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TITA TtMBS FOUNDED MH tUB DISPATCH FOUNDED BBS, WHOLE .N UMBER 19,127. RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912. THE WEATHER TO JAY?Fair. PRICE TWO CENT?L Too Long Party Has Worshiped at Shrine of Dollar. ONLY DEFEAT CAN CUT OUT CANKER -? I Dr. Wiley Makes Debut as Cam-,' paign Speaker, Excoriating .? Taft, Roosevelt and Others Who Place Money Before Public Welfare?Supports Wilson and Marshall. j j Terre Haute. Ind., October 2-?Dr. Harvey yv. Wiley, former chief of the Federai Bureau of Chemistry, and; government pure food expert, made his debut aa a Democratic campaign speaker here to-night. His speech was devoted largely to an attack upon Colonel Roosevelt, who, he said, was falsely claiming credit for the paa-; aage of the pure food and drug act. ? Me announced he would support Wll- ! son and Marshall. "Head the hlgh-toundirig moralities; Of the i'rogressive platform." said the: doctor, "and compare them with thej actual performances of Its master | builder. They don't seem to consist.! 1 cannot conceive of any mine wicked J and law-breaking performance. A bencflcient law?paseed in good faith; by Congress?was mercilessly eviscer? ated and the disemboweled corpse was' turned over to the Secretary of Agri-j culture for dissection. The Secretary! of Agriculture, inspired by his trusties j in crime. Solicitor McCabe and Associ-! ate Dunlap. attacked the carcass with; the avidity of fasting buzzards, and soon only the whitening bones of the 1'ure Food Law remained as mute witnesses of its existence." Worshiper of the Dollar, declaring that he had remained loyal to the Republican party forj many years In aplte of his conviction: that it was "yearly becoming a wor-j shiper at the shrine of the dollar and! less mlndf Ji of honesty in business and ' the public health and welfare.'* Dr. Wiley said: "I now believe that thej Republican party, as at present con- . ?HtattaS. is so completely subjugated_ by the dollar, so permested by thej canker of big business as Its only god. > that only disastrous defeat can ever | restore it to health. I ?In my own caae the chief cause of breaking away from my life-long political affiliations Is directly due to the attitude of two Republican ad sainlstrations. via. those of Roosevelt and Taft, to the food and druga acL j ?Arrayed against this aalutary stat? ute has been formed the very worst elements of commercialism thit this or any other country could produce. De basers and misbranders or foods and drugs, seeking to poison Iii? fjods that keep us well and debase tin drugs that are given us when ill. far years bad succeeded in blocking legislation. Standing together were those drugging our foode to preserve them from de? cay and coloring them with poisonous dyes to make them seem fresh; th>se mixing cheap substitutes w;tn foods and drugs to keep up their weight and volume and deceive and thr-aten '.ne purchaser; those who. with cheap al? cohol, simulated the old and fragrant products of the vineyard and -is dls tiUlng. who mude beer of cheap sugar* and wine of coal tar dyes, tannin and saccharin, and those who preyed on the imaginatljns of the lay.a- n and sold them worthless and harmful rem? edies. Fullbellied and sleekficed lob? byists filled the hotels of Washington and uaed the columns of our newspa? pers, eminent professors in cur col? leges and universities were brought to Washington to tell the committees of Congress that all these disreputable practices were harmless and required by the exigencies of the trade. 5e Fa vat able Wards "During all thia time no Prealdent of the Fnited State* and no Cabinet offlcer ever said a favoring word for the enactment of thia law, except on ane or two occasion* in a most aer functiry way. Mr. Roosevelt in one of his messages alluded to the matter In a short paragraph without accentua? tion. The Secretary of Agriculture, on a few occasions in hia rei oiiirnttida tiona to the President called attention* to the agitation going on. But the Bureau of Animal Induatry of the De? partment of Agriculture and th? Health Department of the city of Was! ingtorr were active in their opposition to the measure, fear'rs; some Infringement of their own activities. "In spite of tnis indifference, how aver, strong support, ss" well 3S oppo? sition, developed |n the Congress of the L'nit'd States. In the last years at *..e battle. Hepburn. Mann and Ri'h ardson. In t'ic H.use. and MC-umbei ?rid Hey burn. In the Senate, fought tenaciously and aggressively and won. Ia the autumn of i*fi? Senator ItiJhaSa believing that a winning chance was at hand, asked President Roosevelt to recommend the passage of th- net ia bis message. Trie President re-p!!e<1 that It waa of so littl.