Thirteen Workmen Per
ish Miserably in
Bowels of Earth.
Pennsylvania Towns Are Re
duced to Ruins by Devastating
Frlood, Which Sweeps All
Before It?Hundreds Arc
Homeiess, and Many Lives
May Have Been Lost.
Widespread Destruction
Pittsburgh, I'm.. JuIj :i.?limib
nml widespread devastation from
trerorudou? ruins resulted io-ilny In
w oi. ru I'eunnylvauU, Bast era
??Uli. nml Wim Virginia, I ruin nil
aecllonii conies details telllug of per
Miinn drowned or reported drowaed't
ul hundreds ol bulldlugn wrecked or
roinplrtelj wanked owayi streets
lorn ii |? nml brlllices swept down)
crops rulue?l, IlKbl plants put out
?I roramlsftlnu nml towns left to
nuiTcr lliclr iiilur; In dttrkuess,
till lie transportation, telegraph nml
telephone fnrllltlpii are badly crip?
I of n radius of 100 mlleM nronud
I'l t tshursth tu-ulitbt there l? n scene
ot ?r notation, Wrecked building*
are visible everywhere, while street*
are strewn tvllh debris. in some i
pin, i s ti,<- ilrbrlx is piled twenty
feel blub Score? of -mull hridstes
hfive li?*t ii lorn front their moorlug*
arid broken In plreea in Hi'- rotting
water. \i ? number of potato ihr
hrlflizc* lielil loos, enough In clou
iit< streams and hack water fnr Into
tbe iowiiK. < ellnrn Uj thousands
?*,-r.* ?uhmertted, nml In many eases
the ?Hier reached the ?eennd nml
third Hour* of hulldlagN, Hundred*
,.t ttu 111 .?? have been driven from
, theli Immen, and to-night sought
I shelter ?Uli friends ..r ramped no !
th. hillsides.
II mlrioluhl the rain had ceased
i;? nil polnfn ??'! .he muni had
started i" subside,
Unlontown, Pa.., July 21.?Caught
lik? ruts in -i trap wlien water rjshed
Into the manway of Superba No. 2
mine at Kvar.s Station, three mlleS
north Uhiontowh t'.is afternoon,
i ? ??? .r.g a cloudburst, thirteen men
iyere drowned and t hirty-seven eB.
?*?ned after a most hanowlng expe?
rience. The nieti were drowhe'.l about
1.' feet from the mouth of tho mine.
their only avenue r.r escape Th.- ma?
jority of the Victims wi re married and
had : irg< fan-.i:;<? Th* d< ?-? ?
Vndy Valco, married.
?iii'iu Honen, married.
Mike Smith, ruarried.
.i. it. Ciollerr, uiarlred,
Vilnius Smith, brother of Mike, sta?
V\ lUinin Mo.shurg, married,
Mike relish, married,
i i a ul. Ls < oil married,
?lohu Kiihlseaa, married.
tii'h Uolltukl, married.
Russell (iurducr, married.
I'leree Solomon, married.
Although this list ih one glvon out
by official.', :t is reported that at least
on- more victim, an unknown for-I
ci2n<r, Will hj added. He was passed
by other men In the mine when they
?scaped, refusing to accompany them
to a place of tatety. The majority of
th- victims had large families and
about th'rty children arc deprived ol
their bread-winners by one of the i
worst catastrophes that ever lias i
visited Fayette county The men who
escaped wer- toiced to half swim and!
half walk to the pit mouth through!
water ranging In depth from their
w.-'lsts tt. the necks. on their way to
safety. The majority of the miners
wer,- knocked down by timbers that
"?re sent down the mine with great
velocity in the raging current. Scv- \
ernl men were h^lng carried back into
the mine to certain death when res
eticd by their companion- who risked
their own liven. J
Sixty nun. to Reach Rodle?.
