Newspaper Page Text
New York Stock Market New Yo'ric. September G.?The move eat in stocke to-day ran largely to ?eels', ties with virtually no change , the other Issues. There was, how ?tr, times when some pressure was ibwh upon Lehlgh Valley and Cana? an Pacilie. while other high grade .ilroad shares failed to move beyond actlcnal limits, and United States .< el and the- Coppers were little more Some diversion was again furnished ? t i .nother vi,'-' ? d revision in the sched : Among ii.k :< ? ?. litsplcuqvta special-1 Iv*. Natloi al B s< alt. Central I.i ath.-r. I mints Ovci lllty per cent of. the day's ight business was tranacted In the lrst hour, the balance of the session, specially the last two hours, being; haraclerlzed by absolute inertia and ? . ? uuainsi .-!??.?:.!> .- cstirputi! of almost ? New York city 4 1-4 per cent .:onds again soid under par. with a lower tendency in other issues. Total sales I>r,r value, were 12,005.000. United States government bonds ?were unchanged on call. New York. September 6.?Prime mer- j intile, steady. Money on call. S 1-3 4. ruling rate, 3 1-2. Time loans] eady; sixty days. 4 3-4 3 Six onths. 5 per cent. Sterling exchange, I - S6s? for demand RICHMOND STOCK MARKST. Bv Rlchsra \v. Maury, o:k ?ni lior.r; Broker, 1015 U Hair. S!r?*t Richmond, V?.. September 191! CALH? AT BOARD .'Irginta Railway and Power Co. fs t'irgjnla Railway ar.i Power Cc. pi Virginia Railway srid Power to p! . STATE SECURITIES; Bid. A rglnta 2s, O'.d C and R. SM3 . '."-a i Centuries, 2-2, C. *r.<l R, 1431.. SI RAILROAD BONDS. : ar.-i Pia . IMS. IM ?' ? aboard Adjustment .'.?. U|!?. TS ..?r.frr. Railway 1st }??. I?l - 1? >, It. Dev. and O. M 4? 155?. > STREET RAILWAY BONDS. BTRBET P.Y. STOCKS. Par ? Norfolk or.d Western com.100 118 DANK AND TRUST CO. STOi Ks'. -treei Batik of Commerce and Trusts.: ' iff ? i. National Runk.ion SSli :i Trust and Savs Co Ions for Interest-paying binds a cu to which Interest must bo add< j h lit and c rilncatei of Ihdebti list. BOND LIST ? Is <-!f?. (askedi <r:: I.. Ul KIN >] lllhl.l THE UMO . BANK OF RICHMOND. i ? PEP INTEREST. Official Range and Sale of Stocks in New York Sales. :tock. HV THOMAS BRANCH & CO., Hankers and Hrokura. Closing. Open. High. Low. Ui? .\akod Kales. Stock. Open. : s o 100 .v-. I.SOO Allls-Chalrhefs . AllW-Chul. pf l.. 1st pd.. Amalgum ited Copper ... Anur Agrl. Chem., com. Atner. Beet Sugar, com.. Americah Can . Amerli an Can. ptd. Am !. t ar and Kouudry. Amcr. Car and i'oun . pid American Cotton oil. Am Hid.' ami Leather, pr American Linseed OIL... American I.ocotnotlv< ... Anter. Locomotive, pfd... Am. r. M< Co., ptd. American Smelting . Am. i. Snilfl Co., t ain_ Ami r;i an Sugar . Ann r Tel. und Tel. Co... Ann rican T? U 3'.?i ?i?, W? w, 11 08 ?4 ?'s 1!? IISStI An ? con: ptd; ? Vtlnutli Coast Line .. , \ C. IJ of Connecticut . laitimorc and Ohio _ ??? t'il< hehi sti. !. i om_ iei lehcm si eel, ptd. Hrltlsk-Amcr, Tob. Co... I: ti Rapid Transit, lentiitl Leaf ? r, ? til; Icago Ore.u Western. !hl . Mil, und St l-.uii... 'raclble Steel Cot., cotit; 'rn.-ihle Steel, pfd . hlcajfo itnd Northwest [oloradd l'uci and Iron, olorado and Southern.1. .'onsolldated Cas . ielawifi nnd ItudsDhiL-. ri?d Rid Gran . com; Cc I, w. Helme Tob. (-0 . ?"? I ? hi :..; Riet trie, x sr'... tw, >?" <.r- .it N?..-t :. :n. pfl. l;.'i tio Gr? it Northerr/ Ore ctf* ??!?<, " mini i> Central . Mm' WO Int. rhcro-M -t. 1 {??? Int. rboro-Met . pfd. ggij 6 87% rU". Iis Hl^S lite?. Id'. IIV n fvV* 1W ?10'? IS'i 71*. *? 1IM? ...1, U->s It OS I-.Ii', 1 14', 3tjJ ll lSl's-j I ? ?. 11V-t ?WH 25ji ?".? 3t?, ill' id I'M 67Mt ?.s 14'... 43 ioo^ij I.V. > r.4 r.-j ltd -' '"5 1" i >4 40's 7a ilia. laiif. 