Newspaper Page Text
S ?fgWtWm WHOLE NUMBER 19,157. RICHMOND, VA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1912. TO WIATBBB TO-OAT PBICE TWO SEABOARD TRAIN JUMPS TRACK ANDJEIS OEAO Express Messenger Kill? ed When No. 66 Is De railedNearRawlings. CAROLINA TEAM HAS aOSE CALL Chapel Hill Warriors Bound for Georgetown Battle in Richmond Esc:.-- bj a Miracle and Lenu a Sand in Help? ing Maimed and Wbunded. Seaboard Air Line passenger train fc'o. 66. northlfcund for Washington. Jumped the trarks at 4.05 o'clock yes tsrday afterrp-m near Kawllngs. Brunswick Cointy, derailing the en? gine and two xpress cars. a.nd caus? ing the death |( U I> Pegram, an ex? press messentfr Another messenger suffered a brdten hip. and two mall clerks sustalnd minor Injuries. Wal? lace Stevens, a negro fireman, was hurt Internally The Utslsaijljr of North Carolina football team, en rout* to Richmond for a game p-day with Georgetown t'nlverslty. o<j?id?d a special car at? tached to thepear of the train, gnd in common wittt the other passengers traveling In aromblnatlon car and two steel Pullmaa. escaped unhurt The moment the ninjured section of the train came U a standstill the college Soys piled oil to the forward end and worked handln hand with the crew to assist thelnjured and remedy the damage. j The aocideti occurred on an embank? ment bet wen Rawl'.ngs and Kress) while th? tr!n was running at high speed. Th?r- is a decided down grade and consideible curve. In the ab? sence of a*' assigned caus?. it Is j thought tha the engine, running at | f'ill speed sound the curre. encoun? tered some fstaele which caused it to; Jump the tie*k and drag the two ex-j press cars *>ng. Essilarr Pitched la Air. The e?.-ap#>f Engineer JJ. W Tighe and Wallace Jevers, bis c dored fireman, sras iniraeulc* VI. UMn. of Raleigh. ! travcMng p? enger agent of Seaboard Air Lint Mlway. who was accom? panying theootbail team, was one of the first to each the forward and mi tiie train. Den he got there, he said, the negro njman was tumbling down through tht*ranches of a tree, cater? ing at the Baa as lie came donn. fhe saddspesa with which the aci dci.t otcurrj left no time for mc ?! gineer andSdreman to jump. The i-iignt of tl negro when Mr. Levin reached th, scene aapposts th? ex? planation ofcngtneer Tighe that they were both pitched high in the air as the fomotive turned turtlo. After t-nco?tering various trees and uudcrbi ushu their des, ent. Iks men landed in a -ft mudholc by the side si the loafed An exprs messenger. Thomas A. Williams. o*Laurinbu:g. N. C, was the ?n.y man (suffer serious injury. He sustained aroken hip. and was take,, to Petersbg for treatment. Henry Abbot. ?narr messenger from Wash? ington. I?. . v. as slightly cut. L. Ar Morris an E. O. McCrlght. railway mail clerk both of Washington, re? ceived mir bruises. Krtss Car Demolished. The en?e. as well as the two ex press ca: turned completely over/ One of tsc was wooden and was mashed ta pulp. The steel car stood up well uier the impact Pegram. the* man tbas/a* killed, was In this car,' together Ith the other express mea-' sengers. ccordlng it the two who survived 0 death was caused by a big steel saffwhirh crushed his life out| when thaar turned turtle. Pegran who was a married maa and leav five children, was making. Ma first B- Ho was about th.rty-rive' years ol His body was put oft at; Petsrsbu and turned over to an un-j dertake;-> be prepared for burial It* will be ipped to-day to his i.ome in' Hamlet. C. I W'allai Stevens, the colored :. re mar, upon egsination at Petersburg waa f->und ?be hurt Internally and was aent to local hospital for treatment. In addin t? his internal injuries he suffered broken leg. f Passi Ban is F.cssji. As thrxpress car left the ira-k the? eouplinparted. a clr< e which prevent the drags-down of th* passen? t caches, with a mi s*<iii> nt large e of life. The.; oupling gave way brevn the second e\press car' and tMn&ll car The latter veered BST thesils and turned partly over. Paasger*. many of them Richmond people."Owded out of the raited train In trmr fear af a catastrophe, bat were teved to find that all of the trareb had e*capu?d with i.othlng worse an ? revere si akit g Cap? tain ?