New York Stock Market New Tork. September CO.?Greater ?jetirtty. breadth and strength attended to-days operations on the Stock Ex? change than ai.y st.-sior. in -ev, a! ninths. T... business >: th* first twi In urs was on a s^ale o.' the oM-tltU? ??million share" days, hut t!>> mov< to i lost some of its for. e in the afternoon ?!i heavy prent t..k?:g aad *s**n*ir? short covering. Taking tr.e .lav's !?< s' PHCOS as B basis, the average 1-vel was almost ire highest of the year in ra< t. two speculative favorites?United States steel and Amalgamated C >pper?re . cr'ied their best quotations since 1311. Steel resumed us former leadership In 1 olni of activity, being heavily bought ir, round lo.s of 2.000, 3 000 and 4.0'"? ?hrires The demand came from some Ol the better known commission bouaes. Reading rivaled Steel with a rise ?f Ihre? points. Amalgamated was the next most active Issue, so-called Stand? ard Oil hrokers being the principal j.'.irchasers. .\s:1.-> fr-vm Rradir.g ar.l Ljdhigh Val? ley, the railroad group did not partic? ipate to any marked degree in the da - movement, although Harrtman and Hill stocks were up one to one and :i half roints. with leaser gains in Ro k Isiar.ii. St. Paul and New Tork Central Bonds were firm, but the market less broad than In stocks. T .tal sales.*na" v ?!:<>. were 12.245, "On. I'nit. 1 Stat-s ^ ivernment bonds were unchanged on X. '.v York. Sentemh. r ? Prune, mer? cantile paper. 5V? to * per cent. Ster- I ling exchange steady, with actual busi- ' nesi in bankers' bills at $4 8225 for' sixty-day bills and $4-8650 for demand. Commercial bills. 94.81 Bar silver.! ?11?4- Mexican dollars, 4SH- Money! on call firm. 4 ^ ^ i 7, . ruling rate and offered at 4s*: closing bid. 4U. Time loans easier sixty days, SH@5H; : Inety days. 5H per cent; six months. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. By Richard W Maun #!??* 3rr.d B.-vker. liU* B M?ta**treat. Richmond. Va., Sept?moer 19:3. i SALES AT BOARD. Virginia Centuries?1.004 at $4fc. STATE SECURITIES. Bid Ask.d. Virginia ?s. Old. C. and R . HU.. ?*? i-C Va. Centuries. 2-3. C. and R., m'" RAILROAD BONDS A. r L R R Cor. Tr. 4 p. c ... 83 C. and O. Irr." M . I^B, IMS. JJJH ... Georgia, Sou and Fla". 1945.IOC Georgia and Ala Con is. 1945. :-i Norfolk and West Ry 4s. 1596.... f7 seaboard Air Line 4>. 1S50. ?9 Seaboard Ad ustment 5s. 1MB.? 6 luthera Rat way 1st 5* 19* s R. Dot and G. M 4s. 1M4. 53 "W estern !C. C. 1st fs. C, 1*14. U3 .-TF.EET RAILWAT BONDS. -Nor and Ports. Trar Co. 5s. :S36.. st STREET KT STOCKS Par. V? Ry. and Power Co. pfd.100 ?S &9 Va Ry. and Power Co. com_160 RAILROAD STOCKS. Fir Atlantic Coast Line com.'."0 141 f'.-!?sapeake and Ohio.101 II Nnrio.k and Western com.144 117 R . F. and P. Div Oblig.100 ?0 230 Beahsard Air Line ?fd.ioo ... ? aboard Air Line com.140 -i Southern Railway pfd.100 M gouUbers ai 1 way corn.IM ii . . BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCK American National.104 333 ?road Street. 2? 60 Bank of Commerce ar.d Trusts.lM lSr5 Centra. National Bank.loo 135 Conunoawealth Bank.100 ii^vj 117 First National.104 340 Pirat National Lank Part, rtfs MB IS 71 .Merchants National.140 9u4 Mechanics and Merc has ta-iu4 .3? National State and City Hank...1st Mi Richmond Trust and Savs co. liO 1j4 105 Baviaga Bank of R.camond? St 33 i':.;oa Bank ci Richmond. 50 333 M eat End.-3 43>? ?3 MISCELLANEOUS. Va-Car. Chem. pgd S p c.IM ".'.4 117 Va Building and Loan Co.IM 14? Quotation? for mtertst-paymg bond* are a- a price to which interest must ha added. Income bonds and certificates of i:i?let?tei aeas ara r?at. BUND LiSl. A. ll-Cha.merg Ss. ctfs (bid). 19 Americas Toiacco Co. old 4?. frTi* Americas Tobacco Co old es bld?. LO Atlaatte Coast Um 1st ?s ibid.. w*4 C. L.-L. and N 4s .bid). 5SS Chesapeake and Ohle c&r..- t-^ .sid '... N / Liggett and Myers ?s ?bld?...7. iT L:??!t and Myerj Tj Co.di. 12Jia L..ra^srrd Company 3? tbidi. . 9~.h* l.