Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market July "3?Furth? i rca d in the nioveuien Prlc<showed .in 1: ling ol pessimism caused bj puo led forecasts >>: thfe >tanu> ciiinmit . rvpbrf oh thi L'nltcl State: t-t. < l rporutlon. Some ot the lepurted umnicndutloiii of the coiiihiiticu ur'e iv complex thuii expected, us .1 ult ,.i which Wall Street looks lor out (nuance ot the U.gitutlou aguin: t fuel was again tlw most active of speculative liisues uliu llle bpeclUi ,'et of the bear uttucK, although it ided leSa than some otnei' siOcks 111 same group. Pressure against idjng anu Union Puciiic iVus persist but tin shorts seemed to lack irage to carry their auvahtdge very About tile only Stocks to dls y strength wvre II.ose of the elec al co|iipiinles, General ISlectrU ml ..ii.- best :.^ui<- in soniu years it umst in- ;.ii repoi t.- <?: ail up loii'ey On tum worked toward greater United }. govil niiicill bonos i ', Ullckunged. fotul uaics, ll'T.l.'O! . . s ot stocks. I New York. July -3.?Monty on call steady. -?i if 3 per cent ; ruling rale, ilvj; Time loans easy: sixty days. ; . . ;< . six month*. 4U SHH. Prime mercantile paper, 4'4. Sterling ox change firm, J4.S47? ?or sixty-day bills, $1.8770 for demand. Commercial bills. u.a. KIl II.MO.M) SltlCK MAKKKI. Sy Richard W. Usury, X izi Bond Broke:. 1013 F. ilaln Street. Richmond. Va . July 2J. 1915. ATE SECURITIES. Bid Asked, j lala 3s, Old. C. and R . 1952.... ?31? :. lltnturies. 2-3, O. and K .UW1.. -I t Gl.KOAD BOND?. . . ; ? L It. It. Con*. Debs. i?.... U3M .. nd O. >.; ?:;?; M . p,t. ;.??>.. lot . .. Sou and Pia-, IMS. D* ?. , *ad Ala. Con 3?. 1515.... im oik and West* By. is. ISfSS.,.. >I ?oard Air Line is. 1033. tt Hern Railway lit 3.. Ifcii. ie7 It Dev. aud O. M I.-. 1*36. 7? It-rn N. 0, 1st if. C . 1>!1. 102 .. I1EET RAILWAY BONDS. . is. USti o ? S STREB! BY; STOCK?. Pari Vn ,1. and Power Co. pfd.o.100 si f Vs. By ai.u Power Co. com.IM ? RAILROAD STOCKS i'ar. Chesapeake and Ohio.WO -OH, .. Norfolk and Western com.100 llOVi ?? Seaboard Air Liu.'- pfd.Iw M seaboard Air Lin* com.M fcouthtrr. Railway pfd.Uu .: Soiiihern Railway com.W ..< BANK ANT) TRUST C?. ?T?C.K8. - Rank c: uomine're* arid TruaU.l? M iiniral Batik.100 13b Corhmvh wealth Bank.....1.? U2V4 ?? 1 I rat National.too . ? ? Mechanics and Merchants..IW 2uj National Bank oi Virginia. ....WOi-.a $, National State and Cits Hunk ? - Richmond Bank and irast Co. . IV? .. SavinG? Bank ot Rlchmonil. M I :.ion Hank cd Richmond. "<0 ? - W??t End.? '- i 1 INSURaS'CE I ?MPAN.IES . .. ? MISCELLANEOUS. Va -Car Cbetn. pfd. 3 p. c.100 1134 11 Quotstl?hi foi Intereit-paylftg bonds i t ., ..... , to w hich Interest must o? add in on..' bonds and certificate? oi indeot. BOND LISt. ? Mi'i iS ? Bid j ? I CdtiON MARKETS r THE UNION BANK OF RICH1YI0ND. 1107 KA?" MAIN STREET. ?1.00 MAKES A STA RT. 1 PER CENT. 1NTEBKST Or lie a! Range and Sale of Stocks in New ^ ork All! I-Ch|ilmcrs . Altls-Chul |>M . let pd... Amalgamated Copper ??? * \ i ii i. \ i Chem., com. .. Amur, Beet Sugar, com.; 7 ? . ? Ca i ? a .ii .-. ? .. i foundry. .' Amer. Car und F?u'n . ! M American Cotton <>;l .. . r Am. Hide mid I? at her. pr . American t.lnsi i I ?' 1 American Locomotive ... .. a in i I...i t\ f. pfd. Amer Malt ? ??? pfd . a in. rli i ii Sim lilng . 5 VI I Ami i. Ti I and Tel Co . U a ? ? l.. uf <:onne< tiv?t . 1.200 Bultltliori and Ohio. . . I'!?'??. Hethlt Kern Steel. coiVi...-. '??< ?*> llri-.-An, T. Co.; x rights -'? 2.:'X? Brit - in. T" C > rltrl IP. Lltookli n It ipld Ti unslt, ''i 'i I.S05 Central Leather. com ? S*'i 2.510 Canadian Pacltie .. . 26.VV, 1.100 Chesapeake ami Ohio.; . ChloustO Great Western. . 2.62? i-hi.. Mil. and st l'.iul . W3 I St.el <"or. com. l*:s 10 (iru dole Steel, pfd. 92*? 