Newspaper Page Text
Ambassador to Prance Wili Represent President at Gov nors' Conference Here. Myron T. Her rick ambassador ex? traordinary and minister p.enipoten tiary from the United btatea of Aroer? le* to the republic of France, will per? sonally represent Pre:>ident William Howard Tail :it the conference of Gov? ernors to be he.a in Kictimond n?xt week. Notice to this etfect ??? re? ceived yesterday by Governor William Hedges Man.-i from the President A* already ar.n.'tinoed 'n Tue Times Pispatch T*T..i?y Mr. Taft says he will be unAbb- to attend the conference, be? cause ot ihe assemblage o' Congress Bext W(c? H< expresses Ills regtets at his it.abiltty to come. The sr-dai mission of Mr. Herrlck, who is i.ow m the L'nited States, will be to present President Tafts plan for rural credits to the Governors of the severs; States, who will be nrsemhied In Ilichniond in .innunl series Tins prip.^itlcn is very close to the Presi? dent j-.M r.?>w, and he desires the aotive co-opertitlon of as many public men ss P4 ssfble, particularly of those identi? fied with the xov. rnments of the States. Herri<k a distinguished eltlsen \n<i former Governor of Ohio. occ:.p!-s see ?f the moat important dip? lomat..- positions iti the world He will be made welcome to the confer? ence r.f t?o\ ernors, where he will repre? sent 'iis chief. FOURTH RECEPTION V. M. r. A. Ente.-tatns Employee ef Ameri? can Locomotive Wurke. The fourth the eerie* ?* receptions whir.1, th Central f. M. C A. is cM-ig to lbs younif tnea ei rtiuhmnnd .ens hel l !:? the sassetat'en bjiidlns on Friday evening A .ar?f Bum be r naea fress the Richmond brae. .1 the American Locomotive Work* wert rre?fr.: :?? enjoy the ho#i>l:a!'ty extent!. ed by the i'olk- Ulller'a y-ai-ut, ir.loor baeebell. and SBseehei fro.n w. D Duke. ?*> a. <sramant and eaterstary B K sleKee, 'urnishes enter t?'nmen: r ,-voni.,* Women Kigbt la Chorrh. Mat:!- Woinana. co.orei. ?u fined }*> and 1 easpj yesterday n.orning in PaUoa court for* ???aaltia? Preeeilla itarns. a'so colored, in ^h? Oos:*; Bit) Martle defended . ersell by saylnp that rrtsellla attempted ?<?) Sliaca her wits a hatpin. I Marriage license. ( A r^?rrls?e IsSaSSS was irsued yesterday I In the c.erks offir? of the Hustings fwrt to \Vi:.':am BsiOS Vaters and Susan Este!:? ACTIVITY AT PEKIN t'hlaa Apparently Mrui Tr able *A I Raaeiaa* la Hoagolia ' fSprclal ? ?j ? to The Timea-P.spat^ , I >h..nijiu:, November *t.?'1 l.ere ! Uie greatest mi'ltaj-y activity in PtV I all last ijlght according to djspat- s Ifrom the capital. Array ofTlce;i har d about, the Wut ?fflce eras open v ;1 well into this morning, and mcs; - I gers were constantly leaving and j riving at the President's residence . That President Yuan Shi Kai re ! meant trouble with the R-issian? i Monsrolia, foreigners here w. re no- ? <t-rta:n. It has been know.i all a; that !is opposed a r?-eort to arms, a i :t was thought possible Ms ml?t-i preparations were des ere-l to sat: ft popular clamor, but that he wo': lake care that they did not lead ' j hostilities. llad h.f continued to oppfe the ger> ; eral outcry for war 't was pretty evi- I ) Beat be would have ::np?ri'/J his gov- ' i ernment. Anti-Russia-: :iit#tlngs will I be he!J In every Important city In China to-day. the b!?r secret aoetet'rs. have be?n enrolling m^n as soldiers' fo- several days, a *>oy<vtt of Russian : troods ts being organlrec' and there has even been a heavy movement ofi troops toward the >fonco':ar. frontier.! Itevy MrVt Cp Beg Score. Annapolis, lfd.. Vove3?