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Ifepatrh fjrj mow rovKDBo m TH? DISPATCH FOUNDED UMt WHOLE NUMBER 19,132. RICHMOND, VAM TIT ES DAY, OCTOBER 8,1912. WXATBKK TO JAY?Fair* PRICE TWO CENTS. Cobb Thinks McGraw Will Select Veteran Twirler. 'DOPE, "HOWEVER, FAVORS TESREAU Boston's Star Pitcher Almost Certain to Be on Mound, and He Is Expected to Come Through With Flying Colors. First Game in World's Series To-Day. BT TT COBB. (Copyright by the Philadelphia Press.) New York. October 7.?When the um? pire calls "Play ball."* to-morrow af? ternoon at 2 o'clock on the World's Series of 1912. which bids fair to be th? most bit- ? terly contested baseball struggle eve.- fought be? tween the Na? tional and the American Leagues in a contest for the highest honors in the game, it is, probabl* that more ; ey? will be oen- , tred on the dia- ! Ty Cob*. mond than ever before in the his? tory of the national pastime. The series not only carries with it the championship of the world, but it decides the supremacy of the two major leagues. iMMt fall the Athletics won from the New York Giants, the j team which will represent the seniorj league in th? 191; battles. This year the American League will be repre? sented by a team which was good enough to land the American L*a?ue flag, but which is an unknown quan? tity so far as an Important series la concerned. Judging the probable outcome of to ?norrow ? game. It might be said that iht Boston team has probably settled upon just who is gotng to work. It is likely, however, that Manager McGraw baa the most serious problem confront, lag him. because he has two men, one of whom lie must select for the impor? tant task of being in the pitchers' box to-morrow. In all probability McGraw has been turning over In his mind to-day the question: "Who shall I work. Tesreau or Matnewion?" It would not sur? prise me much if he would once more rely upon the "Peerless Matty" to pitch the first game of these Important con? test*. The dop? points to the nig hurlsr, Tesreau, who. it is said, la a bear tor work, and by opening up with bam McGraw would thereby be abl? to give htm the extra work needed, so that he can be double back much more quickly than Matty. However. I think that Matty will ?pen this series, owing to his much tout M steadiness in a crisis, and I believe that this is just what will please the Boston aggregation, as they seem to have an idea in their mi no* that they can wallop Mathewson as they did in the interleague series sev? eral years ago. But you can always rely, upon this "Old Fox" to pull some? thing from his sleeve that you least expect. The worlds series may be an entirely different story from that post? season series bitween the two clubs Wood Oa for Red Sex. Aa to Joe Wood, the man who will undoubtedly occupy the mound for the Red Sox, I cannot help but feel that be will comi through with fly? ing colors, aa be is certainly a won? derful ?itcner. and to-day the only fear la my mind as to his classiness Is caused by his recent games in De? troit, when h; lost control, psssing four men In one inning. However, bo settled down and pitchej good ball afterward, bat I think it was due to Bis winning streak, as he had won sfxtein straight op to that game, more than his physical condition per? mitted. Ha has proved that he has all iila speed and control since, for In 1:1a next game against the New York Highlanders he held th-m down to two hits. I believe that he will SMS* the game with all of his mental ability The cripples. Gardner and Carrigan. sr?m to havi fully recovered. Gard? ner bad great form In his last game la Philadelphia. Carrigan will un? doubtedly have th> benefit of another day's res*, as Casey will catch Wood ] tt h ? pitches to-day. As to Doyle's bad ankle, be seems to have been the j Sams wonderful second sacker in tbe ?tarts he has mad* since his Injury. Thre* pitchers on each ciub seem to have the call on th?