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STILL DEFENDING TAFT NOMINATION Statement, Approved by President, Given Out at White House. OFFICIALLY'O.K. 'D' BY HIS CABINET: _ i Every Contest Before Commit-, tcob at Chicago Convention Re? viewed, and Once More Charge of Fraud and Bad Faith Is Hurled at Col? onel Roosevelt. Washington. July 25.?A ktaiemcnt, approved by President Taft, defending his nomination by the Chicago conven? tion, was mode public at the White House to-day. It reviews every eon test d'forc the Rcpublici:, National Committee and the i redehtlaU commit? tee of the convention, and asserts taut < it'll contest was Battled logically upon its merits Tlie statement was sub? mitted to the Cabin, t at a recent meet? ing ind received the approval of the President's official fain.::. The stateiner.t. which is it lengthy document of 111 printed pages. i? ?? detailed denial of the charge that the renomlnatlon f President Taft was accomplished by the seating of fraudu? lently elected delegates to the con? vention it taVccs up Individually the r3S contests instituted by the Koos? - velt forces against Taft UvK-gaU-s wno were seated, and presents eviden'? In i ach of these cases to show that tne Taft delegates were :?? S iiarly elected. A resume of the statement, prepared by Charles D. Hilles, formerly Presir d. nt Taft s secretary and now chair? man of the Republican National Com? mittee, takes ?p c-cii contttt briefly. Not In O.I f altb. This resume opens with tie declara? tion that the iloosevelt contests, as originally hied before the national eornmlttce were not Instituted ir. good faith. "The total number of ..olegatcs mm moned to the convention." says tne re? sume, 'warf 1,078. with 640 necessary to choice. Mr. T-.fl had 56l votes on the .'I'st and only ballot. and was declared the nominee. Tr.ere were Instituted against of the delcgal. s regularly elected for Taft, contests on behalf of Rooeevelt These contests w.-re avowed'. instigated not for tne purpose of really securing seats In tne convention: not for. the purpose of ad? ducing evidence w-hlch would lea ', any respectable court to entertain the con fits, but for the purpose of deceiving the public Into the belief that Mr. Roosevelt had more votes than he real? ly had. as the conventions and pri? maries were In progress fir the selec? tion of delegates The 2j.? contests wera reduced by abandonment, formal or In substance, to seventy-four. Tne very fact of these 164 frivolous con? tents its-!:' reflects upon the genuine? ness and validity of the remainder." The resume then enumerates tie contests. ..nd reviews the arguments in each case. The review of tne evidence In the contests embraced in the White House st.iicmf r.t :z to by Vic tftr Roiewater, chairman of the na t.on.,! committee, and Thomas H. Dc jvlne. chairmen of the credentials com? mittee. As .in append, x. the state? ment carries In detail the vote in tlse national committee on each of the ? ontcsts, and a statement of the dates of the Taft and Roosevelt conventions in contested stales. Tne object of the latter Is to show that the Iloosevelt ? gtaes were chosen after the regu? lar conventions had named Taft repre? sentatives. I uHotlbr of Notice. Another appendix Is the repor: cf the credentials committee O iln cue ventton. in which the st Hemer.: issued by the Roosevelt commute. ir.?*n t.t tacking the inability a', the committee was answered. In disrass nil; the i Large the report said: "The statement as a whole In Its In? sinuations of combinations of un? worthy motive, in Us recital of al? leged facts, is grossly and maliciously untrue. It was Intended to c nvey the Impression that the time for hear? ing cases was so UmlteJ ;s to prevent their being properly presented to the \ committee. The untruthClitlU'SH of this statement 's Clearly shown by rne records of the committee and '.he news? paper reports of Its deliberation? Not only did the rules make liberal pro \ ision for time In presenting the cases, but In every instance where the partlc.T presenting the cases, or any member ? f the committee, asked fa.- an exteii- I tlon f lime. It was granted." The statement of the Roosevelt members of the committee ijierted that the speed with which tne creden? tials committee brought In reports I ' made it evident that the reports had | been prepared beforehand.'" In repl.' to thlg statement tho appjd'x to the White House statement said: "In regard to the assertion that re ports were prepared In advance of tho action of the committee on ertden tlals no one of the gentlemen who makes this statement will state of nis own personal knowledge that any re- i ports were thus made.'" In concluding, tho majority of the crcdentails committee, defending its | decisions, said: "As to the. merits of these contested cases upon which the committee pass ed. It should be remembered that the national committee, sat for fifteen days; hearing evidence and argument upon them. Out of a total membership of | fifty-three only thirteen members of that committee objected to the Undings ' and decisions, and they only with re- j gard to n part of the cases, the action j of the committed having been unanl mous with regard to a majority of \ them The convention declined, by a , [ .