Medical Colleges Preparing for Game Next Thursday
Virginia's Eleven being Put ihr. u .en Face* by
former Mars in Preparation ? r Giorgc
t un Came on >aturaa.v.
Charlottesvilie. Va. November 1! ?
The squad of coaches, at Virginia was
auginenled to-day by a quartet or
olo boys?"EmptyCook, one ot the
best tackles ever at I irf.nia and the
second coach under tfas alumni syt
tem. Yancey. fall back ana former
captain and coacu: l>!OdWUl Holladay.
a former tackle arid track captain, auJ
Baldwin M>erf. an end
With these new arrivals looking o.i
the scirmr.iage proved one of the in st
strenuous of the season. The Varsity
and Scrubs were driven at a hard pa t
for over a half-hour, ana freO,USBt'y'
the play was stoppej In order to give
the coaches time to point out tnu -e
fects in the work of the Player?.
The Scrubs, coached by Dr. Maddux,
got the j-mp on the Varsity at the >
outset, ar.ii by the aid of the forward
pass end forty-yard run through rrgltl ?
tackle by Maxson, landed the pivsKia
on the Varsity five-y^rd line. A fu.n- I
hie by Robertson, however, prevente.l
a touchdown. The regulars then |
rushe.'i the bail down the grid I r 3d, '
Gooch aiding materially by a rgs Ot J
fifty yards, being thrown by Randoipn !
on the Scrubs" twer.ty-yard line. Sue- I
ressive line plunges foilowe Bgaivh ]
making the only touchdown of the St * J
temooa on a plunge through centre, j
The regulars were minus the ser-l
vices of Captain Todd. Maiden and F:p.
?ay. The two last named are in the
u adversity hospital. Maiden with a
severe attack or" tharleynors? and Ktn- |
lay w-ith a fracture: rib. Neither sriU I
SS able to get back in the Une-up be?
fore Saturday. Another piayer in tfc-)
hospital is Coleman. who is down with
typhoid fever. But for his numerous:
Injuries, pi laeepeU* in the Virginia
Military Institute game, the Ktn-j
tttekfan wouW have won a j'lace in the;
, Varsity bai k rield.
! As an evidenee of the intense inter?
est in the Georgetown tSre prom
, if.n* becks reported for work to-Jaj,
I r.fter :m absence of throe weeks. They
a . Aj.te and Maxsoi:. The iormei
i laid off oti aeoount of in j a r:?s, while
? tne lattc;- has been COtChing up In h':
?testen, Uotii ptnyed la re;i:arkabl*
. forru in the Scrub back tield. ar.d snounlj
, be seen in action Saturday.
Iteilus SUed Maiden's place at tacKiej
on tlu va > ity. while (J.iiette lOok car?|
or Finlay ? iiiii. K<.u.s ta< I d like
a fiend' and Uilletle chov. ? I iiuen|
?kill lr. smashing plays s.-nt in hl9|
direction. Jett was also in the line i
light. Cook paying h!;n eepeela] atten- I
UOai Yancey devoted his time to 11.'?!
back Meli candidates. Smith in par?
ticular. The former I. iwrencCvlUe
er.ii exhibited much power at full hack
Gooch ran the team at quarter, aia
Mrs; appearance In scrimmage since
tbi VeaeVerallt game. Mai l r and
Landes were the half backs.
.ludgring from to-day's strenuous
i.urkuul. :n> effort will he spared in
t'ettirg the eleven in shape for Sat?
urday's battle with Georgetosra. .'t
is possible that each of the regulars
will have an Individual coach t y mi-.i
A special t xcurslon train will leave
here Saturday morning at 7 o'clock
for Washington, an<I a bigr crowd >.?
expected to make the trip
Thursday's Eat:le Between Iwo Medical Schools
Will Bj Feaiure Event of Ltcal bri^iron
beason?Both iilevens Conf i ient
Only two more days before the local
medical colleges get together for their
finai game &i the season which will
be staged at Broad Street Park Th?rs-,
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Around the two schools, on the
streets and pub.ic places the interest
Is growing, and when the two teams
clash there is every indication that
there wiil be a monater crowd present,
for, to close followers o? the 6port, this
game Is certain to be a rattling good
All day yesterday between lec?
tures groups of from fllty to
a hundred students couM be
seen congregated rehearsing yeiis
and songs that will be used at Thurs?
day's game, and by the time the same
is pulled off the two student bodies
will simply be footkail mad. and the
,f';w students that do not attend the
irame will either be financially em?
barrassed cr In a hospital.
