3Fhp^mi# <r?^^g> IJijSpddt
Automobile Races Begin This Afternoon at State Fair Grounds
Outsiders Have Their
Inning on Course at
Thanksgiving Selling Stakes.
Feature of Card, Annexed by
Blackford. Who Hr.d Not Fig?
ured in Running?Longest
Race Is Taken bv
Annie Sellers.
Should Run Wei! To-Day
Klret r.T ??ralr> Irodmuther. K.
H. Uray. frank lludeoa.
viond rare? Keare*. ?.rovenor.
Wanda I'ltser.
Tkirtl rare?(?rortr l'B?. I'riarr
Ilampion. Jcauif.
I 'earth rat? Jana?* llockrry.
Working l.od, lt<i?t urlluw.
Fifth run?i.old I ap. Rrrkrlrr.
Krarlet IMaapereel.
Matt rare?Kmltr o-Kaa.
*>e?eofh rare?leeiaa Hlcilnn,
Hueky Lad. Irlak Kid.
'Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Norfolk Va.. November ? Mui.
larks had their Inning at the James?
town Jockey Club track to-day. and
the form horse* were either scratched
or were listed in the "also rans."
Blackford. an outsider, wsm the
Thanksgiving celling stake?, the fea?
ture race of the day. He was for-1
aaken by the talent who took up War-j
hoon and Donald MacDonald. The
former broke down comi?letely. and the
latter managed to get place money.
The track was s> veritable Held of
mud. and snow was falling when the
horses went to the post for the flrst
race. The jocklts. after each rac*.
were covered with mud from th<sir
heads to their feet.
Annie Sellers won the longest race
ever run at the Jamestown track. It!
was a mile and a half event, and she
was entered with Stairs. Supervisor.
Heretic and a few other ordinary sell?
ing platers. Heretic was In the lead
lot most of the distance, but stumbled
and was forced to give up when chal?
lenged in the la>t half mile
Smash was an eaay winner in the
Initial dash for two-year-olds, and
Toddling galloped home ahead of eight
ether horses in a six furlong selling
event for all ages.
Futurity, the favorite, won the mile
and seventy-yard race for all agea, and:
Black Chief eaallv outran Vlley and
Ben Loya! in a fix furlong affair for
ail agea.
Jockey Butwe :. before the races be?
am n. asked to be excused from riding,
hut when he found out he had to take
his mounts, he rode with a Vengeance,
bringing three winners under th?
fCvpi'nur.u or. Ninth Page.)
Cross Too Clever. However, and
Dane Gives Way to Cleverer
Fighter. j
N-*r Orlejuis. November S&? i^eaca
Cros* outpointed Battling Nelson in a]
ter.-rouiiJ lw>ut Base to-day. Xeksea j
took a great deal of punishment, but j
wa* forcing the fighting at the finish-1
?*ross weighed IX? pounds at the
r:ng?lde. and Nelson w*.? four ounce*
heavier. Croaa started in with left
Jjkbs to the face and right and left
books to th- head The "Battler" wa*
outclassed, but manage.l to land hard
?n the Jaw with right and left, and had
Cross crouching at the end of the
Initial round.
It was all Cro?? in the next roun-1.
With hooks and upp<rrut*. but Mshan
eer.t In s straight left w oi-*! di?. ..lor' <l
Cross's right eye. Nel?<>n took s l"t
of punishment In the next two round?,
hm surprised every one. i-ro?? in par?
ticular, by boring right In for the bodv
with weak blows which did not dam
ajc- Three terrific left h??V* to jaw
gfrook Jfelson In the fourth, but he war
game, aad refused to back sway Nel
son bled from the nose and mouth in
the Of th. and was wild In h's swings,
hat the pace was telling ?n Cross,
while Nelson did not shaw sny rig <a
?f wear in' a* At the end of the sev?
enth round he was forcing all
aver the ring. A right agger eat and
? right and left swing dased Nelson
Ir. the eighth
Nelson get to Ones's body 'n the
a.nth. bat took a erora of book* on the
head aad a hard right on th* jaw in
return. Th( Dane tried t-> ?et in a
good punch, bat fell abort, and hi* left
caught the referee. -Twang" Cnrhett.
en the ear. Nelson'? wmingn-r?
