' awawawa?l aw?wawa??w?tn'
Social and I
Personal I
Historic 8t Paul's Church was the
?cone of a brilliant wadding last nigh) 1
at *:30 o'clock, when Miss Polly Robin*
was married to Lieutenant Huh***!! Syd
aor Crenshaw, United States Navy.
The bride, who was given in marriage
by her brother. Lieutenant Augustin?
Warner Robins. L'-Hteu Stales Army.
'ware a lovely gown of white satluj
ahurmeuse trimmed In rose point and!
i? .as iace. The bodice was em .
broider.-d In seed pearls, and she ware
Sn old pearl brooch as her only orna?
ment. She carried a shower boutiuet
of lilies, snd ber veil of Illusion, which
.fell to the hem of the long tram, was
arranged with orange blossoms. Mis.
Maurice Johnston Lunn. who attended
User sister as dame ot honor, wore a
(own of lace and white charmeuse.
made with panniers of yellow crepe
'aneteor. She carried white chrysanthe?
mums, i
The bridal party on entering the
Srhurch passed under an arch made by
;*he swords of the groomsmen.
It waa a navy wedding, and tue color1
jaWheme at the chuich and the house
Carried out the navy colors, yellow and
rhlte. most effectively. At the tl.urch
(Where the Rev Walter Russell Bowie
?erformed the ceremony, decorations
ere In palms and lighted candles. The.
tar was arranged with white bios-'
?im and Standard? of yellow ehrys
banti.emums marked the family paws
ht he bridegroom and all the grosses*
tbrren were In full dress uniform, and
jthe church was crowded with a fa.?h
j*o nable gathering of beautifully gowr
Urd women. The bride, who belongs to
fcpne of the best known families In the
jeStatc. is a daughter of the late Colonel
'"William Todd Robins, of Glouceste'
-County, and Mrs. Sally Nelson Robins.
fxJeutenant Crenshaw is a son of Mr.
Wnd Mrs. William Alfred Crenshaw. c4
ishts city, snd ?s also widely relate-.)
Hie graduated from the Naval Academy
tin l?0*. and went on the tour arount
fthe world with the fleet. He has served
jean the battleship Virginia, and Is now
i In command of the reserve torpedo,
Wroup at Annapolis, being a member of
"the Army and Navy Club In Washing-i
hon, and the Westmoreland Club in thi-s'
Itity. i
The bride had as he.- attendants
?isses Imogene Warwick, Laura Jone:.. '
mm a Gray White. Pattie Albert Cary.'
JGertiude Crenshaw. all of Richmond;
'pHelen Glenn, of New York City; Sara'
IBtewart, of Briar Cliff Manor. N. T..'
land Susie Dlmmock. of Newport News.
IThey wore quaint frocks of crcam-col
kered lace :,rd satin, made w-th par.
?tiers of yellow crepe meteor and csr
"yled big bouquets of yellow ch'ysan
ghemums. Uttls T/uth NMson frordon
sand Mary Mason Anderson Williams
(J eld the ribbons. The'r frocks were
?j>f white lace and embroidered mulle.
sind they wore sashes of yellow and
carried French baskets of yellow and
white flowers.
A large reception followed the cere
anony at the borne of the bride's aunt.
Mrs Horace Wellford Jones. 200 Kast
Franklin Street. Tbs bride and groom
received under a big wedding bell of
white cosmos, and the house was dec-,
orated throughout in yellow and white:
chrysanthemums and palms. The table1
In the dining-room had an old silver,
tankard filled with yellow Chrysanthe-,
mums as a centrepiece, and the lights'
were shaded In yellow. Lieutenant;
Crenshaw had as his best man. Lieu?
tenant Tyler Smith. United States I
..avy. and the ushers were IJeutensntsj
Theodore Gordon Kllyaon. U. S. X.; R j
Llndsev Walker. U. P- N ; S. C. Hooper, j
1*. S. N.; G. M. Courts. V. h\ N.; L D.
ifansey. to S. N.: P. N. L Bellinger.;
hi;. S. : Ensign J. H- S. Dessey. U. S. ,
JX.; Professor K. Calhoun. V. S. A,;|
Celson Robins and Alfred Crenshaw.
Litsntenant and Mrs. Crenshaw left ]
ter in the evening for their wedding,
Velour Plush
Shapes, $4.98
Solid black and two-tone ef?
fects, as black and nav\ , black
?nd amber. Nack and white, in
all the latest French models.
tourney, ana will be at home after
December 1 ml t*9 Prince tie..r?>
street. Aanapeam, Tmm Mti traveled
in a mm; of are era whipcord u-ith a
nioitie.i hat ..( bra era and mauve, i iui
af-tewa gat ate fa? the mmCS% , srere
Mi. and Mis. M?tyu: Joii.-s. . New?
port NVv.s Mrs. Kdward c. liaird. of
Norfolk, Miss Sally Catleti. Mrs. Wal?
ter K. Perrin. Mrs Sal!,.- Jon.-?. Mm
R. I". Talial'erro. Miss rear ell B.i ro,
Mrs. David Sauud'-ih. (ieOTgS Cary,
Mrs. Thomas M. Cary. all of l.lfiaca>l<il .
