Newspaper Page Text
Nationals Drop Back in Race for Pennant TIGERS POUNCE ON NATIONAL'S HURLERS Pennant Still Further Remov d as Boston Tri? umphs---Double Victory of Athletics Puts Them Closer to Climbers. Aftcl Mint \ nughn relieved solas ea?y cither, lu the third j h two on, Meeller hit one over i (ending two of hin Tom.i < 2-2.22 Total? ...? t 11 2? 11! 'Batted for Shrinks In eighth. I jUattcd for Vaughn In ninth. Scere by innlnpui It. I reshlnston .00320901 0?8 ?ttroll .I 2 0 0 0 2 ii 1 0-r> Summary; Fir?; la?* on error*?Washing-I ?n f Detroit, : I.oti or. bases?Washing oh, Detroit, :?. Ktr*f hn?e on Vinlls-Off lugho?. 3; off Vaughn, 2; off Mullln. 1. In-I ir.g? pitched--By ilushen. lj hy Vaughn, I; i > Miillin, Si-S: b> Wlllett. ? 1-3 Hits?Off fughf! 2. off Vaughn, 12; . if Mullln. Gi off j V'tllKtl f Struck oui ?By Hughe*. 2; by I aughn. '-'. by Mullln. 1. Home runs?Ons- | itv] Moeller Three-ba?* hlti-^JotieS and ri-.'.'crd. Two-base hits?Gandll, Morgan. Inlllnj Wlllett, Cdbb. Sacrifice hit?Deal. tn!.-T- hn?es?Cobb, Dusii <?>. Double piny* Morgan to McBrlde to Gandll. Wild pitch -Wlllett. Tim,.- of same, 2:ir Umpire Ivan? nr.d Egan. Attendance, 1.800 RUNAWAY FOR WHITE SOX S". ??. York. Auffllit 2'- -The Whit" Sot | nadi i runaway o! to-day's k?me with the r?cnrlns eight runs In the last hre* Inning? and winning f to t Warhop vork'd fi>r iliutout up to fir fixih. The; MAGKSTARI8 HIS SHAKE-?PIHTE?iVi Gets Murphy and Walsh From Baltimore for Four of His Veterans. t Special t? The TtmesiDispatcli 1 Philadelphia. Ph., August 22. -Coh 1. Mack lias start, d the long looked t-o shake! up in l.ts two seasons' cham? pionship teuilt, lu a swap with ltalti he g-ti. according to Managet ?lack Dunn. Kdelle Murphy and .llmnile Walsh, tlie two fast outfielders, and gives Bris Lord, the veteran outfielder, and Derrick, the young inlieldcr, al? lows Baltimore to keep Pitchers Dnn Inrth ami SlinWkicy, who haw been with Baltimore all the season and, pays I Con nb admitted to-night that the two new stars come here Saturday and would glv. his team added strength, and might make the Athletics dan? gerous in th,- pennant rate, but denied Hint he had agreed who would go to Baltimore. Men de \\ Ins linn,II,-up. K II. Mead* wop (lie Hermitage poll handicap tournament yesterday, his score being "!?> going eiiit and 39 Coming In, total. 77. With a handi? cap of six, his net Score was 71. which Wits considered remarkably good. "Kahn's" Silk Day $.'.50 Silk N'egligee Shirts. $2.25 S3.50 Silk Xegli?cc Shirts.$1.75 $2.00 Silk Undcrwcai . $1.15 ? 52.25 A Si n ., Athletic Shirt - and Knee I 'r.iwri-. KAHN's OF RICHMOND; 7H I.nst Broad St. Keiley- Springfield NUF SED CHEMI COMPANY, 629 E. Main Street, - - Richmond, Va. 1-?-? The buyer who knows the different automobiles will own a ?3k?hs^ ?'?nes M?*or ^ ^3r Co Allen Avenue and Broad Street. c5MOTOR CARS Gordon Motor Co. American League iti-isi i i s l i - 11 .im \ \. Itontoii, '.<: I Ii ? ??limit. t>. ,\i ?% Vork; I: ? IiIcmk... !'. \\ IIHhlUKtlMI, Ul Hi In.II. !?. Rhllndvlphin, Ml. I.iiiiIm, l i ilr-.t Rhllndelphla, lit SI. l.uiil?, i ST,\ Mfl.M. or TIIK i l.l.ll*. I list i lull-.. Wain. I..'-i. r.i . Verir. iionIoii .wi nil .im? .sis Wnshluglon . 7- l". .tilri . CM I'hliiidcliililn ui> tu .nun .?IUI t'Mcugn. r.7 ..-?I .'UNI llrl roll ..".(i 11.1 .|-| .iuv.1 i levelaud . .-- ill ,.|.|S .SIM \i'h link. -Mi 74 .::r.l ..KM) Si, Louis.:i7 t:> .am .'jus w mihi: TU Kl I'l. \ 1 TO-U.W, < lilcimo ill XCW 1 ork. St. Louis in Philadelphia. Detroit n? Washington, Cleveland n? [lOHlan. Vsnkees got on to Taylor, but Walsh was .