1 I.". ; Kd Iis i?? JVl 300 177 SCO 600 MO 2t?,aoo 100 0,700 I CO Int. Mer. Marine, com... b lnteinational paper ? Int. Paper, pfd. .'?7'a Lettish Valley . ?*? Liggett and Myers, com 314 Liggett and Myers, ptd. ... Lorillard Tob. Co.. coin, It&Vfc Louisville and Niisbvlllo i.y?. Mi Klean P troii um ? Ii Miami Copper . W!4 Missouri Pin Hi. . 11 Mo.. Kan and Texas.... BS?j National Biscuit . National Lead . New York Central. llb% Otlt and Western lll'i 1,1 0 300 l.K" liltl U'J I... 7...71 I.C?0 il,n 0 ."i II 1 i??i t*?4 Norfolk and Western..; Northern I'aelllc . 1'u.cllic Mail . P uns yl va ma . People's Gas . P.. * .. C. and St. L. coin, P., < ? . C. and St. t... pfd. Pittsburgh Coal, com.. Pressed Steel Car. Pressed St< ? 1 Car, ptd., Ry, Steel Spring, com.. Reading . Ri public iron nnd Steel 11. public 1. and S . pfd.. it j. It Island . Rock Island, ufd. Seaboard Mr Line, com. Si al uard Lilie, pfd. SI rSB-Sheffli Id . Som hern Pacific . Suuthei n Railway . Southern Railway, pfu. Standard tin . Teniii ssoe Copper . T. V:.-. Pacific . 1'iiioti PacUlc . United stat.s Rubber... :.;>?. L'nlu d stat. .s sum i. L'hlu .1 steel prd II.'. i". s. > last I foii' pi pi . 20 Va.'-Car. Chemical .' K\ Va !Car, Cheiul -al. pfd. V.l. Ry, and Power, pf.i. ... Wabasb. 4ii W ibash, pfd. Western Cnlon . .?1\, yVcyman-Bruton To. Co. ... Total sal.-s for day, ok (four da 110* 127!? Ii'.". MWri 3". 11, 'Situ :i"', 44\ "Hi*, 6-74 I0H .,7>a ItlU itaw ?-I?-1? .s'vi -i'-j 110?,4 1.3 1.4-. 3TVi KC'i -7'i i'O-'s 3"', Us lTV-i II :\ Cloblng. Low. Bui Asked 16-H t>i 'a lu7'? 314 ll'i I'.-', 3*i lib II614 r.,-1, 117 knii . j.i. is*, 1.1 ? 113 40t-, Ulrfl lit'' I..', l'.T : v s l-i l".1, oV-ii Iii-, .so-., ll-.ji ? II 1..-, Total sabs for 35?.3fO shares ?s), 1.139.9)0 shares .New Orir.ins, Lai. September 5 ? mn^n ?Jt,irr? opened stead; .it a decline of Sfl point* or. poor cable* -?na good weather n the ?asten portion of the cotton belt. ! First prices were th< lowest In tit. early I radlnt, as buying set In uf.i r the call. | lasej on private !ii.'..s?f:es fror.) Manchestec. :eUlng of a good business there In both Moths and yarns and nti the rumor that lalveston labor disturbances had been set l|ed. . The closing "nr dull and prices wer. '":'.: ,""?"' ?? over yesterday's close for th? Hi ? :: .,'.:n?- nth*; middling: 11 5-It.c. Spot cotton ? eied".steady, i?c. tip to u>\ | off Sales on the ?po> >* bales ant SO to ? I.?C VI. .MAI.1.1.1 i|l 0 I VTIONS. (Furnished by Levy Commission Co. Com- j mission Merchants, Rlrhmnnd. Va ) Richmond, v.l.. .?=? ptember ?". ix:. I ACTUAL \VllOl.l.~\l I QUOTATIONS Ol MARKET. LIVE POULTRY, Chickens, lb. a ?o j i Ro 'stors, < ach. Ji C Pucka, 't'tf. voting, lb. 1? ?> I .. i.s nr.a.. yoUng lb . t ? I i:C.O~-,-rated !?-. crates, nearbv. fresh, dos. *.? : rates rithet ?. -:"r.?. dot . St ft Guinea eggs, doz .. It it HL'TTKR Family, .-hol.-., fresh, lb. ? ? Mi rchahts . fair, !. ? O live ?tock. Veals, choice t>. fan-: lb. <t - . I Country-cured r a co n . Hnms well stroked, sinall. lb. t? Hams, well smoked, urg... itv H J? irket t'ondltlotm- .? : lines active. \ i w ^ ORK PRODI I 1 MARKET - iff Futur I r ?III liilAlN M VKKI'.i III? IIMONII lilt '.IV MA IlKK I ? . RH iimo.vd HAY. MARKET. Ki>:nn'.onii. Va., September S. IMS. Followlrg nr. ir.. quctationa on th.- Rich? mond l!dv Exchange: Tat loT^_o;d or New? No. 1 Tlmotny. ;j jj No, j Timothy. 21.00 -j No. 3 Timothy. ? I'.w Light ??:??<? r mixed. :j..y> er No. : Slaver mixed. & NO. Clover, mixed. Nominal No, 1 Clover. Nominal STRAW?Cpninreaaed . ? v.oj ! ie-pressed. 'n.-go baloa.. 0 ;o.oo Load your van 80 that hay at doors rep. ' r< f. r.-t consents an'! thua a ? (I 1 rejecllona ' This t-..irk? t grades hay .n accordance '. th* Natlona' llay \a??cution. CA rTLE MARKET?. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET ! i.-j-s it Union Stock Yard.- i Richmond Va . September I?'..' | import or tr.. nv- stock tor th-? ?reck i ling September .'. *.'??. lest ?teer?. j?j j'-v medium to good. 1 t common to fair. IV4lr?He.: beat terii ?.>;c.. medl >'tn u good. J-i *<-.< . siann to fair. .VI ?3? ; best cows. J3 , c; medium to go. <1. I41MVJC ; common to ir .'i'i''ic . bulls, ??, ?, : Kresh cows. .. <. -i pei heat Beat via: cult .-a. H4c.; r lei good, :. ". . dicks, lll?c.; ? its, ~'j~'ir : trtwtt and ige ; i".c.i irnbf ?'ifTc.; eommon. ; ... >t snevp, .. ?.iii .. common to fair, ? jber ?- -Cattl* ?Receipt*' eady to strong. Beeyrt, ?ers *> w caterii St r> and (eiders. It.;.". t . . . . ?? ' ' t? ?? ? head Markt ? ?ugh. sT.*'?! Pigs, t '.t z : I '.ft . S.70 Shee p? Ma rkel steady to a .-. <?" -;: T$| western. I? W'j . ;.iatn. ns ?ra. 14 13 8 T es-Kecelpt? ??: {raisers 14 M . Sheep and Market stearii ii ? : - Re > RICHMOND TOBACCO MARK El'. Richmond, Va, September IMI. \elng are th' quotations tin tl;c Rtcfc Toj.i co Exchange: DROWN SHIPPING. Wj) (j '?- * so.v ? i) u.-j DRIOI1T 8 IF.RS?Common . T.oo ;< >.J? 10 0} Ii hi.Ou i: . - ilomrhoh . iL? >i IS ?> ? icy . 24. ?0 ii STiu ? LERS?Common . S.oo 'i ie ei ,1'u.n . H'.ta) N 1-vo ,od. 6 K.oo ne . Iii.00 ',i ;? ? iI'PKItS?Commoa . .-.-0 i 20.03 sdluhi.22.0? 'a 2J00 ,0-1. -"? <<<? u -O.OJ lit, . ii.l? 0 ..'?' i*> in?y. ????? 0 ??.0o SUNiCURED-NEW. ?. common to g.-oii. h.iA 2J 7.00 f. good to prime ?. "..'0 U $50 ?t leo 1. i.oo K 10.0? g :e..f. . 10.01 'j 12.0) : j ;,i ft. 12 60 t? II i'l ? ll-( I I I \NEOI > MAKKLTS. DRY ?;'">l>0 MARKET. - ?. ? mber ?.--?;*.e cotton rio >ci? rki , .-? .j .-et and steadyi Yams rule Wool ie !:.<:..,? With transactions of . .. ... jsiv.t ......or ir.d rcady-to-wcai indls ?"? seillas well for Immediate NAVAL STORES, iv inner Oa Scpteiiil'ei ? ?Turpentine' it . . ? , sales ?40 casks; receipts ks rtOain?Firm; auiea barrels; rc ? ?i m;im tvi':i i n unci:. RT OK RICHMOND. SEPTEMBER t MS At. It I v 15D It . ... .? j * lea ti oil la . Orhvea Karibik ana ml literi .at..'.lacs merchandise and paa i<ir?. Vlrhlnls Na Igatibn Company, icurnei Aurora Kurman, I'eterebari and i:<s l;lvec landlncs. merchindlsi and paa .. : ? f Line,. S Ml.KD. teamer Berkeley. -:..'? N'.rf..:k. wr . . i pass rinera OM Dominion Lino, ?.earner Aurora l-'urman. Petersburg and River 1 ::^> ni*r< handlaa and pas .it es Purman Line \\ eekl) I otlon Review . ew York, BeptewWi -Prices i.a\e been eiular hut lately hevit sheen consider likely i? <>n the carpet will be frost date. It was no Heed on Thursday that heavy (rost oc? curred !n the far West and Northwest, ar.i some veterans traders were apprehensive lest .'rost. or at any rate, very' Sow tem? peratures, might push down Into t.-ie South Voatcfn cotton tl.ld* Itecchtlj Texas has i temperatures of too to los degrees, ign on Thursday the weather In that State begun to cool down noticeably. The weekly weather report stated thai the re >-nt temperatures In the belt generali) had been anywhere from i m i degrees above normal, while the r.ilnfa.l had been itlceahly below normal. At the same tlm Man ester h.i? reported S better demand both rloths and yarns. Th- ?tat* ol cotton (roods <>n this sldi >f te water IS ? cr< Is in ''h;na ar> sill to be relativeis ?I' overestimated end tne *on?urnp It t-irns out that the last crop was it, set. Hester's llgures en the consumption were a eurprlsti and havi *lwn no slight en ourageiricnt to the believers hi better j?r fs showing, as they did that li Was It .' ?? ti.u. s. \f.% .aig-st on record) The bearish argument Is that this cro|i la goln? ' . allowances being made tor a liirgc surplui carried n? ?r from -ast season, and Ihi t.iat man: spinners have good stocks ??: ran material, and In some eases bought ia.