Me. and Mrs. ?Jerrard C.lenn. of New
York City. Mr. and Mrs Slew ail. Mb?
Stew-art. of tii Sur Cliff Manor. .\" V
M:s. Mann Pope, of Elizabeth. Haw
Jersey; Misses Mary Berkeley, \ ii-glnla
Nelson and BsfTlaatil Nelson, of ' Th
Cedars." al.d others,
la Xrw lark.
Mrs. KM win A A l.ierma nn. of ttM
Cnlvemitv of Virginia, has Joined Dr
Aldeiman. at the Mot 1 Walt et t Ii;
New- York City, where th.-y are await?
ing the arrival of Mrs Alderman*
mother from Europe. M'S. Alderman
spent part of the past summer at
Cape Cod, Ma si.
Weddlea of latereat.
A wedding of mueh interest took
place on Tuesday afternoon at ". o'clock
at the home of the bride's parents.
M-. and Mrs. Miller SN-.m-l. in Bucl:
tnicham County. wh> n Miss Airnes nut!.
Shepard became the- bride of Clev^and
Owen Forbes. Jr . son e.f Mr. and Mr
C. O. Foroes. of Cumberland CountT.
The ceremony was p.-rfe'rmej by th"
Rev K. X. Wingneld. und only ihm im?
mediate relatives of the two families
wer?- present. No cards w< ?> Issued for
the wedding. Both the bride and groom
are prominently related throughout
Virginia and other States, and their
wedding Tuesday was a most Import?
ant event.
On Tuesday afternoon. October 29. a
quiet but pretty wedding e.f interest to
friends in Virginia. West Virginia and
Kentucky was celebrated, when Miss
Ella ?George Kyle and William Starke
Mundy w.-re married at the Jefferson'
Hotel. In this city, at 4 o'clock Dr.
W. J. Young, of Centenary Methodist
Episcopal Church, performed the cere?
mony, and decorations were in white
roses, palms and white chrysanthe?
The brid. entered with hat brother.
Dr. Bernard Kyle, who gave her away,
and wore a traveling suit of taupe
broadcloth with a hat to match. She
carried a white prayer book. The
groom was attended by his brother. I
A. Mundy. as best man. Immediately
following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs.
Mundy left ov their wedding joume;.
Nortr. Mr. Bundy Is the son of Mrs.
Cynthia Mundy and the late Dr. John
C. Mundy. af Amherst Cour.ty. and Mrs.
Mundy Is the daughter of Mrs. Ella
Katherine Kyle, and the late J. W
Kyle, of Nelson County. She is a very
pretty girl, and is well known here,
being an alumna of the Woman's Col?
lege and a member of the class of 190."..
\ew Tea Heei
Another interesting new tea room is
to be opened shortly in the Step-Inn
tea room at 30S East Franklin Street.
Miss Juliet Dushane Talcott and Miss
Carrie Pickett Moore have this de
lig-htful little place in charge, and
luncheon and tea will be served there
from 12 to 6 o'clock every day. Ooen
ing day will be held November
when the public has b?en invited to
Dunlop Flour.
The true athlete cannot stand adulterated food?
he needs the best. This flour is his favorite be
i.iusr it is not only rJHk-ioirs and nholcsomc -ahen made
into cake*, bread and other hakr<J thine?, but hr knot* -
that it has the maximum of Iwvb .ind muscle build i*>?
Start aaiaft it to-day- for jour body.
Made in Richmond SoM on Four Continents.
The Dunlop Mills, Richmond, Va.
BPfFM WM tW*M ?Mvt pHeoWI aaaaaaaaWV *
im ?o im fmw
drop la for a cup of tea- with the
boateaaea from 3 to S o'clock and see
what a pretty little place the new
tea room la.
Married la Waandaadea.
Tfce marriage of Miss Alma Elisa?
beth Flanagan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Codrtngton Daniel Flanagan, of
Louisa, and Blckerton Winston Dick?
inson, Jr.. or Hamlet. N. C will take
place to-day at high noon in Washing?
ton The ceremony, which will be per?
formed f>> |hd Uev. James Montgomery,
will talk ftajr in the parlors of the
New Wil.ard Hotel, and. owing to the
extreme iilntss mi Uta groom's father, i
v ill he rery aasecly celebrated. Mr. i
IMahlWSen Is a son sd Mr. and Mis. i
liSTSrisii W. Dickinson, of Richmond, i
9%* bride will area.' a going-away aatt
of blue w ith a hat of the same shade, j
A luncheon will be served at .the Ne.v|
Willard for the bridal party immedi?
ately following tlie ceremony. Those
dlSSJ te Washington for t.ie ceremouy
are Mr. and M;s. C I>. F.anagan. Miss
Bisse Flanagan. Miss Mattie Wood- |
ward all of l.ouisa; Koberl M. Flan?
agan, of Hunters I. ..ig.-. Mrs O. M. i
Dnsroll. of Cartel ?\ llle. Oa.: M- at ;
Bbtaaaaa. of Kichmond.
