OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, November 23, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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(Work Undertaken by Bureau of
Soils at Request of Con- |
gresaman Lamb.
Results Will Be Beneficial Not
Only to County, but to i
City of Richmond.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.J
Washington. November tX?An Im?
portant agricultural step affecting
Richmond and Henrico County de?
veloped here to-day, when Professori
Milton Whitney, chief of the Bureau j
of Sol.s. at th.- request of Captain j
John Ukflsh, ordered four of the leadn.g
?oil experts c; the Buwsau of Soils.
i>t-p;u unent of Agriculture, to t>egln a
soil survey and investigation of soil
and agricultural conditions in Henrico
I'sajsjt] The tuen will bvgin work
next Monday, with the expectation of
?jrJahsag Ike work by the ifuddie of
BT. a> Hearu, who had marge of the
work of the Bureau tkf Soils in North
Carolina for a number of years, Vi<J
Ou in i Large and will be assisted B*f
Messrs. Morrison, McLendon atil Ko?
aptaiii Lamb *aid that he was very
?tad to have the department BBSvfcS the
taVvetige tleo of the county, and that
ne regarded it as of great importance
to both city and to the county.
Professor Whitney, the leauing soil
authority of the country, m discus
?.ng the coming investigation of the
joii conditions of Henrico Count),
"ti e were requested by Captain Lamb
to send a party to investigate so.l
loiidilions of Heuiito County, and i
liave detailed four of my best men to.
.he work. The county contains 2"0
square SaUea, and the men ttiat i have
uetailed will finish the work, pro?
vided severe winter wealhe. does not
inteiiere. by the middie of January.
"The investigation will not only
pi are beneficial to the county in de?
monstrating what tue Sails are heel
aiapted to. but should provt of glen
Impel lam m to the city of Richmond.
The city consumes great quantities
.iiid varieties of truck crops, as well
9M staple crops, poultry and eggs, andj
there is no reason why a great deal*
K-t this supply should not come from!
sfcsssrse* County. A great many cities)
procure their supp.ies of meat, poultry.:
?ggs. .utter and vegetables from a dis-|
tance, wh?-n land is, lying idle in ;h
nearby isdius. which could be properly
used In producing these necessities of
The soil survey of Henrico County
?-ill be embodied in a repot t which
will show the different types of soils.!
what they are best adapted to. how
they eoald be made to produce the
most profitable crops, together with
the recommendation as to what agri?
cultural methods should be employed
to the best advantag. of the producer.
The report wUl also contain valuable!
maps in colors, showing everything of J
value in detail in the county, lartad j
ing every town, settlement. buus> . ;
enurch. school house, road and Stream
la the county. ' P. H Mc?j.
Aesrly ZOO WHstssei Kxamlsed.
Corrections Made la Number
ml Cases,
t special ta The Times-Dispatcl..J I
r'redericl;sbu:g Va.. November 22.?'
The gand jury, which has l?eer. in ses-'
sicii for mere than two weeks, is still
considering the personal property tax.
assessments and has summoned a
large number of citizens bef >re it who!
have beta questioned as to the'- be-'
longings. It Is said that in a naiahrr]
ef cases corrections Lave been made j
Nearly CM witnesses kSTs been ex
amined on this subject, and all nave
been given, an opportunity to correct'
their tax* asaoasatent returns, it :a
expectefl that the tax reeeSpSs will be
considerably augtnerted from this in?
quiry. The jury will probably be in
session several days yet.
Mayor J I*. Rowr. though the son of
a Confederate veteran, ha? Wen elected
an honarary member of the Fifteenth
New Jerry Volunteer Veterans" Asso?
ciation, of Newark. N J.. and has re?
ceived a badge of honor, i he InxiKna
of the association, a bronze medal
with a pen<iar.t cross ar.o fe.-Is proud
ef the compliment paid him aiwi ef the
Mrs Leila Weedor. has sold hei
hoa.-e and lo? on Hanover street, ex?
tended, t" Jam.-s Pollard r.f steoCaryl
vsnla '"ounty. who will ->ccupy u as his
Mrs Sarah F.. Catlett has sold h?r
farm of f..rty-one acres on Plank
Load. Ppotsylvanls County, adjoining
Oak Hill ?'. metery. r.ear t..wn t-.
