> 8ll>Mt ItwiHH*? SeV^toiy t^L?lS> -BilPt-i rb GREATIIT WANT AMD REAL E? TAT? MEDIUM IN VIRGINIA. AND ONE OF TUB BEST IN AMERICA. Want Ad Rates Daftly, ??M cant pee word IB i4tiic(. B'o as. taken far laM thee tan cents. Om and one-half eesta a war* all claaeiacatioaa except gltnntton wanted for gaadny. sltnatlou Wanted, one rent ? word. Bo Ad. Ban dar taken for lawn , than af teen cent a. Na Ada. taf-en for lea* thaa twenty d-re eeats wkea aboard in or cherged . at the counter. Phone ordern not sreerenteed. ClneetaeatUne sot guaranteed nfter ?iB? P. SL _ for bnalneaa contracta. send for the Waat Ad. Man. Phoae Maare? ?, lost ana jrauno rA^STToN^SCNDAy AFTERNOON. Oc? tober 6, between Grove Avenue and Fair Grounds, or in the Fair ?rouna?, a Bold liliKre hatpin. Liberal r.waru for its return, i'none Monroe lbf?. UMTT, p?Ct?CTBOOK ON .STREET! car, between C. & O. depot and Eighth and Broad. Finder return, to Tlmes-i>J spa toll atid lOOOfeO re? ward. leOhT LAST NIGHT. KODAK, ON! etitif la post-ollice. Hewara if re- i thwned to PhiARSALL 10, East_Clay. I LOST, SUNDAY AKTEHNOOM, ONI Hroad gl rest war. or at ia:r Grounds gold bracelet, engraved inside w D* 1 C. to E. W. C. Reward If lelt at llJ? East Main stru t. trftiU UABMUU, MPdU want^kd7"fok 'l\ &~armt[~ab'le bodted, unmarried men between ages Of 18 and 3i, citizens of United States-! of good character and temperate hab. Its. who can speak, read ar.d write the Englisn language. For Informa? tion, apply to uiting Officer, oiO E. Broad. Richmond. Va. Wanted, man with executive ability to assist in the management of a large furniture storage ware bouse, first-ciass position for the right man. J ?0, care Times-Dis? patch^_ Vv ANTED. SIX OR EIGHT HUSTLERS for fair week, both on the Fair Grounds and on streets; liberal pay. Apply O AUCORSINI. Murphys Horel. Monday morning, between V and 11 o'clock. gOVER.NJlE.VT POSITIONS ARE EASY to ge.t. my free booklet Y 16?, tells ? how; write to-day?now. EARL1 HOPKINS. Washington, p. C._ w anted, good doctor, sober SAd good prescription writer, for a No. 1 good practice in Valley of Vir? ginia; good country. Address K 63b. care Times-Dispatch._ {WANTED. JOB "COMPOSITOR; one that can run presses also preferred' steady work. KIl'.KHAM <* co Petersburg. Va. W~AXTED. EXPERIENCED FIREMAN; must b* sober and industrious; no other need apply. Information at Central Y. M. C. A. to-day (Monday). YOUNG MAN. BE ?3 TRAVELING South for large aoase. wyuid like to make a change; would like to get position with Richmond house, any line. X 21. care^enmea-Dlspatch. V. ANTED. REGISTERED FHaIIMa"** cist to manage country drug store, or will sell interest at easy term*, n^ar city. or. car line. Address PHARMACIST. 4.02 North Tenth t-treeL_ U A NT KD. FIFTY WHITE AND COL or-d men and boys to work in nur? sery W. T. HOOD A CO.. Ginter I'*rk. dsiuations iuantro, iJ^ait vTanted; ?ITL"ATI?N ^ IN ^OFFICE with some rtrm or corporation or as I *h;pping clerk, by -a young man 19 i years old, well educated, of good | habits, sober and industrious. For ? information, applv or write to W. G. .-oMKRVILLE. care Franklin Caro Co.. city. I WANTED. CLERICAL POSITION BY young man 21 years old; good habits. ! college education; one year's expe-j rience, references. Address X 18, . care Times-Dispatch. WANTED, POSITION BY REGIS- \ tered assistant druggist, with eight ? years' experience, and Al reference. | Address S. B. P. Box 1*&. Kenbridge, I Va._j WANTED. POSITION AS ST EN OG RA- j pher by young msn; eighteen' months' experience; now employed, rapid, accurate, punctual and atten? tive to duties. C. E. LA TT A, Box 61, Charlotte, N. C. $rlp caantr? $tmalr ?7horoughlt EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT SALESLADY j WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE Ob MAKING ALTERATIONS