ANNOUNCE Full and Complete Autumn Lines of Wayne-Knit Hosiery litre .ir<- Stockings that cannot be surpassed for durability, yet are not coarse and arc guaranteed fast color. They cannot be surpassed in shapeliness and comfort because they arc made on the most approved modern lines. Hundreds ol Richmonders (our patrons) who have been wearing WAYNE-KMT STOCKINGS regu? larly, know iluir value hettcr than we can proclaim it. This is an invitation to others (who arc having hosiery troubles) tc- knit with four threads?the knee.-, and sole- double street; We have many different styles in stuck. Please a-k to >ee them. black or tan. 25c and 35c a pair. WAYNE-KNIT Lisle Stockings for Grown-Ups FOR WOMEN- Beautiful Cotton and Lisle Stockings in black or tan. shapely and stylish: sheer and medium weights: qualities that are supreme at each of the following prices, a pair. "jQ^ 25c, 35c a:: FOR MISSES -We are showing an elegant autumn weight WAYNE-KNIT -flat" Stockings; beautiful black- and 25c OUT SIZES ?Women who have had difficulty in procuring an accurate, comfortable nt in regular size- will find extra sizes here in tine cotton and lisle. These are rendered extraordinarily durable by a special reinforcing at the top, toe, sole and '5Crf, heel: 25c a pair and. OOQ MAU WANTED HERE CAUGHT III TEXAS Alleged Jewelry Thief, Under In? dictment in This City, May Be Brought Back for Trial. V Bloui?, untl?-.- indictment her? f..r grar:d larceny, has been arrest -1 tri Fort Worth. Tex, ac titling it letter received yesterday by Chief of Police Werner from Chief J W. Ren ,Iro, of Fort WortS Sometime a ?lcule** ?-* sil'-geil to i ave 5-ir--i!-.l J. '?'Weinstein & Co, wholesale jewelers, of lilt Kar=t Main Street, of ?watches and other artUies valued at mere than $16*. Biouie ha," a long s'iing t>f sl'ases. In Richmond be Is known as J. M. F Vogel and V. Blau. !:: Fort Worth the police know him at M V. B'au, Baas Vogel. M Fog el, v B'.au. Klaus. 1. Plaut. L Plant. Joe Kaufmann. H l^zarus ar,d A I. - : '?? '. Ht. is und arrest lr. Forth w,,rth for forgery and .-t arched a card bearing th< namt of Weinstein was found in his potktt. That lead Chief Renfro the Kichm" SUthorltlea of his arrest. ? ??erstes ? lr?er ?windle BIouu opcrat,* a cleTST swindle. Is >a.1. up'-n jeweler.". His plan Is to visit a firm a: 1? (Made Bit i .?? ? I Major Wer-. ? ts w i?-d ?*hle- r*en f ? Jr. T??.as thorttie* atU wave to a . t "hes his tern be ?nr. ? t shl h- re fur t: - for r.rsii< t-.rr ?!??'? ?' greed Coart ea ? e.,rt .. ,Uf ? W?v . Jen. . ( ?nail -? . ? . e**>-alei?c i'. and astateei ? ; - .. . ... P.?7.t:?* ha ' ' ? ??..? S W INGS BANK RICHMOND i i i 7 tr MAIM IT, The advKr gf n : Isjerv'r-? ?? ajw it .et Isl aSwJ talk af*h . UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY rO0 PCTSTAl s AV-n will I- ' .ii? ? t to-.lay in Polite Court. i;>; :es-rtativ, m from the Min? isterial Union, the Juvenile Protec? ts.- Society, the Board of Police Com? missioners and Chief of Police Wern? er Mayor Alnelte and < iiiiiieoawoaHh'i Att rn..:- Mlnitree Koikes will be pres ? :.t tt> aid I;, trie prosecution. Herman Anthony, who is a brother] ! of .1 J. Anthony, and Leo Kkld are| now under bond f< i their appearance1 !-efor. the next grand Jurj in the Hen-: ric? Count) Circuit ''i)i;rt for graveI crimes against girls The chart's against these four men. as well as Jo.-.-::: ?lianotti. W. A Rut-i terworth ?n the press, calling upon the authori? ties to rid the rity of ju/eniie vice. I Glanottl. Ituttarworth and iSullett j 'are now awaiting grand Jury act lea , in th? Hustings t'.urt. - welcome blues UrMiliniral I- S? Hr I nlHiril XoonC ISM- ???? -?-ll?Sie?. < T .? .r.:??! t .:nate rn? no ? rs >.; tiie 1 ? ! 1' ? .- who were unab r t g j <-r. fie trip to N?