The parade of the respective stu?
dent bodies Is scheduled to leave: down?
town at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon,
and by the time they arc seated in the
stands there will probably be thousands
of .their friends there to watch their
antics, and incidentally to see a good
game of football.
The two teams were out In full force
yesterday afternoon, and the way each
tore off from the line of scrimmage
looked as though each sspectsd
to encounter the opposing forwards tor
Thursday's game.
The Medical College of Virginia'.}
back field men were pushed extra hard
'.n yesterday s practice by Krebs in the
hop? that he may bring out the po?
tential speed that he feels is prestnt,
:. :.d that they so much need for the
D C M. game.
Ke madc^Qr.e Important change la his
line-up,.thhf he is unwilling to
lilvulge until the day of the gesne.
Hedgepeth. the star tackle of the M.
C V., has developed a slight "Sharifj
horee- as a result of the game with
Wake Forest, bat he is ur.der the care
of Thomas A. O'Reiley. the expert mas
saer. who states that he will have him
all ready for the garr.e Thursday.
There is some quest.on as to whether
Seymour, the star quarter back of th*
I'niverslty College of Medicine's ti.-ven,
mill be allowed In t:.:s same, as he
a formal looking
collar for informal
wear. The paral?
lel lines of this new style
make it entirely dis?
if* ? great favorite with cot?
tage aaea everywhere. Sr.j-rpv,
Stylish, Effective. -YALE
TON" to the same collar bat
i Both mufe with the famon?
J "SHp-Over " Buttan-hokts.
?"and Patented "Lock-that.
ft/ion (oJ/ars
W^SsMAVsaf ^?*** 7A= - .
S aisvSc Quart?r ? je* ?
S Good drcassrs coroater HARVAX Z
es TOV.wttbMMPl> K C***m*L*-tm
? UOV Sean, s very
wOaWes-aaaan.faw.lLT. -
has recently matricu;ateci at the Medi
eal College of Virginia, and he is there?
fore technically ineligible to play on
the new school's team. This question
Will probably be decided by the ath?
letic association of the two schools to?
day. .
Both elevens will have secret sig?
nal practice this afternoon, and will
probably go through a light scrimmage
practice. No long scrimmages wli] be
allowed by the coaches for fear of In?
jury to some o* the players.
[Special to The Tlmes-IMspatch.] '
Lynchburg, Va., November 11.?Man-j
agx-r Donohue, of the basketball team!
I of Washington and Lee Cnlversity. lsj
j expected to be In Lynchburg to-morrow
. for the purpose of making arrange?
ments for a basketball game here dur
, ing the winter between the quints rep
i resenting Washington and Lee and the
j University of Virginia.
Manager Donohue's visit here to-1
morrow is to see the City Auditorium
; and to ascertain whether or not it
can be adapted for the purposes of a'
. basketball game. Of this there Is no!
j doubt, and it Is not thought any trou
I hie will be experienced in getting the j
oig iloor for the game,
i If the auditorium proves to meet the j
! pleasure of Manager Donohue. it is not!
improbable a game with Virginia Poly- i
tecunic Institute will be arranged fori
' here also.
A very exciting football game WHai
be fought between the Little Klcko ys ?
j end the little Invlncibles this after-1
I noon at Broad Street Park. Both teams!
'arc very evenly matched, and it is *?j
pected to be a hari-fought game, j
They ha^ < a'.recdy played one gani'.
and the ti ore was 6 to 6 betr.g a har i
contested battle. ?
The game wttl start at 3:3ft o'clock,j
V: ? .i:.<-jp w'.ll be as follows:
I Little Hickorys?M. Watkir.s. lite!
jer.d. Adkins, left tackle; White, im
i g :ard. iMcgs or Kohler. centre McK'e
Iright guard. Marye. right tackle. R?|
I Walk! an right end. Witt te3ptalni.:
back. Brown, it ft half back;.
