alarm. Acting I Assistant-Chief Flgg responded with other npparatus und he Immediately Sounded n, second alarm, bringing ap? paratus from the Western district. The Are was hoi subdued until uenr ly an hour. The rear portion of Wise? man's place was burned to the ground .1. ! tin fltltni'S Spread 10 the residence of .Mrs. Relee M. Schmidt, 2(40S Easi Broad Street, damaging the tipper back porch and a bath room. The loss there will probably be several hundred dollars, coyere.d by Insurance, it i not known whether Mr. Wiseman 's protected by insurance; He U* now out .it' town on ltls vacation; When ti..- blaze was at its wotst. Fireman Heyct ICntz wtts overcome by smoke. II.> Had to be carried from the bul Id ins. It was at first thought that Ii.- bad sustained fatal Injuries, but be responded to oxygen gas, which was administered to him by Dr. William II. Parker, and will recover. The dr'u;g store of C W. Baton, 210'"? East Broad Street, was also slightly damaged by the tire, the flames eating away it portion or n window frtttrit h tiie rear. INTERNES WILL LEAVE CITY HOME ! Drs. Geisinger and Goode Re j sign to Serve as Instructors at University College. > At a meeting of Hie Council Com I mitt?? ? a Iii f of '! i Poor last night ? Itopti i. ib. L'nlvi rslty College of Mod llelne engaging to appoint aeeeptable I meti t" :.ll the vacancies. Botrt of tile ? young physicians have been appointed ? Medicine. Dr. George Ben .1.'11:1x101], of (hi Ir not thort LOCAL BATTALION GOING INTO CAMP Richmond drays Will Take Train To-Night for Mt. Gretna Manoeuvres. PARADE ON BROAD STREET Cool Weather Reported From Encampment, and Blankets Are Advised. Kour companies of the First Vir? ginia infantry, composing the Rich? mond battalion of that regiment, will lcavo the city from Elba Station at 0 o'clock to-ulKht for the jolut mauoou vre camp at Mt. Gretna. Pa. They will arrive in camp at 7 o'clock to-mor? row morning. Other companies of the First In fantry will mobilize at Staunton, aal the SccouU Iufautry will move through the Valley. The Fourth in? fantry will go by boat from Norfolk to Washington, and will reach camp llve hours later than the men of tic First. March on Broad street. The l"r3t Battalion, or -Richmond Grays, w'll assemble at the Seventh Street armory at 0 o'clock this after? noon. The next two hours will be spent In final packing of supplies nnd in loading on wagons. At S>:15 o'clock the march to Elbu Station will be taken up. Kessnlch's Band will head the procession, and the four companies ?A, B, G and 1", will he followed - \ the quartermaster nnd commissary wagons. The entraining will be quick? ly accomplished. Major Lawrence T. Price will com? mand tho battalion. With h'm will be the members of his Htaff?First I... utonant Charles Pnead. Battalion adjutant; Second Lieutenant II. i". Levering, battalion quartermaster and commissary, and Sergeant-Major Chdikley The regimental hospital corps, headed by Major J. Fulmftr Bright and Captains Marstellcr and Cook, will go With the party to-night. The company commanders are: A, Captain W. A. Herbert, Lieutenants rCrausse and Cherry; B. Captain \V. A. Stack. Lieutenants Malhpws and Chapman; C, Captain C. B. Cotllborne and Lieutenants Dashlell and Splatt; F, Captain A. B. Cousins and Lieutenant Peters. With F Company will also go Captoln Charles M. Wallace, a ting first lieutenant. t ooi Weather < amp. From all accounts, the men will get a cool reception at Mt. Gretna. Those already on the ground tell of the ab? solute necessity for wann sleeping clothes, arid of the need for two blankets. The thermometer at .". o'clock yesterday morning stood at 50 degrees, and In the middle of the after? noon yesterday It had only climbed to 68, Men Insufficiently provided with warm clothing will suffer from cold. The Virginia Brigade will be In camp close to the railway station. The camp is on a lake, where there Is boating and swimming. All tho men are ad vlsed to take bathing suits. Colonel Cecil, the commander ? ? f the j post, Is a Virginian and a relative of 1 Rev. Russell Cecil. I), p., pastor Of the Second Presbyterian Church, of this this city. The regular troops In camp are the Twoiity-n'nth Infantry, a I squadron of cavalry and a battalion of Meld hrtllery