TO GAR? MENTS. AN EXCELLENT POSITION AWAITS RIGHT PARTY. TO ANY ONE NOW EMPLOYED AND DE? SIRING TO MAKE CHANGE. W E j WOULD MAKE INTERESTIN G j PROPOSITION. Al REFERENCES \ REQUIRED. AND ONLY EXI'E- . RIENCED NEED A-'PLY. ADDRESS ! STATHSG FULL PARTICULARS as I 5o EXPERIENCE. AGE. SALARY. EXaTP. O BOX M?. GOLDSBORO. M. C aa7ANTED. AT OKCE. 190 GIRLS. OVER ^FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. LIGHT. CLEAN WORK AND Ot-OD W AGES. APPLY ALLEN 4k GINTER BRANCH. SEVENTH AND CAKY STREETS. Wanted, laborers for steam shovel work st Vsxma, n. C Wages. Si iO per day. w eekly pay. fisher fc carozza. General Contractors. _ KrVANI1 wanted?good sek vant to cook and c.ean at ?501 Nortti Lombardy Street. toitnattanti tuznmt, ftm?it N1EED'^>F~ JTaW BLICKST E - SOgrspher or copying or addressing , of any kind, t 11 Monroe 4"61 or Madison 4118-L Office 1207 Mutual , Building. _t ajtttoatiane, Jdratcseionai , C?tjffitfffT *"iC TO KNOW that JAH.Nkt BEOa.. Jewelers. ?12 East Main Street, buy. .el:, exchange and REMOL'NT DlAAiUADS IN 'i HE LATE *T STYLES. o:j go.d i.nd St. vei tiway? laKoi: oMt* of a numeral having large com- ? menial d-inand. Miaglaesra. have re- ; ported saiiftiactorily on ttie property. Hays order* already promised for sufficient of the product to insur substantial profit 1 have not suffi? cient capital to handle the situation. ' and will take in active or silent part? ner with from Ii.000 to 110,000. Ex roll aal opportunity. Address K 16?, care Tlrne*-Dl*pateh. RENTERS, T?K if NOTICE.?WE HAVE loaned more than one million dollars to buy homes. $7.?o per month, plus 5 p*-r cent simple interest on yearly balances, pay* for each $1,000 bor? rowed. Owning a lot as security 's j not necessary. We also have attrac- ? tive investment for your savings Write or call on THE STANDARD HOME COMPANY. 612 Mutual Build? ing, Richmond. Va._ Soarting bc^RDERS^ ""WaNTED; PRIMAT 2 family. 2200 East b?oadStreet. VISIT?R8 TO THE FAIL;' CAN FIND nice comfortable rooms si "4us North j Fourth Street, central location. j WANTED, TO~~RENT NICELY FUR- \ nlshed room, arith board; also table 1 boarders wanted. Apply 1717 Para, Avenue. I Fleas ant rooms, with board. ? transients for the Fair. 833 East' Franklin. VISITORS TO THE FAIR. BOARD AND lodging. b04 Kaat Clay. V\ ANTED. GENTLEMEN OR COUPLE to room and board; alao table board era. 2124 Hanover Avenue._ 1003 WE.sfnBRACE~HsTMET. ROOMS and board. WANTED! TRANSIENT BOARDERS { for week during fair. 11 North Sixth Street. _ _ Rooms fn SUnt ^nte!3.'oe 5Ttlemen^nlyTooC^ cupy nicely furnished rooms In West End apartment, private iam'ly; all modern conveniences. Address G 27, care Tlme?-Dispatch. FURNISHED ROOMS; 7 NORTH SIXTH Street. Phone Monroe ?30;_ WANTED. TO RENT ONE FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. Apply 51* We^t Marshall Street. VISITORS TO THE FAIR CAN FIND nice, comfortable rooms (meals if desired/ at 107 North Eleventh Street VISITORS TO THE FAIR CAN SE cure good accommodations near car line and shopping district, lodgings, SI- table board, 25 cents per meal. MRS. GOODE. 513 North Ninth Street.___ BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 14 North Sixth, east side of street. DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH BOARD aiso table board. 401 East Grace. FAIR VISITORS CAN GET LODGING at 610 East Clay Street. Meals con? venient. _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for visi? tors to the fair, a West Cary. VISITORS TO THE FAIR. NICE. COM tort^Dio rooms j16 North Elgbtfi. TWO OR THREE CONNECTING rooms; use of bath: hot and cold water, few steps from car line. 1 Davis Avenue. _ KJCEIeT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board. 718 East Marshall. ROOMS FOR NURSES: HEAT. PHONE I and bath. MRS. RUSSELL. 