: Rucktr. full back Parrtsh. right nail
j Lack
Little Invlncibles?C Nester, left j
O'Dell. left tackle. L'.am. left;
K - ! Utr.-.?. centre. Sehloss. r'.gat
guard. Pulley, right tackle; Cotten.
; rigM sad: Isaeai (captain), sjsjsjrsef
I k K':?.-?- '.eft half back: Ferguson.'
. :?? hack; P. Jssaea. rignt half back, j
??'fflv.iilj. c-npire. Pafrish. John M?"-|
i shall H g] . referee. PbilllT?.
John y. r-.s-h School: head line?
; mar.. l>-a - Bc*N !V?!nc t'olieg-:
'tlm-ke-rnr P:tt. p.;. kaaaai Academy, j
Former New York State and
Tri-Stste Player to Manage
Nenrport News.
I t?pe<ialt Th- Timee-DispeUh J
j Newport .\?w?. Va^ Moe-ember II.?
Psel J l?ev's. ni Ptiilwatcr. Oklabosn?,
waa tc-nigct rl. ted manager of the
total rieb of the Virginia League fer
the eeooan of laid at a amtaaa at
t?.? c -?r-. r? ?f ?ee ejob r>aM?.plar-d
? ?-? " the xew Terk
atate |ti1 Trl-Mate I t <a;*.1-.
ire featr.? . . ... : -????,,?. sr-1
.? H?T>e with
I.. ? ?eil r -. . T' v r,? ? ??
( . ; ?a> an<". bee-bait star, ent
ia widely known lite poetuen >e first
ifai faMi'tmm? mmT'* ***
Defeating Jefferson School on
Gridiron Puts Prep. School
Championship on Ice.
Charlottesville, Ya., November 11.?
The Woodcerry Forest School football
eleven laid further claim to the pre?
paratory school championship of the
State to-day by defeating the Jefferson
School team. SI to 3. at the Horse
Show Grounds. The victors scored all
of their points In the first half, touch?
downs being made by Walker. Tanner.
Anderson and Dechert, while Grainger
landed a held goal from the thirty
yard line. The locals not only put up
a strong defensive game In the second
half, but carried the ball to Wood-,
berry's twenty-yard line, where Right- I
tackle Harmon kicked a field goal. In '
the final minute of play Harmon at-1
tempted another field goal, but the ball
fell ?hart, and Dechert. picking It up. j
sprinted ninety yards, being downed |
on Jefferson's one-yard line by Lind?
Priddy at centre, and Farrar at left I
tackle did good work In the Wood-!
berry line, wiiiie Gooch and Flannagan!
carried off the honors for Jefferson. !
Woodberry ha? scored a total of 20S
points this season, and her goal Unej
has not been crossed. Her next game |
is on Saturday. Western High, of;
Washington, while the following Sat?
urday comes the championship game
with Episcopal Higu School.
West Raleigh. X. C-. November 11.?I
Saturday afternoon the regular annual1
cross-country run was held by th3:
A. a M. track team, for the purpose j
of trying out the prospective track.)
material in college and to stimulate
the interest in that branch of athle
tlcs. The race this year was ran
ever a different course from that over
which It has been run In previous
years, which gave the people Of Ra
iogh a better opportunity to witness
the event. The start was at the Cap- I
Uoi. and the course out UiUsboro I
?treat to Agricultural and Mechardrti.
College and return, a distance of three
miles. The first prize, a medal given.
by the Athletic Association, was won I
by F. C Santa, who lowered his le?tj
> ear's record by twenty-six seconds..
the time being sixteen minutes fort>-;
five seconds. The second pr.ze. whi -n j
was a sweater, was won by R. P. Har- j
Ma; third prise, a pair of teoea. was
won by I> E Roberts, snd fourth prize, j
a hat. was won by C H. Ha ugh ton- i
The race was watcced by a large
r .r;.' er r.? spectators and proved a
pood exhibition of long distance went,
which promises great strength in tnat
bran~b of track work at A L. 34 the
omir.g reason. J
The ofhcisis of th* race Were: start-]
er. B r. CaldwelL, manager 1*11 traekj
te.-iri judges. L? C- Head and A 3.
