OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, September 16, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1912-09-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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Crowds Cheer as Special
Train Starts on Tour
of Carolinas.
tttasineu People to Visit Eastern;
[Carolina Points To-Day, Wind
| ing Up With Smoker at
Raleigh To-Night?Twenty
Eight Cities Ready to
Greet Visitors.
Knthuslasitc ?oiie? marked tne de?
parture of the Richmond Boosters' I
iapecial train fron. Main .Street station
Mfcla :norring. More than ltd busl- J
??*?* b'lomtri jolne 1 in the trip, while
jnearly at many were at tne station 1
'to wish them well.
i The train left o%er the Seaboard i
vAir Line Railway at 12 Jo o'clock, the j
jtr?t official stop to be nyde at Rooky I
?fount N. C. this mornWK at 7 o'clock. '
jQ'l * Booster* remain tr.? re until 9 i
jo'? !o<-k, when they |??v? for a ?erlea ;
*f to?m across Kastern Carolina, j
^?eaihwig Raleigh to-night
\ The special train made up of four ;
?Pullmans, two dinars and a ba^gas- '
?Car was placed In Main Mreet Station \
?at 'j o'clock last night, shortly after ?
{which hour th* Boomers, with their
:'fri*-nds. hec?n to arrive. At midnight
'the B.>ost?r?' Band led by Ba!iJn,??ter i
>Xe?snl<h. waked* the strain* of the
j "Richmond Boosters' March, copies of;
the music and words of which were
>o Liquor *at?ple?.
The baggage iar had been well
?locked with advertls.ng matter, nov?
elties and simples for dfatrlhatfe* all
along the route. ?y agreement no
samples of liquor fjr distribution -
?were carried. Berths had already,
been drawn an 5 each Booster knew Ma
J>r"pe;- lo'-atiun and was not Ion* in
?Tatting settled <#en!al comradeship '
and good fellowship prevailed. Most
of the men were already rv-rsonal or j
business ac 4uaintances. Introductions!
*ere Informal and the new < omer* '
Were ma. le at home a*, onee
"The chief object of boosting is to
boost." was the way Onset Booster :
Willism T. Debney put It In explain-,'
Ing what was to be done. "We have
? bunch of bifsiness men bere who,
are going to be on the job every min?
ute of the time. When we strike a ;
tow-; our Boosters' Band will lead the
way right up to the main street, and
Wl will show them that Ml hmond is;
on the map."
As-sistant Chief Booster Horace F. ,
tr.'.itj. was equally enthusiastic. In ,
arranging for the tour, he visited
j nearly all of the cities and towns at i
?which stops axa to be made, and was 1
?SSJUmd that in nearly every place ?
the Mayor, the president of the Board
?of Trade and various committees
WQttld be on hand to welcome the,
"Right there lies the most important :
feature of the trip." said Mr. smith. ,
??We are out to boom Richmond, of j
{course; but in tbe long run we be-j
?sieve we will accomplish more by j
Joining forces with the otties of the
'Carolina? In a general movement to;
' boom the trade of the entire South, j
{.We want to get together with the j
I progressive men who are building the
(cities of the two States of the South.!
.?bake their hands and let them know!
i that we are watt them In their en-1
i Beavor to extend out trade facia- |
(ties and enlarge our enterprises."
wkerr It Helaw Bastaeas.
"I think that an important feature)
of tbe trip." said Mayor Alnalle. "lies:
the element of personal contact of)
I men who may have been heretofore '?
! doing- business by mail. Richmond
' mercantile and banking men will meet
SJasi talk with those to whom they
?ell. and those to whom they hope
to sell in the future. ?nd an inter-:
: change o? this sort must produce;
beneficial r itultl."
"It ts team work." said Secretaryj
Walford. of the Business Men's Club
??When these RlchmorO men go out j
on their t.-ip they forget for a mm-,
ttte that they represent this or that
house, or some special line of bust- j
?es* They represent Richmond. They ;
are not out as salesmen to solicit or- j
*ers for the particular Arm they are;
associated with, but have joined forces
tn a movement to make better trade
conditions for all."