Hetir: Warder., of this city, for $3.1**.
Mr. sad Mrs LeRoy Richards have
fjone t? PhiiadelpMa ??? r^sld*
Mr. and >|r.? W \. Ix . ..'
Torsi. wh-> have beer. at the Hot
?rrrr.r? of Vlrsn.ia for several months.
arSl spend tv- winter here
1913 ? MAGAZINE ?1913
Beginning in the January number?
The Custom of the
By Edith Wharton
Author of " The House of Mirth "
An absorbing story of American social life. The career of
the heroine, who comes from a provincial town to make a
place for herself in New York society, will be more keenly
discussed even than Lily Bart of " The House of Mirth."
Later will be published as s serial
the newest work by
John Galsworthy
John Fax'?4S?S
of the Hills," will continue into
the early months of 1913.
and the Germans
from an American Point of View
By Price Collier
Author of " England and the Eng?
lish from an American Point of
View." Nothing has been written
of modern Germany, or of the
Emperor, with the frankness, with
the same disregard of anything
but what the author believes to
be the truth.
The story of the wonderful
Panama Canal
By Joseph Bucklin Bishop
Secretary of the Isthmian Canal
The French at Panama
A chapter in human endeavor which for
dramatic and tragic interest has rarely
been equalled.
The World's Plague Spot
The story of the way in which the Ameri?
cans made the Isthmus of Panama a
health spot of the earth.
Benevolent Despotism
at Panama
The way the United States Government,
operating through Colonel George W.
Gcethals, has cared for its great army of
canal workers.
The Letters of
William James
the famous psychologist, edited by his
brother Henry Junes.
English Friends:
From the Letters arid Journals
of Charles Eliot Norton
Edited by Sara Norton and
M. A De Wolfe Howe
Impressions of Carlyls, Rpaldn, Dickens,
the Brownings, George Henry Lewes,
Burne-Jones, John Stuart MuL John
Morley. and many other distinguished
The Way to See
South America
Ernest Peixotto, the artist and traveller,
will describe the things to be seen sad
how to see them.
The Man
Behind the Bars
By Miss Winifred Taylor
Stories of convicts, of prison life, and of
the careers of those who have served
their terms.
North Africa and
the Desert. By
George Edward Wood berry
Tunis, Algeria, snd Ute near country. It
may be foreseen what a subject they
present to a traveller with the author's
sense of the picturesque and poetic.
Modern Turkey
By R G. Dwight
A group of articles that are full of charm
and picturesquenees, st the same time
dealing with modern conditions. Fully
Special Numbers
dealing with subjects of great contem?
porary interest, and particularly the so?
lution of the complicated problems of
Modern Living, win be published from
time to time.
S3.OO mymmr.
' fas* a W oajsaufi
t?be Christmas ^crtfantr
t ra a Ttima ry interest
and beauty.
State Will Resist Efforts of Alex- j
andria City to Set It Aside
as Erroneous.
;.- ? ;il tu Th? Times-Dispatch. J
Alexandria. Va. November -2.?At?
las as J Qassilal Williams, of th-- State,
will come here Dect-mber 11 next and
assist '" unmonwealth s Attorn, y Brent
in t!;e fight of IBM Stat<- t> have the
assr?>m'ni ? $200.000 on the city gas
ssaai and $*??.<">?> on the city market
build.nrs stand. ?">n the foregoing date
?i/.rporation Attorney S I*. Fisher will
Sanaa in that court, before Judge I? C
BslltS. to set aside the assessment on
th- gr >und that it is erroneous. Th'.s
wa- t-> hav- been heard December I.
but a postponement was granted at
the Instance of Attorney-General Wil?
Ar?-!;mer>t will be heard hefor* Judge
S ott in the circuit <V>urt for Rich
iti'irt on Friday next on the report of
>r --. :n! ???.mmissioni-r It I?. Rruir.l^rk
r. :-4-!.nif tlie dinrtbiti>n of $5.'.".-?<?
