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PARTIAL VICTORY WDH BYEN6INEERS Board of Arbitration Makes Award in East? ern Territory. FIFTY-TWO ROADS ARE AFFECTED Brotherhood Not Satisfied With Findings, but Will Abide by Them During Time Allotted. Creation of Federal and State Wage Commis? sions Suggested. Washing-ton. November J4. ?Thirty thousand locomotive engineers on fifty-two Eastern railroads gain a par? tial victory in their demand for more wages under the award announced C> ?lay by the board of arbitration. In Its decision, however, the board holds that the public, which had no voice in the controversy and no choice but to abide by the decision, had mire at stak? than either engineers or railroads, sad the report emphasizes the necessity of plans to safeguard the public against the possibility of future strikes, whose consequences It depicts In sombre vein. Tt would be difficult to exaggerate ! the seriousness of such a calamity." reads the report "It la safe It say that the large cities of the East would find their supply of many articles of food exhausted wtthin a week. Of so important a commodity as milk they would have go more than a day's sup? ply. If a strike of the character lasted for only a single week the suffering , would he beyond oar power of descrip? tion. The Interests of the public so far exceed those of the parties to a controversy as to render the former paramount. ?To this paramount Interest both the railroad operators and the em? ployes should submit. To place a i strike beyond the realm of possibility, the board advocates the creation of i Federal and State wage commissions. I These commissions, the board suggests. ' should be vested with practically the same powers over organized labor as public utiliUes commissi ins now ex? ercise over quasi-public corporations. The Only sslatfasv, "It Is the belief of the heard." con? tinues the opinion, "that In the Last analysis the only solution la te qualify the principle of the free contract m the railroad service.'' From this suggestion P. H. Mor rlssey, the representative ?f the engl- j Beers on the board, dissents. While the award Increases wages on some railroads and for some classes . ef service, t holds that a general in- . crease on all roada is not warranted. ; The award dates back to May 1 last and will hold for one year from that ? date. Mr. Morrtssey. representing the .' engineers, has already indicated doubt as to Its renewal. In the past, with several notable exceptions, the con- I tracts between the roads and the engl- j aeers have been renewed annually. The attitude of the railroads as out- ; lined in a statement to-day r.y Preei-. dent Daniel Wllliard, ef the Balttmore 1 and Ohio Railroad, who represented the j raiiroads on the arbitration board. Is likewise Indefinite as to the future. "My acceptance of the reward as a Whole does not signify my approval cf all the findings In detail." said President Wllliard. He added that "although ehe award is not such as the railroads bad hoped for." nor such as they felt Justified by the facts." they now accept without question the conclusion which was reached." 'The members of the board, of arbi? tration were appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States: the a'nited States Com- , :nlssioner of Labor and the presiding 1 jadge of the United states Commerce Court. Two Bearers Awards. Following are the most Important. af the hoard's awards and the requests J cf the engineers: ! In paa* eng er service, a minimum j wage was granted of S4 25 for 190 miles or less; and an overtime rate of to cents per hour with an average speed of twenty miles per hour. The engineers saked $41 a and $4 to per Oay of lee miles, according to the size of the locomotive cylinder, with an overtime rate of 7? cents per hour alter flve hours. In through fretght service, a mini? mum was granted of $4 75 per day of 10o miles or less, with overtime pro: race after ten hours. The engineers j requested rates of $5.2.".. J". :.?? and $." 