Big Ctwwd a? Mattest.
Gathered at the station ?<j> ?fte;
train pulled out wre a number of |
those who took part in the Rich?
mond Boosters tour la*t year, who
were unable to join in the movement ;
this year, but who. having seen what
It had accomplished, were In hearty
sympathr with the plan an-i ?>> their
presence and cheers sent the Boosters
forth to continue the good work they .
b .d begun |
Some of the booster: who remain In I
ft.< hmond have be? u formulated Into a j
general comm'ttee with Charles T Sloe- j
*rsn. of the Civic Co-Operatlve Asso?
ciation and president of the Retail
Merchants- Association aa its chai.man. ,
T ie object of this committee U to plan
g great civic mass-meeting at the city |
Auditorium next Thursday night to
welcome tbe Richmond Boostters on
their return.
rommlttees have been named and
plans are belts; rap'dly perfected for
a fcreat civic parade w'tb ba ids of
?nusfc. red ll?"t? and Are works, from
fje.-rfith and Broad streets to the Au?
di ttr.usa. In this parade a HI be the
members of the Chamber of Commerce,
th* Business Mea"? Cla*. tbe Rcta'1
BTeTchant'' Association, tbe Tr*-e?*Ts'
fTroteot ve Asaor'atlor Ih United Com?
mercial Travelers, the Advertiser*
CIoK tbe Ov?c Co-Opera Uv? Aaoorta
?Job and tbo South Richmond sad Oies
Saciild Bssfiss H.n's Association.
I* ICoatlaaod on Third nSQ p
Ministers, Aroused by
Recent Disclosures,
Condemn System.
Mr. Wells Asserts That Vices
Now Classed as Misdemeanors
Should Be Raised to Felo?
nies?Conditions Show That
Parents Must Be
More Alert.
Arouse by rec-nt disclosures r,r |
crimes againn you h? girl* in this city,
ministers ysterday denounced frorn I
their pulpits in no uncertain Mot
the shortcomings of a civilization, and
la particular the so-called weakness;
or a local police system, which permits]
Jteelf to wallow In a mire of social,
decay and shuts its eyes to a reign
of immorality which is striking at the I
life of the city and nation
A dozen congregations listened with
quickening conscience hs the arraign- |
rn*-t;t of the agencies n modern life;
which loosen morals, wreck nornes. j
and spread contagion to be transmitted
la unborn generations. The yellow
press with its magnification of crime .
and Its ?ld11 r.c?s stories, the <J.-ca- I
dent stug>: with tu portrayal of loose ?
mora.s the suggestive n. jdern novels i
with its sensuous <krpictlon(of glossed- j
over vice?^?1 came m tor a snare of
the pulpit's ire.
Kev Krank L. Wells, ps.itor of the'
Bnoad street Metnodist Church. devoteJ
his sermon last night to an inquiry '
'nto the immediate causes of the evil j
it: Richmond, and to the suggestion,
of a course of action wh'ch might re-;
suit in its inltigatton.
Ip to Ike Helle?.
To the police of the city, sa'd the i
pastor, appeal must b? made for a
stricter enforcement of the law against '
crimes of this nature than has hitherto j
been the case Pwnishrtent for In?
fractions of tins claas. be said, has
been wholly too lax and infrequent >
?*Every now ^nd then." *ald Mr.
Wells "we hear a Mttle stir about
breaking up the crowds of sports who i
hand out on the Broad Street corners |
and ogle every woman who passes and !
make remarks about h?r. but the'
sports stil. stand on. the corners and
nothing seems to be dor.e about It. You!
men who vote can break it up if you '
"fc'ou go as Individuals to the police'
commissioners and ask them to enforce
certain evils, and you are apt to be told
to produce evidence of violation and
the rase will be attended to. An
aroused public opinion should say to
thos*- responsible for the enforcement
of law that they have been put Into
their positions, and their salaries are
pid. by the tax-paying citizens of
the city, and it is not your business as
individuals' to police the city, but it
is their business.