? Is MM th* Stat?- in it"
r. ? iier.arf.:-nt of the d?f-;:<-t
V-? -:h Sat. !"i-?slt and Trust "'or
R:?ht Rev. D. J O'Connell. P. P.,
Ft:?r..-. ..f the Pio<-*?e of Rirr.mond. will
be tendered a reception at 3:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon next at St. Mary's
Hal! by- the members of Alexandria
Division. No. I. Ancient Order of Hi?
bernians. The bishop will be here
Sunday morning next for the purpos*
of confirming a. large class of children
ar.-i adults at St. Mary's Church.
Arthur Shanks, who was arrested in
Georgetown Wednesday night last,
charged with improper conduct to?
wards a number of young glria wr.o
I r#-bide In Washington, will be given a
' fr-Mminar> hearing Friday afternoon ,
n^xt at 3 o'clock before ITnlted States
Commissioner R P. W. Oarnett. t'nited
States District Attorney Gronau will be
present at th)e preliminary bearing.
Engage sat at Assjssnsced.
' War-enton. Vs., November XX?The
I engagement Is announced of Miss
I Annie Camden Sr>lln:an. daughter of ]
! Gen?ral and Mrs. Baldwin Day Spllman. (
? of "Elway Hall." near Warrenton. and |
! Richard Rice Barrett, of Concord, i
Mass. The wedding will take j.lace In {
sarty spring. Mls< Spllman Is aj
ffranddaugbt^r of the late Hon. John I
<"amd?.n. of West Virginia, and Is prom?
inent In the social circles of several !
States Mr Barrett has spent much j
?im? In Virginia
?allraad ntVtn Nssasd.
W(n?-on-t?a em. N" C. November 2?TVie
foTlowl-.* officers hare been announced for
;?>? W'n?!nn-Sa>m Southbound Kaiiwajr QSJB-J
. r-' Mve tHrrmlttr I. W X. RffmV..
e.'?r?1 rr.in?s?r: R A Branl. TraltV nun
i.- ?-. I K B p>aaente. <-M?f enrtnevr.
all with headq.art?-? at Wiitnirst^n: W H
.' hn?'.n eup-rlntenient. ?i:Ti headquarter*
In thia ritv TW< r??1 aa? c?mp>t?4 two
- ' -r? ?so. and run* f-om thia city te Wades
Breakfast Cocoa
For all those whose occupations require dear
heads and steady nerves, as well as those hi poor
health or of delicate digestive powers, it is the ideal
beverage. Prepared with milk or cream and sweet?
ened to the taste, it is delicious, wf
lutely pure, and of high food value
Baker & Co. Ltd
t of CVnic* Recipes Sent Free
! Assailant of Theodore Roosevelt
1 Is Committed to Asylum
Until Cured.
Physicians Believe He Will
Never Recover From Chronic
MJMauk??, Wi?. November V*.?John
Sei rask. who shot colonel Theodor* Roo*?
tmm oo the nicht or October 14 in Milwaukee.
is Insane, and tu late ilila afternoon com?
mitted by Municipal Judge A. C- Backus to
th?. Northern Hospital 'or the lusaoe near
Osl.koah until cured.
Betone being :ed bark to Jail to await pre?
parations (or the trip to the asylum, Schrank
said: "I had expected they would find me
Insane, because It was In the papers two
days ago I want to say now that I am sane
and know what I am uoing all the time. I '
mn not a lunatic and never was one. 1 was
eaUaJ upon to do a duty, and have done It.
Tmm commission has ssorn away my life
Each ,uemot i went upon lbs stand and said
I was incursn: y Inaanc. They OAS buO' m*
athta It tuey s*.? tit. 1 doot sajra what hap- .
pint new."
< . mmirmcnt was the result of examination '
of the alienists, who/unanlnsously adjudged :
:h. man iin- ur and following the lntroduc I
nor. or prima facie evidence of several wit- j
?iresea j
r0nc,u stone reached by the alienists were'
s. lallearg:
First: John fcchrank Is suffering from in-'
?..m delusion*, grandios? in character and afl
a syaiemstirtd variety.
Second: in our opinion he Is lneane st the.
pttaesi tmn.
