Social and
A fashionable out-of-town wedding
of much Interest to society In Bich-1
mend took plsce on Saturday after- j
noon at half-past 8 o'clock at Maple [
HUT Farm, the country home of thej
bride, at Bethel. Conn., when Miss,
Marl* Irene Hess, daughter of Mrs.
H, H. Haas, and Thomas Whit* Bran
dee, son of the late T. A Brander, of
Richmond, were married. The cere?
mony was performed by the Rev. W.
VIT. Brander, chaplain In the Fifteenth
United State* Cavalry.
The bride entered with and was
given away by her grandfather, P. J. ,
Nekderlauder. of St. L>oul*. Her wed- ;
ding gown was white- faille silk, with
trimmings of duchess lace, and she ,
were a string of pearls, the groom's
gift. Her tulle veil was fastened with ?
orange blossoms, and she carried a!
presentation bouquet of white orchids ?
aad Miles of the valley. Mrs. Edwin ,
Pudley Forde, of Pittsburgh, was dame
of honor, sad L W. Brander, of Con- i
cord. N. C. was the groom's best man.!
The house was d?corated"in white;
and gold with a profusion of old-fash- j
loned blossoms, chrysanthemums pre- i
domination. One hundred guests csme
down from New York on a special j
train and many motored down to
Bethel to attend the ceremony. AI
collation was served on the. lawn. A
large house party haa been entertained
last week before the wedding, and ;
"Maple Htll Farm" and Several Rich-i
sBoad people were among the guests. I
Mr. aad Mrs. Brander will spend their/
honeymoon at the Panama Canal. j
Bom* of the guests from a distance
w*ra: Mm T. A. Brander. Mias Eliza?
beth Breeder. Mrs. William Tallaferro. I
Mrs. p. R Tallaferro. Mise Elizabeth,
and Louise Tallaferro. R. W. Brander.!
W. H. Parrish. all of Richmond: Mr.'
and Mrs. H. H. Treeland. Theodore P- ?
Sbontg. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ross. W. |
Leon Pepperman, Blakr Frazler. Mr.
and Mrs. Pierre Droulllard. Mr. ana;
Mrs. John A Brander. Mr and Mrs.1
James Brander. Mr. and Mr*. Harvey j
Ciapp Lines. Mr. and Mrs. c. O. I
Nichols. Charles H. Talbott, B. B.
Mylce, of New Orleans: Harrison!
Hum*, of Boston* and others.
Mrs. Aahtea Stark* and Mr*. Henry j
Worth am, who have been abroad for,
the peat several months, sailed from i
Bremen yesterday on board the steam-1
ship George Washington, of the North j
German Lloyd Line They expect
land In New York some time tbisj
It lVULk?s Everything
i Artistic \\\
.i.K-i'iivni xwAof
il.ihicW! / '? X''M.'<1
Office Furniture
Grace and S>*um.Us
-The Kand That Wear."
fS^/ fa,
m. w. Oseaar Third
BtirWt Wbtt Cams
Bvttw9 SbvwCs? gfl?w9
Clary tm^m?m
r-Wwahwa- aaalj
? -AT
m lu 4. cofst
Wool Sweaters
Color*' "I" ?d. navy sad cotnbin*.
tiena; Byron high ccJJjjr
with pocket-, tue 6 to 12 #4 *%&
y<*?: ?Pecial .#Io4>?>
week, and will rettarn at once to their
homes |n Richmond, ?
At Belleville.
George Blow and A. A. Blow, Jr.!
are spending some time at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mre. AllmooJ
Blow, i? Gloucester County. "Belle?
ville" la one of the prettiest country
places In that section of the State, and
Mr. and Mrs. Blow entertain there a
sweat deal. A very pretty card party
was given laat week- by Mrs. Blow,
when she entertained some guests at
bridge whist Luncheon was served
immediately after the game. 1
>ew Chapter Organised. !