1.909 Chicago and Northwest. 133 SO) Colorado FiK-l and Iron. ;'l Colorado and Southern. 1.100 Consolidated Gas.II&V5 I ? ,?? nire and Hudson . I o n. nhd Kin Gran . com. ... : ?. i. i nd ltlo Gran,, pfd; ion I Usttllors' Sec. Cor.'~ ? i\ -I Mln. and Sin . pfd. i i;,2W Grein Sorthern, old .. .. v.::1., 100 Great Northern Ore dtfs *'i 100. Illinois Centra] . 131H 3.5C0 Interhoro-Met. '-'-''.i I.::"1 Interboro-MeC. pfd. 5SH BY THOMAS BRANCH & CO., Bankers ..nd Brokers Cluslni Open. High. Low. BU Asked Bales. Sto k Open. High. Low. 1031$ 1.:' iai?? 20U my, 10.1 i>"? 131 ?4 10', ISM I7<? lOStj IT iJtSVi issi/j iss 13 Iht Met- Marine, com. I ntei nai lonal Paper . lot Paper, pfd. K in, City South., com.. l/Otilgli Ynlh >? . . PIT i .i:g< 11 and Myers, . -on "01 Liggett and Myers, pld. I Air 11 la rd ion Co.. com. .. l.otlllurd Tot?. <"". pfd. ... Louisville and Nashville IS) Mlttmi Copper . l" M ? Kan. and Texas ? Mexican Pel i*oli uui . Missouri P.M Ittc . Natlciiial Lead . New Tbrk Central. n \ Out and Western Norfolk .nd Western... M.'il 69% 11.".'. 116V. ? ii ?:v I" . i' . < ' and St. I,, com. .. I'.. ? . <ail I St. L. pin 1"' Pittsburgh Co il. coin .. . Pr.s-.d Steel Car. I>i SBer] steel '"nr. pfd.. .. :"i liv. steil Spring, com... ." Itiding, v IS41<. 16 ItepublI 11 on -i nd Steel ? ? [Uiblh I and S. pfd;. VIS com pfd. 11" pfd. 13 V4 22??, P>i . Island :<-. Lock Island, pfd. .? 1 Seaboard Air Line, S...1 rd Air Line. Sloss-Shcff leid ? ?:>' Southern Pacific ?? W Sotithcrn ftullway . 300 Southet ii Hallway, Standard Oil . i.i T, iinessee < lopper . Ifrj Te\;is Pacific . l.V 1 Union Pricllio . ti ? United Stat. s Bubber.i'. S3 34.2 r tilted States Steel. :<". p.20 United state-, st. ei. pfd uatI, r. s i'iisi Iron Pipe. :? o Vai-Caf. ' iliemtcai . tr>'.. 200 Vuj-Car. Chemical; pfd.vH?H Wtibnsh . 1(0 Wahssh. pfd. 13?? Western Cnlon ?? . W->ymuh-Bruton To. Co Total sales for day. ISO, Total Stiles for week (two r|a> -l\ v.', 1?% 1'??"*! M 2V4 I u.: ill l nMt.T-' n: i:..', ! IM l?tt. I .?.i.. ..'ii l?2'i W J5|... - :>:a oso ii! i t.i r?:r.ber. IZ.f ; January, 12.?0; March, 12 ?35; May. 12 T< LOCAI. MARKE 1 QUOTATIONS. 'Furnished by Levy Commission Co, Com? mission Merchants. Richmond. Vi.) Richmond. V?., July 73, 1912 ACTUAL W IK H.J..-?.M.K QUOTATIONS OF I M A KM . i. LIVE Pufl.TUT Chickens, choice, lb. 19 g I Hens, lb. jj> R Roosters, each. Ji y u I Line !cs, large; younK. -b. J* ? Duck.", small, young, lb. .. 7 ij BOOS?Crated In crates, nearby, fresh) da;... 15 fi In c.-atcs. other section*. u?x. U i Uulnea < ?Ks. doz. y 12 BUTTER. Family, choice, fresh, lb.. 29 ?J/ is ' Merchants', ta.r. lb. l.-'s:, LlVfc STOCK. Veals, choice to fancy, ib.... T {p Vm>, j.r.or to fair, 13. * lit *4 Calves, runners, i>.;r lb. A w 6 sheep, lu. ?"j *f t Lambs, spuing, lb. ?'sei IVS Cattle, i,.r to prime, lb. i n ?>'? , Hogs, lb. ? 7 COUNTRV.CURED BACON. ' Hair.!,'.l smoktd. small lb. O 1 liam?. well smoker, large, lb 16 <a l Sides, ???.; smoked, lb. 12V? a 1 Shoulders, wall smoked. 11'_ <>n? ? BIDES. Dry fllr.t. lb. 20 C Dry salt, ib. l\ lit '.?rein, salt, lo . .... K'ia' Green, lb . liHii lire! a. damaged. f> Iii beeswax, .0. <j a> ! WOOL. (;li.;, unwashed, tree ot burrs. kf ? ' Ch>. unwashed, Ilghtb burt? S3 ? 2? j '.'t:.. unwashed, medium burry 21 It 21 i lt., anawshe'd, hea'Vy burro,. 27 :tj MISCELLANEOUS. Potatoes, IrUh, No. i. bb- : "5 c? It* Irish Potatoes, No. 2. bbl. 1.00 0 LS? j Market conditions: Poultry in heavy rel , I and market lower. Bgg* extremely I dul Butter '?c pound lower, but active. | stock ve'rj actlv? Country meat and | jjbtal us Ollll. Hides and wool active. NEB YORK I'ROUUCE MARKET. New York July 23 ?Kiour?Flrm and be.c a shadi hignel Ryi Flour-Steady. Corn meal?Quiet. Rye?Nominal Barley?Qui<r,t Wheat?Spot strong; No. 2 red. JI.O'-'i a I i'. export : .1,1,. and Jl'.O'i f. ?. b. a'.loal to arrive Futures ?.!.. ?