Newspaper Page Text
TAX FIGURES SEHT 10 GRAND JURIES f ? Auditor Moore Requests Courts to Conduct Investigations. UNEQUAL VALUES SHOWN BY DATA Income Returns Totally Inade? quate?Bank Deposits Pitifully Small ? Merchants Fail to Show Real Purchases?Per? sonalty Assessed on Widely Different Bases. ?"or the < onsldrrution of the grand juries of lht; Commonwealth. State Au? ditor C. bM Moore yesterday mailed to the judges of circuit and corpor? ation courts detailed compilations of the tax returns for 1911. The *;?or xnous amount of tax dOidlna, the grots tneq'ialltlea which exist ui v.iluaiions between localities, .tnd tlie geaeeal laxity of adniinisli atlttaj ,l la* Stat? utes governing aaassuaatMMX an shown more eloquently in plain Sjxvroa aud cold facta than is posrtyl. Ii >ra . rgu jnent. But the auditor does not v.;'hh'ld oomment. lie points out, >a a !? tier to the Judges wherein ih?- inequalities lie. and sxaBea suggestions ss to :hc proper procedure lor the geaad Juries in making la sir la H Hillen as required by law. He shows haar IBe laCCUM tax is evaded to an extent which was unbelievable until the recent tubli cation of the returns la The Tines XMspatch. He shows now few of the people of the Blatt give in their bank deposits. After reviewing the inc-'me returns, he comments plainly: ""TBeae auss-Kscd incomes are not i-presentj tlve of either th<- possessio.ij <.r the thrift of a people so prividon; Industrious as the taxpayers --f Vir? ginia." Shews Average % alecs. .Comparative figures are produced, ahowiua UM average valuation in ti;i commissioner's d 1st riot in the State let horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, watches, clocks, musical Instruments. water craft, books, tools, household furni? ture, and all other personal propert). Iii*sc subjects are treated in detail, extensive tables ahowing at a ?ti*r,ce the comparative assessments n t\ only one county with another, but'even one diatrlct with another in the same county. Schedule B is also bandied in r?* same manner. Indicating (he tapital stock, with complete returns -n iu tanglble personalty. It Is hoped by the Auditor that no? body in the .-talc made incorrect re? turns of ins propert: for the purpose* of escaping taxation, lie trusts no In-j ?Uctments or convictions will be found! necessary, and that the grand juries,] If satisfied that fraud was not in- I tended, will permit correction of the! assessments by supplemental work, sol that the additional taxes, which should ! "have been given in last February, will J he added to this year's receipts of the I public revenue. But he calls attention So the plain mandate of the law. Taxpayers' Beetacas. "We have all. to some degree." he adds, "drifted into carelessness in re? porting, and In failing to report, all Of our property and Income, and have failed in our full obligation to the Commonwealth in the matter of taxa? tion; therefore, let us now comply urith the :e<;uircnient? of the law. The taxpayers are the State. This is j their business, which is having the OB rnest attention of the courts, the! grand juries and the Auditor of Pub-1 lie Accounts. The taxpayers, through, their representatives, the General As- > pembly. have, by thei- laws, directed! the courts, with the aid of the gran* ' Jur" s. to enforce the tax laws. The taxpayers should come forward and give their aid in correcting the mis-; takes and omissions made, so that . their officers and their grand juries' may accomplish for them what they themselves, by their laws, require their officers end their grand Juries to con auuimate. "I trust aM corrections can be made. Bad no indictments found nor fines' tmposed, except where the facts rc ajajgaaf show a wilfully fraudulent I purpose to evade th? revenue lawa" I tesW Wisse? Ts see. In concluding Sal address to the courts, the Aw.ltOr stays: "If the tax-! payers will report ail of their pi-.-, eon a' property and incomes, a'id if the assetsm? nts are uniform and of fair market tuanBsj th- State's reve Btee can. I think, reasonably be ex--: pect'd to be more than aaBSBBBai for ? the necessary expenses of the go. ern saent end to pay t'.ie indebtedness of the State. If this expectation Is real-: Ssed. the <;< neral Assembly i-an the tsv laws so as to tighten' burdens kCf . itizen* i>oi su*- ? by making sech change* as demands, and ? an probably re-' dace the rate of taxation " These statements wer? rs*S-ed out SB the courts yesterday baoaenst many sj them meet to-morrow, and It la ta> gered that grand Juries get to work. It M believed In many ensrtle* and Oftlaa the work of Inquiry will con- ' acme many days. In s few rase?" aaarSB have already met and juries' Bare reported they found no violation* at the revenne taws, bst these ronrt* wni be expected to secure new j urler Bag hand them the statement of the ataavtoc _ _ "sjewidsjose* lArewae Twsce. ' Bg aa addlttoasl address to the ?sparte, affr. Sloore pees after the toter- ! sjSsssts of the Mate, who have. Barge ntimbera. be believes, beegajjgfr ; Bag lie ?aar es. p-i'rheeea mach small- j asr than their real beelnees Mere.) saga In he has the detail? showing ine j FimtT of licenses taken out la each' mwitsatoner's district of each class, j ta rhe eaflre f*iate. It appears, Ibers Bj/re ie.Mt who ?vev ,wa* barehares) Ma Bat eaeeed Sl.ea* In ^ Tee1" mum whose purr bases eVe "etwjeej .saa aad ft ata. a? ?hose seven are killed treldra? MS BrMcr, la **Bich Three | tef*e**blle* Are levolvcd. I'fclladelpbl*. Oetehee .V?