A most enthusiastic chapter of the
Daughters of the Confederacy was
organized at Lo what an Courthouse on
Friday. September 27. under the dl-1
uectorshlp of Mrs. Walter T. Allen.,
chairman of the Fifth District of Vir?
ginia Division, the duty of whose of?
fice Is to organize chapters where none
exists. An unusually good meeting
was held, snd many veterans were
alao present. The meeting was called
to order and the following officers
? elected,: Mrs. Charles Old. president,
lira Robert D. Tucker, first vlce-pres-,
Went: Mrs. 8am Hurt, second vice
president. Mrs. Edmund Pendle ton.
third vice-president: Mrs. E. la Tomp
kins. recording and corresponding sec
retary. Mrs. Paul Lipscomb. treasurer:
j Mrs. H. C Garrett, historian, snd1
Mrs. Justin FlsM, registrar. The en-,
rollment wss the largest membership,
recorded by any new chapter In the
State, snd the success of the organ!-1
sation is largely due to the enthusi?
astic work of Mrs Robert D. Tucker.
Mrs. X. V. Randolph and Mrs. Gre
gory were present at the organisation
of this new chapter, and Mrs. Randolph
made a very delightful little address.
The next meeting will be held st
Powhatan Courthouse on October ?. |
'< snd all members holding application
papers are requested to fill out and re?
turn the, same at this time. The vet
{srans have lav ted the new chapter
i to attend their next annual "reunion.
I Those enrolled st this meeting were:
1 Mesdamsa Kate Flannsgan. James TU
man. Milton Bontfant. John Thraves.
I Patrick Atkinson. Robort Fentriss, R.
D. Tucker. William & Goode. Willie
! Nichols. .*- C. Garrett Junlus Pal
! more. Richard Davis. Marlon Palm ore,
i Mary Palmare. Richard Swann. A. F.
Moon. R. O. Porter, E. A. Baugh. Wil?
lie Mstherlaad. LiUie Bell. J. W. Cole,
f J. H. Wrsy. B M Stokes. B. Wtlburn.
I H. C Stokes. J. C. Swann. W. T. Rudd.
H ask ins Hobson. Julia Walton. D
! Sledd. J. E. WhiUock. Bernard Bonl
i faat, J. R. Bagby. John Goodman. A. (
A. Rudd. James Pierce, Hugh Good?
man. John Jones. James Pleasant.'
Paul Lipscomb. Charles Old, Bessie
OK L. Welsiger. Joseph MaxeT. Ed?
mund Pendleton. Virginia Williams.
M Bradley. W. X. Kennon, Charles;
Kennen. Justin Field. W. K Rich
ardasn. R- W. Weisiges-, bpence Hob
son. Dsvld Harris. W. A. Page. E. Ia
Tompklns. Addie Owen. Thomas GUIs.
Percy Welsiger. Frank Nichols, P
Finch. Sam Hurt, Julian TUman. M,
McLanrin. Barnard McLaurin. M W.
French. Amette French. W. T. Moul
ton. Misses Bessie Kennon. W. A- Tur
pin. Bettle Turpln. Amanda Powers.
Lucy Hobson. Nellie Palmers. Helen
and Nannie Msxsy. Sallle Williams. N
M. Rndd. Ruby Sledd. Stella and Eva
Rudd. Mary Swann. Eatello Stokes.
Annie Swann. Bardie Baugh, Lillian I
Flannigan. Mettle THman. Grace How?
ard. Nannie Reynolds. Mattle and An?
nie Thraves. O. Goods, annls Goode.
At the WeeeanrS 1' I dh
There will be the usual Informal tea
st the Women's Club this afternoon.
These teas are among the delightful
functions of the early fall sfternoona.
snd srs glean is the parlors of the
club from i to 7 o'clook.
^ar*^ead"mrs. Otlllam Willson Ander- j
son. of Blackstone, announce the en- (
gagement of their daughter. Seien
Turnbull, to James Thomas Miller, Jr.. |
a prominent young business man of(
Norfolk. The eoermsay wall Ms*
place on October 23 st 2:30 o'clock j
st St. Luke s Episcopal Church, in
BIsckst one.
