MAY END POWER Clements Fears Knockout Blow if Pending Measures Be? come Law. Washington. July 26.?Iii several bills which have been introduced In Congress as umcuilmcnts i(, the in? terstate commerce act Coiuihtssionei i Clements ol the Interstate Cotniiicruu Commission sees knockout blows for the commission iihd has loxt nu time in < ntertlng n strenuous complaint to! members <>f the interstate commcro i committees of the House and Senate ; in these bills which haye been In? troduced by Representative Borland, of 1 oui'l, DrouHsuid, of Louisiana and. baundtiH, ui Virginia, uro provisions, it la declared, which will give Hie' Commorcu Court, er it that tribunal is llnaliy ubullshed. tin circuit courts, i covered .1. ih< in ma) us well 8U bcfoi Hie courts in the first plucc as to bu ( taken up aflei the Interstate Com? merce Commission has passed on them. Also when appearing yesterday after noon before thi interstate committee] of tin- House, in- tooli occasion to say' that if a broad review of orders of the 1 courts til-- commission may just as well j b< abolished at the same time. In his opinion the twenty-live ;c?r< employed in the upbuilding of the \ c< mmissiou will be destroyed by the. enactment of any one of the bills In tl? present form Representative Adamaon, chairman of the llouic Coni R'.lllee on interstate Commerce, an well a. Senator Cummins, of Iowa, mail? man of the Interstate Committee of the Senate, a:-- also un?erMtood to be of the opinion that the bills shnuld Itot bo passed. j The proposed li g'.Mauon allows ag? grieved shippers, alleging errors of' IdW, the rlgtit to appeal to the courts, ti right which I" now denied their, un? der the interstate commerce act, i.fter the commission has ruled on a joint in question. Thus It Is declared thut If the pend? ing measures become laws the chaotic ndltlons In Interstate commerce prior to Hie passage of the Hepburn bill In , C will again be restored. Prom the way matters have gone recently, and the favorable report on thi norland bill by the House Judiciary! < 1 uimlttee, it is ur.diisi " d that ? tor;: is etil Democrats of the interstate Com? mittee have discussed hrlnglne the mutter to the floor of the HotiSu with tin avowed Intention of having the v hole question referred to the'r com Ulg combltiattons of business, It is Kit Id, wo It Id like to see tn? proposed i' r si.i-....11 go oft the statute books. I for ?,... rea'son prominent Dehio ? : i- itre of the opinion that the sooner t ? bontroversy ends the better for the work of ihc interstate Commerce Com? mission and the welfare "f the people throughout the country. The eohibi- ? t 1 :,s that own the ' tap line" rail roads are understood to be especially , ger to see tue bills pass, as the attl t . :. of the Interstate Commerce Com- i mission Is that the lines are not com? mon carriers within the meaning 01 the Interstate commerce act. nil Cdmmeri 0 Ciiurt refused to grant relief to tlio owners of the lines, ami on appal to the Supreme Court that tribunal decided that neither the Coin 1 lerce Court nor any other court had ' Jurisdiction In any case dismissed by tile interstate Commerce Commission. Attorney Qehieral Wir.kershum his expressed sympathy for the purposes cf i 1? shippers, pointing out to Chairman: Adamsun that und. 1 the law the peti? tioning shipper ha" no rieht to demnnd I, broad review- of the Interstate Com- j ? (Commission's acts, and that 1 when the commission refuses to act I the shipper has no redress. Speaking on this point. Commissioner j ClcmClUS declares that the decision of' the .Supreme Court limiting the power of the lower courts In commission 1 ase? to pure errors of law has re s ilt- d in a, uniform and workable System of orders governing commerce between the States, and to grant the power of broad review by the courts will be to lodge with the courts work of administration that ean only pro? perly be delegated by Congress to an administration body like the commla T<>n\(fii PLANT DESTROYED. Thomas n. Ifamer >uH'it? Loss of Sev? ern! Thousand Hollars. [Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 Norfolk. Va.. duly 2?.?Fire to-night destroyed the tobacco manufacturing plant of Thomas B. I lamer, at