(.Continued on Seventh r^go.^ "I KANSAS CITY IS IN LEAD Believed It IIa? Won LHlinJnatlon Trial Of IllllloonN. Kansas City. Mo.. July 28.?With two balloons not reported, It seems lato to-n'ght that the Kansas City II., John WuttB. p'lot. Georaro In'iut.-bberry. aide-, which landed at Belleville, Mich., to-day, after twenty-four hour* In the air. and covering about C40 mllea. has won the elimination race, which start? ed from hero yesterday to dee'de which three contestants will repre? sent the Aero Club of Amcrlcn at the International race In Germany next fall. The Million Population II., of the Bt I.ouls Aero Club, landed at -Spring Green. WIs . early to-day. It had trav? eled i:r, miles. The Cole, of th? Indianapolis Aero Club, after going 32fi miles, landed at McGregor, Iown. The Goodyear. Akron, O.. ended Ha journey at Polo. 111., 310 miles from the starting point. The Drifter, Cinelnnatl Aero Club, covered about 425 miles. landing at New Berlin. VVls.. a little before noon to-dav. Kansas City 1I., of the Kansas City Aero riub. descended at Belleville, Mich., about twenty-four miles from Detroit, at ? P M. to-day, hav'ng sailed about r,|0 miles. The balloons remaining In th<* air, or at least uhreported, are the Million Population I . St I.ouls Aero Huh and i Uncle Satri, Kansas City Aero Club. NEGROES ARE CAPTURED Officers Hush I abln In Whlcb They Had Barricaded Themselves. I Plalnvllle, Oa., July 2-.-T.-n negroes. j wro i.^'i barricaded themselves !n a ! cabin, were captured to-day and quiet. Irestored here after an all-night battle between the whites and blacks. Sheriff Owens, of Calhouri: Ernest Johnson, of ICalhoun, and Or. Miller, of Plalnvllle, all of whom wer? shot by the negroes, |ar? resting easily, Johnson l elng the only one seriously injured. When Sheriff Owens's forces were reinforced early thin morning by a posaee of deputies under Sheriff Dune hi o, of Floyd county, they stormed the house In wh'ch the negroes had taken refuge Th? blacks wer- well armed a:.d an e\ehar.Ke of shots was kept up until daylight, when a rush wa:< made and the negroes captured. The prisoners were placed in Jail at Caihoun. No attempts at lynching were made, but several negroes were badly beaten by Infuriated whites I ?? - fore the officers could control -.h-> crowd. None of the negroes was s* rlously injured, and no further trouble! is anticipated. The battle was pre-lpltated by an attaint to arrest a part-.- of negroes who were suspected of forming i plot to burn the town after the trouble ha twren the races Saturday, in which several blacks were whipped and or? dered from town. HIS SACRIFICE FUTILE Brother e.lves Blood In Kftord to Snvc Ufr nf Min? Searlea. ! Washington. July 2S?Vrunsfuslon of i hiood from her brother's veins into her own wag used by surgeons to dsy In a fut'le effort to nave the life i of Miss Jean .Searleg. of Vlcksh jrg. .Miss, secretary to Representative Gor? don Lee. of Georgia. j Miss Pearles was taken 111 a week ago. and dur'ng this time had lost a large quantity of blood. The surgeons determined two days ago that she would be unable to live without a fresh supply of blood. Her brother. Thomas Fearles, volun? teered, and permitted the surgeons to open his own veins. The effect was only temporary, how? ever, and was offset by repeated hemorrhages She died a few l.o irs later. The body Will be taken to Vickl hurg for burial. CREW IS TROUBLESOME Oilier? of Vessel Are Compelled to Thrrnten Strlkehrenkera. New Tork. July 2S.?It was learned upon arrival of the American line steamer Philadelphia from Southamp? ton to-day that the crew of strlko ihreakln,: seamen which was taken on when the vessel sailed from here pave the officers of the sh'p much trouble. The strikebreakers were turbulently restless throughout the voyage, and during the return trip forty men In the engine room became so trouble? some that tho chief engineer was obliged to threaten the use of his re? volver. There were eighty negroes among the str'kebreake-rs. and they quit work when the vessel docked, returning to Baltimore, whence they came. Their . places will be filled by former em [Ployes who Joined the strike, which I has