Mr. sad Mrs Powhalan Nash an?
nounce the engagement of their niece.
Miss Mary Ruth Kldd. and Herman
Htx Smith. The wedding will be cel?
ebrated some Urne early la October.
There will he several affaire given
la honor of Miss Rosalie Shafer. whose
wedding will ho celebrated this falL
Mrs. Fred Evensen has issued sard*!
for s miscellaneous shower la Miss
Shafer s honor for Tuesday afternoon.
October 1. from I to I o'clock. Decor?
ations win ho la green sad yellow.
Miss Katie Lewis will serve poach
land Masses Mary Dams aid Letts At?
kinson, of Newport Newa, will pour
tea. ? I
Mrs. Charles R Garrett and Mrs.
j R. L. Simpson will give a Haea shower
October 1) at the home of the latter.
If south Third Street, sad Mrs Wli
; I lam G. Karle, ?f Stau ales, and Miss
Clars Shafer will give a kitchen shower
en Friday at the home of Mrs.
1 Lynn Easlow. la Highland Park.
Wilton Mlagea of Abiagdon. eras
I best st a luncheon st tbs Shone ad osh
[Club in Reanoke. Wednesday, compli?
mentary so his sister. Miss Frances
Mlngee. who is the guest of Miss Messe
Reed, st "Montere." near Re
Covers were laM fee six,
geas guests being Mies Frances Mla?
gea. of Abingdon. Mies Mary Heart
Coche. Miss Beate Reo?. Francis Osoke
[aad Dick Reed.
Miss Mlngea frequently visits la
Richmond as the gee at of Mass Ksth- |
leea am
I Avsaao
The timmaadaal of the
[and Mrs. Praak E. ssmilj
a Urge house party far ta
I Saturday of Mrs Beattr*s
Dsalel KsDaher. Mrs. a S.
Seattle, Wash the Rev. Jeha A.
" - Af "
S M C .sf
Ma*, to Thomas Ruall ftohad. which |
took place very quietly la the Sacred
Haart Cathedral pariah. Wedneedey
morning. September si, at 11 o'clock,
the Rev. Heir officiating.
Tha bride were a blue tailored autt.
with hat and glovea to match, and
carried a shower bouquet of HI lea of
the valley. Mies Joele Boso attended .
her aiater aa maid of honor In a sown;
of white charmeuae. with trimmings of!
pink rosebuds. She carried white j
chrysanthemums. The groom's brother.
John Schad. acted as beat man.
After a t/orthern tour. Including
Washington, Philadelphia and Atlantic
City, Mr. and Mrs. Schad will be at
home at til North Twentieth Street,
Meed This Aft season,
The Helping Circle of King's Daugh?
ters will meet thia afternon at 4:SO
o'clock at the home of Mra B. H.Beli,
32s North Twenty-fourth Street A
full attendance la urged aa delegate*:
to the convention la Norfolk will be]
elected at thia meeting.
Annani To? aasssal.
Beginning October' 10, the T. w. C
A will hold It* annual tennis tourna?
ment Thia tournament is open to all
member* of the association and non
members may enter by paying a mem?
bership fee. AH tenni* player* are cor?
dially invited to take part ta this j
la aad Oat of Town.
Miss Elsie Ingram has returned from ]
a visit to friends in Bedford County.
Miss Dorothy Vaughan, of Seguin.
Tex., is the guest of her cousin. Miss;
Alma W. Vaughan, in Highland Park.
Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Ball Carter and
Miss Gertrude Carter have "returned to j
^Richmond, after spending the sum?
mer at the White Sulphur. Atlantic {
City and other resort*.
Beverley Parrish has returned to
Richmond, after visiting his grand-1
parents. Mr. and Mr*. S. H. Goodloe, j
near Oordonsvllle.
Mrs. Jake Wells has returned to
Norfolk, after a brief stay in this city.
Mrs. Ovid M Johnson, of Wythevtlle. I
is visiting friends In Richmond for|
several days
Colonel John & Harwoed and Henry
Ha r wood, of thia city, are the guests
of Mr .and Mrs. R. S. BelSeld. at Chest?
nut Hill. P.lchmond County.