"It Is not your business to be detec?
tive and prosecutors, but it is their
business and you are solas to see that
they do It or get somebody who wUL
This is a matter of too much Import?
ance to be trifled with '
?lasses Moder? Fashions.
Is his analysis of the causes under?
lying the vice-wa\e which seems to
be sweeping over the city as well as
the country at large. Mr. Wells took
' up one after the other the chief sources
of infection. Poverty and squalid sur?
roundings, ignorance of the elemen?
tary laws and sexual hygiene, inherit?
ed animalism, and lack of parental
discipline, he said, were the main con?
tributing causes. Until these are re?
moved or at least moderated thought
the minister, little hope can be hcldi
To the more potent evils just named,.
Mr. Wells added the inslduous influence'
of present day fashions In dress. A
reform of feminine fashions along sane
lines, he said, is Imperative to moral
welfare. On this point the preacher
said: ?
"It is by no meants a matter of small
Importance that there should be a re?
form in dress which will bring us to
the modest fashions of former years.
I believe no thoughtful person will train
say the fact that the response of our
women ft* the dictates o' fashion Is
playing a par:, and net small part. In
the spread of immorality."
Tee Warfe ?slUSSltsm,
The minister denounced as one of the
contributing causes of social vice, the
currency which has been given to
proclamations of naturalistic and pagan
th-orles of life. He defined a subtle
?nfluence at work breaking down pub?
lic opinion con< rrntng immortality
with a corresponding tendency, dis?
tinctly market, though slowly de?
velop* d. fn-justify vice by appeal to
th? p-tncipl'S of naturalism and mi
tertalism. .? sentiment has gained
with |n1u?nc*. he said. ? hi?-h condones |
the excesses "t vice on th?- ?round tbst
tt Is nstnral
Mr. Wells broueht Indictments
agslnst three institutions which, he
said, were largely guilty of proclaim?
ing this pagan philosophy of life. The
yellow press was the first of these.
"There are some newspapers." he
said, "that have become tssspools tnte
which arc dumped every possible crime,
every sort of sensation that is coarse
sad tow and StlgOStlTf Persons who
base ns claim to be ssentioned est
stde of a small drei?, an? then only
with pity or contempt, are made notor?
ious and national, berasee gl some sin
or shame or ellenees wl'h which they
wer? connected. This moral rarrios
Is made the Sail) topic of conversation
among men and wewten who are swp>
(Cssjttnsjid on Second Page.) J
Gunmen Arrested for Rosenthal Murder
Nominee I*. Grimly Silent on
Political Situation in
Empire State.
In Speeche?' Will Di^cu.-s Prin?
cipally the Tariff and
Op. Board Governor Wilson's Special
Car. Haree^burg. Pa.. September 15.?
Orlxely silent on the New yorlt State
sitjat'on. but turning his eyes ?*
pectant;> westward. Governor Wood
row Wim traveled through Per.nsyl- ,
van'a to-night en route to Iowa. South \
Dakota. Minnesota and Michigan.
"I have nothing more to at pres- ,
ent." waa the candidate s reply to ,
questions concerning -he contest for j
th?- Kubernatorial nomination in New ',
York. He Governor said he proba-.
biy would open up on more issues of
. the campaigi than before, on bis trip,
I ?"hirh Is the first to the middle West. ?'
; He sa'd he expected to discuss prin- ?
j cipally. however, the tariff and the
I trust?. The Governor has prepared
j t.ie speech he is to deliver on Fri- |
i day at Columbus in connect'on w'tb j
the opening of the Ohio campaign, j
; "The Abandoned Issues.'' is the title '
j he has given to it
"You know Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. I
,Taft ir.iont nently have abandoned the
Irr It and the trusts to us," smiled the '
C overnor. "probably because their
platforms present no arguable ground.-' j
? Governor Wilson motored early in ?
. the afternoon from Searf'rt to Trenton. ?
, where he boarded the .special tcar \
\ which is to carry him throughout 'the |
campaign. I
Thirteen AHls Prevails.
