OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, November 22, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1912-11-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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Whether it U ef the no**, throat.
ae*tn*oh. bowels or more delicate or
?Tana, oartarrh to atway* Jebllitattng.
tad should have attention,
r The discharge from the mucous
soecnbrane ie beoauee this le kept In a
aOate of fnnatnmatlon by an impure
eood'tlon of the blood. Therefore, to
?ore, take the best blood purifier.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
?usoal liquid form or chocolated tab.
Is known as ?eraataha. 100 dose*, $1.
i < Advertisement.?
Many Richmond Educators on
Program of Conference
Here Next Week.
Richmond teachers will occupy a '?
X>ron..nent place on the Program of j
apeaJters f jT t lie great conference of ;
Virginia educators which will con- j
gags la this city next Wednesday tori
S three days session, u scrutiny of
the program allowing the names ot
thirtt en sUchsaaaaera it is expected,
that about 2.000 visitors umII be Isj
trie city to attend Us* sessions of loa
Virginia Educational Conference The
?>nferer.ee met In Norfolk ,ast year. j
jo!:r H. Sauaders, principal of the I
"William A. Kox School, will deliver J
the address of welcome tu fore the j
State Teachers' Association on v* cd- '
gssday. Mr. Saunciers Is a former
presidt-nf of the aasociatlon.
The John Marshall High School Will :
fce ably represeated or. the program
fcy M;ss Bessie A. Catlln. Clement C
Reej and i> P. Wood sen. who wiU
make addres.?s, while Miss Lucy t>.
Colcraan will occupy the chair during
the deliberations of the Kindergarten
Union. Miss Edith McCarthy, Miss
Georgle West and Miss alary Garland ,
Todd wtU speak before the Kladergax- j
ten Union.
splendid Progress.
The WIlMaai A. Fox School wQ] claim ?
further recognition when Mrs. I. P. I
Stabler an! Miss Annie L Davis, ul '
the teaching force Af the school, maki .
addresses before trie Department ot i
Primary Teachers.
Bttcsuaond'l claim to prominence in
the section <i home economics Will
be represented by Miss Arabella Pil- :
eher, who !s president of the settlor.,
while J. T 1'crrtriss, of Ch-.mborizo
School, is chairman of the local ar- i
rangrrr.er.ts committee for the confer?
ence Alrar WoolfMk. of SpringflelT '
Scho?i. is secretary of the Stato Teac,vi- !
trs' Association, and !n that capacity :
will deliver the annual reportt of the ,
Superintendent of Puhl!.- Instruction 4
J. D. Eggleston. assisted by eduea? t
tors of the city and State, has arranged
a very fine program for the three days, j
Everything possible w'.ll be done for;
the comfort and entertainment of the |
visitors, and there is every indication |
of a highly successful conference. The |
meeting of the conference wth be held ?
in the r.udltorium of the Jor.n Mar- ,
shall High SchooL
Victim ef Sheotlag Affray ob Cheleea
Hill Is Arrested.
Reuben Miles, the negro who was the
vlot'm of a bullet from Will Redd's
pistol In the shooting row that arose
at Redd's dance hall, on Chelsea Ulli,
several days ago. was yesterdav
brought from the City Hospital, where
he has been treated, to the Henrlco
County Jail Miles Is charged with |
carrying a concealed weapon.
The trial <?' the three men im;.llo;ited
In the shooting will take place within
th-? next few days, as Redd -end an
??ther negro, Harrison Johnson. Wer*
bailed 'or their arpearance until Miles
should get well enough to be at the
Charged Wit B Sheetlag.
County Policeman D J. Temple iast
night arrested Ed Depriest, colored,
and charged blm with wanton shooting
on the p;;bl'.~ highway and an attempt
to sh-j..t i^i.rr? Scott, another colored
man. -ho liv<s rear KIko.
May Pro. Out Bote?.
Mse<?r Alaab*.yesterday jrrsr.te* permlt
?Kr. to Adjatawt E:rn>r J^.^'on. of the Sa'
vstlo^ Armf. tft n>ca?e ChrSrmse cor.trlbu
tior. r.oi?* a; jjji-/, ??.? r;.~
etim isms
to address jury
. Not Believed That Such Permis?
sion Will Be Granted to
Strike Leader.
