Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market ileh formt t uro. RH iiM')M> it?< K M IruiKT. arc Bond r- k- . 1?IE E Main Street* .-c -iB '?. O.2. C. ar.J B . V , 7AILROAU BONDS I brsis. and a.a. Con Si isij. us >r. arid West Ryi ?g, 1995. abcard Air Uln? 1? KS6. SI B. Dev. and r$ j.; <s ;yjj. ? STREET RAILWAY BONDS. I >? R}*. and Power Co :?. i I'REET fiV. fTf'CKS. Par. 1 Ry. .md Power Co rffd ? H ?? B>. and Power Oo. com.. . 1: , RAILROAD STOCKS, Par ? 1 1 orfoik and western com.10 mthtrn Railway r-fd.10 -i otitherh Railway com.i{-> ;o BANK AND TRUST CO STOCKS. merlc&n National.100 '.'33 road Strict. is ? ank of Commetce and Trusts.10$ t9? ?ntr?I National Bank.1OT ommonwcntth Bank.101 Irst National.ICO syj itcrchanti National.log t-oo d.chunloj and Merchant? .. Catlonal State nr.d City Bank Ifti }cs ilchmoml Bank nnd Trust Cr, is . Ilchmonfl Trust md sa\s <\ iavlngs Bank of Richmond. :.' do V.lnn B?nk of Richmond. 5; S.V. Vest End. :3 C iifecteLLANKbus. 'n.-Car. Che m. pfd, * p c.K0 IA n. Bulldlr.s ?r.d Loan Co . ...100 100 Quotations for Interest-paying bonds 1 a prlc< to which Inter'en milst h. a,! iicomt bonds and certificates o: Ir.dtl h< sa ?re Nat. BOND LiST. Atlantic Coast Dine lit It fbld).!'.!"!!'! Jj(^ Atlantic Coait Iflne-L. and N. is. :?, A, C. I., to:.v. (in Baltimore 1. nnesapeake and Ohio com. iUs. Listen and Myers ?? ." Liggett and NHieri fiu/bid)..j? Lorl .?rd Company f J. ????? Lortllard Comj in; ?b!d>. !.-.? Norfolk am Western cohv. 4s fbld)_ tifl Seaboard Air Line stamped 4s <Mdi . . v; S. aboard Air Line stamped t- (bldi Southern Railwa) <?.....;{?? Southern Railway ,'s....vlM? Caited States ,-to<: Jnd 5s_. ii. I' S. registered -?. IJSj (bid) . inj II S. registered .!. ISIS ibid.;r V. S Panama new ?s bid Virginia-Brown Bros, ctfs (bid)".; ts Va.-i.a- chem, t? ithld). .. . ;?? Vdi Ry. and P6w>r Co ts (a*ked)..... Wiibael. deb 1s biet). C? WHbash -Pitts Teri hi 1. f Ol I <is MARKE I ? press frni ua Fcbim Mnr'h April M V lar.ili ??>! geJ.v THE UNION BANK OF RICHMOND 1107 E.\S'P MAIN STREET. .100 MAKES A STAUT, i Pt CENT. INTEREST. Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York BV THOMA Open. High. Low. BUAXCH CO Closing. Uii ASKed s.,K-; r> Stock. Open. Hitch. L Mi ? f.l. 1.1 00 Interbori Im. Met ? MUi Ii.? . oiu. International Paper1 . bio in. Paper. I'l l . "N :;?> Lehlph Vnlle> .Ija t/O Liggett a ml M S er *. com -l" Llifn it an 1 Myers, ptd. ??? j o I. irill n il '?' >u Co. i ?on. ii'i ; ?? l. . ilsvllh an I Nashville ltd Meal* a ;. IVil'oli \lm ? ? >s\t Miami 1 Ipppor .? 2r94 3.Shl Missouri r'.i< Mb- . ', Mo? Knn iiinl T< sas? i$% fM N'atlonul Biscuit . l-M>r& ? N itlcnal I.' .nl . ?'?"i Bj. ? Nov.- York Central . . nVH ifO N V'.. tint ami Western Si's I if ft) Sol I'olft an.i Western llt>ag ?. ? X i tiiern Pucltlc . '-i'j i l'i On Lit* r v aini st. i.. ,'om n ? I' . ? ? '' .ui.l st. Li. pfcl. . . iOJ'Plttsburgli Coal. com... -"? Pressed Steel far_ i;1 I'n si ...| Car. pld. By .-t? el spring, corn . ''2. Leaning. 