- . on*' in? r.c? that it wasn't worth mentioning ** Speaking of the rrtasag.- of tri?, act. and the determination ?r those who had opposed it to prevent its enforce? ment. Or Wiley continued. "HSving aver-ca-ded sw long In Mock legislation. theT were serene la the fatih thai, affiliated as tf.ey srere with the dominant party, thev coald prevent the enforcement of the act. Evidentlv their faith waa not founded* an phantom*. At a banotct In Xew Teva: >n Slew Tear's Ere. I>ea, ? wealthy manufacturer roar to speak at 11.53 P. M Locking at the rlock, ha ?aid: la frve mlnatea the food and drugs act wni he barn: la ftv? minutes ?fter II it will he dead.' This waa a swopbrry. alas which rasae near pro-v fstg true, bat not aalte aa speedily as Was predl-fad Wltrve WaWMfcBj r?r wile.- spake of detaVutteaa ha Bad en. .unfered la eadorrlaa; the law. 1 the awpidatsaonl * Asasllate Chesa Bst Paadap BBj "the growth af Bat**?, PANEL IS EXHAUSTED Oaly Four Juror* Secured to Try Labor Leaser*. Salem, Mav . ?Jet >ber 2.~Four Juror? had been chosen for the trial of Jos* Ph Kytor. Arturo Uiovannitti and Joseph Caruso, charged with being responsible for the. murder of Anna L<opiB40 during the Lawrence textile strike of last winter, when the venire of 41? tales? men became exhausted late to-dsy. ?nd Judge tjuinn ordered an adjournment it the case to October 1?. OH Ina?, day a new panel of S50 will report Next Monday morning Judg<i Qulnn I will hear arguments on a mot'on to be filed by rstinsel for the deCeiiSe. in | which they are expected t ? ask for ti'C ; release of the prisoners on suitable bail Another Strike Disc eased. Uwrtnof, Mack.. October i.?Tho j <lu?stion of gait hex general strike in i the textile mill* or Lawrence was uis- j cussed to-night by the central comm't- ] tee of the fadnstrlal Workera of the i World, but not:; ng was made public regarding the dec.lon reached. The j meetlnj? considered the report of a sub- j committee which had visited the tex- I tile mill* to ascertain what action the mill agent* it.t. ivied to lake lon cernlna the alleged discharge if oper? atives who participated in the "protest" sttfks of last -Monday. William i>. Haywwid, tho Industrial j Workers of the World organizer, who . returned here to-night from Salem, said after a rpalfsrsTs with other | leaders of his organization: 'The mill owners in l^awrerce are n>w on strike against the operatic-s. whom they have refused to take back Into the mills. The Industrial Work? ers of the World will have to disi uss rneanp to fight this kind of a strike." i TAFT AND MARSHALL MEET Preeldeat and 4 a ad Ida te Joke* Over1 Wear asd Tear of Casapaazalag. Boston. Mass . October 2.?Governor Thomas R. Marshall. jT Indiana, the Democratic candidate for Vir e-Pies?- ? ?lent. snook hands with President Taft to-night Just before the ban<iu?t of the Suoremr Council of Scottish Kite Ma? sons, at which both were guests. The meeting occyred at the liotel in which Governor Wilson, of New Jersey, greeted, the President last Tuesday night. President Taft j 5ked witn Gov* ernor Marshall on tho wear and tear of campaigning, and then both passed ; into the banquet hall, where they stood ' side by Kide In the receiving line and ! shook hands with the diners. The President to-day laid the cor- J ner-stone of the new Tourg Men's; Christian Association building, in the j Back Bay. and attended the Cambridge j Carnival, across the Charles River. j In Cambridge he examined the ex bthttS snd was presented with a broom made in a manual training sen >ol fori the blind. "I hope." said the donor "that this will make a clean sweep for ysu." The President smiled broadly. FORGER SUED BY TWO WIVES Seek FfUdssa Fro* Priwsr r. Who Married Beth la Jersey City. ? j New York. October J.?Two actions. >ne for divorce and the other for an- j nulment of marriage, will be heard by Judge Marfan in the Supreme Court of Kings County to-day against WH- 1 liam Thomas Grant, a prisoner in Sing Sing. The plaintiffs are Margaret Farley, twenty-one years old. of 961 Madison Street. Brooklyn, and Eth?: Theresa Seeley. twenty years old, of 615 Decatur Street. Brooklyn. The omplainants state t;.