wh'le. besides the I three Virginia regiments, there will be two tcglnvnt-- of militia from West V'rglnia. An army held hospital COrPS is stationed at the camp entrance. VACATION SCHOOLS l,rirac Liirolim-ni of I'upllH Vnxlotin to \,l\ mice llitpldl} . The vacation schools, opened under direction ol S'uporintondeni .). A. c. j ChBiidlor, reported an enrolment yes-I torday 6g 137 pupils, nr. Chandler an-I nounced thn'l to*day and td-mor'rdw" would l" the last days for enrolment The bourse lo intended for backivard child r< n who failed to make the r, qulred course; those who, because of sickness or absence, ivero prevented from atti ndlng during the session, and those well advanced children who. by taklug n (juriimer course, may he ad? vanced a f ill grade, thus snvlnir half a year In tu.- total period of then pub. Iii hool ? dtic.ttlnn. I'mir Ftnuers < rushed. .T V Friih. who lives near stop No I ou ijie Richmond1 Petersburg divlsori of the Virginia Railway and I'OWeir Company, had four fingers of hi? right hand crushed yesterday wri< n they were caught in fl piece Of macbln. :,t the plant "i the Montague ?Manufactur? ing Company. In South Ninth Streit lie was (rented by l>r ir T. Hawkins, ambulance surgeon of the city Hospi? tal - ( ut* finish tbove Bye, While . hash ? :< trolley car In Broad I street near BHooli Avenue yestordnj I afternoon, r t Popes ? 1002 Rasit Clay Street, fell nnd cut an ttuly cash bis eve. The wound was sewed up by ! ?!. 11 ?[? Hawkins, ambulance j stir ;eon ? ? thi Clly Hospital; vir. Harris III. Ilarvr-y ? ; || Pirn.- 1-. extremely ill nt h's homi liftS West Grace Street. I Mr. Buns Is slxtv vearp old and bas ..... ? .-. ? ? ? .,..!?'. TOLD TO DELIVER BRIDGE 01 TIME Emphatic Notice Served by Com? mittee on 1. J. Smith & Co., ? ? Contractors. WHOLE WORK FAR BEHIND Contract Will Be Forfeited li Better Speed Is N'ot Made in Completing Structure. i Emphatic notice was served on Con-i tractor J. J. Smith In t night by the .Mayo Bridge subcommittee of the Coun? cil Committee on Street's that hu would be expected to live up to the terms of bis contract In rcgai i to'timo of com? pletion. The new br: is now far be? hind contract time, though engineer! who have examined tin work state that up to this time the work done is en | tiieiy satisfactory. I Under the contra t for the new j bridge, signed July 17, 1911, the con? tracting flrni was g i. u .".>".."> working i days. When one ? ir hod rolled around, City Engineer Boiling oxam-' incd tlio work and :? ted it. only 30 per cent, complete. Winter weather, storms. Know, freshet) ind other con? ditions had Intervent d to the extent of four months, and oti the Buggcstolh of Mr. Boiling it was I ? < matter of j record that the contractors bad four j months from July IT In which to finish the work, subject to further extensions for ba.l weather during that period. After that period there is provided In the contract a 'pen ilty of $10 day for each day that the Ity Is kept out of the use of the bridge, and It t? fur? ther provided that ,f tl:< c.intraotor stops work or Is not prosecuting It in a manner satisfactory ? ? t:.e City Engl nerr, the City Engineer is empowered to go on tho Job and hIn men and ma- I chlnery to complete the work or to sublet the contract, all charges to he, made against the original contractor because of his fallur? to complete it in the specified time. Councilman- Jones brought the mat? ter be for* the eommltte' lust night saying that a great b irdcn was belns , id.iced on pedestrian! and owners of | teams to have to hinke the detou.'j across the old Free Bridge and that |t? had cost the city $12,500 In tiie past I two years to keep that t ittering struc- I ttire open to travel. Chder the circum? stance he thought the ity had no right to bc lenient with ., dilatory contrac? tor, who has worked only a small force on n large undertaking and who. after a year's time, has only partially con? structed the northern half of tho bridge between the Richmond shore and Mayo's Island! leaving the longer south, crn half of the undertaking untouched. The committee unanimously adopted his motion instructing the City Engi? neer to notify Contractor Smith thnt the city will expect the bridge to be delivered 6n conract tlmei under the