* sallsalea ?? a hrtSae. la wbleh three a?t****btle* I were navel ved. resetted la ?he death ac | ???aa. aad eeaalbly eight, oaea late te- | ?laat al Tblrtt-thlrd aad Tberepssa ; ?treete. la thla eftr. Oae mt the ate- ' chtaee. eeatalalaa alee area, eatae ee the brtdce at terrific speed. It* rapid approach was area by Je** I- ?eaeo. a Philadelphia eeatraetor. w be wae '?* ever the bridge la the *pp**lte | dtreevl** la a easier. He tried te avoid the ear. but he was tee late la ateer ieaj eat ef its war. aad a collision "? earred. The first knowledge the police had of the aeeldeal Mas nkri aa aatoinobile rushed up in Ihr i.'nnia llaopilal. ! asere lhaa a aille away. ??Ith two dead aad ear a* seriously lajarrd that is r?peeled la die. When the police rear bed Ihr secsr I the dead aad ialured had heea lakes away, aad the? wer? ?asbl: lo i-sr* 'dsflaltely hew *>*? ??..e la the ata ehlae. The pallre had I no reports, ose that elabtb were la the sxae-hirr aad iaetea of thesa hilled, aad another thai j alar Serasas ?rerr Is Ihr ear and sis j killed. still on ellis island Prls?> t'lasaielii d'trasoe I walls Veew dlel of Hoard ef Inquiry. [Special tu The Tlnu M-l)i?p?it<-h. | New York. October ?.?Prince Pljr- I . nat.lll (l'.\r*?t,!i. who arrived ? ith his Valet. Kau* I. on" the liner Kran< <> Kri- ' I day and nai sent to Kilts island to] 'await tii<' .1 estimation of the special I hoard of .inquiry as to whether b?- la i a prop. ? p- r?on to land in the Halted 1 States, was still there this afternoon | I and to-rright. He occupies a room the tower of the main building apart from the ordinary folks who are de? tained on the Island He has In the; room a cot and a chair, and ther* h?? alts and frets about his position and I smokes many cisrarettes. He also found time to-day to pen a fretful note to Sen or Pomeye Diaz Oorreo. the Spanish consul-general. The note was: "Come end get me off this Island." .Senor Oorreo replied that he thougbt j it beet to let the governmental action take Its course, arid that the emigra? tion autberitiee would decide what] I was best without his Interference. John Patterson, of 43 Cedar Street, i the prince's counsel, visited him on ! the island to-day. The special board j i of inquiry took up the matter, but no decision will be reached until Monday, and so the prince will have to stay on | the Island until then, at My rate, before he knows whether he'll be al? lowed to lend or not. Meanwhile his valet and baggage await him et the Ritt Carlton. It I? said that the board is awaiting word from abroad concern- ; itig the prince's antecedents. Senor <"orreo says that the prince isn't a son of Don Jaime, pretender to the Spanish throne, but that he is a grandee. Mr. Patterson said to-day that the prince is well connected as aar aa he can find, and that he has a European reputation as a sportsman, a loarkstnaa and a rider. Occasionally h. played golf with King Alfonso. fepeclal Cases te The Times Pajpatch 1 Parts. October S.?Prince Pignatelli 4'Aragon? who la being held at Ellis island. K. V, pending a report en the I reason* why he left Prance, was nn I doubtedly expelled from this country j for an Infraction or the gambling Tai*s. In cases ef thig kind the minister ef the interior decides on the expulsion ' by aJi administrative measure. Cogni? sance that the warrant was in exist? ence was made to Prince PiffaaielH by l?_ Soullere, chief of the gambling detective brigade, who, aa usual fen such cases, told th? prince that if he were expelled he had the right to decide waste be wished to go. The prince himself selected America, Mo documnt is ever served on per? sons expelled from France. baggage is held up Freak Oewld Not Alles?sal te Ces* In 'Special to The Tiroes-Dispatch.] New Vork. October 5.?The baggage of Prank .1. Gould. Ma wife and three sisters-in-law. who arrived from En-1 rope Friday on the French liner France.' was held up and sent to the appraiser's stores hj the customs authorities. The reason for sending their baggage there waa because Gould, as he has done in \ the past, claimed foreign residence. I and the customs people decided that Inasmuch as Gould has a house here , he maintain* a residence in this conn- j try; therefor* the baggage brought in 1 by the party wo* liable to the same J duty as of