OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, November 24, 1912, Image 1

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SHtpSimp?tf ?Sgi?- itepatrh
SK r^TcTr^5^?m WHOLE NUMBER 19,179
tu wkatier to jAT-rm, PRICE FIVE CENT?.
Yale Bows Before On?
slaught of Almost Per
Kicks Two Field Goals and
Scores Touchdown?Lefty
Flynn Fails to Measure Up
to Expectations of Coaches.
Great Demonstration After
Game Is Over.
New H?rta Coatu November Sly?
The Crimson triumphed or or tbe Blue
en Tai? field to-day. whoa the Har?
vard ?Irren, taking advantage of
Tale's hackflsld errors, mads two
tsuohdowna tad two Seid seals, and
rolled up a eoore of SO to ? ersr their
ancient foot ball rivals. This victory
carries ths football ohamplnnehip for.
the East to Cambridge.
Harvard scored a toaohdown and
? field goal In both the first and third
pan oda. The first genre eagse whan
Starr recovered Che ball, which Wheel?
er, ths Tats qaartorback, dropped on
being taohlsd, and sprinted twenty-firs
pavrda to the goal Una. Hardwloit kleh>
ed the goal a minute later another
Tale genff gave Biiokley his t*-gmrt to
Sdck ths first Said goal
A fumble hp Ply an at the natnff ec
She third period gave the haU to Har?
vard, and in the scrimmage. Briokiey
dashed elghtoeo yards far the SSBSBS
toaohdown. This ssms player saaght
a Yale forward pass a sew minutes
later, and ran forty-two Terda and
after a few plays booted the hall over
the oross bar for Ute ssnsns Seid goal
Tala ?ras net a faster in the game
except negatively, an til ths Saal pasted.
Thee the Crime in Uno besag te yield.,
and the blue-logged playera, rstnfsrosdl
by substitutes, drove ths hail hp Uae|
te within eight 7$
There Tale legt the ball ee deems]
A lew minutes later PumpeUy, stand?
ing on Harvard's thirty-five-yard Una,
prepared .to attempt a field seal, when
ths official's whistle ended ths game.
After finding the Tele berkflsld a
moei unstaoie pjQeo*'
punts, nor said mads eery little ef?
fort te test ths strength of ths Bios,
Una I
Ths Harvard offense waa based al-1
moat, entirely open getting down ths
field under Pal ton's high spiral pants
and taking advantage of ths aBppsry
fingers of Wheeler and Flynn.
Had the Harvard ends been aa fleet
aa Bo me telex, who played a remark?
able down-t he -field gams for Tale the
score might have boon larger. In the
second period Tale dropped four Har?
vard punts in succession, but neither I
Haxdwlck nor O'Brien could recover;
them. On ths ether hand, only one j
auch error waa made by Harvard, and j
that Tale could not tarn te advant
ese^ntsat anya^ piff>w
What the seers might have been
had not Bomelaler and K et Cham shown
each speedy work la nailing Harvard
backs, and breaking up tbe Crimson
offense eras a mat tar far speculation
The sstlrs Tals defense seemed to
rest sn these two players, and when
Bomelaler eras taken sat in the second
period, the Crimson offense again bo- i
came very aggressive. He was sent In i
again- la the third period to stem the j
Crimson tide, hut wee unequal to thai
task. j
On the other hand, ths playing- of)
Flynn and Wheeler was a hern dtaap-:
?ointment te the Bins grandstands.;
Every Ums Feiten sent one of his'
peats skyrocketing into the air. a'
shiver went through the Tai? stands
whan they saw either yt thes?? two
players start to catch the plgsk n
After several brilliant runs sround
tke Harvard ends for gains which ]
seemed long, bet proved short. Flynn
eras lad from ths field in tears to give I
way to a fresher man. Yale tried tw|j
ether quarterbacks in place of,
massier, but was finally compelled to
send the light-haired player neck for ,
tee final period.
Then he distinguished a'mself or
Bettln? mors snap lato tbe ?hBstf at
which meant sixty yards la suc
Ivs rashes, the longest consistent
hp scrimmaging of eitner team
Tals offense took the ball tc
srtthln tke shadow of ths goal pasta.
She CiImsen line, which had seen
?aap. was reinforced by freer,
and tke bail was taken from
as deems eight ysrds from tbs
Perhaps tke. meet dramatic incident
f the same came a few minutes later.
Pnmpeli>. the here of ths Isle
contest, stood waning on
thirty-five yard line with
outstretched arms, eager te repeat his
psrfirmasrii against the Tigers.
Wheeler was Indecietrs fta giving the
gsgasls had before Ketcham could
throw keek the hell tho fine* water e
The Cambridge team aa a whole was
Sil? II11 is tke beet seer dsrstspsd st
Parrs 11 Aa la all ef this season e
tke brillteacy ef Brick ley a
sad ffosl h.ektnr swtsbenr the
ef hts team-mates Brich ley
{trice Intercepted Tale forward nasses,
gem of which be turned Into a run of
party rente Tho Seeon i WstmdJpWd
span dee sotelv to bt* ?r"-*-J fetPd tb??
