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From Coast to Coast Victims Are Caught in Drag Net. - , j IN SCORE OF CITIES ARRESTS ARE MADE Pott-Office Department Charges Use of Mails to Promote Illegal Medical Practices?Many of Those in Law's Toils Are Prominent Socially and in Business. Washington. November 70.?A nation? wide raid, involving the practlcally-sl multan'oua arrests of 17^ persons In UM principal cities of the country. w?s made to-day by post-office. Iuspec. tors and United States marshals upon doctors and drug iw-riu, charted with misuse of the malls to solicit criminal medical practice or to dts p.jte of medicines and Instruments con netted with auch practice. The ra'd?the most extensive and far-reaching ever made by any de? partment of the government?waa under the personal direction of post? master-General Hitchcock and Inspec? tor Robert ? Sharp, of the Post-Office Department. So carefully had Us 6** :ai;s been guarded that until the first of the arrests were made at Indian? apolis, early in the day. practically nothing waa known of the govern? ment's contemplated action. Working with clock-like precision, the Inspec? tion force spread over twenty-two States carried out the prearranged plans, and. at an early hour to-night, the Post-Office Department had re? ceived word thst nearly all of the tiesiBnat?-<i persons had been arrested, still Heart eg Keaalts. Tli'-- results of the crusade axe still being received to-night by the. inspec. tors' division of the post-office In the form of dozens of telegrams from vari? ous divisional b?ad<juarters. In lso- J Uted instances It was found for van-; uu? reasons to be Impracticable to ef? fect the arrests, but the suspected per. aona against whom warrants have been issued are under survell.ance and prob? ably are unable to escape. Chief Inspector Sharp and a large part ?f bis force of 3?i> Inspectors had been engaged for several months under the orders of the Post master-General in working up the scores of individual case* in whlcn arrests) were made tor ?ay. Afaoy of the** taken Into custoay wcre members of prominent wholesale and r-taii drug concerns. The gOYern ment will prosecute the cases vigor? ously, according to a statement by Postmaster-General Hitchcock to-night. "The work of the post-office Inspec? tors to-day is th~ culmination of the erusade instituted more than two years ago against the fraudulent and un? lawful use of the mans." said Mr. Hitchcock. -In that comparatively brief time we have wiped out of exist? ence concerns which have mulcted the people of this country out of more than glOtt. ?40.000 by frauds perpetrated through the use of the mails, and the courts have sent many of the promot? ers of UM fraudulent schemes to the penitentiary. where they Mre now serv? ing time. The widv publicity given to tne arrests made to-day will d< more to put an end to this particular sort of criminality than any number of practical.y unknown prosecutions of widely separated cases " cute* Where RaM* As* Mils The number of arrests made or to be made in the respective cities follows: New York. 2; Buffalo. 3. Pittsburgh, 7; Indianapolis. 3; Chicago. ?. St. Paul. S; 1 ort Worth. 4. St. Louis. 3, Omaha. 4. Oklahoma City, 5; Portland, Ore. Denver, 6: Seattle, S. Spokane. 5; San Francisco. 7; Oakland, Cha, a. Los An- j gcies. I; San Jose. 3. Mobile. 3: Mariet- : ta. 0. 3: Dallas. 3. Two each in Albany. Washington.; Memphis, Birmingham. Cleveland. Steu benvllle. O.: Duluth. Winona. Minn.;' Wan Antonio. Houston. New Orleans. - Kansas City. Tope-ka. Alameda, CaX One ?ach in Atlanta. Cincinnnti, To- j ledo. Minneapolis. Geiveston. Salt Lake ; City. Ithaca and Elmira, N. T.; East 1 Orange. N. J.. Lancaster and Pine, Hank, fa: Cumberland. Md.. Charles? ton and Columbia. 9. C. Jacksonville.! * !a Columbus. Springfield. Mount Vernon I?ayton and Convoy. O . Fort Wayne and Terre Haute. Ind.. Feorla. Ill . Katamasoo and Iron River. Mich.: Holden. Mo.: Muskogee. Okla.; Wichita. Kan.: Council Blairs, lows: belling-' ham. <*rcscertt and Ti'OiM, Wash.. Sa? crament'*. Petal'ima. Fresno and Glen? ds.'