<it when Grant was in the Raymond fWiast Jail in June. IMS, awaiting tr:al jn a fo.-g ery charge, both women, who were acquainted with each other, suddenly met before his cell and learned that each was his wife. Miss Farley had heen married to Grant In Jersey City June 1?. l?o9. and Miss Seeley became Mrs. Grant May 2?\ 1S11. in the same ?ity. Both consulted lawyers, and the present actions were started. Grant was sentenced to four and s half years' imprisonment by Judge Dike in the County Court In June. lSll. GEORGIA ELECTS OFFICERS Pfssserats Have ** Osa?Ittea Except Press SeetaHeta. Atlanta. Ga . October ?Elections throughout the State of Georgia were held to-day for State and county of? ficers, named In the recent primary, la which John M. Slaton. of Atlanta, was nominated for Governor by the Demo? crats. The only opposition to the Democratic ?andldates was from the ' Socialists, w ho w^re reported to have cast a light vote. The five constitu? tional amendments providing changes in the courts, in the financial methods of the SMte snd an extension of the school system have been carried by safe majorities, according to the re? turns, i The mayoralty primary resulted in no nomination and will necessitate % second primary to he called withi-. two weeks. James G. Woodwart* twice Mayor of the city, led the ticket. : with Aldine Chambers second. Thcrs were two ether candidate* AN ATHLETE AT AGE OF TWO Habs S)i sea at Three tm nr a Pel feet SV? Minneapolis, '?ctobir |--To become the world* physically most perfect woman Is th?- fsture .. s;-p- 1 out for Margaret Terry Hudson Grant, two ee^rs and two months old. by her father. Richsrd Grant, director of track athletics of the I'niversity of Minne? sota. Since she was three weeks old the baby has been In training for the rise* she is some day to fill. Systematic ??terris?. under the su petv siotj of her fsther. who was for metly a track star st Tak. and has 'madV tnanv M'nnrsots athletes. Is ? < ranch a part of little Margaret s life as bring powdered and dressed after a! t.ath. TEN CHILDREN KILLED St. Bernard. Que. October 2 -The tea klMrew. rsttgiag In age from eighteen I months to nfteen years. Of AlexgJM i Gravel, of this place, were be med to I ?Seats to-dsy. Orasel aad bis wife left last fernlag, sad ret are tag early | it la ffai Ii, Thsy vrsrs snaal WHERE CAMPAIGN FUHOSCOMEFROM Archbold, Morgan^Frick and Gould Give $100, 000 Each. OPEN4'BARREL" TO AID ROOSEVELT No Records to Show Archbold Money Was Returned?Witness Certain Harriman Turned Over $240,000 to Bliss. Dixon Wants Backers of Candidates Summoned. Washington. October 2.?Four con- 1 trlbtitions of $ioo.0?o each Jrorn John D. Archbobi. of, the Standard Oii Com? pany. J. p. Morgan Co., H. C Frlck and George J Gould were mad* to the 1904 Republican national cam? paign fund, according to records of the late Cornelius X. Bliss, which passed through the hands of George K S-.eldon. treasurer of the 1908 Re? publican committee, who testified, to? day before the Senate committee in? vestigating campaign expenditures. Mr. Shett'.on said Mr. B'iss gave him a detailed statement of the 1904 funds, and he waa positive no record appeared of the $100,000 Archboid easts ibutton having .been returned. With equal positiveness. he swore that the records showed the disputed B&> ward H. Harriman fund cf $240.000 bad been received by Mr. Bliss for the I Xew York Republican State Commit I tee. Day of Wra sure Una. Mr Sheldon's statements were made r'uring a lull in a day of wrangling 1 b-tween Senator Joseph M. Dixon. manager of Colonel Roosevelt's pres? ent