Newspaper Page Text
JUSTICE WRIGHT GIVES SENTENCE Famous Labor Leader Musi Serya Time for Contempt of Court AN APPEAL IS TAKEN Another Step Iii Lltigatibi Bucks Stove and Range Case. W.-< ihlhgton, July 23??Nlriei months Imprisonment 111 (hi District .i..ll was to-day Imposed by Justice Wright as the punishment to h- undergone by J'>hr. Mitchell, vice-president i>i 11 American F?deration Of Labor, for cot:, toiupt uf court, in violating mi Injunc? tion passed December 23, 1907, unjoin lug the further prosecution of U tlieii existing boycott against .the Bucks Stove and Kuiiffo Company, of fe't Louis, Sic Attorney Frederick U Sid.Ions, for the labor leader, noted an appeal and furnished $000 bond to Insure the ap? pearance of Mitchell to servo the! son? fence should the appcllatu tribunal at firm tlio decision of Justice Wright, Mitchell >..? In I .. irt. Mitchell was not In court to hear tre sentence pronounced, but had scut a reqiti st, written and sworn to, seek* Inc the lihpositluu oi tontencu lit bis ! absence because of his great d'.s- ; tnnci: from Washington and the serious Inconvenience to which lie would be placed if required tu attend coAlrt ut this time. The request als? contained a waiver of any Irregularity lh the passlnK of sentence in his abse nce. Mr. Mitchell sent a flintier request fe. the court last week, but as tho j phraseology, of the paper made It up- , pear as merely, an authorisation of his counsel to accept sentence, and (]ld not, r-?m to be a request for consideration ? for the respondent because of his bus- | In ess engagements In the West. Attor? ney .1 .1. Darlington, for the " tee of prdsetiiitors." objected to the j piper. Word was' Immediately wired to Mitchell, in Oregon, and the vcr-' bingo of the request presented to-day I ? .; iat. d to him. I He had these words typewritten, and I not only sluned the paper in the pres? ence of two witnesses, but went be? fore a notary public, and made oath i" the statements contained In It. Kante Sentence Fornterlj Imposed. it was Just three years arid Seven n <l ttlS iiRO to the day thS| the Iden? tical sentonco was Imposed by the court on Mr Mitchell. December ; M tchell Gompcrs and Morrison1 M ere first adjudged guilty of this con- ! tempi charge and were sentenced. Goni- , pers was ordered to serve one year Ii | Jail Mitchell nine months anil Morri- . son^slx months. The sentence of Com* and Morrison was reimposed lasf i montli after the Cnlted States Supreme) Court had reversed the action of the I Berry's top Bngs" A Smart Club Bag. Hera bit more (linn fifty stylen sices In real Icnthcr m S'J.po up, i> i y I o c for bot h W, e n and Women. All the now leathers nnd wlckoro are shown and you'll find here Just the bag of your choloo at a very moderate COSt. VVr buy direct from all the leading factories and our soil-1 ing facilities ore auch that wo, invito price comparisons! "fruriks of every good char-i ncter nnd of tho latest models are here. A hummer Suit Caso ol tan i and brown cow hide at $3. Get familiar with our liugej Basement Department for, travelers. lower court und a new proceeding had , beeil Instituted und adjudged against ' the labor men. i Attorney rilddons presented tne ' latest request of Mitchell to the court this morning. Justice Wright Inquired ' of Attorney Darlington what thu com- j mittee iiad to recommend. Mr. Dar- j .lington said he considered It com peteht for the court to 'mposo sentence ! in the absence of a defendant on his 1 written request. The court then im? posed sentence. Waiver signed July it. The request and waiver of Mitchell was sinned July IT. and witnessed by Harry Yanckwleh and 11 J. Parkinson. Tho request reads: "Now comes .lohn Mitchell, respond? ent In the above entitled cause, and. showing to tho court that he is lit this time ut a great distance from the city of Washington, and that attendance there at th's Uino would be the occa? sion of serious Inconvenience to him, requests that the sentence to be Im? posed upon him In tl|C above entitled cause may be imposed without, requir? ing It's personal presence, he hereby waiving, so fnr as the Imposition of s.