7S per day of ltd mile*, according to sise of the engine: and $7 for Bal? lett engines: the same rates to apply to mine runs. work, wreck, helper or pusher, milk and circus train". In lo?al freight service. 4.". rent* additional to the throuch freight rate* %as granted This met the fall request of the engineers. In switching Ser? vice, a minimum of $4. i* per da> of fan hours or logs was granted. The Ssaglncer* ysk.-d $4 ?e per day of ten Hears in switch I eg service and for belt Rate service. All existing rst.s higher than th mlnlma grantid y the hoard are con? tinued m force. In fixing the minim im wage la pas s- nrer scrvic. at $4 j; per day. a higher minimum rate la established fori tri? roads psrtle* to the. arbitration mile th. ?\cepti"n of a few In awarding the minimum (.trough freight tat- >f II ? pa-r day In* l-oard astab!.hes Wrve-a I. r he district that gerav-irably J??;??? th? current wtln geum of roa<d* B. .-v paying the hett<: rate* te making the rat? for leal freight service ?- cents higher than t'?trough freie<t ?ervUe. ? general tnrr<aee rf Ccrmirensatlor* la granted. Th. s? ' t of tke twenty-mile per r">'ir b ?* ? of computing over i irrte in tee pgswenger service th* r il< s re li-ir.! ? j, :lreal frmlnat delay and other rr.sngca Ii th? r il s of service are all snore favorable to the engirerers tbaa e?i*t>r,g -.ile* upon sassy of the r >ads I The prahl?s* before taw hoard af ar bstratlon was ewe ef sari dtaVulty Usst j FIFTY PERSONS DUflJMK Trampled to Death in Wild Rush From Theatre. CRY OF "FIRE" IS CAUSE OF TRAGEDY Nearly All of Victims Are Chil? dren, Who Were Attending Moving Picture Show?Scores Knocked Down and Crushed in Passages Leading to Streets. j Btlboa. Spain. November 24.?A ter? rible panic waa caused tbia afternoon I by the cry of "fire" at a moving pic? ture show here. About fifty children and others were killed. Only one wo? man up to a late hour to-night had been found among the dead- The number of Injured is not known, aa j m >et of them were taken home by j frienda The scene of the accident is a large 1 circus, which had been converted into a continuous cinematograph show. As the price of admission waa only 2 cents, the building waa crowded to Its i utmost capacity, for the most part by ; women ana children. The operator of the machine lost his nerve when a dim Ignited and screamed "Fire:" He was able to extinguish the flame without difficulty, but the effect of his cry was Instantaneous. Almost every one* In the building sprang up. Police and attendants were powerless to control the panic-stricken people and were swept away by the surging mass which sought to fight j a way to the exit. Soros were knocked 'down and ' trampled and many were crushed to' death in the passages from the gal- I lerfes to the streets. The disaster caused frenzied citizens to gather ont- j side the building, and the authorities had great difficulty in carrying on the Work of resoue and extricating the dead and Injured from the piles of wrecked seats. The manager and other employes h.tve been arrested and are held pend? ing an Inquiry. FLAMES IN ASYLUM ruth athodsd laassrtea ha Paste, aaet case as Kated ' Near York. November 24.?Hundreds of insane and feeble-minded persons of both sexes In a group of institutions, at Amity vine. Long island, were thrown Into great excitement by a fire to-day. Oae male inmate waa-burned to death, and two buildings were destroyed. Several hundred Inmates were led oat. Fire la believed to have started from' a defective electric light wire in the Brunswick Home for the Idiotic and Feeble-Minded, and threatened sixty patients, fifteen of whom were bed- j ridden Attendants managed to get! them all out safely but "Fritz" Mon yad, an Insane patient about thirty years old. who ran back Into the build-, Ing to save a pet canary. His charred body was found In the ruins. The boys' cottage connected with' the home also was destroyed, but* hucket brigades saved the other build-. Inga FIRE DAMP EXPLODES Tweaty-Fear Wen Lese Lives ta Sitae i%*CCsHsye*esrta