campaign, and members of the committt e. Senator Dixon charged I the committee with concentrating its ; aotivities upon the Roosevelt funds and ignoring the financial activities j in behalf of all other candidates. Re- : i publican and Democratic, alike. Com Bailies members heatedly denied this. ' declaring that arrangements for the j investigation had been left entirely in the harris of Chairman t'lapp. a strong i supporter of the Progressive national committee, and that managers for all candidates had been subpoenaed to testify. I J. Pieirpont Morgan will appear be-; fore the investigating committee to-1 morrow to be questioned as to his financial participation in the 19*4 or other national campaigns. The committee probably will hear also to-morrow Judge Charles H. Duell, assistant treasurer of the Re? publican committee in 1904. Based on demands made by Senator I Dixon to-day. Charles P. Taft may be] called to testify as to his contribu? tions this year in support cf the Presi- ? I dent's campaign for re-nomination. ; Senator Dixon declared be had heard that the President's brother spent', ?600.000. Published statements of Governor! Wilson and Senator La Foliette. that1 they did not reeclve $70.000 contribu- i i tiona from Charles R. Crane, testified i to yesterday by K. H. Hooker, will | result In the calling of Mr. Crane as; a witneaa at an early date. Caaaaseat Frass Dtxea. Senator Dixon demanded as soon as] he took the stand, and repeatedly1 throughout his testimony, that the; committee examine, "iefore election," I every one who handled funds or might i have contributed to the pre-conven- j tion campaigns of Taft. Wilson. Vn- j I derwood. Harmon. Clark or La Foliette. He interspersed his replies with a I running fire of comment as to how the] Roosevelt forces were "foreclosed" in i certain States and "swept every dis? trict" In others. "Virginia was foreclosed on them" he said In Louisiana, "the sugar] trust took charge of the Taft cam? paign." In Xew Jersey they "swept j j everything." in Florida. and other! ; Southern States the officeholders op ; posed them. Senator Dixon said the i Roosevelt people - had less money in ; proportion to the results accomplished than any other pre-convention can ? didate." and declared more was spent ; for Taft. I'nderwood. Clark and Wll ' son. He said he had been reliably i informed that Thomas F. Ryan and A. ' II. Plant, auditor of the Southern Kailway. had contributed heavily to| Oscar W. Pnderwood's campaign; that] Joseph F. Davis spent $3*L000 in Gov- , ' crnor Wilson's pre-oonvenlion cam i paign: that Tharles P. Taft had spent | ! $t?,M>.<>0* for his brother, the President,! I and that "leading financiers of Xew. j York had spent large sum* for Gov ' ernor Harmon " He challenged the | tommittee to call these men. Senator Dixon declared he would tellj ' anything he could about the Roosevelt] funds, but he insisted that the com-1 mittee show as much activity toward] other candidate., as it had toward thej Progressive candidate. He aaid he had been Informed t*at large aums had I been contributed for the aupport of| Taft. Wilsen. I nderwood. Harmon and] Clark. Barter F.irbaene. Attempts by Senator Pomerene to! set the names of the Informants! hrotieht on a bitter eichange. in which "senatorial courte*-.- was aban? doned. Twice S-nator Pomerene ap? pealed to Chairman ?~iapp to compel ?etimlor Dixon to give the names of men who knew about these funds .?enator Dtxon aaid what he had stated was -common rumor." and that he had received mach of bla information from Roosevelt leaders In the differ? ent districts where it waa hard to. pla down information ta certain persons ? t can't ten these things la detail aad yam know that whea yoa ash the a, a sail i aa.