. CMS Kattre Ce?tij fswril i his concerted otn ul action covered the I'nlted States from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to trie gulf Many of the persons arrested are prominent, commercially and so? cially, in their communities. f<om- are leading? physicians, others are rich sad Influent!*I business men: r. t ether* are men whs live by tn-tr wits and are comparatively little ka?wn without their own small esterte or associates, and one ?* s Chinaman, who Is alleged t? have practiced his rail ins: upon W'im'-n of his own race and upon those ?f the lower strata of society All of the strests for altosred ? o'.atlon of section 751 of the Penal C"4e of the Cnlte? State?, wnim oar* trr-m the malls vile or obscene matter, whether sealed or unsealed aBr ?ertiaement. letter or ctrcnlar nronos-, Irr Ar ??garestlog criminal practices, ?r sny packet contain In?; anr sah Bianre, drug or thing Intended to be n?e<| for Immoral Sf unlawful r,nr. tVipes j Approximately ninety of the persona ?rrested already have Seen Indicted by rmted stales ?rand Juries In vnrWos I arts off the ????l| j ami the) rase* of the others will he presented is grand |?rles n-w sirtln?; s? rsiddly as may he feasible. strict enforcement of mnnkisal and State laws In the Fast t* said by the SOStal authorities to Sfronnt for the ?BtnparstKety few arrises hi She targe eCeelrtaetd ? ?Ith Ph??T? TRADE JOURNAL USED PriM TaMes Made V? tar ???I Washington, Xovember 20.?The tact that price table*. u*ed as the baala for the Bureau of Corporation*' report*, and now offered in evidence at the ex. aminer'a hearing* in the Federal gov? ernment's suit for the dissolution of the United Statea Steel Corporation, were compiled from a trade Journal, wm made the gist of the croas-examlnatlon to-day of l>r Francis Walker, deputy commiaaioner of corporations, before Kxamlner Henry I?. Brown. In response to gueatk>n? by R V. Ltndabury. of counsel for th<? Steel Corporation. Dr. Walker testified that it would have been ? ?tupendou* task to have collated th" prloea from figure* new to the bureau by manufacturers, because of variation In the sp.-<-;l<a tl-ons of the products sold. He said that where his table? showed prices were constant, and. therefore. In his judgment, there waa a lack of com? petition, the real price* were not " ab-1 solutely" constant. Pnder cross-examination, the witness testified that the price of Southern foundry Iron was higher before the Tennessee iron and Coal Company was taken over by the Ptfeel '"orporatlon than It had been at any time since. ! Early in thj^- day J. M D.ckinaon. of counsel for the government, succeeded in getting into the record testimony ? objected to ) eeterday to the effect that prices of steel product* before the date of the organisation of the Steel Cor? poration were lower tliaun they had been from that time down to 1?0*. He did not. however, have the witness ref.-r directly to the organization. MISS DYE ON STAND Woman MeXaaaaan Wistei Murdered (Uvea Her Teatlmeey. Indianapolis. Ind.. ' November 20.? Miss Marx C Dye, ? stenographer, who. witnesses had said, was marked for murder by .lames B. McXamara. the Los Angeles Tlmea dynamiter, be? cause she worked for the Iron Work? ers* Union and "knew too much." tes? tified at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial to-day. She asserted she had been ' followed by detectives, and one occa- , sion one of the McXamara brothers ? had foreel an entrance to her room ' at a hotel to search (or paperB which j he destred to destroy. Miss Dye identified hundreds of let- ' ters Introduced by the government to 1 sustain its contention that Frank M. , Ryan, president of the union, and the forty-four other defendants conspired to transport explosives illegally in ' furtherance of dynamite plots against ? non-union firms. The letters were written by John i. McXamara, secre? tary or the union. The witness teatifled she quit the employ of the Iron workers before the Lna Angeles explosion, but -she had 'written many letters which the government charges were in further- ; ance of earlier explosion*. ?soon after I Wt- a boy at the: doer or my room la a hotel at mld n.aht called cat he [sad a telegram.'