-V:'-.sy4 "< ... H\ BiiBbBBTd Air Line ad", im ibid*. 7 Soataera Railway 4?. T.'a Southern Railway Is ?bldi. US I nited Sta'e? St?*l 2nd 3a. . --? Virginia-Brown Bros, ctfs. 5<-j ta-car Cherr. 1st is. y V? Ry. aid Tower Co 5s tasked). 1*4 V'aoash deb Is... ^>:3 v 1 Bash-Pitts Te~ :?t 4s . fOTTON >I\RKF.T>. !Cew York Sfplem!--er !B.?Walle more or Itos uaBsttied ar i irregular, ? rotten mar ?? t ?r'^-. 'T an ':7?ar: r.?> 't>-da-. o? ing to onfai'WjMi w-atber news ar.C 'le ? .>: ryot asjlii - r - . . pr'pss. * or v? ? ? CsBtisoot txs ba:? Total a?e? ?epea ? Official Range and Sale ot atocKs in .^ew . ^ Stock Open. BT THOMAS High. Low. Ll'IH. conu .: ? 41'i 134 II ten ?3% 85?, 1-'7'j DSU i.m. ?Id.. |u?n? U i ion tun fTnHnara i?t paid. 1st pd - .700 Amalgamated Copper JM Amt? r. Agrl Chenx, lull ... I Sugar, J i .ir I "M. .???' Anteifeen Smelting ? ? ??) Am r Snuff, com. Ann i :< an Bugai . NO .\m< r. Tel. a;iJ Tel. Co LBK Aiwei i< :?n T >bai t*l Am. r.. an Tobac "O Anaconda Copper . .aft' Atef-.ison . 1"> \tl:?n?ie Coast Line. a ? ? L of i toniiectleut. ;U"'i r,|i,ii:>.r and Ohio . .. ,M0 Bethlehem Steel, com-. ? ,MM Bethlehem Steel, pfd. ... '*** ,m Britlsh-Am-r. Tob Co. . -*H .300 Mrioklvn Rai Id Transit. .? "? .T50? Central L?-a'!i> r. . on:.... SI?t ".???*> Can-tdlan Pacific . *H*s .:*?. <*h..5ai eak.- ?n,I Ohio.. . 80t? (iOfl Chicago Great Western. .:???? ?*hi. MIL a no St. Haul... W7\ S.cir. Crucible Steel Cor., mm. 184? .>ue. steel, cfd. x l'.'r. !>' Chicago, and Northwest. 14' 200 Colorado Fuel and Iron. SS ??< Colorado and Southern '"? JOS Consolidated Gatt . HM Delaware .n:d Hudson . Den. and Rio ?Iran., com. M0 Den. and Rio Gran., pfd. Distillers' Se. . Cor. -.?*?"> Kt ie . Erl . 1st pfd. fed. Min tiei Sm.. pfd.. Geo. W. Helme Tob. Co.. 000 ' k>n ?I il :?"!.?? trie . .400 ?;. ?? it Northern, pfd. *.300Great Northern Ore ,tfs K% :'?' Illinois Central . 13rtl* 4"" Interboro-Met .? i^, 4.000 Intorhoro-Met pfd. OW, 181** 1 ?*'* BRANCH de CO.. Bankers and Brokers. Stock. Sr% fit* lUrVs .'?71 4 U*j w s 1M' -7 ?'?? K4S 17? j NO rS 17*? I Of*'.. 10 \ 14', r.i ?Ha llsS IS aVs 1!*> l-T1* 144?, is*** 1 lOMij 111-; 1", . IIS 74% MS .. ... ( MS 17' . 107*4 IS* Closing. Bl? Asked. Sales Open. i>S ?vi1. DOS 130V* seti 7 ">7n ret* 11 '.? 3S >y .'!> M 4", 1 a lite). : 1*4 *lVt 1 ?'? B It* Vi ?..'V? lie' 127?? 1 ^7< 14.', 77** -IS IMS iti--j 1?% 14vV4 17 KeV, 19 f.v'-i 141 MM rrn1-.. itc ?'?7*4 MM at4$ IV ltd 141H lya* B% j ... Lorlllsrd Toi>. Co.. pfd. ... i.i<" Louisville and rfashrille iaai| ? 0 Mexican Petrolaaai ? 1.7' > Mi unl Cspper . -9 4.40" Missouri Psetde .... ? ) Mo., Kan. sad Texas \ ttional Biseoit . ... t MK \:?ii mal L< a?l . IM* \ >w V.-rk Central.. SOP N" V Ont, and Western 7"' .\" ?rlolk :iinl Western ?,t00 Northern Pacific . ?" Pacific Mail . iv 5 Pennsylvania . ;:?t Peoj.le s u.? . P C? C . nd Sl I*, com. P., C . C. ami St. L. pfd. &3M Pittsburgh Coal. com... .- Pressed st.ei t'ar. . Pi. seed Steel car. pfd.. 1.1" Ry. m ?1 Sprint;, com... 1.1.:: 8 Reading . t.:< ? f{.? pi.bIi? ? lion and Steel -.'."? Renublic I. and s. pfd . I5JW Ko< k l-':tno" . f! I Ro< k Islard .pfd.-..'. 1,7/10 Sea hoard Air Line. com. AS00 Sesbosrd Air Line, pfd. 1 go-i sloes-Sheffield ,,, 5.100 Southern Pacific 1.600 Southern Railway 5a) SOMthsrn Railway Standard Oil . St. I?uis-South., com 1.4-5 Texas Pacific . 34.7 Union Pacific . SOD t'.-Mted States Kubher 128.K 1 United States steel J88 Unit? i UM ? L'nlti .1 Cigar s BO ! s Cast Iron LS08 V' 1. -< "nr. 1 'hemi V ?.-< '.I r. < :hem!i 300 Wnbash . l Wahaah pfd.... Western I'nioti 114' j itc7. l-i', 117' 4 l?sH. - 4 High. 7A* M 177 IM** 31'? 85*4 37?. 34% 74-\, 1 ri? pe 30 ?** '4*4 14:.. ii% 17-.?4 OtVi* 11>*4 lt>4 >.'?? -"" 1 UHS "'? nt'-j Ji HCVi 1'<.'4 171 <* ?4'* UIVs M ?? 113% 4*4 14% Weynssn-Bruton To. Co. ... Total sales for day. .O4,ono Total sales for week (five days?. 2.414 shares. .700 shares. receipt! NMM bales; ?xport te Great Br:ta!r.. 7.;:."