-t. of the l.'ntverMtv of North Carol! football team, hrouaht his Ptsrsss army to the scene, and the B.?y* ? in th* work of i elrdng the S"'inl and in coiiartina the mall oackawkicb ware s a\x< ~4 on all A **f train from Petersburg ?r rfredhortly before it o'clock bring? ing -slciar-s and nurses. Tne wreck? ing w attacked the debris and had the tck dear for the passage af traitbv mtdnicht. The rettag trat? isof the foot ai. team and all Ji soakers bound for It iah mo nd and j breit them, together with alt {as* saasto the Mala Street Statt? at Ii. ?lock ndB) sii i aaas tm fTti hsasal T snhurt ssctdsi af the wrecke? trat? as brought to Richmond early thtsornlna over tha Atlantic C>ast Uarack. from Jarratt It ladasVs Paiimans oswtalatag through ? far the North, the dtnlas ta Jarratt fftr baa I Passes by Sherman's Bier. LINES UNBROKEN AS STORM RAGES U~ca Pays Tribute to Memory of Vice-President, Whose Fune? ral Will Be Held To-Day. Bells Toll and Traffic Stops as Cortege Moves Along Streets. ITtlce, K V.. November 1.?L'tica paid tribute 17-day to the memory of the late Vice-President James S. .Sherman. Kor hour? this afternoon and even.rig thousands of persons tiled silently through the One i via County Courthouse and gazed for the last time upon u.e face of the Vice-President, whose body was lying in state in the rotunda it , the building. l*ka body, cloth d in a cutaway suit of bla>.k, reposed in a casket of solid mahugany, covered with black broadcloth, with handles of an? tique slHer. The Vice-President's lace bore a look of serenity, bat it was overspread with a tinge if purple, the mark left by the malady that caused his dealit. In the right arm lay a bunch of violets, the gift of his grand? children, and in one ..ana was a spray of red Uowers from the Sherman gar? dens. An Elks- pin, the insignia ot one of the few orders to which Mr. Sherman belonged, gleamed from the lapel of the coat The casket rested up >n a flag-draped catafalque, over which was suspended a canopy of Mags. A floral piece of white lilies lay on the casket, while Palm?, ferns and flowers were arranged in Profusion on the side. Buiidtns; Is Meertaleg Dree*. The exterior of the building was In mourning dress, with festoons oi flats in a background of black and purp)*-. Tr.e body iay in state from 5 o'clock thi- afternoon until ? o'clock to-rrighi. and during that period It was esti? mated that more than 25,000 people passed through the building. The procession which earlier in Uta day escorted the casket from the Sher? man home to the c mrthouse was im? posing. Lining the street as the body was borne from the house were hun? dreds of Mr. Sherman's friends, neign bors and business associates. As the bearer* moved down the winding: walk several" gray-hairetf veterstea. lined UP on either side, saluted as It passed. They were members of Bacon Poet. No. 53. Grand Army of the Republic, of which Mr. Siicrman was the first asso? ciate member. The'little band of erans then took their place at too head, of the procession. Two hundred Elks, members of the citizens' committee, the Chamber of Commerce. Boosters' Club. Onelda County Bar Association, directors of several banks and scores of citizens, friends snd neighbors of the Vlce President were among those who fol? lowed the body to U.e courthouse. ! As the cjrtege moved through the business section the bells of the City Hall and \arious churabes were tolled All street traffic halted for the proces? sion. It had been raining at intervals in the day. aid the leaden skies gave : promise of a storm. The crowds waiting at the courthouse were kept in check by delegations of j national guardsmen, who later acted aa a guard of honor while the body ? was lying in state. The hearers hafl ' scarcely disappeared within the build ing when the storm broke. Many of those who had gathered preferred a drenching, however, to losing their places and there was no break In the two lines that soon began to file through the building. All classes of citizens were there to j pay their tribute of respect. While the st.irni was at its height the electric lights in the building went out. and those who happened to be passing thnugh the rotunda for the next few minutes could discern only a shadowy form as they peered through the seml darkneao at the face of the dead. It was not long* before the lights were re? stored. Lines Are f ? broken. Tiie lines continued unbroken up to 9 o'clock, when the caaket was closed, and under an escort of citizens, return-] ed to the Sherman home. President Taft is scheduled to arrive' in l'tica shortly after 1 o'clock ??? morrow, ard probably will call at thej Sherman home before the funeral. The,' private services at the house for the, family will he conducted by l>r. Holden.! of the Patch Reformed Church, of which Mr. Sherman was