1216 x loyd Avenue._ ttoomo COdntfD J*N^OlT^WO~FUT^NI^HE^ wanted for light housekeeping: state price and particulars first letter. G 3?. care Times-Dispatch. Personal* MY~iJNE^Fn>i^^ carpets luat received. My prices , ara far below other competitors a | beautiful collection of hand-mads' laces, embroidered linens - nd novel? ties on hand. Give me a call, ever ready to wait on you and please you. A. G. YARID. Ell North Fifth Street_ WHEN IN NEED OF PUBLIC STEN ographer, phone Monroe 115._ THE MOST REASONABLE LADIES" tailor in tows is H. SCHOSTOCK. | 207 North F.fth Street nesr Grace. SPECIAL PRICES DURING FAIR Weeh by J. K.VTZ 2?8 North Fifth Street. A f'RKTTT LITTLE GIRL BABY. PER f. riiy heaithy. seven montha old. will be given for adoption to re- ? xponslbie person Call at 1*0 West ' Clav street. Telephone Msdision : ' 76*3. ALI. SUITS FOR OUT OF TOWN CCS- ? t"tners will be made to order in t*cn- . ty-foOr h'Urs j. KATZ. 2** Nortl ' Fifth street j HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLO St HUGH -.SIS. ??> Ntrta SSS I DL LEWIS E GUT. DENTIST. FOR meiiv of Ni".efo!i?. want* the public t > know that h'? de-.-nl parlors are at 114 North F'ftfc Street, the Profts rmnai Building. Ph'?n< Monroe 3*?1. i WEAR A ?riRELlX~CORS"CT FTTTED; bv one of our trained corset lere 1 >PIRELLa CORSET SHOP. 217 Eaet Grace. Mrs Cornelia Isars Maa ?ter. S?. Coil ant OlRCt I rW~PHoNE~TO"~MF ^ria3S^ TOTi I need wood or coal. I sell the free j burning kins It gives beat and you t don't have the worry trying to get 1 a quirk meal It tabes coal aad leas time Try me Long. The Weed Man Madison 1*7?.__ COLD WEATHER ? COMTRO. ORDER your wood by the load aad save re? tailers' e-otv Phone atsncaa 313?. PLACE TOUR ORDER WITH CS PtMA feel, ss we beadle the beat anthra? cite, lamp rp'lat aad Fire Creek cool; else try s load of oar pine aad oak wood, wasch ss dry aad saner [TAfc, shelter. TYLER a ftTAlt. lttt 1ST?. - 8? DAILY PUZZLES _ I MUST KEEP*! POOAIMG TILL 7 IT WOliT HOLD AMY MORt What boy's name" answ ER to \ lstkbday'S puzibb Gourd (gore-dl. Jror. feile .vnji.wv?v piano-1a first-class piiino. Bt-en used, of ?rjurse, but a bargain. FKKGI'SSON BROo.. 211 West Hroad treet, boond Jeftersori ?tre< t. Piano ractory.__ imported swiss CHEESE. MON roe ohocbrt CO.. 3i% West Broad. Phones Monroe 3S4 or^%i._ ?v 11en y?u' come' TO THE STATE Pair run over to 825 West Main Street, sm square west of Monroe Park, where you wili find the finest bicycles and motoreycies in town. T A. QU'ISENBHURY._ FOR SALE. ONE LOCOMOTIVE TYPE boiler. 125-horsepower; eight-foot turnace; will take long siab; fully equipped. W. S. FORBE^A CO._ FA IR VISITORS YOUR ATTENTION is called to our exhibit in the Indus? trial Hall. Latest stylos, buggies surreys, phaetons, etc. A. Mbit." ? Sons. 731 East Cary Street. NEW BARLEY. MONROE GROCERY CO.. 21$ West Broad. Phones Monroe ggj or 385._ MOTORCYCLES* aS? Si?TCL?A NEW end second-hand; repairing of all kinds. TOMPK1NS. 32T West Broad. FOR SALE CHEAP. ALL jwaNDS of second-hand mechanical tools; also trunks and suit cases. Apply to ELSNER BROS.. 1705 East Main Street. Pawnbrokers _t FOR SALE. LANE SAWMILL. IN PEB feet running condition; now cutting lumber; new dust conveyor and gB belts and edger complete; else 15 mules, four log wagons, with har? ness three lumber trucks; wanted to sell at once am going out of busi? ness. Apply to J. H. HARDY. Church Koad. Va. FOB SALE. 43 SIZE PRINCE ALBERT coat and vest; new; made to order; silk lined black unfinished worsted; for fourth value. Address H 70. care Times-Dispatch drug STORE FOR SALE IN SOLTH west Virginia, good proposition for quick buver. Address stl'DENT, 1013 East Clay Street. Richrnoj1j'_ya_ WANTEd7~"t? SELL AT ONCE 40 horse Nogie boiler. 