now been declared o'f. CHILD WAS STRANGLED Little Mnry Darbuto Head When Thrown Into \\ liter. I New York. July 28?Little Mary Barbuto was dead when her body, en I cased In a gunny sack, was thrown Into the East P.lver. according to the [coroner's physician, who to-day per? formed an autopsy on the body of the] eight-year-old child which was picked up on the Brooklyn water front yes-, terday. The girl hat been st ranged iwlth a bandanna handkerchief, which had heen pushed down hor throat, and the handkerchief Is the only evidence through which the police hope to rup down the murderer. Alt .ough the child had heen miss? ing three days, the coroner's physi? cian does not believe that the body had been In the water more thun twen- : ty-four hours. More Warm Weather for Coming Week Washington, .IhIj- ss.?Pressure distribution over the Northern Hem? isphere Indicates thnr the coming week will not be e>ue of decided teniperntnre chnnges over the United States, "Wnrm weather," snys the weekly bulletin from the Weather Bureau, ??will continue In the South and Southwest, find a moderate foil of : temperature Monday over the upper ! I.nke Region, the upper Mississippi i ?mil the Missouri Valleys will he fol- | lowed ?>> another rise Tuesday mill ! Wednesday, uud llj little change (hereafter. "In the South generally fnlr I weather during the first half nf Ibc j week will tie followed by local showers during the second half." They Want Supreme! Court to Review Kan? sas Primary Case. NOT SATISFIED WITH DECISION As Matter Now Stands, Men Who Have Declared Intention to Vote for Roosevelt May Be Put on Ticket Under Name of "Republi? can Party." KaaMi ? li>. Mo.. July 30.?The Kuu Riin electoral rnnv Will be Ururil by Justice Pitney, of (hi- I alted States Supreme ' ourt, nt Morrtstowu, N. next Thursday, ehe Journal ?n?h iI? moral as. Washington. July 25.?Reports fromi Toneki mat supporters of Mr. Taltj ,ln Kansa-, among them David W. Mul- \ I vane, plan to have the Supreme Court) I of the United Slates review the de- j ; clslon of the .Supremo Court of Kan? sas In th? presldent'al primary case, have aroisei interest of Republican j political leaders he;e of all factions.! Friends of Colonel Roosevelt, par-! Ucularly Senator Brlstow, of Kansas. I ' are watching for developments In tlio , case, and keeping a keen lookout for the arrival of legal representatives of the Taft champions !r. Kansas, who may be coming to seek from some justice of the Supreme Court an order directing that the ca_e be reviewed ? Irrks .Vot Enjoined. The Supreme Court of Kansas dc ? elded that It would not enjoin county 'clerks from printing ?n the prlm'ary ? ballots of August 6. under the name ,of ? Republican Party." the names cf men who h:id declared they would vote for Roosevelt. It Is believed here that Instead of I coming to Washington, the Kansas at I torneys would go direct to a Justice of the court, all of whom ar' away from the capital. , Any member of the court has the power to issue an order, requiring the Kansas Supreme Court to send the case up for review, and to grant a re staining order to prevent the names being printed on the ballot until the I .Supreme Co:rt of the Cnited States | ?has passed on the case. Logically, th appllcat'on would be made to Justice Van DeVahter. assigned to the circuit j I In whlct Kansas is located, but he is' jspcnd'ng his vacation In the mountains j of New liamr>s.nire. Application might [also he rr.ajje, It Is regarded here, to Justice Day. now at Mackinaw, the nearest of any of the justices to Kan? sas! . While a justice might feel himself, empowered to Issue an order for the j review, members of the court lately have hesitated to take that respon? sibility, where momentous questions ! delicately balanced were Involved. Chief Justice White referred the appli? cation to the entire court when an ap? plication for similar relief was made! in the "beef trust case" last winter. ; Such action would he equivalent to a ' denial of the application In this case. It Is pointed out ns the primary would ! be over before the court could act | in October, Its next date of meeting. Never has a case similar to that! which hap arisen In Kansas been be? fore the Supreme Court. The last time j the court was called to pass upon a| I contest over presidential electors was] i In IS?;, when a bitter cohtroverysy I over the manner of selecting electors] In Michigan came up for decision. | There an order of review was grant ed. and by advancing the case for con- i sldcratlon on the first day of the- Oc? tober term the court disposed of the | case before the November election. Tbe Question Involved. In the Michigan case the question] Involved was the validity of a statute