T.-.Ird: On account of the connscttou ex- [
inline between bis delusions and in.- act
wlti: which he etands charged, we are of the'
opinion he is unable to confer Intelligently ,
with counsel as me conduct el hit defense, i
Chairman; I
W. r. BECKER. M. D.,
Commission, r*. j
Vjutetioued as to whether the defendant'
had anything tu offer, Attorney James U i
Flanders, after a whispered conversation :
with Schrank. Informed the court that the |
aefeaat bad nothing to say.
District-A Horner ?aoel submitted a num?
ber of gurttme? bearing upon medical tt-rms
to sacs at the alteafstWi ali of which brought
(torth ?iniiiir responsea tu?, substance or :
? hieb oeing that .-.enrauk was suff.-.-lisg ironi '
chicnic paranoia, and all oi the physicians,
agio .1 :hat It was doubttui if the disease
could be ?"uM. Failure m effecting a cure
or Sehiank ? meats 1 disorder means he will
apend the rem of bis life in the asylum to
wbich be 'iae heen ordered committed.
Schrank ..?*?:>? will be taken tu the asy?
lum on Monday next, according to Sheriff
v?i:iiam Amo.d. !
Application Made by Syndicate Headed by
A. F. McGoire.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Fayettevi.le. N. C. November 22?A eye-j
dicate of casjsiaUetA ttn aded by A. F. Mc
Bedra of this city, to-day forwarded at
Raleigh, applicalioti for a charter for a i
State bank to be established here. It is
understood that outsode of Mc'iuire the cap?
italists are not Faytttevllle men.
Th.-oogb the Intervention or il..n John G.
Shaw, acting ?n bis o-.vn tattsatJJVa, the two
actions ?gatnst Jsmea D McNeil: for libel
of y. K. Nimocks, were continued when
the* came up ia the- Criminal ?"ourt to-day.
Mr. sitaw stated that hie high regard for
bcth parties to the suit ied .-.Im to thia
course: that he considered it would be most
upfortunat* and hurtful to the community
to have the case tried, and that his action
wSm due to a sincere desire to have the mat?
ter continued. He further said that t.? had
never been approached by either Mr. JlcNtil'
or Mr. Nimocks to bring about a eoicpro
mis* or continuance. Judge Lyon grsuled s
cuilauaac* i,. -.he January term, Ciori i
C W. Wradfoot. leading '-amis*! Bar the
prosecution, and E. ?J. Davis. Mr. M StellTg
counsel, consented, each siipuiati&g t?at g.ia
client had made no effort toward a cor.iin
uar.re. Mr Shaw represents neither side. I
Approaching; Marriasre.
[special la I hi Haass IMaiialiliJ
Kredericksburg. Va.. November J2.?'
Mrs. Agnes R. Chichester. of Stafford'
County, announces the a?-proac ilng
marriage of her datiajhter. Miss IBsldal
EL Chichester, to Francis Daniel Mm-!
cure, both of Stafford County. The l
marriage wil! be solemnised at the '
Church of the Holy Spirit, in Stafford
County, near this city, Thursday. I^e
cember 6. at noon.
I First Baptist ?H?rth Endowment FNnd
ll-nci Rrchmor-d No capita: stock. John I
8 Hsrwood. president. Dsniei J. McCarthy.!
*.ir?president: B M. Owarhmr-j. secretary:,
j St, (\ Williams. Jr. treasrurer-eai: of Hie!:-!
1 mend. _ _ :_ _f [
I Shoulder's HIK Land Corporation. Norfolk
I county F. O. Portsmouth. Va. Capltsl:
' Maximum. 1W.W); minimum. IS.tN? S Mitch
e.; prerident. Newber?n. N. C: TT Van!
riardin. vl e-prrsidra:. vV?minston. N. C.;|
[r-tjariea B. D. Reed, secretary and treasurer,
i Nr.rfolk. Va I
Virginia Flsberie? ?In'- i, Norfolk. Vs. Cap-1
llta'.: Maximum, f-tie.'uo: ralntmum. fit?.*? '
[A Brooke Taylor, president: Fergus Ft. It.
' v'ce-prestdent. t^'.tt of Norfolk. Vs.; John A.