* , ?aid Miss Dye. "but when I opened 1 the. door John j. Kr.V m?rt. much as-j cited, forced his way in. He demand- f ed certain paper* of which I knew j nothing. Then be searched my bag and departed. In going over letter* at that office I had seen a letter that somebody was going to "give away" evidence unless money was forthcom? ing. The government contends that the Informant referred to w?? Herbert & Hock in. who Is now on trial, and that Hockln had already told of the hiding I of nitroglycerine at Rochester. Pa. and at Munc'e. Ind. On his flight back from Los Angeles, after causing the exploa'on there. James B. McXamara planned to have j V- Dye put to death and wanted 1 Frank Eckhoff to do It. according to Eckhoffa testimony. JURY IS COMPLETED TakJasr ed giMtsit *? Xatteaal ? ash j H?*as**r Case May Bests Te-Day. Wt Louis. Mo.. November 2?.?After I the dismissal of the entire sarond ' regular venire summoned in the cases ' of John H. Patterson and twenty-n'ne other officials or former officials of the | National Caen Register Company, of I Dayton. Ohio. ? jury was completed 1 late to-day from twelve men. who had : been called for Jury service by. Judge Howard Rol lister personally with the ? concent of both parties. The case against the thirty-odd men ts that they violated the criminal sec tioa of the Sherman antitrust act. The court refused to state why it had dismissed the second venire, bat admitted that It was at the request of both the go-*rnm?nt and the de- . 'ense. i Of the extra twelve men summoned, six were examined and tun peremptory rhal'.i-sc were exercised before the court-el for both r'les agr.-el that tbev were satisfied. aek had left an ad? ditional peremptory challenge, which was 'inexerctsed. Court waa adionraed after Attorney Harrison for the government an- i nounced that he would be ready to pr-sent the government's case when the trial la resumed to-morrow, and that thh? presentation would mriasnx not loss than two hours. I Attorneys for the defense also stater! ?hat they would be ready t - make their statement at the conclusion of the govern mint's presentation, and it U> considered probable that the hearing of testimony may he commenced before the adjournment to-morrow. j CONDITION OF ANARCHY ri * spa Map B* ?ewt late ! Chari-stc.i. W. Va. November 2*.? ' occasional rifle nre d'rected from the hillside into the West Virginia dis? trict now under martial law. to-day kept the mtl>tla anxloaa. There were few development* of Importance To niaht none of those concerned in the rr.illtia iti?v. irent, to-day Is optimistic. At a n-uro! ? - of isolated points where militia has not yet penetrated prac tlcallv a coniltion of ansrchy ex?sta Reports te|| of bands of men traveling in dosen*, bosrding trains and put? ting passengers through a thorough Inspection. A number of persons have ; been severely beaten, some of whom , , were Innocent travelers. Governor Olasococfc Is expected to | a nnonnce soon the sentences paaaed yeMerdav by the m'lltarv commission ? follow.nx the trial* of the three men tried for Intimidating workmen and 1 holding up passenger train* A fourth mm waa tried and completed to-day. , but nothing has been mad* public mmmi are ewrrent to-n?ght that taw . Federal gevemm*** may take a band in the situation T>e Federal grand ! lory convened to-day, gad I* *aM to nave i mmmm? the matter of aoMlag uP trains carrying mall. It Is even rnmoved that Federal troops may take a hand Two car loads ed men were sent lute the strike district to-nag** The train beartwg the alleged strlhibraakaru waa keaaVy f _An*C*m^^vaw^vvt &t ffef ?WvWSan I I_ In Broad Daylight They Must Walk Forth j From Tombs. ?-? 