Held end a hwew see I? r~"."rin?
pTyr.r?. stt. eM'? .<e -ettvert-d lrt-?
? twhdown in ths nevt erin-mag*
I til Ststh Psffe > I
Oat ''Wet*" ei
?Drre** la (??rffil
'?p*?*lal to The Times-Dispatch.'
Washington. November 23.?A "b'rose |
fl(ht" unparalleled In the. history of!
temperance legislation Is staged for j
early consideration in ?"otigreee. It was
stated to-night ? by Representative
Webb. Democrat, of North f'arollna.
i ranking Democrat on the House Judi?
ciary Committee.
To smoke out the "wets and ' drys"
I In both t'ie S? nat- and House is plan- i
red. A lav cirtslling shipment of liquor J
from "wet" into "dry* States will be |
the certain result, ? 11 eraiaff to Repre- >
seatatlve Webb, "day ' leader.
! The so called Keai on-Sheppard bill,
.barring Int-rstate shipment of liquor
! for Illegal purpriea I? set for ro?? d
eratlon In the H?nste December 1*.
'said Mr. Webb "A ?imilar Mit, now
i before the House Judb-lsrv Committee
will certainly be reported faeorab.y at
an earlv date. I believe both liouses
will pass the MM. and that || wit; be
signed before spring"
The bill, championed by Senator Ken
yon, of Iowa provides heavy penalties
for shipping liquor to "blind tigers" or
other I.legal dispensers In "dry" Stat??.
Seizure of such liquor 1n railroad
depots before it gets insn the hands of
consumers !? permitted in the bill. Con?
signees are protected by given rights
for a hearing in court regarding the
alleged Illegal purpose te which the
llquur Is to be p-.t.
Prominent temperance workers will
come here early next month. It is
stated, to work for passage of the bill,
and. If possible, secure enactment of a
measure absolutely prohibiting ship?
ments to "dry^ States.
Seaste Waats te Kaew M Wall Street
OsSaasas Se Araay aad Navy.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Washington. November :l?Senator
Bacons query: "Has Wall Street the
army and nsry at Its beck and call
to protect Its financial Interests in Cen?
tral America?" wfll be thoroughly
probed by a select Senate committee,
probably beginning next week. It was
learned to-night. Incidentally, a probe
of the State Department's "dollar di?
plomacy" polloy will be mada
Why American marines, bluejackets
and soldiers have been used In
Central America quelling revolutions
"while protecting American lives and
property." will be rigidly investigated.
It is said.
The return to Washlncton early next
week of Senator Lodge, of Massachu?
setts, aad Senator William Aides Smith,
of Michigan, will be the signal for the ?
Investigations, it Is understood .
The Georgia Senator plans to press
the Inquiry regarding the landing of
American troops in Nicaragua, which
was started by bis resolution last ses?
sion. Senator Lodge is e*airman of
the subcommittee which will investi?
gate the matter. Senator Smith Is*
chairmen of a committee Investigating
the alleged financing of the Mexican
I revolution by American Interests, and i
also the conduct of the border petrol ?
j of the Americas soldiers,
i Senator Smith and Senator Fall bars
been personally investigating the Mexi?
can situation. The Lavdge committee,
however, plans to take testimony here
at aa early eats* -
I (Special Gable to The Ttmes-Dlspatah.)
Berlin. November 14?The Dresden!
Cigar aad Tobacco Dealers* Associa?
tion Is paahing a strong agitation
movment against the Anglo-American
Tobacco Trust, with avowed object of
boycotting the treat goods aad to
Croats auch a strong sentiment aa tot
force the government to take action
against the trust. The association has
adopted resolutions to refuse to handle,
advertise, buy or ssU the trust son da
The action of the Dresden dealers
has been followed by a meeting: at
Cologne at* representatives of the bis
clear and tobacco houses of the Rhine
proviso*. At this meeting these repre- '
aentatlves agreed to join the movement {
and similar resolutions were adopted, j
It Is the hope of the domestic manu?
facturers that while the government
le In a fighting mood against foreign
monopolies that now is the time to
draw Its attention to the manner in
which tbe German cigar and tobacoo
trade Is being rapidly absorbed snd
controlled by the American trust.
I MeCsaaae ?wer He WD Not ate Led OST 1
[Special to The Tlmes-DlspatchJ j
Atlanta Ga. November 21.?"wood-!
row Wilson wlil be safe, sane snd
stesdv. and you can put it doom !n
saaSk-S that he will not h* led off his
course by the advice of misguided ;
friends. There Is no such th!ng as'
leading Woodrow Wilson.'*
That 's the opinion expressed by
William F. VrComba chairman of thei
National Democratic Commilt**. who'
was in Atlanta to-day.