35-horse Fauquer engine. No. 1. Lane Sslll. complete with double edger; cut-ofr saw. belt? ing etc.; condition No. 1. J-, Box No ' 5. R. d. No. 2. Keysville, > a. F?IPSALE. FIRST-CLASS HOISTING engine and steam roller. Apply oOl East Canal Street._ FOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON URO.- . 615 Brook Avenue. Painting, repairing and rubber-tire work. STE1FF PIANO. WORTHY OF ATTEN tlon of a pupil Terms easy; price extremely low. FERGCSSON BROS. 211 West Broad Street beyond Jel ferson Street Piano factory. WE BUY. SELL, RENT AND Ex? change second-hand machinery of every description. Including boilers, engines, sawmill and woodworking machinery. Everything sold guaran? teed. I. BLUFORD & CO.. 163x-40 cast Cary Street FOR S?LE. ONE RUBBER-TIRED trap, good as new, $8?; one rubber tired top buggy, $60; rubber-tired runabout, $3S; one steel-tire, top buggy, good as new, $45. A. MEYER'S SONS, 711 East Cary _Street FOR SALE, DURING FAIR WEEK OSdy?Top buggies, $85; open buggy, j $35; runabouts. $40 to $110. steel and' rubber tired; one light truck. ?S3; three grocery wagons. $35 each; ono j trap. $50; one light surrey. $55- one' farm wagon. ?25. Give us a call, I something to suit you. THOS. H.I DUKE at CO.. 804 Brooke Avenue j Evctti estatr Jft ia?iz ^ j ^T*XCc7r!i!Frc^lBFowl^ central | brick property; $8.000 cash required; j 10 per cent net return; extraordinary value; must realixe. H I?. care ! Times-Dispatch. _I GOOD INVESTMENT?FOR SALE.! nice nine-room house; also flats in: West End; east of Robinson; terms to suit. p. O. Box ?75. Richmond._Va. j FOR SALE. ONE ?F THE FEW j choi-e corner lots esst of the Boule? vard. 581x17? feet; cheapest on the market; excellent terms Madison 1467. Monroe 2944-L._ lUil oi Stockton street_| FURNITURE WANTED -WILL Bt'Y | household goods of any kinfl ana any amount Phone Madison 190s wanted. to BUT ?ob cash, household goods In any quansity. Phone V?deOO ?881. _ WANTED. OLD MACHINERY. iron, brass, robber, country mixed nB. bones etc : *>'*1 c**h ?TlS^lS T?' KRN WRECKING AND METAL TO, Madison 1>3?. 34O?-a?00 WiUlams burg AvessJS._ ._. WANTED. See OLO FEATHER BEDS, also old time antique sofas, tables sideboards chaira, b ireaua. de,ga china brasses. ?irror* jewelry anything old J. k BEARD. 15 West Main. Madtson ?j IDEAL VEXTTLATOK vXX sfginuriidftftmo fUKCTTTjSE^^ we PACK AMD ship FUWNITLJIX and chine sad wedding presents with care. ftWgBed jacob UMLAUF. 1828 West Broad Street "?11000 Madison ?????_ _ _ IMPORTED GERMAN *AUM KRAUT MONROE GROCERY CO. ?18 West Breed 8Breet Phones ?8? er ?88. IO LEMD OX MAHOTO? ART? at Reer Tee* rates. RT. ? 4R>R. Rex 21? Berth Rlsta, KILLING OF ZEUG NOT COINCIDENCE Whitman Thinks Murder of Witness Against Becker Was Planned. SLAYER IS IN THE TOMBS His Story Is Partly Broken Down L'nder Rigid Examination. New York. October 6.?Deputy Po? lle* Commissioner Dougherty declared to-night that he was satisfied that the motive for the murder of ?Big Jack Zelig by ? Red Phil" Davidson here last night was not to seal Ze? lig's lip against former Police Lieu? tenant Charles Becker who will be placed on trial to-morrow for the mur? der of Herman Kosenthal. Aftea- questioning Davidson for sev? eral hours to-day and investigating events leading up to the killing of Zelig. the deputy commissioner said ho was Inclined to credit Davidson's story that he killed Zelig in revenge because the latter had ru bed him. Though the tiagedy occurred almost on the eve of the Becker trial, and Zelig had been subpoenaed as a wit? ness, the authorities are inclined to the opinion that the "gun man's" death with relation to the Rosenthel mur? der and police graft was merely a coincidence. Lefty Louie," "Gyb the Blood" and other gun men who are awaiting trial for the murder of Rosenthal ridiculed Davidson's story when seen In their cells to-night and insisted that Zelig's taking off was planned and the