- ha added After Senator Dtxea had admitted he did net has a what arrangements the committee had wade far leveetlgating the fSToda eg other candidate*. Senator pomer er?? ifaarasd Ike Roosevelt man? ager With attempting to "alAS-drr the < ommittee." Senator Dixoa'a reference* to cam far Governor Mar Balkan States Have De? cided to Temporize No Longer. HOSTILITIES MAY OPEN WITHIN WEEK Autonomy for Macedonia, Al? bania, Old Servia and Crete De? manded Within Three Days. Threatened Outbreak of War Hastened Peace Between Turkey and Italy. I I^owion. October 2.?No ultimatum has yet bass delivered to Turkey from the four Baikan Mates, but, ac? cording to the most reliable newa. such an ultimatum will be presented at Constantinople to-morrow. It wlU demand autonomy for Macedonia. Al? bania. Old Servia and Crete within) t"iree days. In the event of failure! to comply with this demand, the Bal? kan coalition will rep^t it, an?i at the! same time addiess a" collective note | to the great powers notifying them | that after the expiration of another i.i*ree days the Balkan States will en? force the demand by recourse to arms. | Thus there will be a respite of aTtt-all oetore hostilities open. This re-j spite will b>- SttlHwi by the powers! I? arrange a compromise with Turkey acceptable to the four States, which. It is believed, would prefer a way out without bloodshed. The Austro-Hungarian foreign min? ister. Count von Berchthold. had a conference of more than an hour with King George of Greece at Vienna to siay. No further news had been re? ceived of the reported frontier con 'licts. but tension continues extreme. ? spec-ally (.wing to the seizure by the | Tt.kieh authorities of Greek vessels. Display of Patriotism. Constantinople. October 2.?After j the issuance of orders by the Turkish | war minister to-day for the mobiliza? tion of the Turkish army, the Com-1 rr.ittee of Union and Progress pro its whole-hearted support of! the government in defense of the em rlro. Thirty thousand Albanians. . through their chiefs. Informed the I 1 government of their readiness to un? dertake any service in defense of the ! fatherland Similar patriotic devotion j has been displayed by ail classes, j Avoid Appearance ef Peffsace. ' Belgrade. Servia, October 2.?The I representatives of the powers have re? quested the Servian government not to concentrate the mobilized army near j the Turkish frontier, as that would increase the danger of a conflict. In reply ?r.e Premier said the concentra? tion !.ad be enordered by the com mander-in-chief. whose duty It was to safeguard the territorial interests of i the country. Nevertheless, all pre? cautions would be taken to avoid the appearance cf defiance on the part of Servia. The government, added the Premier.] would be enly too glad to accept the I good offices of the powers and would I undertime any measure that would ob-. vlat..- ;iggrevatlng the situation. Ser? via had even dropped the idea of ?re-| calling her representative from Con? stantinople because Turkey had atop- ] ! pod the transport of Servian war ma j terlal. Italy as Peacemaker. Korne. October 2.?Italy, although at war with Turkey for a year past, joined the rar.ks of the peacemakers j to-day Sssl gave her Support to the J powers whicn are trying to prevent J the Balkan mates from attacking her : enemy. Specific instructions have been i sent to the Italian ministers at At ! hens. Sofia. Belgrade and Cettlnje to join In the representations of the other great powers in urging modera I tion and avoidance of provocative ac? tion, while the chanceUories are de | vising a plan for the permanent set? tlement cf the Macedonian troubles. Rome. October 2.?The Balkan crisis will hasten peace between Italy sad I Turkey according to prevailing opin ' ion in Italian dip'.omsUc circles. This 1 is regarded as the only way In which Turkey csn claim a free hand on the i sea to permit the transport of her i troops from Asiatic Turkey. The grest I fleet of Italy being thus removed ss I s factor, the Ottoman navy would be I free to subjugate the Grecian fleet, i which ia its Inferior Prices on sll the Italian bourses fell ' sharply to-day ?n consequence of the Balkan crisis. j Paris, October 2-?Persistent reports that peace Is a boat to he concluded between Turkey and Italy were car 1 rent this morning. The delegates of I the two couatnes have reached sn I accord in principle* according to a dispatch fr?m ouchy. Switzerland, to I the Tr.