The Governor was o,ui<-k to rote '
'tiiat his .ucky number?thirteen?pre?
vailed in his party, for besides him?
self and secretary there are nine cor
i respondents and two steno~raphers.
j The Governor's youthful cousin, Fitz
'v.-jliiam Mackmaster Woodrow, of Co
: Iumbia. ". C-. rode with him from Sea?
girt to Trenton. Young Woodrow en?
ters Princeton University as a fresh- (
man next week and came to get a few ?
tips on university life from the former
president of the Institution.
Tbe Governor announced to-night
j the Iowa itinerary
He wiil arrive at Sioux City. Iowa.
Tuesday morning, speaking at the In?
terstate Fair during the day, but haa
arranged now to speak at night at
Sioux Falls. S. D.
"They pressed so hard at Sioux j
Falls to have us stop there." said the
I Governor, "that we simply bad to do j
j it. They even have arranged a spe?
cial train to carry us on to Mlnneapo
[ Iis and St. Pant"
After bis two engagements in Min?
nesota on Wednesday, the Governor
will ?peak at Detroit on Thursday;
and Columbus on Friday, returning toi
Seagirt on Saturday.
Win Sot Staad fee Oda.
j Seartrt. N J.. September 15?If I
Governor John A. Dlx. of New York.;
! insists on remaining a candidate for j
I re-election In spite of the warning!
sounded at Syracuse by Governor;
Woodrow Wilson, ajid if Leader Mur-'
' phy insists upon keeping Dlx in the
field ss a candidate, it is very prob?
able that Governor Wilson will put
, New York on his schedule for one I
1 or more speeches, and have something;
? definite to say.
' Friends of Governor Wilson called'
j attention to the parellel of Governor!
?Wilson's' opening up on Boas Mur-1
phy In New York snd his opening up.
two years ago. on Boss Smith in New j
Jersey. In the New Jersey case. Gov- '
ernor Wilson f.rst expressed prlvste-j
ly to his friends his wish to have:
Senator Smith keep out of the rs<-e ;
for re-election to tbe Lenste Then,
he s?nt word to Smith that he would!
have something to sa if he persisted. .
It was several months after be first
indicated what Ms views was before
Governor Wilson was hitting tbe h?rd
Mows that put Smith out of tbe run?
The Governor's friends foresee In the
New Tork situation a tendency that
first expressed Itself in tbe hint to
?rovernor Wilson's friends in New Tork
that the people looked to him to stand
by progressiv? principles, that then
rook the farm of the hint to Murphy
that Governor Wilson expected "only
progressives" to be nominated In all
the Mates, and that finally found ex?
pression In Governor Wilson's sjianifeO
tattem of disgust with lbs conduct of
the bosses at gvra?-nse
Governor Wilson believes In opening
? light slowly, sa as not to get out of
breath before it is over. He has an
(TowUaaed en tenth Faga.)
Three Persons Killed and Fifty
Injured in Syracuse
Farm House? and Barns Blown
Down. Crops Ruined and
Cattle Destroved.
Syracus?. K. T.. September 15.?
Three persons were killed and fifty in?
jured by a tornado which worked a!
ten-mile trail of destruction across j
the northern part of Onondaga Coun-J
ty late to-day. The property loss ls:
t-stimated at $231.000.
Without sny warning of Its ap-j
proach. the black, funnel-shaped cloud j
first appeared near Long- Branch. a|
pleasure resort ten miles from this
?city. About 400 persons were there,
and panic followed when building af-j
ter building toppled over and two
massive loterurban trolley cars were
hurled Into s ditch. j
A number ran Into the dance hall
for safety, but this building was dl-j
rectly in the path of the storm andj
was demolished. Many persons were,
injured in It. The wind. thunder, j
lightning and rain were terrific and'
trees cracked and fell to the ground, j
Rushing westward the tornado!
wrecked the boathouse of the Syra-j
cuse University Navy, in which wasj
stored the entire crew equipment. Alii
the shells were wrecked and the loss!
to the university Is more than J8.000.1
Kacing across the country, the tornado]
leveled everything In <ts path. Farm j
houses and barns were blown down, j
Crops were ruined and scores of head)
of cattle killed.