>er 3.?Navy piled up a score of 29 point* oa New Tork Cal Ter? sely here this a'leraoon. and at the same dan* kept the visitor* from e-iianserlag the Inability* to Sleep Nervous headache, irritability, despondency arc all indications of weakened nerre force. Loss of sleep will quickly run yon down. Neairestbeaie will follow. Yon can build op your nerre force* with Warner's Safe Nervine It U I nerre food and tonic of extraordinary merit. It acts directly ^ on the nerre center*?ioviawatirur and restful to mind est and body. Unequeied for insomnia, nervous headache, ~" nervous dyspepsia, failins; *? memory end all cearestheaic J conditions. It give* a do- i BACH FOB A FUBPOSB _Uverl ? Wk i hatful consciousness of per- j i feet health Tr> it- ? WAPNOrS ? ATE COCdC BOOK j TV tmu Urn* COOt MOOt imr ???? I rf - I f f ? mOlwt T t ? *' ?> a u :m<i; st ? ~~#? v ssssssee ?*?? I i ?????.. iSsbbI A? ?*? ?-**? f+??f . rasaber at remedy desires to ? ?.??-iiwk?-s. I ?y?awsa% Safe BkusaaatoCe i solo bt au. oavoenrrs Write for a free ssnulegivhie the atassaaref isniaJy dasirsa to Ce? .N.T. This Strong Bank Assets Over Two Millions Solicits Your W Business * - You'll fir.d our location convenient, in the hfart of the shopping centre: our service careful ai'.d courteous?and our facilities ample. A talk with our cashier will reveal many other reasons why this is the logical bank for von. YY If. KaWiston. Pres. Jno. G. Walker. 2d Vice-Pres J. YV. Rothe-r, 1st Vice Pre. Andrew M. Glover, Cashier. Broad at ?MU*r. s ?m Broad Street Bank! S^^TIONArWgCOUPON PRESENTED I'EKsiTri?&?M Sg-f TIMES^DISPATCH, Nov. 24th Cat sat the sheer caaueawMafwe 4 ? Saasa at WMJ efface ?- >h SssesaeaSs araaa ssBHBj seal ^ of Die ee.-r setefed wm Ike Si aw af the i ? Swat the 'mclary. ct?ce--ia. clerk sate aad eSha sad si yaws twsachsataaf these las as taaehet ?* $4L00 i''o?rratim? n the anr^irsTtrreents from day to day ) , .jw Thi? L>xrt>onarv it LOT puoi;?J?ed by the oru/mai pnb f WfatSTOrutH Inhere rf WeWtH t Dirti-.nsry or by their rtec^t^r*. \4 DtCTtOlNAalV It js the only merely sr.* coir.tnlation try the w.jrtd.' lasastisii ? ?t'at-M autho*?s?? from Ira re unit eryrtir?; ii lyurt m ? Latest Esjtxsa ;V L:rrr L:*h'Tt f"; ' *"i ? r-M or. ia.k *?a {X, ? ?Je*, prst.ted on Bit.? t-a-cr. an h red redd** end coitt? neaArd; Vatnif-jl, vrope;. der J ie. !<' the per-?! reea-erit,, thrr are map?, and over *V*? ?trrre-? i ?> Va'M be ?bree. ? ? olor plate*. sjenSBfansj pa?Jer*s K- r. ? . J6 pair-- <. f I e*': - - - >M the ">*' t 1 - ?-.???? . - j?? t at th-?v rsf.-g SIX Consecutive DrcLeaary Ceupwas aad the PoC '? ?*?' T V* saw' l f?e IT.04? *? "> P "O eieth Mr.-5 as im !??> b^-e. ?x ! _ -> .-ted sn a-> i ...... _, aai ?'?'<. aas nra !? ?tadav?--wsa>h ?> >. I ttiggg!^ serar aai l ad i*%taer. ,., rnT ?iii'Va ? '?*?"? aot sd - . t. |f.r*? lalYpST? - ">; ?4111 _sr^ ?S**"7?"* J ^^^^ e-?4 j SSd eharte a-? *? ? i iwe (Rastra -??5 48c ?w SPECIAL DRESS Everything here for men's wear, and boys, too, from mint and overcoats to hats and shoes. Sack suits, $15 to $35. Overcoats, $12.50 to $50. Full dress suits, silk lined, $39.50; rock bottom price for the quality. Tuxedo coats. $22. The Berry coat for girls and young women. $7.50 to $2$. This Store will be open Thanksgiving Day until 1 o'clock. j R>Jc*and Gold torn,' line Tt wm tha final : (a-..f of the KUon JB the local gridiron bs 1 for* the bis Intereervlee contest with Army n<x: rtvjrdar. Th? i>mt ara* devoid of aajr Stature, but thara was a tho.