*gv*wet save defeat w*a remarkaole.
aad be act sally mad* Crm?* beck up.
forrlne him from corner to corner an til
the final bell
Itaewaa tear*.
Havana. \??wiVr ;v The I'iul*
Selphla American I.*** >< naeeball
teass to-day defeated Ilavaaa by a
aajsgg ad g as g>
T**t will sssot Rteaassaa Mar* tm last football a=asse
of prases at Broad Street Park te-saorrow aftrraoaa at mm o'elocfc.
Washington and Lee Completes
Successful Season by Trounc- I
ing Carolina A. & M.
Slippery Ball Precludes Accurate j
Playing,' but Better Team j
Finally Wins.
; special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Norfolk. Va. November 28?Playing I
true to form shown all sesson. the j
Washington and Lire eleven finished the j
most successful season a White and ,
Blue team has ever had bv defeating the ]
North Carolina Agricultural and Ms* j
chanical College. 16 to ?. on Lafayette |
Field, this afternoon. Two touchdowns |
snd s field gosi spelled the total score
for the Generals, while the Tarheels
scored one touchdown. Under condi?
tions far from ideal for good footbsll
the elevens plsyed to the smallest
crowd that has ever witnesses a!
Thanksgiving Psy gsme in Norfolk. I
However you take It. the best team I
(Continued on Page TweUe.) |
Mandot, Who Beat Him Once, Is
Defeated in Twenty
Round Scrap.
tics Ar.seles. Ca!. November Zt.?Joe^
j Mandof. of New Orleans, was defeated
I to-day by Joe Rivers, of L*>s Angeles,
over whom he i-.ad won an - lay deci?
sion le>s than thret months ago.
It ?j' a olea:.-cut victory f?r the
Mexican, who showed s remarkable
; everaal of ivrm. exhibiting more
speed and cie\?rr,ess than he h?-l ever
sb..wii It was nearly dark, and the
I . le. t-i. !ish?> ..ver the ring hsd been
I iiKhte^ w'-.en Refer, e llyton hoisted
Kivr-s's h.:nd ,i. token of victory at
th<- close ..f the twentieth round.
It *3< ? Man fisrhr throughout,
j .">? VM round showed that Rivers
. ass not gha same boy that fought
' Mandot on T^hor |?ay. He almost pat
? the Frenchman thro-ish the ropes wltb
a risht to the t?w The second was
also River*'* round
The)- fought like wildcats in the
third round. Mandot Jong the stoat
damac- The f.-.u.-tb round was Riv?
er?'? ?.. a shade h. hsvlag drawn
;-Io>-d fr?.m Vanilol s mouth.
The -.rth round was illvers? by s
I good msrsin He bored in. landing
rights and lefts to the Jaw.
I Tn the sixth both fighter* kept ttetr
distance. Mandot lending the greater
nomoer of bloats. In the seventh Rlv.
er? mi seed s swing and fell, but sssln
: ri?-<! the offensive It wa? b:s rounl.
! f ollowing s ?am. eighth, the ninth
was rough The tenth ssd ehreentb
j rr>uno* were fast an4 even Rivers
j had the twelfth, thirteenth snd fonr
? teenth. all fler-els fought He had
< Mandot at the rapes when the fewr
' teenth round ss<s?.
I Manaot tottered to his comer at the
end of the fifteenth ManSst locue
erated sovwewhat In the slateenth. hat
remained on the defensive In the sev?
entieth. Rivers hasarai r?S Maage* I*
the eighteenth.