- others so far as working In this series goes. They ?re the ones who wis. he called ?? for i regular duty. I think. New York will ?now Mathewson. T??,eau and Mar-1 ?wars, sad Wood. Collins and O'Brien are the likely selections for the Red Box Be Pssat To Argue mm. Casey will relieve Wood. Carrigan ?ad Myers will catch the other rsmn for their respective clubs. All of the fans who arc optimistic shout one or the sehr tbe teams winning surely hau? a* great point to argue upon, has never been In a World s hat the Maw Tor ken with the wonderful land of fifteen gasass which the fast-going Chicago Cabs cut down ta about raw and mm naif games, ware only saved by the rimsrhaMc worn of Tesrass. This, however, gave to tbe Oteats and they through la great style. ABStktr essjpsrtses in favor ef the Red Bag is the pitching staff. It baa heeaa tang time since Wood, CoUlaa STATE FAIR BETS LIQUOR LICENSE Judge Scott Grants Pe? tition After an All Day Argument. COURT BELIEVES PLACE SUITABLE Court Holds That Open Sale of Liquor, With High License and Enforcement of Law and Order, Best Solu? tion of Prob? lem. Granting a license to the Virginia State Fair Association to ?eil liquor at the Fair Grounds, over the opposition of citizens of Henrlco County, Judge K. Carter Scott said last evening that he had found the open sale of intoxi? cants, with high license ami strict en? forcement of law and order, the beat solution of the liquor question. In his court, he said, the trouble had bee:, with the Illicit sale by boot-leggers. If any place is suitable for selling tquor, said Judge Scott, the Fair Grounds is that place. The evidence showed that the parties were suitable, and that good oraer was maintained on the grounds. The officers of the as? sociation would i?ee to it that no other person engaged ?n the business. If ha should refuse to grant the license, the sale would be limited to illegal per? sons and places, and the officers would find it th~;r duty to search for such practio-g. on the other hand, by grant? ing a license he would have responsible persons to deal with and to hold for any abuses of the privilege. Maat Be Suitable Place*. As to the raised by some of the witnesses, to the effect that no place is a suitable one in which to sell intoxicants. Judge Scott said that was not a matter with which the court could properly deal. The law had. In mentioning suitable places, presumed there were such. The State of Vir? ginia would certainly not take money from an immoral source fur licenses, and the question as to the sale of liquor being Inherently immoral, had been settled by the General Assembly. Sundry legal points were also raised and decided. One of these was that the Fair Grounds are not contiguous to the city of Richmond, within the mean? ing of the Mana-Berd liquor law; that 500 persons do not reside within a half mile of the place where liquor Is to be sold: that one license should not en? title the association to sell liquor at four paces on the grounds; that the measurement with a view to ascertain? ing the populaion should be made from the exact spot of sale. All these questions were decided ad? versely to the protestants. and Judge Scott ordered the license to be Issued CHlseaa Are Deeadaata. After the docket for the term had been called and the motions in Henri co Circuit Court made and decided.: Legh R- Page and Hill Carter, repre? senting the Virginia State I?iir Asso? ciation, made formal application for license to sell intoxicating liquor on the grounds. Isaac Diggs. representing the opposition, asked and received per-| mission to enter the following persons! as parties defendant: Frank D. Bev eridge. Warn, C. Bentley. F. W. Laugh ton. W. E. Hazelgrove. W. C Smith,' Jesse A- Ladd. James H Chappell. H. M Starke. FL J. Goodwin. W. G- Ma-, hone C C Broaddus.. D. H. Wisman. David Parsons and Thomn Poindexter. Inasmuch as license had been grant-j ed in previous years. Mr. Page an? nounced it was not the intention of the association to take evidence except in rebuttal. The court room was crowded during the proceedings, a number of ministers I being present. AssUent* Are sattaMe. Mr. Diggs admitted In the beginning that the applicants were suitable per? sons to sell liquor, adding that the law required it to be shown by evidence that the place was also suitable. Judge Scott commented here that the fact that he had granted