McN'amara Ordered More Na:nes
Added to List of
After Destruction of Los Angeles
Times, He Planned to Blow
Up Auxiliary Plant.
: ??.ii.inar.cHa. Ind.. November 21.?|
K.|u:pr>ed with twelve quarts of nitro-'
lljl silaOt Ortie K. McManlgai, con-!
frsHcd dynamiter. In December, 1910.
went to Los Angeles. CsX. commis?
sioned to destroy tha Times auxiliary
plant, end by "adding s few mere to
the list of dead" to take suspicion off
?SSSes I.. McNamara. who bad killed
twenty-one persona in the wreck of
the Times building- two months before.
Mb Manigal so testified to-day at the
trial of the forty-ftv.- alleged dyna?
mite conspirators against labor em?
ployers of nonunion labor. He named
Steg other than the McNatr.aras as hav
li.g .r..?:-i.-.d tbe second Los Angeles
dvnamlt- plot. He said he was pre?
vented from carrying it out by the dis?
covery, on reaching Loa Angeles, that
ti.e auxiliary plant was too well guard?
ed and illuminated at nigbt. Instead,
he eet a bomb In an iron works plant
to explode on Christmas day.
i That was the "Christmas present,"
he said, Olaf A. Tveltmoe, a labor union
official In San Francisco, had asked for.
McManlgai and James H McN'amara
bad been hiding In the Wisconsin
woods, McManlgai said, like a pair of
pirates, each with a red handkerchief
about his head. In conformity with the
game laws, and a rifle over his should?
er, when a number of detectives ap?
peared at their lodging house. Elud?
ing tbe detectives, they came to In?
pasted Ovar Kseapi
So elated was John J. McN'amara
ever the escape of bis brother that ha
proposed that McManlgai start at once
for Loa Angelea to do some dynamittag.
"James B. McN'amara said he would
Ilka to go out and do It. but John J.
objected." said McManlgai, "J. J. say?
ing they were 1 yoking for a man of hie
description on the coast, and It would
be a good idea for a stranger to do the 1
Jobs and get back East as soon aa
possible, and then the authorities
would think their man was still la
I/o? Angeles."
Then McManlgai quoted ^directions
fee said J- J- McNamara gave him.
T left IndlanapoUs with twslee
quarts of nitroglycerin December 9.
Four dsys later I arrived In Los An?
geles and had burled the exp.os ve in
a gravel pit near the river. I looked*
over th? three place* I was to slow up
and eaw that all but the Llewellyn
Iron Works were too heavily guarded.
On Christmas Eve. going tnty the
Ueweliyn grounds, a dynamite rap ex- j
ploded and Injured my hand. That I
put me cut of humor So I pieced the
twelve Quarts all In one spot and set
tt for - o'clock - the next morning.
Th?n f went to San Francisco and
called at the I-ab-or Temple theta. I
" When I reached Indianap>lls in Jan- j
aary. John .t McNamara. his brother
.?nd I met in a closed room at the
|ro;, workers' headquarters. Jr.bn J.
McNamara was all ruffled tip heeanse
I had not done more damage. He ?a'd
I had sT>?nt too much money to do
It little damage.
t.ssdoetew et SroTuwceew.
Then he ask?d me bow conditions i
were on the Fsctn> Coast and whether,
thry had forgotten about the Times
txptostor 1 t*?ld htm they certainly ]
feaj not. for everybody was looking I
for that Me reward. James ft. Mr- 1
Samara thought If fee oould keep under I
eover for five years -the Times explo- !
sloa would be forgotten
The dynamiting Jobs were to re:
right on. only hereafter dynamite was!
as h* u?e?l instead of nitroelyeeiin. aa?
lt was more effect.v- John J. Mo- j
Kamara then told me of a sea p seal to
seid bombe by espeaas to nonunion
contractors f told his* That I weuld
not fee responsible, foe von could neves
tei) vSa might open the aaekagea. and
they might eenJnde on the traina Ke
eepMed he did not eere shout that
' r went to Tiffin. O.. and began to
etc*) .lynsmlte from a atone quarry at
ftinomvilte. o. and store It In a Shed
at the rear of my father s bowse at
Tiffin I stats three or four hundred
tCentisswd OS Third Padre)
Released From Tombs, They
Lose No Time in Leaving;
New York.