full terms of the periatlly clauses in tiie contract. Including the clause which forfeits the contract and author? izes the City Engineer to complete the work at the expense of the contractor Mr. Joiics thought it was fair to the contractor to give hltn ample notice of t! ? ? Ity'S Intention, so that he could hot claim at the last moment that he had not been notified. Tiie committee referred to the City Engineer for report the question of laving the bridge paving on a concrete foundation, at additional cost, and also certain questions relative to laying street car trrickg'over the bridge. It e as stated that the Virginia Rallwa; and Power Company is required to op? erate cars over the bridge as soon as It is opened, it? franchise granted for the old Mayo Bridge being only held In abeyance because of tiie unsafe con? dition of the old structure, and the question at I ic is whether tiie CiPT shall lay ami own tiie rails across the bridge, charging the company it yearly ton f?f their use, or whether the bridge shall be treated simply as a city Btreoi in which citHi the Btreet car company must lay the tracks and must also lay and ropati the paving between the tracks and :'? l two feet on either side \ lei I.f llabbll 1>ok?. Arthur Johnson, colored, who chased last Thursday for disorderly conduct at tiie Katr Grounds, and was treed In o I ivamp by two savage H.-n rlci county hound dogs, was sentenced to thlr.ty days In fall by Magistrate I- iryeor In the Heiirlco county Justice's Court yestordayi Arthur pays a tribute ? to the hound dogs In proclaiming ! them Ihc soli ca ise of his appreheh ' sloh. lint for thent, he Would hav.. in a i loan getaway. Tho dogj, which have been successfully used :'.>r rabtit hunting nil their lives, belong t . Ebben Thorp. Loses Mix Hand. Simeon Dun nn, colored, was badly hurt yesterday ivhen his hand whs caught in moving machinery while ut work fit tin Richmond Forging Cor? poration ? ;. ii ;.t Acca Hr. Ii. T. 11 aw It I ns, ambuinnco surgeon of the City llospitci) responded to an timer. y nail, anil removed Duncan t<> the t ispltal it o is necessary to amputate , hi?ri than one-half of his hand. "-ii> i lu-5 Were Disorderly, John Ryall anil w. C. Brooks, young white men wen arrested yesterday by rark Policeman .1 I Butler for being drunk ai d disorderly In Gamble's 11111 ran:. At tili Second Police Station both were balled The TAX Man ! a regular visitor, and very often finds ] many <>! us unprepared. Prepare for the lux Man and meei lam with a smile, as you can also meet the insurance man and others you arc bound lo pay. More than r-:-7< L\.,:*r-'v-'..) halt of the battle <>\ lit'.- won by being " '? ? Fixed when the time comes. It will be a great satisfai lion to. know that you :-uj_ Fixed Yourself. Lei the SilSS5 IK itfi 4;1 : AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, be \<>Tir ally in paying tiff everj day expenses, meeting any spc < i d expense with your reserve fund, and at the same lime add? itiv: to \our surplus fund l<>i future iise. Lei us give YOU and > I >l R MONEY SECURITY AND SERVICE. NOTICE IS ISSOED FOR TAX HEARINGS Railroads and Other Corporations Will Appear Before Commission. LINK IN CAPITAL HIGHWAY Contract Let lor Section of Rich? mond-Washington Road?Rev- J cnue Men Delinquent. Annual hearings for tho purpose of flx'ilK tho valuation of property of pub? lic service corporations will bo held by the State Corporation Commission , early tu September. At these hearings representatives of the companies ap? pear before the commission. make statements when they wish the as? sessments reduced, ani combat the j suggestions of the commit-Ion as to increases. So far there has been no manifest intention to Increase the basic assess? ment of the property of railroads, which was Increased two years ago from $1.100 to $20.000 the mile on j single track roads, with a proportion- I ate raise on double tracks and on minor lines. It Is. of courso, possible that the commission may think tho railroads should pay yet mere, in view of the bumper crops and Increased ton? nage. The tax sittings of 1512 will be held In the offices of the commission on September n. :. and 6. The specified purpose Is to ascertain and assess the value of the properties of railroads and other public service corporations j for the current year. Any rUIz-n of the Stato may appear and wi|l i.o heard. Steam railroads and the Pullman Com? pany will bo heard on September with a continuance to the next day if necessary; e>ctri.