license in previou? years would indicate that he had con? sidered the suitability of the place. Mr. Diggs then railed attention to the provision of law that the name of the responsible party must appear when a corporation asks for license, and to end that feature Mr. Page announced that Frank P. Tray lor, for years dep? uty sheriff, would be that person. The court said that Mr. Traylor was well known to him. Mr Diggs then addressed himself to the proposition of law providing how license may be granted In rural com? munities In counties contiguous to cities He contended that ?00 persons do not reside within a half mile of the place where it Is proposed that liquor be sold. j Jesse A Lad?" was the first witness. He had with a tape line, measured a distance of a half mile down the Boule? vard from the Fa'.r Grounds, and then I made a detour at th? approximate dis I tance and had counted only twenty seven house?, six of which were va? cant Th-se were located in what is known as *eott ? Addition The cross examination was brief and ?ne?entfur i W C. Smith, who bad accompanied ' Mr Ladd testifl'd to th? same effect. I He' said' he did not Consider the grounds ? suitable pUce in which ta sell liqaor Cross-examined by Mr. C*r ter ths witness said that -nowhere on God's earth is ? suitable place. I am against the sgloori even-where, because it ta against w? snd everybody else, a. measurement to ths aorth *ad east bad bean made by S. H. CaappeU. Ha had gone up'the Hermitage Road, and eastward to Lebamnm. where the line ended In the houae. He bad not reached the Brook Road, that being ' beyond the radla*. In all this terrl j tory. he said, there were but - W. C Bentley presented the renol tiaaw by the gig*? etertc? ? * Set5 PLAN TO DESTROY LOCKS AI PANAMA Dynamiters Believed It Would Turn Attention From Los Angeles. CRIME PREVENTED BY THEIR ARREST One of Alleged Conspirators Pleads Guilty and Is Locked Up Pending Sentence?Pros? ecutor Continues Story of Plots Against Non? union Plants. Indlanopolls. Ind. Octooer 7.?The McNamara s and Ortle McManigal once dihcussed a proposal to blow up the locks of the Panama Canal. District Attorney Charles W. Miller told the jury at tlie trial of the accused "dy? namite conspirators" to-day. The incident occurred, according: to Mr. Miller, just before the arrest of the Los Angeles dynamiters when they ' were becoming desperate in their ex? torts to secure exploaives. "John J. called James B. McNamara. his brother, and McManigal to tbe headquarters of the International As? sociation of Bridge and Structural Iron Woi-kers." said Mr. Miller. John j J. Said to McManigal. "we can't get any ' more dynamite around here without stealing it. Now you go to Panama and see what you can do down there. ; Tiie Mc-Clintic-Marsnall Construction I Company has a lot of dynamite stored i down there. You could easily get ; hold or it and blow up the locks. That : would make 'em sit up and take no? tice and take their minds off the Los I Angeles affair'. McManigal refused j to go at that time. Soon after they! I all were arrested. ? The contractor mentioned was one: j of those who had declared for the j ' open shop" in the United States. Changes Plea to -Guilty." i Edward Clark, of Cincinnati, former j president of the local iron workers, j to-day changed his plea from "not gull-1 ty" to "guilty." and was looked up pending sentence. I Olaf Tveitmoe. of San Francisco, now [ on trial, was accused in the govern? ment's statement to the jury as having j been the protector of tbe dynamiters i on the Pacific coast. He waa charged J with being tbe man who pointed out i bow the Los Angeles Times building j and the LlejrnUyu Iron Works ware to i be blown, with wanting the Baker Iron Works and the Times auxiliary plant blown up. with promising to tbe dyna? miters that bis friendship with Mayor McCarthy, of San Francisco, would In? sure police protection. Events Implicating tbe present de? fendants, as charged by Mr. Miller, were as follows: W. Bert Brown, then j business agent of the local union at Kansas City. Mo.: James B. McNamara. I and "a citizen"* whose name was not j divulged, had a conference In