-ntence is concerned, any right upon his part to be present nt the time of its Imposition, and stipulating that It shall hnvc the same force and effect as If ho were personally present*" Complete Course Certificate Will Be Issued for $37.50 This special summer rate will positively expire AugtlSt 15th. Young people should enter now and be prepared to accept situations this fall anil winter. Large, well lighted and ventilated halls, electric fans. Situations secured for graduates. Personal instruc? tion. The largest commercial school in the South. Massey liness Coileg 802 Last Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. In Summertime I Makes Rich Blood the system . r a Juices. For fc oonvalest erita ly we rccomm Pineapple Ju! Crane Juice. . Lime Juice . . . Raspberry vii [?s fruit er and special Red Good Claret stlmu :.-.t. n the digestive func? tions und brings back red cheeks. Va. Medoc Claret . 2?c 82,75 d..z. Va. Seedling Olaret, 35c s;i.75 duz. For Hot Weather Fatigue try the i < k j 1 itr UBO of Stout or Malt Extract, Scotch Malt.Si.50 doz Guineas Stout.$2.25 doz Summer Appetizers add zest A few droi 10 any dl.-h. H. P, Sauce. . Essence Anchovy :t.-,< EVERYTHING GOOD I" BAT \M> DRINK. 504-508 East ftroad. Tel. Monroe 101-1?8, LONG TERM IN JAIL FOR JOHN MITCHELL JOHN i!l I t HBI.Ii. DOVER ASSOCIATION IS IN ANNUAL SESSION [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.] Johnson's Springs, Vtt? July 23.? The Dover Association convened to-Jay in its one hundredth ami twenty-ninth annual session, with the Goochlantl Church. The body was called to order by .M'-dcrator Carey, and the opening address was made by Vice-Moderator ii. v. Cox. of Richmond. During tho morning session the re? ports from the churches of the west? ern dlstr'ct were read and discussed. D, Ityland Knight, of Calvary Uap t'st Church, read the report on evan? gelism, He und Dr. Alfred Bagb) made strong spec cites on the real meaning of evangelism; Rev, .1. \V, Cammnck presented the cla'ms of the Holltflous Herald, and r?r James, of Grove Avenue Church; Rev. .-v H. Tcmplenuin, ?r. V. \V. Bout wright nnd Dr. K night spoke In Its uchulf In the n>ttcruoon. It. James read a report from the council of Richmond churches recom? mending a redrawal Of the city churches from the Dover Association, with a view to forming an associa? tion to themselves. The report was laid on the table to come up some time uurlng the prest i.r_ session of the association. Many delegates from tho various churches. together with a largo number of visitors ?om on the grounds to enjoy tie' hoFpltaltty of a generous hoa.-ted people. A large num? ber of people from Richmond came up In an automobile. PROGRAfVIISREADY FOR CONVENTION Winchester Preparing to Enter? tain State Farmers' Institute August i and 2. Programs art- out for the ninth an? nual session ..f (ho Virginia State Farmers' Institute, which will he held this year In Winchester. August 1 and 2. Officers i,f the. Institute have bet n at for weeks on the "letalis of the big agricultural meet and have pro? vided a large number of interesting ! exercises and addresses. The progrnm. ' In the words of the committee. Is de? signed to 'Interest, as well ns In? struct," and the invitation to attend the sessions of the Institute is ad I dressed to the farmers of the State .is j Well as to their wives and daughters. , The usual reduced rates will he in fere., on all the principal railroads, and can he