- railroads, light, h?at and power companies, pas com? panies and water companies, on Sep? tember a: telegraph and telephone com? panies, canal companies, steamboat companies ar.d express companies, on September f.. All the tnx reports of railroad com? panies must he tiled with the clerk of the commission by August 1*.. uhd those of other public service corpora? tions by September, on blanks already I forwarded by the commission. PART OF BIG HIGHWAY < nntractn Cuter Portion of Rlehmnnd Washington ftond. Contracts have just been let by the State H'ghway Commission for the construction of two pieces of road In i Stafford county, each ten miles tn I length, one of which will eventually become part of the Richmond-Wash? ington highway. One of the roads j leads from Krcderlcksburg toward Warronton, in the direction of th Katiqulcr county line, while tho other will run from Krcderlcksburg towards Gainesville. Good roads bu'ldlng is in Hie ii.' in the northeastern pan of Stati ! In addition to the campaign in Car; - Una for n bond issue, which culmi? nated In the election yesterday, ln trrett is hcltiir shown In other coun? ties thereabouts A road which Is to be another feeder to Richmond, and a help to a now suburb, will bo begun next month by ; the Chesterfield county con - let road force. This toad Is to run between the south end of the Southampton Rrlige to connect with the Midlothian Turnpike. On August 10, the convict road force at work nt Damascus, in Washington county, w-'il be moved to Bristol, to be? gin work on tho roads leading north? ward from that city. DELINQUENT OFFICERS Many Coinmlaslonem of Revenue, \s Unuul, Behind urn, HnoU?, I l'Ifty-one Commtss'oneri of i;> ?? ti ? j In this Stale have not sent |h their books for 1912, and ar>- to bt ? iljcd I to account by th' Auditor. Letters I were sent out yesterday to (ii - I ltn<|uent, demanding that the book* hi 1 promptly forwarded, with tiie alternd tive of Immediate enforcement of the , penalties provided by law. The' work of tiie Auditor's office ha? been hampered every year by the laxity of Commissioners of the Ri ve? nue, who delay transmit tai of their books. Th's prevents prompt cheek? ing up. find delays the publication the annual report. Xearl.i .vono Automobiles. Up to the closing hour yesterday a total of 4,964 automobile licenses had I been Issued for 1912 by tho Seert-tar.v j of the Commonwealth This is t,,. j beyond last year's with more I than five months to come, Reward for Convict. Governor Mann offered a reward of $59 yesterday for the apprehension of Sodden Pointlcxteri convicted of the attempted murder of Sheriff a. m N'ush. of l.o is.-i county; Tille man was given five years in the penitentiary. ONLY ONE PASSED BAR EXAMINATION Richmond College Faculty Puz? zled by Poor Showing of Its Law Graduates. For Komp reason which remains ? mystery to President Bontwrlght arid the law faculty ..i Richmond i oliegc. cvehy graduate from the law school of that institution with lh< exception of one. failed to make the Btat Board examination h< id at Roanoke last month. Duly one of the thirteen who received degrees was granted ! i ? to practti r While the percentage of failure's among the graduates of the other State Institutions was by no means to hlfth. it was largf enough lo a?:r.i t comment Washington und l.ce. which has for years Icinsted that every pn< ,f Its graduates make the State Boatd, wrs disappointed In Heyen degree m ri who failur.ed id maki th<- required avcragt Of a class of thirty-six from the University of Virginia, twclv fill? ed at RoahokO. Of the total number 61 Hi from all the college's, lifty-two, 01 scarcely half of those wno took the examination were granted license, t nii nni Es pin In I allures, "I am certainly unable to explain the large percentage nf failures from Richmond ClllCge," said Ocan Waltet P. McNeill, of the Richmond college School, yesterday. "As far as I know the State Board hns this yeat mad" no Increase In the requirement* tor admission to the bar In general