'Crack Drivers From Everywhere
Will Compete for Cash
Prizes Offered.
jV\il! Attempt to Lower Mark'
Made Here by Barney
The special feature to-day of thai
program for the firs? professional au- [
tomobil* race meet in Richmond wiH
be the attempt of Ixwirs Disbrow,
I world's champion two to twelve miles.
I to break the mile record of .34 1-3!
I made by Barney OldAeld In his Blitzen
I Bens. Dtsbrow will use bis Simplex1
"Zip." the largest and most powerful
racing car in tbe world, and in event
he lowers Oldfleld's record, it will es?
tablish the Virginia State Fair race
l course as one of the best dirt trsheka;
I In the country for auto racea
There are five events on to-day*aj
I (Continued on Eighth Cage, i
Snowclad Field Responsible for!
Every Point Scored by
Two Teams.
Philadelphia. Pa . November is.?
Pennsylvania added another victory to
j her long string at iw-esae* over the
. Cornell football team by winning the
! Thanksgiving game on Franklin Field
J to-day by the score if 7 to t. It had
. been snowing fir almost ten hours
j before the game b-gan. and the Seid
. was ?oaked from the slush, causing
imtM teams to frequent!} muff >r fum
. Mr the slippery bail. This condition
J of the f?e!d was indirectly responsible
j for all the .- ring.
I Cornell got ber toe paint* in the
I first period. It had been a puatiag
i game all through the period, arid the
! "all was on Pennsylvania'* twenty
! yard line where Hinds attempted to
j punt. J. Whytr broke through the
! Pennsylvania line snd Mocked tbe kick,
j Mind* and Whvte ra -ed after the ball.
and the Pennsylvar.ian fell on tt one
I ' sr.l from his *?n g >*'? IIa?, but be
I f??re be could recover himself he slid
j in the mud across the goal, and R*g
I er?e I^ngford declared a ?afety ra
I favor of Cornell.
Pennsylvania'* touchdown came un
, ekpectedly aear the end of the seeend
period. Cornell hod the ball in mld
fleld. a* the result of a peat. Ben?
nett who had g?.ne late the gsme at
right half hack for Cornell, replacing
' Flits, fumbl-d. aad Captain Meyer, of
, Prnaeytvaala. caught tbe bell. He was
j fifty-See yards frees Cornery* goal,
j with a clear Sett, and. dashing dsaa
I the Seed. aajSJ eemlag OsrajetTs w< ? less.
WUmington. ff. C. Xer-aVr ;??
flaying a*) the Meal rVM. Wilmington
this arteraaaa wea the State
!Bristol. Tenn.. November IS.?On a
snow covered field King College, of
> Bristol battled with Roanoke Col
I lege for football honors this af ter
' noon. Neither team was able to score
i Although King had the better of the
struggle in the first three Quarters,
and in the second barely missed a
! chance to kick goal from the fleld.
I The visitors were much heavier, but
i King had the advantage In training
i Charlotte. N. C. November 3?.?
Davidson pluckily rallied from the
' lerce attack of Wake Forest, which;
j tad put over a touchdown and goal inj
I he first two minutes of play, and:
j scored a touchdown in the irst quar?
ter, and thereafter the i*Tesbyterians
put It ovsr the Baptists at all points
i In the second quarter. Graham,
Osvldson's captain and quarterback,
intercepted a forward pass on his
thirty-yard line, and by a splendid run
carried it over for the touchdown,
which deckled the game by a score or
IS to 7.
The last two quarters wer? spent in
squabbling and being penalised lor j
:he most part, although Todd. of!
Davidson, did some deadly line plung-:
ing. and Booe. playing under Wake
/"orest's prot-st. dnl some clever
Srcken field running. In the last half!
Davidson marie enough gains to net;
two or thre?> more touchdowns, but j
ass penalize*! for holding and offside i
plays j
1'tle and Rjddick. of Wake Forest.'
j carried the ball over IB the first gusr-'
j let.- by hard-hammer;ng the line, but
! after that Wake Forest could no; get
? tog.ther for tw.. consecutive :irst
'downs. Graham's run and tbe sork
' of Richardson at end for Davidson
I Wske Forest, positions. I is videos
? were the outstanding features.