?? baV?; to France. 50,44.bale*i to the Continent. 14s.723 bale*; to Japan WO ba lee. Consolidated a; a;: ports, net receipt?, and total ?ir.ce September 1 at a'.l port- net re? ceipt?, are corrected flgurea. New OrleanF. La. September 2ft?Cotton futures opened ateady at an advance of 3? ? points on good eibles The close was steady at a net advance of 5 ?8 points. In the afternoon the market wu ver? steady on a frost warning issued by the Weather Bureau for 'North Texas and parts of Oklahoma Spot cotton steady. l-15c up; middling. 117-!*.? Sales on spot 6S1 bales and '..000 to arrhe Closing bids: Futur??: September. U.4g; October. 11. M: December. 1170; January, 11 7f Mareh. ILM; May, 1C 04. LOCAL MARKET 0.1 'OTSTIOX". < Furnished by Le?y commission Co. Com? mission Merchants, Richmond. Va.) Richmond. Va. September 2?. IMS. ACTTAL WHOLFSALE QI OTATIONS OF MARKET. LIVE POTJLTRT. Chickens, choice, smal.. Id_ 20 rs Hens, lb. 9 U Koostera, each..... tS fc 40 Duck*, large, young, lb. 9 14 Duck?, small, young, lb. 4? M EGGS?Crated. In crate?. nearby, freih. dor.. 26 ? In crates, other sections, doz.. 25 t* Guinea egps. dos. . It 9 BUTTER Family, choice, frech, lb. 11 4P Merchants', fair, lb. SO 4P LIVE STOCK. Veals, choice to fancy, lb? SV40 Veals, Door to fair, lb. "9 * Calves, runners, lb. i 9 ?Vi e:-.eep. lb. * 9 5 La nobs, spring, lb. * w "Vi Cattle, fair to prime, lb. t 9 sVi Hogs, lb. I 6 * COUS'TRT-CVRED BACON. Hams, well ?moked. ?mal.. Ib. 9 IB Harn?. w?Il ?moked. la.-g?.. Ib. 14 4P tt MJci, well imoked, 1b. 12w9 13 Shou.d?r?. ?eil ?moked. 1b... 121*9 1? HIDES. Dry filnt, Ib. I? 9 Dry ?alt. Ib. H 9 Gr-en, ?alt. ib. 12*43 Green. Ib. 11V49 Green, damaged. Ib. 4 9 ? j Tallow . * 9 Beeswax . *J ? ?WOOL. c*h . unwashed, free of burrs. 9 27 Ch . unwashed, lightly burry. 3 i 14 1 Ch . unwashed, medium burry tt ft 21 Ch.. unwashed, heavy burry. 27 9 28 Market Conditions?Market closed to-day with vroduce active at quotations. - NEW YORK PRODTCE MARKET. j New T?rk. September Et.?Flour?Steady with a fair trade Rye Flour and Cara n-.eal?Sieadv. Ree and Barley?Firm. Wheat , -Spot fl-ir. r.ew N ? 2 red. $1-rk?"r irrr.. Ree'?Streng. Cut Meats? Wool?Steady Petroleum. Turpen ? aT.1 Rasin-Stealy Lard?Firmer. T*l Rice ? Firm. Molass? 5?Steadv si;car?Raw. ?asy. refined, eteady. Butt?-r ? Easy Cheese?Firm Flggs-Irregular Cef-1 fe--- Rio. >-'? " re? steady. De-! .?ember. ij.t5: March 1272 Potatoes aadU - s- S'eadv ard hanged Freights grata to Liverpool er T.'.ndon. H4d. I p. inu*s-Sf a-'.'- ar.d jnrhar.s-d Cottonsa ti oil ws? firm'-.- early on cover-. Ir.g of shorts, map 1 red by the >trength lr. I ard, but towards the - os? prices eaeed off; under hedge a ng of Octeher. scattered i i ,z::-s end Is k - oatsfde support. Clo?-. ? r ,rlce? ?ere 1 ; , set higher. Sales i ?? T*m. ??. '? ?ninmer ?'-i.t* j LOA riil? ago 8UU M \ RKF. r ? : -offi.u; for? '?? h 'r- r- -night We?t ?nd North ??st ??et r -rt: T-i -s up to day The rlo?e r;?hei ? ?r w?-.rdj\ Wbeat closed from' cT , t ???-? an a.i\?nce o.' -? j\ .-.-1 ^ro-..?:?_? ui V> .v.?j<-. :.-aJ rr tut .ft rarge,; &, ?<>' ?w? Op?n H:a.. La C.'.?e. V M"AT - . >'H "l'i *f'< *"i :?.'. f.-, HS' h -v? > ,gv, - KT- j . -i\ ' 7^?' . ** s*H f ? . f? '. ?!??' ? .. ? k% *.? 42'* . O AT? - ; ? ... - ?| -r. .-?4 i" ?2\ 12% K\ M?l . fiS 23 j|\ 21 V T "TSR r-r ?-rr . ;?r ?Vt ... ' ?? k :s ?r. p -.? 2?r ;?? L itri-wr ja? b? - p* i*K ?f*' nr ?* ??r' .;? m t: K u?? Ii - r?' t?r: ?tj is.t? T?e . :??. 1*-.? iss; pt? m-.e . . .... t?-* u.a MS '.4.:7 ?ept. ... p*: O't . TSC l*^* 1*45 m-e *??> .. . ssj ??: ?er May . ... ... ?*. ?7i ?*a ?.7? R?'"- ?ep?#t.b?? t ?Wheat? PI na, "n'-s-t r.,r?j- ?>??. renrrseL " <>???-r~T.:.-1 -.r.t-.d aiatoet et,?'--'.? ? r. be'-sr g-nde? wbtte. JSO. ? White. ? - * stye?V? i ? -- ? ? ? ay , s*a | a?artii, TH**- tWlOlt BAKK -?rf.s . OF RICHMOND. . mm > ? .-#:-:? , .... ? i4? 