HICKEY, IN FULL CONFESSION, TELLS STORY OF HIS CRIMESj Admit* Murder of Seven-Vcar Old Joseph Josephs. < Maas., re? cently arrested in .v.-* Jersey, has camssasjed ?<. the aaureV i af seewn-jreavr' old Jeeeah Joseph* ol l/r luwaiim, the crime of which be Staads ladletod. He bun alr>o I uafsaaia io lbs murder of Mi. hai l Ki u.k. the VOaag \? w York newsboy, te> 11 years :igo The e.,nfess.ons came a' the result or a conference bj District Attorney Dudley with the man. and were made pjr.lic ii th< county prosecutoi short-, Iy aft< r noon to-day Tell* Story of ? riaer. Calmly and deliberately, Mickey tuM the tory of his crimes. Me related lb*, facts leadline up to thein with the consummate sangfroid of an archfiend | ...id the face Of a t hi!u. but when titsi came to the actual tale ol the com-! .oittins of the murder he broke down and wept. "Dr'nk. dr.nk. that s whsl caused ir.y downfall exclaimed Hie man as ? s frann shook with subs. ' I've stood it as Ions as I COS Id, but I've Kol to i-oofasa Oh. that bell of life that lias ?f intoal lation. I went nearly crazy with re? im.i sc. 1 was near to suicide'many times out ?is' how 1 always dunx to life with a sort of hope that sometime, that somewhere I would tie able to for? get, but all to no purpose. "Now I am ready to take the conse? quences of my terrible acts I am . eady to pay the penalty which society a ill demand." J'iseph Josephs, aged seven years, sen of a Syrian merchant in Lacfca Sansta, disappeared on October 12, IS11. lie was last seen In a candy store that afternoon. The father believed the child had been kidnapped, bat no i ffort of police or private detectives ouid bring to light a clue to the boy. lie.wards were offered in vain Hear fr'eaad la Oathoaee. November IS last the child's mangled i odd was found in the vault of an out . ' .be near a saloon on the Ridge Haan, in Uckuwanna The seari-h of the po? ll't to that Spot had bwen directed by tne rece;;u of postcards and utters hum some unknown writer from New York and Boston at different times during August. September and October. The writei. in his BO tea, declared that be nad 6iu.ni the child and then 1..1I thrown tu? body into an outhouse in Lackawanna. In several notes he Jet lared that he had killed two other . nildren and had attempted to strangle a dozen others. None of these post "aids was taken very seriously, though Police Ch*e*] Hoy Ollsen, of Lack a wunua, investi gagad ae well as he couid. But the writer mentioned no dennite place inj his rambling cor. municaiions until he sent 3 postcard mi New Turk City *.ate?i November .. In this he dire I the authorities to search the -.loset. Thl* was done and the bones of the child were dis? covered. I Photograph* of the postcards ap? peared in newspaper*, and were recog? nised as the handwriting of Hickey, who had been employed in l.acki wanna and Buffalo. These clues were foilowed up and led to the arrest of Mickey gs Whiting. N J. whlth.r he iiad gone from New- York to take treat? ment in the Inebriates Hospital at Keswick. The killing of Michael Knuk ex - ' urred In Central Park. New- y..rk City. In 1?02. Mickey was arrested a*, the time in SJt Intoxicated condition in buffalo, ami in his delirium accused himself of killing Kr?ck, but laUi denied kasw i'-dge of the murder, and was dis? charged for lack af evidence. fjaapi chad af Wernas'? Warder. Hickey is also suspected of murder in,r Mrs Carrie C. Turner in Lako woed. N. J . last April. The police have eatablis'r.ed the fa.-r that Hickey was in Lake wood on th' day that Mrs. I'arrie Turner was wr dered. and tt Is believed tb-^t HI-key killed her also in on* of the freaadea Hickey will be tried in Buffalo f.. the murder of the Joseph? boy. after which. If he escapes tr.. death chair, he will pro.ably be broignt back ti New York for trial or. rrt-.- charge ->f murdering Michael Kr?ck J. FRAAK Hit KEY. SUNDAY FLOUTS SOCIETY WOMEN I Tells Them They Ar.- "Frames on Which t... Many i Clothes." I _. i TALKS OF "FOOL RELIGIONS" I'amou- -Billy" Turn: Mrs. Flinn a Decorous Noon Service Into a Surprise Part}-. Pittsburgh Pa.. November J?.?A de 'onius noonday religious sTVicr, ar? ranged ??> Mrs. William Flinn. in the j Sixth Cnit.-d Presbyterian Church, was (turned into .-? sui prise parly i,y Biliy Sunday, form"! big league ball player and now noted evangelist. Mest of th. city's society and club work Kaders attended. as Mrs. Flinn was giving a luncheon at the Ritt'-n- ! house after the services, and. besides, | Billy Sunday promised c> t>e " women are daffy. ehe* insj after all sorts ..f fool religions that will i'.ii ;. ou nowhere except to hell." siiout.d th< Rev. Mr. Sunday. "Vour i iass is culture and education ?Ttaii.' said Sunday. "Ton are accept ng eve-y ism' and 'ology' that w ill i get you away from fiod. You ate m<-re v.nci rned with culture than witlt your seaTs SSlIBll >n. Your world Is chas 'ng after silly fads. "Some of you women would yell at a map if he shied a bootjack at S i night-prowling cr.t that was making I an unholy racket, oeceanse you fear , j Ih'- spirit of a daughter who ones i I Look music l."?f'ti> :s < m'' 'd.od in .hat cat. "Some of ron wom*!i go to tue mit niee. have ewtertalfSBSeats, take a tax Seah boase aad then borrow two bits, ."rom the lured mrl to start the gaa j aieter. I ?The foretellers of the erd >t the ! world at<- a 1??< of false alarmists, j o!!ng ! ?oiirself and trying to cheat vour a ay Into heaven." Sundav toM the women that if tliey would oast p.