1701* f?l i V 11' Iron mid Steel .?: fi> U<, i .,.?] s . pfd. i" 1 " 'Flock Island. i ? ? i; icK Island. i>r?i. fc."i, Sen hoard Air Line, coin, i ? s. nhohrd Air Lin. . pf'l. ?.*, Slos*>Sheffield . I.IOj Southern Pa< lie. ii->? ? ? Sout hern It illwup. l.ufl Southern Italhvay, pfd. m Tetinis.sec Copper . W ? Union Pa< in .KBi l!i iti tl - Km bc-i . :i 1 i.'nit. d state* st- ? i. ;.,?? i l'iii?. ,i ,-t, . :. i fd I1B4 i' S i !ast Iron I'm-. 1 Va.-Cii r. < [lieinlcn! .... tv-. "*n -Car. Chemical, pfd. i to Wl ish pfd.. Wes tei ii i'nioi Weyman-Bruti HVi IIb?. m'-j 1?H flVb b ." i - . - IIa Sol., 1121 " tlH ? ir day, 36I.S00 shares. . ? 0 ? ts over last week's c ait Spot coitoi fly and unchanged: mtd.Vtr.c It : ? on lh? ?in' 'S bn''-? Futures , .'.\ .<?? ii net advance of HVfi 31 points September, 11.04; October, 11.25; 1'? St. 11 19; January, !-. March, It.56; - I.OCAl. MABKKI 4|VOTATIONS. ? i i.? \ i i QUOTATIONS Ol MABKK : I ... ??- Ini ?e, yo?n?. lb. 1? St !' ' In crater, nearby, fresh, doz i ? i hit t eb. ? LIVE STOCK. Veals, choice to fancy; lb. O i'eals, poor to fair, lb. t m Valves, runners, lb. I ? iheep, !b. t w .amis, spring, lb. ( ii ..r: ., :alr to prime, lb. 4 tf logf. lb. < o COUNTBY-CURRIl IAACON Hams, v...! smoked, srnail, lb. (J Hams, w< :l smoked, :argc. lb. :( a ?ides, well stacked, lb. ?VsQ .I n, well smoked, lb... UV?? 111 DBS Iry lb. ;i <* j.-y .-a t. lb. M n Iren. salt, lb-. 12 c jfei h. '.b. U ? Ireen. damaged. It.. g u Tallow . t> er Setawax . irr y WOOL "h.. Unwashed fr?? of burr.s j? "*> . unwashed, lightly hurry. vt Sf ;hi, unwashed, meiliiith l urry. .0 Sf Jh., unwashed, heavy bur.y. 27 ?J Market Conditions?All lines active NEW VOKK PBODCCB MA It K KT. ? ! 11-1?; Ms: . 11,01'i " . I- iits -Steads rieef Firm. ! ?iv C F. Mccs ( II l( AC.ti ti BAIN M \ It BEI i n II.MOi l> (.it \|\ m 11(KF.T, 3 <new). u Irglnli. lots, now- <. vo RICHMOND HAY MARKET. Richmond; v.l.. September 3 t?i: " n? '' quotation*, on the Rich r.d Itnv Exchange: :ir lotj-Old or New ? 1 timothy. O 23 iii 2 i'lmoth). i- m 3 Tin >tb) .u:<? s ht Clov. r mixed. j - 1 Clover, mixed. 51.00 ?? 2 Clover, mixed. Nominal 1 Clover. .Nominal , - Cl?v" . Nominal RAW,?Compressed . <j 4.00 raw? Loosejpressed, I'?* bales ? woo Load >our - .i> !.o that hay at doors rep; f?iit? contents and thus avoid reactions Thlii market grade.", hay In accordance :h the National Hay Association. < \ I I 1.1 M \ UK KTS. rHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET (Sates ni Ifnlon stock Vnrdt- 1 R|i I mend V.i. September ?. IMS, ? of ::..? liv? sto.k for the week goo 1 . r.? 1 "inmon t . !? 1 :- 1?, fi 5i fresh cow! head Rest veal i alves. 7tjc. i fiti, 1 7c . dlekii 4<i .V.; b<s ; shoals. 7 0THc.; aows an imbs, S4T7c : eommor sheep. ". . common to fat :.M pigs !'"??:": bulk of sa>s. *,?: <-heep-Rf. efpn 36.000 head Mark? Native, 13.4(1? 4.7k! western. ISiSOt i-earilriiis, M.tyitfri ?*; lambr. native. ji western, Sl.<0?|7.!10. Vork September 3 Reeves?Receipts id; u" trading; feeling steady Calves ipn head. Market generally veals i ? J.tOi < u::?. 5-? ?'