Mr. and Mrs. John Christian aad
children have returned to Richmond
after a visit to relatives In Newport
Fenton 6. Jacobe, who ha* been the |
guest of relative* In Oordonsvllle. has |
returned to the city.
Mrs, I. N Vaughaa. Jr.. la the guest!
of Mrs. L N. Vaughaa at "Pasedena." |
near Ashland
I Miss Virgle Allen. If 303 East Frank?
lin Street has returned from a visit
! to Boston and has as her guest for a
j few days her cousin. Miss Julia '
Langhorne. of Portsmouth.
i .Mrs. A E. Hern, of Washington, has
as her guests, Emme? T. Richardson!
and Miss Laura Richardson, of Rich?
mond. A a
Mr. aad Mr*. Jordan Leake have
gone to Boston, where they are spend
; Ing a week.
Mr*. M. A. Martin, of thia city, ha*
" How your bowds?" Tin?
is generally the first question
the doctor asks. lie knows
that hnfafbn, bflious attacks,
indi^estsOOf tynrsiiri* hlood, eure
often date to a thsgf\sh liver.
Ask him if he approves of
AyertPISs. t^l&
, for your Borne
1 alowprdit" prices
Setouj Nrw Slocks
Wm. Guerin French China I
Dinner Set, $16.50
The E. R Taylor Co.
out bickokt ri starrt am.
" There arc only twelve really good
t '?hairspring truer? fn America, aad oeer ]
B*M c/ these hetp to make the
HdUnUton Watch
f 15.M and era.
Smith * Webster I
- SUE.
? m
The lTialliim?r Quick
Stamping and Design?
ing Department
Now in operation and ready to
receive and execute all order*
within two days' time. Expert
designers in charge of this de?
partment will furnish special
designs of all desired kinds.
See Thalhimer's Art Depart?
ment first.
been the recent guest of /rlends Inj
West Point
Mrs. ft w. Wrntsma. aecompsnied
by her little granddaughter. Otey Wil?
liams, has returned from wytnaviiis.
Mrs J. C Carpenter and >flas Lee
Herrin*, of Clifton Forge, are guests
of Mrs. R. H Wilson, at 150? Grove
Miss Augusta W. Bernhardt, who was j
operated on st the Orsee Hospital re-1
cently. Is now improvln* st her home,
30? Sycamore Street.
J. Auerbsch. who has been spend
in* the past few weeks with Mr. and I
Mrs. A. Rosenthal here, has returned]
to his home in New York. 1
Mrs P. R. Cartton and little daugh?
ter, of 1502 West Avenue, accompanied
by Mrs. Canton's mother, Mrs. Z. F.
Carltos, hsvs returned after a several
weeks' visit at Brunswick Inn.
I Miss Lucy & Coleman, of IS North!
[Fifth Street, has returned to the city]
from Europe.
Ashland. Vs.. September 29.?-T.
Leitet? Lancaster, demonstrator of j
i Hanover County, haa been actively at i
work trying to secure a creditable ex-'
hlbit for his county at the State Fair.
He has collected quite an extensive
I lot of tobacco, grasses, wheat, oats and
corn, together with a fair selection of
; vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately
for him and the county, the drought
which has spread over this section has
greatly hampered him In obtaining
what he at the first of the season ex?
pected to procure. Thla will be the
< first time he has had the chance to
! place Hanover In the exhibit section
st ths fair, as he only received his ap
i polntment In the spring.
At s meeting of the Town Council!
[ held Thursday night, an ordinance was J
; introduced for the purpose of sub-'
i mining to the people of Ashland a |
plan for the Issuance of bonds, the
I proceeds of which are to be used for]
j installing a water and sewerage sys?
tem for the tows of Ashland. Tho pro. j
visions of the ordinance require sub-j
mittln* the proposition to the v ners.