any other resident return- I ing from abroad. Under this ruling Mr. Gould and Mrs. Gould may bring! In $!0> worth of stuff apiece, and the' three sisters of Mrs. Gould, who were in the party, the Misses Hetty. Mabel I and Lilly Kelly, being minors, are al- : lowed left apiece. This morning Mr. ilould went down to the caattoms house in an automobile j while his baggage was being exam- i ined. and after the appraisal aad the i payment of duty over the amounts al- . lowed to be brought in dirty free, he ? may get the baa-gage. How much | above this the stuff in the trunka will; amount to is not yet known. There was a report that the trunka of the Could party, thirty-six in num- ; ber. contained ttee.e** worth of Jew- < els. gowns, etc.. and that Mr. Gould | is going to fight the case out In the 1'nited States eourta to determine hta status la traveling to and from this country This afternoon Mr. Gould had obtained the release of all of Mrs. - Gould's Jewess, the report said, except> wortr. and had released eight trunks and three pieces of luggage belong:ng to Mrs. Gould's three sisters, apt the ground that they are English | gtrhj and are only temporarily visiting ' in th?"? country. <?utd 1* reported as a*' ipg ?etie-orning the holding up of his 1m?:???: j -| believe it is fine that some Amer. ; :can should =ct tbe eowTtB to decide this question and nr. some limits to the rust ores regulations. I'm determined to do it now myself for the benefit of gOJSaf travelers, r want my status fixed for all time." ; -reo tape- ciirf stop him ; ? laste* mem Wsve -4 (Special to The Tlmr> Dispatch 1 Washington. ?.. baker J. ? "red tape' -ul iic of the Trea??r\ Department will not balk United "tale* Ceraawe stonee of Edezallon ?"ls\ten from or? ganizing a special Ar OSrtnenl bureau for vnesl otial trainins along agricul? tural ltn<-e In rural schools, and par tlcelaeli It the j-nWth. M was deetared th ?? afternoon at the Interior Depart? ment ? 't*j.|or says he r. ill have an "iroeg tnar-. - hvrcaS. Tt will have no |e*al I existence, hat will do the work Just the ss me. Campt roller Trace well's rul? ing that Olaatoo < ould not organise a spar lei division for the work and appoint a rht.-f of division and other saber dlna tea will thss be avoided. It is ?"la*ton s plan "hafIII mail!** oafc; ' assign certain easel*** aad to take charge of the work They WTTI draw tbe ax harte* for whleb On appropriated ??*??. and da the hut wit*o*t trtle ?r Opens With Complete CardTo-Morrow, Great? er Than Ever. CITY OF WONDERS RISES OVER NIGHT Five Hundred Workmen With Pick and Hammer Rear Magic Town of Canvass and Color for Entertainment and In? struction of Virginia's Thousands. The premier fair o:' the .South At I lan'tc States?it cornea but once a year, it stays a we. k. it's here to? morrow. Seventy-eight Virginia and Nonn Carolina newspapcis have been telling Its wonders for two mouths. Polychrom? posters have jer>u flaming its attractions from a thousand walls and fences. Streamers and banners suspended across downtown streets have told the tale to thousands of hur;?<ng business m< n. Virginia's great carnival has this year been thoroughly advertised. It la to be the bet>t one in the State s hlatory. aays the Fair Association. Fairs are always the best ones yet? never was a fair that wasn't They resemble colleges in this respect. There never was one that didn't enroll the largeat number of student's in the history of the institution. The pub? lic, always trusting, always generous, believes both. The claims of the fair. Dcjwever, are the only ones It investi? gates. So. When the fair claims to he the best in history, it has to make' good or there will be ^ howl. That it will make good, tbah, it will sur? pass the best of the carnivals which have so far been staged in the big enclosure, in short, that it will send every visitor away amused, instructed, and satisfied that the price of admis? sion baa been returned ten-fold, is the confident belief of every one who has watched the mounting of to-mor? row's festival. Bastssaar vac Fairy City. Fire hundred men yesterday wielded pick and abervet and hammer and saw, fsshtonfug tau carnjval city which will burst forth full* blown to-morrow aaoratauT. Ww mare tum? a weak, aits force has bean remodeling, rebuild? ing, repainting an*} rewiring, with the result that When night came yester? day and the lights were turned on. the fair enclosure had already much of its festive appearance. Scores of booths were already in plsce on the midway, and a thousand brilliant banners sent abroad the signal that Wahoo Lane?noisy, nutty. Wahoo? waa on the Job. Although admittance to the grounds ' waa granted only to concessionaires' and employee, the big lot held more) than a thousand people yesterday. A ' regular and frequent street car ser- [ vice waa maintained, and hundreds. rode out to * the grounds for a pre-1 Uminary