-ough teating of the rn* n srfeS have the best . lianeea of repreaestlns the Navy egatne: t!"*. Army. CrUB ffi n laea to Ficht Hard. The mas-rates of the Virglnta League will foregather lr Poriamoutli Tu^aJay for tfie r-rpoce of arrangli.?; a circuit, electing a presMest :o SSceeed PreSaSeSI Bonwrleht. and a vice-praildc si to eucceed K B. tVil k'rron. of LyS'htMirg It la practically cer tsJa tliat Boatarright wIU succeed tlmeclf. Sad that teere will be little argument over the question of vsce-presldeat. but Jack ira promlsaa to raaka things Interesting ? iien tb* queatlOD of circuit arises. Jack ??acta Lornchburg back la the league; In fact, he claims that the Bill City has never bean !ega;i> removed. If the magnatea refuae hta claim h* all; appea' to the national board, so report says. Any way. there a-ll 1 he a llt ti? excitement. PJIYLOR CAPTUREO IN BUENOS AYRES? - I Reported That AGMitaf City Treeeurer of Dewvill* Is I Under Arrest, [special to The Tlmn ISjfSpSJ 1 I Danville. V?., November ?*.?Tbere Saw* boos rumor* 1? circulation during tha pest day or two that William B. Pay lor. tha ab soosdlas city treasurer of Dea villa, baa beea I captured at Bucao* Ayr**. Argentine Rapub I lie. aad certain development lead to the [ belief that the reported oaptured Is aet ' witbout fouadatloa. It I* knew* that Com I mor.weaifb'a-Atu>rnay Hamlla reoelved a ?.eiegram to-day, whleb 1* almost cartetn had a bearing en thta case, hut he deellnee { tu divulge the eontenta of the message, eey ' leg taat la hie poaltlott h* did not think It ! wculd be tha proper think to do. Ha Inti? mated, however, that there may be come | <**<eiopm*iit? Mon lay. It la understood abas I that Governor Mann wired to the autaorlttee her* to-day asking II Parier had aver been I li'dlrted. thl* probably with a vlaw as to taking aetioa on hi* catraditloa. Pay lor .a i under Indictment tor embattling about f?Ouo ' of State fun da , COUNTRY LAID WASTE Scores af Hoaeee aad Mara* oeotroyed , hp Prairie Fire. j f Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Norf oik, Net>.. November 13.?ilun , dreds of square miles la Northwestern ! Nebraska, and So.niiern South Dakota j I lie in barren waste to-night following one of the most disastrous prairie Pres that ever swept these Western plali ?. Reports to-night indicate lag flames are und?r control. Scores of farm ho :ses and barns, the latter stored witr. feed, aad thousani* of stacks of hay have been burne<L Much live stock haa perished. Although no loss of human life haa bean re? ported, yet it is fsared many persons have perished. ! One Are. starting In the Pins Ridge Indian Reservation, swept southward into Nebraska, for a time endangering Crookston. Another la Trlpp Countv. & ?>.. Imperilled Winner. The President's Representative UNDERWOOD IS ILL ritu so*m Op r ratio? for Aba* ??, a a* Cancel* All Rnataatcaaeata. [Special to The> <teit.] Birmingham, Ala., November 23.? Congreeeman Oscar W. Underwood will bo unabie to go to Wash'ngtvri natu some time next we?k. He ha? seder igone an operetlrn f>r an sbsees?, and I la at prcs'-r.t confined at his home. I Doctor* evpeet the C>ngre*sms? wli! be able to be about In two or three 'Cays, but he will he compelled to can ic*l all engagement for several days. ' He was to have been the guert of itbc Eirr..r.gharo Pr-rs Club Friday : night, but at the last minute was : forced to send his rescrets Mr. Unde-wood bad nothing new to say in the way of national politics to-day. TROOPERS IN JAIL I ? They Got Draae. and Start to Invade ^teasee. I ' ; Special to The Tin.e.'