North of North Syracuse the devasta-j
tlon continued- Hitchers Hill was next!
visited, and the settlement was prac?
tically wiped oat. fifteen residences, ej
number of barns and the acaoolhousej
falling before the whirlwind. The,
home of H- A- Wendell, which stood In
the path of the tornado, was lifted
from its foundation and turned com-'
pletely over. In the house were Mrs.'
Wendell and her three boys. aU of
whom escaped uninjured.
Cosa?Ittee to Begin laveaf laattoa of
Allesed Primary Fronds.
Columbia. S. C. September 15.?An-1
nouncement was made to-night that
the sub-committee of the Democratic
state Committee appointed to investi?
gate charge? of fraud in connection
with the recent South Carolina prim?
ary of the party will meet In Spar
tanburg. S. C on September 24. W
F. Stevenson, chairman of the sub
' committee, said the meeting, would be
l held here on account of the extensive
charger of fraud made In the Pied?
mont counties in this section of the
State. Governor Bleaao was renomi
"lated by a majority of three thousand
votes on the face of the returns
Warm Weather by
Middle of Week
Wsusbtr art**. ??a<> sshsr ?*??Tree*"
fee the Week* Woowtatsm rectea and
fbe .ooer M ?Ii II H V-lley--*
mack reeIre weather far the Hlddls
Weed aad ?be aaatbwew? for Wewday
sad Tvewday are at? darted by the
Weather Rare** fe> the weekly ???
letta paet b-aed. M mrm wewtber la
tat? ntles erWI Mint by the nstd
dle of rbe week.
% ebsVarwaaee tbaf ta see over
the onto TeHey was adiaan eaat
ward aad be aeteaded by aaasttle e
General Organizer of Industrial
Workers Arrested in
Taken Into Custody After Sound?
ing Call for Nation
Wide Strike.
Boston. Mass.. September 15.?Wil?
liam L?. Haywood. of Denver, general
organizer of the Industrial Workers j
of the World, was arrested here to?
day on a capias warrant Issued as the
result of sn indictment by the Essex
County grand Jury, charging him with
conspiracy in connection with the
strike of textile workers in Lawrence :
last winter. He was released on $1.00<J
The exact nature of the conspiracy
with which Hay wood is charged was'
not mentioned In the Indictment. Just
before his arrest, Haywood. in ad
j dressing a mass-meting of 15.000 per?
sons on Boston Common, had sounded
I a call for a general strike of New;
I England workers to begin a nation-1
! wide movement as a protest against j
[ the "arrest, imprisonment and trial of
Ettor, Giovannitti and Caruso." These j
three industrial workers, who were I
active during the Lawrence strike, are
chargej .with complicity to murder in!
connection witTi the shooting of . a j
striker, Anna Lopfzzo. during a riot I
in Lawrence last January,
j At to-day-s meting banners were dls- |
i played calling for the release of the \
I three leaders, and Haywood was cheer- ]
[ ed when he cried:
j "We will open the jail doors or i
j close the mill gates."
Urse? Immediate Strike. j
In urging a general strike Haywood i
I declared it probably would be a fact !
I by the end of the coming week, and;
that It surely would come before Sep- '
tember 30. the date set for the be- i
ginning of the leaders' trials. He ad?
vised the assembled workers to begin
the strike to-morrow.
"If you leave your benches to-mor?
row you will make no mistake*' he
said. "Any time between now and'
September 30. will do. but the sooner
the better. If you go oat to-morrow
j you will be the forerunners, the van
i guard of a great movement for free
! dorn."
I Haywood declared that such a str'ke.
I as a movement of general protest I
' would "save lives Just as did that !