Ph.lltp* t.mek*eper. J O. H. Oeitner
The important tarne? scheduled for Sat?
urday Includ* Princeton and Tale, at
Princeton: Penn va Carlisle, at Franknu
Field; Harvard and Dartmouth, at Cam?
bridge; Cornell and Michigan, at Ann Ar?
bor. Tufts at West Point. A. A M. of North
Carolina at Annapolis: Colgate and Syra?
cuse st Syracuse. Brown and Lafayette at
Providence. Pennsylvania State vs. Ohio
State, at Columbus; Pittsburgh vs. Wash?
ington and Jefferson, at Pittsburgh: Urslnus
va. Franklin and Marsha!!, at Lancaster;
Rutgers at Haverford, Bucknell at Swarth
more, Lehlgb and Muhlenberg at South
Bethelem: Georgetown va. Virginia, at
at Washington, o. C; Chicago n. liiinota,
at Urbans; Minnesota vs. Wisconsin, at
The season's record of the leading turns
to date wl.I be found appended.
Opponent*- Place. Date Score.
Gtttyaburg. Philadelphia, Sept. 28. 36? t
F and M.. Philadelphia. Oct. 2.?5? ?
Dickinson. Philadelphia. Oct, i.l?? ?
L'rsinu?. Philadelphia, October 1.34? t
Swarthmore, Philadelphia, Oct. 13. 3? 4
Brown. Providence, Oct. 1?. 7? 3k
Lsiayette. Philadelphia. Oct. 3?. 3? 1
Penn. State. Philadelphia, Nov. a.. e? It
Michigan, Philadelphia, Nov. r.27? 23
Totals .Its? 7?
I Vale.
Wealeyen, N?w Haven. Sept. 25.10? 3
Holy Cross, New Haven. Sept. 23. 7? e
Syracuse. New Haven, 0;t. &. 21? ?
Latayette. New Haves. Oct. 12.14? ?
West Paint. West Point. Oct. 19. 4? ?
Wish and Jeff.. New Haven. Oct. 36. 13? 1
Brown, New Haven, Nov. t.IS? C
! Totals .?3? 4 J
Pennsylvania Btafts
Carnegle Tech.. State College. Oct. 6- 41? (
v\ aar. and Jeff.. State College. Oct. 13. 30? ?
Cornell. Ithaca, Oct. 1*.2>? t
Gettvsburg. State College. Oct. 36.36? ?
Ptr.rsyi veals, Philadelphia, Nov. 2.... It? a
Viliaaova. State College. Nov. ?.71? ?
Totals .21?- Ij
I Harvard.
Maine. Cambridge. Sept 21. 7? I
Holy Cress. Cambridge. Oct ?.IS? a
i Williams. Cambridge. Oct. 13.26? I
I Azr.hersL Cambridge. Oct. 1?.?.. ej? ?
Brian, Cambridge. Oct. M.36? 1?
Princeton. Cambridge, Nov. 3.16? t
VasderMlt, Cambridge. Nov. ?.. f? j
I Total? ..Iii? r
Bethel College,, Sept. 23....10*? ?
Msryvilie. Nashville. October 6.loo? )
Kose Poly. Nashville. October 12.St? ?
Georgia. Atlanta, Oct. l?.4S? a
Mlaeiaalppl. Nsshvil.e. Oct. 26. 34? 6
Virginia. Nashville. Nov. 3. 13? t
Harvard, Cambridge. Nov. ?. s_ a
Stevens. Princeton. Sept. I
Rutgers. Princeton. Oct. 2..41? a
Leaigh. Princeton. Oct. i_.js? i
Va P. X., Princeton. Oct. 12.31? a
Syrscose. Princeton. Oct. 1*.62? a
Dartmouth. Princeton. Oct. M.22? 1
Harvard. Cambridge. Nov. 2.. 6? M
New Tora, Princeton. Nov. 9.14? 4
Totale .-3K- 9
Csilkds lalllsna
; Albright Carlleie. Sept 3.le? j
Lebsnon Valley. Cer.lsl?, Sent. 21.?6? ?
i D ckiseoe. Carlisle. Sept. 26. 34? ?