Irsrner. Jr. secretary and treasurer. Reed- j
vine. Va
I ji^eph Bryan Trnst tine >. Richmond.
i?-spltsl. Maiim-jm. eSo.-V^ minimum. tl.SW.
I John ftewsrt Bryan, president; .Tonathaaj
! Brysn. vice-president: Richsrd RUey, seere-i
*srj- and treasurer-*!' of Richmond.
Carrollton Toba'-ro WarCaoase ?'onipany!
I ?Inc.?. Petersburg. Vs. <~aplts:: Maximum,
j SBjajSJS; miniracm. $t*a.0se B. C Crawford.
'pr??ldent. Etam Peeklns. viee-pre?|dent: L
p Barnsrd. secretary?all of Ia?ai*vll>. Ky.;
(j p Jet', treasurer, ?'s.rrollton. Ky
j Tb? salt-see Cr.rpontton. NorfoOt. Vs
'. sj.ua' Maximum. tS.OS); minimum. fl.<s?
? ^ n court- presld?:.". ?' J. <~ier?ome. vtce
pr-eldest I? 'V _ ?*hidwlek. sc.-r -tary and
' tr'-asurer-s" of Norfoia. Va
H Hu?msn ?Jrocerv ?'<>mpary Unf i, Rich?
mond i.'spttsl: Maximum. l.V.rs?: mtnl
I mum. *:????? H Swmas. president; J A.
J \ ,u \f a?c-etsry ?nd treasurer, both o? R|eh
mor.d. B 1- Pusmsn. vlce-pre?j<i?n,. vfash-.
ir.gfon. N. C
The partner Rea:;e <--.mr-?"> 'Inrt. Ms
sinas Vs r>nl!?i. I? <?*> Pan: V. Portner.
? ?ident. Robert St Reth. secret are ssd
treasurer. O. f partner. I? M Pltte?afl of
Mtr.issx. Va j
, K?tr.,;> ?:l*an Ho;e! stm tsfe ?Inc. Nor-1
l'n'k Va ranltsl: Marimam. (?es*?, mini?
mum SSSS ?Veors- vi Ha-i?hm?<ir. presl
S?ni J O Person. e-Tvf-iry: e" s a'llktns.
t-eaasrer A. H TTsri. rW-pr>sl4ent-all ??f
Nor'oik. vs.
trup ex atul'lp e Jack '" .?npanT 'I"" ) Ner
..:k. Va rspitsl- M?v!m-.im. la.***, mint-!
mam. tsS? ? J Falter, ?resriseat. J W I
Tierwey. vlee-pusKtst. swtfc ?f Norfolk: J. I
H Tottew. eeeretary aad tr-eeor-r. Ports-1
s'-u'h Va
Teveten rorperatloss dsmtstlcstsd I J P
j Tarier company, of North Carolina, eaaetsi.
tjw-ais. v?k L C. WT. la ass. rtaratevy ss>nt.
Rtrimvmd I
rm> arbsai ef feramte Pacerstlw. of Z;II
, seat, -aattal H.SS1. with Aiesaader Keller,
istststory atee? Richmond
Thomaa J Stees i'msjubi. e? Ve? Terfc;
rsurs: II??.*??, witti K A Prltchard seat
ste.ry agent. Rfenhraetsd
The 9. T OoodrV-h e-esnpanv ef Ttrnm \
York, rasltal. ???.?????? wirb R. f
etarvtor aseat Richmond
stev lAvsis C. ?aafsr. ef in* Vhofleid
vrtMe Sesxsei Terfc. sraTt ge'reer a si Has
/>? ?etures tn rfc? e ha Wet of pBlon Tfien'wsr!.
?at Semtnaey tetnter P?-fc W-sinning ?*
mereew r*e Is a*t?> ksasws as a ?s?sker
af ? leseenag is' . sasaSBai a.