Sam Schepps Is Told He Will
Not Be Welcome in Hot
New York. November II.
I Schepps. -Bald Jack- IUjv. Harry Val?
lot, and "Bridgfe" Webber, the four
informer* whose testimony led to the
conviction of farmer Police Lieutenant
Charles Becker and the four grot
for toe murder of Herman "Ttoscntbal.
. were discharged from custody to-day.
I Scnepps was Ute first to be given his
! treedom He hsd been held on a tech
( meal Charge of vagrancy. When re
: leased he refused to divulge his plans
! for the future.
! A crowd estimated at 1.550 persons
? witnessed the release of Rose. Webber
and Vallon from the W?*jt Side prison
? this afternoon.
H>bb?r and Rose departed hastily
! in automobiles. Vallon slipped out of
a side entrance, mingled with the
crowd, and disappeared. None of the
trio would discuss future plans.
While rumors were current that
friends of the convicted gunmen might
attempt to tak?* revenue on the in?
formers, no trouble was preelpttat?d.
The larg.? crowd apparently had as?
sembled to satisfy curiosity alone.
V? Retage he Hot Springs.
Hot -Springs. Ark.. November 21..
Sam Schepps was Informed to-day tn a
message sent by Mayor W. W. Waters,
of Hot Springs, which reached htm be?
fore he was released from prison in
New Tork. that he would not be wel?
come In Hot Springs, and that If bei
persisted In Ma determination to come i
to this city he would not be permitted {
to remain. The Mayor eaid in his mea
"I desire to notify you aa Marm of
Hot Springs. representing the bast in?
terests of the city, that your presence
here is not desired.
? Hot Springs, by yior former visit. |
' gainer considerable notoriety. There* !
fore I request you to stay awsy from
j Hit Springs, you and any of your
I associate*, snd If you persist :n com
j lue here. I. In my official capacity as
I May >r. will not permit you to remain."
Albany. N. T.. November 21.?
I -Bridgle" Webber. Harry Vallon, Jack. I
' Rose and Sam Schepps. the four in- '
; formers in the Rosenthal case, who
were released in New Tork to-day.
j are reported to have been passenger*
' on the Lake Shore Limited which
'. passed through Albany westward
|b>und at ? o'clock to-night The tour .
! are said to be on their way to Texas. ,
I Sen Francisco. November 21 ?Cable?
grams received here from China an?
nounce that the republic te preparing
to go to war with Russia for pos?
session of MOngvlU The Mg Chin
? eg secret societies, which fostered
the revolution, have been exchanging
irilspatrhe, with President Yuan Shi
|Kal. The Young China Association
?has opened s it-script tor. lists, and lec?
turers h ? e spok?n at every Chinatown
icorner explaining: the encroachments
:of the Csar's troops In the ancient
;Chines* territory.
I Dispatches h*ve been received hers
;hy low Gook Har. secretary to Fung
Chi Tou. Secretary of State of Yuan
if hi Kal's Cabinet, to tha effect that
? an army of ?".s?e has been mobilised)
j in Peking, snd that O-nerai Wong
Hing, hero of the revolution hss been
appointed Its leader Aecord'ng to a
report. General Wong H'ng hag nr
deredbls arm;- north to Mongolia with
instructions to eetaM'sh military rule
and drive R use taw soldiers oat.
Washington. November XI ?Charlew
D. Hilles to-day niisil he* duties
as private secretary of President Taft,
succeed'ag Oarsal Thompson, sa?als??
?d Treasurer of the ttalted State* Mr.
No Agreement Is Reached After
Four Hours' Delibera?
Last Dav of Trial Given Up to
Closing- Arguments for Both
Wythevllle, Vs.. November 21.?Ar?
gument i? th? cttr of Sldna Allen,
charred with the murder of Judge
Thornton L. Maaole. vraa concluded at
( o'clock this afternoon and the case
was* riven to the j ury. At ? o'clock
to-night no agreement had been
reached as to a verdict, and court waa
adjourned over until to-morrow.
Three speeenes were made in the
eaa* up to the dinner hour. The first,
thirty minutes in length, was made
i by B. TV. Straa, Jr.. for the defense.