obtained upon application t... the local agents. Secretary U. Mor? gan Shepherd, of the State Farmers' Institute, will open headquarters nt the Winchester Inn on July 31, to look alter the wants of those who atencl. The full program follows: ? Thursday, August 1.?Morning Ses-1 slon. Invocation?Rev. w. D. Smith I l?:46?Address of Welcome?Hori. S. I- 1 I l.upton, President Business Men's As-' j soclatlon. M:00?President's Annual 1 Address, Westmoreland Davis. Ap THE WEATHER. j Forecasti t lrKinia?Local showers : Weduesdaj and probably Thursday, ' Kurth t uroltna?Local showers Wed. 1 aesdnyi Thursday, generally fulr. j Special Local Data for Yesterday* . !_ i.o.jh temperature. 70 S3 iv m temperature. Ma\i::r.i:u u ni|?< i .it uro up to b j I'. M. *>1 J I Minimum temperature up t? S i i\ >m. g? B ; .Mean temperature.I B Normal temperature. BJ Deficiency in temperature.'. c Detlclency in tempcruture since I March '.. ID Accum, doilclency In temperature j sine- January l. 613 Kxecss In rainfall since March 1... ,77 I Accum, excess in rainfall since j January l.90 l.ornl Observation H l'. M. 1'esterdny, Temperature. 7? Humidity . .r?S Wind, direction.Northeast ? wind, velocity. ?'? , Weather.Clear CONDITIONS in IJU'OHTAN'T 01TIP.S. : (At S 1' M Bhstcrn Standard Tlnie.i IM.k e Thi i 11 T. I. T. Weather I Richmond .... 7". 8I 70 Clenr Ashuvlllc . 7s v. p p. cloudy Atlanta . SJ 92 711 Cloudy Atlantic city. 68 KB fl Cloudy Boston . 06 72 80 Clear Buffalo . hi -s f.8 Cloudy Calgary . .".<?. 88 R3 cloudy Charleston ... SO 02 l<> Cloudy Chicago . SO 7? Cloudy Denver . 85 88 88 P cloudy Duluth . 171 CO M Cloudy oalveston .... ?t 88 f-' Clear llatterns . h 72 clear Havre . 70 7 0 r.S c|enr Jacksonville .. 90 '.<\ 83 P, Cloudy Kansas City .. i ?i 98 80 Clear Louisville ....' SO 92 7S ciondv Montgomery sfi 92 78 Clenr New Orleans., 92 80 ciear New York. 70 7 i oi Cloudy Norfolk . 7 1 70 7 1 V- cloudy Oklahoma .... 93 90 70 Clear Pittsburgh ... 74 71 or Cloudy Savannah .... 84 98 82 Cloudy Spokane. 72 7 1 M Cloudy Tampa . S3 "2 S2 .Clear Wash , T>. C ? 7f> 71 oo r. cloud v jwinnlpesr ... 70 "i ? i cloudy Wytlievllle .. 71 ?81 88 I? cloudy MINI ATt'ftrl M m x n ?,, July 94, Ii*l2 ' Pun rises. . . . .'. -is ITTfJtl TIDK. I sun sets...., 7:7't Morning.,,, i 1:52 Moon sets... tiit Evening.1.33 polntment of Commute05. 19MB_Crop! notations?Dr. C .E Thome. Director <>hio Experiment Btalon. Discussion. 11:15?I.line anil Legunies?Prof. Alva | Agoe, Ponsylvanla Experiment Station. Discussion. 1:00?Adjourn for Lunch. Afternoon Session.?Devoted en? tirely to Alfalfa- los. E. Wing, of Ohio; Ocorge W. Bedell, of Vlrgln'a, Manager of Curl's Neck Estate; M. Zlntplcmnnn. of Virginia, Manager of eBllo Grove and Walslngham Estates; iv W, Wamplcr and W. W. Wllklns, of Virginia; Genera! Discussion. Night Session?8:15, "The Farmer' Girls." Mlss Ella Agnow; S ; 15. -Dom"?, tic Science'; (with demonstrations) Mrs. Mary Evans Dlllard. Note.?Mrs Dlllard will have a special session at n time and place announced to meet the women and girls to discus domestic affairs, the cost of living, organization, etc, !':30, "Farm Homes" (stereoptl ? con), Dr. S, W. Fletcher, director Vir? ginia Experiment Station. Friday. August 2: Morning Se^-ston? 9:30, "Cattle Feeding," Professor R. S. Curtis. North fan Una Experiment Sta? tion; discussion, Hon. J, H. C, Bevcrley Essex county. Va.j discussion 10:30 "Dairying iri Virginia,'' W. D, Satin dors, State ''airy Commissioner; A. B Pike. Dairy Division, United States De? partment of Agriculture: discussion: 11:30, "Maintenance of Road.--." Captain P. St. .T?llen Wilson, State Highway Commissioner; discussion: 12:1(5, "Mar? keting of Fruit," Nat T. Frame (Me Frame has hoi wide experience in the market end of the fruit proposition, and fruit growers cannot afford to miss hearing this address) Discussion. 