Tne lire sddresa win ?? de i?.ee<| |? me
eer. irsry chap*! mnrr?? .-,B at 1
S*lsSI> ??* the wettd et> ?en^ay risk* St
S * clock. rVirteg the werk raw nHr ss S
?I. he delivered e?. h aay. ??w* at IS seas
aaxi at TP eVhaek at ?arst T1?ea? is tee saw -
telling tf?rintfc
tttillC. iVewsne exactly ri^soe
It May Be That Judge Will Notj
Charge Jury Until
Salem. Mas*. November More
delay in bringing to an end the trial
ef Kttor, Otovannlttl and Caruso for
the I^opizao murder in the Lawrence 1
textile strike seemed certain when.
court adjourned to-nigh*, with District!
Attorney AtwUl's closing argument not)
completed. That the case will not i
reach life Jury until to-morrow night \
?aj> assured, while it is even possible!
Judge <?>utnn will not Charge the Jury'
until Monday.
In his argnmeirt to-day. th* district!
attorney dwelt chiefly on Caruso's con
Batllsu with the charge. He attacked,
the defendant's tlibi and reviewed the'
testimony of the CommonweaJth'a wit- |
Bgggeg who said Caruso participated j
in the riot. These witnesses, he said.'
must be regarded as perjurers by the
jury If Caruso's r.libi Is believed .
Speaking of Hi- fa 1 assembly, the dis?
trict attorney declared that the high
waji cnuid not be used by one set in
a community to carry on a warfarer
against another set.
"If, In an illegal assembij," he said,
"oifleers of the law da not do all that,
in their Judgment, is necessary to dis?
perse it. they Jo not do their duty.
If the sfkosrs use thia> flubs, we gave
them the Hubs to use. We pay for,
the clubs, aad expect them to use them
when necessary. Otherwise we have
as law. ani would b* governed by the
The '-vidence. argue<I the prosecutor,
showed that on the nicht of the kill?
ing a crowd o*-men. actin?? conceitedly,
went from Common Street to Union :
and Ca .-den Streets, ?'bent upon an un?
lawful purpose."
"If we hav e proved." he said ''that
the defendant. -Caruso, was In that,
crow.', and you are satisfied that he
was pwOrs. he is as guilty as the roan
who pulled the trigger of the revolver. '
In this case all we have to Jo to es?
tablish the murier Is to show that
some on<* o.' that crowd discharged the
pistol tha: killed Anna I^?plxxo."
Kiedericksbur*. Va. November 22.?
Aaaistant United States District At
torney Robert W. Talle j and Deputy
' United States Marshal William Scboetn
came here this afternoon, the latter
having a warrant for A. Randolph Ho?
ward former cashier of Con way, Oor
jdon a Garnett National Bank, charg?
ing him with violating the national
ban kins; laws by misapplying about
j f 3?.000 whl'e cashier of that bank.
I A hearing wss held before United
; States Commission*i Charles D. Fos?
ter. Mr. Howard appearing without
' fo-mali'y of arrest. He was balled In
J the sum of $7.5<r*>. with Captain M. B.
' Kow.- as security, for appearance here
: on December S. for preliminary bear
>..te* tiebai si aglet Pgg* ****** ", *
T>' gen jaauai sseetins ef the Ktckaaeeg
sa^i*-v v'. the Artba^ :->?le*l lestlmt? ?f
??. . -i- .? rif herd at tr-? h?me of Wr. and
Wre |.?nrfoiiree M Wtl:ta*as. SSS West
Franklin i>tr*?t. yeaterdar. the aeclety ????
tau Seea orwaelsea there not quite ose rear
la additi??? to election of egteers aad rss
? Sastaeas. there wss a lectsra ?y Prsf.
Mitchell Carrea gsaersi sseremry sf the
taatt-ut?. whose sakject aas "The Ute aad
Ar. ef rse PuSisssrlr ages'" The Haters
wa> t:i?tiaud with sMreepticsa varan
I Aw.*.n? the sti awns, fastates st the aaehee
th. ar-hsealegan Illustrated was ta* tight
th- ?aase has tsrewe es the ssytha asd tra
SttKn* <*t aattsattr. so Ter ?ao?? !?. f ne
warn or Dr. gchtiimaas sad Or. Ossrtald
a-ho b??e 'aid hare the sn? ?f sadist Tfwy.
aad bsre limsasnsn I the: the Hewitt
mim are set aii actx-a In Crete, str Ar?