I -
j Attorney for Defense Bitterly As
I sails Character of State's
! Salem. Mass.. November II.?District
Attorney Henry Attwill to-morrow
will make the Common wealth'* clog
iiia; argument to the Jury in the trial
of J. J. i.ttor. Arturo til >vaiiu:tti und
Joaeph CaruBO for the murder of Anna
Loplzzo in the IsMMPsaUl textile strike.
He will follow \V. Scott Peters, who
expects to close on behalf ji Oiovar.
nlttl, unless Kttor, who would like to
say a few words to the Jury, is per?
mitted to do so. .Such an unusual pro?
cedure was deemed unlikely to-t?gnt.
The probability of the case 'gjir.g to
the Jury to-morrow night is remote,
as the remaining arguments arc ex?
pected to tun; most ". UM day. und
the charge to t.'i* jury, owing to the
unusual nuture of the case, will be
lengthy and may not be delivered until
Attorney Peters in his argument to?
day for the defenne characterized the
charges against the accused strike
leaders, Ettor and c'-tcvannittl. as ":be j
most flimsy and gauzy ever Ukcn Into <
court." The charg- that Giovannitti <
was an accessory before the fact to |
the killing of the won in, he said, was
an outrage, and he assailed the char?
acter of the Commonwealth s witnesses
Moore, the special policeman; La
court and the Bencordo brotherc pri?
vate detectives, who gave thy most
lamaglng testimony. Ue described as '
'scum of the earth, fearful to ten
about their own past." The police, na
taJd. have been "sotting here banked \
?round the district attorney's table |
like vultures, waiting until the time
* her. these men In the priseners' cage.
by your verdict, will be offered up as .
their victims."
The case, Mr. Petere said, came to j
:he district attorney as a burden, the
creature of a conspiracy on the part
ef mill owners to rob the strikers of
Ihe-ir leaders.
"I don't say It came crookedly to
?he district attorney." said Mr. Peters,
?but through a desire of representa?
tives of mill owners to get rid of
strike leaders, hoping that when they
were In prison the ;5.0Ou poor work
ir.gmcn. women and children, would ;
'return to the mills, again their slaves. j
That's the way this flimsy creature, j
this construcUve case, was bom." j
Service* at Beth Afiabah.
A?, the regular Sabbath evening; services at '
Beth Ahabah Synagogue thta evening Dr. B.
N* callseh srOJ speak on the theme. "Is a
Sabbath Day E*?*nt'a: for a P.ellrlous Life?"
On Saturday morning* he wli: speak on the
sctlect ''Meaning to Do Bight."
The usual Tha-.ekgivlng services w!u be
he'd at the synagogue on next Thursday, be
gl: ring at 11 o'clock In the morning Dr.
(??Tisch will speak on the theme "A Blood- ,
1?fs Revolution." Stranger? are welcome at j
Si] services at the synagogue. ?
Mas Miss lag from Herne. j
TV. A Cook, of SOI North Thirty-second |
Street, was yesterday reported to the police
as Ixlr.g n-.lsplng from his home. Cook, who
:? tnlrty-four years old. has not been seen ,
firu-e November 12. j
Anniversary Sepper.
The Woman's Temperance I-eagtie et (
\mer1e? sjrfjl c?>brat? Its se"o-.it annlver I
.ii-y to-night srtta an oyster sapper to be '
...d In Its headquarters, 15 Sojih Third
treet. The surP'r will begin a: < o'clock
rd continue BBtfl 1?
Let-tare to School Patron?.
The_ first of a ?-rl?? of free ecv;r?? under:
he T'rtlversliy Extension Course win be de
!v?red In the auditorium tt the John Mar
High f'liw: ;o-nlg:-.t The speaker
HI be Pref. W. JI Forrest, of the chair of
'.: '.-?: :it-ratura ??ho wi:: ?;-t - on "The
I'.-rary Influence of the Enr::-h B:fc>."