-t season at ?.ist a portion of their require is .for i rh< Egyptian and Eust Indian crops this >(??.- are expected t/> be l.irse. ?? thai Europe may not take >o liluch American .niton :'.'.!.? seas'..i as It did uurtng tf- sea son r.isi ehded Tin big receipts .11 n.u . '5 a ?'? rerturdi d by bear a .0 .1 plain hint that Texas nas rund a big crop; Late in ? ??.'.1- t,> Waldorf Interests and a joed den. of selling, iiiso by spot people. Cljiirrt) j-ioiirrG PRESBYTERIAN rin.-T l'ftUr!HV'TKltIAN C.-URi it.? :.r. . ; M FADEN, The evening service will omitted Sunday School a: a. M. Ill ? ? .sr.t at 10 A II. SECOND PRERBY Ti.'UI an CUCRCH lev, RUSSET.!. CECIL D U . pastor. Ser? if a: 11 a. M. Sunday ?c.Yjol at ?.45 I. M. No ?. rvl ? ? at night. CHCBCII OK THE COVENANT.?Rev j. AlA'IN STEWART. D L> . paitor. ? : ? ' ??'?*? :r.. . I ai lu a M Sunday r.': . .. i| . be ::<:.! ni the Church of the Covenant OR AC Li STREET PRESBYTERIAN f'iiurch?Servlcea at ii o'clock a. M. and k P M. Preaching by Rev. D CLAY LILLY. D, D. W IV 1 M I N ? T i: H PRESBYTER IAN 1 :. li ? Park Avenue, corner Davis Avenue, fal'tng Davis Monument) ?Preaching to? morrow at 11 a M. by the pastor. Rev. JAMES V FA IR, D. D. No night service. BAPTIST. PlIlt'RT BAPTIST CHURCH (BROAD AND Streets), Paste..-. It- ? UEOROE w. Mi DANIEL D. D. The i;. -, r. j SHIP. MAN. D D Merldan, Miss, will preach st Hot? si - l.-s '.l a. M and StU P M Graded Sunday School. Baraca and Phlla then classes [A, W Patterson. Su'pt ?. 9:-'> a M a welcome to ah SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH I FRANK .1, and Ada-ns Streets 1?Services 11 a. M. and ! 13 P. M Graded Sunday School at ?? 10 a M Organised classei tor rheh and women. Dr BVERBTTE CM.!., of Rom*. Hal . v preach .it boili Services Quartet ? CMlACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH "Jr.i' 1 aiid Fi ? ? Streets).?Preaching at li a. M by the pastor, the Rev. LLOYD T, WILSON. r>. D. Installation service in 1 p. M. Sundai S heel .t a 0 a M. (Hugh P pqwett, Sup! > PrnytrirheetlnK Wed nesilai at S P M Th< public, especial,* strangers, are cordially i-';t,.d to worship with us URO? E AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH (Groio Avenue and Harrison Street 1.?Rev. "' ? JAMES. Th, D.. pastor. Preaching ?.: .? pas'.orj at 11 a. M. and > I* M Sunday school at A M ijamis I:. Wood. iiipcrlnti ndent 1. Prayer meeting Wednesday ..t s o'clock. LEIGH s'lT::;.';'! BAPTIST CHURCH tcorlter TwentV-nfth and Leigh Streets) ? DEO. W. F. WATSON, D. D., of Abxan ? M 'ms for Loving Jesus.' The subject at 5:'."> P. M. will r>. - The Great Discovery.'- *'un ,!;?? School "? ' ? A M. Organised adult [classes, a:: welcome. ? CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH iORACE and P'n- Strcetsl-Re' RVI.AND KN1G.H I . 0 1'. pastor. Preaching by the pastor at i! a. M und StlS P >1 Sabbath School at 3:30 a M. V". V.. DUKE; Superintendent. Mil l HODIST. CENTENARY M E ?? SOUTH 1 , , . street, between Fourth and Filth Streets'. Rev. W. J. YOl'NG, I"). 1).. pas? tor. Prtachlng b^? the pastor at 11 a. M. nnd s p M Morning subject, "Tljc Trial* Ol Ihl Tim.a" t'uiiday School, with organ lied clasHts and graded work, at 9:30 a. M. CHRISTIAN. THIRD ' IIItlftTIAN CRURCil. DAVID l li.Wi is. minister. Preaching s rvlccs to morfoM II a M and ? P. M Sermon sub lecti "Are! All Church Members Christian?, ae i Ai.- a : ChrUtiahs Church Sfenioora?" and "rhe >lan That Was. a Fool and What it- said." Bible Rcl ???: 9:30 a M You are cordially Im lud to attend the servlcea ?? this Church on the Corner of Marshall and 1 i'tnty-flxtb f trr i ts. SK VENT It STREET i IIKlSTIAN Church PrenifhlnB both morning and even* r,,. pastor, ii". II. n. c. MAC LACH LAN Subject at n A M. "Learning ,. 