thur Crsss has lasewversd the seises af
Kins XTreee. sad Shews the real meaning ef
the reayrtsth. _
Pref. Carvatl Is s ?tde'.y Kaesa '
aad areseressgsn? aad is we.; ?
ra ?aii* where be saos Ik
JtarrMb Vs.. gousjaar M -fwe sartv skh>
as am Ink ?<?#t raved tw? M?rsai
St the pMat ef th* Psi war
Comsaa}. tagaihit with
aasai *.an track tarsata The aaa a
s?sses at nssax ssituay esveaaf bp
Woman Riders So Ucsely Matched as to Mounts
That Judges Are Forced to Determine
Result Upon res-.
New fork. Nor ember ?Sot since
society crowded Into Madison Square
Garden on the ocoaslon of the visit of
the I>uke of Maryborough before hla
marriage to Mis* Oonsuelo Vanderbilt
has there been such a crowd at the
borse snow as was attracted to-night
by the all-round excellence of a varied
pro grant
A novelty suggested by the Judge of
the saddle horses. John R, Townsend.
for which he presented the prize, was
watched with the greatest interest by
the hundreds of horsemen present On
the award of the rihbon depended the
l>rop^r deportment and equipment of a
woman for park riding, and some noted
equestrennes were among those who
tried by the correctness of their habit
and the excellence of their seat to
overcome any deficiency on <the horses
which they mounted. Very little at?
tention was given to the special exer?
cises of walking, trotting or canter?
ing, and it became a question' ol"'
wh?-ther Miss Laura Stanley or Miss
Fleltman. who rode the two English
horses. Sceptre and Striker, could over?
come by their riding the superiority
which Nickel Plate had demonstrated
he possessed by winning four previous
It was noticeable that the three wo?
men who took the leading ribbons
wore tan gloves, while <he defeated
ones grasped the reins with the usual
white gloves Kovertnff their alainty
hande. Bach rider wore a boutenlere.
and the winner. Miss HL D. Atterbury.
chose a small bunch of violets to
adorn her lapel. There was little to
choose between her manner of riding
or outfit and that of Mlaa Flettmar,
and Miss* Stanley, so that the main
thing established by the competition
was that tan gloves scored a victory,
and hereafter must be worn for park
gallops by the devotees of atyle.
our-ln-bands made an even finer
appearance than on Thursday night,
for the competition to-night called for
style in eg.uipir.ent as well as useful
qualities of the hors*?V William H.
Moore drove a perfectly equipped
rcaroon coaoh with two liveried g rooms
on the back seat, who descended
nimbly and Jumped to the horses
heads whenever the four were brought
to a standstill. Though J. Campbell
Thompson did no* drive himself, nia
turnout, tooled by Frank Winter
bottom, was as One as that eg Mr.
Moore. Compared with the elegance
of the Moore and Thompson outfits, th?
coach sent in by Moses O. Byers look?
ed a* tf it waa more fit for s Sunday
rchool outing than for a. parade In the
park. The excellence of the Moors
four waa apparent, and the crowd
heartily Indorsed the verdict of tha
Judges In giving them the blue.
Spectators la the afternoon held
their breath when Albert Hart. of.
Staten Island, came to grief at the pig
pen while riding Mrs M. Vanburnd
Virginia. Jumping into the pig pen,
the mare stumbled, and there was a
cry of horror when she toppled over
with her hind quarters on top of the
rider. It was expected that Mr. Hart
would be picked up unconscious, but
the mare quickly rolled off him. and.
amid the cheers ?f the crowd, be
Jumped to his feat and finished tha
In the big event of the night, tha
international contest for the American
cup. in which each nation waa allowed
only one team of three, the Hollanders
retained the laurels which they won
last year, and thus won the trophy out?
right, of the three horses sent over
the Jumps by the Dutchmen, osly ona
made a fault, and the general excel?
lence of the team made it appear as
tkaagk the Hollanders had saved tha
best efforts >f their horses to carry off
this trophy. England was second.
Canada third and Belgium fourth.