-. nt In before tlu> could do any serious I damage, Score: t hlrago. ?n- \nrU. A 11 It 11 O A A 11 K 11 O A Rath. :b.... < a o SM'.MII'n, ?s * I 2 d 1i Mattlck, rf a : 1 nchusr. Ib.. I 1 2 > 0 r.ord. ff... ? 1 I ?Punlcls. i I c 1 I 0 Collins. lb.C n i 10 3 I'ad'nck. .lb 4 0 1 1 ? Rodle, If. .'. o .Slm'ns, :b 4 a l l 2 Welder, t*. .. ? I 'i Sllart'll, rf. i t) 1 2 0 Weaver ss l l JJjter'ctt, cf 3 (? o : i Sch?lk, <-... t ?; r, tSwcon'y. es o i jn j| Taylor, p.i o o o S Warhop. pi 7 !l 1 0 t Walsh, p... 1 l '.? o o ?caldwi i;.. o ! o o ?' ?Easterly... i 1 o o L'tWolvorton 1 e o o o Total? .. "?; v 11 77 79 Totals ...SI 4 10 27 11 "H.inod for Taylor In seventh. I Haiti l !??! Stcrreit In ninth .Ratted for Wartiop In ninth. Soor? by Inning*: ft. Chicago .o o o o e I 4 0 i?:> New t> 0 4 2 0 CO lr-1 Summnry; Two-baic hits?Weaver, l>an !<-!.?. Schalk, Lord; Collins. Three-base nit ? Mattlck. Sacrifice hits; MaMllluh, Rath (2). Sacrifice tly?Lord. Stolen bsscs?Simmons, Schalk. Doubl? plays?Weaver t.. colltm to !-? l.aik. SChalk ??> Weaver lo Clark. Left on bases?ChlcaRo, New Vork. 1. l'lrst bis. ,.n ball??-? 'ft "layl??r. 2; off Walsh. Ii oft Warhop, .'. Struck mit ?Ry Taylor. Ii by Walsh. ;. by Warhop. S. Hit by pitcher? My Warhop. 1 (Weaver). Umpires, Dlneen nnd O'Urleb. Attendance. R.MO ATHLETICS WIN TWO lad ipliia, August -Phl!art,.'r!d.i two ?anics from St, Loiils here to-day. or - b< ins ! In ' iitid 3 lo I The op.-n Poi tesi it i* v.,.n in (he ninth inning 'olllll's tingle, a puss lo tinker and ik'r. single, 'lit.- home team bunched (Continued rin Seventh Rage.) OPENING GAME IS WON BY TARS Poolc Is Steady, and Shipbuilder., Lose by Score of S to 3. Norfolk. Va . August 22.?With Pooh steady an<l effective on the ihoiind tor Norfolk, the Tors took the opening gain,- of the scries with the shipbuilders at Lafayette Park this afternoon hy the score of 3 to 3. Veivporl V(UK, Aft It I Hat. .-. r>b. & Klehbcrgor. rf. 4 Hooker, ef. 4 Maltis. If. :: Lake, e. 3 Auley. ss. 4 Carney. 21,. 4 Husky, lib. 4 Morrlsscy. p. 4 1 I 0 1 A. K :t < 0 ( 0 1 1 10 1 Norfolk, AH. I! 11 <? A I. Klrcher, 2b. 5 2 :?. :i :: ? Dodge. :ib. 4 1 12 2 0 Gordon, if. t 1 1 2 0 q Wallace, cf. 3 1 0 I 0 n Walters, rf. 4 0 1 I 0 ? Higbie, lb. 4 l> 1 0 0 ti Uraun, c. 4 6 2 1 1 1 P?ble, p. 4 0 0 0 1 n Totals.34 R 10 27 10 1 Newport fv'tus.OonoolOO 2?3 Norfolk . ...20 0 0 4 2 0 0 X?S Summary: Two.base hits?Auley. Three-base hits?Keller. Stolen bast's -Dodge (4), Maltis, Bates, Keller, Klrcher (2). Left on bases?Newport News. 7; Norfolk. 8. .-truck out? Mor:issey. S: Poole, t Based on balls Morrlssoy, poole, 1. lilt by pitched balls?>lorrlsse>. I (Wallace): Poole. 1 (Hake). Time of game. 1:45, Cmplre. O'Brien. Attendance. 500. STON TACKLES CHICAGO TYPOS Will Battle for Championship of Union Printers' National Baseball League. Hoston, August 22.?Hy defeatlnc St, Louis ' to 6 bete to-day Hoston was given t,.? opportunity to participate to-morrow in the tlnal gamcti of ill fifth annual championship tournament of tlie Union Printers' National riase ball League. Krller In the day Chicago, the pres. in champion of the leag easily defeated Wushington, I", to 2. A feature in the St. Louis-Boston game was a three-base hit by W?hler, of the vIsttltiK team. Which drove in three runs. COTILLION FEATURES PULASKI HORSE-SHOW _ Thirty-Two Riders Participate and Affair is Complete Success?Large Attendance ahu b irot-Ciass Entries Shewn. Pulaskl, Va . August ?The sixth annual exhibition of the Pulaskl HorseI Show Association opened here last ?light with an uhprokedoht?d attend-.] unco f"i thi opening night. The eventi Is one of the social events of South? west Virginia annually, and