August, 1910; about blowing up a $1.500.009 1 bridge being constructed at Kansas j City. Previously negotiations had been ? conducted by Brown and William J. i McCain, also a business agent at Kan ? sas City, with the iron workers' head ; quarters *ln Indianapolis, it was charg j ed Mr. Miller said that James B. Mc \ Namara offered to employ the "citizen" j regularly, saying "there la lota of ; money in it. We're going to Loa An ; geles and blow the whole town to helL | We have unlimited money back of us I and if we ever get in trouble we'll have the best lawyers that money can buy." j The citizen did not go into the deal. Mr. MiUer said. He declared that on August 22, McManigal placed twelve quarts of nitroglycerine beneath tbe understructures of the bridge. Tbe ! explosions occurred tbe next day. af? ter McManigal bad replaced the weak i batteries on the bomb timers with stronger ones. Meantime. Jamas B. bad gone to ar? range for tbe Los Angeles Times ex? plosion, ho said. After this disaster 1 bs spent two weeks *.n Salt Lake City in biding. He returned East then. Frank Eckhoff. of Cincinnati, met him In Nebraska, and the former said to him: Kept -Treaty t^ew." ~I have been keeping pretty low. If I could get by far fire years like; J. E Munsey In Salt Lake, they'd for? get about tbe Los Angeles affair. "Coming back on the train every body wis reading about tbs Las An? geles disaster, and I thought every one was looking at me. That made , me get off at Salt Lake Jamas B. and McManigal then went hunting in trie woods of Wisconsin." ? The next month at the iron workers convention in St. Louis Tveitmoe bad a talk with J. J.. according to MUler. saying It was a!l right on the Paci? fic Coast, and they wasted "some Christmas presents"?the blowing up of tbe Llewe'lye Iran Werke, the ' Baker Iron Works and the Times auxilianr. McManigal returned to In? dianapolis. John J. told hrra of what Tveitmoe had said j "It will be a great thing while they sre looking for th* ?th?r fellows to have eight or ten more of t'em out there by somebody tfcey never saw." John J. la alleged tn have said to McManigal. "No one knows you. and you can atfp la and do the Jobs. But f {Continued on~Ef?bth" Page ) I Committee Will Canvass Returns of Fourth Dis? trict Primary. REQUEST MADE BY BOTH CANDIDATES In Only One Instance Do Poll Books Diner From Certificates as Originally Counted?De? nial That Turnbull Will Run as Independent If He Loses. ? Special from Staff Correspondent j Pett-rsourg. Va.. October 7.?Re I sclndlng its previous refusal to open and inspect the poll books and ballots used in the Watson-Turnbull contested . congressional election the Fourth District Committee, to-night began an examination of the poll cooks and j later began recounting the ballots. Ai letter from Judge Waiter A. Watson. | requesting that the returns be opened' , and thoroughly canvassed was pre-j ' sented by Hichard Evelyn Byrd. of his' counsel, just after the meeting hadl been called to order, and after represen tails? of both parties interested had! guaranteed to pay the necessary ex? penses of the investigation. The com-. miltee agreed to the proposed action. The letter fully and frankly joins in! Congressman Turnbuli's request fori ? broad and nontechnical Inquiry. Judge Watson declares that it has' ; been physically impossible for him to; '. investigate the charges made in the; ; Turnbull petition, but that he has I j every assurance that they can he i easily met; that he is certain that no j fraud was used in the election; that, I he Relieves only one negro. H_ L. Jack son, of Nottoway, voted for him, and ? that he will decline the election if it j depends on Jockson's vote. There mark lavcstlsmtlea. In presenting the letter. Mr. Byrd. J who together with R. H. Mann, re ' presented Judge Watson, declared that i we don't desire to have the lid on anything, and he made it emphatically plain that Judge Watson concurred in the request of Congressman Turnbuli's counsel for a thorough investigation of the returns- Shortly after ? o'clock the committee began to inspect the poll books, precinot by precinct, and the task will continue far