Alais. France. November 24.? Twenty-four men lost their lives to-day when fire damp exploded In a coal mine. The explosion occurred between shifts. Oaly thirty-eight men were In the mine at the time. Of these, fourteen were warned by the sodden extinction of their lamps and man? aged to escape. A rescue party found twenty-one bodies The other three are apparently In a remote part of the mine. Alals is a town of about 20 000 In-' habitants, situated la the heart of a coal mining region in the Department, of Gard about twenty-flee miles north-. west of Nlmea j RECLUSE IS ATTACKED Atlanta. Ga. November 24 ? William' Franklin, aged fifty, a recluse reported to have had a small fortune secreted _ In his cottage, was found In a dying condition to-day by pol Ice. Franklin's, skull had been fractured with an iron; window weicht, found nearbv. and his body wss hadlv bruis*d. The house bad been ransacked for valuables. Ho|.<s were lug la the fireplace, planks torn from the walls and th* chimney pu'li d dosrn In the search. News of the attack 'inon Franklin wa? brought to the police by 51. M. strwrt. a pa:nt*r. 'Irnvn and Frank Risley. a laborer see being held by th* police on snsplclon The arrests, according to the police, wer? ??heraus?- they t-'ked too much" j CAPTURED .VAfMNSAS r'swvtrred Bkeafc eswearlee. Wh? l^eaSad, ta ToOs Sanaa. I Jfarysville. Kan . November 24.? Nell Xnlrahv. convicted bank bnrglsr. who escaped from tail h*re m vre than a year ago. has b**n ree?7?tur?d n*ar llantsvllle. Arh.. according to a mes? sage received here to-day. and the eountv sh*ria left to-nlgbt to bring htm hark v ti an . and four other area har alarlted two bank* of VTateMllle Kan . in December. 1?!*. obtaining ft?P* NEGRO CONVICTS ESCAPE trass* waa> ssa?agasa aa*) 9,_I_ TWt even gem,, Wae id Charleston, a C XotniVr 14 ? .-? - en negro mavbfa. a meed ?Ith three j skv-taruas and a re reiver, yveerawersd | the guard in the State camp at Lead's Bad this afternoon aad anapid. aad at a saas beur Is aeght the sheriff's MANY VILLAGES ARE DESTROYED I Terrible Warfare Is Be? ing Waged by Mexi? can Government. I NO QUARTER GIVEN TO REBEL TROOPS While Federals Oaim Many Victories, They Are of Little Importance, and General Situ? ation in Revolution-Ridden Republic Shows No Improvement, X?Zico City, November 24.?Not lea* than twenty-five village- have been destroyed in the State of Oaxaca in th last ten days by Mexican govern? ment troops. The administration, be? lieving the rebels In that regten have been sufficiently cowed by the terrible warfare which has been waged, has now sanctioned orders for the retire? ment of the greater part of the Fed? erals from the State, leaving th" final j pacification to local troops. Some 500 Indians have surrendered, but a large | part of these were without arms, af? fording some basis for the unofficial j declarations that little of real value has been accomplished toward the sub- [ jugation of the rebels, who. It Is be? lieved by the residents af the city of | Oaxaca. will redouble their efforts, with the added motive of revenge. In aplte cf the fact that the Fed? erals in all the districts Infested by Zapataists have been' freely using the right conferred by the suspension of the guarantees to execute summarily, there is little if any improvement in the general situation. In no Us- than forty engagements reported during the last week the Federeala claimed the victory, but these for the m >st part have been Insignificant, since the reb? els ordinarily retire as soon as possi? ble, doubtless to save ammunition. Two circulars have been Issued, signed by Zapata One demands that the owners of haciendas unite to con? tribute 3.000 pesos a week to the rebel cause in certain fixed areas: the it her urges planters to hurry the work of the peons on their plantations as much as possible, because he will soon re? quire all ablebidled men. Destruction ef their properties la the alternative offered. Flans for withholding a large num? ber of Federals from the north to Join | the campaign