The amount of bonds to be issued and j
th.j length of time tor which they shall;
run snd the amount of Interest to be
paid was not expressed is the skele?
ton submitted. These facts wore left
for the committee to determine and
report at the next regular meeting; of
the Council Mayor Ellis called the
attention of the Council to the neces
! alty of securing s place suitable for
' tho Council room. Mayor's office and
court room. This matter was referred
to a special committee, which will ro
port later whether it Is sdvlsabla to
changs ths present location.
A system of dormitory hail bolls is
I beln* Installed In Randolph-Macon
College, and when completed wlU do
away with ths ringing of the old col?
lege bell, which for years past haa
been the msasa of calling stud en tu to
their class rooms throughout the day.
The neighbors In the Immediate vicin?
ity of the college .for years back have
heard this old familiar peal, and many
a household has been regulated by Ita
hourly strokes. The heil In futura win
only be hoard la ths morning at 8:15
O'clock, when the faculty and students
are called for assembly and morning
Mrs. I X. Vsnghan will leave this
week fjor Atlanta. <**-. to visit ner
brother. T. R. Walton. Later Mrs.
Vaughan wUi go with My. and Mrs
Walton to California, where they will
spend some time.
Mrs. B. Ml Shepherd will arrive Mos-1
dST from Lynchburg, where aha has;
been tho guest of Miss Cannaway. Mrs |
Shepherd will have as her guest this
week Miss Leila Barkright, of Archer.
Mlaa Stuart Blanton, who has been
the guest of relatives in Richmond, has
returned home.
Harvey Stebblna, of Halifax County,
recently visited his brother, Charles
Mis* Caroline Jacksoa Midyetto Is
visitln* friend* la Philadelphia.
Mrs. Henry Beams wUl return to
Baltimore Tnursdaw. after a visit to
her asst. Mrs. A. C. Wl*ktman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred HelUday are
I guests of Oarrett Holllday. la Xer
I folk.
Onaacock, Va. ? mama si 2?.?Tho
Isst bestowal of troaaaa of he nor by
Jefferson Davis Chapter. Daughters of
the Confederacy, wttl take place at tho
re salsa to ho held a* Rams Ills, October
a Tho ct i as is wttl ho pi amid aa by
Mrs John & Wise.
Mr. and lfm Peter Them a a Hack
Ayers have homed invitations to tho
marriage of their daughter. Bdlth
Seymour Wslhor to Harry llawl
White, at hmtSTie St George's Ephmo
pal Chare a. October IS.
Pine weed to bsla* shipped from
Chi neat sa*ao to Mow Tsrfc Oty by
schooner. Quite ? number of vessels
save been chartered to ran syst eta
from Chlocetee*ee to
a visit to i ess tress m Martha
TsVaasTj ****** "rtU "*
Tb* No*?.'et eahsVtsT *"
Nation. Notified That He It Not
Connected With Russian
ALL the leading newspapers of St
Petersburg, including the Nov
y* Vremya. the Wiedomosti,
? te.. of the second week of
Septs .; Oer. print in that part of their
columns devoted to official Intelligence
the announcement that the Imperial
government has forbidden "the notori?
ous Servian General Tcherep Spiri?
dovitch" from wearing his well known
general's uniform In Russia; while
the representatives of the Czar abroad
are directed to notify the authorities
of the countries in which they are
stationed that the man is in nowise
connected either with the Russian gov?
ernment or with the Russian arjny.
The Russian newspapers, in fact, do
not hesitate to describe him as a
swindler, and refer to frauds of
particularly disgraceful character of
which he rendered himself guilty in
the Par Eastern Asiatic provinces of
the empire, when Admiral Alexleff |
was Viveroy thereof, just before the
outbreak of the war with Japan.
Spiridovitch has postured with
much success here in America as aRus-|
elan Count and as a Russian general,
wearing the uniform of that rank on
every conceivable occasion, even at
mere weddings, and has. moreover, fig?
ured In Prance as such a persistent
suitor of wealthy American widows
and young girls, that this announce?
ment by the Ruasian government
should be made widely known.