"Strict adherence to Democratic)
principle"- win maintain the party in j
power for s long term of Tears."*
said Mr Com be
"I believe that wc will enter Into |
tbe next campaign with the flght
already won Mr. WllsonV adminis?
tration will he *as*> and steady. Busi?
ness has nothing to fear: there may
he readjustment, hut not reorganize
t*on. and prosperity will continue. The
South wir b*> foremost In the work of
i the new sdmlnlstration"
_ j
feoveraeaeat fnaissm it W
saad ?*Keo Arttat ea.SSS.
I [Special to The Times-Dispatch.7
! Pome. November 28?About s year
ago a MSf Roman pa'nter faked up
a *ea?e Pe and gave out that It was
s Rut sdael. He attempted to smuggle
the rd.-rrr- ah-oil. ?**r*-iren the
government's '??pert? marie an exami?
ne'ion Thev prcr.ounced It aa au?
thentic re a s*ettdece. forbade Its ex
pcr?a'-nr nrd bfirght the picture for
I2.*??. l*n"or*unate1y for t*e painter
he was nor .nat ??><! Tilth his success,
b'it j??-r,t ai-'-ut l-rrTg'rjr as to how he
bad jeedwhaked Ik* ftperi?. aad now
a *r*e.-;aT govern en- co-nmlaMon has
b*en aTrpo'n'-d t? examine the picture
again, Expert*. *ri" maintain last the
picture te an authentic masterpiece,
and that it t* worth the money the
tov?m?(-' iald ' :t.
r*a tfftewd Ce
Csrrciiton Ga.. Nov-mber 21?Pick?
pockets -wring ss de'egatee to the
North Georgia Conference f the Meth?
odist Rnla'-opal Church. Snath, here
have h-e. robi,ing minister? attend?
ing the '-oaferenye. according to an?
nouncement made te-dav. Dr. Julies
Maa-ath. of r>*-ford. a missiesry te the
Hebrews, to-dev was reu? red of S
welVt cons* iing t2*.? .ltd *eTersl oth?
er theft* have ares reported. At an
? sir* .??"Selon *?f the conference this
af'??nr*rt- ?Ii the minister* were warn?
ed ?,. nr. -he look'rat for the p1?-1t
'Dynamiter' Denounced
by Court and Sent
to Jail.
Defense in Trial of Iron Workers
Declared in Contempt of Court,
and Judge Threatens That
Hand of Law WU1 Fall.
Heavily?A Day of
Indianapolis. Ind.. November 21.?
Imprisonment ef Herbert S. Hockin..
one of tbe chief defendants, in ds
fsuit of an increased bond; the de?
nouncing by ths district attorney of
a woman writer in the courtroom aa
an "anarchist.' and a repudiation by
attorneys for the defese of some of
the acts of the defendants wsre among
sensational incldente at the "dynamite
conspiracy" trial to-day.
Hook In. secretary and treasurer of
ths International Association of Bridge
and Structural iron Workers, was
taken to Jail because he was unable
to Increase his $10.000 bond to $20.00?
ordered by the court after a witness
had said hs wan la the employ of a
detective "and was not to be trusted
day or night by any one."
Hookln Is ths successor of J. J. Me
Namara. the dynamiter, gad Is re?
garded as one of the principal de-,
Miss Mary PieM. of New.York, was
branded as an "anarchist." wdto ought
to be excluded from the courtroom for
certain articles aha published concern?
ing the trial in the union magaalna. j
All of the officials an trial, including
Frank M. Ryan, the president; J. T.j
Butler, vice-president: M J. Tonne.:
Boston, sad F. A. Oooley. New Or?
leans, ware denounced for publleh'ng
what Judge Andsresa said was "an
outrageous contempt of court."
Judge Anderson stated that sa *t
waa Saturday night hs would not be
inclined to Increase tka beads of the
last-named defendants, although ha
"would mat act aa ths motlsa at this
time." j
Basil Hsitda? ef Asttesa.
No sooner had ths court spoken than
Senator Kara and William Harding,
r mines! for ths dsf nnsr, declared they
had not been taaaellad about publish*
lag ths article criticising tka trial, aad
that they disavowed tke seaitiuietits
thsrsfa expressed.
Pointing toward ths table, where sat
about ten lawyers for ths defense,
Judge Anderson said he had in rntnd
certain parsons whs represented them?
selves to as attorneys, land If I learn
to hs true things which I hare hoard
thsss attorneys said, the arm of the;
law srOl deal heavily with them."
Concerning Miss Field, who has been
present in the courtroom far several
weeks. District Attorney Miller said
She had been often seen Is the com?
pany of Olaf A. Trsltmss. of Ban
Francisco, "who conducted the same
sort of publication as that which pub?
lished Miss Field's articles."
Undsey L? Jewet. now an engineer
In Panama, had testified thst In August,
If 10. the month of the destruction of
ths Los Angeles Times. Hockin had
been giving Information about the
dynamiters: that soon after ths ex?
plosion. Hockin worked directly with
William J. Barns, a detective, to
whom he described fully Just who the
dynamiters were: that Hockin. while
syil an offlrtal of the union, worked
for pay in trailing the dynamiters with
Burns four months before the mi sets
were made, and that Hockin said hs
overhesrd s conversation between J. J.