against rebels !n the south are maturing. Many volunteers ? who enlisted to fight Orozco are being i mustered out. having served the stlp- ! ulsted six months. Efforts are being j made to maintain the strength of the j army, however, and as ? result many I prisoners are being drafted, and rebels taken in battle are being forced Into the gavernment ranks Fifty soldiers of the Twenty-fourth Infantry yesterday joined the rebel? lion in the State of Mexico. They i killed two captains and seized T oo* pesos which the officers were bearing to the brigade paymaster. The government is not incl'ned to regard the movements In Northern Mexico seriouly. It Insists that the situation throughout the republic Is | much improved. ROMANCE ENDS IN WEDDING Virginia Tea* Taken OrMe fa Utile [ Charrh Arowad taw Ceewer. rSpecial to The Times-Dispatch.! t?-nn. Maas.. November 24 ?Slipping | rjuiecly from Lynn yesterday. Miss! Grace Ethel Norrie, a pretty stenog- j rapher tn the employ of the General' Electric Company. Journeyed to New ' York City, where she met Stewart Bol- j ling. Jr.. of Staunton. Va. by appoint? ment, and. accompanying him to the | Uttle Church Around the Corner, he- j came his bride. The ceremony was the culmination of a pretty romance, which had Its inception at the General Electric Company's plant here four j years ago. Mr. Boiling worked at that! time in the engineer corps of the plant.! and was later assigned to the Schenec- I tady plant, and then to head the en- J gineerlng department In the company's Pltteburgh office. He Is a son of Mr. j and Mrs Stewart Boiling, of Staun? ton, one of Virginia's oldest and I wealthiest families He Is a graduate | of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 'SC. The bride is a graduate of the { Gloucester Hiirh School. VAN AUCKEN ARRESTED Tale Cceewa?? charged with reuse Atlanta. Ga. November 24?Claiming! that he is a Tale graduate and that j he has been president of hlg coal con- j cerns. ll.irry Ames Van Aucken. alias j Harry Andrews. Is being held to-dac| by iocs: police pending the arrival of oBVer* from Jackson. Mich. It hv stated at police headquarter* that Van I Auckea Is wanted In Mlcblesn for| pa** nr worthless eh< cka Whea ar? rested Van Ancken had card* to several j ef Atlanta's meet prominent cluha Fair Weather Promised for Thanbgiving Wet k wWv^w'wVw' J 4?*fc#*B BrVfJrtawaw sMaraV ^v4es"VwaVw^B \f 1? ?% If Will prt*Tsl|1 f%PtMsiaft?aW ewWV % wtw* *" SPVJI ? V Wy aCttfttVef lasF sww*^f ?fwTwt. Ml I ?latlslft fm f%? ( LEADERS IN EDUCATIONAL WORK Marry St. George Twesrer. TEACHERS INVADE HIT THIS WEEK Gathering of Educators Expected to Be Largest in History of Organization. MANY NOTABLE SPEAKERS I Full Program Arranged?Work of Richmond Kindergarten Training School. The seventh annual meeting of the Virginia Educational Conference will be held In Richmond on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week Scores of separate sessions will ha held of the many subordinate bodies comprised la the association, aa well as gatherings of the four main or? ganisations which make up the con? ference?the State Teachers Associa? tion, the School Trustees Association, the Conference of Division Superin? tendents and the Co-operative Educa? tion Association. Many of the delegates from organi? zations or teachers aad truateea, and voluntary attendants. wUl arrive in the city to-morrow, in order to be I resent at the big Wilson parade and <(ie. ration of to-morrow Bight. TheJ v?ual attendance goes far above the ? j.i'00 mark, and It is expected to make, this year's gathering the largest since! the organization was formed At Jahn Warsball ?rhess. For headquarters, the committee en local arrangements has designated the John Marsnaa High School building. The full meetings, ta Which all the crganizations take part, together with other gatherings w:li taar place in the auditorium of this building, while I many of Its smaller rooms wi.i be used | by subordinate bodies The old hign' school build,ng opposite, wttb ourr! buildings in the vicinity, will be utll-1 ized as meeting places. Ail incoming trains will he met vyj pages, who will take the delegates to I the registration office At headquart? ers, handsome convention bads- s will b? given out, and visitors will b* aided in finding suitable hoarding houses. The usual handbooks containing tse oftVial program ar. I other 4nf?r.nation 's ill !m distributed. i Among Iiis leading speakers from, outside of the State w'.io wti: ad trees' the conference are Iw Henry F. Cope, j aene-ral secretary of the Kellgl^as Aa-. sociatton of American, with . fH. es laj Chicago; Dr Philip Van N?