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WILL HOT DIVULGE HIS INFORMATION Cyrus Bentley Claims What Client Imparted to Him Is Confidential. EXCUSED FROM STAND Harvester Hearing in Chicago May Be Concluded To-Day. Chicago. October 21.?Declaring information which came to him in the capacity of an attorney is contidentl&l and privileged under thai ruling of the courts, Cyrus Bentley, former counsel for the McCormick Harvester Company, declined to answer questions regard? ing conference s held In Now York prior to the organization of the In? ternational Harvest? r Company, when he was rariss to-day ;?? :? witness the government's dissolution suit. Counsel for the government put a score of questions to tHs wltnes;i re? garding the vlxlt made by members of the McCormick family to New York to confer with financiers concerning the combination of harvester manu? facturers. l>.t Mr. Pent ley declined to reveal any of the tecrets of the con? ferences. Attorney Edwin Grosvenor. who questioned the witness for the gov? ernment, pointed ont that his under? standing of the rule ?as that where A third person was present with an at? torney and tits csi'-ut. the subject matter could not be considered confi? dential and privileged. "That may be true, but I do not understand that way and nvist decline to disclose Information received from a client while acting as counsel." said Mr Bentley. After further questioning th* wit? ness said hj was not present at th* meeting in New York. July 28, 1S?2. w hen preliminary Stegs were taken for the organisation of the International Harvester Company. He was then excused, and William M. Reay. comptroller of the Interna? tional Harvester Company, produced the apprlsals of th? pla.ots of the Mc ?Oormick. Deerin?. Piano and Milwaukee companies, used in determining the value of the properties when the con? solidation was put Into effect in ISO.'. They were offered in evidence. K. N. Wood, secretary of the inter? national Harvester Company of Am--ri ca, the sales corporation for the al? leged combination, was called to iden? tify numerous price lists sent out to agents between 1903 and 1311 to show that the different lines of machines bearing trade mark names were ad? vertised separately and that standard prices were maintained. The present hearing In Chicago will, it 1? expected, be concluded to-mor? row, when Mr. Wood will close his testimony, and Professor John Uee Coulter, chief of statisticians of the Volte? St?te*'Cenaus Bureau, and Wil? liam Vjncent. formerly an officer of the Aultman ? Miller Machine Com? pany, one of the concerns aald to have |been absorbed by the alleged combi? nation, will be examined. The next hearing of the case will be held at St. Paul early In November. Has Ucen Long Enough in (Joocliland Jail lor Killing of Husband. BOARO NOT YET APPOINTED larmvillc School Officials at Capitol?l ighting Pre? vents Pardon. Oom Mann ye.-terdny granted a pardon to Willie Harris, a colored wo? man in the Goochland County Juil. serving ? term for manslaughter. She kill?.! her hMsband, and was tried foi murder, out the circumstances sur roundliiK the case inlluencod the jury to give her one year in the Slav? Peni? tentiary. Anybody I'.ad rather spend a ; ear in the Stale prison than in the Oooch land jail, but Willi. Harris had Ihne small children, y> horn the desired to be near. Therefore, on recommendation of county official'. Governor Mann commuted the term to >>m. of the same length in jail. She has served HTM months ot this time. -Ufr physical condition .is not good, and officer* jotti'd in th<- reutest for clemency, j u-i<< George S. Shack elford. of tli?- Circuit Court, says that the public interests will not be sub? served by keeping b?? incarcerated any longer. FARMVILLE BOARD , ?cbool Omcials of State .Normal tall at Capitol. Judge Asa l>. Watklns. anrntirj and treasurer Of trie State Female Nor? mal School at Farmvillr. and B. ML Cox. steward of the same institution, visited the Capitol yerterday. It was assumed they were .-- ..