-w Knglatol t:i* ,-lan I to have a little of the reflected fun 'b. ?mim th?-ir weary eom-a t?? v-.:, tnej .. .i. h tbe , sty to-morrow n't t It Is hoped to have a rtetsca n ? ? r. ? r \ -at-f.ome mem ? .? jot .11 ' ? aiii* s. to e?cort the [battalion from the Mala Street Sta Jtlon t?. t - e'morv J P r?T l..,i! M F James, the l--i.(liter eft In Richmond. ?s werl up the matter Be raise- ef ft. .r -.I the rirrt eergeanta .?-et ro:;? ,r. t*e , it. i >?IM. to get nets of Use m? n si!. . a:> h?rr T .? oaiv reoours? :? t. . ve l> ? t^-'.tig?! Ihe new? pai-r- ? att'nd It i? ? .. I t 'st ??>, men -sumhr rjswvrj at ? . loeh to-morrow nisht. la k *>i *?: I service eat farm. T?, so* m train t^arlr.g the eettalton ?? -xi" ?? i t.. n.? Mi ie o'elock. , Tb- Ji \< :ori Ij. looked Ith? ?? ??IIa 'r.-? week Tw" M '' ' ? ? e i|> ;*'':i *f. rosppenv ' er.d r.r.!t ? ? ^ntl Mae In rseard frei e.r? an* of tu,, tdavina MajfT ig* T '? ? rtaspoj ? Wa.Le-.rst sad Sal Its O. Colored Woman Mimilainmed by Two 1 riends While Walk? ing About a Bit. SCHEME NEW TO DETECTIVES Earlier Report of Same Kind oi Swindle Puts Sleuths on Trail. Roberta Boddia, a colored woman, living at i<>?>4 West Leigh st,..'.. weal to police headquarters yesterday und told bow blu had lost $luu by a swindle which have taxed the ingenuity ?I thoae w!i> plaaaed it it happened that a similar complaint was received on Thursday from Georgiaana Kagland, of iiii Brown Street. Deiecti\es aera j immediately put to work on the case | after they had learned the method employ) l by the fakers. The WOOWs, it seems, had saved rather comfortable , sums of money, but since so many of I them nst by the recent failure of aj colored bank they reached the conclu- ! Slotl that tile btsl place to hide cash I was in the Louse. Casting aside I lie- j thought that af'ur ail the Dank la the safest place. Chief of Detectives j McMahotl got from Roberta at? accu? rate description of .the Mmflammlng. Wanted an i-Ivea Spilt. Two uthei negroes who pretended to be h.-i Hiiicds persuaded her to walk ;ib >ul a bit. and as they were ambling along one of the fakers uttered a| scream and picked up a pocketbook. which she had that moment dropped I without putting Roberta wise. Mak- j ing a secret examination, nhe an- I nounced that the purse contained $500, enough money to buy ail the chickens' that were ever hatched in Georgia. , ?'Being as we is all friends," said the chief of the (limflammers, accord- i lug to Rebecca, "we must dee-vide dis j money like all Gaul." ?'Fore Gawd, an' how is all (Jaul dee-Tided?" remarked flimtlammer No. 2. ; "Into three parts, you nigger," re- . marked No. 1. Being good at mathematics, the ' crooks announced with much gusto ' th it SSOO could not be split between ! three frlneds equally without Stinging somebody, and it wouldn't be fair to: shave that part which rightly belonged . to Roberta. Wanted Something Easy. So a conference was held. It was suggested that Roberta go home and get that $100 which she had concealed behind the picture of the Bull Moose on her kitchen wall, fetch it along so there would be $S00, and the division j would be as slick as an eel. Koberta took the bait She hotfooted :t home, reached up behind the picture of the ! Bull Moose and brought forth the 100j iron men. The two friends awaited her arrival. They took her money, put it in the purse, and suggested to Roberta! that she slip up to the corner and see ! if she could cast her lamps on a frantic man in a silk hat, who was looking down dose to the sidewalk for the fat i wallet. "We'll dee-vide dis while you is gone," they told her. and when Roberta got back they had gone. Also it is supposed that they had split her for tuna into two equal parts. Roberta j saw