* Myers, i of ohi?. who will ?t?sb ?n "Inter-; national peace;- Dr. August* Penner. of ColnmMa I'nlversity. w*io will talk of ha?ii forma'l?n in the schools and of the relation 1 rtw?-?n the kindergar? ten and the primary. In-. Klrby K-awer Smith, af John Hopkins I'nrverslty. w hose subject Is- " Props rtlss. a Modern leaver In the Aag-istan Age' J I? Tagl'stor superintendent ef rnhllc Instruction. Hlchsrd Evelyn 1-jrd. spnak'r of the Hesse ef Dele gate* Harr> at flesvg* Tech er. fay; ?err Congressmen. l>r Henry Lea is health, nrwstdrnt of Washington aad' Lee rrdverafty aad assay at her aseaj la the awhile aad edwea-, Jl. BL sttaford, Bmmtarr HmMll OimMIi ii ef Confereace. Richard Evelyn Byrd. ANXIOUSLY AWAIT VERDICT OF JURY; Accused Strike Leaders May] Know Fate Before Day Is Over. EXTRA POUCE PRECAUTIONS Interest in Case Is Increased by i Impassioned Outburst of Defendants. Gjovannitti Proclaimed Candidate for Chamber Roste, November Z4,?The Social? ist Caloa has proclaimed the can? didacy far the Chamber af Deputies af Artnro tatevaaalttt, to s? pit seat the eaasettweaer af Carpi, pravlaec af Medcna. which aeat la aww va? cant. Gtovaaalttl la bot. ea trial, together with Joseph titter, at Sa? lsa?, Xaee.. an the charge af asar ?rr dnriac the Lewiien strike. The extremist* are making ef? fort*, tbreagh the ingaeare af pub? lic oplaloa. to ladace the Italian K?nnet?! ta bring ill?it aa the Aenerlrna hhimiI to pro? tect the rights af the tare prleea It Is aaaoeaced that If SI ?as Erter are cast vie lad a area, era! strike will he proclaimed tar eaarheat Italy. Saeh a more meat, ateiiti, has beea a failure The Ceeriere fit all*, the cane, aays M the rtalias government will aw tea the raised Staate Salem. Mass.. November 24.?The late of Joeeph J. Ettor. Artnro Olevan nlttt and Joseph Caruso, who have been on trial here for the murder of Anna Loplxxo In the Lawrence textile j strike since October 11. probably wlU ! he in the hands ef the Jury early to? morrow. When court adjourned Saturday, af- I ter Ettor and (Movannlitl had made Impassioned pleas to the jurors on I their own behalf and for Caruso. Judge ' Quinn announced that he would de- j liver his charge Monday mom'ng. | Hundreds of Instructions have been I tTrbmltted to the court by attorneys of ' both sides, and It Is probable the charge will be lengthy. The case. : however, should he In the Jury's hands by noon. Though Ettor and Oievaa- ' nlttl pleaded absolute Innocence, they asked, if adjudged guilty of the crime, that they be glvea the death penalty. "No half-way punishment.' was their Insistent demand. The two strike leaders are accused aa acces? sories to the murder in t.iat It Is al- 1 leged their speeches during the strike iacted and arous? d till workers to rioting, which ended In the Lop'.zxo I fatality. Caruso I? charged as aa act- I ual participant In tl.e riot and with j stab blag Police officer Oscar Ben<"t st the time the Iyup'szo woman was shot. I glnce the drsmstlc close of the I argument ar.J pleading* Satur? day, there has been much discussion I ss to the effect of trie def. ndant?? ad? dressee to the jury, and the Verd'rt Is being awaited wllsr in-n oos Inter est. Hundreds of *\r?,;> ?.!-./? ?