The seec>n<* >cr-.re t*i# r
The housewives of Richmond are the most intelligent
found anywhere?that's why they refuse to pay more
for other brands, when they can buy at moderate cost
the purest and most wholesome Baking Powder made.
Sold by ?II food Grocer*. Insist on karris* k.
s? coupons 0f .coN3tcimvi wra cor >mvTi a set
> date*, tad
Cat eat eh* eto*? ti aum **fcfrr*ed**r? nfc?a
aVaat at tfcta afFke wfitHrf ^ ?? ? I a? a n?t ha
af DictJaaar* (elected 'wLxa rg?tn Ik- f*?<m ?< tfc* cett --f ?vkr^. 1
fesea Dm factory. cUmh. <M> t.r? and ?***? liiiiiar tXTLSSt
anseeaatea March*** ?# Um tare* ?>.?*?
?!'.??"?.??-. ' ? *?? '???? ???a )
Thi? I/jc'ior.^ry i* ' Or ? ; . -
to*h*T- ' f V. ? -'r I;.'V r-.rv ' ?: ? ? ? -\.
fff It is the r.M ? Ttirely rrw cnijria'ion Lr r ? v - r!'
fprff -t - ?.'<.:? 1 l?a :-<U.?? . 11 h* ua4 M
tw Lorp Leather, flex*>. ?ta-r;ed m a ?4 on back aa?J
- - si?le?, printed on I it 4? paper, a-rh rrJ. * ye* aM r-.rr.er?
lu?fln1. beaotiful, ^ron*. dJiaMu P.' Sri the ?T-eral ??.
are ahtp* and ever 6i/> ?atjccti beaotifu'. y i!!; ??ratr-l V.- ? ;? re' \m
color p'ate-. romer . - ju' .'ecu tr im ?:'??'??*?. j,?^? ? |y '^ >
etfveational ch*rn and thf jateal I' iwtl Sk*?n Carna rri m ?
at tint office SIX Ceneacetieo Dktieaary Ceaaoa* and tap ?fOC
It la e?*-:r th? asm*
at t*e ?? t- ? ? et
r*at la the r>> ? af
??-?;????? lea hi ta
falf Batata*
e*a *?>* .
?~92 81c
!? 'u . ?utth Mai?
lt*-, r-amead h ft]
ead L a . aae ant
*?(??*. ear?a lll-jcrra.
TlX tieft
WtTioetaatT ,,"n/
aaaaaa ttaaa ?,,^ a ????
?art <h?-"? ?-- ^-r-ed ]|(
"Berry's for Clothes"
Our chef has ready the
right dressing tor Thanksgiv?
ing week.
Sack suits in unique colors
and new fabrics for men game
j enough to wear something out
rjf the ordinary.
For the conservative man.
j correct, dignified styles.
Full dress suits at $39.50,
j .-ilk-lined and exactly right
j thruout.
Tuxedos, coats to match,
j $22.
I Frock coats and vests, $25
I and $35.
Cutaway coats and vests,
$28, and all the little details
in good taste.
New gloves just in this
week, SI to $2.50.
Patent Leather Shoes that
need no guarantee!
Petition Signed by Caesar and
Cromwell Recommends Him
for Postmastership.
"Judge" Gaylor wants to b* postmas?
ter of Ricmond. The Judge, In the lan?
guage of the toaatmaater, needs no
IntroducUon to Richmond Democrats.
He made a bid for fame everlasting
a few weeks ago by offering to sell
his body to a local medical college >n
condition that there was to be no
cutting until after his demise.
Failing In this. Judge Gaylor turned
his talents to matrimony. In the City
Hustings Court the clerk decUned to
Issue a license, and the would-be Ben?
edict migrated to Gochland Couiity.
Here?he admits it himself?the Judge
met with better success, and claims
to have secured a license, a minister
and a glrL None of the trio has ever
beer, discovered In his possession.
This, however, is only negative evi?
dence and In no manner weakens his
bid for the postmastership.