terms, the examlnat'on was the tarib as that of previous years. '"Neither can It be accounted for b> any .hange In our method of inst; tlon, That -has also remained the same. The fact Is that we never teacl our students with the idea of maktnti the State Board examination. We tri to train thent to tbJr.k. Our oxamtn otlon questions are framed with th Idea of bringing out the power with!: a man to think for himself and t< reason out tnines The State Boart examination if naturally more t-ate gorlcal, Th' n 1>Ilit>? to pass this er Utnlnatlon rests largely with the In dividual AT PICNIC TO-DAY No Repetition of Conduct Which Marred Last Year's Po Ifce Barbecue. There will b< no repetition to-day of the conduct which last year marred the annual police barb.cue at th'- Btata Fair Grounds, Chief of police Werner said yesterdaj afternoon that he hoal ?iclalled some r.f bis own ofllcers to preserve older, and gambling In any form will hot he permitted. County Magistrate, T, .1. Puryear and a squad of Henflcd police will be on hand t,. enf. order, and any offenders will ; he token before the magistrate for the I Immediate disposal of their cases Sergeants Matthews and Marrin will enforce this regulation; as well as the? ? i , i ro'hibitihg the admission of ! muiois to the grounds. Everything is In tine shape for an auspicious opening bright and early this morning'. Yesterday afterrioih I ?chef lohn Huffy had nearly four I hundred gallons of brunswlek stew on 1 t he fir, . A la-rro detail of officers had a busy It! last night at the grounds get | ting everything in readiness for to "i> It was certain that most of them would bo busy until daybreak. Though I hard worked, most of them appeared ? to enjoy the task assigned them, and Went about it with unusual cheerful? ness, All knew that they were work j ins In a good cause?for the henctlt ! . r the Police Boncvokihi Association. l.ulhernu Excursion. the First English Lutheran and the Bethlehem Lutheran Sunday Schools I will unite to-morrow In a Joint ex ; curslou to Buckroe Reach, carrying I down a larsrc number of the members I of both congregations and their fi le nds. Not Safe to Laugh at Neighbor s Hat Though Woman Accused Claimed to Be Smiling at Cat, She Must Pay Fine. If you Were to buy with n p< rfi c( o>c for lust-- u swell lid from u><: most fashionable Paris atelier, and if. with this modert creation of flowers and, plumage on your head, your neighbor out of pure envy. Were to gr. et your passage with hilarious laughter, would not this cause you 16 seek the .tolace ol a police warrant against the offender Such a rase was revealed before Mag? istrate Puryear in the llcnrlco count) Justice's court yesterday, when Mrs Lester Matthews, of Happy Hollow, In the Farrandsvllle district, on tho <; ?v ernmenl rtodd; made complaint against Mrs. Joseph Martin for continued rail? lery at her whenever she passed by on the way to town. Mrs. Matthews testified that no mut? ter how perfect her attire or faultless her embellishments, Whenever shi passed Mrs. Martin's house she was sure to be humbled by cuchliinations of mer? riment, liven the intest mod., front New York did not stiiiid a chance of escaping the neighborly seiib? Of hu? mor. an<l tii.- neatest riding habit was sure to be ridiculed with unrestrained peals of amusement. Honestly, if Mrs. Matthews had ever dared to uon one of those hobble Bkirts. Mr? Martin would hove died laughing right In her tracks. Matters reached a climax Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. Mattchv.'s ..amr by for an after!.h stroll, It may hav lieeh a pi tilt m< ssallno over tulle or a 1 penti do chbnc with pearl trimmings; but it tickled Mrs Maita.':; ilslbles mightily, ana Mrs Mutthows flushed ?it:, rlghtcduH Indignation, 11? r hus? band heard thp shouts of derision, and. divining the cause, hurried to denial" an explanation Mrs. Martin said that she ?ms only laughing at a "cut" play llig in her front yard, bit as this was ambiguous, thought Mr. Matthews, lie. swore "Ul ?' warrant against Mrs. Mar? tin and was in tuTn summoned lb ap? peal lor using abusive language, Magistrate Puryear lined both par? ties $.'