Judge W. Foster, of England, who
some years ago sold his Mel Valley
wonders to Alfred G. VanderbUt for
$:0.00?, made another go >d deal with
the aame American horseman to-day
when he disposed of Mel Valley Flame,
the hackney pony which he brought
over for the show and whir:, scored
a distinct success in his class on Mon?
So Says President Lynch in j
Signed Statement in New
York Paper.
Xaw York, November 21?The Eve?
ning- World prints the following story
over the s'gnature of Thon?? J. Lynch, i
president of tbe National League I
, "If lfm National Leagrue wants me :
: to continue as its president well .and '
good, snd if *Jbc club owners think
the league will be better aerved with
some one else at the helm I will also
be satisfied. J
"la regard to Fosters case. I waat
to say that If he does not attend trial
t will be all the worse for him. This
thing; *"1Il be carried through to the
end I know Fogel at times says Irre- .
spoasfbl? things, and he is hurting ,
the game We stood it as Ihne as we
could, nut there is a stopping point ,
to ?verything.
"I received a postal card from a ,
Philadelphia fan last summer which
touch.-; me greatly. It read some?
thing liste this: The bay. la The
bleachers often have a hard time
trying to coavlaot some of Oes game's
detractors that sessbssl Is honest. We
awe eg aw** ha, sad vearw wUIlag to
fight far aar seavletlssa that sssisall
Is as the es-vai Sat at*, wbaa tbe
gratldsat ai ay sea* says the gsate is
crooked, waavw^de^ ws gat osT.
Where da tbe boys la the bleachers get
aft sad alas the other natrons of the
Sil dir by? atid let them kill the
gaste. IT stew af the rogvi type
" 1? We c
permitted to go sapunlsbed:
aft sit Idly by and let tss
gveatast sport th. world
ta VI? Tt
_ j If- C?. fsawassdsay JT." _
ad frees the effects af saedtrfa* which
aba waa taking ander tbe direction of
bar pbrslctaw. Mrs W. O Pose 3 fer.
ra an open are at bar borne in ftelts
btary this afteraoon. Her batr wa?t
w>VrII***f oW. sVwIfS I?ebf? Tabs"v*. ft4V If. f*nr\%
and shoulders were badly harped Her
I Representatives of Mamrfac tmeia
in All Sections Agree on 10
Per Cent Increases.
Etch Potat. X. C. *e?eis>er E.?Adeomep
at a ? par erat tsrraaao to the price et
furniture from manufacturer to dealer a ad
informal ffeclelon on the part er the ma?
t fectsrers represented to pet the mc-eses
' Into effect, wee made here *?> day at a me-v
' lag of fete representative furniture maaefae?
torer? frosn throughout the Called States,
, It Is ssM that ao forma! act tea was takes.
I K>t>reeentat*rea or both the Southern
' Farattsre Manufacturers'
! Parallel e ManufariurerW
' present sad It waa said that evarr ess ha
' attendance Joined la the alls!is that the le?
per cast advaaee was aoesnsnry. lacriaaaal
; east of timber, mirrors. labor aast asm rtswj
of every natara used Is the manufacturer at
furnltore are sate to ne?e made the W per
oaat Increase nereesejT. No desalts time
was set for pattlmr Into effeot the advasaa
Loca manufacturers stated ts-sight mat
! the. wsaM Immodtataj
Usu to aiaftrm to the action of le-dar.
aas disthscu? stated that sethnsg tat the
war of a
a< ties to a
_ k
4Vs> *)B%W9kWt Uam\OmW Jle) fparfwV asaTMB WVff)
i aesH awrsty add at par east as Its j ram at.
prices The Skassa?- "
[ SpeciaJ to The Tlnssa- Dispatch )
Harrsjoasnta. Va^ Itsvembai 23 ?.
rblsf owner la farmer *< as tor Overse?
ll Keeeel* to-day an woo new* that it
has txHMtht th? Harrisoab'i'w Dally
Times for ?J.?"S from Cnontv Treaairres
P. W. Keherd. and that the Tlm<-?
artll reaa? pssliratlsn nest Monday.
The Theses, which waa the only n. t.tir.
esaUr sa Vrrgleia eras start Hi
rears aaw hy the late |>, a

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