'they had hoped ! for darkness - Rose, Webber and Vallon, Who j Convicted Becker and His Gun- , i men Tools, Will Be Liberated To-Day, and Belief Reigns I That Vengeance Will j Be Swift and Sure. i New York, November Me- it will >>e in broad daylight, and n >t under cover of darkness. a? iney had anxiously hoped, that "Bald Jack" Kose. "Bridgie" Webber and Harrr \'allon will be set at llbTty. aCCCttwiaS to the program f >r the releas ? of tue three Informers agaJnst former Polire Deu tenaru Charles Becker and his four gunmen tools, t,o tar as it could be learned to-night. Mid-afternoon to? morrow is the time tentatively set. The underworld has been awaiting with interest and animation as to t.'.e time they would be free, for the feeling nas prevailed there that the friends of th^ four gangsters about to be sentenced to death for the murder of Herman "Rosenthal were only awaiting the lib? eration of Ruse. Webber and Vallon to take revenue up>n the trio. The three men will be brought at 2 o'clock to-morrow before . Coroner Feinberg, and District Attorney Whit? man will present to that offlcl&l. It Is said, stipulations signed by him with counsel for the witnesses. If Mr. Whitman declares that the three men have kept faith with the State in giving relevant testimony, the coroner will release them from commitment. Sam Schepps. fourth of the State's valuable witnesses against Becker and the gunmen, also probably will be re- , leased during da> light to-morrow. Ha j Is being held on a charge of vagrancy. William Shapiro, driver of the "muroer i car." will go free shortly. Mr. Whit? man will move to have the indictment against Shapiro quashed in return for his testimony for the Stat*. Ready ta> Leave Prfesen. Rose. Vallon. Schepps. Webber and Shapiro spent to-day packing their effects, anticipating release to-nlgnt. j Schepps announced that he would re- j i turn to Hot Springs. Ark., wf/ence ne : fled from this city after Kosenthal j was murdered The others did .tot I talk of their immediate future, but [ their friends are expected to hurry j them from town to escape peril of re j prisals by followers >>f Rosenthal's I slayers. ! Mrs. Lillian Horowitz, wife of "Gyp j the Blood." was brought to-day from the House of Detention, where she had t been held pending the outcome of the i gunmen's trial, and dicharged fr?m ! custody by Justice Goff. She wept while being arraigned. | I An attempt will be made to bring; , I Becker from Sing Sing prison to this 1 city to-morrow or Friday to testify In j the trial of Fabian B. MrKInney, ' ' charged with bribery. Sentences of death on the four gun 1 men convicted yesterday of murdering \ Kosenthal will be pronounced by Jus I tli e Goff on Jfevemmber ti. He so an- \ \ nounced when the .prisoners were ar- ! j raigned before him to-day. After sen- | tence is passed the men will be taken ' to Sing Sing, where former Police Lieu- j tenant Becker is awaiting death. MAY SOLVE PROBLEM f smsalttf Is Appointed to Deal With Car 9 asrt age Washington. November 20.?The, car i shortage problem wlU be dealt with Immediately by s committee of th* American Railway Association. The In? terstate Commerce Commission, which has undertaken to break up the prac? tice of railroads making unwarranted us* of the equipment of other line*, was advised to-day that the American Railway Association has appointed Fairfax Harrison, president of the Mo con Railway: R- H. Ashtone. of the' Canadln Northwestern, and T. E. Clarke, of the Dataware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad, to enforce the rules ?overnlng the interchange of cars. The committee Is empowered to Impose penalties on railroads that do sot return equipment promptly. ARRAIGN JOHNSON TO DAY *egr? Will BV Called to Bator Pleas to rt*f Isdlctssfata. Chicago. November JO.?Jack John son. negro pugilist. und<r Federal in- ' 1 dlctment for alleged violation* of the j Mann act. will be arraigned before ? Federal Judge Carpenter to-morrow morning. Ho will he called on to ; enter pleas to each of five indictments recently returned against him chars tnir that he caused th?