McNamara aad President Lynch, ef
tbe International Typographical Union,
about a proposed explosion on the
Pacific coast. a
Ab extract from Miss Field's article,
to which District Attorney Miller re?
ferred as typical, was:
"On the ?th of October these forty
five defendants walked Into court and
pleaded 'not guilty' to the charges of
tlit steel trust. Then sogen the farce
of a trisl. s trial In which money,
prestige power wee tbe prosecutor of
want and poverty: a trial In which
th< steel trust masquerades aa the.
C?related te Oewrt Bstss.
The rragrizinc had been published a
few daye ago and was circulated la the'
court room
"In view of Mr Jewefe testimony
; ehest Ho^-kin snd In view of what has
happened here to-day. I wlah te ask
the court to increase to $20.000. net
only the bonds of Hockin. b>ut of ell
the other d-fendants who are merSbert,
! of the union's executive board.'' said
District Attorney BaMsf after the Jury
> had retired
"It appears from fh<- an Idas crtti
dting tbe trial, which I reed from
! the union rnagaxlne. that th?re is an
; anerenlst la the courtroom whe has
! here mingling with these defendants
"To whom do yes refer"" asked
Judge Andersen
"I refer to Miss May Field, and I
ask that she be excladed from court
bare after. Xhe has beea mingling with
tbe defendants and talking ts them Is
I s msnnsr which places her la con?
tempt. Published In the offlolel organ
of the union, moat ef whose ask rials
are new on trial here. Miss Fields
articles and tb~ articles ef tke exe?
cutive heard pat thorn sll In Josparty
cf contempt. They oak this trial a
rar re. I ask that the bonds ef the
es? entire beard members bs Isrrassif
to fie.Ote ft, h
Judge Aad? res a seed
"I did not intend te take eay notice:
ef tke aifhaes read te tke Jury, set
tier* they bare base issoti 11 te. I will
sap I newer heard ef seek aa outrage.
"If ae> aw-enb* - of the her h?r?- pees-!
ent has gtten has sa action to thetr
nnMwUSon h. is la riiatstapt. If I
Ami <>ut that any sttsras! ?se gTree;
his asm tier the hand Of the law will
f. II bravely on htm Certain aws rop
r-?""ne It* swsaleae f>he gdtr en* eg are
h-ee -ri rf f dad ts be true senate,
Suffragists Defeat Reso?
lution Considered Slap
at Jane Addams.
She Would Quit Association if
She Could Do So Gracefully.
Miss Addams Explains Why
She Worked for Bull Moose
Cause, and Wins In?
[Special te The Tlrnsa-Dispatch]
Philadelphia, November 33.?The
fleht at the convention of the National
Woman Suffrage Association became so
tense this afternoon that Mra O. H P.
Belmont declaerd she would wtthdrey
'from the association U aha could do so
gracefully. This statement wss made
following her defeat by Miss Jane
Addams. of Chicago. In a battle In
which the delegates ware lined up
back of their respective champions on
a constitutional amendment, which In?
structed the dfflcers of the associa?
tion to maintain a nonparUsan atUtude
toward political parties in States In
which women had not been given the
right to vote. The amendment was
offered by Mrs. Harper.
Mra Belmont was supporting the
amendment, while Mies a**"*""?? and
her friends were opposing It. aa It was
a direct slap at Miss Addams for her
open espousal of the cause of Colonel
Roosevelt during the last presidential
campaign. When the rota was taken
the adherents of Miss Addams had won.
371 to 38.
Rfter the rote was announced Mrs.
Belmont made the declaration men?
tioned, aad said:
"It Is Inconceivable to me that the
association should vote deliberately to
abandon the >oiicy of nonpartlaanship
laid down by Susan B. Anthony, one of
the first and certainly one of the wis?
est of our leaders. Just to hasp Miss
Addams from resigning from office.
For that Is obviously the war the dele?
gates looked at the question.
**I realise that many think maa
I sdaras? influence, bar strength an
over the oeuntry. la Immeasurable, and
that they believe aha is tha only wo?
man who can prevent the East aad
of tha truth at this slew, aad feel tMmt
It Is vary unwise thus to open the
dear te taking Mass on other ?ueatloas
before ws have gained the rota In a
majority of the States"
During the hours through which the
0*ht waged, tbe discussion on the
amendment brought out manyi
A ten-minute speech waa mads by
lOss Addams herself, in which she
first apologUej for having placed the
association In an egibarraaslng posi?
tion; next confessed that she had not
remeabared she was an officer when
she went Into the Bull Moose cam?
paign, aad lastly said that she would
never have accepted the position of
first vice-president If she had thought
she thereby bound herself to s nega?
tive attitude on questions of s great
public movement. In ending her re- j
marks Miss Addams said:
**I felt that standing on a progres?
sive platform I had the best oppor?
tunity for putting the suffrage cause*
before the public I bad ever had."