-kma informa? tion as to when members of the board of director* of tha school would he ap? pointed, so that a meeting might be i held. The board has 1 now no ?i-uo rum. As a result of the unfortunate condi? tions which have arisen, the school is said to be somewhat disorganized, a feeling of uncertainty pervading the faculty and student body. I The affair was an outcome of the contest between Judge Walter A. Watson and Congressman Itabert Turntvjll in the Fourth District. Mr. Turnbull was chairman of the board, his term expiring last July. Accusa? tions were made that Mr. Cox was ac? tive in support!^ Mr. TurnbuM. and Judge Watson's friends made com? plaint of this. The matter was taken up with the Governor, and he gave out a statement to the effect that he would not appoint the directors to the four vacancies until after the primary eleo? tion, which was held September 21. PARDON REFUSED Tot* Fights KicUfd In hr I'rtaoae? Sa*U Hin numettk The Governor yesterday refused to pardon Lovelace Young, who is serv? ing five years in the penitentiary from There is only OME grade of STEIN WAY PIANO '1 he difference in the price of the various I style? i> governed by the exterior design I and the size The Steinway ha-, established a stand? ard for ail pianoforte construction It is ; the piano i>re-emincnt in the musical 'world. Sent for free catalogue. j Sole agents in this territory for the I Mcinwuy and other high grade pianos. Walter D. Moses & Co. IIS East Broad Street. ] Oldest Music House In Virginia and North Carolina. 1 Norfolk on a charge of houaebreaking 1 and larceny. The prisoner served three years, and would before this have been eligl | ble to release on parole, but f t the fact that he has developed a tendency to tight with Iiis fellow-convists. Two battles have been recorded against him on the prison books, and destroyed his chance for clemency. He must serve at least one more year, and perhaps ; longer unices h'. behaves himself. Tob?reo Costers <'kartered. I The Tobacco Reha .idling Company, Ltd.. a corporation chartered under ; the laws of Kentucky, was yesterday ; granted a certificate of authority to .do business in Virginia. It is engaged j in business at 320 South Tenth Street, I this city. The ftrm was formerly I ft Matthews & Sons, of New Jersey, j Knglish capital to the amount of $10?. i oOO is said to be employed. The con ' cern buys and resells tobacco. Wll ' Ham K Burghard. of this city, is stat | uiory agent. Capital Stork Increased. The capital of the Liverpool. London and Globe Insurance Company, of Lon? don, has been Increased to ?15,000.01)0. It is authorized to do business in Vir? ginia. Goveraar Goea to Lowdeua. Governor Mann goes to Leesburg to? night, and will to-morrow attend a school meeting. AMONG THE SPEEDERS D. R. Crecey Appeals from Ftae of ?10? fa Police C ourt. D. It. Creecy, a r*a! estate dealer, was ftned IIOO and costs yesterday morning in Police Court for driving an automobile ffc*ter than avowed by law. Creecy was tr rested Wednesday by Motorcycle Officer C B Samuel?, who testified that he wu racln* Ma car at, twenty-eight miles an hour In Mor.ument Avermc. Creecy appealed from the One. _ Cmnberkand County Prisoners. H. K. Adams, ?heriff of Cumberland Coun ry. came to Richmond Wednesday night from York. Pa., where he had been to take charge of Philip James, a negro wanted In Cumberland for h>usebre* The pris? oner was lodged In the Henrlco County Jail for the night, and Sheriff Adams left for Crirbjerland Courthouse witfi his charge Ttsterday afternoon. James is already un? der Indictment by the grand Jury for his al? leged effsaa*. 