Vli.acova. Barrtsbjrr. Oct. 2.46? ?
W ard J, Wasbl. gien. Pa.. Oct. 6_ 6? a
?vramee. Syracuse. Oct. 12. 36? a
pit'sb-j.-rh. Pittsburgh. Oct a.46? <
<>? ??:??? o?n. Washington. Oct 36.. 34? I*
fatagh South 3 v.-m. Nov 2.14?14
Army. West Polst. Nov. ?.. 37? e
Tats A
Betes. Hanover. Sept M.36? a
SrrwKh. Haaever. Oct 2.?.. 41? j
Mesa Aggies Haaever Oct. 6.47? a
Vermont. Hasover. Oct R.66? 6
wi Item?. WIlllaiKatowB. Oct 1?.n? ?
Pnfccetew. Princeton Oct. U. 7? 22
irhera? H?i??v?.r. Nee 2.6a? ,
Cornell. Ithaca. Nov. ft.
34- ft.
C<>iby, Providence. Oct. 2. *? ?
Kbode Providence. Oct. t.1*? ?
'>\ es.eyan. Providence. Oct. U. ft? 1
Perm, Providence. Oct. 1?.JO? 1
Harvard. Cambridge. Oct. 2t. 10? X
>?rmont. Providence. Nov. 2. 12? 7
Yale. New Haven. Nov. 9. 0? U
Totaia .TL? Q
f? warth more.
?lllanova., sept. 28. 27? 4
L.a:ayette, Kat'.un. Oct. 5.22? 4
Penn., Philadelphia, Oct 12. ft? %
1 Xesy, Annapolis. Oct. 1?.21? I
j Johns Hopttlna. Swartfcmore, Oct. 2*.. 4ft? ?
L' QBllaajaT4lla, Nov. 2. 'Sf? t
jyehigh, Swarthmore. Nov. ft. ft? 2
Totals .12?- M
I Navy.
Johns Hopkins, Annapolis, Oct. 6. 7? I
'..el.lgh, Annapolis, Oct. 12. ft?14
Swarthmore, Annapolis. Oct. IS. ft? 21
Pittsburgh., Oct. it. 12? s
?Vtsltrn Reserves. Annapolis. Nov. 1.. 7? 4
Buckneil. Annapolis. Nov. ?. 7? 17
Totaia.4ft? 41
-trvens. West Point, Oct. ft..27? 4
Lutgers. West Point. Oct. 12. 1ft? 4
i'aie. West Point. Oct. 1?. ft? ?
lolfcate. West Point. Oct. 24. B? 7
Carlisle Indiana. West Point, Nov. ft.. ft? 27
? Totals .Tft? 4ft
' '.Vaah. and Jeff.. Itnaca. sept. 26. J? 4
I Zo gate. Ithaca. 6ept. 2S. 7? It
Jb.rlin. Ithaca. Oct. 1. 0?11
New l'ork, Itbaca. Oct. 12. 14? 4
r"i r-n. State. Itbaca. Oct. 1?. ft? it
BcckseU, Ithaca. Oct. 36.14? ?
A i..;ams. Ithaca, Nov. 2. 1ft? H
Dartmouth, Ithaca. Nov. ft. ft? 24
; Totals .54?100
Racdolph-Macon. Wasmngioa. Sept. 2S tft? 4
HC St- Mary's, Washington. Oct. i_27? ft
Mash, and Lee. Washington. Oct. 12.. 20? ft
a. and at- or N. C-. Kaleigh. Oct. 1ft... 4ft? ?