1:00. ndioutu for lunch. Afternoon Session?2:30, "Aericultu rai Progress in Virginia," Governor! William [lodges Mann; 3:30, "Reaching the Farmer Through Demonstration Work." Bradford Knapp, Fnlt?<t .States Department of Acrlculture: 3:30, "Suc? cess , f Demonstration Work In Vir? ginia." T. <> Handy, State ngent: 1:00. business session, election of one-half of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Reuben Thomas Lipscombe Financial and Manufacturer*' Agent Exploiting only meritorious and mar? ketable patents, etc. Selling only the 1 ..' ? mufacturers' products in the two Virginias and two Carolinas. Established trade. No. IIS NOrth Elfthth Street, Richmond, Virginia. COSBY'S 311 WEST BROAD STREET. Monroe 3050. Stag Paint and Stains cheapest strictly high 11 iss paints, Radiatoi Gold Rronze, 50c lb. Moprt . 25c each. Iltirnishiht, 10c can. Brooms, 25c. lew Sorten Doors closing out at cost. Murcsco and .Mummy Calcimine, 2?C S-lb. packages. A Few Words in Anticipation of the Establishment in this city of United Cigar Stores "The United Cigar Stores" is a name given to an enterprise," nation-wide in its scope, devoted to establishing successful cigar stores throughout the United States, Here in the Souih ours is essentially a Southern enterprise; our business is incorporated in the South, our Southern company is officered by Southern people, our organization is composed almost entirely of ambitious young men of the South who are anxious to make their success ours and our success theirs. In a growing city, like Richmond, our business is soon localized, actually becoming a home enterprise; the product of local manufacturers is exploited by our stores at least as much .'is they are by any retail stores here; all but a very small fraction of every dollar spent in our stores goes to pay wages, rent , taxes, light, heat. etc. right here in this city so that literally United C igar Stores are a Richmond enterprise as much as any retail stores could be. A United Cigar Store to be Opened at 836 East Main Street on Friday Largest in the World Because We Serve the People Best board of directors; reports oi commit' lees; adjournment. , OBITUARY Ml** Lucy A. Suundera, L Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Frederlcksburg, \*a.i July 2:'..? Mrs Lucy a. Saundcrs, of Essex county,, died nt tho home of her son in that county, at the r.go of sixty-four years. She Is survived by two daughters and three sons. T. II. Jones. [Special to The Tlmos-DlspatCh.] Lyhchburg, \"a.. July 23.?T. II. Jones, aged nfty-Hix years, died .Sunday in Amherst county after a long Illness of pellanru. He wa.s a native of Nelson county. The burial look place latt yesterday at Tye River, after the funeral services at his home. Miss May GrlKsby, L&peolal to The Times-Dispatch.] Frederlcksburg, Va., July 2J.?Miss May Grlgsby, formerly of King George DEATHS DYSON?Died, nt the residence of his son, L, i. Dyson, 13 south Cherry Street, at 0:30 P. M., July J3, U N. DYSON, in the sixty-eighth year or his age. Funeral notice later. Portsmouth papers please copy. SOl'TIlVYOKTJl?l'assed away, July 22, 11U2, after u brief Illness, W. U SOUTHWORTH. lie leaves a wife, six children, six brothers and three sisters to mourn their loss. Mis funeral will take place \vi:i> NKSDAY, July 2 1, from Iii? home, near Peiiola, In Caroline county, in? terment In tho family burying ground. I BLACKBURN?