Um bert's Point, entailing :i loss of several thousand dollars Water pressure on the mains of the Norfolk County Water Company was low. and the firemen w-, r,. badly handicapped. The building and Its contents Is a complete loss. Great Musical Event FOREST HILL PARK Sunday Afternoon and Evening FREE TO ALL A most realistic rendition of Verdi's masterpiece, "The Mis? erere,'? front the opera II Trova tore, mid-nature's perfect scenic setting, by the celebrated solo? ists. Miss Helen Gorrana nnd Miss Ida Heltor. Ctipported by the famous 1 IIICAGO LADIES' SYMPHONY ORCHESTB V. Under the direction of Professor Bernhard Terboner. Music first?without hin? drances, without need ot let linicul knowledge, belongs to the possessor of the Play?play freely- play no? bly, with divine expression. Open your heart and let it pour fort Ii it - mess igt s. Waiter D. Moses & Co., 103 K. Broad St. Oldest Music House in Va. and N. C. _i MAKES CRITICISM of rao?isio Declaration That They Ate "Narrow-Minded" Causes Heated Clash. Atlanta, fa* . July ;t ?cr.ticitma o? Mnhodliu I? being "narrow-mlnde<1" and "unwilling to h?lp" In the pork vt the <~;ideon?. a national organisation ot travel? ing lalcunen Along reiig oui ilneb. causvd ? heattd ejr.?h !n th* flrat i?J'? session of Ihe national convention of tt.e order. 51. P. Afhebrook. of Ohio, who conducted the afternoon acaalon. In the (ouiM of an . address i*ld: ?J t.if observed In the court* of my work that the Mithodt?t? are not w ::ins tb help u? In our work go much a? other denominations. I believe thrlr minister" to he narrow-mind'd and too mu^h centred In their own church. I d'-Jlr* to ask the Method sit here 10 look Into this ouestlori ol havi a resolution psiied a-, meetings Cel.- . >. jr he* Initructlng their minis? ter? to cordially help the Gideon? In their In :< moment randerr.or.tim broke loose, and a icore or more of the several hun dredt of the delegates from all pins e,f the Halted State? and Canada were on thi - feei In proteft. An Atlanta deleitnte point? ed out that Blehop Candler, of t.lln cltyi had helped the organ zatlon In a time of dire dlltrep?, AI thl? point * motion waa earned to end the dl?cui?|on and refer the matter In a committee of five, to report to the convention to-morrow. TM? afternoon the delegate! were given ?i barbecue at Cold Ppringf. held on charges ?fgr?ndlarceny San Francisco Man Accuses Former Employes of Steal? ing His Automobile. New Tork. July :?. ?Mrs Clsio M Perkins, housekeeper; Frederl? k i:. Patterson; chauffeur, and Patrick Walsh, valet, former employes It: the household ol Nicholas ?I. McN.imura, of Sun Francisco, were arrested h-rc late to-day, charged with grand larceny end beins fugitives front Justice. Mrs. Margaret McNamara, wife of the bank? et, with her two children. Chester, aged ten, nnd Wilbur, aged twelve, -was pie?ent when the arrests were mnde. The arrests followed tho receipt of .-, telegram from th- chief of police of .-?an Francisco, which rliarged the pris? oners with grand larceny. Mr. Mo-. Namara swore out warrants for his three former employes c harping them with stealing; 'his automobile. San Francisco dispatches to-diiy carried the assertion .if the banker that Mrs. Sic N tmara, on June 21, left home with three servants and her two children In a large touring car. Journeying through Orepon and across country, and that Ills only word from his wife since has been In the shape of frequent and lav? ish drafts on his bank account. He declared Mrs. Perkins had acquired an almost complete control over his wife's rctions. The party was traced to Chi? cago and thence here. The arrests were made in a leading betel, where they hnd. registered. The banker's wife and her children were not disturbed. Thfit they Intend? ed to sail for Germany on August 3 became apparent when steamship th kets wet e found on the prisoners The servants declined to make any statement. It was supposed the auto? mobile was dispose,! of on the road. The police have telegraphed San Francisco lor Instructions regarding Mrs. McNamara and children. Until ati answer Is received she will remain at the hotel where she first registered. Mrs. McNamara visited police head? quarters td-nighi and talked