requiring the selection of presidential electors by congressional districts !n ! stead of by the State as a unit. Chief j.Justice fuller, In announcing the de? cision of the court, said the question I was a judicial and not a political one. > Inasmuch as it involved the validity 'of a statute under the Federal Con- I [stltutlon. He held thai the State) Legislature had exclusive jurisdiction over the manner of appointing elec-I tors, and that these electors were no I more officers of the Federal govern-1 ' ment than members of the Legislature j I when electing t'nlted State s Senators, j 'lie added that the long custom of se? lecting electors by the State as a unit; Jdid not change the Constitution po | 1 that they must he elected in thrit man j ncr. Under a stipulation < r.tered 'nto to. j I night by opposing attorneys In the presidential electors case, county clerks! are restrained from printing the Re-j publican primary ballots until Th?rs- : jday nt least. The stiplatlon was prepared by r>. 1 R. Hlte, for the Taft forces, and C on 1 Fred P. Jackson. for the | Roosevelt forces. it was agreed to by Governor Stubbs. The stipulation pro vldes that no preparatiem for the pri ! mary prejudicial to the Tuft forces shall be made until the application for a writ of error and suporcedas can 1 a heard, not later than Thursday, Au? gust |. It is stipulated that the coun? ty clerk, may proceed with the print? ing of the ballots Immediately upon the announcement of the court elecl slon. President Hau liest or it. Dallas, Texas. July >$?Meager re? turns from the Republican precinct convention held on Saturday still In? dicate that the Taft supporters have, the best of It. The results probably | Will not be rlefin'tely known until the county conventions. These will he held 1 August :;. Seeks DnuRhter Afoot. I Buffalo. N. Y. July 28.?Mrs. Eliza? beth Turner, fifty years old, arrived in Buffalo early ib-ddy alter n :<??" mile walk from Wlndnoi In search of her missing daughter Mrs. Turner had only 12 cents In her pocket, nnd I had undertaken to tramp the entire Liliatance Vi SELS IN COLLISION < olller ii Srn* to Bottom hr l'.uiprcu of Ilrltuln. Montreal. July 2!.?The Canadian Pacific Railway steamship. Empress of j Britain, outward bound, collided with j the collier Helvetia In a dense fog In ' the St. lawrcnee estuary late Fr'day ? evening. The collier was sunk but Its crew 1 rescued The Empress of Britain was i badly damaged, and turned baok to Quebec, where she Is expected to ar- : rlvti lute to-night. The Empress of Britain sailed from Quebec Friday evening, with Tuu pas- \ sengers for Europa. Tna Helvetia was bound from Sydney for Montreal, with a cargo of 8,000 tons of :oal The collision occurred about ten : miles west of Fame Point. Quebec, a lighthouse station on the southern shore of the St. Lawreiwu River, near where It empties into the Gulf of .St. i Lawrence This Is approximately 300 miles from Quebec. Although tho accP'eru orcurred yes? terday afternoon, definite news was not received until to-day when Cap? tain Murray, of :he Empress, reported to tho authorities here and at Quebec that his vessel was badly Move-In about the- bows, and her for* ^-mpart menta were filled with cater. It was believed, however, that she vessel w is Ih no danger of sinking It Is understood that the Empress of Britain struck the Helvetia amid? ships, cutting the colll?r squarely in two The smalkr Vessel sank almost Immediately, but there was quick work aboard the liner and res-.- of all hands was speedly effected. The passengers on the steamer was awakened by the collision and many rushed to the deck In fear hut a serious panic Was averted. At S o'clock this afternoon the dam? age i timer had reached Father Point, making slow progress the St law ren e The Allen liner steamer Pre. torian was standing by ..t that hour and some of the passengers anil the mails were being Irans:-rred to that' SIX BATHERS DROWNED Accidents In Water at Many Places to I onnectlcul New Haven. Conn.. July 2?._Six b-nhing fatalities occurred in the Stata to-day. Malcolm M. Smith, fourteen years o|d, of East Hartford. was taken with cramps while |n the water at Clinton and drowned. A similar attack cost the lift of nineteen-year-old John Thompson, of Bridgepott, aF he was bwlmmtnc In Housatonlc Lake, three miles above Derby. Miss Bertha D< Loser, aged twenty-slx, Of New Britain, a member of a houseboat party going front Hart fort >o Saybrook, got beyond her dep-;, while enjoying a d'p in the Con nectlcut River with other members of th- part". Being unable to swim, she drolvned despite efforts to save her. Anthony Vernes, six >'?]r! old. was paddling along the shore of the Housa. River at Derb'- whf-n he slipped Into de?.;, water and lost his life. At Pouthtngtott, Frar.k Czbklrk! and Frank Laskowslcl, aged twenty-five and thirty years-, respectively, were drowned in the Qulnnlplac River DECREE NOT REPEALED Mixed Marriage. Mill Forbidden Ex? cept by Consent. Rome. July 2S.?The report that the Pope- has repealed the decree "Ne Temere'! >s absolutely unfounded, nor is It I'kely e-.e-r to be revoked, as It embodies provisions which have guv e i ned the church procedure for two centuries. It Is probable that the m s undersiahdlng with respect to the re? peal : tr.e decree arose through the .