* transportation of' Belle Schreiber from Cnlcago to citien In other Mates for purposes prohibited by the Federa' statute An early trial will be sought by the government in 1 the cases, it I? en pec ted An Indict? ment against Johnson for the alleged' smuggling of a diamond necklace for ' his late white wife. Ethel Duryea John- . son. who committed suu ide \% held In j sbeyance. He will he tried on the i criminal change* of violating the Mann j act trat. j THOUSANDS VIEW VESSEL j j Charleston. ? C November J*_ Th?nse ade of persona to-night throng? ed the harbor front here to new the leieren Illuminated battleship* ef th* I Atlantic fleet *f th* ratted ?tst?s I Navy, while Admiral Osterhaos and the "ther ??gar* af the fleet were g marts I at a hall given at the government aavy yard here Th* fleet will remain here IIa the barber until Sunday, wtton the QUIET SETTLES 01 BATTLEFIELD Cannon Ceases Roaring and Hostile Armies Rest. OUTCOME NOW WITH DIPLOMATS They Will Meet To-Day to Dis? cuss Terms of Armistice, and It May Be That End of War Is Near?Turk's Fate Is at Stake?Cholera Still Is Spreading. London. November 20.?The Turkish Balkan war has shifted fjsjr a tint* from the field of arms to that of di? plomacy. It may be that the war is near to an end. Plenipotentiaries for the belligerent powers will moot to* morrow at the village of Hadenikeui. a feu moutside the capital, for a pieiiminary discussion >f the terma of an armistice In the meantime the Turkish. Bul atBjfiaa and Servian Commanders have ordered a cessation of hostilities, al? though cannonading, whi?*h Nazim Pa? sha reports as unimportant, occurred this morning. The sweeping terms which the allies were said to have demanded yesterday as a b'isis for the armistice appear not to have been advanced. The plempj tcntlar>les may not know the terms of the armistice until tney mett for dis? cussion, but it Is almost certain that it will be on the basis if the Balkan States holding all the conq red coun? try until a permanent treaty of peace is signed. How many vest I gag of bis former piwer they are prepared to concede the Turk depends largely upon two fas tors, the strength and supplies of the alllde army theatenJng the gates ol Constantinople and the extent to which the cholera has embarrassed their, plans. It is cretain difficulties ham? per the Bulgarian army on account of the distance from its base and the rough roads. The cholera is counted on by the Turks to weaken the Bulga? rian ambition for a triumphal inarch into the capital and the celebration of mass in St. Sophia. But to make assurance doubly sure, the Turk has re? sorted to the amaxing plan of trans? forming the mosque Into a pesthouse. : and has crowded 200 cholera-stricken patients within tta walla, la accordance wltb the suggestion ' contained In the Bulgarian note that ! the allied Balkan nations are prepared meet the Turkish commander-in I chief with a view of arranging an (armistice, the Ottoman government has I appointed Nazim Pasha to confer with [ General Savoff. the Bulgarian leader. Tasks ad TfcrkUa General. The Turkish general, who has been I putting up suck an excellent defense ! of the ramparts of the capital, now I baa thrown on him the additional bur | den of deciding whether or not a fur | ther display of tenacity behind the for I till cations of Tchatalja may bring I easier terms and save to the Ottoman I Empire more than Constantinople and I a strip of Thrace along the shores of ! the Sea of Marmora, which seemingly , is all that the conquerors are at pres | ent disposed to leave to the van I qulshed ! In the meanwhile the two armies bold their respective positlona How long- this armed truce will be main? tained, however, will depend on the terms of peace offered by the league of the Balkan, nations, and on whether the hitherto futile attacks by the Bul? garians on the Tchatalja lines have In- j splrad the Tarka with hopes that the fortunes of war may yet turn in their favor. Reports regarding the conditions proposed by the allies are conflicting It la officially stated In Constantinople that the agreement of the State to dis? cus* the terms of an armistice and the preliminaries of peace does not stipu? late any conditions. Simultaneously with the lull on the battlefield comes news of a diminution or tension in the Austro-Servtan dis? pute by the compliance of Servla with the demand of the Austrian govern? ment for an investigation at Prlsrend. On the other hand, there is nothing y.