In which he set forth the three
grounda upon which fcbc- Common-1
wealth bases its demand for a verdict,
In the first degree, and upon which
? theories instructions are based. The'
first is upon the ground of conspiracy.:
in which the contention is that the.
prisoner is guilty If he was a party to'
j that conspiracy, second, that if the
! prisoner was present and Intentionally'
aided and abetted the perpetrators of
the murd-r: and. third, if the fatal shot
was intentionally flred by the prisoner,
i These several ground? were discussed,
and from th>- evidence it was argued
, teat neither was tenable. The evl
I derwe was gone into rjuite fully and'
I applied to sustain the speaker's view, j
I W. 3. Poage. for the Commonwealth,<
j was the next speaker, and in a Jra- ,
matically delivered argument of one ?
I hour and fifteen minutes asked for a'
I verdict of marder in the first degree, j
1 He alluded to the fact that the de- j
I fenae had appealed for symokray on
1 acexeunt of the wife and children of
the prisoner, saying that the widows,
made and children rendered fatherless
by the unlawful sad malicious acts of j
the defendants far outnumbered those!
who would suffer by the prisoner's ex- j
plating bts crime la the electric chair.!
BiitM few Pefe? e.
Jjdlre J. C. Buxton followed ?r. !
Poage. for the defense. He paid a
graceful acknowledgment to the pre?
siding Judge, the court officers and the
counsel for the prosecution for the
courtesies shown him. He. like all
the other attorneys, gave most of his
Ume to a discussion of the conspiracy
j theory, digressing occasionally to make
ip?lnts and give Impression* oa ether
phases ef the case and arguments
which had been made. He stated that
he would not have permitted the chil?
dren of tne prisoner to come ?nto the
court, but that the mother nad no
one with whom she rould lease
them, and that In this, the dir? tr.al
of her husband, she felt it her duty ifl
be with and sustain htm. G>lng ts
the beautiful flaxen-hatred girl, about
four years old. sitting near in ner
mother's lap. he laid hia hand >n her
head and aaid: "The Saviour said, of
such Is the kingdom of heaven.' "
Mr. Buxton in detail took up the
evidence t> sustain his theories .ad
to show fr >m facts and circumstances,
as well a* statements of witnesses.*,
that there could have keen no conspir?
acy He also referred to the tn?*o?
s latencies and contradict ions of the
?Votnmonwealth'S witnesses, showing'
that the proaeeiitl >n relied on s part
of the eiklence of some of the w.t- ;
tresses and repudiated other parts.
Ills close was most impressive as he
recited reverently to the jury the,
prayer at the end of the communion
services "Direct us, O Lord. In all our
ways, and further as la all war under-,
takings " Judge Buxton. thosgh com?
ing a stranger, made a fine impression
J. C Wysor commenced the i naclad j
tng argument for the Contwionwealth
at Z:M o'clock, closing at i o'clock. He;
made a strong argument, commenting
fatly spoa the srldsafsj. and laying,
sirs** upon Che fact that the prisoner
who tSStHsd la MB own bekaJr had
poiats la Ms evidence try a* leas than
twenty-two wit si ssis. snd sustained
by sal* three, two ef whom were as
ts Immaterial
tree, two ef whom were as
rial facta.
aas) bees aWy aad thorough -
thi usgliowt- The Jsf j new
ssSWss aat^awBBir^fJasWsjf1'
Turk Decides to Con?
tinue War'1 With Help
of Almighty/'
Diplomats Utterly Surprised by
Decision, Which Comes Before
They Have Time to As?
semble for Discussion.
Trenches Again Scene of
Battle Is Resumed
CoaataD.tlaop.lr. .\ event her 21.? I
The battle at the TehataJJa Itaea
tai been resumed. < aanoaadlag
n as reopened wlta great violence
this evenln*. aad la plataly aadlble
London, November 21.?The formal
suspension of the Turkish-Balkan war
proved only for a day. Turkey rejected
the Balkan terms for an armistice ap
I-arently fjefore the plenipotentiaries
had time to come together at Hadem
Klami! Pasha, the Grand Visler, de-j
clared that the allies' overture* werej
?impossible." He ordered the com-j
mander-in-chlef to continue fighting
"with the help of the Almighty" until
reasonable and moderate conditions
*-ere proposed.