for inajhy years the treasurer and active sup? porter. The services at the Pirat Presbyter? ian Chnrch will begin at - o'clock, and will bo in ?karge of Rev. M- W Stryker. president of Hamilton Col? lege. Mr Sherma.i and Dr. Stryker were classmates at Hamilton College. i>r Stryker will be assisted by Dr. Holden. Tie services will open with a hymn, and afte- the readings of the Scrlptur.n by I?r. Holden. Dr. Stryker will deliver a b ief eulogy. Dr. Holde* will pr-nounce the benediction. President Taft will occupy the first pew to the left-centre aisle. With him will he Ms military aid** and other members >f his party. The block of pewa back of the one occupied oy the President will be held for Senators. Congiwesmert. Cabinet of. fleers aad members off the Plica organi? zations that win he rep resulted at tha funeral On the right aide of the cea tre aisle the pewa from the tr?nt to the rear of the church will he reserved for members of the Shot maa family The caaket win he place* aa a dais in front of the polplt. which ?111 be flanked by members af the Cor,kilo rareantmoiaal*, a petlUcal ?Mb of rUce, DOES MOT DESIRE CHEERING RECORD What Colonel Really Wants Is Votes at the Polls. CROWD REFUSES TO BE RESIRAiiNED Wild Cheers Greet Roosevelt When He Appears at Madison Square Garden for Second Time in Three Days. Speaks for Progressive State Ticket. New . York, November X.?Colonel Tueodore Kooseve?t. for the second I nt In three days, to-night addressed a i audience of thuusanua In Madbon h(uar? Garden. There bad preceded 1 .m to the Garden, through the medium at Comptroller William A. Prendei - e -et. chairman of the meeting, a rc i,i'-st that no efforts be made by the OVfsJ to ciieer linn beyond the limit f time accorded last night in the same till to Governor Wilson. " Col del itoosevelt raises his left hand," ?uid Mr. Prendergast. "he asks you 1 . let him proceed with his speech, be juie lie desires a record next Tuee c iy in the voting, rather than a recora o-ulgnt In the durati <n of the cheers ' Oscar S. Straus, candidate for Gov rnor, and other State speakers held tic stage until 9:40. when the Colonel irlved He was wildly cheered as he ?.a<1e his way to the front of the plat? form, and waved a welcome to all parts f the hall. It waa fifteen minutes before his I plifted hand brought the cheering to : momentary end. After it had gone 1 n for twenty minutes he raised his a.m. After It had gone on for twenty- ' ?.?ht minutes he again raised his arm. i l>Jt the crowd renewed its cheering. ] nd he dropped the arm to his side. ' yg.iin he. made the gesture, but an unfurled a giant bandana! rom the roof of the Garden, and then ... ^,.,..u again iit an uproar. 'AHe " oioiiel. declaring' he spoke In ehurl ,,f the Progressive .state and 1 oral tickets of New York, talked for ; over an hour, his voice strong and his | t .-...fcL.i sjpparcatl* unimpaired by the , r-jrt. .Success in the State, he de- ! 'ared. was essential to Progressive ! ??access throughout the nation. Colonel Rooeeveit began his speech < y saying he wished to make a specia, 1 ppeal o.i behalf ??? tha Progressiv? and Met] ikketK.?> *^0?(Ua fa Ephesseral TtsTcmiat "Friends, I wish you to remember lways that this is no ephemeral or I emporary movement." he continued. "We have gone Into this movement making our sppeal to all good citizens, without regard to their past party affiliations, and with the resolute in? tention to make this a permanent] movement and a movement which shall I deal not merely with national, but] with State and local affairs. "For, mind you. friends, the evils that affect our people are evils which cannot be dealt with by any one branch of the government alone. We' can grapple with them only when the i national and State and municipal gov- , ernments alike are in the hands of I men whose honesty is above proof and j who know and understand and sym- j pathize with the needs of the plain people of the country, of the men and women who make up the bulk of our citizens." Digressing for a moment from his political topic; the Colonel referred to the death of Vice-President Sherman, saying: "Within the last twenty-four hours a man holding the second highest posi? tion in the land has been stricken by death, and I am sure I express the feeling not only of all of you here, but of our people everywhere, when I say that we were all affected with sorrow and concern for the death of the Vice-President and In your name I shall ask the chairman of this meet- ! Ing to send our most