-t to indicate a solution of the ques? tion of Servla'? demand for ports on the Adriatic Sea If. as is threatened, she diverts her army released by he fall of Monastlr to the country of the Arnaut tribe*-1 men her relation* with Austria-Hun gary will. It is thought, be further imperilled. The reports that orders for the mo? bilization of the Aiistro-Hungartan] army had been issued, are to-day 'tally declared untrue. Constantinople. November 2# ?-The i position at the Tchatalja lines waa' described by Nazim Tasha. the Turkish j ? ommander-ln-chief. in a telegram to the Turkish war office, timed 12.15 P M to-day. as follows: "Reports received at th?? moment ?rtate that the e-i-my fadna our left wing withdrew completely last night in the direction of the slope* of Panat Kurgj*. "Our reconnoitj-ir.* pxrtlee counted over ".??? d-ad Bulgarian* on the s To pee lo lb" environs of Tctiatlalja Railroad station From their epanierte* K was established that the dead soldiers be? longed to the First Infantry Regiment of Sofia a number of rifle*, aapa and oSlcers- swords were beoughr in by oar trcope "According In state-neat* made by Rule-art an prisoners, the enemy has beta without food for three days, and sM* to carry away aP their The moral* of oar troops Is vary A wtrilam dispatch from the ears mender of rhe T?rVT?h battleship Tar? get Rata timed i A. If. Nerensber 2S, reports that a Turkish JiiaiihsaisH op? erating from Oerko*. a*ded by She dre af the *Mp** gsue. drove bach the Bel-< Of 01 Mil?! Tftsml-1 Mrs. Wilsons Social Secretary Cincinnati. O.. November 20.?Ac? cording: to the letters written to her family. Miss Mary Bayless. the young Ohio woman who has been made the social secretary to Mrs. Woodrow Wil? son, wife of the President-elect, is much interested in her work. A sister. Miss Gwendolyn Bayless. ?who is a student at the Conservatory of Music, said to-day that she bad re? ceived but one letter from her sister since Miss Bayless became the secre? tary to Mrs. Wilson. a?d that one stated that she had been very busy since the nomination of the Governor of New Jersey for the presidency, but that the work was very interesting. M sg Bayless took a business course [in Clnc'nnati at the same time that she studied dramatic art in Mrs. Frances Rolph Hayward's Dramatic School, from which she was craduated. and for a season was with Viola Allen , in 'The Toast of the Town." It was .while she was playing; in that piece ? in Cincinnati that the above photo I graph was taken. I She was secretary to Owen Johnson .while he wrote "Stover at Yale." I which wa? said by some to be taken from Mayor Henry T. Hunt, who was in Yale College with the author. "Mv sister usually comes home once a year." said Miss Gwendolyn Bayless. 'but last year she was too busy, so I have not seen her for nearly two years." ?Reported That They Have Been ' Massacred in Jaffa. I' Palestine. CRUISER RUSHING TO SCENE Feared They Have Been Made Victims of Vengeance of Turks and Arabs. . . Athens, Xoeasabsr 28.?Report* of ahhhasMSM or oniimu in Jaffa, puj estlne, caused tfao comma rrdcr of the Pssslsn cruiser OSes; to weigh anchor and depart hurriedly for that district I to-day. i Fire Christian missionary sod alas are represented In Jaffa, Palestine. The Christian and Missionary Alliance has a station wtth one man: the Church ! Missionary Society for Africa and the Bast, two men and two women; the Ijondon Society for the Promotion of Christianity Amon? the Jews, two men and two women. the Seventh Day Ad ! vendsts* Missionary Board, one man 1 and one woman, and (he Tabetha Mis? sion School, four women. There Is also I an American orphanage. j Thors are supposed to be about lo.edo Christians among; the Inhabitants, the I total of whom Is estimated at about 41. et*. There are etght Christian churches and four Jewish synaeroarues. There la aa English hospital and a French hoapttal. Washington. November ;., ?