* from Lawrence are expected to ?itlvf la Balem early te-mnrroa Extra police precaution* have been taken to pre? vent overcrowding of the courtroom and any undue oemonstrat'on. * The prisoners were cheerful In the Jail to-da>. and reed, ed scares of messages ? er>gr? t ulating them upon their ?Sorts of l**tuida> sa-veral vis? itors were permit!' . to see them Lawrence. M?e? . Nover.eer 14 ?rre- ' parstIons for an nut a Thanksgiving I?ay celehratlon ?rs being made this year by the city of Uawrasse the seen* af last winter's greet textile strike -We are thankful fir th' restora? tion ef peace and good order." say* a i eg est ef the citlsena' committee. Th* ' j. d. niiinn. BN Laer 8. Cllf ??. Principal Kiel assad Training Scheel for Kladeisaitaeia. T. S. Seilte, stale ?upertiMir It Ural SESSI?N IS SHOBT; CALENOARS FULL Congress Will Have Much to Do in Coming Three Months. NO WORK ON TARIFF Number of Important Measures Which Will Be Pushed in Both Branches. Washington. November 24.?Congress will reconvene s week front to-morrow for the last short session of Repub? lican control in national legislation. Comparatively few Senators and Kep resentatlves had reached Washington; to-day, hat discussion has been acUve daring the last week among those early on the scene over plans for the winter's work and prospects for the special tariff session next spring, whan all branches of tbe government pass into the hands of the Democrats. While the vexing question cf tbe tar? iff la not scheduled for consideration this winter, the three months of the abort session eras' be crowded with legislative work. In addition to the annual grist of appropriation bills. Congress will be forced to dispose af a quantity of general and special,' legislative matter left pending with j tbe sdjournnient of the long session j In August. Paring the early part af i the session the House will be busy shaping ai-r>roprl..tinn bills, while the! Sensfe Is disposing of the imp- achment j trial of Juds- R bert W. Archbold, of ir. Commerce Court, set to begin De? cember J ?esse leas n last Wi ? ee j Sev.ral important measures will be pushed f--r -arly action in th? Senate,; lairon^ them the r- sol >tlon of Senator Works of California, to limit the l*res- I 1... r. t>. a sing e six-year term: the se,. j>p.aid-K*nyon prohibition bill, pre? venting the shipment of ilqu ?r Into' prohibition States, and the vocational education bill of Senator Pag. . ..f \Vr m. n' Tbe bill of Senator Borah creatlnr a 1 Department of t,hor. la also scheduled for -ar y consideration. The I'epartmen: of I .?bor 1,111 has [????< 1 the House, t.ut that b dv wo-ild still have to act u*-on the vocational ed? ucation bill and th six-year t-s den Hal term measure If they passed the Senate Th? prohibition lit to- measure w|!l be purhed In the Ho ;e? br representa? tive sheppard. of Tesaa. who will aae> reed Senator rtsllev in the aest 0>n gresa Energetic effarts will he made ta both houses to ?? or- leatelattoa smer.d'pe th- atiermar anllli MM law aad limttlor ? < ?? t r"-'it .ana to ||| tsides ttai ermn*lern funds The Haus* 2 ? dietary Commirte* ta under inetrwc'lons by res-dutf >n ta con asset an investigation into vtetatlaae ef the sh?-e?aa art. sVnstr.r K*nr?n's MTt. affecting the Sh, rrran law. wfct-h baa boes. Neuere tb. S p??e I-.'? -s a:? r*ontmer.? i*"ai mlltee. ntidotibtedly Will b? >?r,.mh' ?.;? for earl> ertlon in the Senate ?easttroe. the meamitte- n-ad-d by sweater Cissa sraenaiy will fwrnakste Armies Are Being Strengthened for Im? pending Struggle. !i ? SULTAN APPEALS I TO KING OF ITALY _ Asks Recent Enemy to Prevail' on Montenegro and Servia to Assume More Generous Atti? tude in Order That Dignity of Ottoman Empire May Be Saved. London, November 24.?No serlou? fighting Is reported on the Tchatalja lines, where both sides appear to ho waiting the issue 4?f the armistice ne? gotiations. Meanwhile all the neces? sary dispositions are being made for a resumption of the war, should the ne? gotiations fall. Bulgaria is shipping her forces front Saloniki in Greek transports, presum? ably for transfer to Galllpoli Penin? sula, where Turkey is also strengthen? ing her forces by Anatolian troops. Here an attempt will be made by the allies, assisted by the Greek