1.,, Well" 11 ?.:?'. P M. ' The Poetry of Jesus' Sunday School at 910 a. M. a ordlal Invitation Is extended 10 all to ni tellll 1 lies? ser? Ices. CllRiSTiAN SCIB.NCB REGULAR SBRVICB OP FIRST ("liui'cl ni Christ, Scientist. Will be held to \~nn.^ morn in In church edifice (Corner 1, . Avenue end Meadow Street) tit n o'clock Subject, "Man" Wednesdie evening tcatlmen? and ?.\purtanee men ting at |n 'li,. reading-looms arc located at . '. .ni. Sixth Street, and are open every wt'eli rtai from '0 A' M te '?> p? >*? A" "r,! vOrdially invited. Five prices something of a setback It It more of a satisfactory affair, however, than :t waa recently. Uut on Friday reports of ?toady deterioration not only In Atlantic states, but In some parte of Texas, owing lo hot. dry weather, caused another ad? vance. IN "tiil; district court ?V^thh UNITED STATES FOR THE east? ern DISTRICT of virginia: In the matter of . No. 1145. ROSENVELL C. jones, , In Bankrupt ? ) Bankruptcy. ORDER op NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. un this 4th day of September, A. D. 1912, on reading the petition for discharge o fthe bankrupt, 't ia Ordered by the court, that a hear? ing be- had upon the j,anie or. ihn ST1I DAY of OCTOBER, A. D. 1912, be? im e said court, at Richmond, in said district, at 12 o'clock noon; and that notice thereof be published 'n Tile Ttmea-Dispatch, u. newspaper printed in said district, und that all known creditors und other persons in in? terest may appear at the said time and place, and show cause, If any they l ave, why the prayer o? the said pe? titioner should not lie granted. And It is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors cop|es of .-aid petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as statt d. Witness the HONORABLE EDMUND WADDILL, JR.; JudKe of the s.i'd court, and the aeal thereof, at Rich mond, in said district, on the 4th day ? ?: September, A. D. 1912. Attest: JOSEPH P. BRADY. (Seal.) Clerk. OUNN .v math EWS, Attorneys for Bankrupt. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT uK VIRGINIA: In the matter of . No. 114 7. JACOB S. EINSTEIN* . In Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On tins Oth day of September. A. D. ! 1912, on reading the pstltlori for dla- I charge of the bankrupt, it Is Ordered by the court, that a hear ? ri? he had upon the same on the 3t11 DAY OF OCTOBER. A. D. 1912. be- ) fore said court, at Richmond; in said district, at 12 O'clock noon, and that ? notice thereof be published 'n The I'tmes-Dlspatch, a newspaper printed in said district, and that ail known creditors and other persons in In? terest may appear at the said lime 1 place,'and show cause. If any tltev have, why the prayer of the said p?-: tltlonT should not he granted. And It is further ordered by the' court, that the clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of -aid petition and Ins order, addressed to t! ? m at ii elr places of residence ,ut Bt lt< 1 Wittiest th! HONORABLE EDMUND WADDILLv Hi ? ludgc of the "a'd court, and the seal thereof at Rich? mond. In sii'd district, on th? *th day i| Septi .-.her. A. D. 1912. Attest JOSEPH P BRADY. (Sea! . Clerk. EDGAR B ENOLISH, ESQ. . AttoriK v fot Bankrupt. IN" THK !?!.?" ni'-T ?"?'?!' I: T OK Til". UNITED STATES FOR THE ICAHT ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In the rristter of ") -Vo 1153. RICHARD t .ALF. K_In_?_ Bankrupt J Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On this 5th day of September, A p 1012 on reading the p'-mion for dis charge of the bankrupt, it is Ordered hv the c.,;rt that a hearing: be had upon the same on the STIi DAA OF OCTOBER A. D; 1912. before said court at Richmond, in said district, at ' ? ..'