I great movement of sympathy and sup- |
port which resulted In the vlndica-!
tion of Mover. Pettlbone and myself." j
The Indictment on which Haywood |
wss arrested was returned by the Es- i
sex County grand Jury several months;
ago. and although the State police!
made preparations to arrest him wheni
I it was announced that he would come'
into the State to-day. no Interference!
with th? mass-meeting was attempted, j
Haywood held a reception on the Com- ?
mon. delivered his speech, and then
hurried away through the crowd to
one of the Common exits where offi-?
cers of the State police met him snd
took him to the police station. He
was ordered to appear before the Su?
perior Criminal Court of Essex County
j at Lawrence to-morrow morntng. Ball
was furnished by Attorney Frederick;
j H. Moore, of Los Angeles, who has:
been engaged to defend Ettor. Gio- J
J vanottl and Caruso. To attend the j
j protest meeting on the '"ommon. more
than 20.0 "?" of the mill operatives.!
who were on strike in Lawrence last'
; winter came to Boston in three special]
! trains.
.???wer ?Wverawr'b Pbssj of Arbs?
tratte? WM B> Made To-Bay.
Charleston. W. Vs. September IV?;
No disorder occurred to-d?y tn the
Ksnawha strike sono under martial
law. Religious services were hel': at
various points. The twnty-one i?ffl
psnles of the Mate militia were In?
spected by Captain L C Jenks of
I SA. snd General RTlott, of the .
State Guard j
By noon to-morrow the answer of
the miners and '?.ii op-rators to Oov- (
ernor Glassrocks plan of arbttrstion
Is expected to b* made public The
miners. ?t ?? said win accept the
plan, but the impression prevslls that
th? operator* will ?i??stlon ?he rtsht
oi the fri'ted Mil- Wo-ker? of Kmt
lea Io sprat* for the large mnaber of
mon!ifit?n n?*n if the district. Re
centty the operators raised fh- point
and stated ?"ey would net deal with
the nnten b* aus? It could SOt control
all tae men.
Nothi .g Whatever in
Nature of Confession
Is Obtained.
Wives of Gangsters and Pick?
pocket Arrested in Their Flat
Held as Material Witnesses.
Men Probably Will Be Ar?
raigned on Formal Mur?
der Charge To-Day.
New Tork, September 15.?Every ef-'
i I
fort of police and district attorney toi
induce 'Gyp the Blood" and "Lefty
Louie" to break their silence has so!
far failed. The arrest of these twoj
gunmen, completing the round-up of
all men wanted n connection with the
murder of Herman Rosenthal, the'
gambler, just two months a??o to-night.;
was followed by four hours examina
tloa of the new prisoners to-day.
The men were examined separately'
by Deputy Police Commissioner George
P. Dougherty and by Assistant District!
Attorney Prank Moss, in the absence
of District Attorney Charles S. Whit-!
man. but according to both men. |
Dougherty and Moss. "Gyp" and
"Lefty" were determined to "stand;
Nothing whatever in the nature of:
a confession COuM be obtained from
them. In an effort to reinforce evi-1
dence against the men. the police to-1
day formally held their wives as ma-:
terial witnesses, as well as a third man,]
Max Kahn, who the police say is a
pickpocket, and who was in the flat:
with the gunmen and their wives when:
the detectives bro?e in upon them at;
supper last nlgnt. All three of these i
witnesses were arraigned to-day be-'
fore Coroner Feinberg, and held inj
$1.000 bail each. The police also seized]
a large number of papers In the flat
where the capture was made.
No Promise of I^aleaey.
Mr. Moss said no promise of leniency
; had been given the prisoners for ad
mision such as some of those concern?
ed in the murder have made, reault
? ing in the Indictment of Police Lleu
: tenant Charles Becker as tbe instlga
i tor of the crime.
I Horowitz and F.osenzweie; probably
will be arraigned op a formal charge
of murdering Rosenthal before a Jus?
tice of the Supreme Court to-morrow.
It is expected that the arraignment
will take place in Justice GofTs court.
Although the district attorney's of?
fice had offered $5.000 for the oapture
of "Gyp the Blood" and "Lefty Louie,"
the police detectives who brought
about their arrest will not get the
reward. The provisions of Mr. Whit?
man's offer specifically barred the po
j lice.