Mi and Mrs Dickinson ertll be at
horn.- after November ? at the Ter?
minal In Hamlet, N. C.
Kur Blas Heg?.
In m nor ei Miss Mary Hope. STaMpS
marriage to Mr Brodrick takes place
Saturday, a delightful oyster supper
?.nen 'j uesday evening at the
iiamriton Roads Tackt "tub. Mrs. Ken?
neth M'Alrune chaperoned, and those
present were: Miss Hope. William
Biodrick. Miss Florida Hope, Miss
i:.>>!?? Howarfl. Mis* Jvlia Downer,
M)ss Itosalle Mitrtin. Captain McAl
pine. William J. Miller, of Hicr.mond:
Lieutenant Wadswurth. John Hughes
Curtis. IJeutenant Isaac Johnson, Rieh
ard D Tueker. H. W West. Jr.. Wil?
liam Hope :ind laiwrence Brooke
h aalkner? llurael.
Miss Katheritie Sbeppard Dorset ahd
Sterling Benjamin Faulkner were mar
ri'd Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the home of the bride. 217 North
Boulevard. Dr. Lacy H?ge, of Km
maniel Bnpt'st Church, performed the
ceremony. ;
The bsdde was gowned In a plume
coiored cloth tra\eltng suit, with a
corsage bou<|jet of lilies of the vailev
and SSI hadS Miss l?ulse Tucker was
thr maid of honor, and wore a blue
Charmeuse gown and carried pink
Chrysanthemums. The ring-bearer was
little Ha?Sit k. Anderson. Jr.. who
carried the ring in a calla lily, and
two little flower girls. Ijols LabS* and
Ma id Bow les, scattered pink and white
flowers from their baskets.
Samuel Dorset attended the groom
as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner
left at once on a Northern wedding
trip, and will be at home in this city
after November .'5. The wedding was
a very cjuiet affair on account of the
illness of the bride's father.
Ree*?? loa for Bride-Elect.
Bays a Washington exchange:
"Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Goldsmith
will Kive a reception at Rauseher's on
Thursday evening. November T. from
8 to 1C o'clock, in honor of the en?
gagement of their daughter. Miss An?
nette Goldsmith, to William B. Thal
himer. of Richmond."
la aad Oat of Ton?.
Miss Rae Seymour. who visited
friends in Richmond last winter, has
returned from abroad and la now at
her home in Washington.
William A. Graham has returned to
Norfolk, after a brief visit to friends
in Richmond
Miss Dettice Woodward is in Rich?
mond, after spending several weeks
with her sister. Mrs. Joseph Cochran.
in Staunton.
Mrs. Joseph Herbert will go to Nor?
folk in a few days, to visit relatives
for a few days..
Mr. and Mrs. John Hays Hammond
will leave Washington next week for
a stay of several weeks at the Virginia
Hot Springs.
Virginia Gordon has returned to her
home, after visiting Miss Elizabeth
Hotchklss at her country home in Al
Miss Flora Stegcr. of Washington,
is staying at Mrs. Camm's, 320 East
Gra-e Street.
Mrs. J. XV". Thompson, of this city, is
visiting Mrs. W. A. Belt. In Fred
erlcksburg for a few days.
Mrs. -Tames J. Hickey and Mrs. Ruth?
erford Dula are the guests of Mrs. Jo?
seph Dong in Norfolk.
BbjsaSfge. Abbott.
[Special to TheTlmes-DIspatcii.]
Heathsville. Va. October 30.?Miss!
Errna A*bott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Abbott, of Weems, and Edgar J
George, of Fleets Island, were mar
r led last evening at Claybrook Baptist j
Church. Ree. C. A. Hall, of White Stone,
offi. taing.
The bridal party was preceded by
little Miss Bessie Hall and Master
Marion Aahburn. who held open the
grates for the party to pass through.
In the bridal party were: Miss Viola
Cain's and Walter Abbott. Miss Bettle
Benson and William Ualnes: followed
by Miss Emma Abbott, stater of the
bride, carrying the ring;.
The wedding march was played byj
Miss Sadie Barnett. of Tombs! The,
church was beautlfull? decorated. After
the ceremony a reception was held in;
honor of the newly married pair.
?Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1
Pulaski. Va. October 3*.?Miss bflts
i: Chsntbley. of Drapers Valley, sad
Joseph E Glbbe. a travellas: salesman J
from Brunswick County, were married
yesterday afternoon at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr? J. D.
Chutnbley They left Pulaski Im?
mediately after the ceremony on a
honeymoon trip
??sinns BaiiBsai
; Special to The Tim-s-Dispatch ;
Orange. Va. October I*?The Orange
Baptist Church wss the scene of a
pretty wedding this morning at II
oclock, when Mise Mary Jaaett Raw-;
lings man ltd Francis Laratoad. of
Alexandria The eherch was decorated '
la fans* aad mm* So wee a aad a pro?
fusion of red aataasa leaves The!
bride, who wan gtvea away by her
brother. Richard H Bawling*, ware a
tailored satt at Man saiga aad carried
white So wem Miss Helen Rnwllgers.
of Waahinn-ton. niece of the bride, was
the maid af heaer and ware a pink
frock drased In flowered chHean aad a
large pink bat. and carried senk chrys
a nthi lasses The beat saaa was Mr.
Maya, at Alesaadrtn. and the ssJkers
ware: Lot Si ace a. Frank Prsst. James
Rsw lings and Mr J erkenn and Mr
After a I a ache as grvew at the real
dance of Mr. and ffjrs. R H. Rawltnn*
to the ei ddlaa party. Mr and Mrs
I .a 11 no ad left tar an eatrwSsS tna
Nartb aad wtn a?ak. tbetr fatar*
hon tn Alusaodrta Among the oat
of-town swns were Mr. and Mrs
! Keith. Mra Wal ?Sir. Mr. and Mm.
' Mara, Mrs. ?stir, af Aisaaadhta: Men,
I I- S. Wrlft. of riiisiltksaw; Mra
Stamping and
Done with neatnes? and dis?
patch. If you want special de?
signs of any kind, visit the ThaJ
himer Art Department.
Prlton. of IUpidan. Mr. and Mr*. Wil?
liam Morton. Mr. and Mrs. W. N- Green,
of Orange Springs.
? oaarratulatt-s Umurral? I poa llrlgkt
Prosper*, of Parly Victory.
(Special to Tl?- Tim-a-Dispau h. I
Bristol. Vm . Octahsr :;<>.?speaker
filihard Kvelyn Byrd. of the Virginia
House of I?. legates, addressed an audi?
ence of men und women in the City
Hall bars to-night.
Me dwelt upon the true ideals of
government as represented by Wood
row Wilson, and congratulated the
audience upon the bright prospect* of
a realization of the things for which
Mr \\ Urea, stands.
Mr Byrd paid a high tribute to
Oeneral R. A. Avers, and urged that
he be elected to congress. Ho referred
to Slemp as "a sly Individual who had
not yet summed up the courage to say
whi.-h he is for. Taft or Roosevelt."
He said be would very much like
to see Slemp defeated, and compli?
mented the Iieniocrats of the south?
west upon the determined fights whl<*h
they have continued to make to redeem
the district, and expressed the hope
that they wouid su<c?ed In this propiti?
ous year when the Bull Moose Is
abroad in the land.
rollceman Hc?lm?.
tv. v ifcDonoush. mounted policeman.
alt.ched '<? 'he First Ptotrltt. tendered his
r< ?!itnat!on to the Police iioard yesterday.
He !?ave? the ciepartment to enter the
Ka-kymlthins husinere. A special meeting
of the ooard has been called for ? o'clock
thl- evening to till in.- vacancy.
Qualifications In Chancery.
Soka St Trice quaV.fled yvterday In the
Chancery Court as administrator of the es?
tate of Miss CataarhM IS. James. The entate
i? va!u?d ar t'<."??.
Leas Winetx-rff euallfled as citcitor of
the SrWI of Vlrelnia B. Burke. The estate
Is v.Cued ;it V7..V0.
Richmond ladies are discussing
the Innovation of the petal skirt, now
being shown during the Vogue Fashion
Exhibit at the Jefferson Hotel. Room
No. 1.
This model, they say. gives ease in
walking, while still retaining the long,
slender, fashionable lines.
Indies interested In the question of
correct gowning land what woman is j
not?? are cordially invited to attend
this exhibit, held to-day and to-mor- ;
row, October ."! and November l.
? Advertisement 1
Couect. Artistic In
Arrangement - md of
HunrnnteoM ?tcshw>i
-At Moderate Pucos
-\ i M \itison o V
Office Furniture
Grace and Seventh
Open Every Dar Until 6 o'CJock.
"TTee Kind That Wear.**
SUM Paar.
st. w. Ceewr Thfrd and Breaa
New Mettod Gas Rauf es
? AT
MILLINER Y Wcrmen 's and
Misses' Outer Apparel.