-Dispatrh l II ?a?5;r.??<?:.. November il- TM ' troopers of the Thirteen' it T'n t?-i States ? '?Javtlry. *rha B?d if BUB and start-d to Invade Mexico on behalf of Uncle Sam. ail by themselves, are f>-nlght languishing In a Meatman Jail, and ?II, be tri?d by the Mexican civil au? thorities, ac^rdlss; to War Depart? ment dispatches to-night The two troopers, whose names are'rot given in the reports. cr--,e?e1 the Interna? tional line Into the citv of San Igns rlo. and in a brawl wounded a Mexi? can. One of the troopers himself wee hurt. They were take., ,n cherjre by Federal Genera! A :ber?. After the Jf*x!can authorities are ' through will* them they will be r?5?irt msr*<?l*d on this aid- of the line. IN POLICE COURT ! B. A- Vrees Appeals from rbs* for I em est I Bag Weraaa. B A Jfr?-s we? t.wl ??? aad coat? ?eater - da/ fne-rlng Is Pstes Ceort an the essrc* I of Saasa ting reaal* Beesrr.e?r as spreal wa? note-" Ar.?:e Ksy Hs-rla aad Belara Berkler. ? bath wer* err. ?-?- r.% |h? < her*;? ,'o* *?*?>? ?'* ? !???<-?.na from William ?erb ' *>>e Th? B?r*:#? waaaaa was sent te 'ail for ' -en 4e- a. wtille 'be a- aas die W a B"we w*? e^e-il'-'d e? a eher?? of ?. i.rtr. ? ? ?? - leee- Tuvr.e ? ?'. - ? "r-1 fSS *,* ??* 'er eees-V its f> ?? p 0-r?a aid . ? -.t. .i-4t ' ? > ' htea .. -t (ir,?r <i?. ?nr?<:. was St.* ft* 'a?t sad reeh >-?b d-*?ing. BBsBl Ja'ke?i. ?? I eaj set B < ?.,-,...??-??? ? . ? : < ? M ?i !?*? I ? .'a-a ? Irs' ?I? BsB> ?? Sat sat Baad , ? ... esses, it,* ?I'tie- ie BaoaaaBaawej tb? (TV, , . ?.. ? < .... n-r,<.r ? ?s,? .. '-? . ?. vaiarra *?oaa Tenesrv Irlas '. SSaSS ?a?l sa e* taa eaatnVafae ?va I>'a?i>' ? an i;i ,i?e f..r ? SSd tt?* sa isVal. andi ?t ap fst o?-efaaa T\. bea-tf la '.mp-aaal of ?h? ?V.rarser ?b? seeeessry ef the Osssmnasaiih. the ' - ? > fttreraet <!????%. ant ?t- * *< ? fj'.. - A "?>.;*,? ?he IHilih *f Sosrhara ri-gmta odi. preach s* rpa m . | ?e ana) dhed S>?* *? ! ? ?: ' < ? '? nw rales BOATS IN COLLISION Muck. ExdteMt Cawed, bat Little Damage neae. [Spccta] to The Tlme?.-Dlspatch.l New Y?rk. November 23.? L&ck a-vanna ferryboat Bir.^l.amton was in eolUslea with tae immigration boat Cier.ora; Putnam ami a Coat soon after leavinff Hohoken for Barclay Street to-mght. She carried about 100 pas? sengers, none of whom was Injured. The ferryboat was so badly damaged that her captain thought it advisable to return to her Hoboken slip, and the passengers were put aboard another I oat to continue tiieir Journey to New York. The OereraJ Putnam struck the Blng t-ir.iton on the starboard side am d?hl?. t?srlnsT awsy several feet of the ferry? boat's overhnn* and breaking four win? dows In the wcren'i cabin. Wi.?r. the first excitement was st its height s Baltimore and Ohio Rail? road ttHL the John j. Cowen, with a float lashed to her side, came along down stream and. unable to dodge the B!nrfham?on. ran into her port side. The Mo?' wm no! heavy, but th float wedged her nose ander the 81ns h;?mton> ov~rher.? rrd ho's'ed her up out of the ws'er on that side. Thta served to Increase the alarm of tb? passengers. Do Dreams Come True? by Dr. H. D. C. MaciachUn at Seventh-St. Christian Church, 7th anH ?Tirarc Sts.. Sunday Night. Nov. 24th. ?:15 P. M. Mr*. ( lifton Miller will >in,?. Don't fail to at* Jurgcns's ad. In this issue Schw?rzte hi Id Bros. Christmas