.-lock noon it.d f. at r. ??tic,, thereof he published In The Times-Dispatch, a newspaper printed in said dtsinct. and, that all known creditors and other per- | sons Ii: int- rest may appear at the ???ild time and place, and show cause-, if air- they have, why tho prayer of the said petitioner should not he grant ? And u is further ordere?! by the! court that th- clerk shall send b;. mail to all known credit us copies of said petition and this order, addr- ssed to them at their plnce-s of residence as stated Witt. the* HONORABLE EDMUND WADDILU JR. Judge o! the said, court, and 'he so.I thereof, at Rich mond. In said district .en the "th day , , f i tember a. D 19i2 JOSEPH T. BRADY | (Real. ? Clerk. JAMES R RI-SSELL, Attorneys for Bankrupt. iOOC I ' ?- ? - - ~ I - t ?: - 1912 Virginia Mechanic's Institute Richmond's Nlgbl School ?I Technology Registration begins September 16, 19i2. 7: ? 10 to 9:30 P. M, Schoo) be?!."is September 1912. rit \ mv \v. in kg; Superintendent. McGuire's University School tiPP. MONROE PARK, RH HMOND, VA. FO RT v- EIGHTH SESSION begins Scpti mber IS. Thorough preparation for unlvai'slty. college, technical achool, r. S. Naval and Military Academics. iJrlmary department fot small hoys, with separate instructors, study-hall and recitation rooms. The Prin? cipal' at ; North Belvldert street. Hours, fi A .\l to i P, M. nhd after 5 P, m. Phone Madison 517|. For full Information, see catalogue at Look stores, or by mall. JOHN P. ?I. i.l IRE, Principal; Miss Morris's School FOR Ol It LS. ;< linst orace Street, Septembet 25. I?12. Catalogues at book st?ret; or fluni the principal. MISS SUSIE P. MORRIS, Principal 1116 West Avenue, Gloucester Academy An accredited s< r.ooi of the University of Virginia. On the principal's farm. Summer vllle.-, nvsr iiiouecater C. ii.. Vu. Thorough preparation foe colleges und the unlveraity ami for a business life. Special attention t.i backward btjya and the most oiroful I Individual attention Uoardera occupy the Iwi lug with the principal ami ant family. >he nejtt session will begin September 5th Correspondence solicited. For circulars appl) to JOHN TAlin (Oraduati Unlveraity or Virginia). !? o. Gloucester, vo The Confederate Museum i'U ELPTIl AND OLAY STREETS. OPEN 9 A. M. 'IO & P. it Admisaiuii. 2$c Free on Saturdays, .financial financial You Did It By means of the. generous co-operation of depositors of all classes, large and t*.nall, the olucers of this bank have been, ablo to croato the largest bank between Philadelphia and New Orleans. We feel deeply Krateful for past patronage, and ofTer the assurance of the very best of service in the future. First National Bank 900 East Main CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. *J .-,,000,000 ASSETS. ?20,000,000 A snvlnnn Depnrtnirnt for the Thrifty With Ample Reserves and Resources This bank extends a cordial welcome to all opening bank accounts. Loans on Real Estate and Collateral. Business, Peisunal and Savings Accounts wanted. Bank of Commerce and Trusts vi EHs-OLM Ninth and Main Street? J I PROTECTION Richmond's Strictly Commercial Bank Puch protection has. earned for it i well-deserved reputation for atren 1 security?and t;-.e . nridence of its patrons Planters National Bank in It Ii II MOM). VIRGINIA. I ft pit n I . g 300(000.0 Surplua ond Profit?. * i. inn.ono.oo Three p.-r i mi Interest, Compnun led Seml-Annually, Paid in .?Ina? llepn rt men I. Kummer Resorts. TKXI) KU It V.\c \TMiN. - in? VY?ch?preairuc, Numerous rr,?ons Ur Reit reh ? i rdiore. V?. Sictimoiiil, FredBri?K&b^ & Potomac R. R. TO ANO FROM ??'/AZhINGTOH AND BEYOND. Leyave Richmond I Arrlve Rlohmood .10 A. . .IM) K. i.lll A. I.ii A. :.. i ni l.fhi I' ..'