\ithouah without sen fir mat 4on of the reported borhood of Jaffa, the I'ntted State* government officials here .idmit tbe> aa 11 been apprehensive of such trou? bles on th?- tayrlan coast, where MM religious difference* betw-en the K" haremtdans and the fTbrtsttan* are more pronounced than in ar.y >ther part of the Turkish empire American interests in that ousrter are large, owing to the eatensive fruit trade, and because of the large num? ber of American missionary sad edaca tlonal institution* within tweat> ?riles of Jaffa which I* the port of Jerusalem, are three American mis? sionary stations. Tsvtahheh. RiamaJeh sad Ala Arsch There is also a larff* Jeartah pcpela ttaa. hut so far It Is not known that they have seen disturbed by the Tarhs er Arabs, whose Hi feeing apoesr* to be d:reded ? >lelv against the Chris - Uana j Two foreign warahlp? have been 1? Ing at Beirut, about ICS mlteg north of Jaffa, and sresumab y one of theaa ha COigCaasM oa Marth rugs.) ] of Christians In the nefg*) CABINET RUMORS ARE DISPOSED OF ! President-Klect Wilson Says All Statements May Be Disregarded. BRYAN ADDS HiS DENIAL Not Asked to Take Place, and Not Invited to Bermuda. rT?,w?,ilton. Bermuda, November 20.? "AU statements about selections for the Cabinet may be disregarded until I make the announcement myself." de? clared President-elect Wilson to-night. I when he was told of the reports pub liahed In the 1'aited States Governor Wilson said h.- had not offered or intimated an ofT?-r of any I position in his Cabient to any one. William J. Bryan, it was learned to? day, has not beer, invited to Ber j rnuda. and it is said he is not ex? pected here during Mr Wilsens stay. Presidentelect Wiison is thoroughly i enjoyln* his sojourn here. He spends 'much of Ms time driving and exploring the islands Ueutenant-Oenersl Sir George Mack worth Bullock, governor and command er-in-ehief of Bermuda, returned Mr Wilson - visit this afternoon ?riia Wahes Denial. Way cross. Ga. November 2? ? "I hav* pot conferred With Governor Wilson since the election, and have never dis? cussed with him at any time, any po? sition in connection with anv office, and I have no intention <>f x?>ln? to Herrn da This answer was made to-night by William J Bryan, tn response to nu merou? mesaages regarding reports published to-day that he proponed to visit the President-elect in connection with a Cabinet appointment. "The public knows that Governor Wilson hss gone to Bermuda to rest, and that he is not selecting a Cabi? net." added Colonel Bryan T>ey ought to let blm do the selecting, sad not spend their time tn guessing. |f thev do gsess 1 see no reason why f should spend my time discussing their guesses ** Colonel Bryaa. accompanied Hr hts wife, is en route to Miami Fla where the* will -spend the winter an AWT* ?.ws? ks?wi*?.h?w s., o>*cTte<t N? WTTHftV R %!?.?? ?T U?e%e gi-hw-ead i ? Pj.sertv. etlsaSS W ? A ? PJwmasaham < P. Pi. Heetrv l.igat e* a:eet>?n? rar. nahst sahee. sjr g Bets -j AdssrtisssBSW. . I [DISCOVER DEAD BOOV OF W.B.8ELL III HOTEL!ROOM I Young Tobacconist Had Fired Bullet Through His Heart. ISUICIDE IS A MYSTERY I Picture of Girl, Found in Hm Watch, Caused Police to As? sume That Killing Followed Unhappy Love Affair, but Mother of Girl declares That Her Daughter Was Not En? gaged to Bell?Sealed Letter Addressed to His Brother May Give Reasons for Suicide. The nude body of W. B Bell, fac? tory manager of the Federal Cigar Company, who lived at the. Hanover Apartment?, was found with a bullet through the heart and a .32-calibre revolver lying near his right hand* yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock in room No. 332 of Murphy's Hotel by Detective-Sergeant Wiley after sus? picion of a tragedy had lead the hotel authorities to force the door. A simple note directed that his brother, E. M. Bell. Jr.. be notified of his death, hat the reasons for the suicide are locked j In a sealed letter, which Is to be read only by the dead man's brother, who i? expected to rea,ch Richmond this morning. Although the condition of the body establishes the fact that the suicide was accomplished Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, the discovery of the body was made only yesterday evening after the maid had tried several times to open the door of Bell'.