Witnesses From Many Counties
to Be Summoned to
Investigation of Alleged Viola?
tions of Law in Recent
[?peclaJ to The T! me..-Dispatch. J I
Xortoa. Va. November Kl?What
may prove a veritable drartie: for the
?hold Ninth District will be ?starte?
to-.-norrow, w ben witnesses will be
summoned from the counties of Scott,
Lee, Dickinson, Kusseli and the city
of Bristol to testify before th* Wise
County grand Jury, which Is now la
session Investigating violations In the
recent election.
It Is said that under the B&rksd&le
pure tic-t on law w'tneeses can be
pumrrtonefi from tiny part of the State
and made to testify on -he jrround of
a genera,! conspiracy to v'olate the
law. The present investigation will go
forward on the theory that if there :
were violations of the law In any;
oountv a general or partial nnder
?tar.d'np ' > s ? Hi effect was had be?
tween party managers throughout the
It is planned to examine the wit?
nesses from the counties named above
and the etty of Bristol at this <*rm
of the court, and <f revelations seoss
to warrant a oominuance of the in- '
vestigation then witnesses from- other
counties will be ?ummoned to appear
before the next tern of the court The
?present id Jury hxs examined a
large ruin her of witnesses In this
annuity, but it Is learned that so far;
Very little has hee-i done In iafhei lllg 1
evidence sufficient to warrant the re?
turn of indictments. The grand Jury
Mill continue in session Che balance
0f the week, and will probably hold a
aes^or, or two n-xt week.
X -.- j
- rSperla! to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]
"Ash.and. Va.. November 22.?The
.Aehiar.J Music Club met Wednesday
igorrini; in the parish house The
Ijrcjrrani was delightful, and greatly
esiJovt.il by a large number of members
apd gu.-sts. Those takln? part we:?
Mesdames R. E. fclackweil, Kdgar
Hastings and Hani. Misses Martha
?kghea. Mary Wright und Margaret i
. Miss Cc-ri8tar.ce Nouree, of Cassa- !
rTova. is the guest of Visses Goodwin, j
Miss Kate Howard, ef Chattanooga, j
Terr., was the recent guest of Mrs. j
Beerten Howard.
! Mr. am Mis. Tavior Robinson and
Mittle Mis? Inez Robinson, of Rich- '
iiond. were here Thursday vis'tlng
Mrs. Isaac Canter, of Baltimore, is
vlsitir her son. Dr. Hall Canter.
At the Young Woman's Literary club
.on Thursday afternoon a round-table, j
"dfscussion on Ibsen's "Doll's House"
was lei by M'sses Marlon I.a?her and ,
Marguerite Wlghtman. Tea was
served by Madame? w. M Jones W.
I. Foy and Mis Kathertr.e Kent.
Miss Patterson, of DanvMIe. i9 the
ftaOSI this week of Mrs Graham H.
-Lern h*th.
Mrs. Edward M?ller, of Maryland.
Is the gje-?t of her s'ster, Mrs. Frank |
rfkajr. I
An interesting meeting- wa? held by |
the Hanover Ch?n?*r. ?nlred Daugh?
ters of the Confederacy. In the home ?
You can put your foot right
down on this fact?there is no
place where your feet will re?
ceive more care and kindness
I than in our shoe department.
I Our sole object is to satisfy
J your foot and please your eye.
The right last for every
The Berry?
The Hanan?
The best the world over!
of Mrs. Go* rge Morr's en Thursday
Mrs. Charles O. Biakey read a paper
on the recent convention In Wash?
ington, ah? being a delegate from the
local chapter. Mrs. Biakey's pai>er wag
m?gt enterta'ning, and It was voted to
baJe it typewritten and given to the
Misses Hooinagle have aa their
g^eEtK Misses Marie McCullen. of North
Carolina; Meddery, of Ohio, and Louise
Mul~r. Richmond.