no trace of the frantic man in the I silk hat. They fleeced Georgianna exactly I that way. OR. SKINNER HERE I'aMor of ?arias Baptlxt Begins His >e? Work To-Morron. Rev. T. Clagett Skinner. D. D., re cently called to the pastorate of the' Second Baptist Chui^h. arrived in the . city this week and will >ccupy the pul- ' pit at the Sunday morning service. Dr. Skinner, a graduate of RichmondI College an.l the Southern Baptist The ologlcal Seminary, comes to Richmond . after a very successful pastorate at ' the Fust f'hurch. of Roanoke. A fore- j ible speaker, an earnest worker and devoted pastor, he will be a great addi- , tion to the pulp't jf Richmond. An j impressive and beautiful service w-ill > b?- held to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, rit which time a welcome will j be extended to the new pastor on be- 1 half of the Baptist and other denom- ' iaatioaa of the city. Dr. Skinner and his wife and daugh- ] ter are the guests of Wliliam Kllyson. . 114 S>ut':i Third Street, and will later | occupy th*1 house 1*03 West Grace! Street. I TRAVELERS' AID BOOTH V. ay. C. t. Will Have Help for W?sten \ I tending Fair. Women who come to the State Fair unattended may have protection and advice on application to the travelers' a:d b>oth on the grounds. This booth will he erected close to the main en? trance, and will be next to the suffrage : i : ! Tv.e u ? rk is under the au tpici ? of the Toaag Women's Christian t asocial Ion At th- 'n il be kept ? list of hoarding hous* ? at which women may aafely ? k a< ? mroodations. the list having I- ? ti ;n\? ?sigated and approved a ??>?:,:;.. \-,y oth-r advice which may help women who are alone will be furnished Th ? will the third eeaston In which th< lijj rrindtjeted ?his feature and it has proven of ? aiae \- T-any people. The T. W. C. A. tsats it* travelers' aid as a moot im- I portaat part <>f its work. I Leading Women Urge Council to Put Her There With Chap erone's Privilege. TOWN NEEDS CURFEW LAW Strong Resolutions Call for Sup? press ion of Juvenile Vice. Initial steps toward the formation of a permannt 01 ({animation of women to roihdt the so-called ? juvenile vice | wav'e" in Richmond were taken yes? terday afternoon, when representatives! of various women's leagues met in the headquarters of tin- Woman's Chris-) tian Temperance League Of America, IT. South Third Strtet. Several reso- I unions were passed, which are to be presented to BBC different women's organizations of the city and re? ported back to the committee which Biel yesterday. Most original Of these resolutions; wjs that which recommended that the City Council appoint chaperons I for each of the moving picture shows In Richmond, whose duty it shall be to keep guard over unescorted girls and to exercise the usual perogetivea of the chaperon. So far as is known, such action by the Council would j blase a trail In municipal guardian? ship. Calls for Ceanorehlp. A second part of the same resolu? tion calls for careful censorship of j the vaudeville portion of the moving, picture offerings, proposing that alt vaudeville acts receive the stamp of | approval of a municipal board of cen? sors before being permitted to be giv? en on the stage. A call for the re-enactment of the: old Curlew law was also made. While the meeting yesterday was, not permanently welded into an or-1 gsnisstion, it was representative of every woman's civic and religious body in the city. Those present were Mrs. Norman V. Randolph, of the Associated Charities:! Mrs. B. B. Valentine, of the Equal Suf-I rage League: Mrs. C. V. Meredith, of! the Girls' Training Association; Miss Minor, of the Nurses' Settlement: hUssl Furness and Miss Michaels, of the Visiting Nurses' Association. Mrs. F.