It was. staled to-night by officials
of the Superba Company that !t will 1
take at lea.-t sixty da; s to clear the i
mine* of water, and until that time the
bodies must rem .In in the water where
they perished
Superintendent J \V. P.uttcrmore|
was the first man to see the high
water start in the rhanway. He laisei
the alarm and ail the Men on the out
? ld>- rushed Into the min-, yelling loud-;
ly as they went, in manner more.!
than half of the miners were saved ;
The wives and families of the minevsl
and eirlvera in the mine when tho
alarm was raised rushed to a large
hoi- mad.- by the rushing water at
thf manhole and frantically threw i
?ticks, stones, bushels, poles and
Whatever other timber ihey could find
Into the water to stop its rush Into
the mines where their loved one* were
?nrnlng their daily bread. Falling in
that, they rushed to the mouth of the
trine and would have continued th |r
mad dash into the water had they not
brcn stopped by .ool-headed persons.
The ivoiu'-ii and children remained at
the mouth of the slope late to-ntght
refusing ir return home until an at?
tempt had been made to rescue their
husbands and fathers.
?Several laige pumps will be placed
In tli.- min.- to-morrow, and everything
possible will be done to get to the
place where the bodies are certain to
be found. The water rose .-o quickly
following the cloudburst that It prae
?flc&lly des1 oyed all ra*lroada and
?trcol railways in Fayette county.
Nothing could bo don< t" avcrl Iho
catastrophe. A dam that had been built
/" (Cootlnueil on Thl i Pag?)
First Trouble Growing
Out of Election In?
vestigation in Lee.
Both Men Prominent in Black
water Section?Slayer Is Ad?
mitted to Bail for His Ap?
pearance, and Probably
Will Make Plea of
[SpecU] to The Times-piapatchi]
Bristol, Va . July 24.?A special from
Jonesvlllc to-n'ght tells of the tlrst
killing growing out of the election
troubles in Lee count;'. Va., In con?
nection with which more than 200
men are ur.'lcr Indictment, and are to
he tried for alleged br'bts and elec?
tion law violation. Dr. James V. Wai?
den, a pr"mln<r.t pr.yblclan and Dem
oc-rat of the Blackwater Precinct, was
slut to death by Perry Wallln. u i:? -
publican. Perry Wallln overtook Dr.
Waldeh in the public road and a quar
nl ensued.
Last February Dr. Waldeh caused
Wallln to in Indicted on the charge
of having intimidated election Judges
In th.- Blackwater Preclhcti and this
was this start of the between
th. two.
Following a war of words. Dr. Wai?
den dr<w a revolver, it is stated, and
presented it. .<h it to lire upon Wallln.
The latter made nu'ck response and
? :? ; ., bail from his revolver, killing
Dr. Waiden almost Instantly.
W*aliln went to Jonesvlllc. where r.u
surrendered to Ii O Josltti and b". It.
Koblnett. justices of the peaec. who
held an examination trial.
tdmlttcd to Hull.
Wallln was admitted to bail tor nis
? ; . tranct li the s.a:.d ;ury term of
the Circuit Court. The evidence Indi?
cated that he probably acted In Selt
dei.-n.-c In the hearing th- Common?
wealth was represented Common?
wealth's Attorney E. E; .Skagiji. and
tr.. defendant by former Senat ..- J. c
No^l and M >J Fly.
both parties involved were promi?
nent .ii Biackvvater section of the
county. Both were men of propcrry
and Influence. The tragedy it- deeply
deplored because of the pending elec?
tion Investigation In cwnnectton witn
which more 200 Indictments are
pending. These- eases are due to come
to trial August and anonymous
threats of trouble have been made.
< otnm!tter Iteromniendti Appropriation
of ?.-..Ho., in i heck Pest.
Washington. July 24 ?The House
Committee on Agriculture to-day rec?
ommended an Immediate appropriation
hj f i,, stop the ravages of the
army worm in the Southern States* -
: ? : . ? Wllsion asked for it
Representative Heflln. of Alabama,
told the committee the worm was stop,
ping raiiway trains In his district. The
committee will try to rush the appro?
priation through before the agricul?
tural appropriation bill li agreeJ upon.
Because of the de-lay of Congress, in
passine the agricultural appropriation
bill, Secretary Wilson and Hepresenta.
tlvji Alken; of South Carolina, have
? tken money from their own po-k^t.
to pay the traveling expenses of F. M.