respectful sym? pathy to the stricken woman, the wife of the Ute Vice-President?Mrs. Sher? man. '?Friend*. I hare come here to speak for the Progressive cause in this State and for ths Pwrreasjve ticket from t*p to bottom, and our cause will not have triumphed completely until we have made it triumph In the nation and in the State, and then here In this city of New York, and I ask that the people of this country and of this State Judge us not only by our platform of principles, national and State, but by the character of the men whom we have nominated to stand on our plat? form." Wilson Requests it Out of Respect for Late Vice-President DIRECTS ATTACK AGAINST SENATE Democratic Candidate Terms It Citadel of Special Privilege, of Which the People Have Not Had Possession for Gen? eration?Given Great Demonstration. Rochester. K Y., November 1.?At the request of Governor Wilson the Democratic parade announced for to? morrow in New York City has been abandoned out or respect to the mem? ory of Vice-President Sherman, whose funeral will be held to-morrow. As soon as Governor Wilson arrived in Jiochestttr late to-day for bis two speeches here to-nignt he telegraphed National Chairman ". F. McCombs to cancel the parade. 'Aha parade was to have taken place at the same time that Vice-President Sherman'es funeral is to be held. The Governor wired as follows: I hope that the arrangements for' the parade will be cancelled as an evi? dence of our deep sympathy for the1 family and friends of the late Vice PresMent. I know that this wUl be your f?.-ling." Announced by McCombs. j New York, November L?Cancella? tion of the parade planned for to-mor? row was announced by Chairman Mc- j Combs of the Democratic National Committee to-night. The Governor felt that it would not be fitting for him to review a pol'tical parade while the funeral of the Vice-President of the United States! was going (in, said Mr. McCombs. "We only learned to-day that the funeral was to be held to-morrow afternoon. After learning this I con? ferred with Governor Wilson and we agreed that the parade ought to be cancelled." Calling off the parade does not mean. Chairman McCombs said, that the Wil? son Day celebrations, which have been arranged to take place throughout the country, will also be abandoned. "The Wiiaon day- everdses will go on as planned.'' he- add*d. ??These ejrer t?*iSf0>b*T*v been er--?nsed ear - weeks ahead, and It wonld hot be possible to have Vhem stopped dow. The parade in New York waa to have been participated In by Governor Wiiaon himself and, besides, it was to hare been held in Vice-President Sherman's home State. It was therefore felt by the Governor and myself, as a special mark of honor and respect to *he memory of the Vice-?'resldent. that the New York parade should be aban? doned." Attacks Senate. Rochester. N. Y.. November 1.?Gov? ernor Woodrow Wsison. in his speeches here to-night, directed an attack upon the United States Senate as "'a citadel of private interest.'1 declaring the peo? ple had not had possession of that body for a'generation. The speaker said confusion and in? cessant contest would result for the next four years with a postponement of legislation unless both bouses of Congress, as well as the presidency.! were Democratic through and through. He also explained his views on the regulation of competition at greater length than ho has done before during the campaign. Holding that the two chief issues are the tariff and the trusts, he reiterated that without dis? turbing "the healthy fibre of Ameri? can business" he proposed to hare "special favors rut out of the tariff.** He announced that he Intended to fight for trie rest of his life to destroy private monopoly. The Governor declared that mono-p? oly could be prex-ented by making ille gal unfair methods of competition. He outlined among these the system of underselling In a local market and the discrimination by monopolies which control raw materials against firms which had not entered their combina? tions. The receptions accorded the Gover? nor at both meetings wer?? of prolonged duration. One demonstration lasted seven minutes. The Governor said he was glad to be so received **1n aa ad mittedl- Republican stronghold." "Do you realise that the people of the United States hare aot had control of the Senate of the United States ?n "fContlnned on Second Page.? His Dominions Threatened MOHAMMED T? ?ULTAK Or TVWUUBT. WOMAN IS BROKEN BY THIRD BE6REE ? Mrs. Conway Makes Hysterical Confession of Murder