with Lieutenant Funston. In charpe of t!v detective bureau. The latter said Mrs. McNamara declared she was surprised to learn that her husband caused the dispatches to be sent which led to the arrests of her servants. She said that the automobile In which she hnd left h'-me was her personal property, and Intimated that she would have some thlnp to say when the prisoners are arraigned to-morrow. SerloiiK Wreck Itrpnrfrd. Rort William. Out.. July 2*.?A seri? ous wreck on the Canadian Pacific Hallway west of White Hlver Junction Is repotted. Telegraph wires havi been down nil night and no deta'ls can be obtained. Emperor's Condition Is Somewhat Improved Tokio. .Oil* 37.? A bulletin Issued nt noon to-iln) on the condition of Rmperor >Jnf?tiliito Miiystt ??After n period of restlessness earlier in the day, iiih Majesty i? rr-Mlnp easy. Hit lemprriitiirr, taken nl II o'clock tills niorillngf wiim us.7, pulne too nnd respiration ensy. The general condition of the pntlent In somewhat Improved." KiirJIer In the iiiornlim the nt lendlnir physicians declared thiit (lie condition of the Hmporor wan urnd linlly urovrlnur more critical. The RtSO A. M. bulletin said' Uta Majes? ty's temperature ivik 100,.", pulse till) mill rrnplniHon 2H, AI Unit hour n minister of (lie household sold (tu,i artificial meth? ods lo prolonu (he life nf the Rm peror cere IipIiih: continued, nnd (lull nil injection of emit solution would hp tried durlnit (he dny. Fifty Motor Boats Expected to I Take Fart?Fraternal Re? union Planned. Alexandria, \'a., July 28.?Fifty inatoi boats ar? expected to partiell I put? in tin first nrmuu] regatta of I the Al< candria Motor Uout ?nut>. which will begin at 1 o'clock to-morrow uf- I tot llbuli, Nine events have been planned. The ; ninth i* u run by th,- Alexandrla Moloi lluul Club tu a pednt oh the river to In iilgnuted by Commodore Harry I i I ? principal event will be the I speed boat race; designated as the I eighth? This will t.ik? place lit -'.I o'clock, tthd Is free t.. uII, It will | >>'? over a course uf approximately t ti im! <; It is expei led thai the , races will attract large crowds t" ii:. rlvci front, and practically evvry owner of 11 small craft on the river will nttt-nd the regatta, fehlte nv'nv j jwill witness the events from the J ? a pnrudi ..r the Alexandria Motor Host 01 ill's M-m the First Ward. Mr. Lambert was represented by Judge .!. K. M Norton and Mr Barrett was being represented by Judge C. E. j Nlcol. Fraternal Iteunlon Planned. A big fraternal rcuntnyi. 10 which the j lodges of this city and Washington I have been Invited. Is planned for the i we.-k's excursion, beginning Monday ; night, under the auspices of Alexandria and Wnshlncton Lodges of Elks. The societies Invited next week, he I ginning Tuesday night, follow: Tues i dnv. Odd-Fellows, Knifrhta of Pythlns. Woodmen, Fraternal Order of Amerl 'ar.s. Daughters of Liberty Wednes? day, Masonic night, blue lodges, chap? ter, comniandery, Scottish Ftite. shrine sr.i irrotto Thursday. Eagles Oerman societies, I?ed Men and Junior (Uder Of United American Mechanics; Friday night. Catholic societies Knlrbts of Columbus, Hibernians. Alhambra Sat? urday night, labor organizations. It is proposed to make Saturda) . night, August ::. one of the biggest nights of the week. r.n.. of the f?n- I tu res during the week will be danc? ing, whlrh will be under the auspices' o' the Elk's' dancing- committee, with Charles B. Marshall as chairman. The controlling interest In the Alex nndrla News, a daily newspaper pub? lished here, has been sold to twelve well known l.uslness men. These men held a meeting last night and or? ganized, with the election of the fol lowlng officers and .-lire.-tors: J, Ran? dall Cnton, Jr.. president; T.v. w. Do Motte, vice-president; R. E. Knight. ?ecretnry and treasurer; ftenrge Jt Hopkins nnd C. p. Tnvlor Burke. ONE KILLET) IV ItlOT. Hundreds of sh"i? Exchanged Between] Miners nn,i Deputies. Charleston. W. Va., July 26.?In a riot at Mucklow to-day. located in the disturbed Paint Creek mining district, i cne miner was killed when n party of men on strike and deputies engaged im a buttle. Hundreds of shots were ex-! changed. OiTtslde the one victim. how.