He clalma to be a Russian general,
and in a letter bearing his signature
now before me, argues that the best
proof of the high favor which he
claims to enjoy on the part of the
Csar. has beendils rapid promotion to
the rank of general, which, he adds,
gives him ex officio the right to be
present at all court ceremonies and
entertainments in JSt Petersburg.
Now Spiridovitch left the Russian
navy with the rank of sub-lieutenant,
and has never held any rank in the
Russian army or navy since. He
seem* to have managed to make some
kind of a deal with the Servian gov?
ernment, and to have obtained from
the latter the more or leas honorary
rank of general, and thereupon on the
strength of this Servian title, to have
cooly assumed the analogous rank In
the Russian army, without any war?
rant or authority. That ha no longer
enjoys the good will of the Servian
government Is perhaps best shown by
the fact that not long ago the Ser?
vian Consul-General at Moscow pub?
lished a warning to the effect that
Tcherep Spiridovitch was selling Ser?
vian orders of knighthood to rich
merchants at Moscow, and was retain?
ing the money.
This warning was reproduced by the
Berlin Tagbrart, under the heading of
"Ordens Schwindler," which may he
described as a man who swindles by
selling bogus patents of knighthood.
Spiridovitch instituted legal proceed?
ings against the Tagblatt hot al?
though the latter welcomed the suit
Spiridovitch withdrew from the case
before It came to trial.
I understand that Secretary of the
Navy George von L Meyer, while am?
bassador at St. Petersburg, had occa?
sion to write to friends and acquain?
tances In this country, warning them
against Spiridovitch, wbo wee over
here at the time.
i When Csar Ferdinand of Bulgaria
visited Russia in state a year or so
ago, Tcherep Spiridovitch caused It
J to be intimated in the newspapers that
! he had been received in private audi?
ence by him at the Winter Palace.
I But before twenty-four hours had
! elapsed an official denial thereof was
published at the Instance of the Bul?
garian monarch by the Russian gov?
The title of count which Tcherep
Spiridovitch uses Is not a Muscovite
honor, but has been obtained from the
Children Orr
Ask your dealer or ahesjs us?Madi?
son 1S57?how to get this
$8.00 24-pc. Tea Set
I Better
I ford* Money?
I JfnfVtw wapja
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7 Wast atooBsd St?
Cash or Credit
Vatican, ?ad ha? rsestvsd ao> recogni?
tion In Russia. Sphridoviteh Is a Rus?
sian an? com?? from a good family.
Indeed, en* ?f hla cousins, a oolor.el
Spirldoviteh, holds hl*h rank In that
section of ths Russian police which Is
entrusted with the protection of the
imperial family. But he declines to
hold any intsroourss with hla hlos
man Tcherep. who takes every pos?
sible advantago of ths foot that he
bears the same name, sad trades on
ths confusion resulting- therefrom
Tcherep has never been received
at the court of St. Petersburg-, or at
that of sny other monarchical coun?
try of Europe, save perhaps that of
Servla. His applications for Presen
tation to the Caar have invariably
met with curt refusals.
Nor is ha president ef the Pan-Slav
society known as the Slavonlo Benev
olent Society, which has ita headquart-1
era at Moscow, and whseh Is really a
very Important philanthropic and poli?
tical organisation, a power throughout
the Bslkin States. The society of
which he is the chief styles Rself the
Slavte Society, consists of barely three
or four dosen members all told, and
haa no kind of standing or wsidht. In
fact, it has nothing In common with
the great Pan-Blavle Society which
aims at the union of all ths Slavs of
Russia of Servla. of Rumania, Aus?
tria, Macedonia and Bulgaria, because
of their common membership of ths
Orthodox Greek Church.
From this it will be seen that any
American women who confers her j
hand snd her fortune upon Tcherep
Spirldovltch under the Impression that
she is wedding a full-Hedged Russian
general who will be sble to give hsr
the entree to ths court of 8t Peters?
burg, and to the Great World on the
banks of the Neva, or in fact. In any
other capital of Europe, will be pur?
chasing aomethlng very much akin to
a gold brick; and a similar warning
may be given to those to whom Tche?
rep may make his customary appeals
for subscriptions towards ths fund
whloh he professss to be raising for
the liberation of the Christian races
of the Turkish provinces In Sooth
eastern Europe.