'The People's Choice Made Effective by the People's Money" ?WOODROW WILSON In these words the Democratic standard bearer, with characteristic incisiveness, has gtruck the keynote of the movement which is supporting him and which is going to elect him. For a quarter of a century the money of the Interests has been paying the political bills of the nation. And the Interests have been receiving in return the legislative favors of those elected to office by its money. As tar as Wilson and Marshall, their ticket and the Democratic National Committee are concerned, these things are at an end. A National House Cleaning Wifcoa's program calls for a National House Cleaning. / He has said to the people?"Break into your own house ?ad Irre there. And (want yon to examine very critically the character of the tenants who have been occupying it. It is a Tery big boose and very few people have been living in h: and the rent has been demanded of you and not of then. Ton have paid the money which enabled them to Sre in yonr own house and dominate your own premises." Election Day is going to be Moving Day for the old The people are going to more into their own hoase on ?er Ich. Bot first they have got to house clean, pa and pails, scrubbing brushes and pumice with their dollars, dean, hard-earned dollars will drive oat the minted ones and pay the moving the old arrogant avaricious tenants have in years gone by. ?1 ? ? r-r?? Tfnsj wfS pay the bills i TfsSW wM help to spread the fhnsr pisihiiin and ticket, ar to the Rallying Cry Hung hi a ills' piogtessite voters of the country, the lent Democrats. Republicans, Progressives and I are helping with their money the cause of right and popular government. of the Democratic Campaign. ' gospe! of Wilson and Marshall, . among millions of free men, of know the right and the wrong in this Orr ? hack cp the refusal of Wilson and Mar i accept corporation money. They will stand hy and Marshall in their determination to win by the Mary or net at all. mm give one dollar to elect Woodrcw Wilson of the United States ? WiU you give S2. S* ?10 The People's Cense Needs a Mffion Dollars 4? h win be easy to get h if Wilson and Marshall does his why the People's Cause should fund an the Cause of toe Few. ? you give today r ku dollar isn't needed. snste and the fiffht will he over. Money will ?then. We taust use it just as soon as you PA to SSO 00 and Marshall WiU You Be a Missionary for Wilson and Marshall? We need thousands of men and women who will appoint themselves to head lists and get subscriptions for this clean campaign fund. Everywhere in offices and factories, on farms and rail? roads, there is a glorious opportunity to do effective work in the service of your cause. Put your name and the amount you give at the bead of a list and get your fellow-workers and friends to sign under you. Pin the money to the list and send it to C R. Crane, Vice Chairman Finance Committee. Democratic National Com? mittee, 900 Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. Strike out today for the Wilson Cause which will win ali the more overwhelmingly with your support. How to Contribute to the Wilson Campaign Fund Sign the Coupon in this comer and fill in the amount you give. Then attach your Money to this Coupon and mail today to the address given oa the Coupon. tnbuuZn to*C?it. Crane. V?c* IgsjBj A venae, Chicago, HI. Then write a letter to this newspapei giving yocr r.atne at a cowtr;haw?r and stating year reasons why you believe Wood row Wilson should be elected President of the United States. In this way yon wilt be listed as a Wilson con tribuior. A Svovenir Receipt, handsomely lithographed, well worth framing, wi'.l be sent to yon. Your letter wttf heip the fifht by encouraging your friends. Do everything yon can to bold np Wilson's hands in bis c'-ean campaign tor the people who do ose werk and fighting r>l the cauntrv. Woodrow Wins, Fi LOYALTY COUPON Warne. ?.P.D. HENRICO TO HEIR WILSON ADDRESS Meeting at Courthouse To-Mor ; row Will Listen to Final Ap? peal to Voters. I j Democrats of Hent ico Count) KM I asked to meet at 12:30 o'clock to-mor? row at the county courthouse, to ?.ear i the linal address of Governor W?.od ; row Wilson to th?