- ispens'on of the provision relating to mixed marriages in Germany and Hun? gary. The other provisions of the "No Temere," however, are In full force In thoso two countries, while in the United Stat?s and England all provisions of the decree without ex? ception are still In force. Thus, a marriage between Catholic and Prot? estant without tho sanct'on of the parish priest Is null. It is declared that possibly the Cnltefl Slates and England may later obtain a change in that provision. EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID 5?rvcnty Cases and Five Doufbs In Our Small Teuro. San Juan. Porto Rico. July 25?An f-idclemlc of typhoid prevails 'n the Municipality of Penuelas, eight miles from Ponce. Penuelas has a population of about 1,200, ar.d seventy iitt.-s cl typhoid with five deaths have occurred in three- weeks New cases arc de? veloping dally. The water supply from the river has been found to be infected. Hope Is Adandoned lor Life of Emperor Tokio, ,lul> "JH.?Tbc enndlllou of the Emperor <>i Japan is such as to cause nbnndunmrut of all Ihm.t hi* recovery. I rina dnwn he bus been uncon? scious. \n rasminntiod by the court physicians ?t u A. M. dis? closed a high temperature, weak und rapid and slow respira? tion, vt lii.-li was greatly accelerated i com the pro I...I- night, The critical cundltlon of the Em? peror wns announced In n hullrtln Iiimi evening, mill nil the Imperial princes mil- iiunnnoned to the pnl n--e. The physicians employed artl Itclul meusures la prolauti III-.-, hut the Injection <>f Ntlmulauts seemed to he ??/ little mall. The tempera? ture Increased front loo to I02.:t, ?hieb. with the hi reused be.-irl ar ? Ion nnd shallow hreatblua;, Indl ented ihn? the Emperor could not withstand long the calls upon his ? trenglb. Since Jltly 10. Hie- dole of Hie tlrvt serious attack, the Emperor bu* been in :? critical condition, and his life has i.on ninlntntned only bjr I be use of In i?-e( Ions, oxygen und hot and cold pucks. Reports from tbe sick room en several occaalons lirnuitht hope that the life of the Kmpcror might be prolonged, hut the physicians issued n warning tlint i.nsldrraltte period <>f lim? would have to elapse liefere assur nnees could he ul\m rescardlng the outcome of the Po?ipil?atltin nf dis? eases from which he suffered. \t it o'clock tbt* mnrnluK the ?,ni clal hullrtln kiivc thf pulse n> lliO mid respiration I?-. \t n o'clock his pulse hud Increased to i;to, nnd tviin ?-itre?nel> Weak and Irregulnr. Progressives Will Start; With Entirely Clean Slate. NOW BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Roosevelt's Wishes Are Respected and Independent Tickets Will Be Placed in Nearly Every State?Working Plan for New Party Is Adopted. Oyster Bay. N. y? July 3S?A work-, ing program for the new party was approved to-day by Colonel Roosevelt, j Senator Dlxon. his campaign manager, w-ho has recently been In consultation 1 with leaders of the movement, came '> Oyster Bay to lay their views before' the former President. After a long conference. It boram? known that the fundamental question ->f pol'cy av.d I procedure had been agreed upon silo- : Ject to approval of the national pr >? gresslvc convention, which ts to meet In Chicago next week The j ; which will be submitted to the c in? vention, contains these major provi? sions: Independent tickets In every State. I except perhaps sin. In which It is . believed the Republican organizations; can be taken over bodily. l>re:ik to be ( empiric. ' A clean break from both of the old parties, the Republican organiza? tions which It Is expected to capture.: I to be used as an Integral port'on of : the new party. Formation of the party with the Idea that It Is to endure permanently, whatever the outcome of tse NoVembei j election. Senator Dlxon sa'd. after he had talked with Colonel Roosevelt, that ' straight national progressive tickets would be run In every State except 1 a few 'n whtch the Republican organ I tations would co-operate with the new party und place Roosevelt randldat ! for electors on the regular ticket. Th's i will be possible In States In which the law does not require the names of Taft and Sherman to be printed on the I ballot as the R.ipubllcan nominees. The Hates In which there will be no independent tleket. he said, are Kan? sas. Nebraska. California, both the Da j kotar. and probably one er two others. Senators Albert .1 Beverldge, of In 'diana. he said, probable will he tho national progressive candidate for ; Governor of that State "Mr. Beverldgo will be elected tlov- . i ernor." the Senator predicted. "Ho | will carry Michigan. Illinois and Penn-' ! sylvania." | Ready for Coaveatloo. 