Gifts That Appeal to All The variety of our Christmas display exceeds in excellence and value any previously exhibited. We have taken infinite pains to satisfy the most critical, and the quality and beauty of designs, properly priced?which always characterize products of the Schwarzschild store?is fully maintained. This collection will suggest to you what Is proper for each .person whom you wish to remember, and It will satisfy every wish, whether simple or elaborate. Engraving and special designing can now be done with perfect satisfaction, and we suggest that you call and enjoy that leisurely inspection which is now possible. We invite attention to some articles most likely to interest. For the Lady Gold Watches, Bracelets, Brooches, Necklaces. La Vailieres, Lockets, Chains, Veil Pins, Bar Pins. Vanity Bass. Silver Bags. Card Purses, Cmbrellas. Toilet Sets. For the Gentleman Gold Watches, Seal Kings, Scarf Pin-?. Cuff Buttons, Coat Chains. Gold Studs, Gold Fobs, Gold Knives, Cigarette Cases, Match Safes. Key Chains, Card rases, Eyeglass Cases, Military Sets. Diamonds The gift of a fine jewel is a pleasure to the recipient of to-day?a treasure to the inheritors of to-morrow. Our stock of fine gems is the most nota? ble in the South. DIAMOND RINGS. DIAMOND BARS. DIAMOND BROOCHES. DIAMOND BRACELETS, DIAMOND CHAINS. DIAMOND LOCKETS. Enduring Gifts of Silver There is nothing so acceptable as an artistic gift for the adornment of the home. The pleasure* It brings Is permanent. Special attention is called to our dlapley of - SILVER TEA SETS, SILVER TRAYS. SILVER VASES. WHISKEY SETS, CORDIAL SETS, and many other elegant and useful produc? tions. Schwarzschild Bros. Second and Broad Street? Richmond'* Leading Jeweler* REWARDED FOR BRAVERY *tr? Soldiers Prrn-ntrt tVlte? Mrdais by PtHHnt Taff. Washington, November 2*.?five men of "distinguished 00urage amor.t men of courage." as Mr .Taft called 1 them, received formal art* ?0** led 4 . merit for their bravery In the White j House to-day. when the President, pre ? sented them with medals of honor I swarded for effektiv..- work on the field l^of war. Fo-ir of them were young '?avalry I ?Ulcers, the other ar. enlisted man, a sergeant. The mer hot/-red were Cap? tain Archie Miller, quartermaster's I depsiruner.t; Captain Julien de Gaujoi. I First Cavalry. First Lieutenant Ar? thur H. ?Vilsnr.. i-'.xth Cavalry; Second lieutenant John T. Kennedy, Fifth Cavalry, and Persjeftnt Joseph Hender? son, sixth Cavalry. "I understand this medal is grant? ed." said President Taft, not for that courage that officers and man a-.e ex? pected to show under sjl dream stances, but r->r valor of that extra? ordinary character which, to use th> expresston of my predecessor, "puts a fine edge on th* '-ouraye that Is shown.' and e-tit'/s you to bear a mark of distinction amensr men of courage." The Sixth Cavalry men honored to? day all won their spurs in the Philip? pines. They were omicr nrd*n from General Leonard Wood when thev went cn the trail of Jiklrt. who . had killed hundreds of Ch'nese and Morox. and had become thr terror if tb* Jolo Archipelago. In the final cararrilgn tr??4r-- these honor rren rushed ahead of th? line . lad engaged la a hand-to-hand *ght ? *itr. the pirate chief and hie llea tenaaea. " <"*in*Str GauJot .was In oomma/id of troops on the border line when tt.e battle of -Isms Prltta, Merico, threat? ened thx lives and property of citl rer.s or r.ouflas.-ATla. April 13. 