The convention bad anticipated a
"row" over the amendment, and the:
delegates ware all in their seats and
the gallery of Wltherspoon Hall was
packed There were some prelimi?
Mrs. Harper, on taking the platform
la support of the amendment, said
she would Toll ap her sleeves" if she
could, sad that, were It not for bat
pins, she would throw her "hat in the.
Mrs Harper then quoted the late
Miss Anthony ss saying that officers
of the association should not take
?Ides, or. at least, make known their
position, la political contests. The
strength of the suffrage movement,
?he asserted, was ?n Its nonpartlaan?
She pointed out that a certain am?
bitious man. evidently alluding to
Roosevelt, had sought to uss the na?
tional suffrage association, and that
In future It should be beyond the use
of say and sll politicians.
Mra Harper, at this point, made two
declarations which caused much of
the trouble. One was that two So
clallst members of the official board
bad caused to be sent out on the offi?
cial literature of the assoclstlon
stickers urging support for Ettor aad
Glovanniti. tbe alleged murderers In
ths Lawrence (Mess ) strike riots.
The other was that a delegate at
tha convertt!-ra had a resolution ready
to present Indorsing the Wilson Demo?
cratic administration
The chairman st once deine no ea in?
formation concerning the Socialist
?tickers aad charged Mrs. Harper with
s "gross mletstement of fscta" Mrs.
Harper then offered her proof This
was s ssmple of the sticker, and the
declaration that Miss AsMey and Mra
Dennett, of the oSk-lal hoard, he*?
teased them to he sent nut
Tha chair called Mrs Dennett to
explain, aad the latter "id she ns?
scat set "scene stickers m the Interest
of humanity'
-Tata a i (Bet Weeesr.
Thluers ersrs setting hot at mis
time and they were .n.de hotter eben
Mrs. Jobs R Cosby president of two
leerrocratlc Wersen s T-eagee. of New
Tee*, arees to say that Mrs Kareer
had base) guilty to eav fie least, of a
gi ssi? asasajtateatent of facta' wee* one
teferred te the resolution eke 'Mrs
Crosby? laad to offer Mrs. Creasy
wanted to read bei -. solution, trttes
atse Ursa iWerrupted by the chair wits
this bet sfbst.
"ShU Harper he* been se'lty Of
??mar isdtaitatenient* Tear word that
?See baa aStwetStea v?w .* sufficient
Tau w*a> reed the r?>*o|niier Ister."
Mesa Milse?read .teetered tbe ecs?a?*ta
Accused Strike Leaders
Are Centre of Melo?
dramatic Scene.
Ettor and Giovannitti, Accused
of Murder. Fairly Sweep Audi
j ence Off Their Feet as They
I Address Men in Whose
Hands Rests Power of
Life or Death.
Courthouse, Salem, Mas*.. November
2?.?In eloquent, impassioned pleas,
in which they openly boasted that they
would welcome the opportunity to
Slve up their lives as aacrtttces to
the cause for which they declared they
Ions had been fighting. Joseph lit tor
: snd Arturo Qlovnnnlttl. accused of
I the murder of a feUow-atrtker during
the recent Lawrence mill strike riots,
this afternoon openly defied the jury
in their case to condemn them.
Never la the history of the Com?
monwealth had auch a melodramatic
scene bean witnessed In a court of
Justice. Ettor. the fiery, the Impul?
sive, spoke firs*, declaring- that as
was ready for any fats the twelve
man might mete ont to htm. and as
he poured out his plea. Giovanni ttl.
the aesthetic whispered that he
"make it for bath." and afterward bs
also addressed the 'jury.
Audience Thrilled.
The epeeeheo of the defendants cams
Just before Judge Quinn announced
that the trial would recess until Mon?
day, whan he would deliver his charge
to the Jury. The evidence snd argu?
ment wore all In. So great was the
apparent sincerity of Ettor that half
the crowd was en its feet, thrill sd;
there were few dry eyes In the court?
room, sad little Mrs. Caruso left the
room, unable to control her emotion.
The tenor of fitter's outburst was
that he and his associate defendants
were prepared to accept without out?
cry nay vardlet the Jury might render,
but made it plain that he desired a
clear-cat. decisive verdict, no half?
way measures. Ha made it plain to
the Jury that he deatred either to he
set free sr sentenced to death.
Arising in the cage. Mtter leelared"
threats, hat history does History
records things, with s little variation
here and there, but nothing can efface
the fast that because of my political
and socialist views I am brought to
the bar.
~I want to reply to the district at?
torney and ta say that if hla concep?
tion of wealth, as explained by him. ta
correct, than all the political econo?
mists, all the great thinkers, all the
gi eat men and woman of this country,
: have had no effect-"
i Ettor then elaborated on his Ideas of
I wealth and property, that Iaror should
i own all the instrumenta of labor.
"Mr. Atwlll intimated that I did net
know the traditions of Massachusetts
and that I was treasonable because I
spoke to foreigners. Under the right
? of free speech guaranteed by the Con
I stltution I had a right o apeak to
those people. Have I not the right to
I cry out 1a the night as I did at Law
I rence? Had I not the right to p-dht
out that human beings hsd been out?