Webster, expert enton.ologl-t. who has
pone South to Investigate an outbreak |
of the army worm on the corn and cot?
ton crops.
Word was received from Proressor
Webster at Anderson, S. C. that the
pest was doing much more damage thin
:.? ad ? Xpei i. ?'. South Carolina. Geor?
gia. Alabama, Tennessee and .Missis?
sippi are the States In which the worm
has already appeared to an alarming
degrei The last previous serious out- '
break of the sort was about ten years
tlforne) leider IJIneunse* Personnel
of Witnesses for finvernor Blesse,
Atlanta. ?Ja. July 24.?Attorney
Thomas B Felder, of th<s city, lias '
d.-cided that he will Ignore the re?
cent charges made against him by i
Governor Cole L Blesse, of South Car- !
Ol In a, in connection with F<?ld?r"s re-i
cent testimony against Blease before a!
legislative committee alleging corrupt!
acts on the pan of the executive
In a statement issued to-night the
Atlanta attorney, who was instrumental
in rlearinc up graft in the old dis?
pensary system of south Carolina, dis?
cusses the personnel of the witnesses
who appeared on behalf of the Gov?
ernor. He declares that in addition to
these witnesses, many others have
heen dlciagraphed in Charleston and
elsewhere In the state. Tbe-Ir names
have be.-n furnished to the committee,
lie says, but the individuals hav, ab?
sented themselves from the State and
"they probahly will find It convenient
to remain beyond the borders until
after the primary election in August.
r?iun?. In Peru, In Ruin? as ftetulf nf
Karl h quake.
Lima, Peru. July 24.?A destructive
earthquake occurred thi.* morning si
Pinta, capital of the department of
Pl?ra, the most northerly of the t'a
cific departments. The stun-it lasted
forty seconds, and ttir city Is said to
b- nlmost in ruins. While advices
from that district are meagre it is
Si id that a number of children >v.-r>
killed and mapy persoiis Injured.
Among the latter wa.s Mr Blanker,
agent of the south Amerloan /tisur
am ?? company.
Tip dry bed of a river was torn op. n
Hod jets Oi water were thrown out.
PillrA, or San Miguel de Plum, lies
120 miles north northwest j>f Lain
bayaue. it has a population of 12.000.
They Decline to Recede
From "No Battle
ships'' Program.
Adjournment Plans Fitrthet
Complicated by Failure to
Break Hopeless Deadlock
Between House and Senate.
Frost May Find Congress
Still in Session.
Washington, July 21. ? Democrats of i
the House in caucus to-night, voted
TO to 62 not to recede from their no
battleships!" program In the- naval ap?
propriation bill, a determined effort
was made to have the caucUf approve
a compromise with the Senate, where?
by the House would agree to the con?
struction of one sea lighter. Repre?
sentative l ltzg. raid, chairman of the ?
' Appropriations? Committee. led th*
i opposition to the proposal On the
ground of economy,
i The action of the caucus f'.rther )
I complicate!, the adjournment plans of
the le.ide.-s of both the .Senate and
Hous< The naval appropriation bill
is In conference and to-night caucus
nut ordered In an effort to break a
deadlock that has prevailed for some
time with no apparent chance that it
I could be b:oken. The .Senate, cont?
inued to a two-battleships building pro- |
; gram. Was willing to compromise on
I one vessel this year. It has expressed
llts determination not to rcced- fur-]
i sn'l Foretell Itesult.
"What will be the effect ol to-day's
action?" Chairman Padgett, o: the
i! .-<; .Naval Affairs Committee and
; leader of the House confe rees, was
asked when the caucus adjourned.
"Heaven only knows," he answered,
"i'm just going to 'sit on the log' and
j 1 don't know what the outcome will
i be. However* we'll probably be here
i until frost arrives. ,
The caucus was a noisy ore Through
Ithr guarded doors the voices of those
to: and against the battleship plan
i came plainly. These In favor of a
greater navy because of tue approach
! ing opening o( the Panama Canal
wasted Impassioned orator..- and
sought the support of the country
members. Those opposed insisted that
the Democratic pledge of economy In
governmental administration made It
Imperative that the naval program as
I already approved by a previous House
j Democratic caucus, should be udh-re-l
Representative Rulter1, chairman of
the Foreign Affairs Committee, offered
a resolution that two battleships bei
provided for, and that objections to
the Senate amendment be w'thdrawu.