- people of the l,"tilted ? Stales. Not only members of Gov j crnor Wilson's party, but those of any I other political faith, are Invited. I Chairman II. M. Fleet d.d not learn ' until yesteiday of the request of the : Urmorratii N ? Committee con ? ccrning these .neetinxs. and had aO , time to prepare fee precinct aathci i illgs. There Will, therefore, be but I one meeting in Henrlco?that at the 'courthouse. Mr. 1-ieet. or some MM M? lected by him. will read the address, ! w hich will oco-ipy only a few min? utes. From many counties and cities of the State letters have come to State Chairman J. Taylor Kllyson. indicating i that lo-al parly authorities will com ' ply with the request to make to-mor ' row Wilson and Marshall Day. All ' over tlie State meetings w ill be held, at which the Wilson address will be read to the assembled voters. Where clubs exist, they will meet. Speakers will add to the meetings in many lo? calities. PUBLIC SPEAKING DATES The following appointments are announced rota State Dcmocratle headquarters: James Ha/. Morgan's Mill. November I, I P. M. Berryvilie. No. ernb? r t 2;? P. M. Pierce s School hous'-, November Z. 1 !'? M H. t>. FUaal Kockbridge County, November L i umberiand. November 2. j.<iio;iia, November 4. K. W. H'bard. Centenary, November 2. Don P. Halsoy. IIa rrisonburg. November 1. Flo>d W. Klag. IlarrisonlAirg. November J. datura! Bridge. November i 1-exlngton. November 4. Hugh A. White. Harrlsonburg. November 2. Thomas J. Heftla. Ii'errlsoijburg, November 2. C. C. Berkeley. Gloucester, November 4. Carter Glase, f'ijiihowle, November 2. Marion. November 2 (night). Newport News, November 4. Richard I.. Beete. Richmond County. November 4 C. C. Carlia. Herndon. November 2. E. W. Saaadera. Bachelor s Hall. November 1 (X P. at.). Scow Creek. November X. Rocky Mount, November 4.1 W. A. Jenes. Frtderlcksburg, November 2. John Lamb. Dlsputanta. November : (night/. Portsmouth. November 2 'night*. HU1 Montague. Keysville, November 2. 2 P. M. Charlotte Courthouse. November 2 (night) X. E. HoUaad. Boykins, November 2. ?J. T. Clement. Bachelor s Hall, November 1 q p a i B. Tata Irvine v>ryden. November 1. St. Charles. November 2 8. W. WUIiaaas. Coeburn. November 2. Aiibrey G. Weaver. Canterburg. November 1. S P yi K. E. Bird. Gore. November 2. S P. M Marshall MrCortnir*. Middletown. November 2. S P. M J. TAYLOR ELLTSON, . ? _ Chairman. J. A. Brenaman. Secretary. URGENT CALL IS MADE FOR FUNDS Wilson College Men's League Needs $30,000 for Big Pa? rade in New York. A last call for financial help from the various State branches of the WoMlrow Wilson College Men s Leaarue has been issued by National Treasurer John L DeSaulles and received by the officers of the Virginia League-. The treasurer is making this appe.:i in or? der to secure the $30.00') necessary to defray the expenses of the gigantic Wf lson-St:lzer parade In New York Saturday, which the league hopes to present to the National Democratic Committee JS a gift. The call is in the shape of a night letter received yesterday by Lucius F. ? t'ary. State ..rganizer of the Wood row Wilson College Men's League, and reads as follows. I "What piMMM to be the biggest parade and demonstration in politiiai history is to be i:ejd In New York No? vember 2. Members of this sWaBM are '? to lead the line of msrc'i, with Wood raw Wilson at the head. The parade | is being given under the auspices of the Woodrow Wilson ?"olleg(. Men's league, which is standing for all ex - Pensen. including bands, srrandstands. Hags, banners. iH>afs. advi rtising. etc The of the same will he In the neighborhood of $2?.ihh?. All political and patriott? societies sutiporting V? .wnlms- Wilson Jre turning; out en masse > >n?- hundred men are expe< I?) t.? fall in line. It Is our pur? pose to this contribution to the national ommitt'-f in the name of the leasrue. it wo.ild he: a fitting, close :? the sf>|en>did work IBM**)! on by this league throughout the country. Ae treasurer of the organization I ree4 J all the asslstan-e and help that I ran! po?s,bl> cet jn order to carry out our ambition, an I I am --aMing on the nr m Sers of the Virginia l^jjur to rive me (loan. ;al support. IH? not fe?>l that Satiir.iav will be the end. Vcause the ?Vila will come In next week, and that j I* th- time that I need the m >Iiey the I most Whatever \our organisation can ! III S. more than app?e. tate.t lies?.