attracts visitors from ever} Sectloni J. H. M' Conibs, of Klehmond, V.l., and >\" w. Santord, of Orange, Vit., are Judges for the s. viral clttsses. The performance opeiied with a cetil 1 <-,ii by thirty-tw6 participants of the best riders In Southwest Virglria. Those H ling were: Mrs. II. K Trbllhgcr with] i'r w. \V. Challln, .Mis. Joe Eckman| with Ii Li Trollhger Miss Pearl Ull-'j Ipri with \V. .1 Harmon, Miss Mary j l^ohghoh with C K. J. Ki tcitson. Mlssl Anna Belle ChnlTIn with IrVin lilltss-l helmjer, Mis? Sarah Allison with K. H. Ilitruiun, Miss Ullie Trollnger with | Hensell llckman, Miss Jnnle Allison I wittt Mark Alexander, Mt?* Mary Beit With A B Comstock, Miss Fan Wil? liams, of Itlohmond, with Sidney B.l Steger; Miss Angellne Harvey with Prod Harvey, M,ss teilen Bell with | Allen Cloyd, Miss Bes* Hell with J. Tt. | K. Beil, Mi?s Mnry I.Ulisoti with l>r. A. M liushnng, Mis* Pratt with K. j i rat) Mips I.??ms. Black with J. 11.i j In I he Minor Leagues INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ?I Toronto TOrorito N, walk. 2. i AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ? ? SOUTHERN LEAGUE At New Orleans?New Orleans. -; mi his, 1. .,' !'..t uiii.Rham?Bltmingham, 3; Chattanooga. 1. Other games not scheduled. CAROLINA ASSOCIATION ark APPALACHIAN LEAGUE At ICnoxvllle Knuxvllle, (%'. Johnson ? SOUTH ATLA*NTIC LEAGUE t Savannah?Savannah, 3, Columbus n< Innings! At Columbia ?Columbia, 1,, Jackson Die, It if. Fori? ntan. The prize winners were: Class l?Bist park saddler, ieven en? tiles? First. Davy Jones, exhibited l.y W ,G. Carter; second. Prince George, exhibited by ii. 1. Trollnger; third. Stini .1 .. exhibited by J. Jj. Marlin? fourth, Habe, exhibited bv a F. Clark. Class L'?Best lady driver with polo team, four entries?First. Kid and Fdiih. driven by Mrs. Joe Keitmann second, Utdy and Mack, driven by Miss .lanle Allison; third. Ited P.ock and I Hoy, driven by Mrs. Baker; fourth, Nancy Hanks und iluttio Hall, driven, by M,ss Maggie Martin. Class :i?BOst gulled saddle horse, ten ? ntrtes?First, Nina, exhibited by Julius Butord; second. Diamond, cx-| hlblted by s. T, Crockett, third. Katie, exhibit, d by S. G. B?f?rdj fourth, Rebel, exhibited by Allen Cloyd. Class I Best lady rider on park sad? dle, three entries?First. Star, ridden by Mit? .lank Allison, second. Babe, -i l l' :: by Miss Josephine Allison: third, Bed Rock, i idden by Mrs. Baker. Clasi liest general utility horse. ? Ighi entries?First, prince, exhibit? ed by Miss Itlack: second, Panny peaver, exhibited by Miss Lewis rnes, o' Newport News; third, Roy, exhibited by I>r. Clark, fourth, Dia? mond, exhibited by S. T. Crockett. 1 i? a ? best pair matched horses, Bfivi i rntr'lej First. Nancy Hanks and lint,. Hail, exhibited by !:? M. Brpwh; sc,, Star and Habe, exhibit? ed by Ho.o.k und Clark: third. Robin and Cl aude, exhibited by H. R. nnd J. s. j nines; fourth. Kid and Edith, exhibit i d by D0UglaS8 Kelly. Class 7?Best lady rider over fifteen vein s of age, four entries?Firsts Frank, ridden by Miss Janle Allison; .I. Kn'hel. ridden by Miss Sarah ?His.ui. third, Hilly, ridden by Mrs. J. i. llort. fourth, Red Rock, ridden by Mrs B?ker, ? lass 6?Be*t Pulnskl County driv? ing liorse, five entries?First. June, ex hlblted by II 1. Trollnger; second. Lucifer, exhibited bv \V. \V Chaff In; third. Habe, exhibited by A. T. Clark: fourth, Nancy, exhibited by E M. ' lass 8 fx) ? Hcst lady driver with single horse, three entries?First. Tin? ker Bell, driven by Mrs. p. YV. Barnard; Iii I ond, Robin Adalr. driven by Miss Anna Belle Chaffln; third, Prince Ed? ward, driven by MisB Janle Allison. Class 