Although Mr. Sulzer had a number of
: supporters. Chairman Padgett move 1
to amend this propos'tlon by substitut?
ing on* such vessel, which would be
I the "last word'' In naval construction
Debute i? Acrimonious,
Majority L.eader Fnderwnod. repre?
sentative Murray, of Massachusetts,
and Po-j. of North Carolina, with sev?
eral others supported Mr. Padgett's
suggestion Mr. Murray, who repr. -
sents the district In which the Charles- ;
town Navy Yard Is located, eonf-ss. 1
he was In favor of two big righting
.raft, but that In the present temper
Of th" two houses of Congress he be?
lieved a compromise was necessary to
expedite public business. The debate
was growing acrimonious when Repre?
sentative Burnett, of Alabama, moved
that the entire matter be tabled There
immediately ensued a scene of confu?
sion, hut tho demand for a roll call
on the proposal was carried with the;
result that the caucus voted to stand I
tirm by its previous decision. Several I
ineffectual attempts were made to have
the caucus vote to release Its members
from the pledge exacted by th'- pre?
vious eaucfis not to vote for battle- |
ships this year.
Battleship Heads list of Viuerlcan]
\nvv In t.miner*.
Washington. July 21?The battleship j
Colorado Is the peer of the American
Navy in gunnery for ships of the bat- \
tlesnip class. That vessel heads the:
list with a score of 71.618 for th. fiscal
year ending dune 30 last Her closest
rival is th^ battleship Delaware, witn ?
a score of M iel, with the New Mamp- ]
shire third, score 33.961.
In recognition of the showing made]
by the Colorado, the commendations of
the Secretary of th? Navy have been ,
communicated by letter to Captain W.
A. Gill, her commander, in vessels "t
the torpedo rlar? the Monaghan leads
with 66.670 to her credit; Lawrence,
second. 64.^2.". and Trlppe. third. 57.022.
A letter of commendation was also
Behl to t.lentenant-Commrindei F. T
I'.vans. commanding the Monaghan.
Brother Seeks Newa of Missing D?rens
New York, duly 21.?A reward or
$500 for anv Information that win lend
to the discovery of the whereabouts or
Miss Dorcas I. Snodgrass, the miffing
Mount Vernon nurse, who vanished
over a week ago. was offered to-day
by Edward T. Snodgrass. of Berryvllle,
Va.. her brother. Mr. Snodgrass ar?
rived to-day to aid In the search for
the- girl. A search of the hospitals
and morgues for the missing nurse hos
proved without result, and the girl's
relatives lake l.ope that she may be
A maid employed In a Mount Vernon
family say* lhat she saw Miss Snod?
grass on Twenty-third Street last Mon.
day. The maid did not sne.ik to ?h"
girl. Detectives are looking for the
missing nurse in this city. 1
Taft and Roosevelt
Adherents Clash in
Mondell Defends Seating of Taft
Delegates at Chicago, While
Norris Proclaims It Theft
and Says Republicans Pri?
vately Admit Defeat
of President.
Washington. July 24.?Republican
pel It al wounds were laid bare and
much bitterness was displayed 'n the
House to-day when Representative
Mondell, of Wyoming, a member of
thi credentials ??omm'tt?- of the recent
? . u > convention which seated Taft
contesting delegates, and Represents
live Norris. Of Nebraska, an ardent
Roosevelt Republican, clashed in two
?. t specehes. Mr Mondell defended the
action of the convention, while Mr.
Norris denounced >t with bitter em
Onci dur'ng Mr. Mondell's speech or
eler was restored only when tip chair
was on t..e point of ordering the mace
down to compel Representative War
burton, of Washington. Republican; to
take hi- seat Again that emblem of
authority came near being used to
quell turbulence when Representative
Humphrey, of Washington, Republi?
can, declined to cease hl.? Interruptloh
of Mr N?rr'sj? speech.