of Baltimore Heiress. ACCUSES HUSBAND OF CRIME ' , *? . ? . Alleged Slayer Cowers in Cell, ' Hearing Wife's Screams and Pleading?. Chicago. November 1.?An ordeal of mors than twenty.four hours' ques? tioning broke down the self-possession i of Beatrice Kyail Conway. and hys? terical admissions made by the woman here to-day are said by the police to I clear up th* mystery of the murder here" Monday night of Sophia f}. Singer, the Baltimore heiress. I Since Mrs. Conway and her husband wer^ turned over to the Chicago pol'ce yesterday In Lima, O.. the detectives [ concentrated their efforts on the wo? man, putting Conway through an or? deal of Isolation, silence and uncer? tainty. This afternoon, after a number of outbursts of weeping and hysteria. Mrs. Conway. begging for something to eat and a few hours of rest, consented to make a stat- ment to the police. It was taken down bv a stenographer in the presence of officers. The statement made public by the police as the formal confess*on of Mr*. Conway Is in part as follows: "Sophia Invited us to come to Chi? cago. We took a suite of three rooms ror llcht housekeeping. My husband and r occupied one of the bed. rooms and Miss Singer and Worthen. her fiance, occupied the others. "We were out of money, and Sophia knew this before ws came to Chicago? On the night orf the killing we had dinner together, and Worthen went out. Sophia went out to post a letter, and sjbjssj b. -k after a while with her shoes wet. She took them off and was In her stocking feet, about to change them. We quarreled a litUe about the expenses, which Sophia was psyinc. We were destitute, and Sophia threat? ened to take Worthen and leave us stranded. "Sophia said we weren't doing any (Conttnued or/~Second PagV? j ELECTION RETURNS The Times-Dispatch, following its regular cristorn. will display election returns on next Tue?day evening. Bulletin? will be thrown on an immense sheet, thirty by thirty feet, stretched its Capitol Square, by means of the wonderful Telautograph, a machine which writes in shadows. As the operator in The Times-Dispatch office writes, the letters appear on the sheet?a bulletin service up to the very second. In addition there will be a news service, for those who are not able to reach the Capitol Square. Colored rockets, sent rap from The Times-Dispatch Building, wU give the news every hoar, beginning at 8 o'clock, so that every one residing in Rich? mond, and within ten miles of Richmond, will know which of the candidates is ahead or has won. Watch the heavens exactly as the dock strike* t, end every hoar thereafter, until the election it ??ajiid Reed the Ughta This Wey. One Blue Light?Wilson leads. Two Bhse Ug!rts?Wfls/>n wins. One Red I mm) Rooscveh lends.' Two Red Iiiha, IT.Ii wfns. One Wnhe Lsght Tatt lends Two White Ugnea?Taft wins. WILSON MAJORITY Will EXCEED 300 Harper's Sees 387 Votes Certain for Democratic Candidate in Electoral College. PROBABLY WILL HAVE 462 Taft Is Conceded But Eight, With Twenty Given to Roosevelt. New York, November I.?Woodrow ! Wilson's msjority over all in the Elec I toral College will exceed 300. accord? ing to the forecast of the presidential ' election made in Harper's Weekly, out j to-day. That journal presents these ! figures on the election: I "We now predict that Woodrow Wil i son's majority over ?I! in the i:iectoral j College will exceed ::O0. The Klectoral ! College has a totai vote of iSl. with I -4>? necessary to a choice Following j in the estimate of the result": Alabama . 12Missoari . 18 Arizona . .Montana. . 4 [Arkansas . ?Nebraska . 8 j Colorado . *Xew Jersey .... 14 I Connecticut. 'New Mexico_ 3 ; Delaware . 3Sew York . 45 Florida . ?North Carolina. 12 Georgia . l<Ohlo . 2*1 Indiana . 1''Oklahoma . 1* Iowa . ISSouth Carolina.. 9 Kansas . '^Tennessee .12 Kentucky . 13Texas . 20 i Louisiana . 10Virginia . l>i Maine . ?West Virginia.. 8 Maryland . SWisconsin . 13 Massachusetts ..IS Minnesota . 1? ? ? Mississippi . 10 Total .3SM Vtah . ICalifornla . 13j Vermont . 4Washington - II I T**?1 ??"-??'--?S ToU1 :? I*i ? nasalities. i -|rn_ra Pennsylvania ... 31 [Wyoming SXorth Dakota... 5 K'e'w Hampshire. 4South Dakota... H Rhode Island.. ? ?I Michigan . 1; Total . . fi\ Nevada . 3 H*sn? ?.?!? Taft? Illinois . 29 Idaho . 40regon . Total. 1 T|ot*1 34j For Wilson and Marshall . ?8? Probably for Wilson and Marshall. 75 j Totals . ??21 For Taft . 8 j Probably for Taft . Total .'WM For Roosevelt and Johnson . 2S I PrcbaMv for Roosevelt snd John? son . Total . 