In a downtown cigar sore yesterday
Judge Gaylor had on display a lengthy
petition signed by his supporters. Tho
document set forth that the petitioner
was a citizen in good standing, Tad
generally voted the Democratic ticket
was congenltaily opposed ts a high
tariff, and If appointed to the position
would wage a war of extermination
upon Broad Street mashers.
In the matter of signatures. Judge
Gaylor has It on every aspirant who
has s> far entered the race. The ros?
ter includes Julius Caesar, Hannibal,
Ivucretla Borgia. Peter the Great.
Charlemagne. Louis XIV.. Cromwell.
Schopenhauer and Charles Darwin. It j
takes a man of real calibre to secure j
the indorsement of these worthies, <nd
Judge Gaylor Is properly elated.
Will Bar Meter Oar.
A sob' emiul'tee of the Council CasassKsss |
?7i K.eetrtrJry yesterday recominerid-d the
p-srehaa* of a Pi .d-Sak-r motor ear for the i
?se of the electrica! Inspectors of :".ie city
at a coat of TM The Committee on Elec-,
trletty wt:: aet or. the resort at a special I
meeting te-stgat at 7.a) o'clock.
The 'f..i?:ti[ t?i '?rnpoH i^ sachet
yesterday la tha Fcpreme fmttt:
W?;?r PV>r.t r?s: o> faeal t?. Smlthfleld
War' ^"ev and Trar??ortat!ovi Co Ar*u*d ,
fef Mr Thor? 'tt app?:iant and by T. R T. j
Weils for appe:>?. end submitted
'srdwe:: v? N'&r'o.k and W??te-n Railway
r"T;-'j A-gu-S v? V?>:ney E Howard for
? Pfe .?e* and by Manrtta'l afcCom-.kfc and
F ? Klrkpa'rtek ?a>p*n>e. s.-.d submit -
?seH et als ve Ttmaerlaka et aJa | die
rr.Hrr d
V"- '?Hf ?? **? e? ?ej: Leery va R-ier*
V -.? -. . vr,:\*T.i. *+? Arr.*t?r.r Rlflar4
St h!-'-nonl 'I-e i v? f'ity aT Rleh
? '.-d. Roe'h :? "-?-.?ber? Rat.w?y fora
Their Trial Is Nearmg Close
I Threat of Withdrawal of City
Funds Used as Club by
Former City Chamberlain of New
York Now Is on
New York. November 21.?Joseph U.
Kobiii testiueu at the trial uf lorinor
City Cnamoc'iiain Cuarles 11. tlyuu to
Sad tuai Hyde, by his control 01 c?ty
deposits, iuiiiJ the Northern Bank
tu loan the Carnegie Trust Company
elJo.uuu when tu? latter institution was
about to collapse in 191V. Rubin, inn -
bf.i found guilty of grand larceny la
connection with the wrecking of the
Nortn.rn iiank, and who has been in
the Tombs fur Several mouths await?
ing sentence, is the estate's principal
wltneaa against Hyde, charged with ac?
cepting a bribe as a public officer.
Although Hyde's counsel moved for
quashing the indictment on the ground
that no crime was charged, because
it was not snown that the City Cham?
berlain Benefited by his alleged actions.
Justice Goff reserved decision until the
State's case was closed.
District Attorney M nitman answered!
this point by asserting he would "trace
?13.f.U0 of the Carnegie Trust Com-j
pany's money into Hyde's pocket."
Robin said William J. Cummins and!
J. li. Heichman introduced him to Hyde
in the latter's offices on the evening ot
August 1-2. 1910. Hyde explained that
the trust company needed $150.000, and
asked Robin to help "the boys " When
Robin demurred Hyde referred to the
city deposits In Robin's bank, and
declared that if the necessary aid was
not forthcoming he would draw out
this money the next day. Robin's story
con U sued:
"Then. Mr. Hyde said, TU tell you
what I'll do. If you will do what we
want I will give you deposits In the I
same amount as the loans that you
will maae. Leave it to me. and if you
loan theae boys half a million dollars
I will give yon that much In city i
Robin testified te calling a meeting '
I ?f the executive committee of the
Northern Bank the next morning, when
! he told the committee that if it loaned
j the trust company the money Mr. Hyde j
I had promised materially to Increase the
city deposits. The committee agreed
to make the loan.