Inspection, only to he turned] sway at the gate*. In paint of enterprise, the churches put one over on the rest of the con? cessionaires. The army of workmen had to be fed. and no less than fifteen church and benevolent societies wore yesterday engaged in feeding them. The menu, for the most part, began and ended with sandwiches and cof? fee, but fair bufbSers are not fastidi? ous. The steam-roller has worked over? time and the roads and drivewsys of the enclosure axe In the pink of con? dition. Wahoo Lane, as well as the. other frequented walkways. hero been oiled and rolled to reduce as far as possible the dust nuisance. The. oil on the midway was applied aev-1 eral daya ago and baa been thor- ? oaghly absorbed, with the result tbatj there will be no danger of damage to trailing garments. _ j Whitewash and paint la everywhere in evidence. The man with the brush baa left no ahed or building untouched. J and fences and structures allks will | emerge to the public eye to-morrow i morning newborn are', fresh from the bath. The eeate in the grandstand hsve been scrubbed and washed, and the roof hat been given a sein? treat? ment or alternate white and blue., producing aa awning effect which har- ; montare well with the festive appear-, anre of two grounds The large motordrome, in which a group of performers will cause Jaded nereeo to tingle under the atrees of speeding automobiles, waa all hut complete yesterday. The Tlng-the knife" elaa a*a represented by two rarly birds, end a number of shooting galleries Bad their bulletproof booths well under way. _ ejoBrass flasaaT aa roe ffiewensde. Manager Ahrem Warwick and hla score of lieutenants were at the wheel veaterday In a suite of "thees under the south end of tie grsndstsndI With an intercommunicating telephone s-stem connecting the various out? posts on the groonds. at Its dls^oaal. Ibe staff directed the Hg enterprise which win all thla week entertain us t'-otjsanda ? . rrfnvera of the Fair Aeeoeiation stated laet night Ihst ihr hustre-s? of the Mg Show wbs never In bet'e ?hape. and was more tb?ro'i*hly svstematlsed than ever before, in the da> or two preceding the opening ~" til the bugler souade taps neat ?atur dar night, and fair of l?i: has become history, the entire oSJrs force will be kept at the gta ands to lake care of the stream Of bustreas which fellows Hi the wake af the eahtMta and amuse asj isataa ad ? - ? The nigtate State Fair of 1?15 wl 1 eaaaj to the subtle to-morrow morning at t aroBusg. TBere win be na dts Oe< Use esTseasatee. Bute crow as SgUt shy of ?aisihmahiag and are short on osfuUBssry. Freeftreaty all fee es^rlBfts ~f natiueed on ~!ej?th Page > TURNBULL FILES COSfESIPtlillO? Challenges Watson' Right to Certificate of Election. ALLEGATIONS OF 1KKEG ULARITIES Defeated Candidate Makes Sen? sational Charges of Illegal Vot? ing, Which Will Be Heard at Meeting of Fourth Dis? trict Committee in Peters? burg on Monday Night. Charges of illegal voting and \arious other irregularities are wade by Con? gressman Koben Turubull m bis ' formal contest bet?re the Fourth Dis 1 tritt Committee. A copy of tbe charges j was served yesterday on Judge Walter A. Wataon. the contestec. by E. It. . Tumbu.i, Jr., at ins home in Nottoway County, while a copy was tiled with , Cnairman Robert Ullliam.- of the Dis? tinct Committee in Petersburg. Nat Turnbull, a son of the Con? gressman, came to Richmond yestcr : day, bringing other copies. He did 1 not present one to State Chairman J. j Taylor Ellyson. since Mr. TurnbuU is ? satisfied that be must bring his con i test first before the District Commlt ! tee. He has not expected a meeting ' of the State Committee to be culled, , nor doss he desire one except in the i I event of an appeal from the District J Committee. Waste Records Exasalaed. The charges will be hesrd at a meet? ing of the Fourth District Committee, to be held in the Chesterfield Hotel in Petersburg. Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Turnbull will then pre? sent affidavits In support of his accu? sations, and will ask for an examina? tion of the poll hooks and of the bal lots from the precincts affected. H*. has. he says, made no charges except I such aa can he substantiated either | from the ballots or the poll books. Chairman Gllllam yesterday sent telegrams to all the county chairmen j In the district summoning them to Pe I tersburg Monday night, and instruct I tag them to bring with them the bal : lots and poll hooka uaed In the con i s*v-sw***n* primary of Be pie m her SI. j The expenses of the chairmen are I guaranteed. neee Met Char** S-rseaS. I Nowhere in his petition doee Mr. ; TurnbuU make charges of fraud. He I complains, however, that the rule or I admission of enters to the primary j was not enforced all ever the dis j trict. For instance, in Brunswick County, he says, men not Democrats 1 were refused the right to vote, be? cause the District Committee had specified that thoae taking part should be Democrats, although they had voted for the Democratic nominee for the House of Delegates in the last Novem? ber election. In other parts of the I district, he avers, citizens voted in the I primary who had not even voted for j the Democratic candidates last year, notably in Dinwiddle. where men voted for Judge Watson, sccording to the petition, who had voted for an inde? pendent over T. E. Clarke for the House of Delegates. Further, says Mr. Turnbull. the negro Bull Moose county chairman in Not? toway County voted for Judge Watson. Because of unequal rulings he te con? vinced he loat many votes throughout the dlstrlot. He does not charge that Hunter Wat ?