1 it was felt that ai definite outline should be ready for submission t-> the Chicago convention, nnd It was largely j for this reason that Senator Dlxon came on from Chicago for the confer ' ence. In making up the independent tlck ? ets In various States candidates on either the Republican or Democratic tickets may be placed on the ballet, provided t'r.ey agree to support the na? tional progressive electoral candidates In several states, including Pennsyl? vania, It Is expected the entire Re? publican ticket for State officers will he placed on the national progressive j ticket. Insistence upon making the party i entirely independent Is In accordance . with the wishes of Coionel Roe>sev.-|t. ! who Insists that he and his associate s must appeal to Democrats and Repub I llcans alike, and look be yond the pres? ent contest to the future, shaping C clr plans in such a way that the movie - '. mt-nt will go on whether defeat or i victory comes at the end of the pres : ent campaign SIX KILLED IN CRASH Train on lake Shore and Michigan Striken Automobil?.-. Toledo. O., July IS.?With a crash that could be heard for a mile, -lx y. rsons were killed, two fatally In? jured and another hurt, when a Lake I Shore and Michigan-Southern train struck an automobile containing nine [people- this afternoon at Alexis, about twi Ivo miles from here. The dead; Itudolpb Cc.ii.ilno, nited thirty, fnrni er. t u Salle. Mich. Evo \ n vor re, mred t went 3', daughter Mr. nnd Mm. .Innies >rniirro. I n Plcaa mil. Mich. Mrs. Louise Couslno, ngrd thirty, vtlfe of i ill no ne i nuslno, The ti\<-l?? and uli-year-ntd aona nmi four-year-old duuiibtrr of itudolpb f ouslno. The Injtired: LaFayette Couslno. aged twenty-1 . .cht. La Salle, will die. Mrs. Mamie Coutlno, wife ef Rudolph I Couslno, will die. Opal. two-year-o|d daughte r of La - Fnyette Couslno. Injuries not serious The accident happened on a grade j crossing where the view of the trr<.k was obscured by a corn field. The ,?.. tupants of the, machine did not see Ihe .train until they were directly on tho j track. I DOCK WORKERS ANGRY Ulecrlng Belrayol. They May \..t lletiiru <o Their Lahors. London. July 28.?Although the 'strike committee has declared th? ! strike e,f dock workers at an end and I has ordered the men to return 'to j work at once. It Is by no moons cer j tain that a settlement has been reach? ed. Thirty thousand angry dock? I workers held a mass meetltiK 'n ! Southwark Park 10-drty and unanl I mously rejected the manifesto Issued by the committee respecting v. sump? tion of work. Protesting that their leaders had betrayed them into uncondltle.niil sur? render, the men adopted a resolution not to resume work until they had consulted tjjclr unions. REFUSES NOMINATION Judge I. U. Dillon \V|I| Not Ituu fur Gvvcinui ol Ohio. Columbus. O.. Jul- 2S.? Inability to reconcile Iho factions of the ltepubii ? .ili party in tho was given by Common Pica a Judge K B. Dillon, of Columbus, Be publican nominee for tho governorship. In a public statement, us I the reason why he would decline tho nomination. He said he would pre-i sent his withdrawal to the Republican State Centrai Committee which will meet here next Wednesday. The committee K?s stood in the two .se??|i>as of the State conventions as f.iv..ring President Tuft by 11 to 10. Judge r?tllon telegraphed the. follow. Ing from Maclinac Island, where he: Is spending the summer: "My written declaration placed In the hands of Chairman Burton was not rend to the convention, and I accept? ed the nomination In the full presump? tion and belief that inv acceptance would mean an united party and a single ticket In Ohio. "All endeavor In that behalf has failed despite the kind offices or my friends In ?ach following of the party. "The measure of Justice due me. even' though a mere Individual* re? quires my resignation at nominee for Governor, and the same will be pre? sented to the state Central Committee at l(s next meeting Wednesday." The committee Is empowered to till the vacancy. It was reported to-day. howeyeri that the commltteeincri may decide to cull the convention together h^aln to name a candidate Judge Dillon was named In the