>:?-.? . ne. higher Juli <; . .- ,?? ... December. fl.03?s Si it (in isi; export. *i'?c. f ?? b. afloat Qats -Spot firm; standard white Pork, Bee! imd Ljard-Steady. Cut Meat ?Qiilei Tallow?Quiet: Petroleum?stead} Wool?Quiet osin aril Turpentine?Quiet itiCr ,s. ; Molasses Sttnrty. Sugar?Raw und r'ftn- d. steady: But ?er and Eggs?It regular Chees? Steady and unchanged l'offei Future" steady; Ort6b?sr, 13.00; June M ?' .- Spot Ri<>. No. T. IO?c Po latoes Firm; now , ?.?!:!??.. p.r birreo ?2 M?t peanuts Freights and t a boa Res-A 1 u j.....; ..,? llri?ldatl?h, pe? ?: ? ' demand fibttt rennets, i!: . dtoiiscfd n|| market was. ea?:-r to-jds; ? ? ??? j s October, *?: -I iii. >.(.<! GRAIN MARKE ,11 . i July deliver iid advance in tint c inr nt One time to 3? ? ore. and IHc for oa u- ind tile scantiness :n st?re herie war* ; ? nervous a!! ar^u ft: iorn at a r! . and oats lifted ??? . . re. ...on* varied frf :. rease in cost. . '? "'1 OotS Mf.ndard, .',t ??, ?Vi l(l< Ii Mil NT? r-.llAl? \| \km i QUOTATION!: ON "CHAN ' '? - .'is 'n<w I ? '. ? ? r lota No k Rye inew). No. 3 Bye (newi. Q S3 Virginia tbag loti). tf ?3 IUCUMOMJ 11av makket. Richmond. Va.. July 23. 1912. Following ?'? Ihe quotations el th? Rich? mond Hav exchange: No. 1 Tlmothv. 3 J?CO No. 2 Timothy. * 2AW No. 3 Timothy. HC* <t L:?lu <:;o\<r, mixed. 0 :SdO No. 1 Clover, m.xed. ? No. 2 Clover. mtaid. Nominal No. 1 C?ov?r. Nominal j Clover. Nominal RTRANV-Compreiaed . G s?.W LUooH-preued, large ra'.is 'a 10.00 vour car; so that huy al door* rep -? . atci.ii and th-..s avoid n j?rt .on?. Thli market grade* hay In accordance with the National Hay Association i wn.K markets. Richmond Live stock market (Sate* *? Union .-tock Yards ) Richmond. Vii . .lu;y -1 n.p'ci ol llie llvi f:?cic market tor tue I w'cek ending July 1012: Rent ft-r r?. >>\ . ; medium to good.] h'CJ'i'sc.: lomraon to fair. IH?"dY<.; best helier*. ???'! '-'je.. medium to good. i\\Q S*?c,? common !??? fair, 3"s*i I'ic.. best cows. ?'-.'?/ medium to good. HI tf 4 Vic . comrenn o> :a:r. ;?>, ,?... .. hulls, I n l*t,c. Frofh cows. Sol' ?i,., i ?r h' ad. Best calve* 6'j i Tc . to'good, *??: ?*;?!?? ? . dick* 44JSe . ?prins !>nihi, <$Sc; r.,-?t iheep, 3?4j*I4Mjc ? common to lair. ... "; . belt hog*. 7 . ihoat?, ?S ; s''o ..nd f.aj*. S9*c> Chl< III., July . "? -CnItie?Receipt* 3.C00 i head, Mark.t pleads to 10< higher, calve*. I 10 ? !.;?!.. - in ci ?* IS U*)?.S?i Texas I ? teer*. M.WiiTW; weitern iteeri I5.S067.JC Mockeh nhd feeder* ?r? cow* and' heifers, 7 .calve*. [T..T5 ' 51 llo?> - '? ? l|?t? IS.009 !..-..?! Markt t active ?r.d '?. 10c. hUhfr. Light*. ?7.I v, 7 f>.-,; mixed. 17.33 heavy. |7;Kii7.30; rough |7,U 1. ' Pis*. fr> "i: ?:?? ?ulV ir ?*:.'??. i" ? ? i : .? Sheep?Receipt? 50.000 head Market Heady to :?? :-.w.v /?. ?h. ..p. ?tronc Mr ia:n! - WeXern. ti.ion}I.SO; yearling*, W:: so j na? tive lam!-*. fii'iiT.n western. {1 ." i! New Wir. .tnjy ja,?rteeve*-ecelpt* *-.t ! head; n<nie en tales. Feeling iteadj cglv??| ? R#e,|rt, h.-.i.l Marker v nary to prime c.enl* iSflio.W p,r ra pound*. Sheep and Lambs?Receipt* ? head M.-.r-. s 'ji--?r-*h'r^. *,r:",v: 'ami's firm. Sheep, [ ? ru-:?- I2<| J.SS; :nn;b*. |S. 75 fit. 23: cu .?. ! Hog*?Recelpti 609 he?,]; ncne ,n: " ',; ff*llng nominally higher. ; ?urirMOND tob.\ccc varkf.t. hi hm'bnd, Va . July 23. |?? roilow.r- ire in? quotation* on the Rtch. m.-.nd T"o?r. n Exchange: DRptA'N SHIPPINVJ. tlJW .$ 7.W (] 5 c.Ao fhor? . (j, S40 o."n?g.."if???? '< I10Q S-:->l*"''* . lO.Of tt 15 10 BRIOHT8. BMOKERS-Ccniman . T.00 9 i 19] ?N!<d!j:n . IC..00 gj li'.?) f"1* .12? J, lS.Oj m:!:.'-Common . si.00 5 LI.09 m.m . !3.0) n.OJ i-'ltl* . i0 O'j l: 53.