9 -Bett gentleman rider on tailed horse. seven entries?First, Nina, ridden by D. M. Gloyd; second. I rank, ridden by C. C. Allison; third. H-Cbol, ridden by Allen B, Cloy.l. ???uith. Red Rock, ridden by N. E. BIs Clnss 10?BeM heavy harness horse, live entries?First, Tinker Reli, exhibit? ed b.S Miss f). \V. Barnard; second. June, exhibited l.y ii L Trollnger! third Robin, exhibited by II. R. James; fourth. Nortel, exhibited by C, W. Browning. Class II?One entry, not <-all"l Class 12 -Real green hunter, light weight, ihre? entries-Firm. Empress, exhibited b> H-.illnrd Pros. Others re? fused to take the hurdle. jCASTRO FORMS PLOT, BUT BUR KL'S STICK I CAUSES BIC UPSET Colts Win Fourth straight From Portsmouth in Spite of Dirt* fhre&ta and Mayer's BestAssort m nt?Right Gardener's Triple Turns 'J Virginia League It ICS P I.TS -, i>ii:iius Y, Iticknioud, 4: I'urlNiuoutb, I. Norfolk, s; \e?l>ori \.-%,?. a. Uuoookc, I; 1'it' rxniiru, I. SI'.\M?IX(i in < lull-. \\ on, IVIi rftburg ... Tu ii l< .... |{s Itumietke .... IIS Norfolk . Ill PortKniiiutli . . .".". Newport .v iii. e i l ii**. In \\ II101 tK l lll;t i i V > i U-ll \ 1 Portsmouth mi Itlcliinond. IVtrrnburtc hi llonnokr. N'orfulk ue Nruiivrl \n IIV GUS M V 1.1*1 :IC"I . l.ou Custro line! eignt other Sublets from tin- Custro family, never wanted anything In their lives quite ?i badly its they did thut ball guini yesterday. Had it hot been for Frank Burke they might have had. II. hit a tri;,;, in the eleventh; which scored two and won. It really wasn't so much the In-: trlnslc valitc .if thi game, for Castro must realise that lie has ho pennant] chances. But down In Portsmouth Lee tlarvlh claims that Boh Cafteir did him a mean, low down trick. It happened In the last game 01 the series and, merely to explain ? hy all were so anxious to win yesterday, the story is retold here. Gary in hit ns ntttt a sin? gle ns one could ivisl Into deep centre. | Peeling sure that It Would be a single, and knowing that it could rievi i I ? a double. Lee loafej all the way down to first base, while Bob hustled a bit. and with a perfect chuck nailed the Pirate backstop fully three feet away J from first and he was put. That, brief- i |y Is the story of what happened In Portsmouth. Now for what happened here. Castro se>cted Danny Mayei the star r,f .-ill ; the clubs in the Virginia league, when j it comes tu winning ball games. Charit CHIPS KEEP OP ING STREAK Tigers Unable to Stop League; Leaders, Club Outhittins Home Team. Ileiaiioke, V'a . Angus- 22,?Peters? burg outhlt Boanoke ami won easily. Th. Goobers made fifteen hits for twenty-three ins..?, hut fnst fielding by Ttoanoke held the score down. Hedgepeth whs strong throughout. l.utiKhlln and Howcdell s battiim fca turcd. Tlu . .. . lloonokr. A H R. H. O. A. P.. ' iraham, jf .:. i Kneaves, 3b. . ?'?inn. cf. Shields, "b. . Newton, bs, .. Vance, rf. Holland, lb. .. Latin, . c. . . Green, p. Burleson, p. . 0 o l 0 i 1 i 0 Totals Petersburg. A.B. ft. II. O. A E Anthony, cf . 4 0 l Morrison, 2b. t o l Husch, SS. -t 1 Spencer, if.-i 0 l Lauphlln. rf. 4 Barnctt, lb. t Howcdell, 8b.-l Brennagan, c . -t Hedgepeth, p .4 l l Totals.DC I IS Score by I ? Bonnoke . Petersburg Summary: St. rlson. Sacrifl Two-base hits Shields. v latughlln ( 1 ? ltoitnoke, ',. ' plnys?Busch H h in 2 2-3 Inn in it 1-3 innln Struck out l: peth, r,. Base ?: by Itedgepi 1:46. fmpir. 2 11 3 1 1 6 1 0 ?? ii n l :i ii 4 ?> 2oo l II o 0 13 o P.. .... 0 1 00 0 0 00 a-.-1 .... OOIVOAOIO -4 n bases - Husen. Mor? bus?New-ton. Ginn. Anthony. HOwedcll, Three-base hits ? er. l.ef t i>n h?is< - rsburg, 1. Double nett. Hits?off Green, ,,ff Burleson. 