.!) 1" .1.7 ?? llj rd fit. Ma. . Milurit. St?. . >Uia St. Sia. II) rd St. Sta. . lljrd st. sta. i ll)i.| St. Sta. M.ltw.l St. Sta. M. :!).-t st. st... ??.-.'ii v n Si. -1 erj St. Mi ?T I l '!. In rd St.Sta. II I.SA k.M. Uli Station. 111.35 i.D. Bjid St.St* ?LI. P.M. aalnst.hta. ?iMO P.M. HjrdSt.St?. ?II -iO l'.lli H) rJ St. Sit ? ? H 'I lUfd M.MI. ttl.?fi !'.)!. r.jrJSl.St?. ?11.13 P.M. .*ialn St.Sta. ? P.V.MI nlsht Di r ?1.0." nl [dl Mala st. sta. ACCO'.1M03AHO\ fRAI.VS?WE?K0AYS. ??Tc Bi ti *t. Stv l."0 P. M. I-rederleksbori. Leite LI Iii mu. 7.1". a .?..<.. SI P. ,1. tor Aibltr.d. '.rrl.f H>r? M.Mi. -.Sri l.M.t>< m I rederltiisb'r. irrlve Klb? Sta. 0.8' A ? J! . iJ'.i) F.JL fron Atliltn 1. ?Daily. |Weekdays. {Sundays ocly, All trams to or from Svrd S:rer: atatiol i-.op a: Ll.'.a. Time of arrivals ar.U tiepaiiurc not guaranteed. Raad the alsoa. Atlantic Coast Line Tue Standard Kutlruiid of tue South. EFFECTIVE AUGUST 7. 1312. trains leave! RICHMOND daily. Pur F.onde aud Sbttlal IIIS a 41. ac4 1:04 p M.. tin) A. it. for Norfolk: "a 10 A M . ? A. M.. '111! f. 41.. 4:10 P M . "7:11 1- ii. For N. & W. Ry. West: 4:15 A. M . A M.. "i l-J P. m . ?.20 P. ii. For Petersburg: lcd a m . e :i a id.. ??a: 10 A. II., *:1S A. M.. 3.00 A. Ji.. S:50 A. it.. t*:uO P. it. ?:.i. r M.. 1:03 p. M.. i.jt P. ii.. "I:- P. m . ?:? P. m.. 11:41 P. m For Uo.icsLoro and Fayetlevllle: ?4:10P.M. Trains jrr.v? Richmond dai.y: i:0i A 41.. r,:lu A. M . 10:14 a. m . *i.27 A. m . "l&;4j A. M.. ?11.*? A. 41 . ??11:41 A it. ?s.l? j? m., ??II? 1'. 41. 6;* P. 41 , '.ai p. M . 1:00 f M , ?:w P. 41. ??.j:2i i. 41.. 11:10 I". ii. ?Except Sunday. "Su.iday only. Tune of arrival and J. parture and coo nectlons not Kuarantoed. <J. S. CAMPBELL I> P. A- SM Halo St. Kicbmond & Peteribjfj Picric Railway ?.a.-? leave ilauchesivr, Seventh and Perry i?. :"? Pen ? sburg: ?ii. 7. s. 'j, w, mu .v. it.. .. :. 4. i. "iili. ?? .. o. ??. lu P. m. 11:00 p. ?1., tor cneater, ;;.eo mtdotstt for p? leriburg. care leave Petersburg, foct of Sycamcr? Street, lor Mancaester: u l?. t.U. ".Mi. ?7:4?. 8:Ji. 9:i.. ?:a:3i. ;i:li A 41.. Ulli. *i:IS, ::?. 3:i?. Mtli. |;j>, ?;-lk ? .... >:?, a;.;. -10:10. Utid p. u jUally. except Sur.??)j and aj.ldaya ?i cries baiitiaue a:..l esprcsa. "t.halted, latept irunduya and Holidays. Ail cars from Petersburg couaeci wits ,-i> for Rlchmnnd. SEAUOARXl AIK LXNK. Uouthbountf irajna scheduled to teava Klcn* (.?nit d.illy: J-w A. lt. ?Local to Norilaa. l .o P M.?Sleepers and coaches, aw?ui.i, Blrminjham, Savannah; Jacksonville. 1:10 a il ? sloepera ai.u cuachca. Jocksoovlli?. ll:Jj P, M.??leeperi ana coaches, Ai.aata, A4irmlnghum, Mamphii. r.'oriaaouud train* >.ntuuKU io urnvu in Richmond daily: 7:ij A. 41., i.M A. it., jiOi P. 41 . 0:t0 P. M.. Local. Itlclihiuud und Clieaapeuke Uay nr. Co. ^. .viIuju o.' h..ectrlc Trains, . ilecttvo iiay JO, 11)13, Leave Richmond. Laurel nnd Uroaa Streets: 0 *6:0j A. 41.. ?7:10 A. M., bl.IO a. 41. 9:1* a. 41.. ??10:W a. M.. 11:10 a. 41., 1:10 P. J, , i:ii? P. 41., i;ifi P. 41.. 01:10 K M.. J;M I'. 41. 1:20 P. M., 7:10 P. M., M:I0 p, u., 10:14 I'. M.. U:4i P. M Leave Aahland. Eng. inn', and .Maple Streets: *i:7x> a. m.. !> ?7:oo A il s:00 a IL. b'J:00 a. M . 10:?O a. M. "11:44 a. IL. ?12:00 M.. "^Oo P. M... 2:00 p. it.. 3 t? p II . 1:00 I' 41.. hi:00 P. 41 . ?.<M p. M . T .rf P. M.. 8:0? P. M.. b?:? P. M., 11:00 P. ii. ?ualiy except titinuay. "Su:u?y only. bvi&riles l'aK?:a?-'? Norfolk & Western Railway O.VLY A I- LKAII. LINE TO NORFOLK. Schedulu In Effect AuguM 7. 1SU. Leave nyru Street Siatlou, Richmond. KOIt NORFOLK: bs:10 a. m , '?VoC a. it.. aa:W v. 41.. '4:10 P. m.. b7:W P. m. Pult LYNCHBURO AND THE WEST; ??