1I#T fiA-T* HAI* MTK?A.4 I v , ? . MiKfJ A *TTAKT * Pfc, i r - .. < . : u ? m^T.^r nm?m ? ? ? ? .I ? ?4 ? m? IMM r?SJl ?a . ?-.r m bakki No. 3 white. ft S4 !*?. 2 mixed. S; f? No $ mixed. ? tC Virginia . ?? ? S5 OATS?Car lots. No. t mixed (new). 9 IT No. t mixed (new). e M No. } white (new). 9 tS 1 No. > white (new).,. q t7 Winter seed (nsw)., 41 f 44 RYE?Car lota No, i (new). 9 71 No. S (new). t? 77 Virginia, bag lots (new).... 9 It RICHMOND HAY MARKET. Richmond. Va.. September SO, 1*!2 Following are the quotations ot the Rich moad Ha> Exchange! N> I Timothy. ? 22 0? standard . O *'-00 No. I Timothy. ? 20 0? No J Timothy. Nominal Light Clover, mixed.30. Ui So. 1 Clover, mixed . ? 19 00 No 2 Clover, mixed. Nominal N"o. 2 Clover. Nominal No : Ciover. Nomina! HAT?Sample . Nominal STRAW?Compressed . 0 SSO Loose-pressed, large bales? ? 10.00 Load your cars so that hays at doors r-=p reaeats contents and thus avoid rejections. This market grades hay in accordance with the National Hay Association. CATTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND LIVE STOCK MARKET. (Sales at Union Stock Yards! Richmond. Va.. September 20. Z?it. Report of the live stock market for the week ending September 17. 1*12: Best steers. "U3"*?c.. medium to good, C'-;37c.; common to fair. 4ij?5i?c.; be*1 bell- | era, g*4?<*?c. : medium to good. 9 -j 5;?c. ; ; common to fair, tlivfiic: best cows. 4Vi3 j i\c.; medium to good, 4 ? 4'^c. : common to fair. 2%'y3^c; bulls. 4^ ?Sc. Fresh cows,; f50'i60(v> per head BeiT calves. SfcS'ac.: . fair to good. 7?7~.c: dicks. W ? 5t?jc.; beat! hogs. SHc; shoats. :?7i5c.; sows and stags..1 i?7c; best lambs, I'gTc.: common, 3v??io.. . best shtep. 3?i4e.; common to fair, 2?tc. j Chicago. 111.. September 20 ?Cattle?Re-1 ceipts 2.000 head. Market alow, generally 1 Steady. Beeves. M-M0U-M; Texas steers.; j4..?5 6 25; western do. $3 905*30: stockcrs and feeders. J4.3037.40: cws and heifer?. ' S3 90??.00: calves. $??11.50. Hogs?Receipts *.att head. Market slow at s?10-. adance. Light. $S.2585.85: mixed. $ heavy. 1 |7.M9t.7t; rough. I?.*?4| >>.10; pigs. I35S.00: bulk of sale*. }S 2e 5j S.70. Sheep?Receipts 4 <*V, head. Market weak to Ife lower. Na-1 tlve, $4 75 ?7.X; western. J3S7 50. New York September 20 ?Bee\-e??Receipts < :.>*? head. Market active and :0?I5c. higher ?-x.-?pt for common bullt anf! cows Steers. i3.:.".??.70: bulls. |3.5086.i)0: cws, J2.23g6 25. Calves? Receipts 2S? head Market steady. V'eals. ?89U.M; grasser? and buttermi.ks. ? ;V:'5,'."/.. westerns. J7.I0: cull*, veals. *5.3??r 7.5ft Dr.-sted calves In fair demand. nh?ep and I.^mbs? Receipts 4.70S head. Sheep steady; choice Iambi firm: others steady Sheep, j:.SC'?4.00; cull*, il.3032.23: iambs. : $.*..SOft 7.7s. cu:is. ?.90^5.00 Hogs?Receipts head: market firmer at ,,$?.75 % 9 00. pigs. <'. Ti n - *?. roughs. $13'7*s RICHMOND TOBACCO Richmond. Va.. September 20, 3*12. j Following are the quotations on the Rich j mond Tobacco Exchange: BROWN SHIPPING. Lugs. 7? ? t.a? Short leaf.. *-3* ?> tit Long leaf. ?4? 9 US Wrappers . ??** 9 *????, BRIQHTS. MMCrr.o?Common . 7*0 # IA* Md!,im . 1AM 9 !1*? Fine . '-2 00 0 U.M HS?Common. i4.n 9 UM M cure . IS.M 9 173* Ftr.e.M?* 9 ?.*? Fancy . .m.- MM 9 27.00 FILLERS?Comsaoa . too 9 1?M Mdluta .U-M 9 Ii? ... ,d .1XM 9 UM Fine .-. IS* ? MM WRAPPERS?CosaaaoB . M.M 9 20 M M ?iura .TtM 9 SM ' .cc .S-M 9 M.M Fine . . S2 M 9 rU Fa-cy .M*? 0 41M FT*N-CtTR ED?NRW. 1-g?. common to good. CA* 9 IN I.ugs. ~o 1 10 pr-me. 7M 9 13* Short itat. **? 9 MM l ong tear. M** 9 12 ?* v. -a?pere .UM 9 17*? MIVE1 f.AXEOrO MXKKFTO. rFTFr?sp?;RO PEANUT MARKET I R.r>?: tea by Rodger* XcC'abe d Co > j Pe-?n?burg Va . s-ptemV-r 20 ?P?ar.u:*\?1 -"r>?ri?h Market f>r~ F?-rrt?r?- Sparl?h. I D?T OOODS MARKET. New Tor*. September ?.?The cotton rood* market* ere steady. Inquiry for yarns and heavy cotton good* are" increasing Wide print clotha are firmer. Wool markets are tending higher. Ribbons are more active The Jobber? report a steady house trade and mere Interest In fate goods NATAL STORES. Wilmington. K. C. September ^'.