- wire m- If we ran <-oorit on yoa for th.s sau'h needled ?a* ?lanee "JOHN L IG^AI-I-t?." The !o--al bran-h of thin organization -ias already collected more than $!??? and everts to in er ease this ? ontrl^n tl.T) material!' T 'o*e wt?h-n? to bat ? share In answering rh's call <-an mail i-berk? to \jir\m V Cary. Trave>|er? Fii'M'ra. .->n-l -e etve ? handsota- lit ? - graphed rn-elpt ,n retarn. f >?>?r*a! t" T*ve Time?.rvrpatch t I)tfif;l>. Va. Oetnttee 11 ?Via? Hop* Lafctrlll* .Seibert was m*rr>-d aat'tl ta Dr C X OsmMe mt TTlarti .? Tt C.'sjt TaneeTTtiie this afts.rweew at. I alack by th* Rev X Mvrektawn. ? Baayttat pastor The fwaeriaee waa q?!f? a sieerlae. , tlsp $>r??$al imr'-r. wit* a r*?s*eron tiswJO'lag ?w ? r to th' No-tit CapeTIni , eity at 2 A-c|*?rk Mts? *Hnert le a1 Mantis.' roam* teacher at t*>? fssmaMSle ] ffsstltnte. and her kasfietia nee a tfswal Bessettes* at Wsstet 4^ea?lav - win ?? MANY TEACHERS NOW AVAILA8LE Mote Ready for Service in Pub I lie Schools Than in Past. Questions Asked. laeatMUoa facts regarding the sup I ply and <!? maud of teachers in the p?Mki schools* with ike U.fflcuitiea ?n couiit. red in mntls?rsll sltiMstsenm aar? t?e.-ii o!>t;ni!.-t! by the Department Ol i'li'dic Instruction, i'uisuilia its pol : icy of gettiiiK iit facts with a view to Ui- bwsjl aar?Ida, s questionnaire was a nt out on uotober IS (a lind jut ccr ?uin fa ts. This year for the Ural time the certi 'ti' atioii of t. ai hers in the public SSkOakl Iii? . ? n pland directly under ili. ? :..:r^. of ihe department, instead <>t artta th* old state iiourd of Mjaata* ' luers. .some d<-iay and a certain am iunt of confusion SB soon quarter* was found uaavoidable, yet it has not i been of s i tfl. i.n t volume to be v in bar ! raastaf. the naoelllllll asked were for the purpose of finding out? 1. How many teaehers were etiU needed. i K Mow rnsny emerg'n'y certificates : iiad already been asked for. 3. Total number of emergency cer? tificates that would probably tie re? quired. 4 The names and addresses ~>t available leec hers still unemployed. Ninety-six of the counties and cities have been heard from. Sad the figure* Kiven are both interesting and lUu* ! minatiiig. Dim.-uMIrs Fonnd. The ninety-six count es and cit'es I report that they still need 247 white land .'"1 eotored teachers; that they I have asked for IIS emergency certifi? cates for white teachers and 114 for colored teachers: that the total num? ber of emergency certificates will prob? ably b<- 22s for whites and 111 tit negroes. They give the. names of HO white and eighteen colored teachers ?tili unemployed and available. Many superintendents report that their lack j of teachers ts due to the Cad that per ! sons elected had jumped their contracts ! at the last minute. Others report i that the fault' lies in small salaries I or difficulty in securing a proper board - j ins place, ft ts certainly true that ; Virginia this year has sent an unus ? tially large number of teachers to ether States, and yet there appear to f be en ough left to provide teachers for I the home schools wtt!i the smallest number of emergency certificates ever issued. During the year ending June 30, 1911, 602 emergency certificates were Issued to white teachers and 2S7 to colored teachers. The reports for the session just closed are not in yet, but the number is hardly as large aa the year before, since the number of emergency certificates has been gradually de? creasing for several years. This year it will be necessary to issue to white teachers probably only one-half as many emergency certificates as year before last. Colored Teaehera. Xext year the department proposes to take up the matter of providing an adequate supply of colored teachers In a very systematic way. and it is be? lieved that a plan has already been j suggested-that will relieve the sltua ' tion materially. i During the summer the department handled between 50.000 and 60,000 ex? amination papers. This shows that about 5,000 persons take the examina? tion each year, counting as twj per? sons those who try both of the exam? inations. The heaviest part of this work comes in August, but by length? ening the hours and using extra help the papers were handled and the great | bulk of the reports sent out in twenty-] five days. 1 The department will now put thai information s-ecured fr >m the ques-j tionnaire to good use> by sending the. names of available teachers to the; counties needing teachers, and wherever i a fairly decent salary is offered it is; hoped the need may be met promptly. | Climate Failed; Medicine Effective ?