plot executed to prevent his appearance at Becker's trial. It was reported that "Bald Jack" Rose, who will be a State witness against Becker, had warned District Attorney Whitman that Zelig never would live to testify against the police. District Attorney Whitman to-night, though admitting that no proof had yet been found to Indicate that Zelig's death was the result of a conspiracy, was' inclined to regard the murder ss "more than a coincidence." The prose? cutor Insisted that he bad subpoenaed Zelig In the Becker trial and said he had expected his testimony to have an important bearing on the case. He added, however, that he had other witnesses who knew the facts he had planned to reveal through Zelig. Investigation of Davidson's story to-day revealed the fact that the re? volver he used in killing Zelig had been the property of a Brooklyn po? liceman It was purchased in a Jersey City pawnshop. The policeman, callei upon to explain, declared he bad lost the revolver. The pawnbroker cor? roborated Davidson's story that he purchased the revolver yesterday afternoon. The broker said the weapon had been pledged more than a year ago. Commissioner Dougherty to-day broke down Davidson's first statement that Zelig had held him op In a hall? way and robbed him of $400. Zelig, Davidson asserted, held him up at the point of a gun in a cloak room of a Bowery dance hall Friday night and took about $17 from him. Davidson was arraigned to-day snd remanded without bail to the Tombs. He was placed on the same tier with Becker and some of the gun men charged with RosentJhal's murder. Both be snd Becker denied they knew each other. Davidson admitted ac? quaintance with "Lefty Louie" and "Whltey" Lewis Trial Benias To-Day. New York. October 6.?Charles Beck? er, formerly a lieutenant in the New York police department, will be placed on trial to-morrow on an Indictment charging him with the murder of Her? man Rosen thai, a gambler alleged to have betrayed *Xhe system Becker will be called before Justice Goff. especially designated by Gov? ernor Dir to preside over the ease in the criminal branch of the Supreme Court, and his trial -win proceed un? less some legal obstacle is interposed by the defense or unexpected develop? ments resulting from the murder last nisrM of "Big Jack" Zelig Interfere. Besides Becker, six men of New York's underworld have been Indicted for the crime, but Becker, as alleged instlsrator of the murder plot, will first be tried. He will face ss prosecutor Charles s Whitman, district attorney of New York Connty. John F. Moln tyre will appear ss chief counsel for the defense. The prosecution will attempt to show that Becker actually ordered that Rosen thai be murdered; that Becker knew the time fixed for execution of the crime, and thst afterwards he used his official position to shield the fonr men accused of firing the Shots?"Gib the Blood," -Lefty Louie.- ??Whltey" Lewis end -Dago" Frank. These men will be tried Ister with Jack Sullivan, who rode uptown with Becker In an automobile the night of the murder, snd William Shapiro, chauffeur snd part owner of the car need in killing Rosenthal A panel of 2S? talesmen has been summoned. It la expected that more than fifty witnesses will be mlled. among them -Bald Jack" Rose, the gambler, who has declared he was underworld collector for Becker: "Brtdgle" Webber, professions* Sam? bier is whose establishment the as? sassins assembled Just before the crime Harry Vstton. gambler and gangster associate, and Stan Aehepps. artother of the gambling fraternity, who was apprehended In Hot Sprtnare. Ark-, after the msrder. These foar fl^fCsilsUtrMtftt SHOE REPAIRING. 