? and coats for disorderly con i duet, and cautioned them to obej hence? forth the biblical maxim requiring ! neighbors to live together In unity. Marrl.ii;, License*. I The following murrlugi license! were is? sued yesterday in the Clerk'? office of the Husum?- Court: Prank P Merello and Willie A Gregory; Barl Bisch and Pearl Brown; Alarr v. Maynnrd. of Mecklenburg, and l\la il. Baraett, of tint cltv. SUITS WORTH UP TO $30.00 $16.00 Each Our Clearance Sale offers unusual opportuni? ties?every suit in the sale desirable and represents the in best tailoring. Gans-Rady Company ITALIANS TO HEAR BOTH CANDIDATES Hold Political Meeting To-Night. Many Appointments ior Speaking. Both Congressman John Lamb and t- rmer Governor A. J. Montague win Qppear to-night al Fraternity Halt to Address the Italian Club of Richmond. While at in.- beginning of the cam? paign, th..- candidates for Congress mad- spi o.-hes fitim the same platform, this has not been the case In recent Weeks, and their appearance to-night t\lli be of Interest. Candidates for tie r>dm!nlstrative Foard have, also been n.v.t. l to sp'ak to the Italians. Governor Montague spent ycatcrdey at Goochland. lie met many of the citizens, and spent a day of hand Bhn king. '"apt.tin Lamb spoke at New Kent Court House yesterday, lie will make an address !?! Barton Helarhts to-mor row r.lsiit. and will speak to th* North vide Democratic Club, of Lee Ward at Fraternity Hall Friday night. The latter part of the week will be devoted by Governor Montague to speeches in the cistern oount'e-s. He will be at Williamsburg Friday night, in Tbann .Saturday afternoon, and at Norgl Saturday r.lgl.t. Special efforts are being put forth by the fri'V.' of G'/vernor Montague to Insure the success 6t the meeting to be held ;t> hin behalf at the City Auditorium next Tuesday night, His speech on that occasion will be his r-al address of the campaign. A Isrga crowd In exp. ctcd. HER CASE CONTINUED Miro, Altered ? Kidnapper." Relrand on Hei Own Recognisance. Marlon SUco, in* attractive choir ?.? Chept?rfl?ld county. ??? arralgnia lie* Court yesterday morning on th? c of aliductns Anita Ma*' r'lll.on. tha .n-year-oM daughter of 11 H. Stllabn, I powhatan Street. The young woman ?i??d or ^nitcinc the child away from Jther ar.d placing her aboard a tram her !?> Mrr Sttleon. who n divorced her husband In Mo::nt Pleasant. Th e warralt fur her arrest was' out by Sir. Ktllsor.. who has been In Richmond levnral am At t!i?i it of l'!i-<-,Mt(:s'-y Mlr.t. Koikes. Justice Crutulineld continued ?se until August I! He released ? it oh her en n recognizance, It is the of Mr Fnlkes to obtain tome In'orma 'torn Michigan repsr'Hn* lb* ca?? Churtor* l-siicd. fnilmtnt *?i Issued to : je T?tt A- Sons Ilm J. W. Ilutler, president i Thomas Dru: motid. vice-president, W A I'helpi. secu mrv md treasurer-all of Rl< hmond Vlr(ln|a and Vermont band und I-lcve'.c ment Company t|nc.) Grottoes, Va. j, Bli op, president: R. T, Dobney, iecr?|ai A S, RUrd-al' of >>-? York Cap'.t? Maximum, Ill.toO. minimum, J3.W. f>bjt" Iteal estate bualneae. Petersburg Dairy Company 'Inc >. Pete burs. Va It, T Young, president; Ot Jone,, secretary and treaaurer. both of I leriburg: 1" F. Rennte, Richmond. Ca Ital: Maximum, 110.040: minimum, HO.t-V VV klnson-Matihews Company (lac Bristol. Vs. J. 11 Matthew?, pr's.-l. Damaacus. Va.: George M. Warren, leci tary. K. H IV klr.s.-.n. \ !<-e.president, I5r tol. Va Capital: .Maximum. IM.400: mil mum. ftt.QOO. Object: Lumber business. Mir rioea to Jail. e.ira Merrett, cr.'ored. whs sent to for four months yesterday morning in liee '''>u.-t for swaini*- a quantity of rl< Int from Ella llr.r.Her. John Purch vni lined l"0 and costi assaulting Willie Lives with a brick. Summer Excursion Rates to points North and West by rail and water. RICHMOND TRANSFER COMPANY, SOJ Fast M.iin Street. iiiiain-aa Stationery, Specify The paper that gives lncr?asc-d ef? fectiveness at no additional cost. B. W. Wilson Paper Co., Richmond, Va. Sole DlHtrlbiilorx. For Best Results to Your Collars The Royal Way Your collars go on a ring and arc moulded into shape, leaving ample room mi that the tic rlips freely. Call Monroe 1958 or 195?. ROYAL LAUNDRY M, I!. Fl?rsheim, Proprietor, All N. Seventh Street. Get the tried and true kind? G. M. Co.'s "Pearl" Roofing Tin It is the best at the price. Gordon Metal Co., RICHMOND, VA.