Icathrell.left end-ICIcbsrdson
?F?ller? j
Brttnon.left tackle-N Howell
. Williams.left gusrd.Wolf
i Carter. centre .Peters
J Moore.right guard . . . .Anderson
?Hoicking.right tackle M. Queen '
j Whitted.fight ess- Coebv
Billings.quarter back ..Graham
'rtley.left half back . Todd
; Gooch.light half . W ltherlnsion
' fuddle tt-:.. ran bark.rates ;
Summary: Substitute?- Wak>- Forest,'
W rtoldong. Powell, 'amp. Fsncette ?
j H . and Kanrette. W Davidson. Murrlll.
: M< w-ii-t ftalle>. Boos, rhippe and Van
| ter. f'mplre. MeFsddeh. ?f Oemsorr
'referee. Simpler, of St A?hurn?.
: heod Unrerrvftn. Parker, of I'n'.verslty
Of North ?"srol'ns. Time of -in ?rtere.'
Willie Ritchie Gets Decision
Over Ad Wolgast in Six?
teenth Round.
Michigan Terror, Blinded by i
Rage and Pain, Palpably Fouls I
His Opponent.
Daly City, Cal.. November 28?Willie
Ritchie, of San Francisco, became the
lightweight champion of the world by
defeating Ad Wolgast this afternoon at
the Da.lv City <?p-n-air arena. Referte
Jim OrttBg awarding him the decision
after Wolgast had fouled him, in the
sixteenth round. Wolgast had fouled
him twice. The champion hod been
sent to the floor in this round. Ritchie
catching hlui with a rigi.t cross that
came as unexpectedly as did tho foul
blows. Wolgast tottered about the
(Continued on Ninth Page.)
In Brilliant Game at Nashville,
Vanderbilt Wins by Score
of 16 to o.
Nashville. Tenn . Nov.tnb?-! 1>. ? V-u
derbiit ite-feated Sewan? o decisively this
afternoon before a crowd estimated at
1 ii ..mi persons If to 0. Tin- touchdowns
made uy \ aiidere.lt came in tn< last
;.er..Ml. They werr by U larler
Hark Korlns and Full Ba k Tumel
after the ball h <d U? en rnsh'-d con?
sistently fr->m far down in Van-lero?t'e
omn territory.
In th?- Herat period, witu the ball on
her own fo-T-yard l.r.e. SeWanee . id
to tvipt fr??m behind the line. Stnn<-y>
l?a*s to tJHIein went w.d.-. .md l>-f"re
he fo-ibl recover the !>a'l aim! run it
out he ?j? downed !? ; !(r..rn
Thi* " raced two point-, a ssf.'t'
T.dl-y. Sewanee? <r.arter ba- k.
played a wonderful gam- both SSi th?
gBMgSs and defense Ilia running
from r-ieition was the l>esi wen In
the .?rauth this year. rrhll' 1 -is bl ifkift.
generalship and all-arour. ? high gi*de
work wax spectacular. K.-r \a i ter?
rain, ''aptaln Ma;dag- perform- 1 w.th
marvelous skill. He was ver weak
on M* left ankle r.a' etu-k v. out
Cir > ;gh the entire gam' :< '
to l.e the in<n>t . on?t?t :.? *; ?? . ?? r
on either lean. It wss du<- i;. . I.i:?"
measure to bis gains that Vm U ? i If
made her two touchdowns
After the two teams r.*<i fought
vallanttv for th'ea periods s>hea re
placed ? ? Hin? at half ba' k for Van
derbtlt Thh> proved to be t he turning
pdnt of the game He i?i1e
gain* when, v-r ?alled ?n and . it life
Into tb. '?aike.'d whirl- ; .f ih- Van
drrbllt men It ?bar'- to go -hrough
the Sewar.ee l-fenee
O'llem. of Sewanee av.rag'd forty
frVe yards o?i his poets, which M actual
dlatanee t? flft>-?ve yards <m ewe
ercaslon he punted nftv-etgnr yard."
heyond t^e lm? of ?rtmmag. The
dedenel---? work' of Mi? Inn? an for
Stewxrie-. and K ftroen. f .r \ ?nd?
hwt. were features.