10c REBATE IF YC? BRING SHOES) w Ith this coupon. Men s enoea hsif eo.ed. Rhs. rebated to Sec; ladies' half soles, sac., rebated to sac Every pait sewed. ?est leather; no nails, as pegs Heeling. iSc DREW'S ELEC? TRIC SHOE FACTOR?. TIS "~ Main. Phon? Monroe XOCT. edison PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORD wholesale aad retail C B SLA TNI A CO, 121 West Br?sa. __~. STORAGE IX CITY. $1 saw least. Store roar faraltare, beat See. autorso Mies, pianos at TOMP EINS. M7 West BraaS_ a ladies* deucht, nice floors and a clean house CaU Maares 112? for bases rtaaalas. waxing and stslning floors, remov? ing aid stairs snd- reflalshing floors wiluam johrboh "" or cYicRTRY S3SBS YOU ARE WrOCOMK AT COSBY* paint Store, where yon can sat s e?art ef Mas floor sisln for ?Sr that will mage year fleers ? ? ooawr* Basse. 1 BeawcSfat than yea l INT U ~ { STORE, sit Waat turned Informer*, end will net be prosecuted. THOMAS J. RYAN A SUICIDE Denseeretle leader end Aaueeeaent Poenaoter Ktlla HlafeelC Philadelphia, Fa.. October ?.?Thomas J. Ryan, for many yeare a leader of the Democratic party in thle city and a prominent promoter of amusement enterprises, ended his life here to-day by shooting himself through the mouth. His body was discovered In hie office |n a downtown office build? ing shortly after he had been discuss? ing business affair? with his privste secretary. Mr. Kyan. as head of the Ryan Amusement Company, of this city, and a heavy stockholder In the American | Amusement Company, held important! concessions in amusement parks in all parts of this country. He was asso? ciated with Walter Thompson in many Coney Island enterprises. Mr. Rysn Is aald to have been a heavy loser in the nre which destroyed Dreamland, Coney Island, but Charles P. Donnelly, who was associated with him in many of his business ventures. ' as well as sharing the leadership of I the Democratic organization in this city, declared to-night that financial difficulties were not responsible for Mr Ryan's dsed. He said that it could be ascribed to nothing but a nervous breakdown, which rendered him irre, sponsible. and declared that Mr. Ryan had not been in his beual vigorous health for several months and that the development of a new amusement park In this city had entailed more labor than hs was prepared for In his ner. | vous condition. THREE OF CREW DEAD I Dread Bert-Bert Attacks Men Aboard Teaael. Baltimore. Md? October ?.?With three of her crew dead from beri-beri and six more suffering from that dis? ease the bark Daylight Captain Charles Anderson, from Bombay for this port anchored off Quarantine to? day. The dead were a Chinese cook and two Englishmen. Their bodies were burled at sea. The ship had been at sea for more than four months, and it was said that a third of her crew of thirty-seven men were ill most of the time. A case of smallpox was the first sickness that developed, but It was cured In s few weeks. While the ship was loading at Bom? bay a youth of British birth hid in the cargo. When the vessel was well out to sea he mads his presence known and was given all the work he could do assisting the crew, and he helped to care for the sick. TRIAL BEGINS TO-DAY ILake Charles. La., October 6.?The trial of nine defendants, charged with murder and Inciting to riot In connec ; tton with the labor clash at Grabow, I La.. July 7. will begin here to-morrow, j During the riot st the little sawmill ! town three men were killed and forty i Injured, one of whom died later, j Firty-elght. practically all of whom are members of the Brotherhood of Timber Workers, were Indicted after the Grabow riot On motion of the prosecution Judge Overton yesterday granted a severance In the trial. The nine defendants who will face trial to-morrow are A. L. Emerson, president and organizer of the Brother? hood of Timber Workers, an associa? tion affiliated with the Industlal Work? ers of the World; Jack Payne. Edward Lehrman. John Hilton, P. E. Ezell. W. A. Shatman. 