-. E. j Michaels, of the board of managers of the Methodist Institute, Hiss Katherine H. Howes. of the Young! Woman's Christian Association: Mrs. | W. A. Burrows, of the Mothers' Club:; Mrs. George King, of the Kings'; Daughters: Miss Mays, of the Spring; Street Home: Mrs. W. R Burrell. Mrs.: S. T. Ledman and Mrs. Georgia May .lobson. of the Woman's Christian Tem? perance League of America. Adopt Many Resolutions. The resolutions drawn up and adopt? ed for presentation to the various or? ganizations were as follows: Resolved. L That each representative go back to her own organization and I get the Indorsement of the action of the Mayor and the Police Commissioners j in their effort to get the next Legis latnre to pass a law raising the age i of consent from fourteen to eighteen ? years. 2. That we strongly condemn the ' double standard of morals for men and j wonapn and urge tljat fathers and | mothers train their sins as well as their daughters In the necessity for purity of life. That we recommend that the pub He sohoolhouses be used as social cen? tres for healthy recreation for the>j boys and girls of the city, under proper J supervision. i I That wc ask the Council to ap- ! point ? haperons for each moving pic- | ture show and that the vaudeville por? tion of trie show shall pass the hoard of censorship. 5, That every effort be made to have denn and attractive boarding houses for working women at, rates that they can afford to pay, supervised by a ca? pable woman, and so located that they would not have to live in st.cii con? gested conditions as are now found in most boarding places where they can afford to go. 'V That the proper authorities be i ur?red to originate and enforce the (Cut few bell throughout the cltv. I 7. T.'.at we further call upon the pul? pit to aid us in our efforts to raise the standard of morals of our young men to that required of our women: also that we urge the ministers to bring these questions of moral reform before their congregations at an earlv date GETS READY FOR GRAND JURYl ?editor Preparing fafermatl^JVIaya Set- i Uemeat With Cmminimt^rr* ! JtSjf qg'jMIW tabuiated under the j fiireetmn e Auditor ?'. Lee Moore for Mal " -"--"1 Mry Investigation, hvo th"' t -X r.t-trrs were ,,?. ,o fnf. ?,.,?.,, ! . .v T . -vor* is nearly comp]-,., and wl ;, ?>. sent out to tb. courts before 'one. i.:e sta-,merts ?n cor.taln tust I he In-. r*r?m*m lbs grsad fun., mm i,TT mil] ? ? ' ?',m,. taxation or persona: prop. "?'r * ??? St CRP aTret.d. bUt,>oj "T,;.?ra?lT? raw.. indl^a-inr the wide ! Tsristi^n lr va'uaMons throughout Tbe j St;.t' T-? r roperty books w!K not I ??e nsld un'i; after tiie eenrta have i nan* 1 j r?d rv.-.?. i '.ok. T>?re tr!:? problb'r V. The Treasury Of our Inifed Stares has now in its vaults ((old coin and bullion to a greater value than ever before in its history, and nearly double that of any of the great foreign nations. The backing which the Government gives our national bank is REAL. The protection Incle Sam renders The American National Bank of Richmond. Virginia, is far reaching. It is founded on solid gold and the principles of government itself. It is planned that tOl'R c\er> penny shall receive from us SECURITY AND SERVICE. Police Carry Out Order When Exit Signs and Fire Escapes Were Not Provided. TOOK BULL BY THE HORNS Inspector Claims That lie Couldn't Find Anybody at Theatre to Obey Order. Aft lncr upon orders from Building Inspector Beck, issued through Chief of I'oliee Werner. Patrolman Jacobin! last night ordered M. Li Hofhelmer. owner, to close The Utttt Theatre, which adjoins the Kmplre. Though vigorously protesting, Mr. Hofhelmer dosed the house at the end of the per formance In progress when Jacobinl conveyed the order. It cannot be opened without