????Mi oa? stai
tLtsKt ?Bsssjsjbssj irns?.
ou> it test oar rr-warrt sr.
Clover Sale Specials
at isew fan styles hi
His Engagement to Daughter of
Minister to Costa Rice
Is Announced.
gagciin.ni. to Ji.aa Maigare
*tcpuaugi?t ot LtWH
Liuslciii, of New i'ork, Aim-n
iJii\oy tlilrsara'lssi j raid Mltnttt
Ptoniaetestlsrj lo Cvstu Kica, U4a just
been announced ins r.urop.-. has o-. ft.
??tie ot wie oi ig-..i ,,Bu.uuwr stars ef
ine bd'-n. ins tiuu m Uonuoii, and waa
formerly a lleuUtaae*! jI ui- rirsi
rti giiuciit of tiiti; UuarJa. on the a
ierve lorce of ?nun be is alul BS1 -
lied. He succeeded tu ma latnd' ??>
honors a year aj|o, is about tar eat* ?
Hille years ul age. aim baa SB Italian
mother, tue Do., ager Mercaleaees at
'J weeuuale?w h?te aaaTM s?ould be pro?
nounced aa u it here. .-,<eit "Tw iddle"
?Wilj was a lilsa L'a;iuiJ;i BartOittCCi,
of Florence, btie la still a verj iiaud
soine woman of tnc juiiu t>pe ol
beauty, and comprises among many
talents and accomplishments taat ol
engine driver, having performed tue
feat of driving the that locomotive
ueross the great bridge spanning the
Firt of Forth.
L.?rd Tw e. ddale spent so:ne time in
the L'nited .States three years ago. un?
der the name and courtesy Utts of
Karl of Gilford. The entailed estate.":
which he inherited through his fat bar's |
death extend over 40.0'ei acres In Eng?
land and Scotland, an-1 include Tester, ]
a wonderful place in Haddhigtonshlrc.
which was already ac-minted very old
When King Alexander fit. cf Scotland,
in 1263, visited Sir Hugh d- Clifford
in his castle of Tester to take coun-,
se| with him how t' overthiow thai
Norwegian 'nvaders. This historic ln-:
terview bore fruit in the defeat which j
overtook the Norwegian King Haakon
and his army and Sir Walter Scott has,
immortalized the interview between;
Alexander 111. and Sir Hugh Gifford,
at Tester Castle, bj hts poem '-Mar-j
A feature <>f the castle is the Gob-;
lin Hall, a structure the maintenance
of which Is bound up by tradttim and
superstltutioa with tba fortunes or
I?rd Tweeddale's family.
Tester Castle used during the* life-[
time of the late marquis to be the
headquarters of the gypsies, who found
?In him their principal protector. In:
fact, he used popularly to be known
as the Kine of the Gypsies, and the
principal tribes )f the t'n'.ted Kingdom;
would not only make their headquart
era on his i'-ster p.-ouerv.-. but would'
also ?hold their periodical meetings
there under his protection. His know?
ledge of their lore was of the most;
extensive nature.
The Goblin Hall is not the >nly
tali8man of Lord Tweeddale's family.
There is likewise the famous Tester
pear. The Sir Hugh de Gifford of.
"Marmoin" was accounted by his con-'
temporaries as a necromancer, and
when his only daugnter. Joanna, married.
Sir Thomas Hay. In this way bringing
Tester into the possession jf the great
Scotch house of Hay. to which Lord
Tweeddale belongs, the old fellow took
a pear from his orchard at Tester and
gave it to the couple with the assur?
ance that as long as it was kept in?
tact their descendants wjuld prosper.'
Sir Walter Scott in his -Diary" de?
scribes how he had seen and handled
the now fossilized pear which had
been plucked more than 500 years pre?
viously, and which Is still preserved
at Tester Castle, in a silver casket as
the principal treasure of the family.
It bears the marks of the teeth of a
lady who In the reign of Charles L
attempted to bite a piece' out of it,
w-itb toe result that she was overtaken
by the most dire misfortune.
With regard to Lewis Einstein, he
has been in turn secretary to the Amer?
ican Embassy in London. Paris and
Constantinople, charge d'affaires at
Pekln. and has written several books,
notably one on "American Diplomacy
and Napoleon IIL at the Outbreak of
the Civil War."
When Mrs. George William Augus?
tus Pitzgeorge. widow of the eldest ofi
the morganatic sons of the late royal
Duke of Cambridge, was flourishing
in New Tork as "Lady" Fitzgeorge. a
few years ago, she repeatedly express?
ed her hope and expectation that her
two daughters. Iris and Daphne Fltz
george. who had remained with their
uncle. Admiral Sir Adolphua Fitz
george. In England and were being
brought up by him. (as was also her
son George, now in the navy) should
marry Americans. They do not seem
to have taken this advice to heart.