(Died, nt the residence of her parents. July 16, P.IVA IRENE BLACKBURN, aged four months, daughter of Alton a. and Hertha K. Blackburn, LEAK 15?Died, Tuesday, nt R:?.n A M? at the home of Mr. Ft. L. Harnes. Sherwood Park. MP.s \V S LEA KID. Funeral THIS AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock from Grove Avenue Baptist Church. TTIJHIt?filed. In Baltimore, on .Ttiiv 22. MRS, MaTTTE P. TYLER, wife of II. T.. Tvler and daughter of the late .in mos Tl. Bridges. Burial In Baltimore. MANNING?Died, at his residence, 11? North Twenty-sixth street. July ;s. at 9:SB o'clock p. M.. cirniSTopin:n MANNING, ,TR. Funeral notice later. Nathalie, Vn? July IS, 1912. DE J A RN ETTE?GEORG E DE J A H - NETTE, eighty-four years old, died nt bis home, near Republican Grove. JUly li. 1312. He was a Confederate veteran, and served thrnuchniit the war. He was n member ot Captain Colllns'R company of cavalry (known n? the catawba company, ot Halifax county*. Thtrrt Regiment, Company it. wickhnm's Brigade He was not at the surrender at AppomattOX, \ having gone with the cavalry to wards Lyrichburg, tie was probably the oldest member of Chlldroy Hnp- i tlst Church. He leaves n widow. ' who was Mts? Alice Marshall before marriage; two sons, James Do ,iar netto of South Boston, and Djtri T. He .latnette. of Republican Grove, nnd n number of grandchildren ;>ioi greftt-arrandnhlldrcn to mourn their loss Several of his old comrade* In i ermi were .it bin bflrtnl on Friday i to nay their last tribute of respect COUr.tyi died a few days Qgo at her homo In Washington, used twenty three years. She was the daughter of the late Milton Grlgsby und Is sur? vival by her mother and three sta? tt:-.-. Ii. A. Hanson, I Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch ] Dlllwyn. Va.. July 23.?It. a. Hanson a prominent business nian of this place, died this morning at 1 o'clock at his home. Mr. Hanson had been In bad health for some time, but kept at his business until ten days ago. Mr. ttan Bon was born In l^SX lie was a native of Hucklngham and spent the whole of his life In this county. Eighteen ago Mr. Hanson begun business nt this, place, lie win be burled at old home place near Enonvlllo to-morr< The Odd-Fellows of White Hall Lodge. No. 2S.1, of which he was a I member, will ntllciat.- at the burial John Hiirelicr. I Special to The Times-Dispatch ) Elisabeth City. N. C. duly 23 l< BUrcher, of Woodvllle, Ferqulmahs county, died yestertla) afternoon afiet an illness of several weeks, He ??? fifty-eight years old and Is survived I }? his wife and one son. Gold Medal, London. ?911 /.r.r^set Sale HIGH-GRADE Tea in World Do You Drink Colored or Adulterated Tea ? Do You REALLY Know f The reason why many teas do not go very far is that they are colored, and adulterated in other ways, to make them more pleasing to the eye. Coloring tea robs it of much of its strength and flavor Rtdgways Tea is NEVER colored ; NEVER adulterated. Many teas are rolled and twisted by hand. The twisting process is for the purpose of breaking the minute cells so that the leaves will readily impart their csence to boiling watet. It is im? possible to break every cell by hand twisting. Ridgways Tea is twisted by automatic machinery, which ruptures every cell. This is another reason why it rocs farther?and is cleaner. The exquisite flavor of Ridgways Tea is partly due to the fact that it is grown on the finest soil on earth for tea growing. Another reason is that throughout every procc's of its culture and packing, the most discriminating cire is exe: ciscd to insure its invariable standard of perfection. Don't put off the pleasure of tasting this Superlative tea. lafulr! Atr-Tl-ht Pkr?. H1 c ts -Class Grocers Order Trial Package TO-DAY I C. W. ANTRIM & SONS, Distributors , Inc. I Storage and Transfer Department Vfuln and Belvldero Streets. We call attention to our splendid facilities for packing und crating house? hold goods, bric-a-brac, china, jlasswsre, pictures and works of art lor stor? age, domestic or foreign shipment. Can save you 25 per cent, in freight Get our estimate. Phones: Madlaon 843 and Monroe 843.