This decision came as an utter sur?
prise, and diplomats are not wholly
convinced that the Ottoman troop* will
really take up arms again in the
cholera stricken trenches of Tcha
While the Bulgarian conditions, for
Bulgaria ai acting as the mouthpiece
for the allies, were extreme, stlpu
: lating the surrender of Adrlapople
and Scutari, both of which strong?
holds are making a historic defense,
as weU as the cession' of all the terrl
J tory except a narrow strip above Con?
stantinople, these conditions were ad
i vanced as overtures; In other words,
I they were apparently put forward as a
I basis for negotiations.
The Porte treated them as an ultl- j
! matum. and this perhaps Is the Ori?
ental method of beginning negotia?
tions, designed to induce the enemy
further to show his hand. A Balkan
diplomat in London pointed out to?
night that these terms were submitted
merely as an answer to Turkey's press,
ing and repeated demands for an ar?
mistice, and eald:
"It ts practically certain that the
rejection will result in a more active
ajid determined resumption of hos?
tilities. Probably ail the allied troops
will now refuse to treat with Turkey:
until they are in a position to dictate I
perhaps sterner terms in the capital
ef Che Sultan."
Ordered to Coatlaae War.
Constantinople. November 21.?The
; term* offered by the Balkan alUes for
the arrangreanent of an armistice in
! the Turkish-Balkan war are ?'unac
i ceptable" to the Ottoman government,
j Nazrlm Papha. the Turkish eommand
| er-in-chlef. has been Instructed to con?
tinue military operations until more
acceptable conditions are offered by
the allies, but at the same time he la
; intrusted with the further negotla
; tlons.
The olBcial announcement of the
Portes decision with regard to the
j armistice Is so follows:
J "The Bulgarian premier has ad?
dressed to the Ottoman government a
document containing conditions for an
armistice, which were communicated
to-day to the Council of Ministers, and
were considered to be unacceptable.
"Consequently, and likewise in new
of the fact that the commander-!n
chlef has been intrusted In principal :
with the task of negotiating conditions j
with the plenipotentiaries of the bellig?
erent states, if these plenipotentiaries
are Invested with the necessary pow?
ers, and has also been directed to com?
municate the result >f such negotia?
tion* to ms. the corr.mander-ln-chlef
ha* been instructed to continue mllf
tary operations, with the help of the
Almighty, until reasonable and mod?
erate conditions are proposed to us."
It Is said that the Bulgarian condi?
tion* Included a demand for the sur?
render of Adrianofle ard Scut sr .. the
withdrawal of the Turkish fleet from
the Black Sea and the cessation of
the dispatch of troop* to TehataUa and
the building of fortII-at' >r.>
General Shukii Pasha. Turkish mil?
itary comma iJa.it of Adriano-jlr, ha*
received the title if 'Ghazi. which
means "victorious recognition." of hie
splendid deft?a
Aa otBclal dispatch from the captain
of the cruiser Haroidieh. which was
attacked by Bulgarian torpedo boat*
In the Black Sea this morning, say* he'
sank two of them and damaged the
third, watch eras able draw away.
?da Say* AH a* raus?.
Sons, Bulgaria, November 2L?The
Tnrkleh cruiser Hamldieh. which era*
attacked thfca morning by Bulgarian
torpedo boat* In the Red Sea off the
port of Varna, was hit by a torpedo.
The vi?'t however, p >t eut "> earn
?n being Joined by another lurkieh
The four attacking torpedo heats re?
turned to Varna with damaged sraoke
trfree at OP*i at?.
Gibraltar. November ?1 ?Th* raited]
States cruiser* Tennessee and Meats aa
arrived here this afternoon They are
leating preparatory to preeseeJIag] tej
Turk*** waters fur the protective ef I
? ftVrtSBurw mm Thfru rW> I
Only Coast Points in Jamaica
Have Been Heard
Shipping Is Destroyed, and
Towns Are Laid in
Kingston. Jamaica, November 21.?