'Doc" Havens. Edgar Hoi j llngsworth and Lewis Krown. More than 150 witnesses have been summoned. At the conclusion of the trial of the first nine defendants. Judge Overton has ruled the trial of the other defendants must proceed at once, or they will be granted bail. The Grabow riot was precipitated during a union speech nt the Galloway lumber mllL In that place, Sunday, July 7 last An unknown person fired a pis? tol, and the riot followed. WILSON IS GUEST 1! BRYAN HOME (Continued From First Page.) cold ss I." replied the Governor as He noted the scarcity of Mr. Bryan's hair. When the Governor wss addressing the Nebraska State University Stu-, dents hs casually remarked that his { greatest disappointment as a teacher I was that he had so few contradictions I and that students sccepted sll that I was told them. j "if the Governor's happiness ds t pends upon the number of times hs I |s contradict ed," said Mr. Bryan, to the I students s few minutes later, "he'll find I that if he la in public life ss long ss I have been his cup of happiness will ' be filled to overflowing.** lO'SElERMftSOl ! TO IE SATISFIED, (Continued From First Page) | double to six and seven times the . wages paid In Europe, aad Is in that ' proportion better able to meet say i increased cost of living. i propose In deallag with the trust [question to heep the great combina? tions of capital within exactly the (same control is the city or cross roads j grocery that pays a Federal license for selling cigara X msaa that both I snail obey the law. That's sIL Simple j Is It not I The Sherman law has been and will continue to be enforced ' against all violators, however rich and ! powerful they may be. I have reeom i mended nations! Incorporation wit h j oat infringing on the right of the : States to ui corporate property, bet 'sorb incorporation would not suspend or nullify In any degree the Sherman law or sap other tsar against monopoly in restraint of trade. I aas utterly esssssd ts the proposal to have sa Interstate commission filing prices end otherwise sxerctstng control seer business affairs. Such s control be? cause not guided by law bat by per? sonal discretion. wo?id he both dee potle aad eerlaltstlr. sag so rsseir of history needs to he told that the two, terms hare a vary rdese role tton. "Referring to Interns tie sal goes- ' Mona. 1 think thst every one win agree , 'that the American marines hi Nice- . J ragea have conducted themselves In 'a menn?r worthy of their mag aad faear uniform That story sheet ?bering *helr mtlona with the stare tear wow en and children, might he es peeted from ruck a fine body of men It snap bestreu the timeliness of the assists nee given, by tnn res*?si aavS wtta the consent of the government of Nicaragua. In pottles an and to tiadrtlsns sbsBhlag ts hsmssftj ? I Lancaster Citizens Plan Pro? gressive Measures Poor Men? haden Season. f Special to The Times-Dispatch.) Lancaster. Va., October 6.?A village Improvement lesjrue has been orga? nized here with lira. Philip M. area bam aa president. Mrs. W. p. pins kard as secretary and Virgil C. Me Menney as treasurer Practically every person In the place Is a mem? ber of the organisation, and steps have been taken to have the side? walks of the village Improved, a j lighting system lnsugurated, the vil? lage thoroughly cleaned snd other necessary Improvements made. Lancaster Chapter. United Daugh? ters of the Confederacy, which was recently organized in this county, with Mrs. Poole. of Molusk. as president and Mrs Stewart as secretary, held I an Interesting meeting Friday at the ! home of the president on the Rappa hannock River. A number of the vet? erans of Lawson-Bath Camp were j present and greatly enjoyed the din- J ner which the members of the chap- J ter provided for them. The chapter j ?