1') e.ft Hedgepeth, :. irleson. '.': by Hedge bulls?By Burleson. 2. Time of game? i N'amura. Great Shoe Values All lilts, w REK AT TIIF. PACKARD SHOP To-day w? place on sale 318 pairs o*. Oxfords, in all leathers and styles, at $2.65 the pair You need a jnir to linish out the season with ? ???I ihr in here. '.'IT I".. Mnln vt. Automobiles For Hire f. and ; passenger Cars. Hates from $3 per hour up. s. C. GORDON, 820 W. Broad St. Muelison 539. Strain volunteered to be led to slaugh? ter aga'nst tliu hitherto- Inv'nclblo, I .Mayer. After the dust of battle clear * cd, -Ii ratlur alter tin stretch lulling Iliad wailed and the curtain ha I been I drawn, the Culls were winners of a very nifty little ball gatne, thank you I ma'am, by the scor? Of t t? L And It] I uas won only after the most stubborn I sort ol resistance, every ounce of the light ?buck-spirit possessed by Castro's menials was brought Into play. The !'bu i total of It ail in thai the offensive slamming of the locals couldn't be ' checked. When they finally becamo acquaint .1 with Danny Mayer's stock oi shoo.a. they didn't mingle with any degree of aloofness, but waded in and ; grubbed him In bcarllko embraces, line Hun booms Large. The dubio ... among the crowd j 'present were very muchly of the I opinion that Portsmouth would surely! ! stet away with the Initial encounter j I here, and thereby gain the bulge on j . the series. Something of the plot ; ! which had been hatched on Ihe visit- j Ins bench was known and noised i around a bit. Mayei Is a name to con- J I iure with, ..specially when be Is against the Colts, To maki mailers worse the visitors had made one run In the fifth,' and with the two shies being retired In | one. two, thr.-e order that one run loom.-d about as large as the Elfcl I ' Tower. In the Iii?! four Innings both Bides w.r. retired without any serious! troubi. presenting. lioth Mayer and Strain were serving in great shape,, und the only person apparently w'orr cd (Continued on Seventh Page.; TURNER GIVES ANOTHER CHANCE Collins and Champion Get To? gether Again in Finish Wrestling Bout. .Ibe Turner has asreed to give Col- | Uns, the Western hoy. who lost to the champion In their l.>st engagement, a return match; The two win go to the mat iioxl Wednesday night In the ball park, the match beginning at <>:lf. o'clock. Tttrticr has agreed to bar the toehold except In getting opt of a hold. In other words, he will not use that dangerous hold to obtain a fall. As these two li.d1 put up a splendid exhibition whfn they ptst nut. much speculation it- being made as to the outcome. INCREASING CROWDS SEE LAST DAY'S SHOW Warrenton Exhibition Proves Success in Every Way, Ideal Weather Giving Enthusiasts Chance to Witness Good Sport. Warrenton. Ya . August 22.?Fully 9 000 people tilled the grandstand ntid promenade and witnessed tue closing day of the Fourteenth annual exhibi? tion of tne Warrenton Horse Show. Ideal w. ather, a perfectly sodd-d ring. Well Hlled classes, prompt judging and many clean performances characteriz? ed the enure day. The first part of the day was given over to judging heavy draft stallions, thoroughbred brood mares, heavy draft, two-years, heavy draft yearlings, general utility, half hied two-year-olds and ponies un? der saddle. The Itobln A'Dalr cup for best pony under saddle was won by .lob's Coat, ridden by if. Clav Brittle Bowles Brothers claimed both classes of pairs In harness and both tlrst and second place The old fav? orite, David Cray. won the heavy? weight lumpers. The class o' ladies' harness horses waj finally won by Dr. Gerald O'Brien's Wembley Queen, driven perfectly