Jartiai* Indiana. Waa.iir.gtoa. D C.2ft? 34
NcrtU Richmond. Nov. 2.J7? is
Washington Cel.. Washington. Nov. >.. ftt? ft
Hebert, Syracuse. Sept. A.12? ft
Yale. New Haven. Oct. t. ft? 23
Carlisle Indian*. Syracuse. Oct. It.. ft? M
Princeton. Princeton, Oct. 1?. ft? 41
Michigan. Syr?cuse. Oct. 24. la? 7
Rochester. Syracuse, Nov. z.2ft? ft
Lafayette, Eastoa, Nov. ft. tft? I
Totals .
?M Acad . Lewlsb-irg. Sept. 21.41? ft
? yomlng Sem.. LewlsDurg. Oct. 1.4ft? ft
c'it'.sburga. Pittsburgh. Oct. 12. ft? ft
g- Bonaventura a. Lewisburg. Oct. 13.. ft? 14
Ceseetta Ithaca. Oct. 2ft. ft? 14
l.s aycttc. -at:cn. Nov. 2. ft? ft
Navy. Aanapolis. Nov. ft.H? 7
Totals.?.1C? 21
Case. Ann Arbor. Oct. *.ft*? ft
Mich. Aggies. Ann Arbor. Oct. ? 2
Ohio State. Coluisbua. Oct. 1*. 14? 4
Syracuse, Syracuse, Oct. 24 . 7? lft
Sooth Dakota, Ann Arbor. Nov. f. 7? 1
Pcr.n.. Phi lade Ipaue, Nev. ft. 71? 27
Totals .aMtaJN '?*
Toai aaaaeat Paotpoaeal.
The mixed golf tournament sched?
uled for to-day at the Hermitage Golf
Club has been postponed until Friday.
In the la? mixed tournament seven?
teen couples, consisting of a woman
and man partner, played. A larger
num-er of couplea Is expected to enter
in this tournament.
George B. Post, Jr. % kntry Captures Champion?
ship Luv at Meet ot National beagle Club
of America, heki at . haewt*!!
Charlotteavllle. Va., November 11.?
la tho elxth annual bench show of
beagle*, held in connection with the
twenty-third annual field trlale of the
National Beagle Club of America, at
Shad well, this county, under the rulea
of the American Kennel Club. ther<>
were over 100 entriea of aupeilor qual?
ity. Tho best hounds in the countr\
competed, and added interest wae taken |
in toe show because of aome new im?
portation). The classes for couple* |
proved highly interesting and vcrj |
level, from a beegio man a standpoint,
and gave to the enow an Engtisu set?
'Itits champlonahip cup, for the best
single bound of either aex and any nfja
?tho highest honoib In the ahow?fell
to tiie imported champion. Folly, own?
ed by George B. l'ost, Jr., of New York
This bitch hus succeaafully met tho 1
snarpest competition during the past)
few years. The reserve went
Watchman. al?o of the Somerset
beagles. Watchman was also declared
the best dog in tho show, second hon?
ors going to Chieftain, also owned b.
M,.-. post. It was Watchman'a first ap?
pearance at the show. .
Silver cups were awarded tha wln-|
nere in the following classes:
For best couple of hounds; either eexj
*nd any age?First, Chorister and'
Counsellor. Wheatley Beagles. H. tt.
Fhippa. of Wheatley, L. I.
Best couple of hounds; either aex an l|
age, bred by exhibitor?First. Daylight I
and Diligent, owned by E. to- Heyiiila, |
of White Plains, ML T. Reserve?Chjef
tain and Challenger, Somerset Beagles,!
George B- Poat, Jr.
Best two couplea of hcunda; either I
sex any any use?First. Chorister andj
Counsellor, Frantic and Fearnot, of.
the Wheatley Beagles, H. C. Phipps.
Keserve?Watchman and Challenge,
Chieftain and Lucky Laaa, Somerset
Beagles, George B. Post. Jr.
Best three couples of hounds?First,
Chorister, Counsellor, Frantic; Fearnot.
Faultless and Fencer, Wbeateley
Beagles. H. C Phipps.
Winners in other miscellaneous
classes were:
Best stallion hound and two of his
get?First. Grasper and Daylight and|
Diligent, E. & Reynala, of White Plains.