Into the morning. H. F. Hutchinson, of Mecklenburg, was the only member of the committee j absent when the meeting was called j to order in the rathskeller of the Chee- I terfield Hotel, which was packed with observers. Richard Evelyn Byrd who | had not previously appeared for Judge Watson, presented a letter from him, as follows: v+ntsew's Letter. "To the Democratic Committee of the Fourth Congressional (District: "Gentlemen.?On Saturday at 1 o'clock I was served with a notice of Mr. Turnbuli's purpose to contest my nomination for Congress and furnished with a copy of his petition filed on that day with your chairman. I was also advised of the call for the committee to sit on the night of this day to con? sider the matter raised In said peti? tion. In the limited time elapsed since the receipt of this notice, it has been physically impossible to inquire into the numerous charges made so as to make satisfactory reply to them In detail and furnish the committee wttb a formal answer at its present sitting, so i shall have to crave your Indul? gence for such limited time as you may think reasonable In which to file an answer to this proceeding. Infor? mation coming to me to-day by wire, letter and personal statement com? pletely refutes the charges brought as far as I have bpen able to take them > up and Is of such a character as to ! warrant the belief that I shall be able to vindicate entirely the conduct of the primary in so far as the vote ac? corded me is concerned, and I may add I shall be glad If the same shall bei found true of the vote returned for. my opponent, , Without at this time att;mptlng ! !details and without expressing any \ I opinion of their right to participate In a Democratic primary which la for I you to determine. I wish to* say In general terms that I know of only' one asgro and very few If aap white I Republicans who voted for me in the j primary. H. L* Jackson, a highly re- j spectable colored man In Nottoway. I who voted the Democratic ticket in j the last general election before hear? ing of my expressed desire that his I {race should not participate *n the < ' election, applied at the polls and was ' permitted to vote. I value this man's ? good opinion an 1 am grateful for bis j , desire to help me. but in view of my ; declaration en this subject I will say now what I hare said before, that If j the result of this slectlon should hinge upen that vote in Nottoway I should decline the nomination That there . ha*e been harmless mistakes here and there, and technical Irregularities ex persenc ? of past elections dor s not r-ermit me tn doubt, but that there has been any intentional wrong/Wing j or actual fraud In the conduct of the primary as hinted sad In one place charged by Mr. Tarn ball X do not be? lieve, i bare always been aaJ am I (Continued on "eighth rag*. > ALL READY FOR BIG GAMES. I Wtmwmmw ?Mi afmtmn m tm m\*mm\ TW t?h mwmM mm* 1ml wM www tft? Wtrift j PfMMST ?4 wfffc MIMIIJ f? m? ?-M% 1*9 M ? %m W*?. KlW| MMlM? MR will i*e ?fem, fWF N-ttiMl ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE CHARLES BECKER PLACED OK TRIAL Former Police Lieutenant Faces Court on Charge of Murder. ONLY ONE JUROR IS CHOSEN Prisoner Is Showing Effects of Long Confinement in Tombs. New York. October 7?Charles Becker, police lieutenant who com mended the "strong arm" squad of police gambling raiders, to-day was placed on trial for ths alleged mur? der of Herman Rosenthal, the gam? bler. Out of fourteen examined from the special panel of 250 talesman call- j ed. only one juror had been chosen when the day's session closed He was Harold B. Skinner, an electrical engineer. Of the other thirteen tales men. three were peremptorily chal- ? lnged by the State and four by the j defense, Becker himself instructing his counsel. John F. Mclntyre, to make the challenges in eaoh case. The others w?re disqualified by the court I for bias or upon challenges for cause : by counsel. One of the State's pe remptory challenges was exercised on I the first talesman after he had said . that he was a former policeman. In j nearly ev ery Instance talesmen ' ac- ' knowledged that they bad formed ' opinions