! The official estimate of the dead in the
hurricane and tidal wave which visit?
ed the western part of Jamaica, places
the num-'er at more than 100 in the
coast towns alone. Details, which are
gradually coining in. indicate great
devastation In the western section. j
j Practically all lighters and coasting
sloops and other small vessels around j
Greenbay Island. Lucca and Savanna;
La Mar foundered or were demolished,
and a large proportion of the crews
were drowned. Many persons living
in these towns lost their Uves in the
coilapse of building*.
The houses of the American colony
at Montego Bay' were badly damaged,
but no casualties are reported. The
I governor-general of Jamaica, Sir Sid?
ney Oliver, reached Montego Bay to?
day and found conditions so direful
that he Immediately ordered the dis?
patch of several hundred addition*,
tents and large quantities of food
supplies to Kingston. The railway
lines are now working within twenty
miles of Montego Bay. but the tele?
graph lines are si 111 disorganised.
The tidal wave at Savanna La Mar
was the highest In a century. One
coasting vessel was washed half a
mile up the main street. Fully >o per
cent of the houses were blown down
by the hurricane. The two principal
1 hotels were unroofed, as were all the
churches and the railway depot.
The sea swept over the streets tn
the lower section of the town, and
tows of dwellings were piled up tn a
i gigantic heap at the mouth of a gaily,
j where the greatest namber of dead
bodies wer? recovered. An American
tourist who happened to be In that
town during the hurricane said forty
i bodies bad ^r-een recovered up to the
j time of his departure.
At Green Bay Inland, eight miles
southwest of Lace*, the American said
there was much wreckage ashore and
afloat, but no sign of Ufe could be J
At Lucea tea bodies were found di?
rectly after the storm had subsided.
'veet t o>rw*rwfloo Reesjrtew* ef Fsveee
Washington. November 21 ?Trstl
mony tn support of alleged 4<ecrimi
aation in railroad rates favoring the
United State* Steel Corporation waa
presented to-day at the hearing In
the Federal government's dissolution
suit against the corporation
Jean Mueller, expert accountant, for?
merly with the interstate Commerce
('"mm astnp. offered figures of tables
along this line
Hi* direct anJ cress-esaainstlon oc?
cupied the entire day
Attorneys f r the Steel Corporation
sttscked the testimony a* to the cost
to the steel Corporation of transport?
ing ore over Its reads from the e'g
>>re fields as being to* low, owing to
the omission of certain Item* The
witness responded fhat In each Ta
stance It would have been Impassible
to divide Items iiRflSc the various
service. an4. furthermore, the tables
on their fare shuwsd the irslsslifaa
Commission** Ceaaa*, of the Bateas
fe Corporation*, wta testify to-mor?
Alleged Chapter of Mrs. Szabo
Tragedy Unfolded Before
Court and Jury.
Witnesses for Gibson Contravert
Stories of Struggle Before
Woman Drowns.
Goshen, N. Y.. November 21.?An at
! tendant lay on the courthouse floor this
j afternoon at tbe trial of Burton W.
j Gibson for tbe murder of Mrs. Rosa
I Menscblk Szabo. and with Judge. Jury
i and counsel grouped around him. re
enacted an alleged scene from the
tragedy of July 1?, in which Mrs.
Ssabo lost her life at Greenwood Lake.
Bending over him. Thomas Garrison,
a fisherman, summoned as a witness
for the defense, illustrated how no
had taken the woman* body from
the water. He showed that he hadj
left the body outatretched with the
head pre used downward, the chin rest?
ing almost ?n the breast.
Through this illustration the de?
fence hope* to upaet the State's entire
contention that the organ* of the dead
woman'* throat were forced out ofj
! position by strangulation. Medical es- i
perts are prepared to testify to-mor-1
row that Garrison's treatment of the.
body was suAdent to have forced the j
tongue, palate and windpipe Into the'
position in which the State claim* they j
were found at tne autopsy. (
Garrison wss one of ten witnesses]
put on by the defense to-day. He tes- j
fitted that he hau seen Gibson and his!
: companion in the boat and that they |
had seemed to Jump out He thought J
they wire swimming; and paid no fur?
ther sttentlon to them.
"Were th*y together when they
Jumped." asked Robert H. Elder. Gib?
son's counsel- "Wo, they ware three or
four feet apart." was tbe reply.