The Vender Mit student* elebrated
their vvetory to-night by a gleet night
sSJrt gerate. Htsrally taking the lew a.
Baltimoreans Drop Ninth Con?
secutive Game to Sturdy Sol?
dier Gridiron Warriors.
j Lexington Full Back Has Edge
on Maryland Kicker?Play
Fast, Snappy Game.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch. J
j Baltimore. Md.. November 2$.?Johns
! Hopkins received its ninth consecu
' ttvc defeat of the season yesterday af
: ternor.r. on Homewood. Field at the
; hands of Virginia Military Institute.
21 to 0. Both elevens played their
last games of the season. Hopkins
has lost every contest and the cadets
have lost only one.
The battle early turned into a kick?
ing contest, rollback Moore, of Vir?
ginia, being a shade better punter than
j Bagley. of Hopkins. Many of the
punts s-ere poor, and this fact, co ipled
with several fumbles and incomplete
pssses on both sides, made the game
rather uninteresting.
Virginia, however, played i scrappy
game. Signals were given in a flash
and the players hit the line hard. ,
j Captain Moore ?n<! Quarterback King-j
i man sere the particular stars of the J
twinning eleven, and rot only did this J
? pslr score the twenty-one points, but
! they figured in nearly every plsy. i
I Klngman got "ft s->me excellent quar-1
terba.-k runs, two of whl.-h c*arr!e.i the!
hall for tou<-hd"wrs Moore scored th
I thirj touchrioWi, !./ intercepting a for
_(Continue*! on Fuge Thirteen.!
j Bi:m< <K'.am. Ala. November 2*?Al
jtbouKh outplayed throughout the rs
J tire contest the t'n'v. rslty of A:ahsrs%
'ootbaW te.cn fought its wav to vi.-tory
over the rmversl'v r.f Tenn-ssee a ?, a I
! on Rick? ? ? I Field here this ?flrtiiuo'i
l*>y a ?C"ie of ? to ?.
Rjshmg the hall st a.) stages of
' lh. gs-r.e the Tennesseeans were three
Mrnes und?, the shadow of the Crim?
son gosl Iidbsf en ea.-h occasion fall
eit t'. cross it.
V.a:>ama threstened only oner during
te.e cortest. and on this ?-oca*ion scored
the only touchdown of the game. A
\ ar.d.-e raff going twenty-ffv? % arO?
over fachte for Ike score. Moody ki '.
rd goat
I i
Jsrks '.- .He V , Vrcer.i e: .? ? I
Mercer a no r;..r ida battled to a >-t
lie on the local gridiron t?-d*v s#f?.r?
S large crow.I of f.>otn?i! , nth .slssts
Mer.er . .tweighed the Florida ? eveS
but the letter team was aggressive
tfimurv nt When It became appares*
thai neither side could Ciose its aw
pofteef* goal !tni f'e , l- nt ineffective
?rfempts st field goals sajga siege by
I both teams.
Blue and Gray Plays
Strong Offensive Game
Against Blacksburg.
Orange and Maroon Halt Back
Distinguishes Himself?Costello
Also Shines. Kicking Goal
From Field?Whole Hilltop
Aggregation Plays With
Renewed Energy.
Washington, t->. C. Noveaiber J4.?
Outplaying ;? t?-jni whose offensive
si eagth was far superior to any that
it ha? be? n asked tf> break up this
?;i?on. wit:, t-ie possible exception
..i Carliale, Georgetown defeated the
Virginia Polytechnic Institute eleven
as the Mill Top gridiron to-Js*'. 2*
to ::. and thereby clinched South At
lanttc honors foi the season of 131-.