- r. g th-ir sara for silly jewe's sr.d st-ifllng tbeSr hair full of , fllthv raSa and thT d -s and pay ; moee attention t.? their in? als they j ?.c:ld !?? 'IT express tbe d- sires ot : That Amount of Insurance Car? rie. 1 on Big Warehouse Partially Destroyed. BLAZE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN Quick and Efficient Work by Firemen Prevents Total De? struction of Building. ? V? hile ijur loss is v^ry heavy I ranaot now say just what the damage Kill l>. . We carried $170.000 insurance on the property, jj.ij 1 suppose we are folly cover.-d I have been so busy seeing, that our business, just at this time nnaaually heavy, has not i'een interrupted, that I have not had an i p port unity to find out exact!;, what the loss will be." This stat?m<-nt wa- niaiie last night by K. A. Saunders. Jr., president ot K. A Saunders' Sons Compeay, im? porters and Jobbers, whose lug storage warehouse, 114-11? South Seventeenth Street, was partially destroyed by tire early yesterday morning. "We have already secured quarters t-> take the place of our damaged warehouse. The fire has caused us no ??jes of time," Mr. Saunders said. May Hmrr Itullriing. Mi Saunders said that one section <>f the warehouse was so badly Jam : ged that it would probably e neces? sary to raze the walls and r, build The origin of the blaze was a mys? tery- The building was closed Th?rs A $175,000 LOSS mm* flBSaTkfM? 9?mw **? VfM( ' tftMrt? by fun r. f "No matter! You can preserve your teeth and fly sharpen your appetite, Wk besides aiding digestion, I with this beneficial ?ft dainty. V Look for the spear The flavor lasts BUY IT BY THE BOX ^ It coats any I ? ? 1=3 day. a holiday, and ther<- was no on* on the premises. The blaze in the northern portion ot the big four-story structure was Urn core red* by men on their way to work, j and an alarm was turned in from Box I Xo. 21?. Seventeenth and Dock Street?, at :>:H o'clock. When Chief Kaffo. in charge ot Companies Xo?. 1. i. 7 and S and Trucg Xo. J. arrived on the scene he found that the fire had gained great head? way, and immediately sounded a second alarm. Companies 3. i and 5 and No. 1 truck responded. Companies ? and S came when a third alarm was turned iu. Fight Fire laser Difficulties. For' the first hour the blaze was fought under difficulties. The watet from the many streams which wer? ' pouring into the bui'.ding froze upon the clothing and helmets of the lire wen as it gushed irack. But this did not cause the slightest lef-up. In the I stiff fight which was made to beat i down the flames it was due to speedy and efficient work by the department th it th.- warehouse was saved from j total loss. When the fire started it had no tray We in sjpickly feeding its way into I the contents of the building, princi-, pally staple groceries, including iarge ? luantities of matches, crates, boxes al.u barrels. < on find to Oae See t los. It was by confining the flames to tht section of the building in which it originated that the department II rally sot it under control, and in about j four hours practically had it out. How. i ever, two streams from fire-plugs were I kept pouring into the building until last night. The Interior of the northern section I \va" gutted, while the adjoining sec | won. into which the fire several times licked its way. was principally dam-j afc.-d '???y smoke and water. l.aedes Carver. (Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 Cliarlottesville. Va.. November 29.? Robert Landes, of Fort Defiance, and Miss Mollie Garv.-r. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Garver. of Free Vnion. this county, were mai. ried at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the bride's home, the Rev. Mr. Mason, of the Kpis copal Church, officiating. The brides? maids were Misses Susie and Mary Garver. sister of the bride: Miss Anna Wood and Miss Landes, sister of the groom. The ushers were John Garver. uncle of the bride: John Cuson. Wil? liam Profit and William Landes, cousin of the groom. The groom is a youngl farmer of Augusta County. WILLIAMAHO MARV GETS $25.000 Wealthy Brooklyn Manufacturer Credited With Donation to College. Williamsburg, va.. November 29.?It is currently reported that CoJonel Georsre Clinton Bachellor. a wealthy I Brooklyn manufacturer, has donated to I William and Mary College the sum of i $2."..000 for an assembly hall. Details I of the Rift are lacking. Dr. Lyon G Tyler, president of the institution, not i having returned from New York, where i he has been the past two weeks on : business in connection with the colleg ? ICeSssesl Bachellor has already been a I generous friend of William and Mary j having donated liberally to the new library. The honorary dearree of LL. D. was conferred upon Colonel Bachellor by William and Mary several years | ago. I Dr. J. 3 Cates. editor of the Southern ; Planter. Richmond, will he the prin? cipal speaker before the WIHIamsburK Educational and Civic Association] next Tuesday nicht It Is probable I that T. O. Sandy will also be one of I the speakers the same evening. Winle passing throush the Mai'l street depot in Richmond a few days ggo. Dr J. H. llurre. f the prin? cipals having passed the age of sev? enty-live years. The bride w?s Mrs. J. Samuel P.owles and the groom R>v. J. Samuel White, a Baptist minister, whs) still pursues his ministerial work. (Special to Tile Times-Dispatch.) Weldon, X. C, November 2*.?Jthn Joe Lee. of Emporia, Va.. and M'sa Annie Maud Edwards, of Southampton County. Va.. were married at the Ter? minal Hctei here yesterday by Magis? trate Staiuback.