from reading the newspapers, ? and those disqualified declared their ' opinions would Influence their ver- I diet The criterion of the fitness of a { Juror as set up by District Attorney i Whitman was based chiefly upon j whether the talesmen knew any mem? ber of the Police Department, any ef , counsel for the defense or members I of any of the detective agencies em- ) ployed by the defense in getting eel- ( dence The questions of Mr. Mclntyre were I timed to determine whether the tales- ', men bad any scquaintance with any of the State's witnesses or any mem- ; hers of the grand Jury which indictel ' Becker. Attorney Mclntyre declared that he' had accepted Skinner because he be- , tiered he had a "logical mind caps- ? ble of analyzing character." That Becker had lost, weight as the result of Ms two months' confine- j ment In the Tombs was apparent. The manner In which he studied each talesman :n1!-?t >d that he was men? tally alert, however. Xo spectators were allowed in the court room to-drv with the solitary exception of the accused officer's wife, a frail little woman, who sat far back in the ro?m * solemn, arxlous listener. Outside a <-rowd of curioes. with a' sprinkllne of East Side ganrsters. j th'onr*d the corridor* of the building, but were kept In order by an active! ?quad of police, tnrludln* plain clothes! (Continued on ^lghth~Pnge.) J System of Campaign Contribu? tions Gives Way to Legalized Monopoly. WILSON MAKES CHARGES He Says That Interests Are Ranged Back of Third Term Party. La Follette Committed to Wilson's Candidacy I Special to The Tine Psspatcb.1 Chieavo, I IL, October T? Robert M. La FeJlette. of to a rtatt?ft aaaee by tbe WBeea > at lean 1 risgitoslv?, atepablfeaa League, ?? whseh Robert M. Back bj the Wertere ? to hare Joined the league, which la Intense*, it u asserted, as a the KepwbUran party to i and to work tar the istsisa of tbe Denver. CoL, October 7,?"la 'hare a new dealT' asked Governor Wilson <a I speeches throughout Colorado to-day.' when ha charged that the United States Steel Corporation and ether combinations of capital were seeking1 to control tbe government by propos-1 ing that monopolies and trusts saould be regulated by an industrial commie stash "The old method was campaign con-1 tributiona; Uk new method la legal? ised monopoly." said the Governor as he directed his attack on the interests which he said were backing tne pro? gram of the Progressive party. The Governor drew attention to the Senate Investigation by the Clapp committee, and ssid the debate was centred on that certain privileged interests' ha a (???5 more Intimate with the candi? date? of the Republican and Progres? siv? parties. "All the while I was trying to formulate J -at what it was they were debating wio one another, and. as nearly as I could make out. it was this who of the two had been th? more implicated In the tr.ings which had d scredt'ed the Republican party. aa<i then I asked myself what was it that had dlecr?4lted, or. at sa> rat?, threatened to discredit, tbe great psrty which has so long governed tau coun? try, snd it was perfectly obvious the gentlerren were debating which of them had teen the more subject to those influences which we ara now ? aware have created meat of tb? com-1 plications which We wish to ,-orrect la our economic aovelnpwisat "The m*? >wb? hare promoted the gre*? comv.inat:^n? of mpt'il sad toe widespread urxterstandiags amongst those are coadttctiag the industries if, this country, wbtob have dominated not only oar best? as. hat oar petitKa, VIM SENDS BEST PRODUCTS TO BIGGEST Fill VerdictPuts it Far Above Any Held Hereto? fore in State. FAIRFAX GIVES SEAL OF APPROVAIt Blue Skies Cheer Crowds oq Opening Day, Pine Exhibits Attracting a Multitude of Eyea?Wonderful Live Stock Display?Many Free Attractions. ? little wobbly in the gards the Midway, a bit incomplete fa two or three other department*, bat vaetly augmented hi point of exhlbtj? and tree attractions, the seventh say* coal State Fair threw open Its gada? at 9 o'clock yesterday morning to ad? mit a crowd of merrymakers which, had camped around the entrances sines daylight. By the Urne the last