<i0 Kancv . 24.00 6 27 W r!!.LER:;?Common . *.o"> <> 10.00 Medium. :M 'u 12 00 CoOd . 13 00 ? ; l; I Fin*. is m a :o.oo WRAPPERS?Common . S1..00 Q i(.oo Medium. SJ.OO at 2S,rj? oood . 2S.0J 3 J',.o?' Fin- . 3t iO ',i 37 il Fanpy. 10 00 cr Ifi.oo BUN-I TRED-NKW. l..;g;. raminon to good. &.SO ^ TO', Lug*, good I-, prini6. 7.S0 'S s.5,1 Short leal. e.oo 3 in m Long leaf. 10.00 Q 12,00 ^ll-'-| I I. vs eoi s markets. T.TEK.-Bl f'.'i PEANUT MARKET, ?;?.rt.d by Rodger*. McCabe ?> Co.) tpr?burg. Va.. July 23 ?Peanut*?Span 'Market firm, farm'.r*' Spsnilh, :?.'... ?uhed; Jumbo Spanish. S7'jc per bushel; ; oll< J Spanish- P*r lb ; No. 2 :i Spanish, le p' r lb Virginia*.?Mar tirm: (an'v o;mbo. ir per lb; fancy Iplcked. 3'-? ; 'i1.'; pe vln; extra prime. per ll>; prime, 3<4c per lb. machine ?U, ?''13H. per lb: aheillng stock, --?>. DRT GOi ?DS MARKET, rk, Ju y 23.?The cotton good* .-< firm. .- i!r* of about bales 'er Indii ?hlprner.t are reported, rhs Br? steadier with a firm trend a light house trade Men s wear agencies report a tair volum. ! r islness NAVAL STORES. Wilmington. N. C July S3 ?Spirit! Tur? pem Ine.?Firm at 41. . receipt,! M caaks. Rosin?steady at ! re eip:? 1" iarrels. Tar?Firm at fl; re--:rts ! harre'.? Crude j Turpentine?Firm a- l3.it04.TSi receipt? 2 ; harre'.?. Savannah) On., ju 13 ?Turpentine?Firm at A~'\e.; sales l"?t ,?ks: receipts l"h caaka. shipments ' isk>. stock, 30.S43 ; casks. Rosin?Firm, sales 3.132 barrels! r?-j etlpts 3.162 harre;? s! pments 6.0M barrels: stock. i*l 516 barrels H ????.???.' MAICM: I n i i I I lOr.NCE. PORT OF RICHM i.Nb .U'l.V 23, 1512. ARRIVED. Fteamer Brandon. Ilarney, Norfolk, mer- I cl-.andisi and pass, :.- rs Old Dominion Line; Steamer Pocahontas, ?>:*-.?*. Norfolk and James River landings, merchandise and ;>a? sengers. Virginia Ni ? ??! n Company. Steamer A?prora. Furrhan, .larrit? River Landings and Peter*! .n merchnhdl?? and P iss'tisi-rs. Furman SA ll.ilD. >:"jp.ier Blander, ilarney, Norfolk, mer? chandise and passengers, aid Dominion Line. Sttahttr Aurora. 1' .: .11111 l"< terst urg and James River lands:.-- r ' andlse and pas- ' sengeis. Furman Llm MINERAL PROPERTY HOLD. Syndicate Comes into Possession < ? r 8,000 Acres In ?oteto?rl, [.Special to The Times-I. is patch J Lynchburg. V ? July S3.?The syndicate which list winter bought the Pi.-liiv-inl manganese mines, east, of the city, has perfected an agree? ment tor the purchase of S.<. aeries of mineral and limestone property In Bot? tourt county, the famous old Ca tawba furnace being included in the deal The purchase price is not given out and no Idea can be formed as to what tr.e syndicate Is to pay for the property. It s learned that the agreement is, such that if the report Of Dr. C. T Mennig, the company's expert, after an exhaustive examination, Is favor? able th. syndli ite will take over the property. It Is probable that another charter will he gee 11 ied when this property conies Into possession of the syndi? cate, and that it will be held by an organization entirely different from that whie-, is developing the manga? nese property In Campbell county. It has been known that a deal has been on for several weeks, but until to-day the representative of the com- | pany<S would make no statement for publication. Even now it Is not known what the property Is bouirht for. but :t is believed that i: the Investigation proves satlsfnetory. the property will he developed wltho ;t de- ' lay. ??RTILI.EBYMAN KILLED. lulls Ire 111 I rain While En Route to I ort Monroe. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. J Cape ' I. .... s va . July 23?While. Companj 1 ?