-Spirits Turpentine?Steady at 3714c : receipts t> i asks. R'.sin?Steady at j'-i lO: receipts 4J barrels. Tar?Firm at f?*C: receipts ? bar? rels. Crude Tnrpesrflrte? Firm at J?H?siifl; receipts 32 barrels Savannah Ga. September 30 ?Turpentine Firm at 3S>ic.: sales 44? casks; receipts NT asks; shipment* 713 casks stock 37.733. ? asks o?:n?Firm: sales l.'-'-C barrels; re? ceipts 2.09H barrels, shipments 1*4* barrels; stock U2.SS7 harre:? Quote: B. S? 30. MARINE INTEL I. IF EN"C R. PORT OF RICHMOND. SEPT. 30. IM2. ARRIVED. Steamer Brandon. Harney. Norfolk. m?r- 1 chandlse and passengers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Aurora. Furman. Petersburg and James River landings, merchandise ar.d pas? sengers. Furman Line. ..SAILED. Steamer Brandon. Harney. Norfolk, iner chaedise and passengers. Old Dominion Line. Steamer Pocahontaa. Graves Norfolk and James River landings, merchandise snd pas ST.sers. Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Aurora. Furman. Petersburg and James River landings, merchandise and pas- j sengers. Furman Line. Weekly Cotton Review. New York, September 20.?Cotton has latterly rebelled asrairst the tactics at tributes! to spot interests and others, by which at one time it was forced ; downward, assisted by the big move? ment of the crop in Texas. It is true that many of the crop reports have : been favorable, and that there is a crowing impression among many that Texas will raise a much larger crop than that of last year. Moreover, spec- , ulation has died down. Many have be come disgusted with the sudden changes in prices, due, as they think, purely to manipulation. But ?t is clear that the spot situation has improved. The spot sales in Liverpool have nota? bly increased. The demand for the actual cotton at the South is larger. Cotton is offered less freely in Liver? pool. American and forelarn spinners have not been buying at all freely for same little time past, but as their trade within the last two months con- ' sicierably increased, it is argued that it is abo-cft time for them to b?e-in buy .nsr on a larger scale. And apparently they have been buy. Insr more freely during the past week, snore particularly for the past few days. They are evidently somewhat alarmed by the lateness of the season and the bullish tenor of many of the recent private crop reports. Some have ; shown a decrease !n the condition within a month of half a doren point*. >"ome think that tiie government report will put the condition at about ?5 per cent. Grave injury Is said to have been dene bv sheddinc and th* depredations of boll weevils and army worms Some alarm at one time over the low tem? peratures tn the Southwest had a ten defter to strengthen the market. The ither day a New Orleans weather ex pert predicted frost In Oklahoma It frightened some of the shorts, here. The return tig prosperity to general trade in this country and abroad is ? vpected to react favorably on the tex? tile Industries Some crop estimates have rec?r.tly been heard approximaf j intr bal?s. but most of the estimates do not ?o over ii.'tAn/ien hales, and bulls Insist that it may eas ? llv turn out to be not more than 13. .vnaaoi to !* bales. Of late i larce jtp.-if Interests, which have at one They Are Coming Fasti Rv that \\c mean goo.! men are narnine this company flxecutor and Trustee in their wills. Hardly a dav roll* by that 'ome one d<*>e* n<">t come jn ? r write u? r,n the subject. Will the reader, if interested. IMge the fallowing fact in btl T.ind1 The CHIEF BUSINESS of the Virfinia Truit Company I? that of acting as Executor and Trustee. Virginia Trust Co. mCRMOND,VA. Capital, . . $ I time sold freely, have baucht both here and In Liverpool. At the moment the market is considered a mere trading affair. Many are holding; aloof, await ing more light on the