The troth of tho ancient Roman say?
ing, to the effect that Cardinals al?
ways die by threes, has once again
been shown by the fact that the de?
mise of Cardinal Fischer, of Cologne,
was followed within the spaes of a
month by that of the Hungarian Csr
dlnal Samoasa. and by that of the
French Cardinal Coullis. Archbishop
of Lyons. The fact that all these
three pr*nces of the church have been
foreigners reduced the non-Italian
element of the Sacred College to such
sn extent, as to preclude the likeli?
hood of the election of a foreigner as
Pope, under present clacumstaaees.
The Italians once more possess a suf?
ficiently overwhelming majority to
preclude the probability of anyone elae
than one of their own number being
elected to ths Chair of St Peter.
It Is a pity that this saying shout
the members of the Sacred College al?
ways dying by threes should have In?
variably proved well founded. For
naturally whenever the demise of a
Cardinal Is announced, everybody
looks for ths decease of two others,
which sires rlas to much anxiety snd
alarm to those who have kinsmen or
dear friends among the scarlet-robed
Senators of the church.
From Tokio comes ths news of an
extraordinary battle of birds which
took place st Yokosuks, a town on the
road between Yokohama and the cap?
ital, on the day of the death of the
late Emperor. The combatants were
millions of sparrows, which, arriving
in perfect clouds that obscured the sky
fought from sunrise to nightfall. As
far as could be gathered, the struggle
was between the sparrows of ths dis?
trict and an army of feathered invad?
ers, which eventually carried the day.
The noise msde by the combatants was
so great that It was heard for miles,
while the ground was strewn In every
direction with tens of thousands of
desd and dying birds.
The two opposing armies of spar?
rows seemed to move in obedience to
commands of leaders, the evolutions
being well ordered, snd all sorts of
strategic devicaa. auch as flank move?
ments wsrs apparent. Nothing of the
kind has ever been seen before in
Jspaa. sad that this battle should
have coincided with the death of the
late Emperor baa aroused an immense
smount of attention among the super?
stitious throughout the length and
breadth of Dal Nippon.
(Copyright, lt-12. by ths Brentwood
SB* PItJISaUllS AT w. s?. i.
[Special to The Tlmea-Dlapatoh]
Blackeburg, Va, September JB.?To
date 462 msa have registered at tho
Virginia Polytechnic Institute for tho
first tans of ths season 1912-13, and of
these ltd are new students On a cor?
responding data last year tho enrol?
ment was 42t, sad of these 202 wars
entering for ths first time; the incrssss
this session being la aplte of tho fact
that tho entrance examinations bass
been more rigid snd tea units aaa re?
quired from these who enter tho
fraahman class. Ths slaaa work of tho
seesion is now fairly under way. aad
tho regular military routine la being
The Brat social event of tho fail was
tho reception given Saturday evening
by the Young Men s Christina Associa?
tion to tho new students Tho latter
wars nstdmlly welcomed to V. p. ft la
speeches frees the I aad ire of the var
lous clubs la collage, ths ministers of
tho town. Coaah Bocock aad Secretary
McGtU. Thar* was a pi seal ag pro?
of refreshments Tho racsptles was
largely attended by ths cedeta, ths
???asm er the faculty wit* their
wtvea asm young wesson of this and
near-by lew
Darin? the past week the Y. M C A.
senders bars soadactsd a spirited cam?
paign for members that haa met with
unusual sac cam. sad a similar cam?
paign for atadents to enroll is tho
Bible stady claeaia will be earned oa
this wish, O. R MeOU returns as sec?
retary ef the association for a ascend
time after apiadla* several moot ha
of tho vacs ties time fa traveling
threads. Bar***.
At It* mitlast hast week the beard
of itettoss of V. P. L siartil sine
months Mama ?ff aiaaacs to Dr. H. 8.