-,-51 Artillery Corps was en route from PI Dupont, Delawaro I City. Delaware, to Fort Monroe. Va . ? lor rifle practice on a ?pectal train I this morning R n Smith, an artillery, man, fell from the train one tvt'lc ' north of Kolon. Delaware, and war; ||itruelt l?v a northbound train ami kill?. ? Ills body was badly mangled. When found he was-clad In his under varments. At the lime of the accident. Smith was acting as a guard. Nothing was known of accident until the in? ?agi was : ? Ived by the captain of his conipany when the train reached Cape Chariot A search of the cars was madi and his uniform found n a sleeper. lie was a native of North I We Do Not Know How better to express it than k> say, IT IS <,RATIFY IM, IN THE IIK.1H.S I DEGREE, when a successful man tells us thai his will names this Company his Executor. j - T his frequently happens (as it did yesterday), and of course the fact is held strit tlj confidential. We have known from the beginning that we had here a proposition that prudent men would Hike hold of, and fair anticipations are being realized! Virginia Trust Co. The Safest Executor and Trustee, RICHMOND, \ V. i CAPITAL ONE MILLION j:inannai JFfnantial I The Bank a Necessity in the conduct of business the good bank has com?- to play a vital pan. Many small businesses have become strong and prosperous through wise banking connec? tions which put them in a position to enlist the service of more capital at opportune times. National Bank of Virginia MAIN AND NINTH STREETS 3(r In Savings Department Incorporated 1832. VIRGINIA FIRE & MARINE l\M ll \M IS < OMPAXY OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, tSISTlitlrtb Annual Statement, Januar*; t, 1812, *??rts. . *i.m i.osh no .Nrt Surnula. <Ina.il3t.00 Surplua t? Pollc-r-linldera. BSO,t)S1.00 WJI IT, r>resld?>r.t. W H MCCARTHY, Secretory. E. B. ADDISON. Vice- President. OBCAB D PITT3. Treagtirer. OUR REPUTATION for strength and integrity is well deserved?tor years Richmond's Strictly Commercial Bank has enjoyed those attributes Wouldn't you rather deal with a banking institution noted for its strength and security??then open an account with the Planters National Bank OF RICHMOND, VA. The Conveniences Of a checking account are many?less delay, less liability to errors and fewer disputed bills when paid by check. Why not see us at once regarding a personal or commercial account? Bank of Commerce and Trusts JOSEPH E. WILL ARD. President A. R. HOLLADAY . Vice-President R. M. KENT, Jr.Vice-President R. B. CAMPBELL Cashier PLANS PRESENTED FOR TWO SCHOOLS Aldermen to Hasten Appropria? tions Before This Council Goes Out of Office. At a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen last night a. report from the Comm'.tteo on Finance was received and tabled under the rules, appro? priating $110,000 for a new school building on the Van J.ew property at Twenty-third and Grace Streets on plans prepared by Carnea'. &. John? ston, and appropriating JSO.oOO for a new Sidney School building in thft Bouihwestern section of the city, on plans drawn by Churlcs M. Roblnr-on. In the latter case the bid of the Wise Granite Company was accepted. In the former, new bids are to be Invited Since the appropriations o; this mag? nitude could not ho passed the nigh', of their Introduction, both papers were tabled. It Is anticipated that another special meeting will be call? ed to act on both papers ntxt Monday nlgnt. after wh'ch they will go to the Cdmmon Council for concurrent ac? tion, this method being adopted to pre? vent the papers from being killed with the outgoing of this Council. The res? olutions authorize the Committee on Finance to make temporary loans to provide for botli schools, the general fund to be later reimbursed by bond Issue. As originally reported by the Com ' m'.ttee on Finance the plans for new ' Sidney School would have had to go ' Lack to the School Board