?e?. gras. nd hu'tternillks!. SPfr6,00. Sheep and i_Receipts 4 W h'.i! Market steady. <. ti ?: i ?" '. culls, <? W ?? 2 2SI limb*. . eulli isajs.25 I logs?Receipt? . .? Market easy at t:.*:!H pie* v'-i Southern pigs. V .*; roiiBhi. 5* 53 RICHMOND rODACCO market. Richmond, Va . September 3. 1912. tying fir' 'he quotation* on the Rich lend Tob ici ? Exchange: RROW'X SHIPPtNO. ? - hurt leaf. a :? ?Y ?.?0 .eng leaf . J.Ot) .1 12.00 V rappers .10.00 53 1M9 PniOMTF. MOKERB -Common . 7 00 ^ S.Si Mdluin. 1000 ?i :.voo line . 12 4? <8 15.00 Medium . Fin- . . Farn ?? .......'..'.".'.V.V.V. I I I.I.CR.- ' 011:111011 . Merl I um . Good . I? W'''?''?*-<*ommon "??i ?loorl . Fine. SUN-CUREDr^NEW. Bust. ''?Simon to good. I.u.c- good to prim. . ;;ort Long W : r, i p ??"-f Bl I AXEOt s M IBK1 I-. DRV r.O'->n.< MARKET '?' ?'? September ?.-?ire cotton go< ?? ;?? stead, sfte'i the holiday. ] it :. rt from lae johnlng trad- ure i 11 good volume. Bilks are being ' ?? spring on aiwr th< kam? h.i -: year by some prominent hous art sf<i.d>. A good jobbing trade NAVAL STor.rc? Savannah, Ga . September 2. ? Tu.-per.tln Firm at :?'?, '? 1 -i,.- ; sa>? 1.977 .asks: ?elpts I "-.; caslts shipments US cask*: *t< M,;}"3 cask*. Resin - Firm: sales 3.1*5 harre receipt V.o barrel?: shipment*. 1,04ft !>,ir:. ? lock ?*?'?-?. barrels Quote; it. | MARINE IX I Bl I II r.Nf E PORT OF 111- IIMOND, PHPTEMBET. ] ARRIVED. Steamer Brandon, Barney. Norfolk, mer rhahdls? and pastengtrs. Old Dominion Lino, S'eamcr Aurora, Furnian. Tetertb iri and James Klv.r landings, merchandise at.: pas *? r,gcr*. I.In?. SAILED. Steamer Brandon. Barney. Norfolk, mer? chandise ami passengers, On! Dominion l.tne. Steamer Pocahonta?. Oravcs, Norfolk and James River landings, merchandise and pas? sengers. Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Aurora. Furman, Petersburg and Jamca River tendings, merchandise and paf ?engcre Purinen Line COUNCIL ORGANIZES BY ELECTION OF OFFICERS li.-.-iiniiiicndntlf.ii.? Made in < ommunlea t ion From Incoming Mayor .1. P. Itn?e. [Special to The Time i-DIsp it< ;?*??. Frederlcksburg, Vs., September 3 ? The Row City Council met last night and organized by the election of \VJ K, Bradley, president; \V. .s Err.hrey. vice-president; S, E. fjastburn, clerki The following city officers were unan? imously elected A. P. Howe, collector of city taxes; Dr. .1. X. Barney, health officer; J. H. Robinson. W 11. Hall. \V. N. Tansill and J. A. .Stone, police officers A communication was re? ceived by the City Council from Mayor J. P. fiowe. who entered up? on bin term yesterday, being elected at tH> election in June Mayor R?WO made a number of reeornmendntlons tu trie Council, among them sotting aside lltirkuinp Park for the exclusive iiSe ??f white citizens and esta bushing a playground there ror white children, cleaning up and keeping in order what Is known us Potter's Field and making d portion r.f it it park for the colored people exclusively. He also recommended that the City Coun? cil Dike up the matter of hnldine; ah ? lection on the iju.