Miss Fitzgerald and Mrs. A. J. Mon?
tague were guests on Thursday of Mra
11. C. Sloan.
The Hearts' Club w.ts delightfully
entertained on Thursday nicht by
a.rs. Schooler Fox. Tue pi lzes were won
hv Mrs. A. P. Outlbert and Mr E. M.
Shepherd. Those playing were Mr. and
Mre. E. W. Newman. W D. Kerr, B. M.
Shepherd, E. A. Grey; ffesdames James I
Chenery, Anna Carr. A. r. Qotthert,
Frank Wright Misses Brock, of Mehr? ,
mond; Vaden Thompson and Van- :
diver; Me?s-s. Chenery, Scott, Ellis. Fox
and Marshall Ellis. j
Victim of Chelsea Hill Row Released
ob S300 Bond.
Magistrate R a. Pmtth yesterday bailed
TVubeti Miles, co'.ored. in the ei:m of tKW for
hi? appearance rn November 30 to an*.ver to
the charge of carrying* a conca ? d vreapea
ar.d Of er.jaging la th? genera: shooting
which took pia? on Ch?:?e-? Mil rome daye
."go. Virginia Griffin. Miies's mother, stood
arrurlty for his sppearance.
The ne^ro wa? taken from the City Hospi?
tal on Thursday and brought to the Her.rico
Ceanty Jh?. had beer, confined !n the
fco.??::ai ?lnce the shooting, aa a resoll of a
wt und re'-elved when a bullet from Will
R?cd'a pistol is said to have struck him.
Two Heeds Recorded Yesterday Cover? i
Ins; ?30.000 of Property.
Two real estate transaction*. Involving the
exchange of about IM-OfO. were rei.-rdcd y?a
ter?ay afternoon at the cie-k's office in Hen
rico County Covirt.-.ouse.
L. J. Cheatwond and wife have sold sixty
a.-d thr-e-fourtha acres, situated three miles
nortl. of the city near r?-ror> Road, to
thu Wash .'nr ton Park Lani Corpcratton. The
e?:tmated rahss of the 'and Hidglnr from
th. tax a'seestnents, is Iju.-^O.
Maur.ro A P< wera and W. a. UrGewta
sold to Robert T. Hunter lots Is Sootfa Ad?
dition, kr.ow.n as bloejc nine, tract line. Tha
?alue of the lots is between is.OfO and ??000.
If You Value Your Eyesight
You wirf equip your
reading table with a
Authorities agree that a good kerosene ofl lamp m the best fbr
reading. The Rayo is the best oil lamp made, the result of years
of scientific study. It gives a steady white light, dear, mellow.
Made of solid brass, nickel plated. Can be lighted without rs?
sjMjiring chimney or shade. Easy to ckan and rswick.
hj. r ~ 1 rm. nt
BSVggfer PRESENTED-*'py>;THE, r
jSjtjBtyagjj^;iam Mm>.oto.TTu'e a set.
Cat ?et dW tlaaWJ fp?PPV**jl tW?o<W?or' inimtirt?itti.i?} jw>Mp ?
?sent at ttua off.-? w uV iV.- npta* bona* aimaa th?? o aet mnM> ?r 7 .Irl? ?r
W Diet c?HT HMCt^ '?Huch even ??>? of the c?at c* -. .< . , erpr??s <.
feaaa tb? facaary. cWiim. clerk K r? ?*! ?tax* ??mury LXI L.NSE Ussss >. *
sad rat?!?? mmW cl?a<i??> mmu three b?aai \
fat* $4*90 (Like in?j?Tatior.fifi t*-? arr-v-e-rr?r.m fr m ?*tt cav )
kjrw This Lhcu^riarr n NOT pal! shed by ghi original pgb
WctmrMAM Ii?*1'"? <-.f V. r ???rr'a r>ict^r,',ry or by Their <t:-rr?%nr?, \
MCTW.NAatT It ? the om.y entirely Nrv o'rripilafion by the mmM f
pr-sf't aothrtr-tte* f> - ''i ! ? ir ?? iveri.'ir : i-. b ?;? ' i
aM Limp Leather. ff>?.;. . starred in g \.\ nr. b: k ?.. i
sHe?. prated on Fible pa;*:-, *ru red edges and comrs
? . ??ro*,tI dcraKe Mthta a - y'rral content!, ti.<re
over 609 ?tjfcje^t? beantifo'Jy il': *ra-?-1 ' . ? r?