"I did not understand whan I went
to school and learned to read that
such was treae"?nable conduct. Tet
doing that. I suddenly find myself ae
! cused of murdering my sister bees use
: I spoke t? strikers who were not bom
In this country. I am accused of mur?
der because of my speeches by tnsinu
I stion and by Innuendo. It is alleged
that when I em tied it was a signal for
'i some one to g-> and got a shotgun
! "This Is not a question of the Com?
monwealth. The shame and blot does
not fall on the Commonwealth, but
capitalists of Massschusets. who bare
taken human beings and reduend tbetn
11-> mere appendages or machine?."
i Th? prisoner, speaking; with Prester
I fervor as be proceeded. toV. of the
strike, the street car riots and the
killing of Annn L*?T*lrxe
"I said en the stand that I believed
the street ears were smashed by agents
of the mm owners, lust ss the dyna?
mite was planted, and I say that my
sister, Anna Loplxxo snd Olovannlttrs
sister snd Cameo's sister, was mur?
dered by agents of the mill owners.**
The prlsonsr declare*" he was will?
ing to stand responsible for b s utter?
ances If they were given m full, but
t-st bs did n-t stead for them as in
reduced In parte In the trial. He
analysed the testimony nt length, sad
then pare in detail his social Ideas,
My social views cannot be triad In
tvis courtroom, with sii respect to you
That trial was held thousands of years
see. when men were told the only wsy
to end revolutionary ideas was through
the cross, then the guillotine, the
gallows snd the rope. I went to hnow
V the district attorney believes that
the cress, the guillotine ?r the hang?
man's noose ever settled an Idee. Tt
never did The social cry sf raster
d v becomes the rslttrton of to-dsy. the
roclsMst erlmtnsls of one see becem?
tie estate sf the next.
? "'Bet If von beMeve that we ebnuld
die we wfTI carry the p?? nf !*t?er tn
t -e grave. If yen believe, as the dis?
trict sttorney srsroed. tbst I h1l?d
Anns Lordxxe or that I wanted any?
body to hill Anna Loplxxo. or that I
lft?v* a finger sentnst her I win stand
sp with heed erect. I shell offer n->
excess snd accept your sePaWj But
de not come heck here and say that we
meat be shut up Tf T e?n smntv I
Want to pay the full penty Mr ram
r?de r?lo--?nn1tt1. hs* sVan-rnd
to me ts asy ft Ifcr him. ton. Well
accept vonr verdict
"I bell-re In the chair f wl'l gn
froatlnsod so fttehtt. r?*e?
eras me ??- cr* a tart
Bi/iers' *V>nt:ar'?av f"?-efe< ?? ?a? Mta M .
St Jee?i?*v *?> *?ee eet?*tatiert a ?<~?a ahnar
tag "*?? teedir aw? -t "* ?*>. ?i?T?i?.
I end hnw If -an fee ?-??t>i?1 taeSS fa Sv?>
iS?T?. ?? fh?T ?-? ??'???"??TO' ?>? ?Nif tw?.?
T?- ??? ?t>- aar.'lne ? T" a??ajn <t 4
Igsif ?am? sSIltm af on - ?4- '??
ffsaadldaea It Prrsldsat riiffH WHk
Oa-straw-vtag Jmmrtf.
Port ftoott. Ken. November it?On a
Feder?! Indictment returned her*,
against EuaaMie V Debe, BoolsJIst can?
didate for President PT*d P Warren,
editor of Tlie Appeal to Reason, a So
italtet newspaper published at (Mrard.
Kan., and J. t Sheppard. Warren's
attorney. Warren and Pheppard were
arrested hare to-day hr a d-p-ity
t TTnlted State marshal.
The Indictment charged **01>stTuo
I tloei of Justice by Inducing trltr???**
to leave the country."
Wsrreei and Sheppard w?re released
on $ 1.069 bond each. The offene*
charged In tjt* Indictment 1s alleged to
have been committed In ronne,rtlnri
with the case of J. A. Wayland. owner
of The Aapeai to Reason: City Editor
Pfeiffer, of that paper, and Fred War?
ren, accused 1n a Federal warrant of
misuse of the mails In posting obeeene
matter concerning the Pederal prison
In Leaven worth. Kan. Waylard com?
mitted suidde several daps ago. At?
torneys for the two men llled a de?
murrer In the case in the Federal court
In Tope tea yesterday Judge Pollock
took the ease under advisement.
Debs. Warren and Jwieppard were
cited far contemn* by the Federal
court In Topeka They were discharged
at that time by Judge Pollock. At the
bearing of tbe contempt ease. J. P
McDonousrh. of Kansas City, formerly
a prisoner re the Leavenwerth peni?
tentiary, waa a government witness
He testified that the defendants had
paid him $2 .v? to go to California and
not testify in the misuse of the mails
ease. The defendants admitted paying
the money, but said It waa te dis?
charge a debt.