5? Totai opposition ..??e. ?9 Probable majority for Wilson aad Marshall . 293 PROfTSSOR^A SUICIDE ~k,| Tree, x v.. November 1.?Professor rhsrlea P Miller shot and killed hlm aelf this afternoon at his home In ' W'aterford. Saratoga County Oespomi- . ency beesuse of 111 health prompted the deed Mr Hitler, who was about thirty-See years old graduated from Cornell r*n!verslty with the IsgT? of B. A Tar several years bo occupied the chair of modern sciences and lan? guages In TWI?ngs College.Ga.. but was compelled to restirn bees use of 111 health FIRE DESTROYS HOTEL LOCKED IN M? BEATHJTp For Four Days Three Nights Bail Has Raged. RESULT l^PECni TO PROVE DECISl! Sensational Rumors of Turl Reverses Are UnfoundeA#--J| zim Pasha Reports Tide Battle Turning and AH I Army Corps Are Ad? vancing on Enemy. Constantinople. November I.?' ever the issue of the terrible now raging: on the western slo] the Istrandja Mountains, in undoubtedly will be reckoned the world's greatest struggles, uninterruptedly for four oays and nights the battle has proo moon having afforded aufllclent I night for them to continue their onslaughts against each other, and Bulgar are locked In a which w.ill ba broken only by cisive defeat of one or the other: complete dearth of news from front Wednesday and Thursday given rise to a feeling of des] and sensational rumors of Tai verses gained currency. To-day flclal reports proved these rumor? be unfounded. Some idea of the desperate nat the fighting is gathered from th* that more than 5,000 wounded arrived in Constantinople to-night the front. Fortunately, the bullets drilled clean holes in victims, and these will heal batch of deserters arrived with wounded. Indignation and surprise was* pressed here to-day over the fact a Greek torpedo boat had a entering the Gulf of Saloniki last despite the mines and heavily forts, and blown up the Turkish tleahlp Feth-I-Bulend The ! dant of the fort will be called j count for permitting this Greek i The movement of troops to the) continues. As a result of a meeting of the heads of Uta diplomatic to consider the situation In nople, the Marquis de PallavtonJ. Austro-Hungarlan ambassador and of the diplomatic corps, to-day Noradunghian Effendl. the ForeigJ) Minister, and called hia attentkm 3k the necessity that adequate unasaisj be taken to maintain order in the am Among the measures the gover already has in mind to insure order the capital in event of further Tu reverses is the dispatch of an army vision to stop all fugitiree soldiers tween Tchatalja and Constantlnopt^ The city, however, at present Is qull and orderly. SifMtJesi Is Obscene. London. November 1.?The perpte arising from the policy of the ments engaged in war in Sout Europe in totally excluding paper correspondents from the of hostilities is more pronounced ever to-night. An extraordia of dispatches from Naxlm Turkish commander-in-ch-of. ing that the Turkish array captured Bunarhlsaar and hording its own against the advance, was published la nople to-day. In At absence of dependent testimony, mowever. assumptions as to tie aacfl these telegrams are possible, msy be belated dispatches redet earlier stages of the straggle or be mere representations for the of the Turkish populace. On the hand, they may mean that garlan victory was not so as represented by Sofia. Except for the general st that the Turks were retreat!" Tchatalja. righting rear guard no details of the batUe were coming from Sofia to-day. bet t rival of 5.00* wounded men in stantinople tells It3 own story sanguinary character of the ter. Despite the optimistic from the Turkish srde. It is lieved here that the Tuskish retrieve itself. \ Greeks Are alaaaanare Athens. November 1.?Acc published here of a massacre of by Turks !n the town of den across tr< Grtek frontier in The reports say the fleeing tr.?ops. in p.ieslng through the of Me (as*a. ordered t.ic Greek Hants to follow them on peril mas?acred by Turkish cajfclry. fusing, fifty-two of thewCr made prisoners and tea and lodged :n the lall. I seventy-three others of triota Later the govern MM prison told the Greeks they and ordered them l" leave the | ?vn em.rang the Greeks rounded by sofdires and as) which hvgs* a maasac the Greeks earaped with When the masaerre was cut off th>- roses and dead men Piapetche* from At Turkish atrocities la tinHng and that the Eetrus SfS 'Seeing ta mo -intal aa. Cosstsatiaople. Turkish army sav of Bmsnsrhtsaar frogs also baa defeated the v*ctatty of Visa, patches i ?estees frem ?daatm tPSMs of the Tarsthsh