: -r.?* -it $t:f j""?. by in - ?'-??. If, <f
tV '.ifst T*r.:ted ?*a?'? ?' f ? ' T* " i
SIX CcraeceLve Dictionary Coupons and t' e "oC
?re r&ap'
color \ ?
cdu'at: I
at th>? ?
?oru? ?i
Ii i? esst' y tie seres
as the 14 f > bang, es
e?st la the style of
? ?T.? ?-t<fc at la
half leetber. .
?us eiise saa
? * t ? s ?? *
\JH 81c \
?BP sank kp kbsLZa*
ft) la p'aia gksss Mad.
kjgj rtfnsg fa paM
ui-eerai-4 L? , ' '
? stawiataiiia * **? ?7*
g charts are
??SS 4Sc
(United States Circuit Court of
j Appeals Adopts New Rules
of Equity.
I Reforms Promulgated Thursday
Will Greatly Lessen Cost
of Litigation.
I In order to reduce the coot of litiga?
tion end to moke He procedure con?
form to that of ehe hierher tribunal,
the United State? Cr curt Court of Ap?
peal? Thursday afternoon promulgated
aa amendment to the rules of equity
and admiralty practice and bankruptcy
cases, whJoh are taken verbatim from
the new rules prom u 1 gated by Chief
Justice White on November 4 for Untied
States Supreme Court practice. Tak?
ing bodily rules Kos. 75. 7? and 77 of
the Supreme Court, all relating to the
preparation of records by appellants,
the Circuit Court of Appeals Incorpo?
rated them Into Rule No. tl of the
equity rules of practice adopted by
this court April 1. 1912.
The reform accomplished .Thursday
will greatly curtail the expenses of
appeals In equity, admiralty and bank?
ruptcy esses The rules provide for
diminishing the sine of records by
which suits are taken from the trial
court to the United States Circuit Court
of Appeals for review, by promulgat?
ing rules for compelling the exclusion
of Immaterial documents, the giving
of testimony In narrative Instead of
mterrogatory form, or the presenta?
tion of a record which shall contain
only the decree of the trial court and
the questions at Issue, if agreeable to
both parties.
No Lang Traaseripis.
Under the new rules, which become
effective February 1, HIS, only the
decree and the very marrow of the
proceedings are necessary for the
record, Instead of a transcript of the
detailed evidence and pleadings of the
entire case. Certain limitations, how?
ever, are imposed on the exercise of
the right <o cut the record to the
marrow, giving the appellee and the
trial court the rlsrht to pass upon mat?
ter to t)e exolud- d. Formal and Im?
material portions of the record of the
trial court are not to be Incorporated
in the record for the appellate court.
According to a statement made by
Chief Justice White a? the time the
rules were promulgated from the
United States Supreme Court bench,
the new rules would make It possible
for the appellate court not to reverse
suits merely because of errors not
actually prejudicial to the vital point
at issue.
New Rades.
The amendments to the rules are as
"75. Record on Appeal?Reduction and
"In case of appeal:
"(a) It shall be the duty of the ap?
pellant or his solicitor to file with the
clerk of the court from which the ap?
peal Is prosecuted, together with proof
or acknowledgment of service of a
copy on the appellee or his solicitor, a
praeclpe which shall Indicate the por?
tions of the record to be Incorporated
into the transcript on such appeal.
Should the appellee or his solicitor de?
sire additional portions of the record
incorporated into the transcript, he
shall flit with the clerk of the court
his praeclpe also within ten days
thereafter, unless the time shall be
enlarged by tne court or a judge there?
of, indicating such additional portions
of the record deeired by him.