Rood for study hg Ears**. Bs will
two **eafhs at
verslttes ef Oeratsay Dr. aad Mrs
Baad expect to sail for Kaaies shoot
the first of Jaaaary.
T. B Hatch ana of ths Agricultural
Department left this weak far Caraett
i -u varsity, wheys ho win spoad ths
Dtarad Itings
j Whitman Hm Pound Evidence
Which Will Surprise the
[Special to The Times-D'spatca.]
New York, September St.?That th*
caae against Lieutenant Becker in tap
stronger than has appeared from the
reports published In the news peps re
tree the statement made at the district
j attorney's office. District Attar,
ney Whitman himself rs fused to
make known the nature et avldemc*
which has been kept a secret, hat H*
is learned nevertheless, that thai
prosecution haa a surprise la store for*
counsel tor the defense.
Information obtained la that;
among the witnesses to he lesjmnaed
to testify, against Becker will he men,
I and women who say they ovsrbsged
conversations between Beeke*? Jack
Rose and "Brldgle" Webber twe w?*ks'
before Herman Rosenthal we*) mar
dered. Thea* wltaesaea are prepared;'
to say that they heard Beekag thront-?
enlng Rose and Webber. Bad that|
they heard Roaenthal'a name men?
tioned in the course of the converse/-)
Other evidence, from- which much lej
I expected by the district attorney. haa,
to do with oorroboration of the stories;
told by Rose. Webber and Scheppa aa\
I to conferences that they had with t
Lieutenant Becker after the murderj
It waa said to-day that WUllaaa JJ
Burns, in his investigations, haa found/
witnesses who will back op the accuaa^
tlons of these and other witnesses.
At least six witnesses wlU be used/
j to help make a case tor the State.
The fight that haa been mad* by Me-**
! Intyre and Hart to examine the min-i
ute* of the grand Jury that indicted],
Lieutenant Becker was lost t*~dey.{
when Justice Qoff decided that the *>-}
fense afto?ld not bo allowed to IpspsntJ
the minutes because such a prtvelegej
was aought merely for the purpose on
trying to find the strength or weak-!
ness of the State's case.
j Rev. Edwin R. Carte? Aooomta C*M *et
St. John's, at Bussssptsav
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.}
Lynchburg. Va, September St.?Roe..
Edwin R. Carter, to-day cloned a five-j
year pastorate of Grace Memorial
Episcopal Church, from which he re-,
signed two months ago to accept th*
rectorship of St John'* pariah at
Hampton. He begins bis ministry,
there during th* week. Mr. Carter1
cam* here from Emp?rte, ?uccoedlag
I Dr. John J. Lloyd, who 1* bow engag
I ed in missionary work as arch-deacon
I in Southwestern Virginia
Mr. Carter's successor haa net been
?elected aa yet a committee of th*'
vestry being engaged bow la am effort |
to secure a new rector.
The eighth annual exhibition of the
Interstate Fair Association of Lgmeh-;.
1 burg, will begin here Tuesday, with:
exhibit* larger than ever before. Addi-tj
11tonal exhibition space haa boom mr*-.,
vided and aU of It will be take*. Ma-,
cepting ior two or three local her-.'
nese races, ail of the racing will he j
running daahee. and between eighty 1
and a hundred horses are expected. AI- f
ready more than half this aaashar jay
stabled at the Fair Ground*.
good weather the management
big crowds Wednesday and Tbl
Sale* of leeae leaf tobacco here
! week, which consisted
prtcomings, aggregated SS.40?
bring the sales for the month um to
5m.70? pound*, or ais.soo g?de lama,
than last year at th* sum Iis* s Al?
though early some of th* mew ?rem as
being offered and good prices are Be?
ing realised
Rev. W C. Cooper, who hen* beam
pastor of Holy Trinity Church leer*
since last May. was formally
to-day. the Installation
delivered by Dr. l> A Fwx. *f
College. \'i
Silb To-Day at Special
little mUIT PAKMS
O. d. l. w<