general situa? tion. Daa'a Trage Review. New York, N. Y, September 20.?R. O. Dun & Company s Review of Trade to-morrow will say: All the developments of the week confirm and strengthen the improve? ment in business activity. Mach week brings a higher price level in iron and steel, and the re? sumption of several merchant fur naeeg that have been idle for two peart is expected. firmness prevails is pig iron at all leading centres, with substantial advances noted in some ?iistricts. Premiums paid for prompt shipment indicate that consumes* are In urgent need of material and new business is pretty evenly distrbuted, with especial activity in Meel bars, ' plates and shapes. Dry goods houses report a steady volume of duplicate business, buyers iiispiaying confidence, but confining their operations to irequent purchases of small parcels Fall distribution of cotton goods is rauch better than last year, and indi? cations are that current values will be maintained for a considerable period. W ide print cioths are firmer I and narrow - loths steady, while a better demand Is noted for fine and fancy cottons Drills, sheetings and ilmks are very strong, and some ex? port orders are said to be Pending in the latter. Conditions in the woolen and worsted mark-ts and at t mills are exceptionally satisfactory, the gestand] far men's wear woolens and worsted and dress goods being such that difficulty in meeting It Is frequently found. Trade in silks 1* steadily improving. The yarn mar? kets are strong, and reflect a steadily t'roadening trade in miscellaneous goads Trading la footwear, shows further ' improvement. While little buying has yet been 'ion>- for spring, many sup. pletnentary orders for fall and winter goods have keen received. World'? Visible Sappl?. New Orleans. La.., September 20.? I Secretary Hester's statement of the | world's visible supply of cotton. Is? sued to-day. shows the total vis hit to be 2.436,169 against 2,255.554 last week and 1.921.TOO last year. Of this the total of American cotton Is 1.852, 1^9 against 1.446,554 last week and 1. 256.700 last year, and of all other, kinds, including Egypt, Brazil. India, etc. 784,000 against S12.000 last week! and 665.000 last year. Of the world's visible supply of cot? ton there Is now afloat and held in Great Britain and Continental Europe 1.307,000 against 919.000 last year; in K?ypt 49.000 against 34,000 last year, in India 432.000 against 373.000. and In the United States 648.000 against 596. 000 last year. Cfltirrfi ftotite? PESBYTEIUAN. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH? Rev F T. McFADEN. D D. pastor. Preaching at 1! A. M. ?nd S P M Sunday School at 3 3d A M At the morning service Rev. J. McG SIEG, missionary to Luebo, Africa, will preach SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH? Rev. R'SSELL CECIL. D D. pastor Ser? vices at 11 A M and S P M. Sunday School at ? 45 A M THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church (Broad and Twen:y-?ixth Streets* ? Rev. R B EGGLESTON pastor, will preach at 11 A. M and i f 11. i CHURCH OF THE COVENANT?Rev. j. CALVIN STEWART. D. tt. pastor.? Pieaihlag at ll A M and 8:15 P. M. by the' pastor. Wednesday Sprayer-meeting at 8:15 P. M. Sabbath School at * 30 A. M and Bib.e clasees meet at 10 A. M. Ail welcome. AT GRACE STREET PRESBTTERIAN Church?Services at 11 o'clock A M and > o'clock P 11 conducted by Dr. D. CLAY LILLY. WESTMINSTER PRESBTTERIAN; Church (corner Park and Davis Avenues) ? j Rev. JAMES Y. FAIR. D. D. pastor. Preaching to-morrow II A. 11. and s;16 P. M. by the pastor. Welcome. BAPTIST. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (BROAD AND Twelfth Streets). The repairs to the audi? torium being compete the pastor. Rev. HEoKOE W. McDANIEL, D. D.. will grahfh a: both services?:i A SI. and 'i li P St Graded Sunday School Baraca and Ph:la thea classes (A W. Patterson, Supt.i. S 30 A. M. The observance of the Lord's Supper will fol.ow the morning services. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (FRANK- 1 iin and Adams Streets >?Services 11 A- If.! and list P. M Graded Sunday School at * 3 A. M. Organized elaases for men and women. Rev T CLAGETT SKINNER. D. L>, pastor. Services St 11 A. M . preaching by the pastor; subject. "Christian Etjulll- : brium " No service at night on account of welcome service In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. j GRACE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. (Grace and Foushee Streets >.? Preaching at 11 A. M and I P. M by the pastor, the Rev. LLOYD T. WILSON. D. 0. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M 'High P Powe;!. Sept. ). Prayer-meeting Wedr.^sday at S P.! M The public, especially strangers, ate cordially invited to worship with ua. GROVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH (Grove Avenue and Harrison Street).?Rev. W C. JAMES. Th. Dl, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at U A Jl and t P. M. Sunday School at 915 A. M. (James B. , Wood. snperlntender." >. Prayer meeting j Wednesday at 8 o'clock. LEIGH STREET BAPTIST <"HURCH i corner Twenty-fifth and Leigh Streets).? 1 Pastor WICKER will preach at 11 A. M and S P M. | CALVARY BAPTIST CfiTRCH (GRACE ! and Pine Streets)?Re .. RYLAND KNIGHT, j D D. pastor. Preaching by the pastor at R A. M and 5 15 P. M. Sabbath School at le-0 A. M. F. W. Duke. SupL METHDDIST. 4ENTENARY M. E CHURCH. SOUTH (Grace Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets). Rev. W. J. YOUNG. D. D.. pas? tor. Prea'hing at II A. M by Rev W. A. CHRISTIAN. D. D. Preaching a? t P. M. bv the r>a*tor. subject. "Richmond and Other Modtrn Cities the Problem of the Kingdom of God." Graded Sunday School, with organised Masses, a'. 9:3* A. M. All seats free Special music. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. REGULAR SERVICE OF FIRST Church of Christ. Scientist, wi.l be held to? morrow n-.omlo? In church edifice (comer Park Avenue eed Meadow street* at 1! o'clock Subject. "Matter.'* Wednesday evening testimony end eajprlence m?-ung at The reading-rooms are located at ref:, North Sixth Street, and are open every *.Ht day from IS A. M. te S P. M all are cordially .n vi ted UNITARIAN. FIRST UNITARIAN cfli RCH *T,OTD Avenue and Harrta-.n Street?-Rev ALEX? ANDER T BOWSER, mlaietcr. Subject for Sunday. September 2. "As Inclusive Chare a ?A Church for the Twentieth Century." Services at II o'clock. All seats free._ ftaiir?dD? ?^ealhw 7Jta.-1-eca.-Daiiy?Newport Newa t a--L?cai-Oaiiy-ca'*i4M. ks, Saa Ituraeat r* es a.?Caavea? Datiy?Norfolk. O l Petat rata? a.?Lecai?Daily-Lcha*.. us a- c. rwg? *ii Noon?Impress?i?ei:y?Norfolk Old P8. ?JsS] p.?aasrias i/aAly. Cta, L villa. m ?? V u..*??? in.) -'-?>< u.a. N ptewa IW i .-U(Si-DM./-*i. .????*, C- Fata*. 4A* P.?Leca-?ga. *?a. ???erdoaevUia, 4 ? p.?Lee*:?Sa Saa -Lyacbbvrg. ?S ** F* .?>?' f ? ' 14. Chicago. ?U-4S P ? Uapriee OaW-cismasu, L vute, ??.eeyera 'Parier care TRAIN* AKKIVL RICHMOND?Local Sross gr? a. PL. 7.4? P. M. Tarough freea l gast V.M a> at.. 1-4* P. M.. 4? p. M. Local l tress Wast; ? Je A- at. ?> 44 a. at., aad IS P M Through; ? St. a. at . US? a, I at aad 1S? P. at. jasaas River Um: **? a A. SL. I ? P. at ? tawwpt g i step. GS i Wette? tmfwwf i U.V.L.V aX LdUUI. UNS TO SOS/out ??hit is* te R?eet Sagssl lam _ I Laave sared Street ?tatiou. K.:\ moaa. FOR postrvuK te.i* a. m.. tuaj a. at, - m j rTZ. ???? f- ?u aess ?. at_ TOR LTNCHBU.RO AND TMB WawTt H-.n A. hL. ??*? A. SL. al ? P. BL. ?*? P. St arrtv? ?tahtased trete Nerfsik: au n a. aC tat 4? a. au ??.? p. u. usus f>. av. Iim 9. * Frees the West: n-.M a, SL. t at 84 P hi ?4 P. SL. ?St? P. SL. ?*es p. jftntnrJtl The Small Depositor Will find a warm welcome at this Bank, for We like them, and We want them, as well as all others who desire Banking facilities. We loan to our customers on Real Estate as well as collateral, and we pay 3% INTEREST ? Bank of Commerce and Truste 15$ Ninth and Main. Capital and Surplus,.