by Miss Borna Hustle ton. In this class Mrs. I'otts. on Brocken Kose, made n spectacular per? formance, and was given second place. Irish Nora, the chestnut mate ,,f the Blenheim Firm won in the green hunt ei class. Algoma; ridden by Miss SwartZ; wan placed second In the clnfs of ladles hunters. Mrs Julian Morris won the Sliver plate offered by Harris and Shaffer, of Washington, in the class of ladle-', hunters; also the C W. Smith memorial plate in the class for Corinthian hunters. Mrs Allen potts' Bracken Hose won in the runabout ? lass with Dr. Gerald O'Brien's Wemb? ley King, driven by Miss Koma llustle tnp. second. The Flk Ridge Hunt, of Maryland, won the hunt teams, with Warrenton flub second. The consola? tion class wa- won by Dr. Carter, he longing to E. tfuhton Louche. Summaries. Class 8?heavy draft stallions? | First, Wcnona Granger, J. T. Rnmoy. j Class 2?thoroughbred brood mares I ?First, Ansonella, J. K. Maddux: sec- ' ond. Crest Hill, William Skinkcr; j third. Clasher, J. K. Maddux. Class 11?Heavy draft, two-yeSr-olds I ?First Rrookslde Pan, Ros?dale ] f-tock Farm: second, Daisy. .1. B. Rector: third. -. J. S. Hutton. Class 10?heavy draft yearlings?| First.-, J, ,11. McCnhe. second, Fanette, Walker and James, third. ??. Amos F. Payne. Class 1 ?general utility, two-year olds?First; Silver Top. F. I. Rednton; second; -. H, S Hutton; third. Lit? tle Wonder, Tollie Dowell, Clnss 4 -h'alf-bred, two year-olds? First, silver Top. B. I- Redmon; sec? ond. Grazeilo, II. P. Kelly; thlr<l, -. W. S Sowers Ponies under saddle for P.ol in A'Dalr cup?First, Job's Coat. Heat land's Slock Farm, Clay Brittle up; .second, Wembley Queen, Dr, Gerald O'Brien, Elizabeth Olhb Up; third. Bter Pox, ow.ied and ridden by Thomas T?rbull, Jr. Class 17?ponies In harness?First. Bowles Brothers. second, Bowles Brothers. Class 32?hea v) weight hunters? First, Davis Gray. Julian Morris, sec-I ond, Peaceful Henry; Leigh ton stables; thirst, may Cloudy, Mitchell Harrison.] Class i:u?laili, s' harness horses? i First, WcmbieS King, Dr. Gerald O'Br'en, Miss Roma Hustleton drlv-1 lng; second. Bracken Rose, Mrs. Allen Putts, third. Black Cloud, Mitchell ! Harrison, driven by Miss Lucy A, Head, of Ctilpeper. Claas it;?horses In hsirnesst, 'ex? ceeding 15,2?Fittt, Ely stockwell. \V. B Bullock; second,-. Bowks Br.othets, tnird. -, Bowles Brothers. Claas groen hunters?First, Irish Nora, Blenheim Farms; second, Chanoe, b. t" DeButt?; third, Port. w. F. Wilbur. Class L'u, saddle horses?First. Ta- | more, W. o. Fletcher; second; Bracken ; Kosen, Mrs. Allen Potts; third, Mont- I rose Dr. A. C. Randolph. Class 30. ladles' hunters, silver plat*, i given by Harris ?,-. Shaffer?t trst, I David Gray. Julian Morris, Mrs. Morr:? up; second, Algonia, Blenheim Farms,] third. Tacotiltc. Julian Morris. Clas* 35. Corinthian hunters. C, \V. : Smith memorial plate?First. Tacon'.te. Julian Morris, lecond, David Gray, Julian Morris; third, Kcswlck, Julian Morris. Class 21, runabout horses?First, Bracken Rose, Mrs:. Allen potts; sec? ond. Wembly King, I>r. Gerald O'Brien, driven by Mr.- ituina Hustleton; third. Teddy Bear. Heartland's Stock Farm, driven by Misj Helen Morton. Class 31, hunt team??-First, Klk Kldge Hunt; second, vVarrcnton Hunt Club; third, Keswlek Hunt. Class 37, consolation class?First, Dr, Carter, E. Hi Leache. second;-, .;. \V, Payne; third, Silver Crest, R. H. Dul?ny. Notable guests present. A. W. Trot? ter. West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. b. C. Sands. Jr., MIddlcburg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. McKcnzii Tabb, Hppcrvllle, Va.. A. tionlon Jones, Washington, D. c.; Robert s. Sidlniah, W'ost Virginia; ?John A. Spllman, V. s. N.; H. C. Spll man, Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Wilbur, Philadelphia; Miss Thurber, Long Island. MitS Pollard, St. Louis; Mr*. John Cttrrback. Lynchburg. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. X. M. Gilbert. Harry s. Paste. Mr. and Mrs.- .1. p. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Westmoreland Davis, Mrs. E. Nelson Fell, the Misses Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell; Mr. Thorne. New York: Mrs. J. A. Hell. Miss Mildred Lea veil Misse? Lucy and l'?eane Pull- i man. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Narrow, Mr. ! and Mrs. C. J. Meetsc, Mr. and Mrs. : William F. Wilbur; Miss Morton, Chi- ? cogo; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ncsblt, Miss Dudley Powers. Mr and Mrs. M. .c. i Pilsen, Mrs. E. W. Glbb, Mrs. D. C Mahan, Miss <". Collins, Mr. and Mrs. . Kppu Htinton Mr. Egbert I.elnh, Jr., Mi. William H. Wiilte. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallach, Mis. and Miss Till Inghast, Mrs. K. A, Bra: tow. Judge and Mrs. C. B. N'lcoln,' Mr. .lames It. Graves, President \V, W- Pihicy, Mr. ana Mrs. Basil Hall, Mrs. Allan Potts. Mrs. William Armstrong! Miss houk Ins. Miss Hilbert. Mrs. O. T. Crosby, Miss Crosby, Mrs. Taylor and the Misses Triyor, Miss Elizabeth Brooks. Mr*. 10. B. limn and Mrs. W. C. Mar? shall PIRATES BREAK EVEN WITH M'GRAW'S CLUB Cuba Win, Thereby Reducing Giant Lead to Just Four Games?Mighty Mathewson Loses His Fourth Straight. National League HKS I I.TS VESTBIIDAV. Clncltinntl, I| Phlludclphiu, : i blcBK?. IT; lloaloa, I. St. I.ouls, Ilrooklyn, ?. IMtlMburKh, 3) Nc\ \ orb, ^ Kam? >? I'ltt-ilniruh, <'i >>? Vork, s um] Klimi'l' STANDING OK Club*. Won. Xcw \ i>rk. 7S Cblfono ".*> I'lttabursrh ... ?7 Pbllndelphla . M i Inclnnntl.r.:i ?-t. I.oiiIm. Ml II ruiil. i > tt 12 Huston . :i. TUB ( I I MV I n?t Lost, l'.t ? Yriir. S3 .To:i .Hl." ?H .Hill .Ulli ?Ii ,r?tis ,iivi :.7 .4811 AHH 1:2 .IUI .480 64 ,43-S .r. 19 T3 .808 .Hsil 80 .'-mi .'.' 13 will It I i THE! Pl.AY TO-IJ \ V. New V orl. in Pitt ?.hureIi. \o oibrr Kinne? acheduled. l'tttaburgh, Pa.. Ausust R.?Pltuburgh won the first |r;ime of a rouble-header by 3 to .'. and Sew York the lecond b> l to ? I'lttarturcth lill Mi!h'?n,n opport ihely ar.d "nn the Hr?t (rame. although the S'eW York teairj made a grand linish and 'rttne near unlnlng the victory, Wartner hur the atar of tne game, battlnc t?o ?lnftiicl and a doubl?, ar.d ?eoriuir two runa. I r, :!.. ??r.,nl gam,- the New York lean l.h.i two l.m111 tiar ra'.>?. 6na nt the itart and the other Ht tht nnlih Th>y hit the home leant ?afely thirteen tim?? t >r a t-,'a! e.' twenty-four i>aji - I>;!ir,g a lull in their baiting Pittsburgh tl'l tie score by hittln? Marouard vlgorotigly in th- ?eventli binlr..;. In the next Inr.lre. h<???-*er. the (llunta had tlolr ?.Torid butting rally, getting two ?!n ? ?-. ?? <:? .< ... and a trlplj off Warner Rave there, t;;r-. run* and the gable. Wai?. ii'i made a home tun In the ninth. Score? I J It - i li DIE. New Y ..rk IHt-bunch. AR H II OA M, Ti U O A S'gran, If. i 1 1 1 1 Mentor, cf i 0 0 : 0 l>oy;e, So., i 1 ?0 I Carey. If.. i 0000 H-ck?r. rf J o o ; ?Byrne, ;b . i o { tl Murray, rf. i 0 1 2 CtVatrn'r ai t 2 ] f < Merkl?. il i t M 0Miller, lb toil 0 H?ring. tb, i 0 : I Jwpion. rf. I 0 ,3 2 0 Myert, c... ? 0 0 1 1 Butler. fb. J 0 2 1 0 Flet'er. as.. 3 0 2 3 Ir.irson. e. J J n < I Ma'.'son. p. 1 0 o I lcam'lta. J e u o s Orandall. p 0 0 0 0 1 ? ?M'Cor'Ick .1 0 0 0? tDevoie .. 0 D 0 0 0 1 !S Umpires, Jnhnstone and Klem jii. tends ni <?. 