oat oar carted away the ultimate streg gler. between 8.000 and 9,300 f rnrdB, had been admitted to the incloeure The early birds tramped the Midway, listened to the barkers, rubbered at the airmen, inspected the exhibits. sp> plauded the free acts, filled Bp SB dog sandwiches, and then met la so** emn conclave before the grandstand) to pass Judgment on Virginia's latest exposition. With the evidence etil! tat? complete and pending the full unfold* lng of the big carnival which m ex? pected to-day and to-morrow, they agreed that, taken all in all. the State Fair of 1912 Is several notches better-w? in some respects many notches bette? ?than any show that the Fair Uses j elation has yet staged. The Beat, garys Fail Baa. "I bare no heasbancy." said President Henry Fairfax, of the State Fair Asso? ciation, 'In saying that the Fair Is tn every respect the best In our history, I have been all over It, and I have cose, pared It with all the shews of recent years, and I find It superior In every department. "We have never had such a dis? play of stock. The horses are twenty per cant more numerous and fifty yes* cent better In quality. In the eattJa and swine exhibits the srsasat egge sitlon exceeds the sell act lea of las* year's fair by at least thirty per cent* Not only are the breeds more nnptsr i ous but there are more of each class. i am particularly gratified at the swine exhibit. I had reared thai the prevalence of bog cholera in various parts of the State would Impair tha showing, but I find that my fears were without ground. "We have to make allowance tag incompleteness on the opening day." said Mr. Fairfax. "It is unavoidable. To-morrow this fair win be a fas different thing from what It la to-day. And If you'll Just give as good weather se'll give Virginia the ?est fair she nas ever had." Blae Sky Bringe Case*. So spoke the president of the Fair Association. The same sentiment was expressed by Manager Warwick and} a number of other nfilclsls who he es witnessed fairs without number. The only concern that waa apparent at aJL had to do with the weather. Tad Weather Bureau at Washington has) telegraphed early that a rainstorm was headed this way and was doe to hit Richmond and vicinity sometime to-day. Weather predictions, ho waves* have been known to go amiss, and as one was particularly sun let, A better package of weather Car the opening day could not have beam pat together by President Fairfax. The c'ty awoke early yesterday assnSsftJ, , gaxed up Into a cloudless shy. caUea i it good, and made for the Fair Omans?. Throughout the day the sun aaeest from s sky which showed no trace SB a cloud from horizon to borlgaa. IN weather was reflected la the gay holt day attire of the crowd and la tha unusually large number of we smb. With half of the shows on the MJeV way still tn a state of partial sssaS pie:ion. the crowd spent the daylight hours in the inspection of the sa? il i bite which packed Industrial Holl? ? 'dosen less?r structures, a bslf IsBSB) i teats s nd acre upon acre of ess a greens*) If Ballyhoo Lane showed Big ss edj 'travel, the exhibits, oa the contrary* were no.-., vari .?d and piled high. The rac'ng. scheduled fir i o'cissaV drew everybody who had the price aam .inclination to the gran Island. iwhlch was unrolled, la the es the afternoon, the collection < feature acta, which promise u new standard for future faxes sported ?he diving girls die with shapely ends, who ' springboard* into a i iwith the grsce of mythical liiere rode and reared aal * cavalry troop from Fort My sr. outing an array of sslHttrj Sgasew. which held the tag a ties Una af the whol? grandstand. Fsr in front?earnest in the SBsjat of mortar guas fired assist waeeh, mounting high tats the sir. ?erst wtss) loud report. Is release fast satt l Ass? ures and dsstgas clad la all the eensSB of the sun fisss For sassy of shw visitors the Japan bs* dsytsjjht " works wese e> aevet sight, at " barstlag Shell called eat e BOW of ehe The ?Ithsis* fair with brssthless latsrest the of the rasss. These were ? order sad) were rve witbsst Interest centred in the V chase, the third is whi'-h four a tee* trophy. i .adss srtth tee