-nps Tbc Ottomaa envoys. I noerever. ?irg? that It should not be ' divulged as they fear the announce? ment woojd anger the Mussulman world. London. October 2.?A Vienna din-1 natch to a news bares? says that It IS announced in Constantinople that a peace convention with Italy will tg signed to-morrow YOUTH IS ARRESTED Xew Priesas. La-. October mm Humphreys, eighteen rears old. the sag) of ? race horse man ef JsarMa, Texas, according to his story, was arrested here t >-day nnoa re* ?tat ?f a nsensenj* from the sheriff* ef Martin saying that Mumper, > s is wanted there far the i **ry of frees a SI. ft BBSS Si l|B ** Choice of New York Democrats IS ?WM HUNG' Sinister Threat Silences Convicts and Guards at Scene of Lynching. QUICK JUSTICE FOR NEGRO Lodged in Penitentiary for Safety, He Is Killed by Prisoners. Rawlins. Wyo., October 2.?The de-| tails of the lynching of Frank Wig fall, the negro assailant of Mrs. [ Esther Higgins. known as the "prisr oner'a friend.'" by the convicts of the jail here to-day. while Sheriff Well? at the county jail was holding off a party of would-be ? citizen lynchers. may never be known. The sinister threat, "the first man who squeals is the next man hung." silenced all the convicts j (and prison guards examined by a f coroner's jury to-day. The Jury gave up the task late thia afternoon with? out learning anything. On the way to breakfast this morn ing WigfaJl jested a-out his attack' upon Mrs. Higgins. Wigfall was brought here for safekeeping late yesterday after hia capture at Fort Steele. During the early morning to? day the citizens had surrounded the jail, and at breakfast time were' par? leying for hia surrender. I The sheriff of the county jail had just saved the prisoner's life by slip? ping him out of the rear door of jail and lodging him in the State peni? tentiary. I At breakfast the other prisoners, many of whom remembered acts of "kind'ness by "Grandy" Higgins, or-j ganized by signals. When they were started back to work and Wigfall re? turned, under guard to the cell houae. I about 100 of the prisoners broke loose and followed the negro, catching him j before his cell guard could lock him up. ? The cell guard was shoved into the] cell and the key turned on him. One of the convicts produced a rope and while the others held the negro he! tossed a half bitch over the negro a head and made the other end fast' to the balcony rail of the cell house. The negro waa tossed over the rail and the convicts marched back to their work Not until the criea of the imprisoned guard in Wigfall's cell brought other < guards was the lynching known inj the institution except to those who took part in it Wigfall had received two sentences for assault In this State. Sunday night; he broke into Mrs. Higgins s bouse. ' About dawn Monday he left her in a] [pitiful condition. Posses searched the' I hills all Monday night for the aged ' woman's assailant. Date laat night he I was captured in an exhausted condl I tion by a justice of the peace at Fort I Steele. MINERS GO ON STRIKE IT i ssaa 1 "gave rar sand Their (Satan. I Ely. Ner? October 2.?The *,;?0 em I ployea of the Nevada Consolidated Mut? ing Company, of Ely. struck to-day. The strikers demand an Increaae of wages and other concessions. Th* ; wage increase was only Incidental t* the demand for recognition of the min? ers' union here, which would Imply similar recognition at Ringham, where the same Interests control the strike situation. There we-e no disorders wbea the mines shu1 down The authorities < load all saloons 1* the district. Seventy p?r cent of the stock of the Neva-la Consolidated Mining Company. ?f Kly. Is held In the treasury ef the I'tab Copper Company, of Ringham IN PATENT MEDICINE STAGE Indianapolis lad. October 2-?"At present we are In the patent saedtctr.e stage of Ignorance." Dr. J. X. Hurty. of Indians, p-astdsat ef the Assarfuan j Health Association. ?? M the delegate* ! to the fourth Matronal Conservation I r-oagreas ta day. Patent med Verne? ar more danaerotts than dynamite, and the sale ?f fhegs should be snare re? stricted. They are com posed rhtefly eg alcohol and If alcohol raald care, this earth ?sate bare been rkS of die Would Punish China for Ig? noring Wishes of the Powers. CONFERENCE IS CALLED I New Republic May Be Asked to Pay Up $50,000,000 