N. T. Reserve?Gulder. John B. Phipps,
Wheatley Beaglsa
Best brood bitch and two of her pro?
duce^?First. Graphic and Godfrey and |
Parity, E. S- Reynala. White Plains. N
Best pack of eight couples; prize. |
silver cup?First, Daylight, Duchess,
Gaily, Juno, Dairy Maid. Ransom. Gay
Lass, Madcap: Diligent, Cadfly. Gossip.
Medal. Dimple, Gamester. Grasper and!
Playmate, owned by E. & Reynala. oij
White Plains. N. Y.
Winners in field trial classes:
Best dog, over thirteen and not ex- J
ceedlng fifteen Inches?First, Novel. Sir!
Sister Beagles, Chctwood Smith. Wor?
cester. Mass.; second, Clasber, Somerset j
Beagles; third. Blue Boy. Belray j
Beagles, Raymond Belmont. Reserve
Lie tor. Somerset Beaglea
Best dog. thirteen Inches and under? |
First. Hotspur. Waldlngneld Beagles,
James W. Appleton, Ipswich, Maes.
Best bitch, over thirteen and not overj
fifteen Inches?First. Kitten. Beiray
Beagles. F.aymond Belmont: second.)
Blue Belle. Somerset Beaglea. George
K Post, Jr.; third. Frantic, Sir Sister,
Beagles, Chrtwood Smith.
Winners in breeders' classes:
1. mi?First, Shad-veil, Somerset Bea
glee; second. Bulger. Josn S. Phipps.:
Wheatley Beaglea
Best bitch whelped on or after Jan-!
uary 1. 1511?First, Purity, E- R Rey?
Best dog. over thirteen and not over'
fifteen?First. Chieftain, Somereet
Beagles: second. Sir Sieter Beagles,
third. Clasbtr, Somerset Beagles. Re?
serve?Blue Boy, Bel ray Beagles, Ray?
mond Belmont.
Best bitch, over thirteen and not over
fifteen Inches?First, Dahlia, Somerset
Beagles: second. Bashful, Belray
Best dcg. thirteen Inches and under
?First, Grasper, E S. Reynals; second.:
Blue Boy, John S. Phipps, of Wheatley, I
L l
Best bitch, thirteen Inches and un?
der?First. Duchess. E. 8. Reynala of
White Plains. N. V.
Winners in classes for dogs:
Novice?First. Dalesman. Belray Bea?
gles; second. Medal. E 9. Reynala:'
Horses From All Over Country
Will Take Whack at
Big Purses.
Norfolk. Va. Noveenber 11.?The!
Jamestown Jockey Club's racing plant
Is alive with thoroughbreds that will
b? entered for the races which begin
Wednesday. Overlive hundred horses
have already arrived and n hundre? j
more are expected to-morrow and next
day. The hotels are raptd.y filling up
with horsemen who are partial to the
Norfolk races.
Among the arrivals to-day were, H
Gny Bedweil with each well known
horses at Locklel. Prince Ahmed and
Jacqueline. Ja men Fitzaitnoaone ar?
rived trees Laurel with a etrlag et
kor?am, William Martin. John WbaJeo.
Thomee Rod rock, Ed Puroell and J.
T Teaaplo arrived to-day. Teeaple has
charge of tho atable of David Dunlop.
which Includes auch heraaa an Tena?
nt re and ethers that have wen parses
on the Jamestown track.
Other arrtvele to-day were Charles
Ellison and wtfe. L P. Adair. Graver
Maker. Hunt ley Baker. Frank Brew a.
S S. Davis. ? Red" Walker. T. 1 Poo*.
Qaaigi Bryson. Jack PktlUpa aad Eu?
gene Lata
Manager Bob Levy MM to-day that
the Lyn?heren handicap, a solltag race
far he Una of all agee. will bo the
feature of the opening eveata
Nearly all of the boxes In the grand?
stand have been reserved by promt
pent residente ef the city for the or-rw- I
Hag day. The management promises
the bent race meet Norfoih hoe ever
had. with aoao of the onjtcUenahte|
that teas is raetwg to oat
third. Bulger. John S. Fhipps. of Wheat,
ley. 1* I.