permission of the Building Inspector. It developed that the management | of the theatre had never obtained a j permit from the Board of Public Safety to open. The Little Theatre ' ?ras opened far the rlrst time on Step- ' tent per z. and at that time an inspec? tion showed that it was not properly equipped with B re-escapes and there j were no proper signs indicating emer- ; g? DCy exits. The defects were of a character that could be remedied In i a short while, and the building was allowed to be thrown open to the pub. He with the understanding that fire escapes and exit notices bn <>f por? trait* with Captain T. li. McDowell! and lieutenant Richard tHazebrook. The visitor ssked lieutenant Oiaze brook if he remembered Captain Im- j boden ? I should think I do." mas the re- j .-ponse. -i served under him lor throe I yeers. He committed suicide In Hon-j dura*.? What*" shrieked the stranger "He, wa? the iivest rorpse m Philadelphia three weeks ago I ever saw." So it cam? about that his ?h?re-^ a bouts was f >un?l He in Bristol. Va. eked for bis photograph, lie prom? ised a copy at an early day. Captain Imboden is a?>v. nty-tao yeftr? old. H? graduated from tne Vir ginl* Military Institute in isil and"1 commanded a .ompany fhrouahout th. j War Between the State? He earn* t" j Richmond and engaged in b-minesa here.. In March. 1*72. he was e|e<-t??d raptala j ?f the Bl ies and served kntll April. 1*7?. Later he went to Honduras op a mining venture. While thor<- he be? came interested in one >f the succes? sive revolutions end sof/ered ? wo-ind whleh pertly disabled one of hte arme This Incident re-calls th. fart tbet ofttv one pletnre of * ?"orrman-ler of Compwy R of the Blue. missing from Its rol|e<-ti??n. that of Its nrst captain, now the Mayor of Ri? hmono rieorge Alnsite was elect'd When the company was organized tn 1**1. after the d Is hand men i of Ute Stuart Horse Suits Worth Up to $22.50 At $11.00. Sale ends to-night, and you are urged to prevent disap? pointment to yourselves by giving the matter vour prompt I attention. $2.50 and $3 00 Fall Hats at $1.95 Gans-Rady Company No Changes Expected at Local Plant, Though Details Are Not Given. Confirmation of the reported sale of the Surbrug Tobacco Company ?ai given last ntgut to a reporter for The Tinies-Dispatcu by Alexander Cameron. Jr.. manager of the Richmond branch. Details of tiie transfer and its effect upon the future conduct of the big tobacco company were not ?xplaliieu. by Mr Cameron, although he diu say t.'iat the sale would not voik. aiiy thange hi the personnel of tiie local staff. Although it it. semi-ofhcially mn del stood that the sale was made in or.ler to gel larger nnancial interests behmd the company, no informal, on will be given out COOCOI hing puaaib w ? niaigenunt of tue Kic.nnoiiu xactoi>. According to reliable iniormation. Jonu W, Surbrug will continue as head of the company, rera.ning h:s persons! staff intact. The Tobacco Leaf, published in New York, had the iol.ow.jng >esterday: The news event of tue week Is. UM pabbii.g of the Surbrug Company into the hands of a syndicate at the heal of which Is William H Butler, who began his commercial career with Francis H. Kinney & Co, and who has ? been identified with the cigarette bus? iness In some capacity ever since. .lohn W. S irbrug will eont.nue as president of the company, and his lieu? tenants, so far as is known, will re? main In their respective positions. None of the bis; tobacco concerns :s ha any way identified ?Ith the .syndi? cate referred to above. It is known, however, that the interests behind th* new enterprise Include some of the slSSeSt financial men In the Country, and that it i-> their Intention to develop plans looking to a large organiza tlou