* aae been absolutely shown that rest.1 fresh mir and good food Jo help many per? sons suffering from Tuberculosis. But it must be admitted that the disease is seldom more than ?arrested.- Something more la needed Kckman's Alterative is a medicine made far the treatment of Tuberculosis It BUS conquered thin disease again sad ???In. . Often these benefits have been effected '? where the surroundings were not ideal?yet; recoveries resulted. Now we argue that Eckmea'i Alterative should be used la every case of Tuberculosis. In addition to good, nourishing food and fresh air which we ail need. A remarkable ease foliowa: WELDONT. It: I "Gentlemen: Through Eck man's Alterna? tive I have been saved from a premature grave. On December 14. ISM. I waa taken With Typhoid Pneumonia. My lungs became very mach affected, my ?putum was exam? ined and Tuberculosis BaefTll were found. On February :i. IMS, I was advised to go to Fort Worth. Texae. While then aa abscess In my right Ion* broke and dVtrharged. I grew worse, and became very mach emaci? ated. My physician Infoi und me that I meet go to Colorado as quickly as possible. I left Texas June 1 and arrived In Canoni City June r very feeble. After being there; two weeks, mr physician Informed me that my rase was ho,?eiees Three) weeks later I returned nom. weighing Mt pounds the doc? tor having given me no assurance of reach? ing there alive. "On July 14. I began taking F. >. man's wonderful remedy for Cor sumption. Tn-day I weigh IS* pounds. I am stoat and well and can do any kind of work about my grain elevator I have not an ache nor pain In my lungs, eat well, sleep well, and never re;t hrtter" . <?wo?n sfftdavlt" ARTHTr WEBB Eektnan s Alterative is 'effective In Bron? chitis. Asthma Hay PWer. Throat and l.ung Tronblee. and la anenlldlng the system. Done not contain polsona. opiates or haMt-formlng' druge For sw'e Ny Owens * Minor Drug! Oorrand other leadtng oTagrtste. Ask* for book>t teTllag of reeoverlea and write to EVkman'e Lahore tery. Philadelphia. Pa. for additional evtdeaeC Sirt Lake* AsB I SI anale r or phone i**??how to sot tula $8.00 24-pt Tea Set; m "Thank Duke's Mixture for Them" Every member of your family will date the many handsome, useful presents can get free with the coupons now Duke's Mixture is one of the big favorite braisd* J both pipe end cigarettes. Men everywhere prefer i cease of its true natural tobacco taste. Duke's it simply the choice leaves of fine Virginia and Carolina bright leaf?thoroughly aged, stemmed crumbled. It's impossible to get a purer smoke.j more likeable one than this mild, rich, fragrant ?f Myers Duke's Mixture. , One and a half ounces of this choice tobacco cost only 5c?and with each sack you get ? ' of cigarette papers FREE. The Presents are FREE They do not cost you one penny. In each 5c i Liggett Sc Myers Duke's Mixture we now pack present coupon. With these coupons you can get: article described in our illustrated catalogue of ] ents. As a special* good during October and November onfy,i will give you thia_> log absolutely Simply send us your and address. Cou0?ns from DUKE'S ! it auorttd .wit <t Tars from SHOE, J. T.. TINS LEY'S f LEAF, GRANGE-i TWIST ? from FOUR ROSES (IMm * *>n) PICK PLUG CUT. CIGARETTES. C.iSX CK end other toss and coupeni tJlucJ i Address?Premium Dept. mJaLtWl//?sm>?mmSB Cts ST.LOUIS^SJO. News of PetersbiM Times-Dispatch Bureau, 5 Bolllngbrook Street. (Telephone 14S5) Petersburg, Va.. October IL The Sunday School Institute, under the auspices of the Baptist School As? sociation of this city, now Dwinsj helil in the Second Church, is attracting much attention and jlruwiti~ large as? semblages. Mi.