sec? ond session of the II. publlca'n State j Convention. July 2, and hi; name was put forward ns a compromise after numerous ballots hid failed to give n majority to either A I. GarTord. of Elyrla, the Roosevelt candidate. Law j ronce K Lemgdon. the Taft candidate. <: I! 1! Kroger, who received the un? divided support of Cincinnati s big ! delegation. Judge Dillon's determination not to accept the nomination, it is believed. I wns reached last week after a j .in? ference in Toledo with Walter V Brown, chairman of the State Central i Committee, and former manaacr of ItooscVClt's campaign in the State. I Marry M. Doughert>. of Columbus, land W.u-ren G. Harding, of Marlon, were mentioned to-dny as possible nominees. LOOK LIKE WILD ANIMALS Explorers llnd Spent Two Years on < oast ?f Greenland. Christiana, Norway. July 2S. ?Cap? tain EJnar MlkkelBon, the Danish Arctic explorer, and Engineer Iverson, who were rescued July IT on the coast of Greenland by a Norwegian fishing I vessel, after having spent more than two S'cara In that region, looking like wild animals when their rescuers, found ! them They had spent tho previous \ winter at Bass Rock Island, not Shani | rock Island, as previously stated, and ? It wax there that t'-.e Norwegians came i upon them In a cabin which they had ! built. j The first sign that there wer.? human beings In that neighborhood was a j wooden oar with the date 1012 cut In I it set up as a signal which tho Norwe iglan fishermen happened upon. In? vestigation disclose) the cabin. The I fishermen knocked en the door and I MlkkelSl n and P erson rushed out I nearly naked, with guns In their hands-. I under the Impression that the knoek '. Ing WS* caused by beasts of prey. ! Mlkkelsen liaei been very ill on the 1 long Journey to Bass Rock Island, anel I Iverson had dragged him a hundred miles on a sledge Fortunately, th> mcn hj.l enough ammunition to enable j ther,. at all times to procure food. GREAT SHORE CATCHES . 1 tiousmds of and < robs I.eft lllgb and Dry. j Mobile. Ala.. July 2s.?A "fish Jubi? lee.- chtlsCd bv a sudden Inrush of salt I water from the Gulf of Mexico Into : Mobile Bay. left thousands of live rlsh i and sea crabs on the Eastern Shore ? near Point i'lear arid Zundels this morning Vacationists at the hay re j sorts gatherer) th.-m In with baskets, land sonic remarkable fishing records , w.-re established G. Mert?, a wealthy . merchant of Mobil-, was one of the fishermen, ami his reward for a few hours' angling was ?.->:i flounders anel . slvty-tn ?> do'., t, crabs Residents of the Eastern shore re I sorts celebrated th.- -'Jubilee'' with a j public fish fry The phenomenon Is not unknown In these waters, hut I shore catches have never before been made In Such numbers. COLQUITT HOLDS LEAD l.otrrnor of Terns S.O(S) Votes Ahead of Judge Kantacy, ' Dallas Texas. July 2S.?With about two-thirds e.f the votes ,-ast in yester? day's Democratic primary election ari COtlni'ed for. Governor Colqultt main? tains the bad by about 8.000 over Ills competitor, Judge Ramsey. Congressman Morris Sheppard's lead Tor United states Senator has In? creased with the fuller returns. He I now has a majority e,f | u.OOO over all ' his competitors. Returns as to other offices are I iiieagr. Apparently, Congressman James Voting, of the Third District, ; and Congressman Oscar c. Aliowny, Twelfth District^ have been nominated: WELL OUT AT SEA jlttii Little Motorboots Arc Itaclng h flermudn. Delaware Breakwater Del., .l ily -* ?The two little motorboitts Which, jeft Philadelphia yesterday In i race t. Bermuda, are well out at sea th. Dream having passed this point at II 1". list night The Kuthemma, th, larger of the two boat.-, was consider ably ahead passing here, but h-- ?: time j ? as not taken by the mnr'nr ohs rver Sidna Allen Jones on 1 vial for iVlurder Montgomery, tin.. July 2$,?Sidna Jones, father of I . Walter deines, ii tio Is under arrest with his son on ehe e harte of having hilled Sloan Itowan, of ftenton, tin., Is second cousin to sidna tllcn. who llgtired lo shooting up >l>>' lllllsyllle, Vo.. ,'tmri several months a.