For Irls Fitzgeorge. an extremely
pretty girl, has Just become engaged
to Robert Shekleton Dalfour. son and
heir of the late Robert Balfour of,
Stirling, and an extensive land owner
in Scotland.
Mrs. Fltxgeor?e is by birth a mem?
ber of the hvuse of Baring, being a
daughter of the late William Ringham
Raring, of Norman Court. Hampshire.
Her first husband was Captain Frank
W. Arkwrlght. of tb> Coldstream
Guards, and his marriage to her was
sundered by the divorce court, after
the birth of a daughter. Esme Ark-j
wrlght. who. brought up by her father
and his kinsfolk, married some months
ago. as his second wife. L?rd Ribbles-i
The ex-Mrs. Arkwright thereupon
heeame the wife of the late Colonel
George William Ausrustus Fitzgeorge.
the eldest of the three sons of Prince
George of England. Duke of Cam?
bridge, and for so many years general?
issimo of the army, by his eccleslas
tlcal hut legally Invalid mar rig.- ml
January *. 1847. in the Church of St I
John, at Clerkenwell. to the popular
Irish actress. Miss Farebrother. the
name of the royal bridegroom appear?
ing on the parish register as "Georre
Frederick Cambridge, of St. laut
: De pt ford.
The duke's bride was known after
this marriage, whb h was. of course,
never ofBcially recognised, as "Mrs. |
Fltsgewge. and did not share her hus
! hand's residence on Park l-*nc and Pic-1
cadilly. known as Gloucester House,
! but lived 'n a house nearby, where her
children were brought up Mrs. Flts-j
I georre never appeared at any of the
dinner* or entertainments that the duk*>
gave at Gloucester House, was never
received at court, arid remained wholly.
In the background.
Of the three sons of this union, the
late Colmel George Fitzgeorge was. a*!
mentioned shove, the oldest. He was
singularly aafertanate ia all that he
undertook. Irritated his father .nd his
royal relatives by b*s marriage to a
divorcee, and got into oae financial
eerape after another, entailing hie
compulsory retirement from the army,
the expend It tire of ny end of money ay
his father, and not merely one. hat
several aaoaraacea tn the court of
At the state funeral of the trete ef
Caarhridge la Westminster Abbey, at
which Ria? Edward was the chief
monmer. Colonel Oeorre Fltsyeorge.
although alive at the lime, was rele?
gated to the background, and was al?
lowed ne place in the pr >ce?*ion. la
which his two vo.tne-er heotber*. Ad?
miral Sir Adc'phus FltZgeOTlfe and
Colonel Sir Aurnste? Fltveeorce. Ha
need, net as the nana. hut as the equer?
ries and principal aides da-camp of
their father. It was an such that each
1 ef them received the Star and Knight
hood of the Wtrrlsn Order with the
I prefix "fr" ta t>?**r Christian name*
i en fhnt occasion In rweoenltion of
I their seiet?es to their father, as mem
, hers or hl? royal bon.ehold. whereas
I the elder brother <"ol met ?*|e?wge
I Fllzreorse. rot no ..i-h I ,k?n of the
i soverelrn'? favor and ft -"tn>t :or
J Colonel George Fltsreonre died abort
I six year, ago ta Swltserlaad, lea wate
Ms wife and his two daughters. Da
phne and Iris, very badly off. For
even to the end of his days he al?
ways seemed imbued with the bellet
that lie could restore his shattered
fortunes by embarking in the. most
foolish and wild-cat enterprises. It
whs then that Rear-Admiral Sir Adol
phus and Lady Fltzgeorge took charge
of the widowed Mrs Fitzgeorge's tw
daughters, and of her son by her sec?
ond marriage, the boy being now a
lieutenant In the royal navy; and it Is
from Sir Adolphus and Lady Fitz?
george's house, and not from that of
her mother, that Miss Iris Pitzgorge
ls now marrying Robert g. Balfour.
While in this country Mrs Fltz
georsre. who vouchsafed many Inter?
view* to the American newspapers 01:
th. subject of the royal familv. was
repeatedly reported as abmt to marry
a i-i'-h Hew Yorker. Indeed, see inti?
mated that she had come to this coun?
try for the purpose. But the match
oil not mater.tllze. and she returned to
England a* Mrs. Fltzgeorge
'Copyright, is;;, by the Brentwood
Company, i
Pine Street Baptist to Celebrate
Fortieth Anniversary of Rev.
J. B. Hutson's Service.
Pine Street Baptist Church will next
Sunday celebrate the fortieth anniver?
sary of the pastorate of Rev. j. b. Hut-'
son. Thd pastor will preach at n
o'clock In the morning, and will sketch
briefly the history of the church dur?
ing his long charge.