-Mlon of ijunp'il forv education. Mayor Howe succeeds Incorporated 1832. VIRGINIA FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OP RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Eightieth Annual Statement, January 1, 1013, Asseta . SI.ei I.OKS.OO Nrl Surpill*. 0011,031.00 Surplus (u Policy-holders. 856,1131.00 WM !I PALMER. P.-c.-ldenr. TV. H. MCCARTHY, Secretary. E. B. ADDISON. Vlco- President. OSCAR D PITT?. Treasurer. of tlis- company is to cany a strong cash reserve against The Government requires National Banks to carry a rcscr\ e of 15 per cent. At the close of busino-s yesterday our re?cr\e amotintcl to over 30 per cent. Three per cent allowed on accoipit'-. subject to check. Virginia Trust Co. RICHMOND, VA. Capital, One Million THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND THE NATIONAL BANK OF VIRGINIA Have ratified the recommendations of their respective Boards of Directors, consoli? dating the two institutions under the name of the OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Previous to moving into their elegant new building, the combined institution will occupy, beginning September 3d, temporary quarters at 900 East Main Street Corner Ninth and Main amply prepared and equipped to take care of the customers of the old institutions and such others as may feel the desire to take advantage of enlarged facilities. While this institution is now the largest between Philadelphia and New Orleans, we desire the public to distinctly understand that SMALL ACCOUNTS ARK CORDIALLY [N VITED AND WILL BL ENCOURAGED. A modern, up-to-date Savings Department will be maintained and conducted for the benefit and use of the thrifty. W. M. HABLISTON, Chairman of the Board. JNO. B. PURCELL, President. .INO. M. MILLER, Jr.. \ ice-President. W. M ? ADDI SON. (lashier. CHARLES R. BURNETT, Asst. Cashier. W. P. SHELTON. Asst. Cashier. ALEX. F. RYLAND, Asst. Cashier. J. C. JOPLIN. Asst. Cashier. O. S. MORTON Asst. Cashier. JOHN TYLER Asst. Cashier. W. H. SLAUGHTER, Asst. Cashier. JAS. M. BALL Jr.. Auditor. BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. M. Addison. IL L. Cabell, T. M. Carrington, T. A. Cary, A. H. (Ihristian, Jr., (,eo. L. Christian. S. Dabney Crenshaw Charles Davenport, G. A. Davenport, Jno. C . Easley, VV. M. Ilabliston, Chairman. 0. H. Funsten, Eppa Ilutuon, Jr.. Jno. M. Miller, Jr.. Frederick E. Nolting, John B. Purcell, \\ m. T. Reed, R. C. Retinoids, T. M. Rutherfoord. E. A. Saunders, Jr., F. Sitterding, 1. Stern. S. W. Travers, J. G. Tinslev, B. Rand Well ford. \. D. Williams, F. D. W illiams. John Skelton W illiam l". C. Williams, Jr., Jno. T. W ilson. Henry W . Wood, Coleman Wortham, CONDENSED STATEMENT September 2, 1912 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. ( Hher stock and bonds. I'nitcd States Bonds. Premium bh United States Bonds Cash and due from bank-. Capital Stock . Surplus and undivided profits. Unearned discount . Accrued intercut and taxes.... L'npaid dividends. Circulation . United States bond account. L>< spostts . deposit at trustee s committees. LIABILITIES. 