Theft I- \cktaowledged.
Mr. Norris followed Mr. Monieli with
the statement that "a man whose name
known throughout the country,"
had acknowledged thai the Tift man
ag< is had stolen delegates from the
Statt of Washington. This man. he
said. v<^ now engaged In supporting
the President's candidacy because, Mr.
Norris a died, "he entertained political
"When the gentleman makes such a
Statement." Intcrjecteel Representative
Humphrey, "ho certainly should give
his authority."
Mr Norris declined to divulge the ?
identity of his informant He plunged
at once into his reply to Mr. Mon
dell and crltlc'zed the latter's denun- 1
elation of "soap-box primaries." He '
referred to the primaries In Indiana,
which went for Taft and vhlch Mr. j
Mondell Indorsed as regular.
"The gentleman loves the primary i
that goes for Taft. ' said Mr. Norris
ironically, "hut how he hates and de?
spises the primary that ernes for Roose?
velt. ?? He defended the Washington
primaries, and said that Immediately
following them no charge of dishonesty
of any k'.nd had been registered
against them. It was not until the
Taft men discovered that if allowed to
co unchallenged the Roosevelt man- 1
sgers would be within three votes of \
controlling the State convention, he |
declared, that seen t meet Ines w ere
held and Taft delegates named.
'The action of the committees In
Chicago,'* said .Mr Norrts, addr?'?slntr j
the Democratic sid* of the House,
?'were all In favor of Democratic sue
cess. They did more to hrinp about the
possibility of Democratic victory than \
the Democratic party ever did or ever
was competent to do. The Taft Re
publicans and the machine Democrats I
are together Two souls with but a i
single thought two hearts thnt heat
as one ' When your convention met In |
Baltimore your temporary chairman. ?
in his 'keynote speech' devoted all of!
his time to an attack on Roosevelt. I
nnd paid no attention to Taft
"There Is another evidence of the \
fusion and union."
Admit Tuft's Detent.
Mr Norris drew Democratic applause
when he sajd that it was conceded,
"confidentially, at least, hy all Republi.
cans." that President Taft could not
be re-elected He added that the
"President runnlnp on a trumped-up
nomination'' could only result in votes
for the Democratic candidate.
?Everybody knows 'he ripht Is be?
tween Roosevelt and Wilson,'' he de?
Mr. Mondell made specific denial of
the claims of the Roosevelt managers
that their candidate had been Improp?
erly deprived of delegates In the Chi?
cago convention In the contested cases
brouirht either befr,r. the national or
credentials committee? He character?
ized the contests at. "mere bluffs'
without shadow of substantiation
?-triiicple Between England mm Ger?
many tor Supreiuuey Prevalent.
Paris. .July 24.?That the world Is I
not on tiie eve of the cessation of the
struggle between Or eat Britain and'
Germany for naval supremacy is the
prevalent opinion in France after
careful study of tliu recent speech by
Winston Spencer Churchill In the !
House of Common.- The continual ion
of the rivalry between those two |
countries ou-;.-.s .? >ti of regret heret;
but there is an Inclination to believe
that If It must g b ori France should
learn a lesson from England's pro?
cedure and herself increase her navy.
The Matin, commenting on the sub?
ject", says it Is in n position to declare
that Italy und Austria, at the instiga?
tion of Germany, are about to build
additional super-dreadnoughts. In re?
gard to which has been per?
mitted to transpire Italy is to con?
struct six oi! these vessels, each e>f
20.00t) tons displacement and capable
?>f steaming al a speed of twenty-five
knots, while Austria is to build three,
each of which will displace 26,000
tons. The newspaper continues:
"The fulfillment of this program
will destroy the present naval equili?
brium in the Mediterranean, and pive
a big advantage to tho triple alllanc?
tlcviindcr-TIppln? mil Passes.