Boxer Indemnitv. Washington October 2.?A joint de? mand upon China for Immediate pay? ment of arrears on the Boxer indem? nity, about $50,000,000. has been j proposed by Russia to the other I live interested potters. It is not I denied that this movement is J intended as a sharp and forceful re? buke to the Chinese government for j contracting loans with Independent ' bankers in disregard of the warnings j of the powers, and after rejecting the proposed international loan. No official intimation has been given j as to what will be the attitude of the I Cnited States, or of the other powers? I Germany. France. Great Britain and ; Japan?toward Russia's invitation for 1 a conference, but it is said that the I European governments, at least, are j aery likely to look with favor upon j the proposition. It Is by no means cer I tain, however, that the movement would 1 proceed to the extent of a foreclosure. 1 which would mean the assumption of i the control of Chinese finances by the powers without regard to the wishes ] of the republic. In fact, one or two ! of the powers already are urging a I resumption of the negotiations for the I placing of the great loan of $350.00", ' 000. which were stopped by the con i elusion of the independent loan, and it ' is believed that If China consented to ! do this, the powers would readily agree to grant further extension of time for final settlement of the old claim*. | Russia has taken the initiative In the movement to bring pressure to; 'bear upon China for the reason that [the amount of Indemnity due to her and unpaid?$35.000.090?Is equal ate] J the total amount of the indebtedness i due to the other Are powers combined. I Thesr payments have been accumulat I ing now for a year, and the powers j have refrained from demanding settle 1 ments out of consideration of the tre I inendou*) travail through which China I has been passing, resulting In the j birth of the new republic. Now. how? ever, the dealing of China directly > with Independent bankers has insplr i ed some of the powers with a fear that j the concert Is likely to bs dissolved as 1 the result of the award to some o." : them of special privileges of exploita? tion In China. ' FINAL PROPOSAL MADE If It Falls. Strike oa %*?thera Base? May Mtssart. Washington. October ; ?A proposi? tion for the settlement of the lone ipending controversy between th X>uthern railroads and their trainmen waa submitted to by the mediators t?. dsy. No Intimation as to the nature ! of the proposal could he learned. Coti 1 ference* were held by the mediators with both sides to-day. Another meet? ing is not expected ur.tlt or:- Side o, the other is ready to jtin??r).i its position *n the prop-'Sltlon. If this latest effort of the mediators fail*. It I* entirely probable that a strike will result, aa the trainmen were quoted early In the proceeding-* aa declaring they would am submit H arbitration. WOULD TAX AUTOMOBILES V* tads 1 sea t.tves Has t ta Baad ? lagnsi. Atlantic fltr' N J.. October ; ? Henr> W Anderson, of Bichmo^d be? fore the American Road Congress to? day, advo. ated a tax on automobiles according to their horse power, other vehicle* as to their weight and width of tlrr. the "** of convicts In build? ing read*. Federal" control of inter sta'- Me-hwaya .?!*?. . octroi ~f state -.,*.:? jrd o-.nty ?ontrol of j..?-*I ?ishfare* rt-sident Ftaley. of tv t*eei terra Katl?*>. declared that the solution of the high of Irring laid In the in? crease of production in which road improvement would pis* an gart. SULZER NAMED BY DEMOCRATS FOR GOVERNOR He Is Nominated on Fourth Ballot at Syracuse. MARTIN H. GLYNN IN SECOND PLACE Name of Governor Dix Is With? drawn, and New York City Congressman Gets Ail But Three Votes in Conven Ition?Seventh Time He Is Candidate. toaveatlon Hall, "jrifuw. X. Ys, October 3.?William Kaiser. Regies*** i stive la ( onitrnu from New York City, waa nominated for tioveraor early tola moral as by the Democratic State Ceat? vrntlon. It waa the seventh ttaae km had been a candidate tor tale nomina? tion. Mr. Salser waa formally dec lared tarn choice of the party on the fourth bat lot, after the um ef ?iovernor Otx had been