fleet, to take the Dardanellea The rest of the allied forces, lib? erated in Macedonia, will be sent by rail as speedily as possible to rein iforce the Bulgarians attacking the Tchatalja lines. Their places will he taken by the Bulgarian 191* recruits, who, after three weeks' training, are being drafted into Macedonia for gar? rison duty. The only news of military impor? tance to-night is the occupation of OChrlda, a large town near Monastir. by the Servians. The positions at Adrianople and Scutari are apparently unchanged. Official statements issued at Vienna continue to deny the reported war preparations. Letters from Vienna have reached London, however, con arming the reports that the strength of the six different army corps la being increased, and that a large aaa? her of reservists have been called on*. Saltaa Appeals te> Italy. Route. November ft*.?The Sultan Of I Turkey has made an appeal for tan good offices of the Kins of Italy to I bring about a more conciliatory atti? tude on the part of the King of Mon? tenegro and the King of Servia. Sim? ultaneously, the King of Servia. tak? ing advantage of Queen Helena's re ' lationehlp to his family, urges her to do all in her power to d'sarm Aus? trian hostility, so that Servia may se? cure the outlet to the Adriatic. wh<ch she so much desires. I In his communication to King Vlc 'tor Emmanuel, the Sultan recalls the peace recently concluded between ! Turkey and Italy, and the desire of i both countries to live In amity and i improve their reciprocal relations, an* earnestly requests the King to use his j Lnriuence with bis father-in-law. K>og (Nicholas ef Montenegro, and also with the King of Servia. with the ob? ject to inducing them to offer terms I possible of acceptance by Turkey, so that her dignity might be saved. Admiral Bettolo, former Minister of Marine, in an interview on Alba sal d that if Duresse was trans? formed Into a commercial port, allow? ing of Italy's economic expansion from the Adriatic to the Danube. Italy could j desire nothing better. With respeet to At ton*. Italy arenas I never consent that that Important port ! should be possessed directly or In? directly by a great power, mack lean that this commanding position sheuH be transformed Into a military oasa. In the hands of any other country than Italy, it would ao diminish the naval efficiency of Taraato and Brindisi aa tc endanger Italy'* strategic position <n the Adriatic. Plat as Vans* Gwvimmaat. Constantinople, November Sk-Kla mil Pasha, the Grand Vlxler. te day confirmed the fact that the arrest ef 1 the Toung Turks was due to tee dis? covery of a plot to upeet the govern - I went. The matter, he said, is now la I the bands of a court-martial, aast the ! law will take Its course Referring I to the Turkish position at Tchatalja, j he declared that It was Impregnable, i end that the Bulgarians would learn j this to their cost. _ Comriatntng of Europe's ludtSfer j ence to Turkey's fate, ke said: "It ' should n?t be forgotten that Resale i is behind the Balkan league, which had [ been In fact engineered by Russia. It i ?111 not he -on* before Europe feels 1 th? consequences of its present policy, lor a stronu Turkey I* necessary for Kuropean p-ace." Sue rife Off Per Freest. Sofia. S?tern er J4?After a period ? f twenty-on. days' training, tee IPtS recruits will leave Sofia to.morrow for garrison duty In Macedonia, where a majority of the ?Wek and Pel flan iorc?s sr. held in readiness t? go to Tchatalja In eeent of failure of the asjSJgs negrotlatlsne. Railway .-oe,n,,inicstton has been es? tablished along the whole tine With lermotica Kski-Babe. Kirk-Kllasae h sad other points This will facilitate the concentration of three forces St the front, should the war be r sen an a It is announced confldently that the ?r d f ?r-e? ?in enter CPSOtsatl nople together The foreign stti at K!rk-Kt!ts*eh for ned to J*t*J"a The Bulgaria* plea arrived at T r natal ta. The mi it lag ef the rerpectfee p:ace between the ? the two amle* ?>-nne. easssaettoe of the cens