** By Pollard de Bagby. Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF NEARLY NEW DETACHED FRAME DWELLING, SITUATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CLAY AND THIRTY-SIXTH STREETS. KNOWN AS NO. 3519 EAST CLAY STREET. In execution of a deed of trust, dated September l, 1910. and recorded in the clerk's office of Richmond Chancery Court. D. B. 208-A, page 372. default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell by auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1912. at 5:30 P. M. the above-mentioned detached frame dwelling, containing seven rooms. A very attractive home, with all mod? ern improvements. Lot 27x158 feet 11 inches to an alley In rear 15 feet wide. TERMS: Enough in cash to pay the cost of sale and any taxes thst may be due; two notes, one for $1.500 and one for $45 with interest on same from September l, 1912. until paid; th? residue upon credit payments at one and two years after date, deferred pay? ments to bear 6 per cent interest and to be secured by deed of trust; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. H. R. POLLARD. JR.. Trustee. By E. A. Catlin A Ca, Reel Estate Auctioneers. 1? North Eighth Street. AUCTION SALE OF 30 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. IN FAIRF1ELD DISTRICT. HEX RICO COUNTY. NEAR THE NINE MILE ELECTRIC ROAD. FORMER? LY OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY SILAS MAYO. COLORED. By virtue of decrees of the Circuit Court of Henrico County, in the suit of "Lucy Neal et als. vs. Louisa Mayo et als.," the undersigned special com? missioners will offer for sale. In front of the Henrico Courthouse. o;i OCTOBER 8. 1812. at 12 o'clock M. the land above referred to. This land is easy to cultivate, sus? ceptible to improvement, and is easily accessible to the city, being near the electric line, and should attract the at? tention of persons either desiring a home or investment. TERMS: One-third cash, and the resi? due in equal payments on a credit of one and two years, the purchaser to give notes for deferred payments, bear? ing 'nterest. and the title to be re? tained until art the purchase money be paid; or all cash, st the option of the purchaser. EDGAR B ENGLISH. JOHN H. GUY. Special Commissioners. I. Samuel P. Waddill. clerk of the Henrico Circuit Court, do certify that the bond required of the special com? missioners in the above styled cause has been duly given. SAMUEL P. WADDILL. ? Clerk. Sale er Valuable Xanuractarta* Flout at Altavista. Va?By virtue ef two deeds of trust. Searing data of August t XSU. sad April It 1?'-X aad du'y recorded la the Campbell County clerk's office, the nadir ?la-ned will sell at public auction, en ass premises, an FrMay. October IS. ISU. at B) o'clock A M.. tbe pleat of the Oeses HAS?d Furnitur* Worn*. Including factory sad office buildings and land attacked Inj, sis, machinery, franchises, patents, office l? * taro end fixtures, manufactured geese, cbinery end supplies and material as h as s whole or m parcels ta seit f arena Terms: Cash, but saors liberal tsnna bs obtained upon nassasbl* oanaWnms, O. Bali. Altavista, Va.: W. n. ensue. Si Caekle. A. B Percv. Irnchnurs. ftral C#tttr fx sjatt FOR SALE. 34th STREET LOTS Near Oakwood Avc ID per foot Terms easy. WM B. FlXZiRX 430. Farms For Sale We have seme very nice small farms near the city for homes for esty seen. Also lere? tracts for farming parties Farm lands around this city at present price, are bound to make paying 8B veatments Call and let us show yew r L A H L DBNOOBL 821 FOR RENT TW Two Degas* Large Floors Occupied by the c * o Beilway. ta the OsJeekl ?sild:.ig. corner Eighth aad Mass, has asset s.sse neuer* feet of and thirty wndow. , cheerfsli for V?d** rooms, failartsi aad te* Hhe mm. Cm ssmsslsstat 1 evtl ed. Ai Itlli r. a