Atlanta. G.i.. lily 24.? The Aley
nnder-TlpPlns bill, making more dras?
tic tiie Georgia liquor laws. wus
passed by tiie Statt Semite to-day hy
a vote of P..'. to 8 It passed tho House
several weeks niiu.
One of the Murder Suspects
Harry \ nllnn, who gave himself up m the police, nn.l Is held us ? auspi?
cious person. He ban been mentioned In various ways In gossip about the
Roscnthal murder. He In nnlil to hnve been a go-between for the police nnd
the gamblers, tine report Ii thnt he nan in the death nuto ?hen li stopped
In front of the Metropole, und nnothrr thnt he won In It earlier In the even?
ing ?Ith .InrK Hone.
Measure Carrying ?i 16,000,000
Is Passed Without Call
of Roll.
It Contains Increase of $,
000 Over Appropriations Au?
thorized by House.
Record of Progress
Washington, Julj 21.? with the j
end of Ibe eougresslounl session de?
pendent upon the Npeed ?Ith >% Iii? ? U
the Semit)- eleam Its docket, thnt
hudy wade o record of progress to?
day. Among the important bills j
and resolutions passed werei
The buttdrj civil iipprnprlntlnn j
hill. carrying $110,000,000, and pro?
viding fur the eoutluunuce <?f the
Tariff Ronrd.
The Milit?r] \oodetuy appropria?
tion bill. cnrrylng over * 1.001,000.
The tlnskan civil government bill, j
establishing 11 legislature nnd par- 1
Hal home rule In the Territory.
V resolution directing the Secre?
tary of War to Investigate elnlms of
Americans to redress for Injuries 1
from Mexican outbreaks along the j
International bonier In ittti.
\ revised Vlnsknn mining claim <
\ bill nmklnc n Federal standard
for apples Shipped In barrels.
\ bill authorizing ?T.VI.OOfl for n
memorlnl nmphlthentre nt .Vrllng- I
ton National Cemetery, near Wosh
I net no.
\ bill to rcmilnte nponcrr tlshinu ]
In the Oulf of Mexico and Florida !
From these measures of n public >
character, the Senate |>ushe,l on Info 1
the ralendnr of private ami semi ?
puhlle hills, nml before adjourn
meal to-night hml disposed of mueb
Important business thnt hml been
held back by flic appropriation bills,
the Panama rminl debate, the I .,rl
mer ense nml other hard-fought
mensures. In the ?leslre to basten
their legislation, the ennnl bill itos
not fnken up tn-ilny.
Washington, luly 21.?The sundry
civil appropriation bill, carrying ap?
proximately $116,000,000 for tn? .sup?
port of certain bureaus and branches
of the government service, parted the
Senate to-day without a roll call It
contains increases of about $6,000,0011
over the appropriations authorized by
the House. The differences between
the two bodies will be adjusted In a j
conference committee.
The more Important additions in the I
Senate include the appropriation of
$225,000 for the Tariff Board, $l!5t),0UU
for collecting the customs revenues,
$400,000 for the prevention of epidem?
ics and emergency work against me
bubonb- plague, $630.000 for tho public
lands sei vie- and $2iV7,000 for national |
park Improvements.
Island Railway Indorsed,
The construction of n $50.000 military
railroad in the Philippines, which pro
voked a Usht a few days ago over trie
government's policy of holding the
islands, came up again tO-daj . hilt was
again Indorsed bV the Senate
The sundry civil bill is nearly $Sn,.
000.00Q less In amount than tne estl-J
mates thnt wer.- submitted to Congress,'
and Is $26.000,00(1 less than the same bin
carried last year.
The amendment Increasing tho pay
of th< pressmen In the Government
Printing OfUco from 50 to 55 cents per
hour was proposed by Senator Reed, or
Missouri, and was advocated by sen?
ator Sm?ot, chairman of tho printing
investigating committee This advrihe?;
In w..ges Is provided f?| in the Smoof
printing bill for a revision of tho print.
IColltiil i.'d Oil Si '.lUlJOi. I'.lkuJ
Blow Aimed at Clandestine Cor?
respondence Through Gen?
eral Delivery.