Limit dogs, ever thirteen said not ex.
ceeding fifteen inches?First, Watch?
man, burner ?et Beagles, second. Finder
XI.. Belray Beagles, Raymond Belrncnt;
third. Mr Novel. Mr Sister Beagles,
Chtittvood Smith. Reserve?Conjurer,
K&gdale i ea?lia. Arthur Bunrdcn,
Mlcksvllle, I? I.
Open dogs, over thirteen and not ex.
ceeding nlicen inches?first, Watch
man, Somerset Beagles; second, Chief
tun. .Somei set beagle*; third, finde?
II.. B<lr;:y Beagles. Reserve?Novel.
Sir Sister Beagles. Chetwood Smith.
Limit t!eg?. thirteen Inches and
under?First, Medal. ?. S. Keyualis.
White Plains, N. Y.; second, Blue Bo;-,
John S. Mupps. third. Blizzard. IVaM
ingfleld Beagiee.
Open dogs, thirteen Inches and undee
?Flrgt, Grasper. E. 3. ReynaJs; second
Gulder. Whealley Beagles. John S.
Phlpps. Whcatley. I* I.
Winners in classes for bitches:
Novice?First. Dorothy. Belray B>-a
gles; second, Beulah. Nordley Beagles,
T. Dudley lllgga. Baltimore; third,
l'urlty, E. a Reynals.
Limit bitches, over thirteen and not
exceeding fifteen Inches?First, Luuky
Lass. Somerset Beagles, second, Bea?
trice. Somerset Beagles, third. Kitty.
Belray Reserve? Flora, bel?
ray Beagles, Raymond Belmcat.
OpM bitches, over thirteen an 1 r.ol
exceeding Lftcen inches?First. F'?llv.
Somerset Beagles, second. Lucky Lass
Somerset Beagles; third. Beulah, KoTd
ley Beagles. T. Dudley Riggs. Iialii
more. Reserve.?Blue Wing. Belray
Limit bitches, thirteen Inches and
under?First. Duchess. E. S. Reynals;
second, Hostess. Waldln^fleld Beagles;
third. Lively. Walding?eid Beagle?. Be.
serve. Victory. When ties Beagles. John
S. r'hipps.
The events were judged by Charten
W. Barney, of New Bedford. Mass
The bench show committee included
G. Miffiln Wharton. chairman: Elliott
C. Cowdin II., Raymond Belmont. Chet
wood Smith and Ramsey Turnbull,
London. November 21.?Fred Welch,
the English lightweight, regained h.s
title of lightweight champion of Great
Britain in a twenty-round light to?
night with Mart Wells, the British title
holder. The tight went the full dis?
tance. Welch winning on points. In
the early rounds Welch had slightly
the better of it, Wells'* work being a
little ragged. Both tried desperately
in the anal rounds to score a knock?
out At the end of the twentieth
Welch's right eye was nearly closed,
but the referee considered that he had
done the better fighting.
Lewttser Cease aad Brash seta,
all prices.
Fnllaaaa SUppera, case to match.
Tie and Hose Cosahlaatsoas
Saaeeader, Garter aad Ana-Baad
Bath Robes.
Faary Vesta.
Jewelry, etc.
When you are ready, remember
712 East Bread.
ACADEMY?May ad Wed.
Special Matinee Wednesday.
The Nation's Greatest Light Opera.
With a Great Cast of Grsnd Opera
PRICES: Matinee, ate to *2-**t
night. See to
A. H- Woods Presents the Laughing
Two and One-Half Hours et Giggles.
NEXT WEEK. "The Frolics of Hi*"
Academy Theatre
Friday. Nwvisnstc 23?
Ssmrday. So uses if 22. vest* ?atsn>
way see tint r.
"The House That Jack
(Mother Boss? Opera.?
Zi* Richmond Fingers in Cstt
Benefit Pt Monica's Mission
Ctly Audltorlam.
The Wednesday Clab
win present
Handel s Oratorio.
"The Messa?"
X^ocfti a*to.?t*. dmrm mm* tut FMM
|MsfieMAe*9 Oftaa^VCraW
rare nrrmatt at, ctA* ?r
Kreatntjwmtn u
Three Other Acts of