>n. bother of Judge Watson, is In pos? session of the primary poll hooks, but doea say that he is in possession of the poll books used in the special courthouse election on the same day. it being the desire of the contestant to cimpart these poll books with those 'used In tbe primary, and which are In possession of County Chairman J. ML Harris, of Bleckst one. Thann a to Ampee. It Is the Ides of Mr. TurnbuU that his charges can be examinee and proven or disprove n by examination of that bal? lots and poll books. Thee, he thinks, any charges that Judge Watson may desire to make can be similarly exam? ined and decided upja. W th the facta before It. he eeea no reaaaa why the district committee should not be able to judge of the situation, throw out such ballots aa It deems Improper, count the corrected returns aad award tbe certificate ef nomination, with the right of appeal. 3f coarse, te the State I committee. It is hardly possible, all arc agreed, to proseente a regular contest, includ leg th*- giving of formal notice, with the taking of depositions la tbe pres sBSB of both sides and arguments be-1 fore the committee. The time is to* -hoi t The text >f Mr. TurnbuU's petition : by aa foliows: Vo*r pel it ion T. Robert Turnbull. of the county of Brunswick. In sslj dis? trict, respcctfally alleges that at the Democratic prlrasry election, held In said di'trl. t on the list day of Sep t tuber. 1*12. for the nomination of the i>*m." i?tic candidate for the "If < of representative for the SsM ?Iis?net tn the ? ongress of the I'nlt-I States yoyr petitioner waa a candi? date for said nomination, and Honor? able .Waiter A Watson, of the county of Nottowaj. In said district, ?ras also a candidate for said nominal ton, aal that there waa no other can ill dais ta said primary Sintis a for said osTsre. That before tbe sasd pel ami i elec? tion was need, roar honorable body, purswant ta tbe pea aas seated In pen by saw. on or ahowt the tau of Jaty. 1912. adopted certain laaTwIattasae fee tbe eaadwet et? said primary, a ewpy whereof, sen tied by the chairman of yewe eeeanertts*, fa beert** attached aa a port of ,his auUtapa. ^ T ?*?*? ? ? ftm*f t*w*e) *maa4?f pwTtrwI^ry w*fsM flwfVJ *r Ban mm ttis. th* yewe TheyDie Fighting Under United States Flag in Nicaragua. I REBELS ROUTED I FROM FORTRESS Marines, Under Command of Rear-Admiral Southerland, At? tack Barranca and Dislodge Native Troops After Con? flict of Thirty-Seven Minutes. . [Special to The Times-Dispatch." Washlegtea, October 5.?Fear I el ted States saac-ieee were killed a ad aevea ethers, Including eae otBcer, were wewded !? sjb cagsgem eaa with rebel forces la Nicaragua yesterday. The bottle took place wkaa the force aC 800 aaarlaea oad bluejaeketa, ander cam aaaad at Rear-Adaalral William H. H. Southerland, stormed the rebel fortl Scatloaa kaawa aa the Barranca, near Maaaya. la pursuance af the admiral's laatraelloaa from Waahlaaton ta keep open eaaaaaaaleatteai ta Nicaragua. General Zeledon, commandor of the rebel force, who loat his life aa a re? sult ->f the engagement, had been pre? viously notified by the American officer that he muat withdraw from his position menacing the line of railroad communlcationa or take the conse? quences. He waa given until 8 o'clock yesterday morning to evacuate the Bar? ranca, and on hia failure to do so ths the American advance began. The fight lasted but thirty-seven minutes, and ended with the Americana in pos? session of the Barranca The re bole suffered heavy losses, roughly esti? mated at 100 killed and more than 300 wounded. The Oes*. The American dead, all of whom were : privates in the Marine Corps, are: Ralph V. Bennett, enlisted June It, It 12, at St. Louis. Mo.; hia father. Wll ItanTH. Bobbett, now reaidea at Nevada* Mo. t hartes BT. Darhass, enlisted at In? dianapolis December 16. 