-s Williams, of Birming? ham. Ala., spoke twice at last even? ing's sessions. She is a speaker of rare gifts. She spoke again this after? noon and to-night on subjects speci? ally pertaining to Sunday school work and training. The Itev. J. C. C. Dun ford, who is in charge of the institute, spoke this afternoon on 'The (Jrade'l School." and to-night the Rev. Dr. Ry land Knight, of Richmond, discussed "The Teacher's Kvangelistic Oppor? tunity." Professor R. E. Gaines, 01 Richmond, i* scheduled for two ad? dresses, with illustrations, at the ses? sions to-morrow. F uneral of Mr. O'Keaaua. The body of R. Thurman O'Kennon. who died of asphyxiation night before last in the Lexington Hotel in Balti? more, was brought to the city this morning, and the funeral took place at 2:2? o'clock this afternoon from the Matoara Methodist Church. The im? pressive services were conducted by the Rev. Joseph Wiesham and the Rev. Lloyd C. Moore. The burial was In the cemetery at Mataoca He Is survived by his wife and one daughter, at their home in Kttrick; by his mother, three brothers. Reter. of Matoara: William T. of Mount Airy, X. C. and K. fl O'Kennon. of Petersburg. Also by two sisters. Mrs. Esther Olli and Mr-. Mary Butler, of Matnara. *ie %eial Deaths, Mrs Lillian Siate. wife of J. C Slate, an employe of the Virginia Railway and Power Company, died at an early hour this morning at the BlrdviLe sjksnitoriam. after a lingering illness. Besides her husband, she is survived try threw children Master <>corg? l.n< kett Jones, five and a half years old. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Jones, di*d last evening after a brief illness, at the home of the parents on Harrison Street. The body was taken to-night to the former home of the parents at Win ston-SaJem. K. C. for burial. Herbert I .ester, two years old. son of Mr. and Mrs J. B Andrews, died last evening at the home of the par? ents on Kerndale Avenue. A message received to-dar from R. Gordon Finney. former!v secretary of the Young Men's <'t?risti?n Association m Petersburg, announced the death In Washington of his father. L H. Fin ney. for manv >ears connected with tho tTr.lted tVafes Vary Department. f ast evening at ' "9 o'clock at the residence of th- Rev. K W Moore, who perforated the eeremony. Miss F.tU I gnj Hundley and Ldwsrel >.inf..rJ Ifolieman. nrere ? n 'od In marring". The?roi;p|e wer.- attend-d >>> Miaa Ma* Hundley, sister of the brtdnv, ?Med J.tfms ?r*Kel|ey It is expected that there Will be ? n imbrr of peutoral rhanae? on the eoantv ct'. utts In the Petersburg dis? trict at the ctwar ?f th* present con? ference year hy reason of the esstira-, tinn of the fo?r years' terms of see- i vie*. With the opening of the gmSBe *.-*.! son to-morrow ma ay haatstaea will g? out from Petersburg to get Bmt shots! at the fall coveys of straw. Mom s* the farm- r? In this vtciaaty have, how? ever, aasteel the* wants aanasawt has* J ^ ?TanSteMha, *^'^^^si^^9^S^9 Icitj* from the grove* 'asylum at Washington I to the CVntral State. I which institution he was ? 190fl. i To-morrow will be J the Lee Public School at the lacksun School, exercises have been art in the afternoon, with Mrs. Mary !?:. Baker, j TV is . is visiting her niee liixldard. in Chesterfleli./ formerly resided in the Tn>lor?-Ms f Special to The Tii GordonsvlUe Va.. Oei? Taylor and Miss Lul.\ Ma of George Manley. both erset. Were marri? d on '1 ternoon at * oVloek. belnsr performed hy pastor of the Gorda Church. Veteran mt slity-Flve Only Ts [Special to The TI Harrisonburg. Va,. W. Holler, sixty-Are Confederate sol<lier of and Miss Bessie Mt years old. were marrlcdi Rev. George F. Cdok well-known farmer, daughter of Isaak W.Fi Richards 4 Storafe Transfer Main and The most moderst r i reproof Storage South. Milts for valuables; it* *te<m brated other modera care of hnusabuM | mate on rratiaf* ie??rt?rre.