'(b) The evidence to be included in
the record shall not he set forth In full,
but shall be stated in simple and con?
densed form, all parts not essential to
the decision of the questions present?
ed by the appeal being omitted and
the testimony of witnesses being stat-l
e.i only In narrative form, save that if!
cither party desires it. and the court
or Judge so directs, any part of the
testimony shall be reproduced in the
exact words of the witness. The duty
of so condensing and stating the evi?
dence shall rest primarily on the ap?
pellant, who shall prepare his state?
ment thereof and lodge the same in the
clerk's ofTS-e for the examination of
the other parties at or before the time
for filing his praeclpe under paragraph
a of this rula He shall also noUfy the
other parties or their solicitors of such
lodgment, and shall name a time and ?
place when ha shall ask the court or
Judge to approve the statement, the
time so named to be at least ton days
after such notice. At the expiration
of the time named, or sucb further time
as the court or Judge may allow, the,
statement, toge-her with any objec-j
tlons made or amendments proposed by ?
any party, shall be presented to the
court or the judge, and if the state
j mint be true, complete and properly
prepared, It shall be approved by the
court or judge, ai d if if t.e not trt;e,
complete or properly pr< pared. It shall
!?? :? ::d? s. ur.1t r the direction of the
court or Judg ?. and shall then be ap?
proved. When approved, it shall be I
fl-d in the clerk's office and become a
'. part ' C the record for the purposes of
; the at peal.
"<c? If any differ er. r-? arise between
; the parties concerning directions as to
the general contents of the record to_,
j I* pr-i-ared "n the appeal, such dif
ferer. ? shall t.e submitted to the court
er J Jdjre .r. conformity with the pro
t*st as of paragraph b of this rule end
! Shall be covered by the directions
', which the court or lodge may give on
' the subject.
-T? Here-* ng Appeal?Reduction and
, Preparation?Costs?Correction of
"Tn preparing the transcript on an
?T'-eal isp ilal <-are shall be laker to
av.il -rie tnr!-s'.o of more than on*|
copy of the same paper, and to eXili V-j
UM formal ard immaterial parts of alii
e-.'it fs. doc-imer.ts and other parer?
:de.? '? er in st.d for any lr.fr.i.
Mori of this or any kindred ruV. ?he
????? ".<'.irt r?T Withhold <- .r: ?
I ? '?nsts ss the circumstances of the
and the d'i. oti srehment of nk?
' * V^ns .n the future may require.
?"- for torn an tnf-s-t|?en rosy he
'-?^..^t ut"?r offending gnltrlfor? *s
v ? as parties
f 1-, the traiaertpt. anything ma
? te-1 .j ?3 elfter psrtv he omitted by
?? o- evr< r. the appellate court,
er a j.-o-.er ?'lrges'iori or Its own r*>o.
"or., -av direr-? ?hst the, omission be
' eorre-'ed ov s ?'ir?p|r-dental ?rsnsertr't
r>?, nrd o- i Agree,) ?t?te
f ? et
"W?.?-n the ? ?est lot.? presented hv
?-. at..<?l tin be determined by the
sag a it ate court without aa examine-1
lalh of
Out-of-Town cus?
tomers mail us a
postal card for bar?
gain specifications.
Kindly bring this
advertisement with
you and ask sales?
men for bargain pre?
Many Pianos
10 to 40
Per Cent
Don't Delay, Don't Watt, but Coma, and Coma Early,
Too! Look! Read! Reflect! Then Act Quickly.
Gat In line, Mr.
Piano Buyer, and
join the procession
of piano buyers dally
attending our An?
nual Holiday Clear?
ance Sale, If you
wish to take advant?
age of special low
price on every piano
in stock.
Many Pianos
10 to 40
Per Cent
It It the Greatest ?T^?lt
being sold.
It It the Greatest XmTJttm mtTmt
and the best the markst affords for twice the pries.
Ever Known in the History of the Piano Business in Virginia.
It Is the Greatest gaTTe^t^ *~ It Is the Greatest feg m ?
piano* offered for sale.
It It the Greatest g^tSsaggj,
to esjJt your conrenienoe.