1911; mother. Mrs. Laie Durham, resides at Junction City, Kjr. dar ease H- GUI. enlisted December SI, 1911, at Yavy Yard. Boaton. Maas., aunt, Mise Mary Herbert, reaidea at 21 Hancock Street. Portland. Maine. Starry FuBnid, enlisted September 29, 1911, at Rochester. N. T.; mother, Mrs. Eliza Pollard, resides at Medway, Maas. All the wounded will recover. Admiral Southerland. In hie latest dispatch said that eereral others In the American force received Injuries too slight to be mentioned. The ad? miral gave high praise to the Ameri? can forces to-day In a cablegram stating that: "The Kevy Department and the country have every reason to be proud of the officers, marines and blue Jackets who were engaged in this ac? tion." In a previous dispatch the admiral gives the official account of the storm? ing of Barranca, as follows: "Managua, 7 P. M, Friday.?The Barranca and second hill were taken by marines and blue Jackets at day? break this morning after a most gal? lant assault lasting thirl j-seven mln i utea. Masaya was later taken by the j (Nicaraguan) government forces, and ' the railroad between Managua and j Granada la now absolutely safe, and I the starving Inhabitants of Masaya ' will be relieved. The insurrectionists' j casualties were very heavy. It Is with ; heartfelt sourow that I have to ?n j nounce the American casualties.'* Farce* ta Aesaalt. The situation which brought on the I assault on the Barranca by the Amer j leans was this: After the surrender of General Mens ; and his army at Granada, hia ally, ! General Zeledon. continued to bold j the Ba-rranca fortifications. The Bar? ranca la situated on a high h 111. op? posite which is another kill, which the ' rebels also held. The railroad from I Granada to Managua passes between ' these hills. Thus Zeledon waa In a position to Interfere with the opera ' tion of the railroad, which had been opened by Admiral Southerland, and > waa effectively preventing the Amer-j ! leans or the Nicaraguan forces from | ? extending relief to the people of I Masaya and Jlnotepe. which Is be- ] i yojtd Numerous appeals had been [ made to the American legation by | I refugees of all nationalities. British,! I German. French. Dutch and Italian.' j for the relief of the imprisoned In-1 , habitants, who. they said, were on the' ,' verge of starvation, Admlral Southerland gave Zeledon j ; until t o'clock yesterday morning to' I evacuate Ms position, though he did not demand the surrender of the rebel commander This demand followed first mm offer of peace terms from I'resident Dies, and then the bombardment of the Barranca by the govern meat troops. After the capture of the Barranca yesterday morning, the Nicaraguas government troops, ta the number of more than 3.**+. took possession of it A part of the government force pursued the fleeing rebels The Americans however, did not Join In the pursuit When the Beiraaoa waa captured, neither General Zeledon nor any of; his rhlef efScers was to be found. Quit* by accident, a body of govura-1 event cavalry return lag from Jlnotepe. 1 where they had fust defeated another rebel 'orra. wort Zeledon and hia staff sad other officers to the number of twenty-live. Between Jlnotepe and Oranada Zeledon and his party had, evidently not waited fur Pnotherlanrl to attar* the fejiieasa. Bad left their i ??tarnend ts affht try themselves and war* s?sfcrag toward the' Costa Bh-si border as fast aa their Unease eonid carry them. Ta the sklimtsh that * <i Itrared. feaaeeal SWledwa waa wesnvded and dT*d within aw hoar The rast af trfe party were either ahot or taken pehvooers by the got of sweat troops* FLAGS "MADE IN GERMANY" ship Owni May Pare ens* Asaerlraa Color* Abroad [Special to The Ttmes-Dlapatch.] Washington, October a.?Amorlrcan flags "made in Germany" may be seen living on American merchantmen as a result of the enforcement of a pro? vision In the Panama Canal act ad? mitting free of duty materials and equipment entering into chip construc? tion. This is the belief of Treasury officials > rig-aged in th* tank of draw? ing up the regulations under whlah the free ship material provision weil be administered. Treasury officials say that this fro* ship provision is likely to stir up a lot of resentment. They point out that it means tree trade in a multitude of articles that do not form integral parts uf a ship. Whether it will affect the revenues is a matter of conjecture. "Plaga are a part of a ship's equip? ment,'' said a Treasury official to-day. "L'nder this provision of the Panama act. It may be that ship owners will purchase American fnvgs abroad as a means of effecting economics In outfit? ting their vessels.'1 According to Treasury officials, it is Impossible to estimate at preeont the value of the products that will come In without payment of duty under the Bre* ship material authorization of the Panama aot. They believe that the value of the articles so imported will run up Into the millions. It is a popular beMer," said a Treas? ury official, "that the United States has no merchant marine. As a matter of fact, our ship tonnage Is second only to that of Great Britain.-' MUST PAY ALIMONY Aviator Beatty Ordered te Give First Wife gaa a Week. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] New York, October 5.?When Su? preme Justice Guy signed an order to-day directing George W. Beatty, the aviator, to pay 120 a week alimony to Mrs. Lydia Beatty. at became known for the first time that the Mineola teacher of aviation was divorced last October. His present wife, Mrs. Gene vieve O'Hagen Beatty. waa married to him last October after the first wife got her nnal decree. The papers submitted to Justice Guy | showed that when' Mrs. Lydia Beatty; got her decree the court awarded her the custody of their children?Lydia, live years old. and George, aged two. The decree permitted her to apply tor alimony at some future date if she needed It. In her petition for alimony, Mrs. I Beatty saked $25 a week, and said ' that her husband recently earned $2.000 tn prise money by winning the i endurance flights at the international meets in Chicago. She said that he is now conducting a school In avia? tion at Mineole, and has sixteen pupils, who pay him $250 a month. Beatty"* present wife recently ob? tained a warrant for his arrest on the ground that he struck her In the face, but after be was arrested Justice Buhler, at Mineola, effected a recon? ciliation between the couple. MAUDE MAL0NE EJECTED Mottest gaffs agett* Interrapta Pro? gressive PaUUtal Mil than Maw York. October 8.?Maude Ma- 1 lone, suffragette, waa ejected front a political meeting In Carnegie Hall to? night when she Interrupted a speech by Hiram W. Johnson. Progressive vice-presidential nominee. .. uat about woman suffrage?" j called out Miss Melone, rising where shs was seated with a number of Suf? fragetten "I will answer that question pres I ently," Governor Johnson promised. Miss Malone continued to stand, and from all parts of the hall came cries, "Put her out." "No," said Governor Johnson, "let her remain." But the audience continued to call for ths woman's ejection. Several men seized her and she was forced, struggling, to the sidewalk. A number of suffragettes left the hall. After the occurrence Governor Johnson expressed regret and resumed his speech. The Governor opened his address with an optimistic forecast for the Progressive party. "I am glad to ten you," he said, "that all over the land the fires of revolution sre burning. All thst re? mains to be done Is to count the votes in November." STOCK ALMOST WORTHLESS Shares ta Sis* Irs Cesspaay Bring Only Few Dollars. [?pec'al to The Times-Dispatch. 1 New York. October 5.?That the stock of a corporation called the Sickles Estate Improvement Company, formed as a holding concern for cer? tain property owned by General Daniel E. Sickles, is of little value was Indi? cated to-day, when August Heckscher filed a suit in the Supreme Court to recover $7.730 from Paul D. Dumont The complainant states that the de? fendant borrowed $6.800 on December 28. 1911. on a note payable Julv 13 last, with 150 shares of the Sickles Es? tate stock aa security. When the note wasn't paid the stock was sold at auc- I tion. and brought only $10. which was | $7 less than the cost of the sale. Th* complaint alleges that another loan ef $1.200 was made May 1 last, with 749 shares of Sickles Estate Im? provement Company stock aa security. This stock was sold at auction for $15. The suit of Mrs. Eds Crackenthorpe. daughter of General Sickles, against her father for an accounting of the property left In trust for her by her grandfather, is on the Supreme Court I calendar for trial Monday. TROUBLE IN SCHOOL Te aw hers May MrtVe as Bewart ef Oi ek i pas ii Ulna Tel I mi. (Special Csb> ta The flaue Pswjateh T Palis, ?artober '.?Extrem* uneasi? ness has been ejii^ed *y the efferves? cence of the school teachers of France. Their anions were dissolved by a min- J isterial order, and they showed a ten - ; dency to reconstitute them. ? >me form of uprising, possibly a general strike la the secular schools, a thing unprecedented and fraught erlth the i gravest eon sequence*, waa feared, hut calm seems to have resulted from the ; ti> gnrJaiVorrs between the prof snd members of parliament The Mln hater of Education. In a Speech on S-r ' t< mber 29 pledged the government te Improve the as as rise of the teachers I Nevertheless, the buaiheia rv>trtinoed their agitation I* th* prwvtoc?