| . ever. It Is not known that any one els.> was Injured. j That the situation in the Paint Creek district Is more critical to-day than' for any time since the miners struck. ? April i, was Indicated by orders sent tf West Virginia troops In camp at Mount Qretna, Pa., to hurry to the trouble zone. A battalion left the ! summer camp In Pennsylvania immed? iately, and is expected a*, the Paintl Creek mines by noon to-morrow. It la said to-night that the Bhooting| to-day was not done by miners of the Paint Creek district, but principally by foreign miners of ndjo'ning towns. ItI 1- said many disturbers left the Paint' Creek to-night under the cover of | dni*kness. Sunday Seaside Outings $}.50 Round Trip lo Round Trip to Newport News, Ocean Vitw, Old Poiat, Norfolk, Buckroe. Virginia Beach. 3?Fast Trains?3 Ever} Sunday, silto, it A. >L, 12 Noon. I-"iib|, clean ride over rock bnllnxt double truck. Delightful sail across Hampton Loads. Choice of two routes to Norfolk. Ten hours at the seaside. Three hours longer at Ocean View than via other routes. Paasengera can leave Ocean View nnd Bttekroe every hour until 7:30 P. M. Connecting with fast trains leaving Old Point 4:2,1 and P. M. C * O. steamer leaves Norfolk -I and R p M. WEEK-END HATES. Tickets also' on sale for all trains Fridays and Saturdays, good until Monday. Old Point. $3 00 round trip Norfolk, tZ.p) round trip. Virginia Beach, $3.25 round trip. Ruosevelt Says Without i-argc Navy Panama Canal Would Be Useless. Oyster Hay. n. v . Ju j ? a? at tack on th-; Democratic majorlt} u tho lioUsu of Represehtutlv. ,.? refusing t< adopt the battleships program uaa made to-day by Colonel llooiovell. Ho d< clurcd that tho upbuilding ot' the navy must no on If thin country 's to in. in lain tt? position among tin- nu Uutis ..i the world. "When the Democrats vote down the battleships,'' he said, "Ii tlley are logical they should ula ? i t. to nbun den the Panama Ciinul. it is an out ragt from the standpoint oi th< na? tional honor and Interest to k<> on ulth th. Panama Canal at alt unless wu both fortify it and keep up an *de "I urthvrmore, any talk a., to what v. abandon building up the navy and show that we really hui ? ileltiier the power nor the will. It the nee* shot.iii evct come, to make our words good by "Out in the row country In the old Oays It used to be proverbial that the man who was mostly ..|.t to net Into trouble was the man who was always ready to draw, but no-, to shoot. "The man who never i-'ot'tnto trouble was the man who heyer blustered, who rtver was offensive, v. h . never wrong? ed or Insulted any one, but who, as everybody well knew, was entirely competent to hold his own if attacked. I believe in the upbuilding of the' United State.? navy as an insurance of peace. "The voyage of our battle fleet around the world was one of the k-cht est moves for fw-ac that this country has ever made. I hope that our people will always act not only with scrupul? ous Justice, but with the utmost gener? osity toward all other nations, weak ::nd strong. I also hope that this will make It evident that such action 's due not to timidity on our part, but to genuine love for justice, We will be? come Impotent clthv to secure Justice fot others or to seeute respect for ? urseives if we abandon the upbuild? ing of the navy, fm mlMNlonera End*. Spokrine. Wash., July 2iV?The Na? tional Convention of Insurance Com? missioners, nt lt= closing session to? day, selected these officers: V. II. Hard Ison, Massachusetts, president. .1 H. Voting, North Cardilna, vice-president; Fit/.huRh McMaster, South Carolina, secretary-treasurer; C, A. Palmer, Mich? igan, chairman of executive commit? tee. Selection of the place for the next annual convention meeting was left to the executive committee, but an ad journd mect|rig will be held In New York December 22. t i t i ro hissing aim,. M|h? Snodgrnn* llellevcd to Have Been seen l>> Hnllrnnd Conductor. New York. July 26.?Information which the police regnrd ns a possible clue was furnished hy n railroad c. n ductor to-day In the continued search for D?rens Snodgrnss, who disappeared from her sister's homo |n Mount Y.r non a week ago Monday According to this employe, A. Breese, whoso run