Clerks May Demand Names and
Reasons tor Such
Washington. July 24.?I'neler a new
regulation issued by the Post-Office
Department to-day. postmasters may
requ're all persons to furnish In writ?
ing their names, addresses anil state?
ments uf their reasons for wishing
to be served at the general delivery
Instead of a street address.
This regulation was made in re?
sponse to demands come from all parts
of the country that the use of the gen?
eral delivery serv'ce for clandestine
purposes be ??topped or controlled as I
far as possible.
Washington ministers and members
of their congregations have been ac?
tive In ih's mutter. Postmasters in j
nearly every large city have reported
ccmplalnts on this score.
Aimed ut Minore.
The regulation particularly strikes
a i minors who for one reason or other
wish to obtain mail at the general de?
livery window instead of having It de- |
llvercd at their home.
1'nder this regulation minors may be
requested te> furnish Information as to
their name, address and reason for I
preferring general delivery service,
and. in addition, may be required to
give tho names of their parents, so
that the parents may be notith 1 that
their children are receiving nail at
the general delivery window, mid be
permitted some control over their olf
In cities where carrier service is not
provided, postmasters, under this regu?
lation, are empowered to notify pa?
rents that children are receiving mail
r.t the general delivery window, when,
for any reason, the postmaster Is led
to believe that objectionable use Is
I belntr mad- of the general delivery
i privilege
I Th-- regulation will be published In
i the August r?ostal -rutd ? supplement j
1 which is sent to every postrsast??"
Misuse of System.
The general delivery ivl-dow Is n
I iireat convenience for traveler* or for
I persons who for any reason ilo not
maintain permanent residence In a
? city However, it Is used also by per
; sons who wish to keep from oth -s the
l fact that they are reee?lvihg mail from
some source, knowledge of which by a
third person would occasion embar?
rassment or trouble,
The regulation will rail a'tv'ttlhfl so
the various paragraphs ei th-. postal
r guilt (Ion? which ?! ? tl-.t \ ? y
? ITett be mule b\ la-'.iers ti .
ttousiy ??. liver mall, so tlint in?>r?< will
b.- no . ucnslon in cities where the car?
rier ay iem Is malntilned fir the per?
sons ti call at thi pint-office 'Alter
il 'tl will also be p., lb i (o pr'or rc.-u
lot Irr. <i requiring iden Illicit ton of per?
son.- r. eelvlng mall
j rnsrs of i inlet. Will he' ItesuhinHted
to ?.lirt-Mnrtlnl
WashlnKton. July 24.?The S.?nnte
to-day passed i joint resolution direct?
ing 'President Tuft to rev.ihmit to an?
other' court-martial for rocops'ldcralion
of the sentence Imposed by n previous
trial, tho casei: or w, st Point Cadets
Ttnlph 1 of Wilmington. Del.!
lilllott II Pie, land, of .IllcksOtlVtlte.
Pia.j Tatnall P. Slmpklns, of Albany,
On., and John D. Christian, of [.ynch
burg. Va., dismissed from the military
acoidenu last Aucust for Intoxication.
It Blocks Efforts to Get
at Facts of Rosen
thai Murder.
Witness Had Told District At?
torney That He Saw "Bridgie"
Webber Running From Scene
of Crime, Then Awed by
Gang Members, De?
nies It.
Now York, July 21?t'eai' of revenge
?t the hands of Bast side gangsters,
ever present In the minds of witnesses
in the Rosenthal murder Investigation,
to-day temporarily blocked the efforts
of District Attorney Whitman to draw
closer trie lines about Iba men ?ho as?
sassinated the gambler eight days ago.
Apparently aw. d by tiio presence ot
gangsters in the coroner's court, John
Relsler, a barber, known to i.i-- sport?
ing fraternity as "John; th" Barb) r. '
retracted at the coroner's examination
a statement tie is nlleged to hav, mailu
a tow minutes earlier to Mr Wiiliinati
: that he had seen "Bridgie" Webber, now
tinder arrest, running front th. ttcertu
I of tho murder. Aftei itelsler had de
, nled his earlier statements he was ar
I rested on a charge of perjury.