-,., lie wns. Indicted us sidna .tones merely, ills name Is Sidna tllen Jones, In one ot the Inrtte hotels here Sidna Mien's name is written on the Wall along tilth n date, sine,- rubbed out, so) ing Ilten u ns in Mont? gomery nt the time, The Irlnl of voting Jones ?III he gin lo-niormiv. Minority of Committee Declares Attitude To? ward Steel Trust. GREAT COMBINE IS NOT SPARED Investigators Point Out Its Evils, Past and Present, but Believe It Can Be Brought Within Law?Interstate Commis? sion of Industry Recom? mended. Washington. July 2S.?A recoramcn-* datlon favoring tho legalization and regulation of big Industrial con:erns, I instead of their dissolution, will bo i submitted to the House to-day in a ro pori bv throe Republican memhers or the Steel Investigating Committee. ; The report Is signed by Representative C'.rdner. of Massachusetts; Young, of 'Michigan, and Danforth, of New York. ! Representative Young will submit an additional statement, and Representa? tive sterling, of Illinois, who b-llevea tri dissolving the big combinations, will 'submit n separate report. The report advocates the creation of ' an Interstate commission of industry to he clothed with extensive powers of regulations, and with power to fix rea? sonable prices for tho output of cor? porations. The report would requlr-a that all corporations capitalized, nt $50,006,060 or more operate under a charter to be Issued bv tno United States beforo engaging In interstate commerce. Smaller eorpira.tlor.a might avail themselves of the federal char? ter at their own option. Approves liruudcln BUI. All corporations availing themselves ot the 1 n'ted States charter would ha recapitalized at their .TStunl value. The report commends the wo.'k of the Bureau of Corporations. It also ap? proves tho so-called Rnndeis bill, which would transfer the burden of proof to defendant corprVratloc.s 10 show that they are in "reasonable" restraint of trade. It approves tha 1 measures calculated to provent inter? locking directorates, and of the Dem? ocratic members' legislative progrim the Republicans say: "The principles contained In the bills drafted by the majority are distinctly I worthy of commendation, and we givu them our approval. But If the policy j of dissolution favored by tha majority Iis to he pursued, much additional leg? islation Is required before proper dis? solution can be obtained. This logis Ilotion the majority has scarcely out ! lined." i Tili- Republican members make It j plain that the report is not an expres I slon of Republican .policy, or dictated by th.- Republican administration, In? sisting that the committee members stand on their own bottom In enunci? ating their views. steel Trust Not Spared. The report does not sparo the steel trust or Its organizers J. P. Morgan & C.v. are credited with a profit of 500."do for underwriting the organisa? tion of the United Stales, Sieel Cor? poration. Labor conditions In tne steel mills are declared t* tb? baa. and a suggestion Is made to tho corpora? tion to improvo them by working mIR hands in eight instead of twelve-hour 1 shifts. The report thus summarizes its findings: "The corporations was cnptlalize 1 at 11,400,000,000, of which nearly one half 'water.' "The average annual earnings of tha corporation have been from 11 to \i pel cent, on the actual value of Its assets. The corpotatlon controls a little j1. er one-half the crude and finished steel business of the United States. "The average wholesale price ot steel production ,:<.s fallen off since the corporation was organized. If "The corporation and all tho Inda, pendents have an understanding as to prices "The system of Interlocking direc? torates lias insidious consequences end facilitates 'inside management' and the shifting of competition. "The situation as to Iron-ore supply is crave- and may become menacing. "Labor conditions in certain depart? ments of the steel Industry are bad." Many recommendations are submlt j ted. although no bills have been pre? pared Tho working out of the plan contemplated Is left to tho future. Tho I minority epitomizes Its recommenda? tions as follows. "All corporations exceeding i?a.O.vrt. . In capital'zatlon or valuation must 1.'u<- ?n'ted states corporations be? fore entering Interstate commerce. For smaller corporations United States I charters are voluntary. 1 "AU UnUed State? corporations must be recapitalized at their actual value. Bt-rnininendH \c?% Commission. "An Interstate commission of Midua try. tike the Interstate Commerce Com? mission, to be established. rubliclty I to be provided for. ?When the price ti.\ed by a United States corporation hs..s been found to be unreasonable the Interstate com? mission of industry must publicly de? clare that fact and recommend a reasonable price, j Interlocking directorates and 'hold jlng' companies forbidden except when permitted bv interstate commission of industry. "If foregoing recommendations shall prove Insufficient to meet tho trust problem the Interstate commission of Industry; ought to be given r* carefully guarded : ? wer Id decree maximum prices when necessary "Industrial corporation* not to own common carrh 1 s. " 'Unreasonable reicralnt of trade* defined tirden of pr'obf of 'reason* abb ess' transferred to- the- defend? ant ''Individuals and States to have the (Continued on .-.\ur Tog-vi