withdrawn- Martin H. Glyaa waa nominated for l.leuteeaot-Oever aer. As the various counties began to turn their v jtes over to Congressman, Sulser on the fourth ballot. Judge Kellogg, of Washington County, asked, unanimous consent to withdraw the, name of Governor Dix and to move that Mr. .Sulzer be unanimously nomi? nated. The action wa.s seconded, but Chairman Parker announced that it was necessary to complete the roll call. Wh, n this formality ended the chair? man announced that Congressman Sul? zer had been named for Governor, ha v. Ing received ail the votes of the con^ ventlon except three votes cast by Cay uga County for Martin H. Glynn. Mr. ?Slynn was then nominated for Lieu? tenant-Govern >r. The convention then adjourned until to-morrow morn? ing, when the remainder of the tickst will be nominate.1. Parker Answers Critics. Syracuse. X. Y, October I_Alton B. Pa-rker took the opportunity afforded by his speech to-day as permanent : chairman, after having been selected by the Democratic State Convention, to answer his critics at the Baltimore convention when William J. Bryant I waged battle against his selection as ; temporary chairman. In defending himself he also defended the New York state delegation, which also waa the object of Mr. Bryan's most fervfcx attacks. Judge Parker said the ac? tion or the New York delegation at Baltimore was dictated by the desire to promote harmony. "We believe it was better that are should suffer a little Indignity thaa by entering into a dispute with the gentleman upon the platform (Mr. Bryan) divide that convention in two* and we helri our peace. "We held our peace for the good of Democracy; we held our peace be? lieving that either Clark or Wilson would be nominated, and we deter? mined that New York State should take no part In that conteat which would prevent the people of the Unit? ed States from uniting, all together, to elect whichever one of them should bo the nominee of the party."* j It waa after 3 o'clock when the convention was called to order. A roll call was taken on the selection of Judge Alton B Parker for permanent chairman and he was declared elect? ed. Speakers opposed Judge Parker on the alleged ground that he is not a> progressive Democrat. The platform adopted ratifies the Democratic na? tional plattorir. pledgee its support to Wilson and Marshall and condemns what it styles the "monopolistic tariff evils' of the Republican party. Attack est Marshy. The convention was thrown into sa uproar late to-day by an oratorical at? tack upon Charles F. Murphy. Ute Tarn many leader, by Thomas M Os borne, of Anburn. who long has been Identified with t efforts to dislodge Mr. Murphy and his friends from their position of prominence in the party of the State. "Choose ye tha< day.' said Os borne in <oucluding. "whom ye wUl serve, on the one side stand VVoodrow Wil? son and the principles o-' the progres? sive Democracy, on the other, Charles F Hoi phi and '.;.. cohesive power of public plunder." Mr Osbome left the platform fee lowed by a stoi m of jeers and hisses. When Chairman Parker called the convention U> order for the evening; II aatna. Robert fc- Whalea placed hi nomination Martin H. Glynn. of Al? bany, for Governor, and Augusts* Thomas, the playwright nominated i-.Tgrcsaman WtUian: Suiter. Cow pressman ?uUtr e e was greeted with cheers, senator Bird, ef Buffalo, and H-rtnan A. Metz, former comptrol? ler of N>? York, were then nominated. Prior to the assembling of the night session the New Tork Coanty deles;*, tie* csucosed and lifted the unit rasa, leader <" V Murr..-- told hid 'rieada to vet* for whom they pleased. Deputy Attorney-General Joseph A. Kellogg, of Wsshlngtoa Coonty. ne*a? inatrd ? ?overnor John A. Dix The dele? gate* applauded the Got- r.-r S oasss. Tb- speaker appealed for support far Governor Ota ea his adrr-inlstratttw record, sad ea what J'idge Kaftssjs* termed -fair play " The roll of delegates was the* tSaaV ed and on the arst roll call there no choice The first ballot showed ernor f>lx leading with it.: St 12? Mets, 7c oiyan. ??> man Francis Batten He. i we* not placet, at nominal n twenty-one vol.? Tw* twenty-Sis vot?s s*s (Coat laued ea