It It the Greatest
free years and backed by ens of ViawJnla's
hnrinsss houses The Cewkey Ca.
A Few of the Prices That Prevail Saturday, November 23rd.
^?^lLsm^?? i Do It Now?365 Days' Trial Free j J
:%rtartr ?ad 1 purchase your family a new high trade piano at this sale of I ?*
high grade pianos at slaughtered price*. Every piano fully warrant
ed from 10 to 25 years. Easy ternw?accepted- Chance of a
lifetime. Come early.
every respect by the mam
The Cerley Co.
Whether you wish a piano of the hsjh
est grade or a good, sei rkeabta laetrij
raent. this sale must appeal to you. In
addition to the new stock of psanos In
oar warexooma. are hare a treat many
pianos that have been out on rental and
exchange instruments and now the
purchasing public of Richmond has an
opportunity that many have been pa?
tiently waiting for of purchasing many of
the best pianos that the market affords
at a bona fide saving of from 10 to 40
per rent.
Oot-of-Town People Should Call
People can afford to coast a lang oSslaace to attend this
ssle if they are considering the purchase of a new piano. Wme
as ? postal card for piano bargains, etc., and we will forward yon
a prke bst of the same. We anil send pianos any where, to be paid
for on quarterly, monthly or weekly payments.
Open Evenings Until 7 P. M.
213 E. Broad St
Phone Madison 4181.
ii< n of ell tk- pUtUinr? and ?vtdkeoce,
Ih. parli??. with tk* approval of UM
district court or the |ud*e thereof, mit
prep?r? an? ?Im a ?tat? ment of the
tu - ?Low Ine- how tk* qanrtlono arrme
?r.4 war? dac1d?d In tk? district caaat
ar i ?et'In? forth ao mach only of Um
fa- ? alleged and proved, or eauabt to
he proved, as ?? ????athal to a derlei*?
of each ooeatioaa my the ?perlet?
eourt ?tM-* ?totement. when Med la
the off , ?f the clerk Of the district
'""if. ehalt he treated aa superseding,
'or the pore wo, of the appeal, all parte
of the record ?her Than The decree
from which the appeal hi taken, nwd
together with aaoh ?aar??. ahaU mm
conto? an? -artifleJ t? th? MpntWi
court >? the record on appeal ''
I '??Ii' t ?> Tu? TVtmw P-aaatcti )
K'-?l k. v?. ?.rmV" 3>-t*r* IM*
Kt # ?t'? njecnard ? H.p.. of ?
n.ur*-t~1Ve? Bodden'r at t <r?HetH
raaajr a>t "c.imri??" Wr hon*?, aaar ?er?.
a <rolf?ra la t?# rmmmUy Bh0
?? ptmn tmur Vmtmn mm* mm
?r Aurica area a ao aa
i?r:?. Ka
Bora? Mtai ?* la* Vi I af ha tiraalt
a**a aaajft mm active aart ta) tM aawtal Mr*
?f Ik* K?<r?lrh Satan art. Wra ??ra* tree
?et Witsiaaa? arenas**, ?4 was m aey s
bmbbv? f mm mm tarrvts*-1 s*?) ?s?
aa? itesa (a cnMraaa
larrta-tva* aaata eta.
t; ?er ?arrtaa? '
Wat a ??awl ef ta?
Okai?? flW?Jr%1a% *?? (Hat ?titv. sea s?va
*?>.- aaaa? tn tfc? sr?. rmo WavsisIb* m?
fkawy, af c^aaajaa. atii atirtxS ess
wfMPk vftf lag a?j _Tf bsn ft?? tiees?
w m+rrntm, Um
BESS 1TM???k?? Ot* to ?*??*
t,>>r 1*4 -n????'* ??*???
ri _ji j.r> kT2? ?*? <*???ni? J*?????, ?tnV
mi? an** ?**?? m*a* t*r o*> ???*?
mm* I it*>* ?*?????? ?Un A
m trtea !??*>??? ???in??!? H * ???
?ar ?ra? miifpi ?m ? ??irmai tmmM 4m Bf