representing many millions of j dollars. A man interested in the new enter- ! prise said: "So far as the business of the Sur- I brug Company is concerned, it wlii < continue the same as before, except . that sir. S::rhrug. with unlimited cap-, itai behind h.m. will be enabled to extend its scope in a way wnich has heretofore been impossible. I and my j associates believe tnat when our plans are fully developed, tr.e inde- j pendent retail dealers of the country ?rill welcome us as a factor in the' trade, and !n the support of which their best Interests will be conserved.'' DINNER TO MR. MILLS MUslunary Kntrrtninrd by V. St. C. A. at Farewell Dinner. A farewell dinner, at which were present the members of the Twenty Four-Rour-a-Day Club and invited guests, wan given at the T. M. C. A. j la*t night to W. p. Mil s, newly se? lected as a representat.Ve of the Rich? mond Young Men's Christian Associa? tion in the foreign field. Mr. Mills, who is partic ularly fitted for this work with his previous exper.ence in the Orient, and his record as a Cecil I Rhoades scholar, wi.l sail from Sai. Francisco for his new work on Sep? tember 27. He will be accompanied by his wife. The program included an informal' reception preceding the dinner, a wel- j come from C. R Richarison. chairman of the foreign work committee of tne < Richmond Y". M. C. A . The Association :n Seoul." by F. M Brockman. for seven years representative of the Y". M. C. A. In Korea, and Mr Mill's own address BOTH SIDES CUIH I FOURTH DISTRICT Lively Campaign Ends With' Primary To-Day?Negroes Cannot Vote. Beyond the usual pre-election claims of both sides, intended purely for political purposes, and offering no indication of the result, th .'rt were no developments yesterday in the closing hours of the campaign ha the Fourtr, Virginia Distnct. Representative Turn bull conced.-s four counties to Judge Watson by small majorities, and Judge Watson concedes about four to Mr. j Turnbull by- small majorities Lain i claims all the others. Attorney-General Williams, in an unofficial communication to an inquirer in Petersburg, rep-ats his formet In? formal opinion to the effect that negroe? cannot properly vote in any Democratic pmrutry election held in Virginia. It is understood this will b. enforced throughout the dislrb t. All saloons In the district closed at * o'clock yesterday afternoon, and wlli not be reopened until ti o'clock Monday morning The city of Petersburg has ?-a.r.s and Ciarkavilie has one. while there are liquor shipping houses *t Irr.pona and d.-S" ? ?t?tv >ta-? is (all arl"! a One ?r f.m and a r* '.rr t?elve fr.eelliS yVrnandr? I? t? fmr t?>* tin* and 'ear* the ?tat* Ii t? ???er*t 6: Hi all. The additional soms will be moist gratefully received. The $3>0 was needed for railroad fare and steani-r passage. For a Pacific voyage in the autumn warm clothing is essential, especially for a woman suffering from tuberculosis. There are other inci? dental expenses. All the funds will be handled by the Instructive Visiting Nurses" -Association and the State Board of Charities and Corrections, un? der the direction of Secretary j. T. Mastin. It is hoped to cat~h a steamer sail? ing from Vancouver for Sidney on Oc? tober ? To do this, the mother and children must leave Richmond next Wednesday. It may not be possible v> have the necessary certificates of emi? gration and the special rate tickets 0:1 the railroad at hand by that day. and if not. the parties will take the next Ki.-amer about the middle of October. The mother la ready to ko. Contributions received yesterday wer? as follows: Previously acknowledged.JJ30e>.3.j M. G. Martin. 1.0? M.-s, B. B. LM Cash . t.M Miss Rose H Redd. 1.00 Cash . 2.00 W. M. Moore. 1.00 John p Branch. 10A0 Cash?M.