In cross-examination. Max D. Steuer,
I for Hyde, attempted to discredit Rob
! ln's testimony by repeated questions
I as to his own corrupt financial trans?
actions, and by reference to his refusal
? to plead to an Indictment on the ground
j that he was Insane. To one after an
: other of such questions the prosecu- ;
j tlon Interposed objections, and always
; was sustained by Justice Ooff. With
I the cross-examination unfinished, oourt j
adjourned until to-morrow.
Tow. Cesnaeil of Hlghlaad Fasts Elects
I sauries Rase to Succeed MeCtare.
The- Town Council of Highland Park
last night In adjourned session ac?
cepted the resignation of R M Mc
Clure from membership in the body
;and elected Charles Rose to the seat
made vacant by hia withdrawal. Mayor
Bahlke appointed W. C. Carpenter to
the chairmanship of the Finance Com
' mittee. which posiiion Mr. McClure
I had previously filled.
Upon Mr. Carpenter and Mayor
'Bahlke will largely tall the disposal
of the $5.0(10 'n bonds which the Coun?
cil recently authorized issued. It was I
ivoted last night that the sum of $2.500
should be spent In general street re- '
. pair work, the funds to be taken
from the proceeds of the bonds.
?eveatfc Arrest.
{ Goblor Zee. a ra'ner from the Oay
ton district, was arrested yesterday
afternoon by County Policeman Ben?
gali and brought to Hernie? County
Jail Igst night- He la charged w'th
selling llqnor without a license. Zee
is the seventh person to be arrested
as a result of the recent raid which
r-eputy Sheriff Sydnor and Officers
Shoemaker and Dav|a recently made in
the mining camp. He will be tried on
November 27.
Msraapsst Bast by Fan.
Louts Ratter, a machinist, of 414
Cowari.'n Avenue, South R'chmond.
was badly cut about the head yes?
terday afternoon when he fell fifteen
feet from a crane while at work on
the .av.uth side of Mayo'a Bridge. He
was treated by T)r. O. C. Page. City
Hoep'tal ambulance surgeon, and re?
moved to his home.
-id Jan, -
At the request of Foreman Charles
T. Taylor, the Hustings Court grand
jury, which has been probing the cases
of alleged tax-dodgers, eras adjourned
by Judge D. C. Richardson last night
untM Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
In the rsse^**ethei flJaVls agstost the]
fr.ip'e* Envelope and Printing Company,
'ailed to trial yesterday In the Law and
Kqoltr Osurt. ? compromise waa effected,
an . by agreement of cousjeel it'
I en'ered In the ?um ef (LUE.
repe-lel to The Tim-?-T>t?retr?i ]
r> >rham. V C-, Noe.mVr Tl -Tb* mir
riefe of W:*a Leala MeDonale. daughter ?T\
Mr and Mrs. C. C. McDoseJd. ef Heielsn.
an?? Jamea Fuller South rat a. of Durham,
took place In the Church of the Good Shep
ard. the former city, at ( o'clock this after?
noon. The ceremony waa performed by Itev.
1. McK. Pittenser. Mist rTora McDonald,
?tster of the bride, was maid or honor Miss
Katbertne B<w!an was bridesmaid. Mr |
RoulTirate's best man was Soirthcate Jones.;
Durham. Archie Clark, of Wilson. ni|
fToomsman. The ushera were three brothers
of the bride?Char Ire. John and Ktif-ne Mo
Donald, and Joe O Brlen. of Dunn. I
Tbe couple will make tbelt home in Dur?
r<-Z TEA:
c w. ajrnuM a co.. ninTBiiiTTTn?
Richardson, Inc.
Storage and
Transfer Department \
Main and Beirldere Sta.
The moat modern and up-to-data I
Fireproof Storage Building in the
South; vaults for silver and other
valuables; individual trunk rooms;
steam heated piano rooms, and every
other modern convenience for the
care of household goods. Get our esti?
mate on crating and shipping your
furniture. Phone Monroe MJ.