Were Sat ?H aggshag
Harry I*aux. an electrica; engineer
of New York, swore that Gibson and
the woman did not struggle before the
bo*t upaet. They were standing up
when Laax saw them and they were j
four fee! or more apart. They Jumped
out apparently. Utax thought they
were diving Tbl* testimony contra-?
diet* that given by Jena Mint urn.'
! states witness, who said that Gl boon
seized bta companion ?rmin ! the ?gdtJ I
bef..re they f*n into the water.
Three occupants of the motor launch
Torpedo, which rescued Gi!>s n. swor*
he tu exhausted when taken from the
"T>o not mind me. be shouted Nrhlie
in the water, thee* witnesses teetlf.ed
"Where I* the :*dy' Do something;
for the tody "
John Mlnturae I? U assay waa at- ?
tacked by Henry Heine, sea of Mm*
Srhumann-Helnk. who swore Mlnturn
told him that he waa so far away from
the accident that he cea'.d not see what ?
was going on.
Mrs Gtheen may take the stand to-i
morrow te testify that ah* has* of her
hust.and's relation* with Mm gas be.
Gibson himself may peaelbty t*k* the >
stand, but Indication* te-ntgM were
that he would not Tbe defer** -x
pect* to complete Its can* darin? tb*i
afternoon, and adjournment will be j
tahen aatll Monday, when uaasil will
) -
NoMore PecuniaryCare*
When They Leave
White House.
Steel Master Makes Grant That
Former Executives of Nation
May Be Enabled to Devote
Unique Knowledge Gain?
ed in Public Affairs to
Public Good.
New York, November 21.?Fu*
ture ex-Presidents of the United
States are to be pensioned in th?
sum of $25.000 each annually by
action of the Carnegie Corpora?
tion, of Xew York, to-day.
The grant is provided for with
the idea of enabling former exe?
cutives of the nation to devote
their unique knowledge gained in
public affairs to the public good,
free from pecuniary care. A
similar amount is to be paid
widows of ex-Presidents as long*
as they remain unmarried.
The pensions are to be prompt-?
ly offered to the ex-Presidents or
their widows, so that no applica?
tion will be required from them.
Payment is to be continued so
long as the recipients "'remain
unprovided for by the govern?
Meeting- of Corporation. %
The announcement followed
the second annual meeting of the]
corporation, held at the residence)
of Andrew Carnegie here and at*
tended by the corporation's eight
trustees. Five of these eight trus?
tees are the heads of the five in?
stitutions which Mr. Carnegie has
J founded?the Carnegie Endow
i ment for International Peace,
I Elihu Root, president: the Car
! ?
j negie Foundation for the Ad?
vancement of Teaching, Henry
is. Pritchett. president; the Car*
jnegie Institution of Washington,
Robert S. Woodward, president]
Carnegie Hero Fund Commis?
sion, Pittsburgh, Charles L. Tay?
lor, president; Carnegie Institut?]
of Pittsburgh, William M. Frew,
The successors of these five)
men become ex-off icio trustees of
the Carnegie Corporation, of Xew
York. In addition there am
three life trustees?Andrew Car*
negie. Robert A. Franks and]
James A. Bertram The trustees
authorized this statement of th#
corporation's aims:
"A total of Si.25.000,000 irj}
securities has thus far been trans*
ferred to the corporation. which*
1 will carry on the various works in
which Mr. Carnegie has been en*
gaged an.I such others as he majr
from time to time think it ad*
vi sable to establish. Mr. Car*
negie believes he has taken the)
surest means <->f <ecuring for the)
future a bo<!v of the be?t possible
tni?trc* The head* of the i:rs*i- -
unions named must inevitably be)
men of high moral and intellect
tual ?tanding. They are jmpow*
ered by a two-thirds vote ttf
modify or discontinue any bra nek
of the service which in their
judgment ha- become inadvisable
or unnecessary, or it better mm
can he made of the funds, aa*S
also to adopt from time to torn)
?tich work a? by them may %*S
der med most desirable foi tftfcf
wants of the age. so that frotsj
age to age the fund may he em%
iCampmm?i ? Tw?rS trWfci