The celebration proper will come at
3 o'clock in the afternoon, when s>
number of speakers will make short
addresses. The afternoon service will
be in charge of Dr. George W. Mf
Daniel. who will preside and present'
the speakers. Rev. W. L. Ball will
deliver the invocation, and Dr. J. Cal?
vin Stewart will open the meeting
with prayer.
The speakers will include Dr. R. H.
Pitt, for the Virginia Baptists; Dr. Ry
land Knight, for the Richmond Bap?
tists: Rev. Frank L Wells, for Mb
other denominations: Dr. James Nel?
son, for the Woman's College; Dr. F.
W. Boatwright. for Richmond College;
William Ellyson. for the State Mission
Board, and Dx. B_ j. Wllllngham. for
the Foreign Mission Board.
Had Big Growth.
* The Belvidere Hill Baptist Church
was constituted May 6. 1865, with sixty
nine members. For the first seven
years the church was served by seven
different pastors. In the fall of 1870.
the congregation removed to Pine and
Spring Streets, and the name of the
church was afterwards changed to the
Pine Street Baptist Church. Elder J.
B. Hutson preached his first sermon
as a pastor on Sunday, November 3.
1872. exactly forty years a**o.
The present house of worship was
completed In 1888. since which time
two annex buildings have been added.
The membership has grown from 16.
in 1872, to 1.819. the present enrollment.
With one exception the Prt?rat?
Mr. Hutaon is the long-eat in the his?
tory of the city._
rr.eWk.H.I ^***^_^t^Lim\JUmhmr
sate of C?ftdirato Hedey.
At Che meeting of the Confederate Memo
? e?S ? H?Twainf?
b^'reg^ut l? ^the Confederate
Museum for seventeen year. ?.J>?'?t~l
and reluctantly accepted. No Intimation a.
to Miss Maury'e successor has yet been
tl\ . n out. - -
Woo?ro* Wilson was made a member o.
the society at yesterday's meetlng-Among
others who were elected to membersbip are
Mrs. Waldorf AeSbr. Mrs. Oiarlea Dana
BibSin Mrs. Reginald Brooks. Mrs. ??neure
Fokins aad Mra Paul Phtpp*. all of whom
an- daughters of Corene! C. D. Langhorne.
An old album, which was taken from Je -
ferson Davis s library In Mississippi on July
U 1SSJ was presented to the museum by
Mrs. Frederick Oraat Gleason, whose hus?
band acquired It by purchase in Chicago.
The album contains the portraits ef many
famous men of the early daye in Americas
national history, and bas a number ef auto?
graphs to accompany them.
I>ief. rssnSnn Called Away. Dr. Tarka?
Win Speak as Bis Piece. I
Because of an engagement calling Prot.
W D. sannders out of the city bis lectur*.
?sen scheduled for 4:St o'clock this after?
noon at the headquarters of the Equal Sur
r.-iee I-eacue of Virginia, will be exchanged
with Dr. Bevertey TOcker. who will ?1? :?
i.-ague members and others interested in the
subject, ob "Juveatle PlwtecUos? Fads i
B. tterment." _
Miss Johnston will return from Washing?
ton, where she went to address acodents at
George Washington University, to be present
a: the meeting and ?It? ?? ouUiae of last
week's sBjoceasfo. evfCrage osovoation In
taasd Said SB Cewaty.
Vndrew Pollard. George W Bedeo aca s?.
C Freeman e*nred In a res! estat* deai
r-careed yeeterday at Henrico Courthouse. |
whicfi h-.volved IS*, acres ef laad aear Dun
Nvrn. on the Newsaarket F.oad. three miles
on- of the city. Mr. Poilard so -1 the above
t-act t? Mr. Bedel! and Mr. Freeman 'or a!
nominal co-osWeraUoa. Tbe real va ne et
She Und as shown tn the t?a s??c-~mrnla Is
a....ut j:
i Bid K*t Bold I > fctwvsa.
c aewice gi'SMi ar.d Wintern Anderson,
the two segn-s arre'tcd by tbe c|;t police
anS ruraed oved to tbe count? sathoruies
?o- trtal oa tbe charge of ne'dtn* up J. W.