Tamer Paint & Oil to.
M17 and 1ft* East Mate.
Richmond. Va.
Offers the best rhance lor yon to doublt
your saooay oatscJdy by iaisating in rant
Address O D. I.. West Point. Va
Watte ?Waas? I I raw aeS nraaa Bee*.
In latest styles.
Sjrdoor & Hnodley, faK^
C race and Svvnsnti
Mil am i nan n tvnaa
ai.ASK % BKrnifiKit ?T?rtta.
ovo HKkflRT pa wert1 wax
LT arg
Court Decision Makes It Likely
Democrats Will Score
Ui Angeles, November U? The District
Court of Appeals har.d-d down a decision la
the election esakwsata? late to-day. which
Democratic leader* declare will place Cali?
fornia in the BasSS co.umn of presidential
The decision was against the method of
the Board of Supervisors to canvassing the
returns of Los Angeles County. The court
held that the tames should *? counted and
not the certifications. At itaat was precinct,
that of Pasadena, now wlil be virtually
thrown out an the decision, wltfc a Isaa sf
in plurality for SU Roosevelt election axes pi
A peremptory writ of mandamus was er
I dered Issued directing the Board of Super -
l vlaora to canvass the election relsrss In esv
cordaace with the conclusions ast farts. Is
I the opinion.
it was an Important point, uiaaiuaas as a
i decision In favor or the Democratic coo ten
I flon would have assured the election of the
; entire thirteen Wi.aon elec tors la the State.
' This Involved the returns of thirty-five BTw
eincta, which the Democrats petitioned ts
be rejected entirely because the seaisd en?
voi fvpee had been opened se that corrections
i in toe ceruQcatioa could be mad* by also
! tloji boards.
I The court held that the breaking ef the
? seaied envelopes prior to the time for aeaa
rng them In public was contrary te law. "bat
i did not constitute such an irregularity as te
require that the returns be entirely rejaot
': ed 6
In the precincts Roosevelt sad a plurality
I of more than MM.
The decision caused consternation asaeag
Progressive leaders and the members et thai
eanvaeaing board because ef the brief time
remaining for the final certification aad far- {
warding of the returns to the Secretary of1
State, laliure to do which by seat Mends*'
would resvot In the vote of the banner Hoose
ve.t county being lost with Its approximately
t.uoj piura.Iiy for the .Progressive .usMmt I
la! candidate.
It a.so is pointed out that the method I
adopt)d by the supervisors makes a complete
; recount of TST precincts in the county aeces
' sa-O. and the work o: canvaastag the returas
In the manner stipulated by the eesrt wlil
I necessitate night sod day werk oaaUauoasiy i
until Monday. ???raw.y
I Suit was Instituted yesterday la the Law'
and Equity Court by Artbar J. Stsass
against John Fahed and Usengs E. Faked
for damages laid at ti Ms The pIslataT Is
re* reseated by Smith A Oesdoa.
PEACB.?Died. In . ueblo. Magics. SO
November ?. THOS. HERBERT
PEACE, son sf Mrs. if. D. rases, sf
41? North Twenty-sixth Street, la
the twenty-seventh year of bis age.
He leaves, besides bis mother, two
sisters. Willie M end Ida M rests
Staunton. Va. papers please copy.
STRATFORD.?Died, la Billing* Moa- I
J!n*\ <No7*mb'r *' m* ROBERT A.
STRATFORD: died, la Oreessssro.
n. c November 2e. 1S1J. EMBLET
W. stratford, brothers sf Dr. A.
U Stratford, sf this city.
(rain?Died. at his residence, it East
Broad Street, at 4:2? P M Thursday.
November 21. 1912. 'AMES rain.
SR. 71 years of aga H? leaves h?s j
wife. Mrs. E. Olli Ka?n. tw0 da
ters, Mrs. John W. Carmody
Mrs. John W. Moore; two
Charles E. aad Jemes, Jr,
grand.!*ughter. Mhsj Lucille Harris? I
of D?na. N. C; one brother. j?
-.aln. ?f this city.