- room. With the exception of a possible affair af the heart, no reason for Bell's act are known by his friends. In the back of his watch was found a picture oC a beautiful young woman living oat West Franklin Street, to whom Best j had paid attentions Was Net Engaged. When asked last night at her hoesg concerning possible motive for the suicide, the young woman disclaimed) any idea of what prompted the act.. According to her mother, she and Belt i had never been engaged, or If thaw had been It was unknown to the mother. "They were merely friends," th* mother said. "We are terribly shocked] over the affair. I cannot imagine why he should have done It" According to intimate friends. Bell was in the best of health, never ap? peared to be depressed, was in Una standing with his employes, and at th* time of bis suicide had a balance of $30 In bank and $1.} in his pockethookv Whatever may have been the motive for the act. it will probably never be known by the public. On the table in his room an open note was found, saying: "I'iease notify F. I'. Smith or C. C, Griffin, at the Hanover Apartments. Also notify EL M. Bell. Jr.. 320 Twen? tieth Street. New York City." In plain view beside this paper was a sealed envelope, written on the hotel stationery, and bearing on the outside the plaintive petition: "To be opened by no one but E. M. Bell. Jr.. please." ? While the envelope was rather thick, a 1 cursory examination led to the belief i that it contained nothing but written : sheets. The Injunction of the dead man ' will be carried out scrupulously by the j police, and pending the arrival of Be IT* I brother from New York to-day the envelope reposes unopened in the safe at police headquarters. ! In addition to the watch containing 1 the picture of the girl. Bell's clothes I were found to contain |1*.S3 In cash, a check book on a local bank showing .i balance of $30 to his credit, a knife, 1 bunch of Veys and a nail clipper. Tha revolver found a.; his side was new, and had e\idently heen purchased for : the npsSUsc purpose of ending bis life, i All six chamber, off the gun were filled. but two had been fired, j The police are at a loss tv account lor but one of the expl-dcd shells. ! Belfa body showing but the one wound. whit h n.ust ha v.- produced instant ; d?ath. It is thoucht that perhaps the ' other shell ?u rtred to Ust the re ' liability ?'f the gun, although the po ? lice then fac. the .niestton of where and wh?n it was tired. The suicide of this, young nun heal ' thv. active, prosperous and rising, wag 1 planned mtth a bloodcurdling calmsesg ; nnd derail Tuesday afternoon he left j the fa< tory of th- F J-rad ~'-*ar Com. ' I any t ilklitK a:.<i oking with other employs of th. - fti ? A short while I lat?r he entered Murphy * Hote'. regia? ? lered und-r tils own name, and wag ? hosn to h-.s room This was the laaS time he was sect, alive. s*om- time gar. ,nf the ?ucce-ding two buur, he ?rota the two poie?? found ot the t?M? ?arefu'.ly remov-d his outer clothing? ' and laid th. n neatly on lh? bed ami chairs, and put a * ullet through big 1 T'art. The police b-lieve that he first strctch-d himself o:it on the floor he I fere firing the shot, his body beige found with the head ander the wash '? eland and the feet under the bed. Ills j clothing had been .aid out With th* ' utmost care even his shoes aad socks j were placed order!v hesldr the bed The ted. however, had not be-a dtstur.ed, showing that the euk-tde most ha es taker, place shortly after he enters* ? he room. The mystery of th~ aCas? I fron. tr> ?tandpotnt of the hotel people I i? how a -ev.>!ver shot coaM have besaj i nred 'r. the hotel st aay time ef tan night or day and not have best Sj hair a 4"?en Mrs"?n? After trying a number of times 4 i .( the out-?? of yeeterds* te gats mittaace to Bell's nald hi asms aiarsnaS hp the