$350,000.00 PROTECTION Of the depositor*' Interest* has been the keynote of the success of Richmond's Strictly Commercial Bank Such protection has earned for It a well-deserved reputation for strength and security?and the < nndence of Its patrons. Planters National Bank OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. Capital . * MlJIIdO Surplus and profits. 11.?00.000.00 Three Per Cent interest. Cosspoaated ">*ml-Annually. Paid h> >!??rc Depaet saeof. Announcement We are glad to announce the appointment of Messrs. Wortham & Pulliam as our General Agents, office Nos. 425-427 American National Bank Building, Richmond, Vau The General Accident F. & L. Assurance Corporation United States Offices, W- No. 55 John Street, New York, N. Y. 91 Manchester National Bank I Work for South Richmond by becoming a depositor in this bank. ? Ra?IroaD0 TO HMO FROM WASH I MO TOM MHO BEYOND. \ Leave Blohmond ?fi.30A.JI. Byre et. Ma. ?5.40 A.JL Mala ??. Sie. ??.00 A.*. ?AI? St. St?. ?8.40 A.JL BrrdSt-StaJ Arrive Richmond ?7.40 A.B. Bjra8L8t?. jn. information and not suaraataes: For ta? Sautn-Daxly: 4:1? A. AL Local. .?S a. jl Eapreea. 4:0? P. M- Brpreae,1 ?tta ?iectrtc ixCBled Sleepia?; C?r far A? aad B:rn..?cb?a. li 4* P. 4L ATosreaa. Wit*. u*f. 4:4? P- **- I*1* TORAC IUVEK LLVBL , . H p B-?l*al.y-?Coaaecttna for Haiti. BMSS Mob. W?a. aad Friday. 4M A. at-a*. ?ua- iod 2 -A P. A4?Meo, Vied, aad Frt aap ? ?"?.TmjM Arn?? RJchmonS From tu? Sottts: Bai A_ M, ?:4t A- BL . i? M-. 4 04 P. B. daily; JJA4 Bs. BBS From Wot Po?'' ? -*- AL 4.17. U:S> A. rroaiw u4 FrL, 4:? F. M. Ex Saa> ? a. b> BUhoii.-S. D. F. A, ?a u ajatS SL PbnM xiA.iiaan 27A, In,Uni tl Pdersa-f? deciric Raiwaj cars .?vi J?aacbe.?er. ?.veat* aad Ferry Mreeta tor P*,e;T^:"- w . ? ax ? A h >i ;, l ?*, M r. a ii.uo P it, >er caeat?r. U.?o mid biet t ter *'cart*uav? P?t?r?t-r?. foet or Syc?mor? ...?? aSJ Maacbeater: aS 4 3*. ? ?? ??*? n,:* UJI a.T^5* Sam^?^ * ^ *^ ? ? i Bt ?.4a aBaBi BaB f. av 'll>?wy. ??ce?>t saaday. andb-iiaars . ..?>'?*? btVJ g*C^ AVOa *Xl>rt?faaa. ^?ItUTeaiePt Suodar? aad aotldaya aiTeani 'ma P*t?ra*>urs ??aa?c? ?IIS 'a: Slcl at liaiiTf aad raeeapeafce Bar By. Oa. ?f Electric r .-?:?*. ?**<:??? atay | mTmm Leave Jticfcrnoaa. Laurel ?ad AVreaa j ?reeS ? -? ? *. M. ?! ? A. At, M M A, w ! a. B-. ? A SI. U;M A. Ax, l.M J V ,5 F K, ICB F. M, ** W P A4, 4:31 I J * ',Vr M, 7:M P. *, M F. At, * J_v if . B*B V. BL Leave ASS^ad. E?s ?*??? * ? ?_^_.- *. i U a?:^? Sa. ?Cd Ma?i'.?t."%ata. x ?. M M A. ?, ?* M A. X . "UM - BJ P. B, IMF. SI, J at " At. ? M F. B.. 7:M At, U M P. BL v M 4 M P aL BABi P. I a at' P at r- - - - iJaii?^ "eel* *?-ar. -Wtaay easy. v -r.;?? aaassas._ ?TV At deeper, jad ' >KA TLiislMSa aad eeacaaa, aimm. I ^MrrripMA Bertaaaaad tratae atnalnsBam. aii > !?... asi . ?caedaied t? errtv. M IUcaa>*aa sai^r. IM A- at. ? -M A. BV, SAB P. BL. A M f. at ARoTTNDTHrw?kLD October a -V04B Wsw Tar*: i kabraary A ltl>. from San Prsfieieeo, i il the, ?teamahip Clevelaad (17.409 ,Vn , ^ : rSrr/ars11 or 53 MM i afaaa#aat.atl ?>gff?gf , eipen?a ?hoard aadaa^ssa. ranmay. I betel, share sawrarsaa. uafiaafoa. I rU'dee, BbBA Sda. YOU NEED HAVE NO FEAR that you will not be prompts ly served in our office. We have a sufficient force of competent clerks to give prompt attention, not only to our present patrons, but others besides. Ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers if they have no? ticed any delay. We have room on our books for many new customers and plenty of clerks to give their busi? ness prompt, careful and intelligent attention. First National Bank 9H EAST MAIN Capita, ad Svphs. $3,000,000 CiMWweatt Baak Xo account is too small for this* bank to handle. ta connect loa with P M ?. f. Co Ticket* .r.:?rcn?n?- - ?Si rar r?:i iafamattaa. ?pr t t? A. E? onminiot V mim aj*'naw ^rlXl *" f*m. BL*aW?Wm*J?. 'I Can Mala.