Is on the New York Central fast mall. No. 21. between New York and Chicago, n young woman answering the description of Miss Snodprass hur? riedly hoarded his train ns It wan leav? ing thef Grand Central Station last Sat? urday night She had' no ticket for either passage or berth. She wore a diamond ring on her left hand, was nervous In manner, nnd declared she was colnf- either to Chicago or Cleve? land, preferring the latter city, to get a position as nurse. Sh<* Is snld to have left the train at. Cleveland. Sloan Sold ?" St. |,oula. [Special to The Tlmos-1 ilapatoh,J Bristol, Vn., July 36,?Yalo Sloan, right-fielder of the Urlatol team of tho T: ie 11: "The Best There Is in Sunday Reading" the ay! Inn By H. B. Marriott-Watson A Mystery Tale I 9 Do you know who the men are who keep the game straight? Do you ever hear any sympathy for them? Or do you feel, sometimes, that a bombardment of pop bottles is good enough for them? Edward Lyell Fox, the famous sporting writer gives you an insight into the umpire's job?' ihe Guardians of Baseball s Honesty.' THE DEAD CA But in this mystery story, by H. B. Marriott-Watson, we are inclined at first to believe that the woman did actually die, although we do not understand how she could be alive and dead at the same time. If you like a mystery story you cannot miss it in this one. PAUL WEST His name is a guarantee of choice American humor. He is a wonderful delineator of the small boy. He understands how their minds work, and in Jimmy the Offis Boy's Next Novel, Si the Fimiaimiseeif" he touches only the high spots. It is real genuine humor stuff. The kind that lasts. You can get it early next Sunday in the Sunday Edition of Other Contributions Are: "IN ROUGH WATERS," by Robert Tarnacre "THE PERFUME LADY,'' By Edith Sessions Tupper Appalachian league, and a native of Eaat Tennessee, has been sold to the St. I.ouis Americans for delivery at the end of the senson. The price paid is $1,000. Sloan has distinguished himself for his ability to land on nil pitchers. ituid on Blind T?re re. [Special to The Tlmet-Oiipatch.l Norton] Va.. July St.?Commonwealth * Attorney IJcthan In conjunction with th.> local swooped down on Illicit Ituuor dealer* In Norton to-day and last night and mode n considerable catch. Two white men an 1 on- colored mnn were nned $100 i Sell and sent to Jail. Others cave bond for their appearance _iit c.mrt. Norton t>?lng a railroad point. I??an Invlt liiK haunt (or net good* dealers, and every few months c'.tunlng up I? necessary. Two Judgments, Judgment was entered yesterday :n the l.nw nnd Equity Court In the cas? nf K. M, nidrtljon Hghlnlt Torflg A Bsroody for and !'i ?.!? ?? Solomon Baroody ngainil E, M. Blddison for W. Reuben Thomas Lipscombe Financial and Manufacturers' Agent Exploiting only meritorious and mar? ketable patents, etc. Selling only the highest grade manufacturers' products in ihe two Virginias and two Carolinas. Established trade. No. 115 North Eighth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Last Mountain Excursion VIA Norfolk & Western Ry. Lynchburg, Bedford Mm nil Station* between Roanoke and Bristol Leaves Richmond 11 A. M. Tuesday, August 13 it et ii ? a ?< \ui; ii si 111. Round Trip Fares Ranging From $2 to $5 Special l rain?through coaches?be I tweeh Richmond and Itoanoko, con? necting In both directions with regu I lltr train between Roanokd and Bris? tol. Full schedule ami Information may be had at N A W OlllCC, at .Ninth and .Main Streets. r the Democratic pint form, he flowed it lightly, saying that It was written by William J, Bryan, who did not know what he wanted. The Republi? can party, now that the men iti 'the national progressive movement Ititve left It, he nsserted. Is composed largely of. the bosses and the financial 'liter-| ests. i in seatii \i ro. Several n%wbern People iltuili Injured in Accident. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] N'ewbern. N, Co July W,?While en rout? home trum Clark's Station late latt nltflr. an automobile owned and driven by J. Stewart, of this city, skidded and turned turtle, tunning Mi. .Stewart. hta wlfu and daughter. Miss SuthIi. und Mrs. Hill, who Wer? with aim", beneath the machine. Miss ?Stewart ?a? thrown clear of tie cor and. ?a> bsdl) nru.sod and shaken u|>. How- I ever. ?be bad the presence of mind to , iiimK- an attempt to release those pinned I* neuth the machine, and t'.nslly sueeeuded In doing so. When taken out Mr. (Bewarf uai unconsclotts, while his Wife and Mrs.! HUI wer.' padly Injured. Miss st.wart walked back to Clark'a. a d.stance of more than n mile, and tele? phoned here for nld. A physician went ut Once to the ?ecn. and brought the Injured 1 persons h< : and placed them In the hoapl-I tnl. A telephone message from there this Bf-i ternoon aluted that all were retting ?.< [ well n? could be expected. The machin? vi at badly damaged. i,ll\M> ?' I lit IMili l- I in i; Charges Indirectly Urow Out of Slioollns of Bass and Puce. [Special to The Tiines-Dispatch.] Dan\III*. Vs., July M.?John :i ck#, Buck Lowrey, Tucker Hudson. Walsh Crawley mid Walter Tucker were today by the Federal gr.inrt lory n1 Houston, the tlrRt four for operating an Illicit still and the other for Sellins whlakey without license. All of the men are connected di rectlj or Indirectly with shooting J. U. Bass md Jake Pace near Mt. Carmel on Saturday last, when twe moonshiners,who are still at large. '?? tlously wound.'.I them. PAtxons iccocnts grrtiAiaiiT. i ID Auditor Report* There l- no Shortage und Ilm, Books Balance. [Special to The Time'-1 > apatch.l Par.ilile. Va . July -?' -The drat official statement Issued In regard ;o the sluie of the one Treasurer Payior's ?lty accounts wai made to-day hy City Auditor Brydnn. . o ifter a careful and rlsM examination of tiie books of the office, has determined that there Is no rhortagc, and that the t.nnks balance. There has been no further clue received .is to the mliaing man. Woman Kills Her Husband. [Special to The Tliii.>j-D spateh.) Charlotte, n r. .inly M.?Mrs. V. J. Hartt! II. of .Merklennura county, killed hrr liushanl near here to-day She explain? ed she was enrneed at the conduct of her hushand and her daughter hv a former marriage. The HsrUells had been married 1 twenty-five year?. PnOPRItl.Y "Tit AIX ItHOKI . ' Kentuekj Militiamen Protest Icalnst I mini'at loo of tnnlaton Paper, Annlston, Ala., .inly 2?.?-Kentucky militiamen no longer take offense at being classed list "moonshiners" nnd "Wild-cat.terft" because of thefreouency of such classification, but a delegation of soldiers from the Kentucky regi? ments now here for the HUmmbr manouovres to-day filed a protest with i local paper against the imputation that they were not properly "train broke. They object to the published statement that scores ><( the soldiers never had ridden a Haiti until the trip to Annlston. Members from tho First Kentucky, from Louisville, also insist? ed they do not chew '?rabbit'- tobacco or comb their hair with cockleburrs. Activity was resumed at i'amp Pot tus to-day with the arrival of three reg'ments from Kentucky, the First Alabama and the Second South Caro? lina, Camp grounds are expected to be in shape for routine work to-mor? row. Colonel i T. Van Orsdale, of tho .Seventeenth United titatea Infantry, camp commandant, returned to Fort McPbersoni near Atlanta, to-day, cnll ed thtther by the serious illness of his Wife. special notice:. C. & 0. Sunday Outers i'Wn steamers IN sf.1iv1ce 111 . I \\ ees Old Point and Ocean View To accommodate the larjre crowds of Richmond exciirsibnlsts visiting the sedsidi oil Sundays via C. & O., there will be two steamers In service lo iweeii oid Point and Ocean view. Pas? sengers can Lave Ocean view every hour until t::to P. M.. connecting with fast trains leaving <>icar, and has kept In employment during that time thirty people, a? readers, clippers, sorters, mounters and Hilders. Every news* paper of Importance la represented. This is mcrel) ?? specimen of some oi the unique- orders which get into tha Burrelle Bureau, for the extent to Which clipping* are used by Individuals, and r.y bujlr.eti concerns seems to b* remarkable. There are many people in private na well as In pilbllc life who need preaa clippings anJ don't know 1*. It might be well for ;he,m to look up this maa Burrelle, who Is said to be so well known a letter ...... ., addressed '?Burrelle. New York," Will 'each bin witn uo delur?