Doha Leaves far St. I-eats.
Terra Haute, fnd. November 38.?
Eugene V .Doha left Terre Haute for
St. Louis late to-day. His brother.
Theodore Debs, said they were ad?
vised by Fred D. Warren, editor of The
Appeal to Reason, that the Indictment
would be i eturned, and Mr. Deha made
arrangements to go as soon as he was
PrsaerafJea ?bans Haw Hyde Maalre?
lated Ctty Psosda.
'Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
New York. Novemoer 33.?Eight
bankers to-day on the witness stand
I told how their Institutions collectively
had lent 1850.440 In 1*10 to the so
called "Cummins group of financiers."
receiving aa a reward also collectively
11.100.000 of city money from Charles
H. Hyde aa chamberlain. The prosecu?
tion In the case of Hyde, who Is being
tried for accepting s bribe in the crim?
inal branch of tbe Supreme Court be?
fore Justice Ooff. had been enabled to
offer evidence to substantiate the as?
sertion that the $130.04*? Ioaa which
Joseph Robin had sworn wss demand?
ed of him was part of a system. This
was that the banks which favored
William J. Cummins and his Carnegie
Trust Company. Joseph Relchtnan.
Charlea A. Moore. Jr.. and Martin J.
Condon, who formed the Cummins
group, ware rewarded by having ctty
money to an amount equai as la sa
cess of tbe loans made, deposited with
1 them. There was no proof offered to?
day that Hyde had benefited person?
ally by any of these transactions; that
Is held for a Utter session, according
toAseUtaat Durtrtot Attorney Clara,
.' Mssais he Spain Ars SUady es Attack
j (Special Cable to The Times-Dispatch.)
I Paris. November 23.?Count Roma
, nones, the new Spanish Premier. Is si?
multaneously making concessions ts
labor and taking military precautions,
according to Information received to?
day from across the frontier. By the
concessions he hopes to avert another
j antlgovernment uprising; by the mili?
tary precautions to fight it energeti?
cally if It csnnot be escaped.
Premier CanaleJas's assassination has
been followed by Just what was expect?
ed?elgns of violent unrest through?
out the country. Agitators everywhere
took the killing as a signal to clamor
for revolt. They left tbe masses In a
frame of mind to listen favorably.
Revolution has been impending In
Spain for several years. Just as the
assassination of King Carlos was
speedily followed by the overturning
of the Portuguese monarchy, there are
indications that Premier Canalejas*s as?
sassination will precipitate revolution
j tn Spain.
j King Alfonao has abandoned public
I appearance since Sener Canslejsa's fu?
neral, and the high officers of bis
government do not stir out of doors
' except under heavy guard. Many ar
: rests are made dally.
Mra. Clilags Fueglsea riaafesr She
Mas I led see Blew Sash Sea,
Chicago. November 23.?Edward
Boehm. chauffeur, who married Mra
Almee Giving*, a pretty divorcee, tn the
I role of the son of a millionaire, and
' then departed suddenly with 83 na of bis
wife's money, returned to Chicago to?
day and made up with his wife. They
will remarry under Boehnr*s real name,
and. they believe, live happily, eta
Mra Gtvlngs would not shake hands
' when Boehm found her In a parlor of
! her hotel They were alone fifteen
minutes behind locked doora Loud
' talking opened the eonversatton. tem
? pared to a more even tone, and finally
1 became Inaudible. When they em erred
from the room she had her arm linked
In his
"It's sll fixed up now " ssld the for-,
mer Mrs Olvlngs. "We are going right
back to Crown Point sad be married
tn my husband's own name I don't
care If be Isn't a millionaire now. We're
going to start all over And I'm going
j to help him. too"
I rSpeefial to The T?m*e-Di?patch ]
New Turk. November 28?Ernest H
Tlaes s merchant in the Windsor Ar?
cade who has been sued for s sep?
aration by Mrs. Fannie (Base, on tbe
rroond that be beat h*r and Is paring
arterrflou to his hoohkeener. Miss
tmn-me Mathleu. Sled aa answer to?
ds v denying Ms wife's char see and
a!>clne that eh* r*fa?*d to permit
Vm to eu out st night to a*t*nd his
Tode? meeflneu H* aavs that charges
corcernlns his hoshlteeoe- are 'alee
fVaae declares his wtfe aran-iTted
htm ?n Fifth Arena* with an umbrella
and that she bus entered the empesy
fit his nearest competitor, and Is ""ring
to get his ?estomers awar from him
- T . -
i Padticah Kr. November 23?D*?
i cover % of the *mdy of Henry Watson
on the pilot of an Illinois Central pas
?enger train's locosaotlre a hen It ar
rived at ITInceten. Ky . .ate th . jf
l"'r?in. s*? the drat intienst'ee
aa snhrtsMM st a crossing several m'l-?
above here that resulted In tbe death
or Watson and <'arll?l* Mesa The
bag St In which tbav teere rtdtns Was
?tt- v b] the. trail,, a. eearvh several
mil--, up in* ?rech revealed t!?* hodv
of V ... grayed t<> b is. add >H* d*
n.'-i r lgy The horse onhir?.
was tjwed Seue-sat i- s S**d I
In Every Capital Mili?
tary Preparations Are
Under Way.