The coroner's hearing this afternoon
1 was In the natur, of an examination
i of "Bridgie" Webber and Sam Puhl;
I both of whom are charged wttn eO:n
pllclty in the murder ol tlosenthai.
The prosecution charges that it wha
I in Webber's gambling house, near tiio
! scene of them urder. at Porty-thlril
Street and Broadway, tuat the murder
gang congregated to go to the place
of the killing It was to connect Web.
her more cl?pely with the case that
?'.lohn, the Barber," was placed on tho
Examinations Put fiver.
Having failed In bis attempt:' lo ---l
desired statements from the witnesses,
District Attorney \\ oilman secured ad?
journment of Webber's examination for
forty-eight hours, in order that more
witnesses might be secured to bring
out his connection With the case. The
examination of Sam Paul was likewise
put over. Jt Is believed that Mr. Whit?
man Is laying his lines to force from
Webber a statement wnich will impli?
cate those "higher up" In the case.
It I? at the door of the "police sys?
tem'' that tho district attorney places
the responsibility for the murder of
the man who had charged that tho
polic0 were exacting tribute from gam?
blers in this city, nnd Mr Whitman
lias admitted that he will make it easy
for those under arrest if he can sc, urn
the evidence which he desires against
the police.
Tlie proceedings this afternoon wera
sensational. Relsler was the tust wit?
ness '-'ailed against Webber, having Just
come from a conference In the district
attorneys office. He declared that ivt
had seen Webber In Broadway near the,
scene of the murder, after Rosentbal
was slain.
"Was h0 running"' asked Mr. Whit?
The witness shifted uneasily In HIS
chair and let his eyos shift toward
where W.-hher, Paul and others wero
t ilting. "I don't know" he replied
"Didn't you tell nie ten minutes uget
that he was. In your own words, 'run?
ning like d?'?"
"I was excited and don't remember. '
said Relsler.
"Didn't you tell m,-. that In my ofnc-.
In the presence of Mr. Moss, that you
were afraid to tell of the case'/ Yon
knew the gang you were up against
and were afraid you would bo killer.'
asked Mr. Whitman
"No." rer^lled the witness. In ft
frightened manner.
Mr Whitman then placed Assistant
District Attorney Moss on the stand.
Mr. Moss sai.l that Just before the hear?
ing Relsler had told him and Mr. Whit?
man that h* cam.- from the subway at
Times Square about 2 o'clock, and In
front of the Cadillac saw Webber "run?
ning Ilk., d? " II- then heard of tho
murder Mr. Moss said that Relsler
did not want to talk about the case for
fear of being Injured by the friends or
the murderers.
Declares si?r, Was .Not True.
Relsler was again placed on t ie stand
and declared that Mr. Moss's story was
hol true. He said he had Just coma
down Broadway when l.e beard of tito
shooting When pressed with ques?
tions as to whether he had seen Web?
ber at all. he hesitated, made several
false starts, and then said ho thought
he had scon him. The witness declared
he was not afraid of being killed him?
self, but did not want t,-> connect him?
self with the affair, as "the men in tlvt
case are bad."
"Didn't yoii say t^i.u anj man wim
testified against Webber would be
killed'." persisted tin district attor?
The witness denied this and tho
questioning was brought tc a close.
As Reisier was about to '.cave tho
courtroom he was arrested, charged
with perjury., to-day Relslei re?
quested that the district attorney call
on him at the prison rs he wanted
t? ' talk." but Mr Whitman will not
sc. htm until to-morrow
The district attorney stated Ute to
iday ?hat he had issu.-d subpoenas for
all the attendants at LAfayette Bath?,
where it has beeri stated Henry Valloh,
"Bridgie" Webber, Sim Paul and ? Bald
Jack" Rose appeared shortly after the,
assassination and remained for tho
Mr. Whitman said he had not yet
received all answer t? hi* letters re
quest'ng the three detective lleutcn.
ur.ts lick.: Rile> and Costigan, to
appAtr rs voluntary witnesses boforo
the grand jury. !( said he presumed)
ii.'i)at:ilJ?-i ..f. ?- -. or. 1 Page.)