1*11. According to eyewitness, a. Captain ??uajot. m-cing tbe<"%?voc wrought by if- ts-a:; bullets that came from th: Mexican side, rode bravely through and induced the Mexicans to lay down I ttwtr arms and sflSa. the combat. ITS PLAN.DIVINE r _s I Harveater Company High Ideal la Or gaalsteg Mesaopely. [Special to The Times-Dispatch} i ?'hica*r?.<. November 13.?The plan to ! control all the harvester business in I the universe in harmony with the - fllvine plan" was off ?red n?? evidence I this aftemoer. before Sp'-rlal Master i i;ob.-rt *>? Tay.or. in the government's? ?SM to dissolve She international Har- j ? eaater Oaeaaeaqr. The evidence wa_>| I contained in a letter which was Identt-i I Sad by K- J?m Wood, secretary of the' I international company, as one sent.] j <>ut to its sales agen's. T:.e letter said i > i.i part: j "We Relieve that in the near future I I this great maapsaiy will do practically ] : ail the harvest. . business in th- world, j fag the company is wisely organised, j and it 1? soln? to SB- and is. rranaged. on a broad-gauged, unselfish principle. It la apolns; to sell !ta sjegdjsj tor reason? able prices and deal Justly with all 1 men. employee, agrenta and fanners, and that aort of treatment will sue - ceed everywhere. It Is according to and in harmony with the divine plan'* Raraev SUsrktty laaarwved. Washington, November 3S.?Slight improvement was reported late to? night by physicians attending Senator Isador Rayner. "f Maryland, followlnr a pronounced rally in heart action. T>e spite this favorable symptom, relatives and physicians fear that the end -s imminent. Tragle's If your drug bill amounts to $20 a year you dM save $5 of it by dealing at Ik Laifst ? let Creaa mi Oka km Shepherd's New Factory 2MW.Itm.Sl Ctllsi 71? Give Your Children Toe advantage of (joori mweic 4t horn-. Don't limit them to -?hat they can laboriously learn to play -- let ther.i IHe with pood niulr playc.J masterfully by a Svff ? ? >haw Plavcr 1' A Gift All Enjoy When >-exi come borne ail tired out. try the tonic of some good to'trie. It ?oothe?, makes year trouble* vanish into thin air. But it mti?t be good mu?ic?melody *.hat "lives and throba,'' such as yr-u can playon these Player Piano-. Let's Get Down to Facts If roar g-ocer asked #Cc for fresh eggs' ? while y? u knew that you could ret egrs fresh freaaa-the-pesf from your friend* around the corner for 30c? Where woold voti buy? The um? simple r^obiern ?ist?, in piano bo-, ing Here you drei with makrr? Th:? :? not a store, bur faCorv sarrrooms, where >oy buy at factor*- price*. When ?-ou consider the great saving we effert for vou in lower nprnsr?, miuUct advert i.*ing lr.ll?. etc.? You 11 rraKer that vou buv here rheuper than at anv dealer* 'Sale- - and better.' You bar Better, because every rttstrumcat bearing the'Stirff or Shaw name is posrut-ely the Beet cur 72 years of experience cue sradtsce. That these are among the World's Finest at P. oven bv gold medal awards aed the adoption of th~?e f-iano* bv leading conservatories, echooK, hotri?. t. M C. AV etc Trrvisaad* of Virginia home* take pride in these in-: nems. Through long vram of use they- have retained their rt>h. rneflow tone, their delightful aCTtesj. their be.iuty of appeirance. Wt guarantee you the Accept This InTitaHon to Visit Our Ware Rooms < ome in to-morrow. Take s half hour of .wore to devote to the enjovmrnt of listen nag to playing bv the-e Hayn rnstte*. And brt u? rrpiam our fca?y Plan. E. a RIKE. P1AM0S 117 W.