Funersl from St. Peter's Church, i
Eighth aad Grace Streets. RATUB
DAT (23). 19 A M Interment la
Mount Calvary Cemetery
perform the last rites ? ver the dead
TRICE. She ?ras the devoted
daughter of Brother aad Ulster W. a
Dunesn. S..e waa In her thirtieth
year, and bad only bees ssarrlti te
Brother Trice but tea short years.
Ool gave to th's union three chil?
dren that are sow left motherless,
"later Trice was a vkt'm To that
dreaded disease, and daring the last
year of 1 life she wss separated
frot. her husband and children,
which made her death sadder still
Her children are all bright and]
S'J sbedlent Poor little Phillip:
How oar sympsthv raws out for him
In bis bodily afflictions May the
Oed ef all wlsd?a sBBSSsM MS
strong little SXtnd te greet useful?
ness sister Tries was a sish 1 sf
Fork ef Willis Baptist Cbsreb with
her husband
In her well days, I am told, a
more loyal aad faithful church work?
er eras hard te find She died la the
Cbrretlaa's faith aad hoe a sad now
muck. Is the ptSaJSI sf the bssabte
Soae taerettiif Fids Re
Few people realise to what extent their
health depends upon the condition of the
The physician in nearly all cast* of
ssrious illness makes a chemical analysis
of the patient 's urine. He knows that
unless the kidneys are doing their work
properly the other organs cannot be
Draught hack to health and strength
When the kidneys are neglected or
abused in any way, serious results are
sure to follow. According to health sta?
tistics, Bright'? disease, which is really an
advanced form of kidney trouble, caused
nearly ten thousand deaths in 1910 in
the State of New York alone. Therefore
it Behooves us to pay more attention to
the health of these most important organs
An ideal herbal compound that ha?
had remarkable success as a kidney rem?
edy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy.
The mild and healing influence of this
preparation is soon realised. It stand*
the highest for its remarkable record of
If you fed that your kidneys require
attention, and wish a sample bottle, write
to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton. N. Y.
Mention this paper and they will gladly
forward it to you absolutely free, by mail.
Swamp-Root is sold by every druggist
fat bottles of two sizes?50c and 11.00.
< Advertisement.)
Lexington. Vs., November 21.?John
W. Watlaoa, seed sixty-eight years,
a Confederate veteran and an Influen?
tial ettisen of Rock bridge, died at h>s
home in Falrfleld on November 1?.
after a short illness from pneumonia.
He was a member of tbe Second Rock
bridge Artillery, and surrendered with
his company at Appomattox. Thr?.<
sons survive. They are W E. Wallace,
of Rocltbrldge; & B Wallace, ef West
Virginia, and J. L? WaTace. of Florida;
also on* brother. Edwin Wallace, of
Falrfleld. and one sitter. Mrs. James
A. Wilson, of Rockbridge.
Jesses Kala, Sr.
Jama* Kaln, Sr.. died at hi* resi?
dence, 19 East Broad Street. Thurs?
day afternoon. Mr. Ka'n was In the
?eventy-flrat year of his age He
leave* a wife. Mr*. E Gill Kaln; two
daughter*. Mrs. John W. Carmody and
Mr*. John W. Moore; two sons. Charles
E. and. James. Jr.; one granddaughter.
Miss Luc'lle Harr!?, of Dunn, N. C. and
one brother to mourn his death.
Funeral services will b<- held from
Pt. Peter * Church on Saturday morn?
ing at 10 o'clock. The body will then
be taken to Ha final r**tlnr place In
Mount Calvary Cemetery.
Alles a. Sweewey.
Lynchburg. Va., November ;i.?Aller,
.bennett Sweeney, a well-known yo-.nK
man of the city, who was employed
at a department store, died this morn?
ing at 1* *0 o'clock at bis home. The,
young man would have been twenty
one year* of age had he lived until
Christmas 1 ay. He was a native of
Bedford County.
cxaJett Ywam&cxxtkchh.t
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MAIN?v !'2'> I
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What is At
When you *>. then well
both be satiated
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in this city soon

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