If Servia Refutes to Yield Aus
i tria Win Strike. frawing
! Russia, Germany. England
and France Into Struggle,
for Which All Are
I (Special Cable to The Tira?*-m?patejh.>
j London. November 23.?The ?meet
: sindeter if rumor* have been coming
j all dar from European capital* whose
! diplomats have an interested eye on the
Balkan situation. From Vienna and
i St. Petersburg and Berlin the wires
? and cables tell of the mobilization of
' troops, of general preparation and for
j military eventualities.
I Though as promptly as such a story
j springs up there comes an official de
j ntal on its heels, the rumors stlU
j persist that not only Austria and Rus
I sin are getlng their fighting men in
shape, but that the reservist* of five
I German army corps, numbering I3ft.tve
j men. have been ordered to rejoin their
Jn the meantime there is fighting
again between Turk and Bulgar ea
the Tchatalja lines, and the Ottoman
fighters have flung again from Adrlsa
ople what will probably be their last
sally. Cholera there and at Tchatalja
Is doing more to make the Turk cams
to terms than shells of the besptnt Bui
It Is in Austria that the diplomats
find the most extensive movements of
fighting men and ships, sad it ts from
Austria that the most conflicting re?
ports of that nation's preparations are
dk gsassmB Is fitrtee.
For to-day, according to a neue
agency, a strict censers hip of ali tel?
egrams was ordered by the s
itors, two torpsds heats and feer I
seats, started for Belgrrade thj* ajrpsr
noen. rOsnsldejing the strained rela?
tions of the twe countries, the move?
ment is regarded as gravely slgnlfirani.
There was great excitement in Buda?
pest whsn the flotilla Steamed dawn
the Danube, but as one could tel
just what wee going to happen. The
excitement waa not abated by aa order
for all the street car employee in
Budapest to report to their reserve
regiment commanders to-morrow.
In Berlin it is understood that the
Kaiser and Archduke Francis Ferdi?
nand, heir to the Austrian throne,
have discussed the Balkan sltuafisn.
One report of their conference had
It that they agreed that there might
be hope of intervention on the part ef
Russia In the present prospect of a
clash between Austria and Sorna
Russia'a Influence at Belgrade to ewer
whelming, and a word from St. Peters?
burg might cool the little country
And at the same time that Fi ass In
Ferdinand arrived In Berlin came PtsM
Marshal Blasius Schemus, chief of
staff of the A us tro-Hungarian assay
No sooner had be arrived than satcial
dom was busied explaining his visit
SS one ef the customary exchanged ef
courtesies between the officials at Ber?
lin and Vienna But even the semi?
official newspapers that publish long
columns of editorials in the hosts ef
ealmlag the public cannot
naive an explanation.
[tfpecial Cable to The Til
London. Novembe 23.?Austria
steps to-day ts support Arbeate's
declaration of independence by fore*
ef anas if necessary.
The dselarstlaa was teamed
! by the Albanian oMeftalaa
mats said. If iiiiSBlsif, by
they added, there wfli be aa oleak ef
the powers at unseat ever tea Bel
S: if disregarded the clash WtTl
corns within e few hours
Albania to bounded ea the west by
he Adriatic Sea. Oes sie to
Internal country, it wants a
on the Adriatic. It was for
"window- that It joined
Montenegro and Greece is
Turkey. The allies here
win get its "window?unless Assert*
pre* ents
There are two reesoas why tastlle
prefers to
eastern coast ef the Adrtatto far Its sir
Secondly, end in the end ? ?rtsnps spent
important. Austria's ssathseststa pro?
vinces, which match with the Persian
frontier, are peopled mainly by Shrvr
the Servtans also are stars, sad st
Pervta attains to the aveaawre ef pow?
er, which through p?saess?oa of mm
Adriatic - window- it seems likely Is
stts'.n these sr.oth?s?t?rn saeprcts of
I Austria ere deemed certain to attasapt
I secession fr-rn Austris and eaten with
their Ssrnan klnsrmee.
Albesie will net be reesV lad?*
P-ndent. W wss agreed sere If It
does sejeesns nominally indep-.ee* at
Auatrlsr infiaence in Its eeeaseto wtli
I b* peratnount. the diplronet* said, aas
! the inn's-noe of Italy. Aserrhti^Sjm.
era: elso ansMtioss far ?he rtepht to
say concerning, the peMtlea mt the
I Kasters Adriatic Coast, will base tke
reread voice ladtcetlrg the saw state ?
I so - nominally in lap J*msat Albania
I ni'r.? window" for Per* la ea t??
' ?drtatk
I The A lb* a I as
I ?arte is the day
A "-stete"? tmnoh*
Tejd*p?et fee the
ST et? Per a free*

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