So far as development* here were'
: concerned there was no evidence of
friction between the police and the
district attorney's office over the hand?
ling of the case In Its latest phases.1
Police headquarters scouted tbe infor?
mation that there was significance in;
tbe tact that the arrest of the two
] men followed closely upon Mr. Wbit-;
I man's departure tor Hot Springs, it
was pointed out that Mr. Moss wss
j called in immediately to represent. Mr.
Whitman, and given every opportun?
ity to examine the prisoners.
labroke* SswveeBaueee.
The arrests of the stwo gunmen
Last night ware the result of unbroken
surveillance of the wives and rela?
tives of the men since their disap?
pearance on the day of tbe murder.
' July K. This surveillance was main-!
] tained by sixty detectives work'ng in
I relays who kept Deputy Commissioner;
j Dougherty constantly in touch with:
! what they did and where they went.'
, Tbe final clue came as the result of'
I piecing together a number of conver
' sations overheard by detectivea and
I reported to the commissioner at dif
! ferent times. The first conversation
; was that "they are not lonesome be-,
cause they, can see a movlnar picture
I show from their back windc.ws"
Another conversation gave the in?
formation that there wa* a laundry
In tbe house where the missing men
lived, which was named either th?
I "New Brlsrhton." the ' Brlaht' or the
I "Brighton Hand Laundry A third
'conversation supplied the fa^t thst th
nelghborbood 'was full "f Swedes and
It then bocame Ccmmissen' r Dough?
erty's task to discover somewhere a
hand laundrv in -rAximitv to a mov?
ing picture show In a vl--lr.ltv inhabit?
ed by foreigners ef the nationalities
Harly vesterd*\ Detectives Mey-r.
and fassash^ dis- overed In Brooklyn [
the New Brighton Hand Laundry.''
which perfectly fiite.t a'.! requirement*,
ta atcb a psjeTSsewva.
The- set th'mseive? to watch trr
apartmet.ts situated above th?- laun?
dry, and late In the afternoon wer?
rewarded bv S"!n? <;?p tb? Biood?
wife leave tbe Building and do at
. rrand a? a store Both wives ]
seen missing since Tuesdev when they
cleverly evaded detectives bv * :mpin?
into a waiting automobile after leav?
ing an "I.' train on which tbev we-,
riding in the direction -f H?r!<-r,
The detective* then felt .-ertain that
the-y were with their husbands The
women h*d several Othe- times ei'ided
?urve|;;ar><-? the u?e of a .*? - ?
biles, but previously bad slwa?? re?
turned to their homes) la New Yo.-h
The arrest fallowed as soon as tbe>
detectives eo i'.d collect reinforcements.
. -ommt??ei?fi. * l?ougs>?ny said that
Gvp ?rd le-ft*." had ged immediately
?,fter th. t- j let t" Parhsv'.'le. x T . a
j summer restore tn the f'atehtll Moun?
tain?, ard remained there over a week
1 ?mmm i a hi nn i
Hillsville Outlaws Will!
Be Lodged in Roanoke
Jail To-Day.
Sidna Allen, Leader of Gang,
Will Be Arraigned With Ed?
wards in Carroll County?No
Mob Violence Feared.
Judge Staples May
"Gov. William Hodge* Mann. Richmond.
-Have both aacn aafe. Will arrive,
la Hoaaeke Monday morning.
1 Sinned I "W. G. BALDWIN."
The ?oregolng telegram received by
the Governor shortly before noon yes?
terday represents the sum total of.the
information received at the executive
mansion from the fibers in charge of
Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, tha
Carroll County outlaws, who wer?
captured Saturday in Des Moines by a.
trio of Baldwin detectives. The mes?
sage was nled en route early yester?
"i knew nothing more of the capture
than has appeared in the newspapers."
said Governor Mann last night. '?From
the message I received to-day. and
from the press accounts which I have
read. I can see nothing in the whole
matter other than the fact that the
men have been captured and are now
on their way to Virginia. The news?
paper accounts of the Des Moines cap?
ture agree with the Information I bad
beforehand, and are substantially cor?
Silent on Reported Betrayal.