! cJeoigetown. In ?Iiis, the Anal game
i of the season, played beyond the eX>
1 nii tstleiu of her follower*, for it had
I been rumo-ed tliat the team had gone
i stab- an<l would have to flgnt all the
I way in order to win. The Blue and
Gray did have to fight, and she re?
sponded gamely to the emergency.
Not since the CaxHslte Indian game
has the team showed a better offense
or a more dnzzllng assortment of trick:
plays than did Coach Bocock's eleven
to-day. But the BUcksburg lads were
unable to gain consistently through
the Georgetown lines, and only oa oae
occasion tl-.eatenod to score. This
was when the ball was on the five-yard
line and Georgetown held like a atone
On the other hand. Georgetown's of- '
fense worked better than any time this
j year against a team that showed skill
I in every department of the game. Two
of the touchdowna were made by the
versatile line plunging back. Jim
Dunn, the first being made possible
through the magnificent work of Jim
Fury. Later on. Georgetown, by
straight football, carried the hall to
thefr opponents' fen-yard line, and
Jim Dunn hit off tackle for the touch?
down. In the final period Bergla
caught a forward pass and raced over
for the final score of the game. George?
town's other tnree points were made
by that sterling little athlete. Harrr
Costello. who has not failed to kick
a goal from the field in any one of the
important games of the season.
IDuring the ?iylng moments of the
game. Costello carried the oall fifty
3ve yards, after catchiug a Punt to
. It's opponent's two-yard line, but the
?vhistle prevented a possible touch?
down. .
l.eggr Pierce Here.
The visiting eleven owes it* three
points and the majority of Its gain*
to one Mr. I-rsge. whose exhibition
rivalled that of mighty Costello Legge
proved to be une of the best backs
eeea around these parts this season.
Me ga'ned more ground again?;
Georgetown than all the other V. F. 1.
Playern combined and kicked a Bel J
goal In .he third period from the tkdr
ty-elght-Tard line. It was Legge who
prevented at least three Georgetown
touchdown*. He was the last man en
j the defense, are! time and time again
; stopped Fury and Costello being the
I only one between the runner and the
goal. Ifls weakness wa* in panting.
, hi* kicks falling way short of Co*
i teilo** spiral*. Costello averaged a
j twenty-yard ga*n on nearly every e*>
i change.
? eorgetow n gained nearly th*e?
i times as mn b gro'irtd by straight
footbsll as d.d r.er rival, but fumbles
at critical times *r>i the already men -
i tloned great defensii e work of Leg?.
prevented further score*. The vlsl
I tors made their gain* around George -
town's end* but were i.nab'.e to m.vka
I mucb headway when i; came te hit
j fCont'nu-Mi on Page Tws>*s.>
i Teams of University of Virginia
and Hermitage Will Try
i _ _
"be mat< b gam* of golf sch dules
to- yesterday at tn* M--ml tage ?J-'tf
, Club between the L'latvavgttf of Vir?
ginia aad the Hermitage was seat
1 ponej oa account of the seoW The
g*m' will be played to-day at I T SL.
; the varsity ???>? having d*e*aad tc
,.... . Th- enow he* been swept
; Crom the gi ?a aad by thai after
' aeea it is egpocted taat the if tubs w t
be ha cenditioa for good SsSSaSJ
Tie tlaieersity teaaa ? anstabs ef
Kppa Hrtrr. *>, Al-xaadeg Sksa
\ t .naU. H. Taylor Coaaptaa. J. lean
brans. K Ja. Belt bra
The ?snartssjs cisb wSa ahay hV
a. H Hoor. eaptaia W. c 'essakar. at
H stead*, M hk SkOatra. agaash **sses
It te aet aides* known than Sh>
' Cniswraarr ** Vtrsjtaa? f*e*jea? tag
! apart of getwag
I sfueh ictervet^Je^ Xtnw