<? Graves oa tbe Brook Turnpike a abort
? im- ago. were yesterday released from ?-os
:?4v after a hearing before Varutrate T. J
I'myear. No evidence was ?rodur?-.! t.. ?~nw
tbat tbe a* arses wer? eurty.
sBSaBBsf **oB to CTv Iwaft.
after in ea'tre da? bad been aperr in
H ??.?!<-* Clrcoit Court Jn -be presentation aT
?.Wieare in ?*e aull which W It. Fetraon ra
' - rcir.c aealnst. Hsta-t. Jones sag Cad
!"iry to rc-eeer cer'a'r ?nimmt? which tbe
reals'Iff 'alms ho paid far ptwmbtas; Bv
turee b? ne-. er recefr-d. tbe case wes yes
?? relay transferred b? the CTty Ort an ceert
The st-und fee the traaef-r wa? a 'ack of
jjrtsdlctlen tn the county
President Wlltlaat H Adams e? the Board
?f Aidersasa. ssssed yesterday e eel! for a
joint SgsBBs of the Board ef AMeetne* and
Cn-ner.oei Ceonct: f-w asst If ill ntgbt at
I *? erlern to reeotes aad set ea tbe rests
rt-ften ef Chatr-aws ctiartes Bet'ser as a
--?saber of tbe Orr w^wc aWsseJJ,
Ts? cenfmea Coon- H wti: wi~-t ee Boeder
- tg*i- at t o'c oeh 'n regalae fflaafi:? seav
- -or.
Death Tern a dope af raebotv- s^td ad?
ministered ander ise balls* fbet tt was a
harm'esv SBSSJjSBl rawer im r *>.-? Jsfcneo*
a <? si er? S ehlks? ef HSI Soetb tesaabardr
S'eeet. eajeiv yeeterdae saeewbag Aaibeleoes
I sjsa ?s Hawkins swBsas sssdj te aav* ?-?
'i'< ef tbe child, bot n sew* ?e. am?-? re
its terrible radetaigi i ?raaarr Tay or ?-?w
e.1 tbe SwdV
?we. aw as I t we reaweasay.
*a|t oa* htswoe'ed T-wif-?tar la ?b? t^w
aad Sajaltv <""we? pv ?a-a? H Tstte^ea
eaaiast the Vieei*> s F.. i ?? aaS **?>??
i ' *ni easy for sseawasM la tarries a> tbe sass
jef tjas* Xm aecasratssti bee eesa ted.
Our Diamond stock is now
We can satisfy every demand is
price, as we have them from
S15.M to t7N.ll
Richmond's Lead lot
Second and Brand Sea.
Emma Taylor Gets Two Yean
for Too Strenuously Defending
Right to Her Yard.
Etnnia Taylor, >f Warwick County,
must serve her term of two year a Hi
the State Penitentiary for smttlnS Bat?
tle Ughtfoot with sundry brickbats en
the htad. on the hip, on the arm and oa
suadry other parts of her person, with
intent to Injure, malm, disfigure and
kill, all against the peace and dignity
of the Cammonwealtb of Virginia. The
Supreme Court yeBterday refused t>
grant a writ of error, ending the case.
The petition for a writ set f irth as
its argument that the record does not
show that Emma Taylor was In court
when her case was dlsyosed of. Nu?
merous authorities were cited to show
that the accused must be present and
the record must slow It. But the court
does not recognize this contention.
It seems that Bettle's calf had wan?
dered In Emma's yard. In the suburbs
of Newport News. According to the
evidence, the calf received bricks on
various parts of Its person, whereupon
Bettle took up the animal's cause, with
results which were most dlsaatnus to
her bodily well being and her peace
of mind.
Walters Pleads ??ilHy to Charge of
Philippine Souvenirs.
Norfolk. Vj. October 3ft -aPen Walters,
a former mllttaryman from Fort Monroe.
Ire?irted at Richmond on the charge of
etealtnar Philippine bolo souvenirs from an
army officer's hlme. to diy pleaded sullty
before Federal Judse Wsddlil here and was
Slven sixty days In Jail.
Many People Die of Acute Indigestion
When MI-O-NA Would Have
Saved Them.
Never mind
a- h a t caused
that Stomach
distress, that
terrible foefing
that something*
is clutching at
your heart and
squeezing the
very life out of
with you all the
time. Don't go
away or to work
without them.,
for no matter*
how great the
heaviness; boat
much the accumulation of gas; how mnv
erable the sourness; MI-O-NA STOM?
ACH TABLETS will give you joyful re- :.;
lief in a few minutes and qukkly drive
awav all agony or distress.
sold on money back plan; use them to '
end any Stomach discomfort, Indigestion
or Catarrh of the Stomach.
Large box for SO cents at Tragle Drue,
Co.'s and druggists every where.' Triad
treatment free from Booth s Mi-o-na, Bof- ;
falo, N. Y.?Advertisement.
I Better
l for the Money?at
1 j/euvEN wisoj
One Timekeeper of which the
people have a record varied oory KV
seconds m 14 months.
We seil em- S15.M and up
Smith & Webster
These Specialists. - SI2 E. Mate.
The Best in Heaters at
?fonts Bros. I Gt, be.
1418.1420 E. Main St
!2-piete TsJafal Set.
blue, pink or ?rren
Ik L B. Tayisr Ca,
The *ervicc r? the very qwdHtS
on rjrr^criptions at
Tragle s