3 644.717 21 84 1,953,500 00 6.57s 33 3.707.991 43 $20.167,632 81 022.000 107,352 77,644 924 843.897 034.400 314.401 00 64 00 00 61 766,952 33 $20,167^632 81 II lywis Wallace, who served the city for the past four years as Mayor. Mayor Howe's term is for four years from September 1. With the advent of September the oyster season will soon open. Oysters from private beds are now coming Into market, hut the longing season for public rooks does not begin until September lii In Virginia waters Dredging In all waters open to dredg? ers. Including the Potomac River, will ? ?pen November 1. Reports are to the effect that there Is an abundance of oysters this year, and they are in fine condition, especially In the Rap pahannock River. ' iptaln R. C, Vance, of "Mansfield Hall" Farm, near this city, will send B large exhibit of stock, Including thirty-one cattle and twenty-five hogs, to the Sttite Fair at Richmond. Extensive repairs are being made oh Old Aqilla Church, In Stafford <"..?:m >' Notwithstanding the careful attention which has been given to this venerable building, the wear and tear of years nre manifest, and a large section of the walls need re? newing. This Is being done, and the church, which wns built in Uf.T, will soon be in excellent condition. Ser? vices during the summet have been held In the parish hall nearby. Rev. (leorgo Victor Bell, the new minister in cTlflrge, Is doing good work. Rev. k. l> Hardcastle, of Northum? berland County, in the Northern Neck, lias been called to the pastorate of the Baptist Church at Urbanna. The Ministers' and Laymen's Insti? tute of the Baptist Churches of the Northern Neck will meet with Rap : pahannock Church in Vtichniond Coun Ity September 28 and ' -Announcement is made of the ap . proachtng rharrlagn of Miss Lucy Har i rison daughter of Dr. and Mrs. . William m Wa<e, of Richmond, to : Dr. Albert Nlcon Sliced, son of Dr. 1 K. m. Sncod, of Stafford County IIrum moll?< nn?on. i [Special to Tho Tlmcp-Dlspatch.J Weldon, N. C. September 3--Her? bert K. Brummell and Mrs. Luclle D. I Cawson, both of Richmond, were | mar ! lied her by Magistrate D. E. B tain back. With Ample Reserves and Resources This bank extends a cordial welcome to all open ng bank accounts. Loans on Real Estate and Collateral. Business, Personal and Savings Accounts wanted. Bank of Commerce and Trusts Q Ninth and Main Streets. PROTECTION Of the depositors' Interests has been the keynote of the success of Richmond's Strictly Commercial Bank Such protection has earned for It a well-d'served reputation for strength and security?and the c-ntidence of Its patrons. Planters National Bank OP RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. Capltnl . * .10O.00O.fl . Surplus mid fronts. $1,100,01)0.110 t hree Per Cent mterent. Compounded Semi-A im nnll y Pnld In Savings Drpnrtnienl, Commonwealth Bank NO account is too small for this bank to handle. , Manchester National Bank Work for South Richmond by becoming a depositor in this bank,