- and manv workerer miluim are proffering I the-r support A deBnfte eohrttort of ? i*i" question will only be known when , thc chamber reopens. PROGRESSIVES SORE - Twer O* *et jsjammaaej tadsrsenajnt by Isgipindmi i accesses. fSpeeiai to The Times-Dispatch 1 | New York. October ft-?T> e Indorae- \ menf of . ??. ?r g glraus by the Inde. f?n,|rn" Ie-aruei a has met w'th any- . thing ha' approval at the hsnda of ih. r-ecre?.ires It was Inlln-etcd at Pr> ?greeOive "ctste headquarters thee sffrnex.n that Mr Mr*ia would b* ? ?. .,? against accepting IV I r dorse - ment. ii wee pointed ou? that Mr Straus would g'l a g'eod deal leas KeneHt fron? the nomination than would fall bp the ladependenre Leaguer* Aa one leader pat ft. The Independence Isn-S' waste te aeee a Place op the Seihst for another ve?r and they aapsit re rMe 'n on oar hand pragma, Tbev ktme>%tearg I'tths b> step leg the egts*. ZEUG. GANGSTER. RHUAVICriH "Big Jack" Is Shot to Death Following Robbery. HE HAD FIGURED IN ROSENTHAL CASfi Gang Leader and Notorious) man, Who Passed Word Aloog to Followers to Kill Gambits, j Falls Before Pistol of I East Side Fruit Dealer. ? - x [Special to The Tlmes-DiapatoShl ? New Tork. October 5.?"Big Jaust"* Zell*, the East Side cans leaden, anas* la said to have "passed the waasl alone'' to the gunmen of his faste; SSV kill Herman Rosonthal last July, waa. shot early to-night aa ho waa In a north-bound Second Avenue at Fourteenth Street by an East fruit dealer, named Philip and died In a Bellevue while being taken to the hospital. Davidson olimbed upon the open 1 ley and fired a bullet that Zellg-'s head. Just back of the car. The murderer told the later that he had killed Zelig this afternoon Zelig had Davidson into a doorway in Street, near Eldridge Street, beaten the fruit dealer with a Jack and had then robbed him of than 1400 in cash. Upon aeing Zetta riding alone in the open oar in fleooiat Avenue about three hours later. DastBi son, according to hia own story, chased the ear for more than a and then had killed Zelig in ment for the beating and loss of : he had suffered at Zelig's hands ing the afternoon. Bears starke s< Beating. Davidson- bore bruises upon the about his eyes and on the Jaw ta sub? stantiate his story of being up by Zelig earlier in the day. Zelig*s clothes were removed from body at the morgue shortly after died in the ambulance the pollea about $500 in caah in one of the dered gangster's pockets The northbound open car had down 09 the aouth side of the teenth Street cqrnttr when the lag occurred. Through Fourteenth Street and led by Patrol man Schmidt at the moment the car up at the corner, was coming a of East Side Hebrews, whose org tions were holding a night parade, consequence of the oncoming the corner was oven more than that congested section of the town is on a Saturday night. The parade and the part it [ layod ta holding back the trolley car In Zelig was seated contributed ta success of the murderer's plana, vidson. so he says, had been north in Second Avenue a few earlier, brooding over the loss aj money and the beating which ha Zelig had given him. when he to look toward the trolley car that was) going north also and Just a beat ta pass Davidson. A giance waa the murderer says, to show assailant was seated in the trolle* Davidson says be made a the car, reaching for his revolt he ran The car made another speed as It passed Thirteenth however, and his chase seemed lesa. But as the raotorman appr the Fourteenth Street corner the began to slow down, and Darts' gained rapidly. He reached the ea moment after the oar had been to let the procession go by. A witness named Hlman Na was sitting close to Zelig wheat tSxs gangster was shot. Acc-n-ding ta fans witness, as weU as the story as tesB by the murderer, as soon as the car was stopped Davidson aprang for the rasy ninc board just back of the spot Zelig was sitting on aa end aa the right side of the northbound g Pats Basal i' sc Has Head. The murderer showed his 1 cltement, witnesses say, hut sound. Once he was firmly pli the running board he placed the of the revolver almost against head and flre.l. Zelig pitched as Davidson dropped from the car and ran east toward Secoad nue in Fourteenth Street As Davidson ran. the crowds a ?treet at first gave him lots St? way as they saw that he waa waving his revolve: P? Schmidt and Knox pursued As Schmidt overhauled the fu| drew his revolver and ye:led murderer that he w.;uld are if son made a m<?ve toward hia his own revolver. "O-t away'' >cl'e<| Pavfdsoa. SB I backed again*' a b-.iild ti- ? . , . .nST I gun. "or I'll shoot von in the >-etsB?"* Schteidt :-.-:c ?! it l'?vvb"? a bowled him ov.r whib tin r irdea aas making the threat %s *salifM| Knox ran up Uavi?awj >elUd that UCUld offer re f .-t.irr -; 'aitOS Si the pulRcnu* hurried Ihr mau BB so in- ?erner of FoufUOoTh street Si -' sad Art see with a grinst, is mm!' - a -ng ;n their nahe. Sehn..4' a:;d Knox pu.led Into s drug store and slsinsSedJ ? doors Schmidt trnm-dtattiv 'seal for the reserves and an anhakt and In a shoet tinv- l?: II* ?htea rived In Bellevue iml..'<[ ? sad nerves canpe to handle the crowds t jammed about ' c-rb wh?ra dying gangs'er h. -1 been placed. r>avtdsoa waa takes la a Saw wagon ts the T set Twepty Sttfeet station h> ? etd t . police headnua. t*< a taather a> iiavMson bad s-aree.? gat .eg bis ?terv Pf **4ns robranl the altert, Zelig sad hrei in revenue far the the h-et?ns wb*a the another versloa ?4* the a of taw sboethns, Am udlag ta these a Teile, about T aeaaaa