for revision, i which would have prevented their ap? proval by this Council. Subchalrman Barton H. Grtindy presented a substl ; tute report limiting the coat of the ; building to 180,000, which met the ' views of the Committee on Finance, and obviated tne difficulty. < oat let I? Killed. I Special to The Times-Dispatch.] j Amherst Courthouse. \a., July '.'3.? Jack Simpson, a white man, aged twenty-three years, was almost in? stantly killed this morning while, at I work on the convict force on the new j turnpike, four or flvo miles north of ! tills place, being crushed by a large tree stump, at which he was digging preparatory to removing It. The body I was taken to the convict camp, and from there it will be taken to hif> homo I for burial. Aak Local Uption Election. I Special to The Times-Dispatch,] Winchester, \'0-, July 23,?Although V.'incliestcr has had no saloons for four years, the Anti-Saloon League to-day decided to ask for a local option elec? he held early in September, j Temperance leadora claim the liquor 't.-.iLt Is about to throw money Into \Vtltcheatcr for capitation taxes, and It Is desired to have the Issue settled by ? he ordinary electoral.-, which at I ho lats election gave the dry ticket 150 majority. MK.Itt? STILL AT LARGE. V annex Fall lo Capture Vinn Who At? tacked M r*. Hoffman, I Special to The Times-Dispatch. ] Alexandria, \'a . ,lu:y 23.-~Tho negro who yesterday morning attempted to A Growing Business Should be associated with a hank large enough to insure adequate co? operation with its expanding need*. The First National Bank 01 RICHMOND, VA., ? with large capital and surplus and an efficient organization, has ample facilities for taking care of the present and future needs of busi? ness institutions. Our officers will be pleased to confer with those seeking strong and helpful banking connections. Capital and Surplus ,2.000,000 Resources, over 11,000,000 Manchester National Bank The place where your money grows and where it is safe. Commonwealth Bank \ You are assured of satisfactory , service if your account is in this bank. I assault Mrs. Maude Hoffman, wife r,t ! Edward L, Hoffman, of Addison. Alex? andria county, is st-ll at large. 1 The posse which scoured the woods j of Alexandria county last night In j search of the fugitive abandoned the search at 10 o'clock this morning. It was resumed again to-day bv r? num? ber of county officers and others, and every suspicious looking negro was closely scrutinized, but the searchers found no trace of the man for whom they arc seeking. William Archer, colored, who Is em? ployed in the county, was taken In custody here shortly before midnight Inst night when he appeared at polled station and made Inquiries about the case. Constable .John Burle. of the county, this morning took Archer to the county, but it was clearly estab? lished that he was not tho man want 1 ed, and he was released from custody. i ?>rr iimboars \M A i [ON ' Rl ISES vi? Halifax, N. H., cruise of ISM miles. Mag. nlilccnt scenery: tint of Canso, Northumbar. iond strait, c;uif and River St. Lawrence and far-famed S'UKiienuy lti\er. H S. "Trinidad" from N, V. Aus. 3J ?nd Bth, From Cuebo July Mtb, Auk Oth lour.. Inc. Hotel-, aliore Bxeiirsion's, lowest Rates, rwln Screw S. s. "BI3RMU1>IAN,n 10,01$ tonn displacement. Bl< itrlo fans: wire? less telegraphy. I OsteM. newest and only i .steamer Imi'tliig pusseiiger? ?I lha dneli In Bermuda without transfer. Salllnfi firo live day* la connection with lt. M. sj.. P. Co, Tickets Interchangeable, for full.Information apply to A. B. OUT-1 KKBIUBBK ,V <<>.. An??.. ?Plein-, S. ?, ( Md., ? Urdu.... N, V., .-. II. BOWMAN, 70} K. Main, or an- ticket Art., or cji i.m.c b. b- < '? , Ltd., Quebec i UuiiroaDo Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Kallroad ?f the SouvK. EFFECTIVE JUNE lllh, ItU. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. For F.ortda und South: ?;lt A. M. act :?) p. M . l a. M. For Norfolk, "? A. M., 9:00 .V. M, * '. SI.. 1:10 P. M. "7.Si p. II. tot N. W. Hy. West: 4::6 A. SI.. 10:01 \ si.. ?3.w r. m.i "j::o p. m For Petireburg: 1:00 a. M., 6:19 a m. ?*:m A. M.. S:ii A. it., 9.00 a. M . R.Oa A M . ?3:00 !? M.i l;M I'. M.i S:0; I'. M i:jt *'? M., ???:* I'. M.. ?:&? J*. M It;*} P. M. For il< idaboro and Fayettevtll*.; Msio I'M. Trains Richmond d?i:y; 4.? a si.. ?:to a. St.. i.y* a. at., ??..? a. m , ?n a. M . *r.:lo a. SI. "ii:? a. M . ?2:10 P m ?110 P. Si. p. M . 1:1t P. M . e:W P. M., 9:10 P. M . ??lO:a p. M., U:J0 1. m. ?Except Sunday, "Sunday only. TWno of arriv.ii and departuro and con net Huna not K'.aianiecd. . a CAMPBELL. D. i". A- *M Mala SC Chesapeake & Ohio Kailway ' .J'lA.-Local-Dally ? N\ wporl News. to A.?Local?Dally?Ch' villa, Ll .sun. '>. hurmuud. r?:oo A.?Express*-Dally?Norfolk. Od Point. tl'JiOO A.?Local?Dally?Lchbg., Lex. C. Forge ? Noon?Express?Dally?Norfolk Ola Pt. ?iMi P.?Expitaa-Uai:y. On.. Lvllle. (1:00 P.?Espraea?Dally?Norfolk. N X'nws. i;uo P.?Local?Dally?N. Nuw?. Oci point. t.l, P.?Local?Ex. Sun.?Oordouavtll*. ??.16 P. ?Local?Ei. bun.?Lchbg. Natural Bridge, cuftou tum?. ?6.?o P.?Limited?Dally?Clncln'tl, Chicago. ?11:00 P.?Exprasa?Dally?CluclaaaM, L'vllla. ?Sleepers. 'ra.-lor Cara. TRAINS ARUIVU RICHMOND-Local fro-? East: a.ID a. M. 7:10 p. M. Tnrough from Ea?t: 11:30 A. M . :\Cu P..M., ?.M P. M. Local trom Wui. = :o A. M . ?'?j.u, A. M.. kij 7.^0 I?. M. Through: ?:M a. M.i U:M A. U, and 2:10 P. M. Joic. a River Line; ??*;? a. M.. P. M. ??D-ily ox-pi Hunde?. SOUTHERN RAILWAY i'liEailcit ..ttltlBH ul 'lilE SOUTH. Trains Leave R.cbmond. N. B.?Following schedule ngurca publish* ed ? Infotmailoi, und not guaranteed,: For tbo B?Uth?Dally: ?:10 a. m. Local* iu:t a. m. Express 1:00 s?. ss vrltn r...';in ..c..<'d b..<p:ng cir :or At .air.u o:.d Birmingham. Hit] p. M. Expreaa. IVtck Day*. 1:00 1-. m. Local. rORX RIVER LINE. 4 to p M.?Dally.?Connecting for Dam more Mon. Wed. and Friday. 1.04 A. at. ? Ea* tun. and tili P, m.?Mon., Wed. and Irl day?Loo a? i'rains Arrive, Richmond. From the Boutb: t:60 a. M-, 1:40 A. St.. 1:0? p. M.. t ot 1'. M. dally; UlU Ex Bun. From Waat 1'olati *.J0 A. M. dal.y, li;lt A. M . Mor.. Wed. ar.d Frl.. 4:li P, M Ex. bua. S. E. BURGESS:. D. P. A., ?OT E Mala Ft. I't.f.r.. itar-.Uor. 171 Rlclimond.FreicriciSu'g & Potomac R. R. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. Arrive) Richmond Leave Richmond ?.' i.V. Itjrd St.SU. ?i.iO A.a. .Main hi. sia. A.M. Main St. Mi. ?S.40 A.M. BjrJ st. si,. ?9.10 A.m. Ilrri si. St.. ?11.01 DOOO lljrd st. st? p.m.itrrd st. Kta. raUo p.a. it;rj si %x? p.M. Elba suilon. ?6.1? p.?. Haln St. Mi. ?s.!?.i V M. Hyrd si. sh.Im.O.-. nlifl i Ma'ln si. sta. VCCOMWOOATIO* 1HAINS WEEKOAYS. I.f iTf Iljrl sj. sta. 4.(k> I". JI. for I'rffrrlrkaliarr. Uaie Klt.a st*. T.I.-, 1.11m6.k6 P. JI. f'ir a>hlana. trrlf 11. rd st. sti.s.;.-, rrom I rtdcrlc V?b'r. Arrive Elba Sta. B JO A.B .6 JO P.M. from t-Maod. ?Daily. tWetiidaya. t B?ndaya only. All tr?:aa to or from Byrd Street Station atop at Elba. Time of urnvtla and dcparturca cot cuarantced. Head the aigna ?T.50 A.M. Brrf6t.SU. (1 A.M. Llba Station. MlJIi A .m. Itjrd Sl.Sta. ?1.1? p.m. SLSta, ?i.f.0 I'.m. Iljfd Sl.Sta. ?r. to p.m. BirdSt.SU ?II V m f.. rd st. sta, rB.Sfi I'.m. Byrl ?11.i; I' m. M>m,. li..'JI nlshl II? rd si.stt. fticbmond & Petersburg Electric Kailway Can leave il.ncr.r.h r. ^?vetitfc and I'errr I Streata, fu: Petersburg. ?ft. 7. ?. 10, ::. ?u a. M? L :. 4, i. ?I T, I, 'j. It P. M. .: 00 P. m . :or i-atal?r. n-.idnlgt.t for !'< tfrtburg. Cara leave Petersburg, foct of Sycamore fc:.