I Governor Mann was shown a mes?
sage from Des Moines carrying an ac?
count of a confession reported to have,
been made to Chief of Police Jenney,
of that city, by Maude Iroler, the
Mount Airy. X. C. sweetheart of Wes?
ley Edwards, who wittingly or un?
wittingly led the detectives to the
aUbve of the fugitives.
The alleged confession of Miss
Iroler is to the effect that she had
been promised the reward which v-as
offered by Governor Mann for the ar?
rest of the outlaws, and that she in?
tended to return at once and claim
"I have nothing to say in regard tc
j this." said the Governor last night
j when asked by a reporter for The
Times-Dispatch for a statement as to
Its trustworthiness. "I cannot discuss
' it ." In Cincinnati last night Edwards
denied the report that Miss Iroler be?
trayed him.
Indictment la Carroll.
The outlaws and their escort ara
expected to reach noanoke this morn?
ing. and will be lodged in 'ail there
to await further action by the Carroll
County authorities. The indictments
will have to be formally entered in
: Carrol! County, where the murders
were committed. Unless a change of
yenuc Is demanded and granted, the
I trial ?>f Sidna Allen and Wesley Ed?
wards will take place In the same
courtroom where the judge and court
j officers were killed.
j In all likelihood." said Governor
! Mann, "Judge Waller R. Staples wno
tried the other members of the clan,
win preside at the trial of Sidna Allen
and Wesley Edwards. He is familiar
with the case and Is the logical man
to try them Judge A. A. Campbell, of
I the Twenty-first Judicial Circuit. In
j which Hillsville Is situated, would
J hardly be In a position to preside.
"I think there Is no doubt but that
I Judge Staples win try the men. He
will, of course, have the power of
designating the place of trial, for this.
!ss well as the time of trial, is In his
; hands."
1? Dem?Iriih! Feared.
The effectiveness with which the
case against the other Aliens has
been prosecuted, as w?ll as tbe time
which has elapsed since the Carroll
County shooting, have removed all
dmger of mob violence, and no special
p-jard. it Is e .pected. will be desig?
nated by the Governor, unless later
developments should warrant It. The
TTis-mers will be amply guarded In
K'unoke and will be given a strong
escort of poilce and detectives when
taken to Hillsville to plead.
Deny Betrayal Report.
Cincinnati. September 15_Hand
< :f.d aua-ded by thre* stalwart de?
tectives at.d accompanied by ?n? girl
who un<-'inscK>usl> srave the police
the clue to their hiding place. Sl'.na
Alien and his n?paew. Wesley Ed
? ud?. tvok part in 'he saootin?
op a court at Hillsv?le. Vs . on March
1? last, and a ho were arrested yea
te.day. arrived here to-nigat froat Des
; Moines on their way back to t^e
Scene of the crime. Tbe trip prove*
_r,. ventfu" <hl?.f of Detectives Bald?
win stating that the prisoners we e
Id-al in ><h?vlor and far from a ?le
lactad ..-.nx rf mind.
With the e*:e?tio nf Miss Maads
lr..!er whose Icve for Wesley Edw Js
>i the detectives to bis hiding
the eaUre p*.rtr appare = ti\ -;i*heo
their bVS*\ >.b< even *>?' exchanging
of joke *a* not .. .-"inent on tbe
The yo-nger of the tw? pr e.aers aa
well aa the girl her .?elf ?er? solicitor*
.n having a rumor ienled that ??e ba<l
illiterately betrayed . *r .w?et?*art.
Wesley Edward* rv..t-. BeJdw'a
corroborated tbe'.r statine-:? *r.d t?? I
tbe etevy a the t rnts leading ip t*
fflss ?plan to pro? - that tu* ?tr wm
I no tra.? v to h?r He said t??*t
when Edwards left M?aat Airy. X- Cm
OM gdrTs bouse }?? b*i left M wMb
I r.er to n* used '? <oln htm ?In If
[was oef": Tbe QHHlj Wm
I" |J?at'a*ed ?* ?"?**?? rb]M

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