10,000, ' SECOND GAM"K. New York. Pittsburgh. AUK HO A AB RH OA ; E grass, It. 6 0 I b 0 Hofau, et 1 : i 10 : Uoyle. :b . * p j ? i Carey, it.. s i s < o llitcker. cf. 6 o <? 3 OUyrne. io . 5 a o l t I Murray, it. ? 1 1 t | Wugn'r an ? i 4 1 r Merkle, lb. 6 l l i o.Miiicr. lb s o 3 r l Herzog, 3b. I 1 : t 1 Wilton, rr. 4 o o * o Myers, c... 4 s i s 3nUiitr. ;b. 3 o c s I !?':??''r. IS.. I 0 1 ] KJIbson c 4 0 J ?? ft Msr'srd, p. 4 1 1 o isjtn'ons. coot i o II? ndrix, p j eg 0 0 Warner, p i o i o o P.0 ? 0 0 i) ?Vlox . 1 ? o O 0 ' Mi nzon, ..ooooo lM"Ca>thy. 1 o o n o r ,n \p " ? to?*'" "?hl--i [Bitted for Olbgon in ninth. Se?yYnS?" ,n "'^ Kle. Decile. Carey, Wagner. Myers, Thma bast hits-Murray Hersog, Fleteh.r w?gl ner. Snedkriua Sacrifice Mi-iifrjor. 6tol JlT^le. Left on bates?New Ve-ie ? btirgh * IHts-OH He. I, . ; ? , ' ? J:' , " V- ..rn.r I In . Ihnlnsi Flrt la"'* fan Msrauard; Ii ?rr Warner, i Struck ; ?; M nyart. !; hy HtndrU. I Hit by Kand t*iH~ mVii?' AH*rt0>>- "'nplroi, B R 0 0 K L Y N ~EASY~ WIN NER St. Loult. Mo August n.?Breeklrn fell on Steel and Ort? to.d<ty' for fifteen hit" ncludlnK two dniih'e.. j..,lr trip',,s ?n<1 % ? - winning 3 to 6 Ytngllng wat lilt nsra at first, hut r-ettlod <lo?n and pttcli?d w?il. Manager Itresnahan claimed ? hart been made in the seventh Inning ?t d wa? **n\ 10 Ih? clubhouao by L'mplr* Iii?. Si. Loult. Brooklyn. . AB RH OA AB R HO A Hup In., lbs : ! 4 5-Mr.ran. e' i I | i o M ' ? ? 113 0 1 North's, il l I IIB MO? rev, 3b 3 I 0 ? a|J. S Ith.Sb i : a 0 ! hon li>. lb I 0 : is IDaub't, ;r. ., 1 J lj 0 Brans, rf 1 0 : t, 0 Wheat, if 3 t 1 : 0 Hauler, SI. I : 3 1 jCutt'w. :o ? 1 ; i 3 et 4 ? j 1 Fisher, |(. i 0 1 0 t V.ingo. ? ..?,, ; 3 IKrwIn, r . 4 t \ ? j M'eir. p.. 1000 lYln'ltnr, r? J 1 ft 1 Oeyer, p... 1 o A o 1 'Snilth .... 1 e 0 -1 it summary: Two-bate hlU-Maitee, Whi>? J.J?HNS0N CAN'T FIGHT Ifl G0THAl\ Negro Champion's Presence In? imical to Game, So Je?nnette Bout Is Off. New Vom, August ti ?Tin- Jai k Johnson-Joe Jem.neu. boxing match, sot for September at ti.<> St Nioh dns A. ?.. wrf:. declared or: this afterni "lor the betterment of the sport" by Jesse and Fdward McMahon, the pro motors of the bout The McMahon brothers culled off the match aft.: 1 conference with the State Athletic Commission. "There has been some adverse crltl 1 Ism about this mut<-h." Edward M, Mahon said, "and the commisstoners apparently do not want it to be held. That Is why we are calling It off? for th>- betterment of the sport. The commissioners do not want Jack John I t. :.. appear in a match In New York 1': t y." "The commission decided long aco." said Commissioner O'Neill, "that Jack Johnson would not he permitted to h?ht h,-re. We believe now. as we did then, that the presence of Johnson In n rltiR contest In this State would be Inimical te, the best interests of boxing, the status of which has great? ly Improved under the Frawley law." amu?l mrnrc RICHMOND vs. PORTSMOUTH Game called 4:30 P. M. A d mission. 33c. Grwdsland._ISe. BIJOU OPENS >lt?M>\V Mf.HT With East Season's Great Success, "The Goose Girl" A Great Play From a Great Book. Se ats now selling. ? ? ' j Crnit?ion? Excursion to Danville, Va. and Central North Carolina August 23rd via Southern Railway Hound trip fare to Danville, $3.50; Greensboro, $1.00; Salisbury and Char? lotte. $4.50. Good returning until Au. Ktist 2t>. I?>ave Richmond 10:45 A. M. Coaches and Pullman ears. Consult Southern Hallway tickst agents, or write S. E BURGESS, D. P A., Richmond. Tei- Morrow. Saturday, August ?.?Hh, Kesnlek'a Band, Polk Mill, i'n Old South ?lunrter. Hon? Leaves nt BiSO P. M. km BRSION?V. M. C. A.?MOOXLIGHTl