-," 1, tor Mfcnct.cater: t. .... t a. ?::&?. t:?, ?.M. *10:U, IHM ' A M , ll Si, M.J~. P.M. ??-.. ?! :.. - ?. 4.?. ?7.X. k.Ji. i.U. ?:0.40. IlltO P. U. ? 1 Dal.y. ttxcapl sunday, und holld?ya. ?Carries baggage and eipresa ? "Limited, except Sundays and bo'.ldaya. ' All cars from lticrsbjrg c?!?tct %r::a cars tor Richmond, RICHMOND AND CHESAFEAEE BAT RAILWAY COMPANY. Bi ledula ot Electrlo Tr-ilns. effeilflvr stay to. UflZ i.<.. ?? Rl bmond, Laurel and Urua l Sireeia: t.'<. u'. a m, a st . a. s: . a. si. ??io':it a si . :o .v. m , tut F. i! . j.:; p. m . i.u.- v. ? . blue i>. m.. i:.o P. M. (-.20 p. M.. 7:10 1'. M. bttlO i'. M.i ;?. :t 1'. M . ::.ti V. M. Leave Ash.and. Eng? land ?nd Map.? Streets: ?(:(! a. M.< b ?T:00 A M . ?:00 a. M . b'j.00 a. M.. 10.00 a. M.. "11.00 A. M . ?:. 00 M.i ??ltd P. SI. 1:00 P. M. I;0t i P. M . 4:00 p. M . bO.O) p. M. 6.? p. M . V. \. . i :O0 l'. .M . bv -? f. M.. u.OO ? ?. i 'Daily except Eiinuay, "iutojy only. ' bCarrlta t.sgcat;^. BEAUUAlUi AlJt LINE. Eouthbound irair.s scheduled tu leave Rich, i mead d...>. i :05 a. M?Local to Nor.Ina. 1 .v P. M? Sleepers and coa.lifi, Atlanta, i liirmlngham. Bavannah, Jacksonville. 1:11 ' A. M.?Slaepers ar.d coaches, Jacksonville. UlU i'. M?^.ce^ei, and coaches. At.ania. ! Blrmlngbam, Memphis, Northbound trams acbedu.ed lo arrive In Rtcnrnond dally: I 7;J0 A. M , i;30 a. M.i 5:0i 1'. M , 6:40 I'. M.. Loca.. _ _ Norfolk & Western Railway ONLY a LL kail LIXii TO NORFOLaL Scheau.v In iltlvct June 17. Lravc tiyud .s'-e?i Station, Richmond. FOH NORFOLK: oS:10 A. M . ??:? A. M., aJ is) p. m.. N.10 p. M. b7:?i P. M. KOK LYNCKBURO and THE WEST: ??:!, A M . --j a- M.. n3:C.j F. si.. '0:x> V. m. Arrive R:chtnond f.-om Norfo.k: aU:10 A. M. toil 4i a. U . ?6.13 1'. M . b:o:;i p. at , ?11:10 1'. M. From the Weal; ii.C A m. a; 10 1'. M . M.u V. M.i ??:05 P. SI . ?9:00 1'. M. ? Daily. aDally ex. Sunday. b5.;nd?.y only. W. 11. BEVILL C. H. Uo.-l.SV. U. P. a . Roanoke D v A ? Kirna .nd. 45)tfamlioar55. MERCHANTS' AND MINERS' I II.1XS. t o. ; Vacation Trips "By Sea" NORFOLK TO BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. ! Suamera Norfolk to Dostou dally, except Thursday: to providence-; Monday, Ttiu.-s Iduy and Saturday, 7 P. M. inro-j^n laxeu lor, sale lo principal points, i Finn ateamara, excolleni gervlee, low tares. ! Wireless telegraph. Seed tor booklet. I Apply C. a; O. Ry., N. ae W. Ry.. S. u. I Bowman, No. 71? E. Main rtret t, und Lieh mond Tranafar Company, No. svj E Mam be Ul.ll UO.UlM<)> i.i.s.^. Lv. ltlcri:no.:U foul of *i*h St, daily.7.OJ P. SC. Lrav<: Sewport News.5 uuA M. : Anivu Norieik.*..?:w a. a:. Connect, who mam lln* atoamara uavlng Norfolk tor .New 1 jrl! dal.y. except aund?y. ; DO i' M. Coanectt?lll made by N. .% V>. Ry. 4 i'- M. and >'. 4 o. Ry. al 4 I'. M. Nlgbl lino auamera ?top at Ulareuiout to land oi lecelv^ pas?cnrfe-rs on s.gna., and w.l, be- mat by puo.ic coot ryaoca, VUUHNIA NAVIOATIOS tu. (muctlva st rcl Ll*.?Jam., Rlvi r oy dayiight for Norfolk and Old Point. Newport New, I all .lames River landings, tfteamor leave* Monday. Wednesday und Friday at ?:20 A. M. freight received for nil Jai?c? nivor land nga I'lioiu. Madison 17?. Main Ticket Office. ^-l_j;:- M-itn Mteit_ VACATION TOURS Via OLD DOMINION S. S. CO. land Merchant- and Miners Iran-. ( o. tn New York, Albany. Niagara; riiousand '?Islands, Montreal, Quebec, Boston and Maine Coast. "ASK MR. BOWMAN," ToBcist Agent, 70S Hast Main Street, Richmond, Va. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AM' CLAY STREETS. Open dally from 10 A. M. to & I'. M. Admission. ?Se. '??-ee on Saturdays. The Confederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY ST UK UTS. OPEN 3 A. M. TO 5 P. M. Admission. 25c Free on Saturdays,