-l? A 11.. *>M A. II.. a3.00 P. M . ??:;0 P. m Arrive Kichmoi.d trom Norfolk: all-to a 41. hll4i A. M.. ?6:11 P. 41. b:0:23 P. 14, ?11:24 i'. ii Prorn the West: 'C-.H a H P M. ?Jl:40 IV It., ??:!<. P. II., ?a:? p I ii. ?Dally, anally cil Sunday. bSunday only. W. 11. I1EVIL.L. c. H. UOSI.BY. o. p. a., Roauoits. p. P. A., iiicbmond Commonwealth Bank Your money is absolutely safe and our banking offices arc con? veniently located. Manchester National Bank One a week deposited in our savings department amounts to nearly six hundred dollars in ten year.. L\aiIroa&5 (nesapeake & Ohio Railway '. .Ji.x. ?_L)*..>--.Vt? ^orl New*. Isli a -Local?Dai.y?Cr. .III?. ?x. tua. f?:OC A?Kxprtsa-Oa!:y--.n'or.'o;k. Old Point. ?Ii w a ? L .ca.-la*i;> ?LihDg . Lex. C. 1'i.rii ?u .:\ soon?Bxpi??i--i-iai.> ?ftorfollc Old I t. ?j... p.?Ex proas?Dally. Cm.. L villa. |t:oO F.?fc.xpr?ai--uall> ? Noriolk, N. Kewa ? :wj ?' ?Local?Dally?N. Nawa, Ola Point. ?.1- t Loc?l--Ex. sua ?eiurdousvll.e. 4.:i P.?Local?"Ba Bud.?Lyhchburg. ?S t. f ? Liniitca?D?i y?Clncin'ti. i'hlcat?. ?U:W P.?Expraea?oally-TCiUvicauu. L'vlll*. ?Sleepers -ear.or Cam. 1 (CAINS AKitlVU ItlUHMOND?Local ;ro.-n t.ut: A 11. T;l? 1*. M. Ttrougft from ?u?t; III* A U . ttftS 1'. 41.. ? ij 1'. 41. Local from Waat I I .0 A M . ?*>:Si A. 41., kiU Li? P 41 Throng-. A. M.. U;il A. i: and ::?o i' 54. Jam. ! Rlvar Line: ?*:? A- Id . ? i> I' 4:. ??Isally ->-*-pt .lar.dfi SOUTHERN RAILWAY _ .. .ulcit of I'Ht! aoiJflt. Traisa Le^c lt.ct.ii.ond. .v. B ?re (Otting ?caeda.i ngurej pubusn cd aa :atur.nuitoa -cd aot guaranteed: For me South?Dally: f:lf a 41 Local. WtC a. 41. Uxprtaa, ?.00 t*. 4i. Bxprcar, ?rlta ai?ot;lc ItgbK . bleeping Cor for 41 .aa.a a-d BtrMlUghain. IttiS P. 4L Kxyrtaa. tv'.tk Day*: 3.(0 1'. 41. Local. Tul'.K KlVEIt LI.N a. ?:*> P. 4*.-L>ai:>.?Connoting for Balti? more 41 on. Wed. axd 6.0C A. 11.?Kx HUB, iiiil ; i'. 41.?Mou.. WcU. and Frl ? u?> ?Local lUioi Ar.Hc Richmond. From the Souin; e.?i' a 41.. S:tO a. 11., HOC P. 41. i.iA V. 41. dally; 12;iS Ex. Pun. From W?at Point: j a a. it. dally, Etli /. ?1 . Mo/.. Wild, and FrL. OSS P. M. Eg Sur. a. J?. BURGESS, D. P. A.. ?7 K Mail .SL Pbnn* lla.1l.oo 271 jfctcamboarg. UI.U DOMINION 1-LNfc. Lv, Ktc&Biuiiu loot ui ahu di. daity.i ;va t*. m. Laava Nawport l?? a. al. /.rrit.e .nm..".?.aluOA.Al, cuLiivvii .aa iM,iti ttaa atautnera leavtag {ioiioilt tof ivK dally, agcapi Sunday, t;W i'. 41. cuuuiu. i. ai?o .. it) N. m W. Ity. - 1*. 41. and ??. 4. u. ity. at t p. 4,. Night llaa atvsniara stop a. t.aruu.uui ia laad or receive p??stagera ou siguaL *ua a'lll be mtt by publlO coo\cyaoca. > ii;..lM.i .Si?luAUO> e?. (jcuaettva Maren U).?J-u.c? mvei uy dayugbi tor .Noi:o.u aod -HU fuiiit, Nawpurt .Niiwa xaU all James stiver laadtagi. bi?am?r leavra aloaaay, >s eai.tsJay and Friuay at 6.M x. 41. k'ralgbl received for al| Ju.a, MtVal landinga. i'hone Madlaon 171. 41ulu Ticket Utflea. ISI K. Mala strait TWO IDE IL CH BISES. AROUND THE WORLD October 19. 1S1-'. from New Vork: Kebruary t;, i018. from San Francisco, by the Steamship Cleveland (17,000 tons); 110 days' duration each cruise-; co?t $630 up. Including all necessary expenses aboard and ashore, railway, hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides, fees, etc. "ASK Mit. nOWMAX.'? Tourist Vsent, TOs !:. Vlnln Street. Richmond, Vn. Tours, lue. Hotels, lOlcursluas, l.ou eat lluie>. T?i? ?crew 15 S. "UKKMUDIAN," t,in? d'splavrement, tllactrlo fans. orLllf^ tra; wireless. liiMeKt. newesl and only Steamer lmd'ii passengers at ttic dock In llrrmudn wltboi I ra ii?ter. Milling- risri Hie days In conneetlo with 11. M. fti P. Co. Tickots Interchnngi able. For full Information, apply to d\ j 0UTERBKIIM1E i CO., Agents ()uebe< h. to.. I.til.. ?.?P Broadway, Sfeer YorU S. II. BOWMAN, ids Uati 4t*ju.